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历史地震宏观烈度资料指史料中对地震破坏程度的记录,是研究历史地震最基本也是最重要的数据来源.由于有仪器记录地震波形的时间相对短暂,对历史地震震源参数的估算成为地震危险性分析的重要组成部分,前人尝试使用不同方法解决这一问题.本文以使用的工具和计算手段为依据,分类介绍了基于烈度资料估计震源参数的主要方法,对这些方法的优势、不足和应用范围做了概述,并展望了利用烈度资料估计震源参数研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

王斌  梁慧 《四川地震》2008,(2):25-29
通过对攀枝花台近震震级测算和周边地震台网及台站的震级结果进行综合对比,包括对测算方法和地震波形传播方式进行探讨.试图研究台站近震震级测算差异并初步找出与地质构造的相关关系;以期提高台站近震震级测算能力,减小误差.  相似文献   

Summary Authors give a diagram and procedure based onKövesligethy's formula for determining focal depth from macroseismic data. The method has the advantages that a) it supplies all the constants characterising, the macroseismal area, b) the personal effects are reduced, c) only one diagram is necessary.  相似文献   

基于卷积神经网络的地震震级测定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

地震预警震级测定是地震预警系统最重要也是最困难的部分之一.本文提出了基于卷积神经网络的地震预警震级测定方法,将震级测定问题转化为震级分类问题,即将ML>2.0的震级分成20个不同等级类别处理.收集了福建台网2012—2019年期间记录到福建、台湾海峡及台湾共1928个地震作为研究资料,经过台站记录截取、大震样本增强、标签制作、质量筛选等预处理共得到14644条三分向地震样本记录;构建了3 s波形输入的卷积神经网络震级预测模型,并用2012—2018年震例对模型进行训练,用2019年震例对模型进行测试.结果表明,单台震级偏差有85.6%可控制在±0.3以内,前三台平均的震级偏差有91.8%可控制在±0.3以内,其中震级较大偏差的事件多为缺乏历史样本.相较于传统方法,该模型测定的震级值更加稳定可靠,可为解决地震预警震级测定这一挑战性难题提供新的技术手段.


The present study is devoted to the assessment of shaking intensities due to the September 17, 2003, earthquake occurring in the Khoito-Gol basin (southwestern flank of the Baikal Rift System). The instrumental and macroseismic data used here were acquired during an investigation into the impact of this seismic event. The highest intensity of shaking, VI, was recorded at Khoito-Gol, the human settlement that was the nearest to the instrumental epicenter. A nonuniform distribution of intensity was found for different directions from the epicenter. A scatter of as much as two intensity units was recorded at one settlement.  相似文献   

尝试对敦化地震台YRY-4型钻孔应变仪记录的应变地震波持续时间进行研究,以中国地震台网统一地震目录Ms≥7震级为参考震级,用最小二乘法求得参考震级公式:MF-P=1.92+1.48 lg(F-P).通过验证,公式有意义,为现阶段应变地震波的应用找到一条路径.  相似文献   

Upgrading the Earthquake Catalog of Switzerland (ECOS) included revising the earthquake of 1720. This change has major importance for history and seismology.Although that quake has been the subject of several publications, none was based on critical methods. This re-evaluation of the event is built upon a new and more reliable database established after investigating archives and libraries. Using data from such historical sources, we assigned new site intensities, adopting the criteria established by the European macroseismic scale EMS 98 (Grünthal, 1998).We discovered that the event had been assigned an overestimated intensity, due to interpretation errors in former earthquake catalogs and compilations. We recommend reducing the intensity from I0= VIII to I0= VI (EMS 98). The moment magnitude is given as MW= 4.6. Since the event had been considered the largest for its respective area, downgrading it now will influence the seismic hazard assessment for this region.  相似文献   

谱震级是表征地震强弱的量度,是地震学研究中的一个重要的地震参数。在地震预测和工程地震研究中具有重要的实际意义。谱震级测定还可得到地震辐射的能量,再通过和标量地震矩的比较,可以估计地震震源处的视应力,而视应力也是震源物理研究中一个重要的物理量。考虑到我国地震台网分布不均匀的情况,本文尝试利用单台的宽频带波形资料进行谱震级的测定。选用CDSN昆明地震台(KMI)记录的近震宽频带波形资料,分析地震图垂直分量上的P波,采用 Duda等人提出的谱震级的测定方法,改进并提出了一种能够利用宽频带波形资料,直接用速度谱值测定地震谱震级的方法。所得谱震级结果与ISC给出的Ms震级对比后,发现相差不大;所得的能量结果与NEIC用远震体波测得的能量结果具有较好的一致性。用同样的方法,将来还可对不同地区更小的地震进行谱震级的测定,这无疑对地震学的进一步研究很有帮助。  相似文献   

The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   

运用最大熵原理,研究震级离散条件下震级频度关系,得到震级离散条件下震级概率分布函数,结果表明:(1)震级大于等于某一震级的地震次数应通过离散求和的方式得到,而不应通过积分的方式得到;(2) 震级上限取为∞的情况下,古登堡意义和里克特意义两种震级频度关系式的b值相等;震级上限有限的情况下,里克特意义震级频度关系式可能不是直线.  相似文献   

