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按照地球膨胀学说进行全球构造动力物理模拟的相似性研究,得到了膨胀地球岩石层弹性球壳力学模型的方程分析相似准则和地幔物质沿膨胀裂谷通道上涌流动的方程分析相似准则.按照各相似准则的约束,计算得到了满足与膨胀地球原型相似的模型参数:膨胀初始半径为0.46m;原始岩石层的厚度、密度分别为3×10-3m和(1.2-1.8)×10kg/m3,其强度为104Pa;原始地球膨胀内压为4.25×104Pa;原始地表重力为-1.25×10-2N/kg;上涌物质密度、粘度分别为1.2×102kg/m3和2×102Pa·s;原始地幔物质上涌厚度、速度和加速度分别为2.5×10-2m,2.0×10-3m/s和3×102m/s2.由此表明材料物性等条件能够较好地满足原型要求的模型条件. 相似文献
海洋和电离层发电机对佘山台L的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
康国发 《地震地磁观测与研究》1992,13(4):46-50
本文在文献[1]的研究基础上进一步分析海洋和电离层发电机对佘山台L的影响。资料分别按月、季节和年以及太阳活动性分组进行的细致分析,结果表明海洋发电机对Z分量的L有一稳定的影响,L的季节变化主要起源于电离层发电机。L的海洋部分不随太阳活动性改变,太阳活动对L的影响比对S的小。 相似文献
本文从大陆强震成组活动的事实出发 ,通过数值模拟和岩石破裂实验方法 ,对成组孕震过程中多震源体的地震活动所表现的基本特征及其相互作用和相互影响 (增减震机制 )进行了深入的研究 ,并利用数值模拟和实验分析结果对中国 2个典型地震活动地区 ,即华北地震区和川滇地震区的地震活动特征进行了解释 ,同时对地震前兆复杂性的产生原因和机制进行了初步探讨。地震活动具有空间不均匀性和时间非平稳性之特点。前者表现为地震在空间上往往成带、成区分布 ,后者则表现为地震活动在时间轴上具有活跃和平静 (高潮和低潮 )相交替的丛集特性。中国大陆… 相似文献
地球自由振荡的研究已成为探查地球内部结构的重要手段之一.影响地球自由振荡的因素有很多,如地球物理学结构横向不均匀性及径向不均匀性、地球自转、地球椭率、地球内部各向异性、非弹性性以及震源机制性质,还有地球外界如引潮力等.本文详细介绍和总结了近几十年来关于地球自由振荡理论研究、实验及观测资料方面的研究,重点是数值模拟方法方面的研究工作.通过观测和理论分析对比,以数值实验的方式推测地球内部更详细的结构分布,如地球内部密度分布以及波速度等特性;并从弹性波理论出发结合高性能并行计算对全球自由振荡过程进行数值模拟研究. 相似文献
Poorna C. Pal 《地球物理与天体物理流体动力学》2013,107(1-4):189-205
Abstract The geomagnetic field and its frequent polarity reversals are generally attributed to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in the Earth's metallic and fluid core. But it is difficult to identify convincingly any MHD timescales with that over which the reversals occur. Moreover, the geological record indicates that the intervals between the consecutive reversals have varied widely. In addition, there have been superchrons when the reversals have been frequent, and at least two, and perhaps three, 35-70 Myr long superchrons when they were almost totally absent. The evaluation of these long-term variations in the palaeogeophysical record can provide crucial constraints on theories of geomagnetism, but it has generally been limited to only the directional or polarity data. It is shown here that the correlation of the palaeogeomagnetic field strength with the field's protracted stability during a fixed polarity superchron provides such a constraint. In terms of a strong field dynamo model it leads to the speculation that the magnetic Reynolds number, and the toroidal field, increase substantially during a superchron of frequent reversals. 相似文献
Laboratory experiments of tsunami runup on a circular island 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Michael J. Briggs Costas E. Synolakis Gordon S. Harkins Debra R. Green 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1995,144(3-4):569-593
Laboratory experiments of a 7.2-m-diameter conical island were conducted to study three-dimensional tsunami runup. The 62.5-cm tall island had 1 on 4 side slopes and was positioned in the center of a 30-m-wide by 25-m-long flat-bottom basin. Solitary waves with height-to-depth ratios ranging from 0.05 to 0.20 and source lengths ranging from 0.30 to 7.14 island diameters were tested in water depths of 32 and 42 cm. Twenty-seven capacitance wave gages were used to measure surface wave elevations at incident and four radial transects on the island slope. Maximum vertical runup measurements were made at 20 locations around the perimeter of the island using rod and transit. A new runup gage was located on the back or lee side of the island to record runup time series. 相似文献
We present a critical analysis of experimental findings on vegetation–flow–sediment interactions obtained through both laboratory and field experiments on tidal and coastal environments. It is well established that aquatic vegetation provides a wide range of ecosystem services (e.g. protecting coastal communities from extreme events, reducing riverbank and coastal erosion, housing diverse ecosystems), and the effort to better understand such services has led to multiple approaches to reproduce the relevant physical processes through detailed laboratory experiments. State-of-the-art measurement techniques allow researchers to measure velocity fields and sediment transport with high spatial and temporal resolution under well-controlled flow conditions, yielding predictions for hydrodynamic and sediment transport scenarios that depend on simplified