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Keith Storey 《The Australian geographer》2001,32(2):133-148
Adoption of fly-in/fly-out (FIFO) or commute work systems in the Western Australian mining industry has increased rapidly over the last decade, with metropolitan Perth becoming the main source of labour and the base for major mining supply and service companies in the state. This situation has led to increasing concern on the part of many regional authorities about the loss of local benefits through 'fly-over' effects, and implications for regional development in their smaller resource-based communities. To date, the state government has paid little attention to these issues, but, at the same time, the regions have done relatively little to help themselves. The paper explores the reasons for the growth of this work system, the nature of the regions' concerns, the measures taken to address them, and options for future action. 相似文献
Huhu grubs,bull semen shots and koki: Visceral geographies of regional food festivals in Aotearoa 下载免费PDF全文
This article draws attention to the visceral geographies of two unique Aotearoa New Zealand regional food festivals – Kāwhia KaiFest and Wildfoods Hokitika. We address the question: how do organisers and attendees sensually experience place through food festivals? Interviews, participant ‘sensing’, the researchers’ own bodies and ‘gut feelings’ were used as research instruments. The affective work of visceral pleasure and disgust highlight food that is deemed (in)edible. We argue that the visceral is crucial to understanding place for wild Hokitika or calm Kāwhia. The two food festivals provide insights and paradoxes into the embodied experiences of regional and culturally diverse tourism geographies. 相似文献
The regional imbalance in the Malaysian economy has long been recognised and continues to be a problem for development planning. The federal government has attempted to promote banking in the less developed regions in order to generate economic growth. Bank branches in Malaysia have increased in number and have also become regionally more dispersed. However, the regional concentration of bank branches is strongly associated with individual incomes. Hence, the growth of banking in Malaysia appears to be demand‐following rather than supply‐leading. Nevertheless, the intentional promotion of banking is continuing and beginning to produce some encouraging results. 相似文献
MineralindustryandregionaldevelopmentinChinaZhangLeiInstituteofGeography,CAS,Beijing100101,CHINAAbstract:Thispaperrepresentsa... 相似文献
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human- environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter- generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public. 相似文献
环境伦理与区域可持续发展(英文) 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human-environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter-generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public. 相似文献
路径依赖理论及其地方经济发展隐喻 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
路径依赖是理解经济社会系统演化的重要概念,同时也有着明显的地理学涵义。但相对于在经济管理等领域的研究,路径依赖理论在经济地理学和区域经济领域的研究还相对较少。本文系统梳理了路径依赖理论的起源及其在技术变迁、制度变化与社会政治文化等领域的扩展;回顾了该理论在经济地理学中的引入及其发展;并重点探讨了如何运用路径依赖理论分析区域经济演化的机理。本文认为地方经济发展过程中存在着两种路径依赖效应:一种是以企业衍生、聚集经济为驱动力的路径依赖;一种是由于过度专业化、忽略外部联系而导致的路径依赖,即锁定。最后文章还分析了现有经济地理里路径依赖研究的不足以及未来的研究方向。 相似文献
China's rapid growth and structural change since the reform in the late 1970s have generated many intriguing issues for scholarly research. This paper notices the drastic rise of China in foreign investment, export, and ICT production. Through a comprehensive review of the literature on globalization, industrial restructuring and regional development, this paper holds that the research on China is embedded in China's reform process, as well as theoretical development in economic geography. It highlights the important role of institutions and global-local interactions in industrial and regional development. 相似文献
