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A survey of 71 caravan parks in coastal NSW indicates a high exposure to flooding. Most parks in NSW are flood-prone. A growing number of long-term residents in the 1980s, and essentially immovable manufactured homes in the 1990s, significantly increased flood risk. However, many parks are ill-equipped to deal with flooding: a high turnover of park managers means that most have no direct experience of floods; attitudes of denial prevail; most parks have no means of raising community flood awareness; and the process of flood response planning is patchy and of poor quality. Key strategies for the reduction of flood risk are suggested, including a more rigorous implementation of tighter regulations that better guard the health and safety of park residents, and the equipping of park managers to self-manage risk.  相似文献   

国内外旅游地生命周期理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
祁洪玲  刘继生  梅林 《地理科学》2018,38(2):264-271
在系统梳理国内外旅游地生命周期相关研究文献的基础上,首先针对中外学者在旅游地生命周期理论上争议最大的两个问题进行了分析,剖析了在基本概念上存在的争议及其原因,归纳了旅游地演化的阶段组成和阶段间拐点问题上的各种意见及意义。其次,总结出旅游地生命周期理论的相关研究主要集中在两方面:一是结合具体案例,研究不同旅游地的生命周期特征,补充和丰富旅游地生命周期内容体系;二是研究推动旅游地演化的因素和机制,以及延长旅游地生命周期阶段的对策。最后根据当前旅游研究的新趋势和未来旅游发展环境的变化,提出未来旅游地生命周期领域研究主要的重点是:不同旅游地在各阶段的发展质量,旅游地的衰退机制与转型对策,旅游业发展的重新定位。  相似文献   

论述旅游目的地形象形成的 8个阶段 ,并结合南京郊区旅游地的实际情况 ,对目的地形象的推广思路进行分析。从旅游者心理特征出发 ,提出了目的地形象的生命周期问题 ,通过对南京郊区旅游地形象现状的评估 ,认为钟山风景区形象趋于老化 ,面临形象的重新定位。  相似文献   

城市化对城市近郊乡村旅游地生命周期的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市近郊呈动态化的过程,是一个极不稳定的区域,其变化受城市化进程的影响。文章探讨了城市近郊乡村旅游的特点,重点运用城市化理论和旅游地生命周期理论分析城市近郊乡村旅游地在城市化进程中受到的影响、发生的变迁。  相似文献   

通过旅游地生命周期的动力因子探讨,认为旅游地生命周期实质是在诸多外部因素影响下的旅游产品结构持续调整的过程,旅游产品结构调整贯穿于旅游地生命周期的各阶段。通过旅游产品结构双周期模型的建立和分析,论述影响生命周期的内在、外在因素及作用机制,阐释了Butler的S型旅游地生命周期演化模型,深化了旅游地演进规律的研究。实证研究表明,普陀山已走过探索阶段、参与阶段,正处于发展阶段,成熟阶段是今后理想演进阶段,普陀山旅游产品结构演化与调整验证、支持这一观点。最后,提出了普陀山旅游产品结构调整的若干对策。  相似文献   

张建忠  孙根年 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2104-2414
旅游地的成长是一个由发现引入、加速成长、走向成熟到最终衰退的生命过程。旅游地生命周期理论是关于旅游地成长的管理理论,在实践中必须采用动态的管理措施来实现旅游产品创新和旅游地系统提升。运用旅游地生命周期理论,以1986~2010年乔家大院旅游人次、游客增长率以及指数模拟曲线等指标系统分析了大院旅游地生命周期。研究表明:乔家大院旅游地经历了4个阶段,即:探索阶段(1986年以前)、参与阶段(1987~1995年)、发展与巩固阶段(1996~2008年)、衰退阶段(2009年~至今).乔家大院已经进入“衰退期”,不仅要对资源整合营销,而且要改善旅游环境,营造良好运营氛围的战略;同时适应市场需求,深挖文化因子;实行产品差异化策略,打造特色大院旅游产品和提升大院旅游地体验性,打造大院体验旅游创新产品。  相似文献   

