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Basin-wide distributions of normalized spectral radiances averaged over different time periods were plotted based on the estimates of the average radiance for 20 × 20 km squares in 482 digital images of the Black Sea obtained with a SeaWiFS color scanner in 1998–2004. Significant distinctions of the annual average distributions in the amplitude, localization, and configuration of basin-scale inhomogeneities allowed us to consider these distributions as yearly spectral-radiance portraits of the Black Sea that reflect specific features of the annual behavior of the hydrometeorological conditions over the Black Sea region. Seasonal features of the radiance distributions related to the wind field were discovered. Substantial interannual variability in the errors of the standard atmospheric correction algorithm resulting in an underestimation of the shortwave radiances were revealed. It is shown that the river discharge and the stratification of the layer sensed substantially influence the yearly spectral-radiance portraits of the Black Sea.  相似文献   

Estimates of vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (K t ) in the Black Sea pycnohalocline have been obtained from data of simultaneous observations of seawater temperature, salinity, density, and horizontal current velocity, obtained in the northeastern part of the Black Sea during 2013–2014 with a moored Aqualog profiler. A Munk and Andersson (1948) type parameterization, adapted for the Black Sea environment, is proposed for calculating K t . Strong short-period (several days) variability of turbulent exchange is revealed, induced by vertical shear variations of the current velocity.  相似文献   

The consistency of the data of the ocean color scanners SeaWiFS and MODIS is examined using the example of the Caspian Sea as a water basin influenced by external sources of optically-significant admixtures. It was established that the discrepancies of the normalized radiances computed from the scanners’ data depend on the sunlight’s wavelength, grow when passing from the mid-sea to the coastal regions and vary in sign and magnitude within one and the same area under conditions favorable for passive remote sensing from space. Under any conditions, the minimal discrepancy occurs in the green-yellow range. The use of the radiances of this range to derive the oceanological characteristics secures the minimal errors when assessing the long period variability of the aquatic environment based on merging of the SeaWiFS and MODIS data.  相似文献   

We develop a semiempirical spectral model of penetrating irradiance taking into account the biooptical characteristics of the Black Sea. The evaluation of the contributions of the principal optically active components to the total absorption of light in the sea shows that, in the short-wave range (400–500 nm), light is mainly absorbed by the dissolved organic matter (41–77%). The contribution of phytoplankton to the total absorption attains its maximum values (26–37%) in the abyssal part of the sea in the period of spring blooming of diatoms. In the coastal waters, the absorption of light by suspended nonalgae particles in summer is almost twice as intense (20–30%) as in the open sea (8–13%). The analysis of the sensitivity of our model shows that the absorption of light by dissolved organic matter is more significant for the estimation of the photosynthetically active radiation in the Black Sea than the concentration of pigments and backscattering of light by suspended particles. The comparison of the results of model computations with the data of measurements of the underwater irradiance reveals high accuracy of the proposed model.  相似文献   

A new approach is suggested for the diagnostics of manifestations of water exchange in the field of normalized radiance and automation of the analysis of digital images of the water surface. The approach is based on the application of a set of statistical characteristics of a radiance relief as an integral indication of local inhomogeneities in the water medium and provides for the estimate of these characteristics over small regions (frames) of the basin studied using multispectral information. Using the example of the SeaWiFS scanner data on the evolution of an eddy dipole in August 1998 in a study region with a size of 160 × 160 km in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, it was shown that the estimates of a number of statistical characteristics of spectrally different radiance reliefs found in the frames with a size of 40 × 40 km significantly depended on the presence of fragments of an eddy dipole or other structures in these frames. A set of such characteristics made possible reliable differentiation of radiance reliefs by the degree of randomness, by the orientation of the inhomogeneities that form the relief, and by other properties caused by the variability of the light scattering and light absorbing admixtures in the sea medium in the course of the water exchange. The approach does not require any preliminary information about the object of observations. It is promising in the basins with moderate water transparency and vertical inhomogeneity of the upper layer available for remote profiling.  相似文献   

