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The Malanjkhand granitoids (MG) pluton (about 1500 sq km) occurs in the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. The MG (~2400 Ma) represent an episode of Palaeoproterozoic felsic magmatism in Central India and hosts potential Cu (±Mo±Au) deposits. The enclaves hosted in MG can be broadly classified into two categories: microgranular enclaves (dark-coloured, fine-grained magmatic) and xenoliths of country rocks. The microgranular enclaves (ME) may be rounded, ellipsoidal, discoid, elongated, lenticular or tabular, and their size commonly reaches up to 2 metres across. The ME have sharp and in places, diffuse contacts with their host granitoids. The shape and size of ME indicate contemporaneous flow and mingling of partly crystalline felsic-mafic magmas. Some ME exhibit dark crenulated margins giving them a pillow-like form that has been attributed to undercooling of a ME magma as globules intruded into a granitoid magma. The presence of corroded felsic and mafic minerals (xenocrysts) in ME is interpreted as the result of mechanical transfer during the mafic-felsic magma interaction and mixing event. Mafic minerals (biotite) rim the quartz xenocrysts giving rise to ocellar texture, which exhibit signatures of resorption under hybrid (enclave) magma conditions. All these features suggest an origin for the calc-alkaline intermediate granitoid magma in Malanjkhand involving a magma mixing process.  相似文献   

王祥俭  刘建辉  冀磊 《岩石学报》2017,33(9):2689-2707
古元古代二长(正长)花岗质片麻岩在胶-辽-吉构造带广泛出露,是构成胶-辽-吉带的最主要物质组成。2件中细粒二长花岗质片麻岩样品及1件正长花岗质片麻岩样品的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学分析表明,它们分别形成于2.17Ga和2.33Ga,代表两期花岗质岩浆事件,并经历了约1.89Ga的变质作用。这些花岗质岩石具高硅(SiO_2=71.68%~76.38%),富铁(Fe_2O_3+FeO=1.61%~4.35%)及全碱(K_2O+Na_2O=7.57%~9.3%),K_2O/Na_2O比值大于1,贫钙(CaO=0.2%~1.6%)、镁(MgO=0.05%~0.24%,Mg#=3.82~13.0)、磷(P_2O_5=0.01%~0.06%)及钛(TiO_2=0.12%~0.4%)的特征;它们具有较高的稀土元素总量(ΣREE=104×10~(-6)~440×10~(-6)),具有轻微的轻重稀土分异,(La/Yb)_N比值在2~11之间,具明显的铕负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.30~1.18,平均值为0.56),具有低Sr(大部分100×10~(-6))、Rb(62.8×10~(-6)~187×10~(-6))、Cr及Ni含量,高的Zr(250×10~(-6))及Yb(2×10~(-6))含量,Zr+Nb+Ce+Y平均值为506×10~(-6),10000×Ga/Al值大于2.7;微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网模式图显示,富集Rb、U、K、Zr、Hf等元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Sr及Ti等元素;它们属铁质、准铝质至弱过铝质、碱钙-钙碱性系列,全岩锆饱和温度大于800℃,属A2型花岗岩;结合胶-辽-吉带内古元古代花岗质片麻岩的全岩Nd及锆石Hf同位素研究结果,指示这些古元古代A型花岗岩可能形成于高温低压的伸展构造背景下,大陆物质(TTG岩石)的部分熔融。暗示胶-辽-吉带可能经历了古元古代早期多阶段的陆壳伸展拉张,并形成初始洋盆,然后再到洋-陆俯冲、陆(弧)-陆碰撞的演化过程。  相似文献   

