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Recently Frech and Mahrt proposed a closure scheme which includes alarge-scale stress term to represent the effects of non-local momentummixing in the convective boundary layer. Here large-eddy simulation (LES)datasets are used to evaluate the performance of this scheme across a rangeof stabilities between neutral and highly convective conditions, and as afunction of baroclinity. Generally the inclusion of the non-local term inthe closure model leads to results in better agreement with LES, althoughsome modifications to the model formulation are suggested.  相似文献   

赵昭  周博闻 《气象科学》2021,41(5):631-643
日间对流边界层最显著的结构特征是在热力作用下所形成的组织化对流。与小尺度湍涡不同的是,组织化对流具有边界层尺度的垂直相干性,可实现垂直贯穿边界层的非局地物质和能量传输。本文针对对流边界层中的动量混合,探究组织化对流对动量输送的贡献。以高精度大涡模拟数据为研究资料,通过傅里叶变换、本征正交分解和经验模态分解3种滤波方法,分离组织化对流和背景湍涡,计算与两者相关的非局地和局地动量通量,发现与组织化对流相关的非局地动量通量是总通量的重要组成部分,并主导混合层中的垂直动量输送。而后,基于协谱和相位谱分析,探究组织化对流的空间结构对动量传输的影响,发现在热力主导的不稳定环境中,单体型环流结构对动量的传输效率较低。而在风切较强的近中性环境中,滚涡型组织化结构可使垂直和水平流向扰动速度的相位差减小,从而提升动量传输效率。研究结果表明,边界层方案需要包含非局地动量通量项,其参数化应考虑整体稳定度对传输效率的影响。  相似文献   

We study the interactions of chemistry and turbulent mixing of tracersin the convective boundary layer with a second-order closure model,including higher order chemistry terms. In order to limit the number of predictive equations we prescribe the profiles for ¯w¯, ¯w¯ ¯ and the lengthscale l. However, for model validation we treat temperature and humidity asinert tracers, and compare the results with profiles observed during theAir Mass Transformation Experiment, and with similarity expressions for thesurface layer. We find good agreement of the mean profiles, but the (co-)variances are slightly underpredicted. Furthermore, the model usesdiagnostic equations expressing third moments of concentration in terms ofsecond moments and their vertical derivatives. They are compared withlarge-eddy model results, showing good agreement and, therefore, thesimplifications are justified. The model is applied to the transport of two gases subject to one bimolecular reaction. The importance of concentration correlations on themean transformation rate is studied. For two gases diffusing in oppositedirections we find for moderate and fast chemistry a 50% and90% decreased transformation rate due to the negatively correlatedconcentrations. These values are similar to large-eddy results of Schumannand Sykes et al. For two bottom-up tracers we find that the covariance ofboth reactive species is either positive or negative, increasing or reducingthe effective transformation rate depending on the Damköhler number (the ratio of the turbulent and the chemistry timescale). A significantdirect influence of chemistry on the flux divergence is found in bothcases. According to the model the effective transport to mid-levels of theboundary layer is increased when two reactive tracers diffuse in oppositedirections, and decreased in the case of two bottom-up tracers.  相似文献   

卢绪兰  彭新东 《气象学报》2021,79(1):119-131
大气边界层湍流运动是地球大气运动最重要的能量输送过程之一.当数值模式分辨率接近活跃含能湍涡长度尺度时,湍流运动被部分解析,被称为"灰色区域",传统的边界层方案不适合此时模式湍流问题的描述.为了提高模式边界层方案在包括"灰色区域"的不同网格尺度上的描述能力,适应不同分辨率模式的需要,在雷诺平均湍流理论基础上,修正Mell...  相似文献   

