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The objective of this paper is to develop an efficient analytical method for assessing the vulnerability of low-rise reinforced concrete buildings subjected to seismically induced slow-moving earth slides. Vulnerability is defined in terms of probabilistic fragility curves, which describe the probability of exceeding a certain limit state of the building, on a given slope, versus the Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration (PHGA) at the assumed “seismic bedrock”, allowing for the quantification of various sources of uncertainty. The proposed method is based on a two-step, uncoupled approach. In the first step, the differential permanent landslide displacements at the building’s foundation level are estimated using a dynamic non-linear finite difference slope model. In the second step, the calculated differential permanent displacements are statically imposed at the foundation level to assess the building’s response to differing permanent seismic ground displacements using a finite element code. Structural limit states are defined in terms of threshold values of strains for the reinforced concrete structural components. The method is applied to typical low-rise reinforced concrete frame buildings on shallow foundations with varying strength and stiffness characteristics (isolated footings and continuous slab foundation), standing near the crest of a relatively slow-moving earth slide. Two different slope models are selected representing a cohesive and a purely frictional soil material. The paper describes the method and the derived fragility curves for the selected building and slope typologies that could be used in quantitative risk assessment studies at site-specific and local scales.  相似文献   

滑坡形成是一个典型的岩土变形破坏时效过程,低速滑坡时效过程尤为显著。基于流变理论,建立反映滑坡变形破坏发展过程的本构模型、预测滑坡活动趋势,一直是国内外滑坡研究的基本途径和难点问题之一。然而,目前国内外已有的多数流变模型仅能反映滑坡岩土蠕变的第一、第二阶段,不能刻画滑坡岩土蠕变的第三阶段(加速蠕变阶段)。本文基于滑带在滑坡中的作用以及滑带岩土剪切蠕变发展的累进性和非线性特征,借助损伤理论,在FLAC3D内置的CVISC流变本构模型中引入非线性损伤黏塑性元件,构建了可描述滑坡加速蠕变过程的非线性损伤流变本构模型,依据类比原理建立了改进的CVISC三维差分模型,通过FLAC3D开放的用户接口实现了本构模型的二次开发,并将改进的CVISC模型用于长期缓慢滑移、伴随间歇性剧烈活动的甘肃舟曲泄流坡数值模拟中。模拟结果显示,该模型不仅呈现了滑坡的加速蠕变特征,而且揭示的滑坡活动特征与其曾经出现的活动特征基本一致,从而证实基于非线性损伤理论的改进CVISC模型具有较好的有效性。  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of microfractures in arenites and the evolution of vein forming fluids in the matrix of carbonate breccias within the damage zones of large detached blocks in order to characterize their modes of emplacement. Previous studies of microfractures in the damage zone associated with tectonic faulting have shown a clear pattern of increasing density as the fault is approached. Previous studies of carbonate breccia within damage zones of tectonic faults typically document evidence of multiple fluid events representing repeated rupture-healing processes. However, in this study, we find no change in the microfracture density with distance from the 45 km-displaced gravity-driven slide block at Heart Mountain, Wyoming. In a previous study of the same massive slide block there was no evidence of multiple fluid infiltration events related to emplacement. We interpret these observations as indicating the absence of rupture cycling that would be expected in the development of a process zone, instead being consistent with catastrophic emplacement of gravity-driven slide blocks. We use this distinct pattern of microfracture density and fluid infiltration to demonstrate that several large (>1 km2) detached blocks in the Basin and Range, previously thought to be allochthons related to hyperextension detachment faults, are actually slide blocks whose detachment surfaces represent no crustal extension.  相似文献   

Preparation of reliable landslide hazard and risk maps is crucial for hazard mitigation and risk management. In recent years, various approaches have been developed for quantitative assessment of landslide hazard and risk. However, possibly due to the lack of new data, very few of these hazard and risk maps were updated after their first generation. In this study, aiming at an ongoing assessment, a novel approach for updating landslide hazard and risk maps based on Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is introduced. The study was performed in the Arno River basin (central Italy) where most mass movements are slow-moving landslides which are properly within the detection precision of PSI point targets. In the Arno River basin, the preliminary hazard and risk assessment was performed by Catani et al. (Landslides 2:329–342, 2005) using datasets prior to 2002. In this study, the previous hazard and risk maps were updated using PSI point targets processed from 4 years (2003–2006) of RADARSAT images. Landslide hazard and risk maps for five temporal predictions of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30 years were updated with the exposure of losses estimated in Euro (€). In particular, the result shows that in 30 years a potential loss of approximate €3.22 billion is expected due to these slow-moving landslides detected by PSI point targets.  相似文献   

