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This report focuses on active experiments in space as well as laboratory experiments which are directly related to space phenomena. The active experiments involve particle releases in the CRESS and AMPTE missions. Unexpected results such as the motion of the plasma triggered several interesting computer simulations and a laboratory experiment which will be reviewed. Critical Ionization Phenomena will be discussed in this context. A recent release over Arecibo was used to create a plasma lens to focus radiation from the HF heater beam. The higher power triggered several nonlinear processes. Advances in plasma sources and diagnostics have made it possible to scale many laboratory experiments. Discussed here are experiments on Alfvén waves generated by a localized source, 3D magnetic field line reconnection, three dimensional magnetized double layers and simulations of a tethered satellite.  相似文献   

We study the possibility of electrostatic blanking of beta electrons in the expanding spherical blob of a radioactive plasma in a rarefied ionosphere. From numerical studies on the dynamics of beta electrons departing a cavern, we obtain the form of a function that determines the portion of departing electrons and calculate the flux density of beta electrons inside the cavern in relation to the Starfish Prime nuclear blast. We show that the flux density of electrons in geomagnetic flux tubes and inside the cavern depend on a correct allowance for the quantity of beta electrons returning to the cavern. On the basis of a physical analysis, we determine the approximate criterion for the return of electrons from a geomagnetic flux tube to the cavern. We compare calculation results in terms of the flux density of beta electrons inside the cavern with the recently published experimental results from operation Starfish Prime.  相似文献   

Jocelyn Bell Burnell looks back at the discovery of pulsars 35 years ago, in her Presidential Address of 2003.  相似文献   

An experimental landscape simulator has been developed which uses a rainfall simulator to create overland flow and erosion. The simulator uses rainfall sprinklers that eliminate rainsplash and an artificial soil which has little cohesion. Experimental landscapes developed in the simulator evolved according to Howard's headward growth model. Elements of Glock's model could be identified during evolution (i.e. initiation and maximum extension), but other stages of this model were not observed (i.e. extension and integration). The Horton concept of cross‐grading and micropiracy and stream piracy was not observed despite the dominance of overland flow, nor the groundwater headward growth mechanism proposed by Dunne, the latter due to experimental design, which eliminated any perched groundwater table. The experimental apparatus produced model landscapes that are scaled‐down analogues of real world processes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2009,50(5):5.25-5.28
Helge Kragh examines the steps forward and false alarms on the way to understanding the green line, a key stage in the development of auroral physics.  相似文献   

Summary Over the past several years, the University of Chicago has conducted a program of research into the physics and chemistry of cumulus cloud precipitation. From these measurements it has been possible to isolate the sublimation-coalescence mechanism (Bergeron process) from the condensation-coalescence mechanism and to estimate the relative role of each process in the formation of rain n cumulus clouds. It is found that size of cloud capable of raining is a strong function of geography, that the environment of the cloud is very important in determining the probability of rain and that liquid water content is one of the most important within-cloud parameters.An essential part of the research concerned cloud treatment. Definite, positive treatment effects were demonstrated for rain initiation through coalescence using water spray. No effects were detectable from dry ice seeding of subcooled clouds, although any such effects may have been obscured by sample size (27 cloud pairs).Text of paper presented before Physical Society and Royal Meteorological Society Joint Conference on Cloud Physics, London, England, Jan. 4–5, 1956. The research reported in this paper has been sponsored by the Geophysics Research. Directorate of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and Development Command under Contract Nos. AF 19 (604)-618 and AF 19 (604)-1388.  相似文献   

A mixing experiment, using large volumes (100 l) of filtered (< 1 μm) freshwater and seawater end-members, was performed to simulate and investigate the chemical reactivity of239, 240Pu during estuarine mixing. An organic-rich freshwater with a relatively high concentration (0.8 dpm/100 l) of dissolved239, 240Pu was used as one end-member; Buzzards Bay seawater (dissolved239, 240Pu= 0.04dpm/100l) was the other. The results demonstrate that dissolved239, 240Pu in the freshwater undergoes extensive and rapid coagulation under simulated estuarine conditions. There is a strong correlation between the amount of coagulation of dissolved239, 240Pu, humic acids (HA), and Fe. The extent of coagulation of all three constituents increases with increasing salinity and the net extent of their removal is 53%, 57%, and 100% for Pu, HA, and Fe respectively. As has been documented for Fe in freshwater, dissolved239, 240Pu appears to be stabilized by naturally occurring humic substances to form negatively charged colloids which are then coagulated by seawater cations. The extrapolation of these experimental results to real estuaries will require additional research.  相似文献   