Summary A number of small Palaeoproterozoic granitoid plutons were emplaced in the Khetri Copper Belt, which is an important Proterozoic metallogenic terrane in the northeastern part of Aravalli mountain range. Contiguous Biharipur and Dabla plutons are located about 15 km southeast of Khetri, close to a 170 km long intracontinental rift zone. The plutons are composed of amphibole-bearing alkali-feldspar granites, comprising microcline-albite granite, albite granite and late-stage microgranite. The albite granite in Biharipur is confined to the margins of the pluton, and shows extensive commingling with the synchronous mafic plutonics. Geochemically, the albite granites are characterised by low K2O (∼0.5 wt.%) and elevated Na2O (∼7.0 wt.%) abundances. By contrast, the microcline-albite granite does not show any significant mafic-granite interactions and shows normal concentrations of alkali elements. The granitoids display high concentrations of the rare earth (except Eu) and high field strength elements, high values of Ga/Al (>2.5), agpaitic index and Fe*-number. These features together with their alkaline metaluminous and ferroan nature classify the rocks as typical A-type within-plate granites. All the granitoid facies display similar REE and incompatible element profiles indicating their cogenetic nature. These granitoids were emplaced in a shallow crustal chamber under relatively low pressures, high temperature (≥850 °C) and relatively oxidising conditions. The oxidised nature, HFSE concentrations and Nd isotope data (ɛNd = −1.3 to −2.9) favour derivation of these granitoid rocks from crustal protoliths. The generation of albite granite is attributed to the replacement of alkali feldspar and plagioclase of the original granite by pure albite as a consequence of pervasive infiltration of a high Na/(Na + K) fluid at the late-magmatic stage. This model may have wider significance for the generation of albite granites/low-K granites or albitites in other areas. The A-type plutonism under consideration seems to be an outcome of ensialic rifting of the Bhilwara aulacogen.  相似文献   

The late Proterozoic granitoids at Kullampatti are of A-type and comprise three phases: (1) barren phase I (granite-adamellite), (2) fertile phase II (trondjhemite) and (3) rarely-mineralized phase III (pegmatitic granite). They were emplaced within the Archean cratonic granulite terrane of southern India, close to the Moyar-Bhavani-Attur shear zone, and form a consanguinous association with the Suriyamalai or Sankari granite-adamellite batholithic dome. On the basis of their field, tectonic, petromineragraphic and geochemical aspects, a petrogenetic model involving a two-stage melting of an undepleted middle to lower crustal granulitic protolith is envisaged. In this, the first-stage melting led to the formation of an LCT-rich hydrous melt that was removed from the site of its generation, followed by second-stage partial melting of the depleted granulite during post-orogenic or anorogenic environment, resulting in the HCD- and HFS-rich, NYF- and A-type melt that on fractional crystallization, together with hydrothermal activity, led to the formation of these granitoids.  相似文献   

As the northern segment of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt (JLJB), the Palaeoproterozoic Liaoji Belt is a key region for deciphering the formation and evolution of the North China Craton (NCC). In this study, we present the geochronology, geochemical, and isotopic studies on the monzogranitic gneiss, which is one of the major lithotectonic elements of the Liaoji Belt. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating reveals that the studied monzogranitic gneisses were formed in the period of 2213–2178 Ma. They are in tectonic contact with the Palaeoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks in the field. The monzogranitic gneisses belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and are metaluminous to peraluminous. They have 10,000 Ga/Al ratios of 2.63–3.14 with an average of 2.90, and are thus classified as aluminous A-type granites. Their εNd(t) values vary from ?3.4 to +2.5, indicating heterogeneous source region. The monzogranitic gneisses are characterized by enrichment in LREE and LILE (e.g. Rb, Ba, Th, and K) and depletion in HREE and HFSE (such as Nb, Ta, and Ti), and are typical to magmatism in active continental margins formed in a subduction-related tectonic setting. Taking into account their A-type affinity and regional geological data, we suggest that the monzogranitic gneisses were most probably generated in a local extensional back-arc environment during subduction.  相似文献   