A numerical modelling study is presented focusing on the effects of mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on surface fluxes and the marine atmospheric boundary-layer structure. A basic scenario is examined having two regions of SST anomaly with alternating warm/cold or cold/warm water regions. Conditions upstream from the anomaly region have SST values equal to the ambient atmosphere temperature, creating an upstream neutrally stratified boundary layer. Downstream from the anomaly region the SST is also set to the ambient atmosphere value. When the warm anomaly is upstream from the cold anomaly, the downstream boundary layer exhibits a more complex structure because of convective forcing and mixed layer deepening upstream from the cold anomaly. An internal boundary layer forms over the cold anomaly in this case, generating two distinct layers over the downstream region. When the cold anomaly is upstream from the warm anomaly, mixing over the warm anomaly quickly destroys the shallow cold layer, yielding a more uniform downstream boundary-layer vertical structure compared with the warm-to- cold case. Analysis of the momentum budget indicates that turbulent momentum flux divergence dominates the velocity field tendency, with pressure forcing accounting for only about 20% of the changes in momentum. Parameterization of surface fluxes and boundary-layer structure at these scales would be very difficult because of their dependence on subgrid-scale SST spatial order. Simulations of similar flow over smaller scale fronts (<5 km) suggest that small-scale SST variability might be parameterized in mesoscale models by relating the effective heat flux to the strength of the SST variance.  相似文献   

应用城市冠层模式研究建筑物形态对城市边界层的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
文中将城市冠层模式耦合到南京大学城市尺度边界层模式中,通过模拟对比发现,耦合模式对城市地区气温模拟结果更接近于观测值,尤其是对城市地区夜间气温模拟的改进.运用改进耦合模式通过多个敏感性试验的模拟,从城市面积扩张、建筑物高度增加、建筑物分布密度变化等角度研究城市建筑物三维几何形态变化对城市边界层及城市气象环境的影响,试验结果表明:(1)城市面积扩张使得城市下垫面的热通量增大,热力湍流活动增强,动量通量输送增强,城市湍能增大,湍流扩散系数变大,城市气温升高,且对不同时刻城市区域大气层结稳定度均有不同程度的影响.(2)建筑物高度增加增大了城市下垫面的粗糙度和零平面位移.同时也增大了城市街渠高宽比.城市建筑物越高,白天城市地区地表热通量越小,城市上空大气温度越低,平均风速减小,湍能减小;夜间由于高大建筑物释放储热比低矮建筑物要多,其热力湍流相对活跃,地表热通量增大,使得城市区域气温较高.(3)建筑物密度增大,会减小城市下垫面的粗糙度同时增强街渠对辐射的影响.建筑物密度增大在白天会减小地表热通量和动量通量,使城市气温降低,平均风速增大,城市湍流活动能力减弱;夜间城市释放较多储热使得气温较高.  相似文献   

城市建筑动力学效应对对流边界层影响的敏感性试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文将大涡模拟应用于城市对流边界层(CBL)湍流结构和流场特征的研究,在大涡模式中,拖曳系数取与建筑物高度及建筑物高度标准差有关的表达式以考虑次网格建筑物对风速和湍流动能(TKE)的面积平均影响.模拟结果表明,由于城市建筑物对气流的拖曳作用,使建筑物冠层及整个CBL内风速大幅度减小,城市冠层内部风速减小尤为明显,在夹卷层内,风速有一明显的跃变.在边界层中部对流运动已经发展成为较强的热泡,城市建筑物的动力学效应使热泡的水平尺度增大,CBL内平均上升气流速度和下沉气流速度减小,同时使CBL中上升气流所占比例比平坦地面增大.城市建筑物使CBL低层热通量、动量通量、速度方差和位温方差明显增大,但对近地层高度以上的湍流量影响不大.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation and study of the urban boundary layer   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  

The effect of a vertical diffusion scheme over a stratocumulus topped boundary layer (STBL) was investigated using the YONU AGCM (Yonsei University Atmospheric General Circulation Model). To consider the impact of clouds on the turbulence production, the turbulence mixing term, driven by radiative cooling at the cloud top, is implemented as an extended non-local diffiusion scheme. In the model with this new scheme, the STBL parameterization significantly influences the lower atmosphere over the tropical and...  相似文献   

