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Two-dimensional calculations of the evolution of remnants generated by the strong mechanical energy deposited by stellar clusters in dwarf galaxies ( M  ∼ 109–1010 M⊙) are presented. The evolution is followed for times longer than both the blowout time and the presumed span of energy injection generated by a coeval massive stellar cluster. The remnants are shown to end up wrapping around the central region of the host galaxy, while growing to kiloparsec-scale dimensions. Properties of the remnants such as luminosity, size, swept-up mass and expansion speed are given as functions of time for all calculated cases.   The final fate of the swept-up galactic gas and of the matter processed by the central starburst is shown to be highly dependent on the properties of the low-density galactic halo. Superbubbles powered by star clusters, with properties similar to those inferred from the observations, slow down in the presence of an extended halo to expansion speeds smaller than the host galaxy escape velocity. Values of the critical luminosity required for the superbubbles to reach the edge of the galaxies with a speed comparable to the escape speed are derived analytically and numerically. The critical luminosities are larger than those in the detected sources, and thus the superbubbles in amorphous dwarf galaxies must have already undergone blowout and are presently evolving into an extended low-density halo. This will inhibit the loss of the swept-up and processed matter from the galaxy.  相似文献   

Recent spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster reveal nearly unresolved 'star-like' objects with redshifts appropriate to the Fornax Cluster. These objects have intrinsic sizes of ≈100 pc and absolute B -band magnitudes in the range  −14< M B<−11.5 mag  and lower limits for the central surface brightness   μ B≳23 mag arcsec−2  , and so appear to constitute a new population of ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). Such compact dwarfs were predicted to form from the amalgamation of stellar superclusters (by Kroupa) , which are rich aggregates of young massive star clusters (YMCs) that can form in collisions between gas-rich galaxies. Here we present the evolution of superclusters in a tidal field. The YMCs merge on a few supercluster crossing times. Superclusters that are initially as concentrated and massive as knot S in the interacting Antennae galaxies evolve to merger objects that are long-lived and show properties comparable to the newly discovered UCDs. Less massive superclusters resembling knot 430 in the Antennae may evolve to ω Cen-type systems. Low-concentration superclusters are disrupted by the tidal field, dispersing their surviving star clusters while the remaining merger objects rapidly evolve into the   μ B− M B  region populated by low-mass Milky Way dSph satellites.  相似文献   

We study motions of galaxies in galaxy clusters formed in the concordance Λ cold dark matter cosmology. We use high-resolution cosmological simulations that follow the dynamics of dark matter and gas and include various physical processes critical for galaxy formation: gas cooling, heating and star formation. Analysing the motions of galaxies and the properties of intracluster gas in a sample of eight simulated clusters at z = 0, we study the velocity dispersion profiles of the dark matter, gas and galaxies. We measure the mean velocity of galaxy motions and gas sound speed as a function of radius and calculate the average Mach number of galaxy motions. The simulations show that galaxies, on average, move supersonically with the average Mach number of ≈1.4, approximately independent of the cluster-centric radius. The supersonic motions of galaxies may potentially provide an important source of heating for the intracluster gas by driving weak shocks and via dynamical friction, although these heating processes appear to be inefficient in our simulations. We also find that galaxies move slightly faster than the dark matter particles. The magnitude of the velocity bias,   b v ≈ 1.1  , is, however, smaller than the bias estimated for subhaloes in dissipationless simulations. Interestingly, we find velocity bias in the tangential component of the velocity dispersion, but not in the radial component. Finally, we find significant random bulk motions of gas. The typical gas velocities are of order ≈20–30 per cent of the gas sound speed. These random motions provide about 10 per cent of the total pressure support in our simulated clusters. The non-thermal pressure support, if neglected, will bias measurements of the total mass in the hydrostatic analyses of the X-ray cluster observations.  相似文献   

An ensemble cluster has been formed from a data set comprising a complete magnitude-limited sample of 680 giant galaxies  ( M 0 B ≲−19)  in eight low-redshift clusters, normalized by the velocity dispersions and virial radii for the early-type cluster populations. Distinct galaxy populations have been identified, including an infall population. A majority (50–70 per cent or greater) of the infall population are found to be in interacting or merging systems characterized by slow gravitational encounters. The observed enhancement of galaxy–galaxy encounters in the infall population compared to the field can be explained by gravitational shocking. It is shown that disc galaxy mergers in the infall population integrated over the estimated lifetime of the cluster (∼10 Gyr) can readily account for the present cluster S0 population.  相似文献   