The Khetri Copper Belt (KCB), a part of the Proterozoic Delhi–Aravalli fold belt in western India, hosts several Cu deposits, which are known to contain considerable Au, Ag, Co and Ni. Although many Co-bearing phases have been reported from the KCB and adjacent areas, detailed textural and geochemical data are either unavailable or scant except for mackinawite. In this study, we describe the textures and compositions (determined by EPMA) of two very rare Co-rich phases, namely cobaltian mackinawite (containing up to 12.68 wt.% Co, 1.90 wt.% Ni and 2.52 wt.% Cu) and cobalt-pentlandite (containing up to 49.30 wt.% Co and 10.19 wt.% Ni), identified based on composition, from the Madan-Kudan deposit. To the best of our knowledge, neither cobalt-pentlandite nor such highly Co-rich mackinawite have previously been reported from this area. The common sulphide minerals viz. chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and rare pyrite occur in chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite ± pyrite-magnetite-chlorite-blue amphibole (Cl-rich hastingsite-pargasite-sadanagaite) ± marialitic scapolite ± allanite ± uraninite veins in amphibole-bearing feldspathic quartzite and garnetiferous chlorite schist. Cobaltian mackinawite is invariably associated with chalcopyrite and occurs as exsolution and inclusion within chalcopyrite or outside, but at the contact of chalcopyrite. On the other hand, cobalt-pentlandite is invariably associated with pyrrhotite and shows similar textural relation with pyrrhotite as that of mackinawite with chalcopyrite. Mineralogically diverse undeformed sulphide veins comprising Cl-rich amphibole and locally Cl-rich marialitic scapolite suggests epigenetic hydrothermal mineralization involving Cl-rich saline fluid in the Madan-Kudan deposit. Transport of metals, derived from a mafic source rock with high intrinsic Ni:Co ratio, by Cl-rich fluid can suitably explain the high Co:Ni ratio of the studied ore minerals. Presence of such highly Co-rich phases and other circumstantial evidences, enumerated in this work, are consistent with variants of Fe oxide (–Cu–Au) (IOCG) style mineralization, at least for some stages of mineralization in the Madan-Kudan deposit.  相似文献   

In the oxidized zone of Rakha-Chapri Block of the Singhbhum Copper Belt, alteration of biotite, chlorite and muscovite extends down to ∼ 60 m. Below this level, these minerals are not altered, implying a supergene origin for the clay alteration products. The altered host-rock profile consists of an upper, predominantly kaolinitic zone and a lower illite-chlorite rich zone, with the clay minerals showing an overall tendency to decrease with depth. Kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral, the proportion of which varies considerably with depth, and chlorite, illite and halloysite are the other clay minerals of the oxidized zone. Incipient removal of copper even from the cap rocks, in-situ transformation of sulphides to oxidized compounds, and the unusual mode of occurrence of copper in the oxidized zone are the characteristic features of the Rakha-Chapri Block. Insufficient localized hydrolysis of silicates is considered responsible for relatively low acidity in the oxidized zone as a whole. Copper forms a component of the clay minerals probably as surface adsorbed or/lattice-bound ions.  相似文献   

