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东海海底覆盖着一层疏松的沉积物,大体上在内陆架为细粒沉积,外陆架为粗粒沉积,陆坡和海槽区又分布着细粒沉积。从地球化学的角度来看,这些沉积物的组成与海洋中无机悬浮物的组成有着密切的关系。沉积物通过其沉淀和吸附,从海水中吸取微量金属元素。沉积物中,特别是沉积物表面的微量元素的氧化物,对海水中颗粒物质的化学行为有着很大的影响,其化学效应远比沉积物本身的大量化学组成所起的作用要大的多。所以,对沉积物中微量元素的组成及其分布和变化规律的研究,越来越引起地球化学工作者的重视。 本文根据近几年在东海海域采集的74个地质样品,用原子发射光谱法对沉积物中Ti,Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Ga和Ba等元素含量測定的数据,对它们的地球化学分布特征和变化规律进行了初步研究和探讨。研究区域位于北纬26°30''至32°30′和东经121°30′至129°00′之间,取样站位如图1所示。大部分样品是1977年和1978年取的样,少数是1974年和1975年取的样。本文所用测定方法与设备同参考文献[1]。  相似文献   

中国近海海水中的锌等微量元素,尚未进行过较为广泛而可靠的分布研究。极为零星的资料,还是近几年来在沿岸进行污染调查时,用陈旧的方法测定的。 世界海洋海水中微量元素的含量,不同文献报道的数据,常有一定的差别。这是自然变化,抑方法误差(包括所测形态),是值得研究的。 本文采用单池示差反向极谱法,比较广泛而可靠地研究了中国近海海水中,锌等微量,元素的离子(和不稳定络合物)的地球化学分布。测定锌、铅、铜、镉时,样品不加任何试剂,因而避免了元素存在形态的转移及被测离子的带入或损失。  相似文献   

胶州湾东北部海水中铅的形态及其分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究海洋中铅的含量及其形式和形态,对了解铅在海洋中的循环和它的地球化学以及生物过程都有一定的意义。关于这方面的工作曾有一些评论和研究报导。铅在大洋海水中的含量一般认为是0.02-0.10μg/L,但近岸区由于受陆地排放铅的影响会使其含量增高,据近年报道的最高值为12.5μg/L-13.9μg/L。  相似文献   

研究微量元素在海水中的存在形态是海洋化学上比较重要的课题之一,对了解微量元素在海洋中的循环具有重要的意义。关于锌在海洋中的存在形态曾有过详细的评论.  相似文献   

浅水水库中磷的周年变动及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1987年2月—1988年3月在山东平度县大泽山水库进行了本项研究。结果表明,总磷及颗粒磷夏季显著高于冬季,总溶解磷、溶解有机磷及溶解无机磷则是冬季高于夏季;总磷中几乎终年都以颗粒磷为主,总溶解磷中则基本上全年都以溶解有机磷为主;溶解无机磷的季节变化最剧烈,颗粒磷次之,全年中溶解有机磷最稳定,早春及冬季则以总磷最稳定;影响该水库磷变化的主要因素是进水、人工施肥,以及为风力和水深所影响的沉积物的沉浮。为此作者建议,冬季和早春的调查应选总磷为指标,全年调查应选溶解有机磷;浅水水域施磷肥的适宜时机为生长季节的高水位期,枯水期一般不必施磷肥。  相似文献   

对夏季(2002-07)和冬季(2003-01)航次中珠江河口及近海水域样品中金属铜的总含量以及总溶解态、颗粒态、游离态铜含量进行对比分析。结果发现,夏季铜的总浓度水平分布并非完全体现陆源性规律,而是随河口向外海递增。而在冬季,总铜浓度的空间变化呈现和夏季完全相反的趋势,即随河口向外海逐渐降低。说明研究水域中金属铜可能具有其他来源,同时在很大程度上受到夏季沿岸上升流的影响。但是,游离态铜的分布在冬季和夏季却呈现相同的趋势,即自河口向外海逐渐降低。说明铜的形态分布在更大程度上取决于水体的理化性质。  相似文献   