To study the horizontal distribution and characterization of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the coastal environment, the distribution and seasonal variation of particulate phosphorus (PP), divided as organic (POP) and inorganic (PIP) fractions with POC, PON, and Chl.a, in 4 seasons throughout Harima-Nada of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, were investigated. A high concentration of PIP was observed not only in the northern coastal area, which received much freshwater discharge, but also in the channel parts. In winter, when Δσt was low, the difference between surface and bottom σt, resuspension of sinking particles or/and surface sediment which has a high PIP/PP ratio seems to have occurred, and then a high concentration of PIP in surface water was observed. In spring and summer, PIP/PP ratios (0.24) of surface waters were close to those of phytoplankton (0.1–0.2). On the other hand, PIP/PP ratios in autumn and winter, when Δσt was low, were similar to those of surface sediment in Harima-Nada (0.32–0.39). SPM in Harima-Nada showed higher PP contents than other coastal environments, and its mean value of 9.10 mg P/g was close to the phytoplankton P content of 9.75 mg P/g. This suggests that SPM in Harima-Nada was strongly affected by phytoplankton. The C/N ratio in Harima-Nada in spring was high (11), although high Chl.a and low PIP/PP were observed, possibly resulting from preferential decomposition of nitrogen in comparison with carbon. We consider that the PIP/PP ratio is a good indicator to characterize SPM and to predict its origin as well as the C/N.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ag, and Au in present-day and ancient bottom sediments in the shelf, slope, and deep-trench areas of the northeast part of the Black Sea. The samples were taken in 1990 in the Crimean, Kerch-Taman, and Caucasian regions. The revealed character of the fields of concentration of metals does not allow one to establish exact regularities in the distribution of Mn, Co, and Cu with Fe. It is shown that the values of the ratios of concentrations of metals increase in the following direction: Au/Cu → Zn/Cu → Co/Fe → Ni/Fe → Mn/Fe → Hg/Cu → Ag/Cu → Cu/Fe. The data on Ag are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

秋季南黄海水文特征及海水的混合与交换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1996年10月中韩合作调查获得的CTD资料,分析探讨了南黄海秋季跃层的分布特征及垂直混合状况,同时对黄海冷水团的垂向混合进行了初步探讨.还利用改进后的逐步聚类分析法划分了表、底层水团,确定了各水团的温度、盐度、溶解氧和PH值4要素的平均特征值,并根据各水团的特性和温度、盐度的平面分布特征,重点探讨了黄海水与沿岸水及东海水的混合和交换.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the results derived from the analysis of the vertical distribution of nitrates in the Black Sea density field during the winter of 1994. It has been shown that in the absence of winter-time convective mixing of waters, the vertical structure of nitrates is isopycnically defined. Maximum nitrates concentration persists throughout the warm period, normally changing from 5 to 9 μmol in the deep-water part of the area, and has not altered, in comparison with the 1980 data. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Data on the diffusion coefficientK zand the concentration of H2S in the Black Sea are used to compute the depth distribution of the vertical flux, and the intensity of the H2S sources and sinks. On average, the total production of H2S in the Black Sea reaches 37×106 t/year. The main bulk of H2S is produced not at the bottom, but in the layer of 450–1300 m. Destruction of H2S prevails above the 400 m layer. Dissolved oxygen penetrating the H2S zone can oxidize only half of the hydrogen sulphide produced in the sea.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

象山港水交换特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在验证良好的三维斜压潮流数学模型的基础上,以溶 解态的保守性物质为示踪剂,建立对流-扩散型的海湾水交换数值模型,计算了象山港水体半交换时间和平均滞留时间,并研究了斜压动力对湾内外水交换的贡献。研究结果表明,象山港水交换速度的区域性变化较大,水体半交换时间和平均滞留时间由象山港口门向湾顶逐渐增加,口门附近半交换时间在5d以内,平均滞留时间为5~10 d;湾顶水交换速度缓慢,水体半交换时间为30~35 d,平均滞留时间为35~40d。斜压动力对狭湾外段水交换影响较弱,对狭湾内段有较大的影响。  相似文献   