The A-type Harsora-Dadikar granites in the Alwar complex of northern Aravalli orogen,NW India provide evidence for subsolidus-requilibration of feldspars.They record three new discrete stages of albitisation,producing trondhjemite and albitite sequentially at the expense of original granite.Stage-Ⅰ metasomatism deanorthised the magmatic oligoclase and transformed the grey least-albitised granite to pinkish grey microcline-oligoclase granite.Stage-II converted the latter to trondhjemite by replacement of microcline to oligoclase.Stage-Ⅲ metasomatism led to the formation of albitite/albite granite from trondhjemite,where the metasomatically formed oligoclase was replaced by albite.This stage of metasomatism resulted in nearly complete disappearance of amphibole and biotite,producing a monomineralic rock(albitite),which is consistent with Korzhinskii theory of infiltration metasomatism.The reaction fronts delineating the Stage-Ⅱ and Stage-Ⅲ are sharp and easily discernible by their prominent color differences in Harsora on the outcrop scale.Chemically,the mineral transformations during three stages are manifested by the differential gains/losses in Na,K,Ca,Rb,Ba,Sr,Fe and Mg.The formation of albite,Cl-rich marialitic scapolite and Cl-rich amphibole in the albitised granites are suggestive of Naand Cl-brines as the metasomatising fluids.The fluid-rock interactions,which can significantly transform the pristine mineralogy of granitoids,should be carefully considered to avoid any misinterpretations about their petrological history.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Belt is located in the eastern margin of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. In this paper, we synthesize the tectonothermal evolution and deep crustal processes in the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Belt based on recent information. A mantle plume‐related underplating from 2.53 to 2.36 Ga is envisaged which led to the emplacement of the 2.47–2.33 Ga alkali granite plutons and mafic dyke swarms, followed by the development of the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji Rift and bi‐modal volcanism. The underplating resulted not only in different sedimentary environments in the upper crust, but also in a differentiation of the initial thermal structure in the rift. This controlled the metamorphism and style of P‐T‐t paths in the different parts of the rift. Subsequent underplating resulted in the emplacement of the A‐type Liaoji granites of ca. 2.17 Ga in the lower crust, and the formation of associated pegmatites of 2.2 and 2.0 Ga, together with the development of a bedding‐parallel extension. However, the main orogeny occurred between 1.93 and 1.88 Ga with closing of the rift, compressional deformation and high‐pressure granulite metamorphism in the southern part of the orogen. Subsequently, lithospheric blocks were possibly delaminated at ∼1.85 Ga; anorogenic magmatic rocks such as rapakivi granite, alkaline granites and syenite were intruded, and pegmatite veins and mafic dyke swarms were emplaced cross‐cutting all the earlier structural traces. We identify that the underplating styles, collision processes and delamination types in the deep lithosphere controlled the tectonothermal evolution of the crust in the Jiao‐Liao‐Ji region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The isolated volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Punagarh and Sindreth Groups occur along the western flank of the Delhi Fold Belt in northwest India, and include mafic rocks (pillow basalts and dolerite dykes) that are dominantly olivine tholeiites with minor quartz-normative and alkali basalts. Sindreth samples appear to have higher primary TiO2 and P2O5 abundances relative to those from Punagarh. Both suites of mafic rocks show variable, but profound hydrothermal alteration effects, with loss on ignition (LOI) values up to 10.3 wt.%, and extensive secondary minerals including albite, sericite, chlorite and calcite. Despite this, there is excellent preservation of magmatic textures, but there has been extensive albitization of plagioclase phenocrysts, a hallmark of hydrothermal alteration processes in oceanic crust. Supporting evidence for such hydrothermal alteration comes from correlations of LOI abundances with CaO/Na2O, and evidence for U mobility is apparent on diagrams of Nb/Th vs. Nb/U. Felsic volcanic rocks (rhyolite, dacite) interlayered with the Sindreth basalts yield U–Pb zircon ages (TIMS method) between 761 ± 16 and 767 ± 3 Ma, which we interpret as representing the time of primary magmatic activity. We infer that the volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Punagarh also formed at this time, on the basis of similarities in lithology, stratigraphy, field relations and geochemistry. Intermediate granitoid rocks yield older U–Pb ages of 800 ± 2 and 873 ± 3 Ma, which we correlate with the post-Delhi Supergroup Erinpura Granites. Taken together, the features of the Punagarh and Sindreth Groups are consistent with their formation in a back-arc basin setting. Their coevality with other magmatic systems in NW India (Malani Igneous Suite), the Seychelles and Madagascar, for which a continental arc setting has also been proposed, supports the notion of an extensive convergent margin in western Rodinia at 750–770 Ma.  相似文献   