把握兵地聚落差异,以期为新疆兵地融合发展提供理论依据。基于土地利用数据,运用探索式空间统计模型定量分析天山北坡兵地乡村聚落空间格局与经济发展差异,并基于其差异对其融合发展提出相应对策。结果表明:(1)天山北坡兵团与地方乡村聚落在空间、规模、区位以及形态分布特征上均呈现出明显的空间差异,乡村聚落空间整体上呈集聚分布模式,地方聚落集聚态势较明显;聚落规模呈低值集聚的分布特征,兵团聚落大多为大规模聚落斑块,地方聚落则相反;乡村聚落的分布具有明显的高程、坡度、道路、河流、城镇指向性,而兵团聚落分布于区位条件较差地区;在乡村聚落的外部形态复杂度上,地方聚落大于兵团聚落;(2)经济发展方面,天山北坡整体经济发展较为良好,兵团人均地区生产总值较高,以农业作为主要产业,地方经济结构较为多样,除农业外,牧业也是其主要产业;(3)基于兵地聚落间差异,提出相应的融合对策,在空间格局上,根据实际情况适当进行兵地聚落的迁移合并;在经济发展方面,有效利用优势互补原则,推进兵地间产业融和。 相似文献
区域可持续发展中的环境伦理问题 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
全世界面临着人口、资源、环境和发展等一系列问题和严重挑战。当前要实施全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,贯穿其中的主线是树立正确的环境伦理意识,协调处理好人与自然的关系,促进区域可持续发展。人类是地球自然界的一部分,只有以全球整体利益为出发点处理环境与发展问题,才有较大的安全性和包容性。应当以尊重自然及其内在价值为基础来规范人类的实践活动,构建新时代的文明发展模式。环境伦理与可持续发展观在形成和社会功能上有密切的联系。要实施可持续发展战略,必须十分重视环境伦理的研究、教育和实践。实现人与自然和谐的可持续发展是政府和社会公众的共同责任。环境伦理在区域可持续发展中涉及的应用领域很广,要重视地球系统科学知识的宣传普及,提高公民和决策者的环境意识与可持续发展的伦理观念。 相似文献
企业所有制结构与中国区域产业演化路径 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以技术关联性与技术复杂性为标准划分出四类区域产业演化路径,利用2000-2016年中国海关进出口贸易数据库,集成新产业识别方法,考察了中国不同地区产业演化路径的差异性并分析了企业所有制对区域产业演化路径的影响.研究发现:①中国区域产业演化具有路径依赖性.2000-2016年,路径依赖型新产业占新产业总数的70%左右,路... 相似文献
中国区域发展的新因素与新格局 总被引:84,自引:22,他引:84
本文阐述了国民经济战略性结构调整在区域层面上的反应,分析了影响我国区域发展的新因素及所形成的新格局。自20世纪90年代初期起,影响我国区域发展的矿产资源、水资源、交通等传统因素的作用就逐渐下降。经济国际化在促进我国经济持续快速发展的同时,也在明显改变着我国的区域发展格局。信息、科技、生态环境、体制创新等都成为影响我国区域发展的新因素。在上述因素的综合作用下,近年来,我国地区间的经济发展差距全面扩大,工业化水平的地区性和地带性差异更为明显。几十年在计划经济体制下形成的我国产业布局特别是工业布局,近年来发生了较大尺度的空间转移。在区域发展新格局形成过程中,我国区域发展也出现了值得注意的严重倾向:大多数地区应该重视基础产业的发展及其现代化,一些地区不适宜大规模发展高新技术产业,部分高速增长地区的环境状况严重恶化 相似文献
Regions and sustainable development: regional planning matters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper looks at how the term 'sustainable development' has been used in the process of regional plan making over the past decade. It emphasizes the differing geographies of these debates within England, in terms of how sustainable development has been used to justify different types of approach in different parts of the country. Both drawing on and challenging recent work on state theory, the paper argues the need to see regional planning as a part of a multi-scalar governance system, whose importance should not be underestimated. 相似文献
世界经济进入全球化时代的两个突出特征就是贸易自由化和生产国际化,贸易自由化在许多方面与可持续发展的目标相背离,国际贸易依赖于化石能源的支持,并倾向于将成本外部化来获得比较优势,贸易自由化促进了经济流量的增加,有加速自然资本消耗的倾向;通过自由贸易可以暂时缓解区域发展的资源压力。但会因此而导致局部问题的扩大化。生产国际化过程促进了国际贸易并加速国际资本流动,加深了地球资源环境压力;跨国公司在全球化生产过程中追逐成本外部化,并通过在海外生产基地传播了大量生产-大量消费-大量废弃的线性模式,对全球生态系统恶化负有责任;跨国公司以追求利润最大化为目标,对东道国区域经济的带动能力是有限的,在分析全球化背景下的区域可持续障碍因素基础上。本文最后指出了全球化背景下的我国可持续发展的战略思考方向。 相似文献
《Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Norwegian journal of geography》2012,66(3):133-143
Despite being promoted as a fresh start, new innovation programmes tend to inherit structures and procedures from previous initiative. The authors examine the regional implementation of the Norwegian VRI programme (Programme for Regional R&D and Innovation). Using insights from evolutionary theory, they elaborate on the coexistence of continuity and change in programme practice. Characteristics of previous programmes that have been followed in the new VRI programme are outlined, and new elements and procedures that have been introduced are tracked. The authors find that the new programme does not mark a radical break with the past, and clearly shows path-dependent evolution. Based on the assumption that ‘history matters’, the article contributes towards a more nuanced understanding of the various dimensions of path dependency. 相似文献
跨国公司在开发区的投资模式及区域影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
跨国公司主导的全球化力量是影响地区发展的重要因素。本研究以跨国公司在我国开发区的投资为例,分析了跨国公司全球生产体系与地方生产体系链接的过程与方式。文中将其概括为滚动式、结盟式、跟随式等三种模式。不同的投资模式对地区经济发展的影响程度不同。总体而言,跨国公司通过在中国开发区的投资强化了其全球生产网络,但与地方生产体系的联系有待于强化。这要求地方在推动开发区发展的同时,要积极发展自己富有活力的生产体系,在更高层次上实现与跨国公司网络的对接。 相似文献