Problems in predicting the mobility of slow-moving landslides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper discusses problems in predicting the mobility of slow-moving landslides. Three case studies are presented here where research has been carried out by the Utrecht University: The La Valette landslide complex in the French Alps, the La Mure landslide in the French pre-Alps near Grenoble and the Hau landslide in Switzerland.To predict field velocities of these slow-moving landslides the viscosity parameters of the material of these landslides were determined by strain-controlled tests in a ring shear apparatus based on Bishop's design at Utrecht University. The viscosity parameters from the laboratory proved to be 10 to 1000 times lower than viscosities obtained from back analyses on the observed velocities in the field. This discrepancy may be explained by the development of negative pore pressures when the plastic material slides over a rigid, wavy slip surface and/or by convergent flow effects. The associated gain in strength results in a higher apparent viscosity.A more detailed analysis is made for the movements of the La Valette landslide. Observed velocities at the La Valette landslide are difficult to describe by one parameter set as the response to a change in groundwater level is not the same during a rise or fall in the piezometric level. This deviation may be explained by rapid changes in total stresses and consequently changes in pore pressure under (partly) undrained conditions. The emerging hysteresis with local and temporal variations in pore pressure makes it difficult to predict in detail the moving pattern of landslides.  相似文献   

滑带土的蠕变特性对低速缓动滑坡的形成演化过程起着控制性作用。本文选取典型的低速缓动滑坡—二庄科北区滑坡的滑带土为研究对象,在不同正应力水平作用下,通过对该滑带土的饱和试样进行直剪蠕变试验,研究了它的剪切蠕变特性。结果表明:该滑带土具有明显的蠕变特性,均包括瞬时变形、衰减蠕变和稳态蠕变3个阶段;随着剪切荷载的增大,衰减蠕变阶段及瞬时变形阶段的变形量均增大,衰减蠕变持续时间更长;其等时应力—应变曲线呈现出非线性特征,且曲线具有明显拐点;在长期荷载作用下出现强度损失,且正应力越大,强度损失越大;随着时间增大,衰减蠕变阶段的剪应变率越来越小,且剪应力越大,剪应变率越大;在蠕变破坏前的阶段,剪应变率随正应力增大而减小,即滑坡埋深越深,滑速越慢。  相似文献   

The paper presents a time-dependent 2D numerical model which has been developed with the purpose of highlighting the effects of the slope foot evolution on the behaviour of slow-moving landslides. The model allows to quantitatively analyse how foot mass variations can influence the stability and the movement rates of the landslide.The landslide body is modelled as composed of two rigid blocks sliding on two different planes and interacting through a common boundary, which position is assumed fixed during the analysis. A finite difference approach is used to discretize the time. For each time increment, changes in model parameters are allowed, including variations in shearing resistances, groundwater level and block masses (in order to simulate foot erosion). During each iteration, the overall stability of the system is checked computing the safety factor, assuming that the percentage of mobilized shear strength is the same for the three surfaces. If the system is not stable or if it is not at rest, the velocity of the system is computed solving the momentum equations for the two blocks taking into account destabilising and resisting forces, the mechanical interaction between the blocks and viscous components. Computed velocities are iteratively used to compute mass accumulation at the foot, which in turn results in a change of the stability condition of the system.Examples are provided in order to highlight the roles of the model parameters. Finally, the application to a real landslide (Vallcebre, Spain) is presented which shows the advantage of considering the foot mass in the analysis of the displacement trends and the possibility to take into account the foot erosion in the long-term behaviour of the slope.  相似文献   