汪德根  王金莲  陈田  章鋆 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1413-1426
基于地方感、可持续发展、居民参与以及利益相关者等理论,选择“地方感”、“环境态度”、“参与度”、“居民感知”和“支持度”5个结构变量,构建影响旅游地居民支持度结构关系模型,以不同生命周期阶段的3 个乡村旅游地(渔港村、旺山村、蒋巷村)为实证研究对象,对居民旅游支持度结构模型进行验证分析,并依据结构方程模型分析和因子分析,深入探讨不同生命周期阶段旅游地的居民支持度的影响机制。研究表明:①基本维度因素在不同生命周期阶段旅游地的居民支持度影响模型中所起的作用存在差异,起步阶段旅游地的“地方感”和“环境态度”对支持度起正向作用,而“参与度”对支持度没有产生影响;“地方感”、“环境态度”和“参与度”对迅速发展阶段和稳定发展阶段旅游地的支持度均产生正向作用。②“居民感知”在不同生命周期阶段旅游地的居民支持度影响机制中所发挥的中介作用存在差异,起步阶段旅游地的“居民感知”没起到中介作用;迅速发展阶段旅游地的“居民感知”对支持度产生负向中介作用;稳定发展阶段旅游地的“居民感知”对支持度起到正向中介作用。③二维影响因素在不同生命周期阶段旅游地的居民支持度影响机制中所起的作用存在差异:起步阶段旅游地的“地方认同”和“基本环境态度”;迅速发展阶段旅游地的 “地方认同”、“可持续性环境态度”和“表层参与”以及稳定发展阶段旅游地的“地方依赖”、“经济代价性环境态度”、“深度参与”和“正面影响感知”对支持度均产生显著正向影响。  相似文献   

从旅游产品生命周期理论出发,对我国著名风景名胜区云台山进行实证研究。通过研究云台山景区的主要指标的演变过程,分析探讨了云台山生命周期的发展轨迹。研究结果表明,云台山风景区已经历了旅游产品生命周期的导入期和成长期,目前已步入旅游产品生命周期的成熟阶段,为使其生命周期控制在理想阶段,此时,云台山应在充分发挥自身优势的同时,根据旅游市场变化趋势,通过优化现有产品、整合现有资源、区域合作、开发新产品、开拓新市场、大力发展旅游相关服务等措施提高市场竞争力,延长成熟期。  相似文献   

In the past, heritage tourism has been associated with urban sites but there is now an acceptance of the application of this concept to rural areas. In the Clarence Valley in northern New South Wales there is potential for an extension of agritourism associated with working dairy farms to include safari tours to clusters of dairy heritage sites which are scattered throughout the area. Remnants of the old dairy industry, which began in the Clarence River Valley of New South Wales in the late nineteenth century, are scattered throughout the landscape. Over 300 dairy milking bails remain—ghosts of the former thriving industry when over 2000 dairy farms were operating. Concrete foundations of some creameries built in the 1890s can still be found, and three factory buildings still stand. These relics are disappearing quite rapidly and if the importance of the industry is to be recognised by future generations then it seems that some heritage conservation is overdue. At the same time, in order to survive in a post-deregulated economic environment, the remaining 10 dairy farmers in the Clarence Valley are diversifying their activities, with one form of pluriactivity being agritourism. Currently few of these farmers have entered this field but most of them see its potential to broaden their income base. Associated with agritourism at the farm level, the local government authorities see heritage tourism as a way of increasing employment in the region.  相似文献   

城市生命周期及其理论模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
纵观城市发展历程,很多城市在经历了兴起,发展的过程之后走向衰落,该文讨论工业化时代的城市生命周期理论,介绍并给出三种城市生命周期及其相关理论模型,大都市,中小城市,城市开发区,同时探讨城市生命周期理论在我国城市建设和管理中的应用。  相似文献   

The moss bag technique of air quality monitoring has been used to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of iron, manganese, lead, zinc, copper and cadmium in the vicinity of the Port Kembla industrial complex. Data for September and December 1980, and April 1981 are presented as representative of spring, summer and autumn climatic conditions. The results showed that the concentration of all elements fell off markedly with distance from the pollution source, with cadmium and copper being restricted to the immediate vicinity of the smelter. Some change in the seasonal pattern is evident and appears to be largely controlled by wind conditions at the source.  相似文献   