长江口滨岸潮滩沉积物中磷的存在形态和分布特征   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
通过对长江口滨岸潮滩表层及孔样沉积物中磷形态分析,揭示了潮滩沉积物中磷的存在形态及其分布特征。分析结果表明,潮滩沉积物中磷主要有可溶性磷(DP)、铁结合磷(Fe-P)、铝结合磷(Al-P)、钙结合磷(Ca-P)和有机磷(OP)5种,其中以钙结合磷(Ca-P)和有机磷(OP)为主。研究发现各形态磷的含量分布与水体沉积环境与沉积物粒度关系密切,并受沿岩污水排放及近岸养殖排污等人为活动的影响。  相似文献   

采用生氧量生物测验法对影响水库初级生产力的微量元素进行了测定。结果表明,当氮、磷充足时,锰的限制作用较普遍,而锌、铜的抑制作用也常出现,铁、硒等其他元素在某些条件下也会起限制作用。围隔试验的结果也表明,在施氮、磷的基础上,加施锰剂后,浮游植物生物量(以活性叶绿素a表示)增高1.7倍以上,较之单纯施氮、磷肥,生物量亦增高了35%以上,高峰持续时间约10d,浮游动物生物量亦有所增加。这些结果都表明锰在提高水库鱼产力中有重要作用,同时也说明在大水域施肥养鱼中添加微量元素是可行的。  相似文献   

北海湾磷的化学形态及其分布转化规律   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据1998年10月1999年1月、4月和8月的调查资料,首次较全面地讨论了北海湾磷的存在形态及其分布转化规律,通过相关计算,分析了不同形态磷的相互关系及其影响因素。  相似文献   

长江口内外表层沉积物中营养元素的分布特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对长江口内外9个表层沉积物中不同形态碳、氮、磷含量的测定,得到了长江口内外表层沉积物中营养元素的分布特征,探讨了影响其分布的主要因素。长江口内外表层沉积物中的营养元素在河流段的分布波动较大,在口门附近海域分布较平缓。在三种营养元素中,IC、ON和IP分别为C、N、P的优势形态。在影响表层沉积物中营养元素分布的因素中,沉积物的粒度和上覆水体的盐度在其中起着重要的作用,同时还受到近岸排污和海洋生物生产的影响。  相似文献   

Frequency distribution characteristics of trace elements Fe. Mn, Zn, Cu. Sr and Ba are studied for the marine organisms collected from typical Chinese coastal waters and compared with those of major elements Ca and Mg. Nearly all the distributions for trace elements in macroalgae, benthic molluscs, crustaceans, cephalopods and different tissues of fish (muscle, liver and bone ) are found to show some degree of positive skewness, indicating a relatively large number of marine organisms with low concentrations for a particular element and only a few organisms with disproportionately high concentrations. Their distribution types are generally logarithmic normal distribution or nearly logarithmic normal distribution. Distribution of Ca is similar to that of trace elements, while Mg shows normal distribution. Average elemental concentrations of major types of organisms are calculated based on their frequency distributions.  相似文献   

对国内外学者近年来在大气干沉降对海域微量金属输入方面的研究工作做了较为系统的综述 :包括样品采集、分析、干沉降通量估算和污染物来源识别。重点讨论了常用分析方法的优缺点以及它们在气溶胶物理、化学性质研究中的应用和已取得的成果 ,旨在为气溶胶分析方法的选择提供参考。  相似文献   