A finite element approach for the analysis of active slow-moving landslides   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In the present paper, a finite element approach is proposed to analyse the mobility of active landslides which are controlled by groundwater fluctuations within the slope. These landslides are usually characterised by low displacement rates with deformations that are essentially concentrated within a narrow shear zone above which the unstable soil mass moves with deformations of no great concern. The proposed approach utilises an elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model in conjunction with a Mohr-Coulomb yield function to describe the behaviour of the soil in the shear zone. For the other soils involved by the landslide, an elastic model is used for the sake of simplicity. A significant advantage of the present method lies in the fact that few constitutive parameters are required as input data, the most of which can be readily obtained by conventional geotechnical tests. The rest of the required parameters should be calibrated on the basis of the available monitoring data concerning the change in the piezometric levels and the associated movements of the unstable soil mass. After being calibrated and validated, the proposed approach can be used to predict future landslide movements owing to expected groundwater fluctuations or to assess the effectiveness of drainage systems which are designed to control the landslide mobility. The method is applied to back-predict the observed field behaviour of three active slow-moving landslides documented in the literature.  相似文献   

缓慢复活型滑坡滑带土的蠕变性质与特征强度试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋秀姿  宝萍 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):495-501
锁儿头滑坡是甘肃省舟曲县城附近、体积约72.85×106 m3的一个巨型老滑坡。20世纪70年代末滑坡开始复活,至今一直处于缓慢活动之中,显示滑坡活动具有典型的蠕动特点。滑带力学特性是控制滑坡活动机制的关键因素之一,为了弄清该滑坡滑带物质的蠕变性质以及控制滑坡活动的强度指标,通过滑带土残余状态下的直剪蠕变试验,研究了滑坡滑带土的蠕变特性,比较了滑带长期强度和残余强度的关系。研究发现,滑带土蠕变特性与应力状态相关,滑带进入加速蠕变的临界剪应力和剪切速率均与正应力线性正相关。该滑坡应力状态指示其已具备进入加速蠕变的条件。残余状态下该滑坡滑带土的长期与残余强度基本等价,前者略大于后者,且增大量值与正应力有负相关关系。  相似文献   

The shear behavior of soils rich in amorphous clay-size materials was not well reported in the literature. This study analyzed the direct shear and ring shear test data of soil samples containing 55–74% amorphous materials in the clay fraction from a slow-moving landslide in eastern Honolulu, HI. The direct shear test results showed that the undisturbed soil samples when not sheared internally had peak cohesion (c) of about 50 kPa and internal friction angle (Ø) of about 10°. This implies that the amorphous clay-size materials provided strong interparticle bonds for the soils. Breaking of the bonds during the softening process and redistribution of the amorphous clay-size materials were primarily responsible for the drop from the peak strength to the residual strength (c=0, Ø=10° from back calculation with SLOPE/W and c=0, Ø=5–7° from the ring shear test). The drained residual failure envelope is stress dependent due to the interaction of the gel-like amorphous clay-size materials with crystalline silt- and sand-sized particles. The amorphous clay-size materials act as the contact between crystalline particles. The contact increases with increasing consolidation stress, resulting in a decrease in the shear strength and the residual friction angle.  相似文献   

In the Zhouqu region (Gansu, China), landslide distribution and activity exploits geological weaknesses in the fault-controlled belt of low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Bailong valley and severely impacts lives and livelihoods in this region. Landslides reactivated by the Wenchuan 2008 earthquake and debris flows triggered by rainfall, such as the 2010 Zhouqu debris flow, have caused more than 1700 casualties and estimated economic losses of some US$0.4 billion. Earthflows presently cover some 79% of the total landslide area and have exerted a strong influence on landscape dynamics and evolution in this region. In this study, we use multi-temporal Advanced Land Observing Satellite and Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) data and time series interferometric synthetic aperture radar to investigate slow-moving landslides in a mountainous region with steep topography for the period December 2007–August 2010 using the Small Baseline Subsets (SBAS) technique. This enabled the identification of 11 active earthflows, 19 active landslides with deformation rates exceeding 100 mm/year and 20 new instabilities added into the pre-existing landslide inventory map. The activity of these earthflows and landslides exhibits seasonal variations and accelerated deformation following the Wenchuan earthquake. Time series analysis of the Suoertou earthflow reveals that seasonal velocity changes are characterized by comparatively rapid acceleration and gradual deceleration with distinct kinematic zones with different mean velocities, although velocity changes appear to occur synchronously along the landslide body over seasonal timescales. The observations suggest that the post-seismic effects (acceleration period) on landslide deformation last some 6–7 months.  相似文献   