We show that the luminosity functions of the distant rich clusters Abell 665 ( z =0.182) and Abell 963 ( z =0.206) are flat or gradually rising down to MR =−14, with α≈−1.2±0.4 [here α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function: φ( L )∝ L α at the faint end]. We do not confirm the steep luminosity functions (α≤−1.8) that have been recently proposed for these two clusters.
Several technical points are discussed in detail. In particular, we compute the corrections to the background contamination caused by gravitational lensing from the cluster dark matter, and show that the corrections are small unless we wish to determine variations in the luminosity function on small scales.
Recent observations have also shown that the field galaxy luminosity function at z ≈0.2 is also shallow between MB =−19 and MB =−13. Abell 665 and 963 are two of the richest clusters known at that redshift. We therefore propose that the galaxy luminosity function might be universal in this magnitude range at z =0.2.
The dwarf galaxies that we see in Abell 665 have a colour distribution that is strongly peaked at B − R =1.9. We compute K -corrections based on the spectral energy distributions of local galaxies, and show that these are probably dwarf spheroidal galaxies. This might suggest that the dwarf spheroidal population observed in Virgo already existed at z =0.2.  相似文献   

The relativistic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect offers a method, independent of X-ray, for measuring the temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the hottest systems. Here, using N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of three galaxy clusters, we compare the two quantities for a non-radiative ICM, and for one that is subject both to radiative cooling and to strong energy feedback from galaxies. Our study has yielded two interesting results. First, in all cases, the SZ temperature is hotter than the X-ray temperature and is within 10 per cent of the virial temperature of the cluster. Secondly, the mean SZ temperature is less affected by cooling and feedback than the X-ray temperature. Both these results can be explained by the SZ temperature being less sensitive to the distribution of cool gas associated with cluster substructure. A comparison of the SZ and X-ray temperatures (measured for a sample of hot clusters) would therefore yield interesting constraints on the thermodynamic structure of the intracluster gas.  相似文献   

We present Chandra and Very Large Array observations of two galaxy clusters, Abell 160 and Abell 2462, whose brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) host wide angle tailed radio galaxies (WATs). We search for evidence of interactions between the radio emission and the hot, X-ray emitting gas, and we test various jet termination models. We find that both clusters have cool BCGs at the cluster centre, and that the scale of these cores (∼30–40 kpc for both sources) is of approximately the same scale as the length of the radio jets. For both sources, the jet flaring point is coincident with a steepening in the host cluster's temperature gradient, and similar results are found for 3C 465 and Hydra A. However, none of the published models of WAT formation offers a satisfactory explanation as to why this may be the case. Therefore, it is unclear what causes the sudden transition between the jet and the plume. Without accurate modelling, we cannot ascertain whether the steepening of the temperature gradient is the main cause of the transition, or merely a tracer of an underlying process.  相似文献   

We present the results of high-resolution AP3M+SPH simulations of merging clusters of galaxies. We find that the compression and shocking of the core gas during a merger can lead to large increases in bolometric X-ray luminosities and emission-weighted temperatures of clusters. Cooling flows are completely disrupted during equal-mass mergers, with the mass deposition rate dropping to zero as the cores of the clusters collide. The large increase in the cooling time of the core gas strongly suggests that cooling flows will not recover from such a merger within a Hubble time. Mergers with subclumps having one eighth of the mass of the main cluster are also found to disrupt a cooling flow if the merger is head-on. However, in this case the entropy injected into the core gas is rapidly radiated away and the cooling flow restarts within a few Gyr of the merger. Mergers in which the subcluster has an impact parameter of 500 kpc do not disrupt the cooling flow, although the mass deposition rate is reduced by ∼30 per cent. Finally, we find that equal mass, off-centre mergers can effectively mix gas in the cores of clusters, while head on mergers lead to very little mixing. Gas stripped from the outer layers of subclumps results in parts of the outer layers of the main cluster being well mixed, although they have little effect on the gas in the core of the cluster. None of the mergers examined here resulted in the intracluster medium being well mixed globally.  相似文献   

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