利用三个时段的探空加密试验资料,分别采用气块法和Richardson数法来估算青藏高原及下游地区的对流边界层和稳定边界层的高度特征。结果显示:(1)高原中部对流边界层结构的出现概率高于高原东侧及下游地区,而四川盆地稳定边界层结构的出现概率远高于高原和长江中游。(2)高原中部和东侧的对流边界层高度春季高而夏季低,其中高原中部的对流边界层高度高于高原东侧;四川盆地和长江中游的对流边界层高度冬季低、夏季高,而高原东侧的对流边界层高度的变化趋势则相反;四川盆地的对流边界层高度低于长江中游。(3)高原的稳定边界层高度春季高而夏季低;冬季四川盆地的稳定边界层高度高于高原东侧和长江中游,而夏季长江中游的稳定边界层高度高于高原东侧和四川盆地,冬夏差异导致的稳定边界层高度的变化幅度在长江中游最明显,四川盆地次之,而高原东侧最小。(4)高原东侧及下游地区的平均边界层高度的日变化具有相似的演变特征,平均边界层高度在白天高夜间低,而高原中部的平均边界层高度在日出左右较低,之后随时间逐渐增高,并在晚上达到最大值;高原的平均边界层高度的日变化振幅大于下游地区,且其日变化振幅随站点海拔高度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

High-resolution numerical simulations are performed for three nights for each of two areas of the United Kingdom. Area-averaging techniques are then used to calculate effective stability functions for turbulence parametrizations in models using typical mesoscale and global spatial resolutions. Comparisons are made with parametrizations commonly used in numerical weather prediction models. The present results do not suggest that significant enhancement of the stability functions above 50 m is justified. Closer to the surface, more significant enhancement is observed in some regions. It is shown that the amount of enhancement is related to the variability of the orography.  相似文献   

The atmospheric concentration of peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was measured during a cruise of the R.S. Polarstern from Bremerhaven (Germany) to Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in September/ October 1988. The measurements were made in-situ by a combination of electron capture gaschromatography with a cryogenic preconcentration step. The theoretical lower limit of detection (3) was 0.4 ppt. The mixing ratios of PAN varied by more than three orders of magnitude from 2000 ppt in the English Channel to less than 0.4 ppt south of the Azores (38° N). South of 35° N, PAN levels were below the detection limit, except at 30–31° S off the eastern coast of South America. Here, PAN mixing ratios of 10 to 100 ppt were detected in continentally influenced air masses. Detectable levels of PAN were mostly observed in air masses of continental or high northern origin. Changes in the wind directions were usually associated with substantial changes in the PAN mixing ratios.  相似文献   

We examine daily (morning–afternoon) transitions in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Under consideration are the effects of the stratification at the top of the mixed layer and of the wind shear. The results describe the transitory behaviour of temperature and wind velocity, their second moments, the boundary-layer height Z m (defined by the maximum of the potential temperature gradient) and its standard deviation σ m , the mixed-layer height z i (defined by the minimum of the potential temperature flux), entrainment velocity W e, and the entrainment flux H i . The entrainment flux and the entrainment velocity are found to lag slightly in time with respect to the surface temperature flux. The simulations imply that the atmospheric values of velocity variances, measured at various instants during the daytime, and normalized in terms of the actual convective scale w*, are not expected to collapse to a single curve, but to produce a significant scatter of observational points. The measured values of the temperature variance, normalized in terms of the actual convective scale Θ*, are expected to form a single curve in the mixed layer, and to exhibit a considerable scatter in the interfacial layer.  相似文献   

A Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) instrument has been developed to detect iodine monoxide (IO) radicals in the atmosphere. An all solid-state Nd:YAG pumped Ti:Sapphire laser operating at approximately 445 nm was used to excite the (2,0) band of the IO A2Π3/2 ← X2Π3/2 electronic transition, with off-resonance fluorescence in the (2,5) band detected at 521 nm. The sensitivity of the instrument was determined by calibration. IO (between 10 and 150 pptV) was generated following the 184.9 nm photolysis of N2O/CF3I/N2 mixtures with O3 actinometry used to determine the photolysis flux. The detection limit was determined to be 0.3 pptV for a 300 s integration period, with an uncertainty of 23% (1σ). The instrument was deployed in August/September 2006 during the RHaMBLe (Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer) campaign in Roscoff, France. Located on a small jetty, a few metres from the water’s edge at high tide, the instrument measured significant levels of IO on 11 days, with a maximum of 27.6 ± 3.2 pptV observed on one day (averaged over 10 s) representing the highest IO mixing ratio recorded in the marine boundary layer to date. IO displayed a clear diurnal profile with a maximum at low tide during the daytime. These results represent the first point measurements of IO in the atmosphere by LIF.  相似文献   

青藏高原对流边界层的热力、动力过程对下游地区甚至整个东亚地区的天气气候有重要影响。以2017年夏季为例分析ERA-Interim、JRA-55和MERRA-2再分析数据在青藏高原边界层研究中的适用性,并进一步利用数值模式物理框架的约束作用来订正其分析误差。2017年夏季青藏高原东南部边界层内,3套再分析资料对于气象要素的描述能力为气温>露点温度>水平风场,研究时段内适用性较好的再分析资料为ERA-Interim。比较12种模式参数化方案组合,模拟结果对于再分析资料在晴空和中雨情景下水平风场的误差离散程度均有明显改善。对于模拟改进的关键物理量水平风场而言,研究时段内本地适用性最高的参数化方案组合是ACM2+WSM6+BMJ。再分析资料中的风场经模拟结果调整后可以更好地描述青藏高原夏季边界层发展,证实模式参数化方案可以减小其在高原地区季节分布偏差。  相似文献   

风切变对边界层对流影响的大涡模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄倩  王蓉  田文寿  左洪超  张强 《气象学报》2014,72(1):100-115
利用"西北干旱区陆-气相互作用野外观测实验"加密观测期间在敦煌站的观测资料以及大涡模式,模拟了对流边界层的发展,以及示踪物从混合层向残留层传输的时空变化。模拟的对流边界层的结构及演变特征与实测结果基本一致。进一步通过有风切变和无风切变的敏感性数值试验,研究了风切变对垂直速度、位温和示踪物浓度的水平分布以及示踪物传输高度的影响。研究结果表明,在有风切变的试验中(甚至风切变仅存在于近地层中),对流边界层的增长加强,而且示踪物被传输的高度也较高。与浮力驱动的对流边界层相比,由浮力和风切变共同驱动的边界层中上升气流较弱而下沉气流较强,但前者的上升气流与下沉气流的分布在垂直方向上更为倾斜。由于夹卷作用的增强,浮力和风切变共同驱动的对流边界层较浮力驱动的对流边界层暖。在夹卷层,浮力和风切变共同驱动的边界层对流的上升气流和下沉气流都比浮力驱动的边界层对流中的强,而且垂直速度的概率密度函数分布也较对称,其位温和示踪物浓度的概率密度函数分布也比浮力驱动的边界层中的平直。对湍流动能收支的分析也表明风切变对湍流动能有重要影响,尤其对夹卷层中的湍流动能切变产生项影响较大。示踪物浓度的概率密度函数垂直分布显示,浮力驱动的边界层中示踪物浓度随高度变化较小,而浮力和风切变共同驱动的边界层中示踪物浓度随高度递减,但是示踪物传输的高度比较高。  相似文献   