Seasonal snowpack dynamics are described through field measurements under contrasting canopy conditions for a mountainous catchment in the Japan Sea region. Microclimatic data, snow accumulation, albedo and lysimeter runoff are given through the complete winter season 2002–03 in (1) a mature cedar stand, (2) a larch stand, and (3) a regenerating cedar stand or opening. The accumulation and melt of seasonal snowpack strongly influences streamflow runoff during December to May, including winter baseflow, mid‐winter melt, rain on snow, and diurnal peaks driven by radiation melt in spring. Lysimeter runoff at all sites is characterized by constant ground melt of 0·8–1·0 mm day−1. Rapid response to mid‐winter melt or rainfall shows that the snowpack remains in a ripe or near‐ripe condition throughout the snow‐cover season. Hourly and daily lysimeter discharge was greatest during rain on snow (e.g. 7 mm h−1 and 53 mm day−1 on 17 December) with the majority of runoff due to rainfall passing through the snowpack as opposed to snowmelt. For both rain‐on‐snow and radiation melt events lysimeter discharge was generally greatest at the open site, although there were exceptions such as during interception melt events. During radiation melt instantaneous discharge was up to 4·0 times greater in the opening compared with the mature cedar, and 48 h discharge was up to 2·5 times greater. Perhaps characteristic of maritime climates, forest interception melt is shown to be important in addition to sublimation in reducing snow accumulation beneath dense canopies. While sublimation represents a loss from the catchment water balance, interception melt percolates through the snowpack and contributes to soil moisture during the winter season. Strong differences in microclimate and snowpack albedo persisted between cedar, larch and open sites, and it is suggested further work is needed to account for this in hydrological simulation models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太湖五里湖生态重建示范工程—大型围隔试验   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
五里湖是太湖北部富营养化程度最为严重的一湖湾.从2004年1月起,为了改善水质,重建五里湖生态环境,在五里湖南岸建立了一个面积为10×104m2示范工程试验区,采用多技术措施集成应用,开展湖泊生态重建技术研究.经过近2年的生态重建研究与实践,在示范工程试验区内建立了挺水植物、浮叶植物和沉水植物群丛23个,水生植物种类从生态重建前的零上升至15科、22属、32种,水生植物的多样性指数(Shannon-Wieher index)达到2.33,覆盖度达到40%- 55%.水质监测结果表明,示范工程区内水体的TN、TP、NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N及PO4-P的平均值分别比示范工程区外下降了20.7%、23.8%、35.2%、21.1%、45.6%和54.0%,TN、TP分别下降至2.50mg/L、0.080mg/L以下,水质得到明显改善,达到或低于“浅水湖泊稳态转换理论”指出的向“稳定清水态”转换的临界值,水体透明度(SD)平均值也有较大幅度提高,平均从0.39m提高至0.70m;初步实现湖泊水体从藻类占优势浊水态向大型水生植物占优势的清水态转变.因此重建与恢复湖泊生态系统要从沿岸带着手,首先重建湖滨带结构与功能,通过湖滨带水生生物一系列反馈机制, 逐步改善湖泊水质,最终实现沉水植被恢复;湖泊敞水区应主要采用生物操纵技术措施来实现湖泊生态恢复.  相似文献   