Evidence of large submarine slides, presumably seismically triggered, is evident on the Israeli continental slope. This article presents a study of the earthquake characteristics which were likely to have caused these slides. Four seismic records with different characteristics were used as input, and propagation and response analyses were carried out. The results of these analyses suggest that the slides were caused by one or more large magnitude events resulting in low frequency tremors propagating through the slope profile. It is likely that these earthquakes were located on the Jordan Rift.  相似文献   

A striking discrepancy is shown between the sizes of submarine slide or slump sheets recognised from seismic profiling on present continental margins and the sizes of possibly analogous sheets described from the ancient on-land record. The recent slides are, on average, several orders of magnitude larger in cross-sectional area than their supposed ancient equivalents. Where then are the true ancient analogues of these large recent slide sheets? Are they genuinely absent in the geological record or have they not been recognised? A list is given of characteristics of large continental margin slides which could be recognised in the on-land record. These include their size and the extent to which they are allochthonous, their dominant content of continental margin sediments, their high-level, non-metamorphic deformation and, most critically, their superposition of shallower over deeper water sediments. Using these criteria on typical ancient allochthonous sediment masses shows that most could not have been down-margin slides; only two convincing pre-Pleistocene examples have been found. Therefore the problem remains of whether more examples could exist or whether post-glacial conditions make present margins unique.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the optimal estimation of initial in-situ stresses, in which the in-situ stresses may be constant or linearly changing along a co-ordinate axis, from a set of relative measurements between adjacent measuring points utilized for monitoring the stability of tunnels. Displacements occurring before installation of measuring devices can be taken into account. The approach may be used for a variety of models used to simulate the ground media through which the tunnels are being excavated and has the advantage of being easy to implement on the computer and having both good precision and calculation stability. Finally, an analysis is carried out on the stability of the algorithm and computational time for different numerical examples.  相似文献   

Production of gaseous pore pressure during rock slides   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
SummaryProduction of Gaseous Pore Pressure During Rock Slides When a rock mass slips, the local heating of the slip surface transforms pore water into vapour if the surface of failure is deep enough. It is possible to calculate, as a first approximation, a critical displacement of the mass necessary to create vapour in the slide zone. A second approximation gives the relation between critical displacement and rate of shear displacement as the slide mass creeps towards catastrophe.
ZusammenfassungBildung eines gasförmigen Porendrucks während Gleitungen im Fels Bei Einstürzen einer Gesteinsmasse kann das Porenwasser durch die lokale Wärmeabfuhr an der Rutschfläche in Dampf umgewandelt werden, falls die Bruchfläche tief genug ist.In einer ersten Annäherung kann die kritische Verschiebung der Masse errechnet werden. In einer zweiten Annäherung kann eine Beziehung zwischen der kritischen Verschiebung und der Verschiebungsgeschwindigkeit hergestellt werden.

RésuméFormation d'une pression interstitielle de gas lors d'un glissement d'une masse rocheuse Quand un massif rocheux s'écroule, la dissipation de chaleur localisée dans la surface de glissement peut transformer l'eau interstitielle en vapeur si la surface de rupture est suffisamment profonde. Dans une première approximation on peut calculer un déplacement critique du massif. Dans une deuxième approximation on peut obtenir une relation entre le déplacement critique et la vitesse de déplacement.

Underground opening damage from earthquakes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A summary of worldwide qualitative data regarding the behavior of underground openings during earthquakes is presented. This information has been collected for 192 reports of underground behavior from 85 earthquakes throughout the world. The data have been assembled into a data base to determine some of the significant factors that may affect underground stability. The parameters of interest are: (1) extent of damage; (2) overburden cover; (3) predominant rock type; (4) form of support (i.e. type of internal liner or opening support); (5) geographic location; and (6) magnitude and epicentral distance of the affecting earthquake. A significant contribution to this study is the development of a correlation between peak ground acceleration at the surface, overburden depth and damage. This relationship will allow for preliminary assessment of stability of new underground structures prior to extensive dynamic analyses. Also, the vulnerability of existing underground facilities may be assessed rapidly on the basis of the qualitative data presented herein.  相似文献   