实证研究中旅游地生命周期理论的运用潜力备受质疑。论文选取美国14家国家历史遗址公园为例,采用旅游研究中较少使用的四参数Logistic模型结合一次函数、二次函数、三次函数、高斯多峰分析法拟合旅游地的生命周期。研究发现:四参数Logistic模型结合一次函数、二次函数、三次函数能较好地拟合旅游地的生命周期;利用四参数Logistic曲线的上弯点、拐点、下弯点能定量的划分出旅游地的起步探索、发展、巩固、停滞阶段,一次函数、二次函数、三次函数能拟合旅游地的衰退或复兴阶段,这回答了学者们对生命周期阶段难以定量划分的质疑。根据旅游地停滞期之后的发展趋势还能归纳出该类旅游地的生命周期类型;高斯多峰分析法将旅游地的生命周期拟合成一个个波动的高斯峰,更大程度上保留了旅游地演进的波动特征;将高斯多峰分析法与四参数Logistic模型结合起来,不仅能定量划分旅游地的生命周期阶段,还能准确地描述在生命周期阶段内的波动情况,甚至分析各生命周期阶段对整个生命周期的影响和作用。  相似文献   

World-wide, people and governments are gradually becoming more aware of the potential environmental, economic and health effects of climate change and the need for governments to take action to mitigate such impacts. This was emphasised by the creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. There has been much discussion on the greenhouse policy response of the commonwealth government of Australia, especially its stance taken at Kyoto in December 1997. Despite the recent nationalisation of Australia's state energy markets, due to Australia's federal political structure, much of the policy responsibility for energy and environmental issues rests with the states. Given these circumstances it is surprising that there has been relatively little academic focus on the energy policies of the states. This paper attempts to partially fill the policy analysis 'gap' by investigating the present environmental aspects of the energy policies of NSW and Victoria, implemented since the signing of the UNFCCC in 1992. NSW and Victoria are Australia's most populous states and are responsible for the bulk of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions with two very distinct policies.  相似文献   

Lead-210 methods have been used to establish a chronology of sedimentation extending back almost 80 years in Black Mountain Lagoon near Guyra on the New England Tablelands of north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Estimates of the direct atmospheric fallout of unsupported 210Pb and historical records of the pattern of phosphorus input to the lake provide support for the 210Pb chronology. The sediments in the lake record an episode of disturbance which took place prior to c .1916, but after c .1790-1860. Since then, however, the site-specific rate of minerogenic sedimentation has been maintained at a relatively low and constant level of 0.93 kg m-2 a-1. [Note: the following symbols are used in this paper: a = year (annum), and d min-1 g-1 = radioactivity (spontaneous nuclear disintegrations per minute per gram of material).] This is despite major shifts in land use and intensification of agriculture, despite the occurrence of significant floods and droughts, and in the absence until recent times of the application of soil conservation practices. These rates may be contrasted with rates of 0.023 kg m-2 a-1 from the period 12.3-5.6 ka. These are at least an order of magnitude lower than those of the twentieth century. The lake sediments preserve evidence of the use of agricultural chemicals on the catchment during the twentieth century. These include phosphorus, zinc, arsenic and lead. Soils and sediments may act as long-term toxic stores for such chemicals, a problem often overlooked in rural areas.  相似文献   

Connectivity initiatives typically require conservation action on private lands as a complement to public reserve systems, so they are more likely to succeed if underpinned by knowledge of the social factors influencing landholders' participation. Using a combination of social survey and market research techniques, we identify spatially referenced landholder segments. Using a number of behavioral and attitudinal constructs, including three psychographic constructs not previously used for identifying segments—sense of place, lifestyle motives, and nature values—we identify three lifestyler and two farmer segments, and show that the characteristics of lifestyler segments are more nuanced than previously thought. Preferences for four corridor connectivity initiatives are found to differ across landholder segments, which indicates the importance using a targeted approach for designing connectivity conservation programs. The results highlight the importance for achieving corridor connectivity of the Blue Collar Lifestyler segment, a lower sociodemographic segment not previously identified in the literature.  相似文献   