or bulk vegetation parameters. However, recent field studies have shown that some simplifications on the experimental setup (e.g. the use of rigid elements, a single diameter, a single element height, regular or staggered layout) can bias the outcome of the study, by either hiding or amplifying some of the relevant physical processes found in natural conditions. We discuss some observed cases of bias, including general practices that can lead to compromises associated with simplified assumptions. The analysis presented will identify potential pathways to move forward with laboratory and field measurements, which could better inform predictors to produce more robust, universal and accurate predictions on flow–vegetation–sediment interactions. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
数值模拟是计算机科学、计算数学与其他各类学科如力学、材料学、工程技术等学科相互交叉渗透且充满活力的研究领域,它与物理、化学实验和理论分析一起成为解决许多重大科学问题和工程技术问题的三大支柱。数值模拟实验室的建设不仅是信息时代的需要,也是开展动力地震预报的关键,必将成为地震科学发展战略的重要组成部分。 相似文献
利用IGRF国际参考地磁场模型, 计算并分析了7~13阶球谐成分对主磁场的贡献。 结果表明, 地磁场要素F、 H和I的空间梯度具有显著的空间不均匀性, 有些区域梯度变化平缓, 有些地区梯度呈涡状结构, 进而由地磁场的空间梯度估算得到卫星高度的空间相对变化强度, 以及卫星上安装磁强计的伸杆震颤可能引起的观测误差。 此外, 主磁场梯度的长期变化非常缓慢, 在大约150年间其最大变化强度约为6 nT。 对于中国电磁卫星5年的设计寿命而言, 梯度变化幅度可能约为0.04 nT, 该梯度变化量对于主磁场的空间相对强度不会产生显著影响。 相似文献
乌鲁木齐地磁台地磁场变化特征 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
根据乌鲁木齐地磁台有史以来的地磁观测资料,对该地区地磁场的长期变,短期变及其磁暴活动规律进行了总结分析,这对进一步认识乌鲁木齐地磁台地磁场各要素的变化规律及征,为地震震预报提供有实用价值的第一手资料都是十分有意义的。 相似文献
地磁太阳黑子周变化起源的讨论 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
为了避开60年代末和70年代末Jerk(H)、Jerk(Z)的影响,分析了1979~1998年西欧4个台和1979~1999年亚洲东部6个台的H、Z资料,结果表明各台间H(或X)分量的太阳黑子周变化一致性较好.但Z分量的太阳黑子周变化显示出非常特别的现象,Z变化的相位随台站经度变化而变化,东亚地区的Z变化几乎与西欧地区的变化反向.因此,东亚地区的Z变化与H变化的关系不符合P01模式的假设,外源场之说似乎不能解释. 相似文献
Florent Gimbert Brian M. Fuller Michael P. Lamb Victor C. Tsai Joel P. L. Johnson 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2019,44(1):219-241
Recent advances in fluvial seismology have provided solid observational and theoretical evidence that near-river seismic ground motion may be used to monitor and quantify coarse sediment transport. However, inversions of sediment transport rates from seismic observations have not been fully tested against independent measurements, and thus have unknown but potentially large uncertainties. In the present study, we provide the first robust test of existing theory by conducting dedicated sediment transport experiments in a flume laboratory under fully turbulent and rough flow conditions. We monitor grain-scale physics with the use of ‘smart rocks’ that consist of accelerometers embedded into manufactured rocks, and we quantitatively link bedload mechanics and seismic observations under various prescribed flow and sediment transport conditions. From our grain-scale observations, we find that bedload grain hop times are widely distributed, with impacts being on average much more frequent than predicted by existing saltation models. Impact velocities are observed to be a linear function of average downstream cobble velocities, and both velocities show a bed-slope dependency that is not represented in existing saltation models. Incorporating these effects in an improved bedload-induced seismic noise model allows sediment flux to be inverted from seismic noise within a factor of two uncertainty. This result holds over nearly two orders of magnitude of prescribed sediment fluxes with different sediment sizes and channel-bed slopes, and particle–particle collisions observed at the highest investigated rates are found to have negligible effect on the generated seismic power. These results support the applicability of the seismic-inversion framework to mountain rivers, although further experiments remain to be conducted at sediment transport near transport capacity. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Summary This supplement to paper by Prikner and Vagner (1991) describes the optimum algorithm for the automated computer program of
numerical simulation of the total wave field anywhere within the ionospheric filter. The matrix method of thin layers in an
inhomogeneous, anisotropic and dissipative ionosphere has been applied. The application of this method enables in situ measurements
of geomagnetic pulsations in the ionosphere to be compared with the results of the numerical simulation. 相似文献