YinNan Irrigation District (YNID) is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in NingXia, China. Its irrigated area is about 80 000 ha, with one‐third of it for rice production. The major part of its drainage system was constructed between the 1950s and 1970s to maintain the salt and water balances of the district. The system, however, has been reported as draining the agricultural lands excessively by several studies. In addition to field, lateral and main drainage ditches, agricultural fields of YNID are also under the influence of the Yellow River channel and some low‐lying depressions, thus forming a dual drainage system. Owing to difficulties in irrigation inflow measurement, evaluation of the existing drainage system often appears to be elusive. Based on a dual drainage assumption and an on‐site controlled drainage experiment, we present a detailed analysis on drainage components and the salt and water balance of YNID. Results show that, by implementing controlled drainage, shallow drainage from field ditches can be reduced by 60%. Deep drainage from main ditches, the Yellow River channel and low‐lying depressions is relatively stable year around, and it neutralized the potential effect of controlled drainage on salinity increase. Drainage water salinity calculated from the dual subsurface drainage model was consistent with field observations, proving that the dual drainage assumption is valid for the study area. Based on this study, field water management practices of the irrigation district can be better targeted and fairly evaluated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The differentially heated rotating annulus is a laboratory experiment historically designed for modelling large-scale features of the mid-latitude atmosphere. In the present study, we investigate a modified version of the classic baroclinic experiment in which a juxtaposition of convective and motionless stratified layers is created by introducing a vertical salt stratification. The thermal convective motions are suppressed in a central region at mid-depth of the rotating tank, therefore double-diffusive convection rolls can develop only in thin layers located at top and bottom, where the salt stratification is weakest. For high enough rotation rates, the baroclinic instability destabilises the flow in the top and the bottom shallow convective layers, generating cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies separated by the stable stratified layer. Thanks to this alternation of layers resembling the convective and radiative layers of stars, the planetary’s atmospheric troposphere and stratosphere or turbulent layers at the sea surface above stratified waters, this new laboratory setup is of interest for both astrophysics and geophysical sciences. More specifically, it allows to study the exchange of momentum and energy between the layers, primarily by the propagation of internal gravity waves (IGW). PIV velocity maps are used to describe the wavy flow pattern at different heights. Using a co-rotating laser and camera, the wave field is well resolved and different wave types can be found: baroclinic waves, Kelvin and Poincaré type waves. The signature of small-scale IGW can also be observed attached to the baroclinic jet. The baroclinic waves occur at the thin convectively active layer at the surface and the bottom of the tank, though decoupled they show different manifestation of nonlinear interactions. The inertial Kelvin and Poincaré waves seem to be mechanically forced. The small-scale wave trains attached to the meandering jet point to an imbalance of the large-scale flow. For the first time, the simultaneous occurrence of different wave types is reported in detail for a differentially heated rotating annulus experiment.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to use the barotropic vorticity equation in spectral form in order to study barotropic instability when the basic current has east-west quasi-stationary asymmetries on the scale of long waves. This is done by expressing the spectral equations in three different ways. In the first experiment a 9-component system is integrated and the long waves are allowed to propagate freely. In the second experiment the long waves are constrained to propagate slowly and in the third experiment, they are removed altogether.The motivation behind the present investigation is due to observations made in the motion fields of the tropics. These are characterized by quasi-stationary long waves and very energetically active and propagating short waves.The presence of quasi-stationary long waves seems to enhance the energy exchanges between the short waves and the mean zonal current and also allow for larger energy values for the short waves. Long term integration (90 days) shows a 6-day mode in thev time spectra at latitude 10°N and a 15-day mode in theu time spectra at individual grid points in the equatorial latitudes. Any possible connection between this peak and the observed peak of 15 days in the completely different physics of Kelvin waves is left as a conjecture.  相似文献   