Post-collisional magmatism contains important clues for understanding the reworking and growth of continental crust, as well as lithospheric delamination and orogenic collapse. Early Devonian magmatism has been identified in the North Qilian Orogenic Belt (NQOB). This paper reports an integrated study of petrology, whole-rock geochemistry, Sm-Nd isotope and zircon U-Pb dating, as well as Lu-Hf isotopic data, for two Early Devonian intrusive plutons. The Yongchang and Chijin granites yield zircon U-Pb ages of 394–407 Ma and 414 Ma, respectively. Both of them are characterized by weakly peraluminous to metaluminous without typical aluminium-rich minerals, LREE-enriched patterns with negative Eu anomalies and a negative correlation between P2O5 and SiO2 contents, consistent with geochemical features of I-type granitoids. Zircons from the studied granites display negative to weak positive εHf(t) values (?5.7 to 2.1), which agree well with those of negative εNd(t) values (?6.4 to ?2.9) for the whole-rock samples, indicating that they were derived from the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic crust. Furthermore, low Sr/Y ratios (1.13–21.28) and high zircon saturation temperatures (745°C to 839°C, with the majority being >800°C) demonstrated a relatively shallow depth level below the garnet stability field and an additional heat source. Taken together, the Early Devonian granitic magmatism could have been produced by the partial melting of ancient crustal materials heated by mantle-derived magmas at high-temperature and low-pressure conditions during post-collisional extensional collapse. The data obtained in this study, when viewed in conjunction with previous studies, provides more information about the tectonic processes that followed the closure of the North Qilian Ocean. The tectonic transition from continental collision to post-collisional delamination could be constrained to ~430 Ma, which is provided by the sudden decrease of Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and an increase in zircon εHf(t) values for granitoids. A two-stage tectonic evolution model from continental collision to post-collisional extensional collapse for the NQOB includes (a) continental collision and crustal thickening during ca. 455–430 Ma, characterized by granulite-facies metamorphism and widespread low-Mg adakitic magmatism; (b) post-collisional delamination of thickened continental crust and extensional collapse of orogen during ca. 430–390 Ma, provided by coeval high-Mg adakitic magmatism, A-type granites and I-type granitoids with low Sr-Y ratios.  相似文献   

The northern part of the central India tectonic zone (CITZ) is occupied by the Proterozoic Mahakoshal Belt, which is mainly comprised of granitoids and volcano-sedimentary lithounits. The granitoids (ca. 1880–1710 Ma) are exposed as small circular to elliptical-shaped, stock-like intrusive bodies, such as Nerueadamar granitoids (NG), Tumiya granitoids (TG), Jhirgadandi granitoids (JG), Dudhi granite gneiss (DG), Raspahari granitoids (RG), Katoli granitoids (KG), and Harnakachar granitoids (HG), collectively forming the granite gneissic complex (GGC). The geochemistry of biotites, host granitoids, and enclaves from these plutons has been investigated in order to understand the redox condition and likely tectonic affinity of host granitoids. The Al2O3–MgO–FeOt contents and operated elemental substitution in biotites strongly suggest the diverse nature of host magmas such as calc-alkaline, metaluminous (I-type), peraluminous (S-type), and transitional between I- and S-types, which appear to have formed in subduction zone and syn-collisional tectonic settings. The transitional (I-S)-type granitoids inferred based on biotite compositions, however, represent both metaluminous (HG) and peraluminous (DG and KG) granitoids in terms of whole-rock molar A/CNK (Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O) ratios. Ages of granitoid magmatism and its field association with contemporaneous volcano-sedimentary lithounits clearly mark the post-collisional tectonic setting, which contradicts the subduction-related tectonic setting inferred from biotites of JG and microgranular enclave (JE) hosted in JG. Whole-rock major and trace elements broadly suggest the existence of collision tectonics during the formation of granitoid plutons. The JG, KG, and DG contain a bt-Kf-mag-qtz assemblage, and their parental magmas evolved under moderate oxidizing environments (?O2 = ?12.03 to ?13.27 bars). On the other hand, RG (bt-gt-Kf-pl-qtz), NG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz), and TG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz) represent pure crustal-derived magmas evolved in strongly reducing conditions formed under a syn-collisional tectonic setting as evident from their mineral assemblages and biotite and whole-rock compositions. Granitoid plutons of the Mahakoshal Belt were most likely formed during amalgamation of the Columbian supercontinent.  相似文献   