地震速报参数不确定性的应急灾害损失快速评估模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文针对目前地震应急灾害损失快速评估中存在的问题,建立了考虑地震速报参数不确定性的灾害损失快速评估模型。并利用1990年来全国的81组速报震中与宏观震中数据。得到速报震中与宏观震中偏差的概率分布经验参数。  相似文献   

The Zaisang earthquake (M s=7.3) on June 14, 1990 occurred in the boundary between China and Kazakstan. During the great shock, 3 persons lost their lives, 30 people had been hurt and 340 houses collapsed. The intensity of the epicentre is VIII Degree. The economic losses equals to about 320 000 000 Yuan. This large earthquake was occurred on a new born fault, it belongs to main shock-aftershock type earthquake. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 360–365, 1993.  相似文献   

珊溪水库震群的地震定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2006年2月,位于浙江文成与泰顺交界的珊溪水库发生了最大震级为ML4.6的震群.我们分别利用浙江省区域数字地震台网和珊溪水库现场数字监测网的观测数据,运用不同的定位方法,对震群进行了定位.通过比较分析,讨论了不同的定位方法与不同观测数据的定位效果.  相似文献   

使用陕西数字地震台网数字地震记录资料,以台网平均震级为标准震级,分析各子台的震级偏差。结果表明,在150km震中距范围,子台测定震级偏差随震中距增大而减小,大于150km,震级偏差不明显。合阳、蒲城、华阴子台台基影响为正值,安康、汉中、彬县子台台基影响为负值,其他子台影响较小。震级偏差随方位角变化是明显的,且具有区域性相似特征。子台方位的震级偏差校正,台网震级标准误差显著改善样本数占81.7%,平均标准误差由0.243下降到0.168。  相似文献   

利用钻孔体应变同震应变波测定大震震级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用钻孔体应变仪记录的全球大震,导出同震应变波参考震级m、双振幅A、应变波推移时间τ(在短周期地震仪上测量的P波起算)的关系式m=3.0+1.40lgτ+lgA,并取得以M震级为基准的尾波应变震级标度MD=4.08+1.04lgτ+0.74lgA,尾波的多点测量改善了7.0级以上大震MD的精度,与M比较的震级标准差为0.12,MD的震级标准差为0.10,该方法测量全球大震不存在震级"饱和"问题。  相似文献   

Coherency of the source model of the 1991 Racha earthquake in the Greater Caucasus with different data types is analyzed. Authors, when interpreting macroseismic data, accept complex nature of macroseismic effects generation but, nevertheless, consider that its spatial distribution follows certain regularities. First time in the practice, method of evaluation of the mecroseismic material completeness is proposed based on the intensity attenuation along with distance. It is demonstrated the character of macroseismic intensity attenuation can be used for verification of the source model elements constructed based on other seismological data. Dependence of the macroseismic effect distribution on azimuth in near field of the 1991 Racha earthquake is recognized.  相似文献   

Relationship between the intensity of seismic shaking on the surface and the velocity structure of the medium at large depth is studied. The Spitak earthquake of December 7, 1988 is chosen as an object of study. A method to correlate the intensity of shaking in the localities to the geophysical parameters specified in the nodes of regular spatial grid is proposed. Formalized definition of anomalous intensity is suggested; it takes into account the distribution of distances from the localities with given intensity degrees to the hypocenter or to the nearest segment of the surface fault. It is found that the seismic wave velocities at a depth of 1 km are higher (up to 0.2–0.6 km/s) under the localities with anomalously high intensity. No any certain regularity is found in deeper layers.  相似文献   

The 23 April 1909 earthquake, with epicentre near Benavente (Portugal), was the largest crustal earthquake in the Iberian Peninsula during the twentieth century (M w = 6.0). Due to its importance, several studies were developed soon after its occurrence, in Portugal and in Spain. A perusal of the different studies on the macroseismic field of this earthquake showed some discrepancies, in particular on the abnormal patterns of the isoseismal curves in Spain. Besides, a complete list of intensity data points for the event is unavailable at present. Seismic moment, focal mechanism and other earthquake parameters obtained from the instrumental records have been recently reviewed and recalculated. Revision of the macroseismic field of this earthquake poses a unique opportunity to study macroseismic propagation and local effects in central Iberian Peninsula. For this reasons, a search to collect new macroseismic data for this earthquake has been carried out, and a re-evaluation of the whole set has been performed and it is presented here. Special attention is paid to the observed low attenuation of the macroseismic effects, heterogeneous propagation and the distortion introduced by local amplifications. Results of this study indicate, in general, an overestimation of the intensity degrees previously assigned to this earthquake in Spain; also it illustrates how difficult it is to assign an intensity degree to a large town, where local effects play an important role, and confirms the low attenuation of seismic propagation inside the Iberian Peninsula from west and southwest to east and northeast.  相似文献   

平武地震台数字地震仪记录近震震级及定位偏差   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以《四川省地震台网地震目录》作为地震定位参考标准,对平武地震台数字地震仪记录的近震,尤其是汶川"5·12"地震序列定位参数进行了对比。结果表明,平武单台数字地震仪记录得到的测定结果与《四川省地震台网地震目录》间存在一定程度的差异。这里给出了台站可以简单应用的偏差评估值和处理方法。  相似文献   

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