A large number of surface sediments as well as short sediment cores collected in the Central Indian Ocean Basin have been subjected to various geochemical investigations during the last one and half decade. The studies varied, covering different aspects of sediments and resulting in a number of publications. In the present article, we have put together the data from 82 surface sediments and 14 short sediment cores, including 25 new analyses, to study the trend of their distribution and source at large. The distribution maps of elements show that highest concentrations of Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and biogenic opal in the surface sediment occurs between 10°S and 16°S latitude, where diagenetic ferromanganese nodules rich in Mn, Cu, Ni, and Zn are present. The studies highlight that the excess element concentration (detrital unsupported) such as Mn, Cu, Ba, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn have contributed >80% of their respective bulk composition. These excess elements exhibit strong positive correlation with each other suggesting their association with a single authigenic phase such as Mn oxide. Biogenic opal contributes 30–50% of the total silica in the siliceous sediment. Aluminum, Fe, and K have contributed >60% from terrigenous detrital source compared to their bulk composition. In calcareous ooze, Ca, and Sr excess contribute >95% while, in siliceous ooze it is only 50% of their bulk composition. Nearly 35% of structurally unsupported Al in the sediment raises doubt of using Al as a terrigenous index element to normalize the trace and minor elements. Biogenic apatite is evident by the positive correlation between Ca (<1%) and P. Calcium, Sr, and P depict a common source such as biogenic. Bulk element concentration such as Li, V, Cr, Sc, and Zr are positively correlated with Ti indicating their terrigenous detrital source. Rare earth element (REE) concentration increases from calcareous ooze to siliceous ooze and reaches a maximum in the red clay. Presence of positive Eu-anomaly in these sediments has been attributed to aeolian input. REE in these sediments are mostly carried by authigenic phases such as manganese oxide and biogenic apatite. Based on the distribution of transition elements in the sediment cores, three distinct zones—oxic at top, suboxic at intermediate depth, and a subsurface maxima—have been identified. Oxic and suboxic zones are incidentally associated with high and low micronodule abundance in the coarse fraction (>63 μm) respectively. Ash layers encountered at intermediate depth between 10 to 35 cm are correlative with the Youngest Toba eruption of ~74ka from Northern Sumatra. This ash is mainly responsible for the high bulk Al/Ti ratio up to 48.5 (three times higher than Post Archean Australian Shale), other than scavenging of dissolved Al by biogenic components.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from the Saronikos Gulf were analyzed for their aliphatic hydrocarbon (AHC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The concentrations of Fe, Cr, As, Sb, Co and Sc were also determined by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The survey was performed at the beginning of the operation of Athens’ sewage primary treatment unit and the results can be used to monitor the unit's long-term effects in the area. The composition of aliphatic hydrocarbons indicated a chronic oil-pollution in the Saronikos Gulf sediments. The industrially impacted Elefsis Bay sediments suffered from heavy petroleum pollution, while the sediments near the sewage outfall had a moderate degree of pollution. Mixed source patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with dominant pyrolytic inputs have been identified in the sediments. Total concentrations of Fe, As and Sb along with their Sc normalized values presented elevated values in Elefsis Bay sediments. Chromium was found enriched in the sediments near the Athens sewage outfall. Factor analysis results showed that a part of As and Sb in Elefsis Bay sediments could be associated with organic or sulphidic phases. In addition, the lithogenic fraction of the sediments and the Fe oxides/hydroxides were important trace element carriers. Chromium and PAH inputs from the sewage outfall were also detected. Comparison of PAH and trace element concentrations with internationally-used sediment quality guidelines (SQG) revealed that Elefsis Bay sediments had the greatest potential of causing adverse effects in benthic organisms.  相似文献   

基于2017年6和12月、2018年5和9月在黄河小浪底水库开展的4次水体环境的综合观测,获得了悬浮颗粒物含量(SPM)、水温、溶解氧(DO)、pH和叶绿素a含量等数据,研究了不同季节和不同运作方式下黄河小浪底水库关键水体环境要素的分布特征及其影响因素。水库放水时期(2017年6月和2018年5月)和洪水调控期(2018年9月),随距坝距离越近,SPM含量逐渐降低,但在蓄水末期(2017年12月),库区水体SPM整体分布均匀,洪水调控期入库水体含沙量较高,最大达到了7894.7 mg/L。水库放水时期存在热分层现象,表底层温差最大达到了12.4℃,而在蓄水时期和洪水调控期水温分布较为均匀,平均温度分别为12.5和26.8℃。2017年6月库区水体DO平均为6.36 mg/L,层化现象较显著,表底层最大相差8.01 mg/L,其余时间DO整体上分布较均匀,无明显层化现象,平均分别为7.56、8.10和6.13 mg/L。库区水体pH只在2017年6月存在明显的全库区分层现象,平均为8.38,表底最大相差0.85;2018年5和9月坝前区域pH较高,并存在从表至底逐渐降低的现象;2017年12月蓄水末期则整体分布较均匀,在放水期和洪水调控期,库区水体叶绿素a含量整体上表层较高,从表至底逐渐降低,2018年9月叶绿素a含量较高,最大达到了10.50μg/L,而在蓄水末期,叶绿素a含量偏低且分布较均匀,平均含量仅为0.70μg/L。上述结果表明,受气温、上游来水、水库调控和生物过程等的多重影响下,小浪底水库内各种环境因子时空变化剧烈,是研究气候变化和人类活动对河流物质输运影响的良好载体。  相似文献   