乐清湾水交换特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用EFDC模式模拟研究了乐清湾水交换的三维过程和时空变化特征,并通过计算水示踪剂质量浓度分析水体置换过程。结果表明,乐清湾水交换主要是由鹿西岛两侧流入的外海水体与湾内水体的交换,以及乐清湾口门西侧附近的湾内水体与瓯江北口径流冲淡水之间的交换。从口门到湾顶,水交换能力差别较大。以最窄的连屿至打水山断面为界,以南水体1个月基本可以完全交换,而以北水体2个月后仍然无法交换至湾口水平。连屿至打水山断面以北地形复杂,岛屿较多,污染物主要通过岛屿间的潮汐汊道输运,断面的瓶颈效应也使得断面以北的水体交换能力稍弱。在口门附近90%以上的水体被外海置换所需时间不到5 d,而此时湾顶水质未有太大改变;15 d左右,80%湾内水体被外海水置换;90%湾内水体被置换仅需40 d;70 d时的水体置换率达97%。  相似文献   

We study specific features of the vertical distribution of elements of the main biogenic cycle in the upper layers of waters on the northwest shelf of the Black Sea in spring and autumn and the correlation between the specific features of the vertical distributions of hydrochemical and hydrological characteristics. It is shown that the location of the halocline always specifies the location of the chemocline, whereas the effect of the thermocline on the distribution of hydrochemical characteristics is ambiguous. The vertical distribution of the hydrochemical parameters can be homogeneous in the presence of the seasonal thermocline. At the same time, in its absence, one may observe significant vertical gradients in the distributions of hydrochemical characteristics inside the upper mixed layer.  相似文献   

The results of simulating the hydrophysical fields of the Black Sea with a resolution of 1.64 × 1.64 km for January–September 2006 with the use of real atmospheric forcing are analyzed. Both vertical turbulent momentum exchange and vertical turbulent heat and salt diffusions are parameterized using the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 scheme. The results of this numerical experiment are compared with similar data obtained with a horizontal resolution of 5 km. The features of the meso- and submesoscale dynamics of waters in individual sea regions are given. Possible physical mechanisms of forming meso- and submesoscale vortices are studied on the basis of energy analysis. It is shown that, in the absence of significant wind forcing, the main contribution to kinetic energy is made by the buoyancy force and wind-field inhomogeneities result in significant variations in both total vertical viscosity and total vertical diffusion.  相似文献   

涡旋对海洋中的能量传递和物质交换有重要作用。黑海西北部陆坡边缘是长生命周期涡旋经常发生的海域,但涡旋引起的陆架和海盆之间水交换通量的季节性特征,以及海盆边缘环流对跨陆架水交换的作用等方面的研究还不是很充分。本文对黑海西北部陆架区与深海盆区间的跨陆架水交换进行了研究,利用高分辨率三维原始方程模式模拟的温、盐、流等资料,结合涡旋自动探测方法,统计了黑海西北部海域的涡旋活动,研究了涡致跨陆架水交换的季节性特征,计算对比了2002年到2010年间海盆边缘环流与涡旋对跨陆架水交换通量的各自贡献。结果表明:黑海西北部地区海盆边缘环流强度与跨陆架进、出通量的相关系数分别为0.57和0.67,海盆边缘环流位置与跨陆架交换量的相关系数为0.52;海盆边缘环流强度与位置的季节性变化导致了黑海西北部跨陆架通量的季节性变化。黑海西北部地区表层3月到8月之间涡旋所引起跨陆架交换量约占了跨陆架交换总量的16%~31%;涡致跨陆架通量也具有季节性特征。文中对单个涡旋进行了详细研究:2005年5月5日到2005年7月20日之间在黑海西北部存在一个直径最大值时达到120 km的反气旋式涡旋,涡旋存在期间完成了从陆架区向深海区的水体传输,相当于黑海西北陆架区水体积的30.9%。  相似文献   

In situ data collected by Marine Hydrophysical Institute investigators have been used to reconstruct the Black Sea paleochemistry during the period of Würmian glaciation. The geochemical behaviour of and maps for the Cu, Zn, Mo, and U steric distribution in the New Euxinic sediments that deposited in freshwater lakes under severe climatic conditions, with salinity being virtually zero, are reported. Similar chemical processes in the New Euxinic basin and Baikal Lake are examined. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

A multilevel model based on primitive equations and a monotonic finite-difference scheme is applied to study the fluid dynamics over the north-western Black Sea shelf. Wind-generated currents and currents induced by river discharge are simulated in terms of the barotropic version. The effects of the bottom topography, the rigid-lid approximation, and the interaction of wind and river discharge-induced flows are examined.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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