麻粒岩-紫苏花岗岩杂岩在华北克拉通孔兹岩带内分布较广但研究程度较低,本文对孔兹岩带东部卓资地区大什字紫苏碱长花岗岩进行了详细的岩相学、地球化学和地质年代学研究,探讨了其形成时代、岩石成因及构造背景,为孔兹岩带构造演化及孔兹岩系沉积环境提供约束。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果表明大什字紫苏碱长花岗岩形成于古元古代中期(~2.2Ga),并经历了古元古代晚期构造热事件及~1.89Ga变质作用叠加改造。岩石具有铁质、钙碱性至碱钙性、准铝质至弱过铝质特征,具有较高SiO2、Na2O+K2O、Ga、Zr含量及FeO~T/(FeO~T+MgO)值,低Al2O3、CaO、MgO、 Sr、Cr含量及较高的全岩锆石饱和温度(835~887℃,平均860℃),与A型花岗岩指标相近。样品呈现平坦的右倾型稀土元素配分模式和弱的负Eu异常,富集K、Rb、Ba、Zr、Hf,亏损Sr、Nb、Ta、P、Ti。综合研究表明大什字紫苏碱长花岗岩是在弧后伸展背景下幔源岩浆上涌导致英云闪长质、花岗闪长质地壳岩石部分熔...  相似文献   

Three types of eclogite, together with a serpentinized harzburgite, coexist as blocks within granitic and pelitic gneisses along the Shaliuhe cross section, the eastern part of the North Qaidam continental-type ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, NW China. The olivine (Ol1) and orthopyroxene in the harzburgite are compositionally similar to present-day abyssal peridotites. The kyanite–eclogite is derived from a troctolitic protolith, whereas the epidote–eclogite from a gabbroic protolith, both having distinct positive Eu anomalies, low TiO2, and high Al2O3 and MgO. The kyanite–eclogite shows inherited cumulate layering. The phengite–eclogite has high TiO2, low Al2O3 and MgO with incompatible trace elements resembling enriched-type MORB. Sr–Nd isotope data indicate that the protoliths of both kyanite–eclogite and epidote–eclogite ([87Sr/86Sr]i ~ 0.703–0.704; εNd(T) ~ 5.9–8.0) are of mantle origin (e.g., ocean crust signatures). On the other hand, while the lower εNd(T) value (1.4–4.1) of phengite–eclogite is more or less consistent with an enriched MORB protolith, their high [87Sr/86Sr]i ratio (0.705–0.716) points to an additional enrichment in their history, probably in an subduction-zone environment. Field relations and geochemical analyses suggest that the serpentinized harzburgite and the three types of eclogite constitute the oceanic lithological section of an ophiolitic sequence from mantle peridotite, to cumulate, and to upper basaltic rocks. The presence of coesite pseudomorphs and quartz exsolution in omphacite plus thermobarometric calculations suggests that the eclogites have undergone ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (i.e., peak P ≥ 2.7 GPa). The harzburgite may also have experienced the same metamorphism, but the lack of garnet suggests that the pressure conditions of ≤ 3.0 GPa. Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP dating shows that the eclogites have a protolith age of 516 ± 8 Ma and a metamorphic age of 445 ± 7 Ma. These data indicate the presence of a Paleo-Qilian Ocean between Qaidam and Qilian blocks before the early Ordovician. The ophiolitic assemblage may be the relics of subducted oceanic crust prior to the subduction of continental materials during Ordovician–Silurian times and ultimate continent collision. These rocks, altogether, record a complete history of ocean crust subduction, to continental subduction, and to continental collision.  相似文献   