The effect of coastal upwelling on sea-breeze circulation in Cabo Frio (Brazil) and the feedback of sea-breeze on the upwelling signal in this region are investigated. In order to study the effect of coastal upwelling on sea-breeze a non-linear, three-dimensional, primitive equation atmospheric model is employed. The model considers only dry air and employs boundary layer formulation. The surface temperature is determined by a forcing function applied to the Earths surface. In order to investigate the seasonal variations of the circulation, numerical experiments considering three-month means are conducted: January-February-March (JFM), April-May-June (AMJ), July-August-September (JAS) and October-November-December (OND). The model results show that the sea-breeze is most intense near the coast at all the seasons. The sea-breeze is stronger in OND and JFM, when the upwelling occurs, and weaker in AMJ and JAS, when there is no upwelling. Numerical simulations also show that when the upwelling occurs the sea-breeze develops and attains maximum intensity earlier than when it does not occur. Observations show a similar behavior. In order to verify the effect of the sea-breeze surface wind on the upwelling, a two-layer finite element ocean model is also implemented. The results of simulations using this model, forced by the wind generated in the sea-breeze model, show that the sea-breeze effectively enhances the upwelling signal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of precipitation physics in a general circulation model (GCM) on a simulated climate. Experiments are performed under the single column model (SCM) framework to examine basic features and under the general circulation model framework to investigate the impact on seasonal simulation. The SCM simulation shows that convection processes in the model have a considerable influence on the change in vertical thermodynamic structure, resulting in a change in precipitation, whereas in the GCM framework stratiform precipitation physics play a distinct role in changing the atmospheric structure. The GCM experiments also show that the overall reduction of precipitation in simulations with prognostic stratiform precipitation physics is highly related to changes in cloudiness and corresponding changes in radiative flux, which in turn leads to the reduction of convective activities.  相似文献   

A periodic vertical movement of the groundwater table results in a subsequent cyclic response of the water content and pressure profiles in the vadose zone. The sequence of periodic wetting and drying processes can be affected by hysteresis effects in this zone. A one-dimensional saturated/unsaturated flow model based on Richards’ equation and the Mualem (Soil Sci. 137 (1984) 283) hysteresis model is formulated which can take into account multi-cycle hysteresis effects in the relation between capillary pressure and water content. The numerical integration of the unsaturated flow equation is based on a Galerkin-type finite element method. The flow domain is discretised by finite elements with linear shape functions. Simulations start with static water content and pressure profiles, which correspond to either a boundary drying or wetting retention curve. To facilitate the numerical solution of the hysteretic case an implicit non-iterative procedure was chosen for the solution of the nonlinear differential equation. Laboratory experiments were performed with a vertical sand column by imposing a high frequency periodic pressure head at the lower end of the column. The total water volume in the column, and the periodic water content profile averaged over time were measured. The boundary drying and wetting curves of the relation between water content and capillary pressure were determined by independent experiments. The simulations of the experimental conditions show a clear effect of the hysteresis phenomenon on the water content profile. The simulations with hysteresis agree well with the measurements. Computed dimensionless water content profiles are presented for different oscillation frequencies with and without consideration of hysteresis.  相似文献   

Elevation scans across geomagnetic mid latitudes by the incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill captured the ionospheric response to the firing of the Space Shuttle Challenger OMS thrusters near the peak of the F layer on July 30, 1985. Details of the excitation of airglow and the formation of an ionospheric hole during this event have been reported in an earlier paper by Mendillo et al.. The depletion (factor 2) near the 320 km Shuttle orbital altitude persisted for 35 min and then recovered to near normal levels, while at 265 km the density was reduced by a factor of 6; this significant reduction in the bottomside F-region density persisted for more than 3 hours. Total electron content in the vicinity of the hole was reduced by more than a factor of 2, and an oscillation of the F-region densities with 40-min period ensued and persisted for several hours. Plasma vertical Doppler velocity varied quasi-periodically with a 80-min period, while magnetic field variations observed on the field line through the Shuttle-burn position exhibited a similar 80-min periodicity. An interval of magnetic field variations at hydromagnetic frequencies (95 s period) accompanied the ionospheric perturbations on this field line. Radar observations revealed a downward phase progression of the 40-min period density enhancements of -1.12° km–1, corresponding to a 320-km vertical wavelength. An auroral-latitude geomagnetic disturbance began near the time of the Spacelab-2 experiment and was associated with the imposition of a strong southward IMF Bz across the magnetosphere. This created an additional complication in the interpretation of the active ionospheric experiment. It cannot be determined uniquely whether the ionospheric oscillations, which followed the Spacelab-2 experiment, were related to the active experiment or were the result of a propagating ionospheric disturbance (TID) launched by the enhanced auroral activity. The most reasonable conclusion is that the ionospheric oscillations were a result of the coincident geomagnetic disturbance. The pronounced depletion of the bottomside ionosphere, however, accentuated the oscillatory behavior during the interval following the Shuttle OMS burn.  相似文献   

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