夏永久  邓世玉  王越 《热带地理》2021,41(4):769-777
基于生活圈理论,构建了城市养老服务设施空间配置合理性评价标准,运用GIS空间分析方法,从城市、行政区及街道等不同空间层面对合肥市城市养老服务设施空间分布特征及配置合理性进行分析。研究发现:1)合肥市城市养老供给以社区养老服务为主要类型,城市养老服务设施建设数量和体量在4个行政区间存有较大差异;2)合肥市城市养老服务设施空间分布、配置合理性均由城市中心向外围地区呈圈层式递减,城市新区是养老服务供给的薄弱地段;3)合肥市城市养老服务设施空间配置合理性在街道层面差异更显著,覆盖率相似街道呈现明显的空间聚集特征。  相似文献   

Many regions of the world have climatic and vegetation regimes conducive to wildfires which damage urban property, but south eastern Australia is foremost in terms of such hazards. The Blue Mountains Region near Sydney has experienced 25 fire seasons since 1875 in 11 of which damage occurred to urban property. On four occasions since 1951 a single fire run has destroyed more than 50 dwellings. While fire cycles themselves are unpredictable, degree of fuel accumulation, annual and monthly rainfall and daily weather charts can signal various degrees of hazard and need for protective action to well informed householders. Knowledge of fire history in fire-prone regions is essential not only for professional firefighters but for all households.  相似文献   

Currently, the reduction of weight in automotive is a very important topic to reduce the air pollution. In this context, the purpose of the present paper is to analyze a real case study through a comparison of the environmental impacts between a conventional steel bumper and a polyester prototype. In the first part of this work, a door-to-door life-cycle assessment methodology was used throughout the study of the component manufacturing phase. The SimaPro 7.1 software is used to evaluate the impacts of both bumpers on the environment and health. The second part is devoted to dust analysis from the polyester workshop. The obtained results have allowed us to show the company that its choice of steel substitution by the polyester is advantageous for certain impacts including the impact of climate change, but unfortunately there may be, given the working conditions of the polyester workshop, a transfer of impact, since we will end up with a risk of health (irritations, cancers) for the workers. LCA has proven to be a very useful tool for validating a redesigned automotive component from an environmental point of view; from this case study, several recommendations were made for the company to design environmentally friendly components, and ecodesign should be introduced into the company’s procedures.  相似文献   

Tufas are constructional landforms composed of calcium carbonate. They are common in karst terrains, and are known worldwide as useful archives of palaeoenvironmental information. In the case of fluvial tufas, these carbonate deposits experience net aggradation when environmental conditions are stable, whilst incision through the deposits occurs when conditions become wetter. In this study, the first of its type in temperate Australia, we used geomorphological and sedimentological evidence preserved in fossil tufas and alluvial terraces to investigate the fluvial history of Davys Creek (NSW, Australia). The nature and timing of fluvial changes along two quasi-independent reaches of the creek were synchronous, suggesting the operation of externally driven processes rather than local internal fluvial adjustments. Following a period of sustained aggradation, rapid incision occurred along the creek between 1500 and 1600 years before present ( bp ) in response to a shift to a moister climate. This was succeeded by a second major aggradation event (1500 years bp to 150 years bp ), then subsequent incision following the arrival of Europeans at 150 years bp.  相似文献   

分析了新奥尔良的地理环境,概述了卡特里娜飓风与丽塔飓风及其对新奥尔良的影响.简述了华南沿海的台风暴潮灾害情况,提出了新奥尔良飓风灾难对华南沿海的几点警示:(1)加强提高防御台风暴潮灾害的认识;(2)保护好沿海抗御台风暴潮的"前沿阵地;(3)加强和完善防台风暴潮应急预案;(4)应对台风暴潮要充分考虑全球环境变化.  相似文献   

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