Although the residual layer has already been noted in the classical diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer,its effect on the development of the convective boundary layer has not been well studied. In this study, based on 3-hourly20 th century reanalysis data, the residual layer is considered as a common layer capping the convective boundary layer. It is identified daily by investigating the development of the convective boundary layer. The region of interest is bounded by(30°–60° N, 80°–120° E), where a residual layer deeper than 2000 m has been reported using radiosondes. The lapse rate and wind shear within the residual layer are compared with the surface sensible heat flux by investigating their climatological means, interannual variations and daily variations. The lapse rate of the residual layer and the convective boundary layer depth correspond well in their seasonal variations and climatological mean patterns. On the interannual scale, the correlation coefficient between their regional averaged(40°–50°N, 90°–110° E) variations is higher than that between the surface sensible heat flux and convective boundary layer depth. On the daily scale, the correlation between the lapse rate and the convective boundary layer depth in most months is still statistically significant during 1970–2012. Therefore, we suggest that the existence of a deep neutral residual layer is crucial to the formation of a deep convective boundary layer near the Mongolian regions.  相似文献   

不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候模拟的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用WRF v3.2.1中尺度预报模式和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比研究了WRF模式中5个不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候的模拟效果。结果表明:WRF模式对各边界层参数化方案均较为敏感,采用不同的边界层参数化方案对模拟区域内的夏季降水、气温、环流等气候要素均可产生明显影响。选取MYJ方案和QNSE方案对500 h Pa夏季平均环流的模拟效果较好,YSU方案和QNSE方案对夏季平均日降水量模拟与再分析资料更吻合,YSU方案和MYNN2.5方案对中国东部2 m气温的模拟结果较好。不同边界层参数化方案模拟结果都显示出由于副热带高压偏强,使副热带高压第2次北跳后停留时间过短,导致长江中下游降水偏少,华北地区降水增多。通过比较YSU和QNSE边界层方案,发现YSU方案相比QNSE方案的降水差异,是由于850 h Pa水汽输送造成的。在中国大部分地区YSU方案的2 m温度比QNSE方案高,并且地面2 m气温和降水存在一定对应关系。因此合理选取边界层参数化方案可以提高数值模拟的准确性。  相似文献   

The study focuses on a way to parameterize the effect of subgrid scale convective motions on surface fluxes in large scale and regional models for the case of light surface winds. As previously proposed, these subgrid effects are assumed to scale with the convection intensity through the relationship: where is the mean velocity of the wind, U0 the velocity of the mean wind, w* the free convection velocity, and an empirical coefficient to be determined. Both observations and numerical simulation are presently used to determine the free convection coefficient .Large eddy simulation of a fair weather convective boundary layer case observed during TOGA-COARE is performed. Comparisons between observations and the simulation of surface properties and vertical profiles in the planetary boundary layer are presented. The simulated vertical turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture and buoyancy range well within estimates from aircraft measurements.The most important result is that the true free convection coefficient , directly estimated from simulation, leads to a value of 0.65, smaller than the ones estimated from temporal and spatial variances. Using observations and simulation, estimates of from temporal and spatial variances are obtained with similar values 0.8. From both theoretical derivations and numerical computations, it is shown that estimates of the true from variances are possible but only after applying a correction factor equal to 0.8. If this correction is not used, is overestimated by about 25%. The time and space sampling problem is also addressed in using numerical simulations.  相似文献   

利用中尺度数值模式MM5模拟和分析了辽宁中部城市群各个季节的边界层气象场特征.模拟结果显示:在边界层内,由流场的分布造成污染物的滞留最有可能发生在冬季,其它季节由于各自的原因会使污染物疏散而不易造成污染.同时,逆温也是导致污染物堆积的一个重要原因,研究表明对于城市群内的5个城市,逆温现象主要出现在冬季,在其它季节不常见.另外,一旦近地层湿度大到可以形成雾,在冬季会使大浓度的污染物附着在上面,对人体健康构成很大的威胁.  相似文献   

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