超声波振动碎岩技术作为解决硬岩钻进难题的新方法,其技术可行性受到国内外学者的大量验证,但是对于超声波振动下硬岩破碎机理的认识还存在不足。超声波振动下岩石表面径向响应位移与内部损伤状态存在着必然的联系,本文通过监测岩石在超声波振动过程中表面不同深度处的径向响应位移,利用应力波传播理论从能量耗散角度分析了岩石表面不同深度监测点径向响应位移的时空演化与岩石内部损伤发展的关系,得出超声波振动下岩石损伤主要由振动头高频冲击岩石造成的Hertz锥形环状裂纹和超声波振动交变应力产生的疲劳拉伸裂纹造成的,Hertz锥形环状裂纹的扩展深度为10 mm,疲劳损伤裂纹主要在10~20 mm深度处产生,超声波振动下岩石发生局部宏观破碎前存在着明显的径向响应位移征兆,岩石表面径向响应位移可以作为超声波振动下的破坏判据。本文的研究对于丰富超声波振动下硬岩的破碎机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents an advanced 3D numerical methodology to reproduce the kinematics of slow active landslides, more precisely, to reproduce the nearly constant strain rate (secondary creep) and the acceleration/deceleration of the moving mass due to hydrological changes. For this purpose, finite element analyses are performed in a large area covering a long time-span (12 years), in order to exhibit different interacting slope movements. First, we perform a stability analysis using the shear strength reduction (SSR) technique with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. It is done in order to compute factors of safety (FS) and to identify two different scenarios, the first one being stable (FS > 1) and the second one being unstable (FS < 1). In the studied test case, the Portalet landslide (Central Spanish Pyrenees), the first scenario corresponds to an initial stable configuration of the slope and the second one to an unstable excavated configuration. Second, taking the first scenario as an initial condition, a time-dependent analysis is performed using a coupled formulation to model solid skeleton and pore fluids interaction, and a simplified ground water model that takes into account daily rainfall intensity. In this case, a viscoplastic constitutive model based on Perzyna’s theory is applied to reproduce soil viscous behavior and the delayed creep deformation due to the excavation. The fluidity parameter is calibrated to reproduce displacements measured by the monitoring systems. Our results demonstrate that 3D analyses are preferable to 2D ones for reproducing in a more realistic way the slide behavior. After calibration, the proposed model is able to simulate successfully short- and medium-term predictions during stages of primary and secondary creep.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of consequences (in terms of expected monetary losses) induced by slow-moving landslide mechanisms to buildings or infrastructure networks is a key step in the landslide risk management framework. It can influence risk mitigation policies as well as help authorities in charge of land management in addressing/prioritizing interventions or restoration works. This kind of analysis generally requires multidisciplinary approaches, which cannot disregard a thorough knowledge of landslide mechanisms, and rich datasets that are seldom available as testified by the limited number of examples in the scientific literature. With reference to the well-documented case study of Lungro town (Calabria region, southern Italy)—severely affected by slow-moving landslides of different types—the present paper proposes and implements a multi-step procedure for monetary loss forecasting associated with different landslide kinematic/damage scenarios. Procedures to typify landslide mechanisms and physical vulnerability analysis, previously tested in the same area, are here appropriately merged to derive both kinematic and damage scenarios to the exposed buildings. Then, the outcomes are combined with economic data in order to forecast monetary loss at municipal scale. The proposed method and the obtained results, once further validated, could stand as reference case for other urban areas in similar geo-environmental contexts in order to derive useful information on expected direct consequences unless slow-moving landslide risk mitigation measures are taken.  相似文献   

The paper first proposes and validates a constitutive model simulating the change of resistance along a slip surface of clay for both the undrained and drained cases. The proposed model is based on (a) the critical state theory and (b) the assumption that the critical state changes once failure is reached, in terms of the further shear displacement. Under undrained conditions, the proposed model simulates the excess pore pressure generation and, subsequently, the continuous change of resistance along the slip surface from its initial value to the peak strength and then, at large displacement, the residual value. The latter can be measured in constant-volume ring shear tests. Then, the developed constitutive model is implemented in the multi-block sliding system model for the prediction of the triggering and deformation of slides. The improved model is applied at the well-documented Fourth Avenue landslide of the 1964 Alaska earthquake.  相似文献   

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