根据2017年12月—2019年12月和2018年小浪底水库泄洪期间对黄河下游营养盐的月观测和日观测,系统的分析了黄河下游溶解态营养盐浓度、组成和通量变化。结果表明,除DON(溶解有机氮)、DSi(溶解态硅)和DIP(溶解无机磷)外,其他各溶解态营养盐浓度均呈丰水期低、枯水期高的特点。在观测期间,DSi/DIN(溶解态硅/溶解无机氮)比值月变化呈升高趋势,而DIN/DIP和DSi/DIP比值呈降低的趋势,可能与近年来黄河流域生态环境变化有关。水库泄洪期间DIN和DSi浓度升高,主要与水库下泄高浓度营养盐水体和大径流冲刷沿岸土壤导致营养盐释放进黄河水体有关;DIP和DOP(溶解有机磷)浓度降低,主要受到大径流稀释和悬浮颗粒物吸附作用的影响。水库泄洪期间DSi/DIP与DSi/DIN比值增加,而根据水体富营养化潜力指标(ICEP)显示,水库泄洪的年份P-ICEP和N-ICEP均高于非水库泄洪的年份数倍,进一步证明水库泄洪事件会加剧营养盐失衡,潜在影响黄河口及其邻近海域浮游植物群落结构。2018年水库水沙调控期间输送了全年各项营养盐入海通量的13%~25%,在全年营养盐输送通量中扮演重要的角...  相似文献   

Sediment cores and grab samples were collected in the Upper Gulf of Thailand to determine sedimentation rates and to determine if metal concentrations reflect anthropogenic inputs.Accumulation rates of sediments in the Upper Gulf measured using the 210Pb method, appear to vary from ca. 4 to 11 mm yr?1. Sediment budgets suggest that little of the sediment delivered to the Upper Gulf by the major rivers is ultimately transported to the Lower Gulf. Metal concentrations in Upper Gulf sediments appear to be dominantly controlled by natural inputs.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the trace metals Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the Göta River estuary have been investigated. The following metal fractions have been determined: acid-leachable, dissolved, labile and particulate.The estuary represents a salt wedge type estuary and is situated in a densely populated region of Sweden. The metal concentrations found for the dissolved fraction is in the range of what can be considered as background levels for freshwater. It is difficult to evaluate any estuarine processes other than conservative mixing for Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn. The dissolved levels in the freshwater end member are Cd, 9–25 ngl?1; Cu, 1·1–1·4 μgl?1; Fe, 20–75 μg l?1: Ni, 0·7–0·9 μg l?1: Pb 0·09–0·2 μg l?1; and Zn, 6–7 μg l?1:The results from the acid-leachable fraction show that at high suspended load the particles sediment in the river mouth. The trace metal levels in this fraction are subject to large variations.  相似文献   

大气中微量元素的沉降对海洋生态系统的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大气中的微量元素通过大气的干、湿沉降过程最终进入海洋,对海洋生态系统产生重要的影响。重金属对生物具有毒性,对生物的生长起抑制作用,而由降水事件带入的营养元素使海洋初级生产力的短期内迅速增加。本文根据近年来国内外对大气中微量元素的研究成果,介绍了气溶胶中营养盐和重金属的浓度、来源及其时空变化,较为系统地评述了营养盐和重金属的输入对海洋环境、海洋生态系统的影响,并探讨了今后该领域的研究重点。  相似文献   

湖相介形类壳体微量元素(本文主要指Mg和Sr)是重建古环境的重要指标之一,可以定性或定量地反映湖水信息。自20世纪80年开始应用以来,经过30余年的发展取得了很大进展。在古环境重建过程中主要存在两类影响因素:(1)其宿生水体中M/Ca比值(M主要指Mg和Sr)的影响因素:季节变化、微环境差异和湖泊演化过程,这类因素通过对宿生水体中M/Ca比值来影响介形虫壳体中的M/Ca比值,进而造成古环境重建结果的误差增大或可靠性降低;(2)介形类壳体微量元素分配系数的影响因素:宿生水体中M/Ca比值、温度、碱度等,这类因素能够直接影响介形类壳体分泌、钙化的生命-化学过程的因素,是定量重建的重要影响因素。加强现代介形类生活习性和微量元素组成变化过程的研究可以消除或减小以上影响因素对古环境重建的影响,提高介形类壳体化石中微量元素组成在古环境重建研究中的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

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