The early Mesozoic marked an important transition from collisional orogeny to post-orogenic extension at the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC). In this study, we undertook zircon U-Pb dating and whole-rock majorand trace-element geochemical analyses of early Mesozoic granitic rocks in the Chifeng area to establish their geochronological framework, petrogenesis, and implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern Central Asia Orogenic Belt(CAOB). Zircon U-Pb dating results show that these rocks were emplaced in three stages during the Triassic:(1) syenogranites during 250–248 Ma,(2) granodiorites during 244–243 Ma, and(3) monzogranites and granodiorites during 232–230 Ma. These Triassic granitoids belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series and are evolved I-type granites. They have high SiO_2 and low Mg O contents with enrichments in light rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Rb, Th, and U, and depletions in Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, and Eu. These geochemical data indicate that the granitoids were derived from partial melting of a lower-crustal source under relatively low-pressure conditions and subsequently underwent extensive fractional crystallization. Considering both the geochemical data and regional geological information, we propose that the 250–248 Ma syenogranites were emplaced in an extensional environment linked to slab break-off after closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO) along the Solonker-Xra Moron-Changchun suture zone. The 244–243 Ma granodiorites were formed in a compressional orogenic setting during collision between the Erguna-Xing'an-Songliao composite block and the NCC. The 232–230 Ma granodiorites and monzogranites were emplaced during the transition from compressional orogeny to post-orogenic extension. Overall, the early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Chifeng area can be divided into three main stages:(1) closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and extension related to slab break-off during the Early Triassic;(2) continuous collisional compression during the Middle Triassic after closure of the PAO; and(3) post-orogenic extension during the Late Triassic, most probably due to lithospheric delamination after amalgamation of the Erguna-Xing'an-Songliao composite block and the NCC.  相似文献   

The Anorogenic Malani Felsic Province (MFP) of western Peninsular India consists of peralkaline, metaluminous to mildly peraluminous A-type granites-acid volcanics with minor basic volcanics and dykes. The suite is bimodal in nature that characterized by volcano-plutonic ring structures and radial dykes. The granitoids of Siwana and Kundal areas of MFP are traversed by numerous quartz veins with fluoride, iron encrustations, druses and knots of pegmatite phases. Petrographically, they show cloudy, patchy perthitic textures; spherulite form of alkali amphibole and alkali pyroxenes; alteration of K-Na-feldspar to kaolin/sericite, magnetite to haematite; growth of granophyres/perthite/rapakivi like textures. They are enriched in SiO2, Na2O+K2O, Fe/Mg, Rb, Zr, Y, Ga, REE (except Eu) and depleted in MgO, CaO, Mg#, P, Ti, Sr, Ni, Cr, Co and V. Uniform REE patterns, parallel to sub-parallel, LREE enriched over HREE and prominent negative Eu-anomalies are the characteristics of these granitoids. Geochemical parameters satisfy the A-type nature of granitoids and crustal origin of these rocks. These granitoids are high heat producing granitoids because of their high content of radioactive elements (U, Th, K), and can be classified as granite (Type I) (avg. 7.18 μWm−3), rhyolite and trachyte (Type II) (avg. 4.47 μWm−3) and acid dyke (Type III) (avg. 14.53 μ Wm−3). The average total heat generation unit (HGU) of Type I (17.10 HGU), Type II (10.64 HGU) and Type III (35.31 HGU) are much higher than the average value of continental crust (3.8 HGU), which imply a possible linear relationship among the surface heat generations in the MFP. Field, petrography and whole rock geochemical characteristics suggest potentiality for rare metals and rare earth elements mineralization in the studied granitoids of the MFP.  相似文献   

The Kunavaram alkaline complex is a NE-SW trending elongate body located along a major lineament, the Sileru Shear Zone (SSZ) that is regarded as a Proterozoic suture related to Indo-Antarctica collision. The complex is hosted within migmatitic quartzofeldspathic gneisses, mafic granulites retrogressed to amphibolites, and quartzites. The structural evolution of the country rocks and the alkaline complex are similar. The first phase of deformation, D1, produces a pervasive segregation banding (S1) in all rock units within and outside the complex. A second deformation phase D2 isoclinally folded S1 along subvertical axial planes with shallow plunging axes. F2 isoclinal folds are ubiquitous in the country rocks and the eastern extremity of the complex. In the interior of the alkaline body, D2 strain decreases and S1 is commonly subhorizontal. While amphibolite to granulite facies conditions prevailed during deformation, post-D2 annealing textures testify to persisting high grade conditions. In the west, a NNE-SSW trending dextral shear zone with strike-slip sense (D3) truncates the complex. Within this shear zone, quartzofeldspathic country rocks are plastically deformed, while hornblende-K-feldspar assemblages of the complex are retrogressed to biotite and plagioclase. Warping related to D3 shears also resulted in fold interference patterns on the subhorizontal S1 foliation in low D2 strain domains. Based on its steep dip, north-easterly trend, and non-coaxial nature with dextral strike-slip sense, the D3 shear zone can be correlated with the SSZ. Since this shear zone, i.e., the SSZ, is not associated with primary igneous fabrics and resulted in solid state deformation of the complex, it cannot be considered as a conduit for alkaline magmatism, but is probably responsible for the post-tectonic disposition of the pluton.  相似文献   

The small granite plutons occurring at the contact of the Singhbhum-Orissa Iron Ore craton (IOC) to the north and the Eastern Ghat Granulite Belt (EGGB) to the south in eastern Indian shield are characterised by the presence of enclaves of the granulites of EGGB and the greenschist facies rocks of IOC. These granites also bear the imprints of later cataclastic deformation which is present at the contact of the IOC and the EGGB. In situ Pb-Pb zircon dating of these granites gives minimum age of their formation 2.80 Ga. A whole-rock three point Rb-Sr isochron age of this rock is found to be 2.90 Ga. Therefore, the true age of formation of these granites will be around 2.90–2.80 Ga. These granitic rocks also contain xenocrystic zircon components of 3.50 Ga and show a later metasomatic or metamorphic effect 2.48 Ga obtained from the analyses on overgrowths developed on 2.80 Ga old zircon cores. The presence of granulitic enclaves within these contact zone granite indicates that the granulite facies metamorphism of the EGGB is 2.80 Ga or still older in age. The cataclastic deformations observed at the contact zone of the two adjacent cratons is definitely younger than 2.80 Ga and possibly related to 2.48 Ga event observed from the overgrowths. As 2.80 Ga granite plutons of small dimensions are also observed at the western margin of the IOC; it can be concluded that a geologic event occurred 2.80 Ga over the IOC when small granite bodies evolved at the marginal part of this craton after its stabilisation at 3.09 Ga.  相似文献   

Linear domains of deformed alkaline rocks and carbonatites have recently been identified as representing sites of ancient suture zones. In peninsular India, the western margin of the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB) is characterized by a series of alkaline plutons that are aligned close to the contact with the Archaean Craton. Most of the complexes were deformed and metamorphosed during a subsequent orogenic event. Unlike other plutons in the belt, the alkaline complex at Koraput reportedly escaped deformation and granulite facies metamorphism forming an anomalous entity within the zone. Multiply-deformed country rocks hosting this complex underwent syn-D1CR granulite facies metamorphism followed by D2CR thrusting, with pervasive shearing along a NE-SW trending foliation. A second granulite facies event followed localized D3CR shearing. Within the Koraput Complex, strain partitioning was responsible for preserving igneous textures in the gabbroic core, but aligned magmatic amphibole needles and plagioclase laths occasionally define a S1AC fabric. Along the margins, S1AC is rotated parallel to a NE-trending, east-dipping S2AC fabric in the gabbro, fringing syenodiorite and nepheline syenite bands. Locally, D3AC shearing follows D2AC deformation; S2AC and S3AC parallel S2CR and S3CR in the country rocks. High-grade metamorphism represented by recrystallization of amphibole and plagioclase, and breakdown of amphibole and biotite to garnet, pyroxene and K-feldspar in the complex follows D3AC. Unlike earlier reports, therefore, the Koraput body is also deformed and metamorphosed. The aligned alkaline complexes in the EGB probably represent deformed alkaline rocks and carbonatites formed by rifting related to an earlier episode of continental break-up that were deformed during subsequent juxtaposition of the EGB with the Archaean Craton. This supports the contention that the western margin of the EGB and its contact with the Archaean Craton is a suture zone related to the Indo-Antarctica collision event.  相似文献   

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