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Brückl  E.  Bodoky  T.  Hegedüs  E.  Hrubcová  P.  Gosar  A.  Grad  M.  Guterch  A.  Hajnal  Z.  Keller  G.R.  Špičák  A.  Sumanovac  F.  Thybo  H.  Weber  F. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2003,47(3):671-679
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Guterch  A.  Grad  M.  Keller  G.R.  Posgay  K.  Vozár  J.  Špičák  A.  Brückl  E.  Hajnal  Z.  Thybo  H.  Selvi  O. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2003,47(3):659-669
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本文根据基于振型叠加(modal summation)技术的地震危险性确定性分析方法,结合区域地震活动性、地质构造和地震波传播特点,通过计算理论地震图途径,分别计算了大连市周边各个地震对各个场点所造成的最大影响强度(主要以峰值加速度、速度和位移体现),所确定的参数可为结构抗震设计工作提供客观依据。  相似文献   

Grad  M.  Špičák  A.  Keller  G.R.  Guterch  A.  Brož  M.  Hegedüs  E. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2003,47(3):681-689
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关于结构振型参与系数和振型贡献的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用振型分解反应谱法求解多自由度弹性体系的地震反应时,为了在满足所需计算精度的前提下减少工作量,需要对振型数量进行合理的选择,而振型数的确定主要取决于结构各阶振型对总体反应的贡献。通过数学推导,对振型贡献及振型数量的选择问题进行了研究。首先,讨论了振型参与系数的性质,在此基础上给出了能够反映结构振型贡献参数的数学表达式,对这些参数的力学含义进行了解释,并给出了相关证明;其次,对有效质量法、振型位移控制法等基于不同振型贡献标准的确定振型数的方法进行了分析比较,指出了其合理性和不足。本文研究对进一步理解结构振型贡献和振型数的选择问题具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

Seismic Vulnerability of Historical Constructions: A Contribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earthquakes are known to be natural hazards that have affected tremendously historical constructions. Unfortunately, as far as earthquake impacts are concerned, there are no world statistics to compare the suffering of populations or of the building stock and their evolution in time, with the damage inflicted to the stock of historical constructions. Lately, a great effort has been placed on engineering developments: (i) to better understand the seismic behaviour of historical construction and (ii) to assess the benefits of different techniques for reinforcing these structures. However, a great deal of discussion is still going on the type of reinforcement that should be applied, how effective it is and how much it costs. Research is needed for helping in these decisions, by providing a more precise framework in this field. The aim of this review is to make an overall insight on some of the available methods for assessing seismic vulnerability of historical constructions and on how to use them in the case of occurrence of an earthquake. Given this occurrence, the objective is to minimize the effects of aftershocks, avoid hurried demolition made under extreme pressure and help shore-up parts in risk of falling. The final aim is also to help in the definition of strategies for the repair of the damaged patrimony, or as a measure to prevent damage in future earthquakes for the most vulnerable cases. The paper is illustrated with the presentation of several examples published in the literature where the author participated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is an acquired result that, in order to enable realistic earthquake hazard assessment and reliable estimation of the ground motion response to an earthquake, three-dimensional velocity models have to be considered. In this paper we present a new analytical procedure for determining the seismic wavefield in a 3D anelastic model based on the combination of the ray theory with the modal summation method. The proposed procedure has been validated by considering the three-dimensional model of the Kanto basin (Japan) available in the literature. Three-dimensional simulations were performed for the 1990 Odawara earthquake. The results obtained were compared both with recorded signals and with simulations available in the literature for several stations located within the Kanto basin. Besides the advantage of being a useful tool for assessment of seismic hazard and seismic risk reduction, it is characterized by high efficiency, in fact, once the study region is identified and the 3D model is constructed, the computation, at each station, of the three components of the synthetic signal (displacement, velocity, and acceleration) takes less than 3?h on a 2?GHz CPU.  相似文献   

地震活动热红外异常的影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
屈春燕  单新建  马瑾 《地震研究》2007,30(2):113-119
对地表热红外辐射的基础理论和各类地物的热红外辐射特性进行了简略介绍;对地形地貌、地物类型和气象等非震因素对地表热红外辐射的影响及地表热红外亮温的时空变化特征进行了详细的分析;对各类非震因素的去除方法进行了探讨。初步认为,充分研究活动构造区带在各类非震因素影响下的热红外影像特征,掌握无震条件下的红外亮温时空演化过程,建立红外亮温变化的基准模型及各类非震因素的扣除模型,将有可能较好地排除非震因素的影响,检测出与地震活动有关的热异常。  相似文献   

桥梁通常是线路中的控制工程,其抗震性能显得尤为重要。作为梁桥重要组成部分的桥墩,往往是地震作用下容易受到损伤的构件。结合西部山区梁桥的典型桥墩结构形式,基于纤维模型的有限元方法建立桥墩的非线性数值分析模型。采用MPA方法对不同高度桥墩的地震响应进行分析,以非线性时程分析方法的计算结果为基准研究MPA方法的适用性。计算表明MPA方法在分析高阶模态参与程度较高的高墩构件时适用性较差。  相似文献   

整理西北地区部分地震的震害资料,对西北五省的主要农居进行震害总结,分析不同结构农居震害和抗震性能,发现不同结构的抗震性能差别较大,并针对不同结构提出相应的防震减灾措施。从地震动特性、场地和地基基础、结构的自身特性等方面分析影响农居民房的抗震能力,并根据西北农居震害特点给出了防震减灾方面的一些建议。  相似文献   

The routine location of regional seismic events using data from the Czech National Seismological Network (CNSN) is based on Pn, Pg, Sn, Sg phases. A simple velocity model derived from Kárník's (1953) interpretation of an earthquake in Northern Hungary in 1951 has hitherto been used. At present, numerous local seismic networks record and locate local events, which are occasionally recorded at regional distances as well. Due to the relatively small dimensions of local networks, hypocenters (and origin times) determined by a local network might be considered as nearly exact from the point of view of regional-scale CNSN. The comparison of common locations performed by CNSN and by a local network enables us to estimate the accuracy of CNSN locations, as well as to optimize a simple velocity model. The joint interpretation of the CNSN bulletin and the catalogues of four local seismic networks WEBNET, OSTRAVA, KLADNO and LUBIN produced a new ID velocity model. The most frequent epicentral error in this model is less than 5 km, and most foci lie up to 15 km from the true position. The performed analysis indicates bimodal distribution of Sn residuals.  相似文献   

黄土地区地震滑坡的分布特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土地区极易形成地震滑坡灾害。现场调查显示,受大地构造单元、基底岩层结构、地形地貌条件、地震烈度、断裂构造和马兰黄土临空厚度等因素影响,地震黄土滑坡的展布形态较为复杂,在空间上分布很不均匀,常表现为片状、带状和线状展布,并在不同区域有不同的发育特点。在地震黄土斜坡稳定性分析和灾害预测中,必须考虑多项影响因子。  相似文献   

增大柱端抗弯承载力是抗震"能力设计"措施中引导钢筋混凝土框架结构形成梁铰型有利耗能机构的关键措施。本文以6层确定性钢筋混凝土框架结构为分析对象,通过结构易损性分析评估了不同强柱系数取值对钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能的影响。结构易损性分析表明增大柱端抗弯承载力是改善结构抗震性能的有效措施,增大强柱系数提高了结构的变形能力,使不同破坏极限状态之间形成较大的"梯度",对防止强烈地震作用下结构的突然倒塌提供了预示。结构易损性曲线对评估结构抗震性能、选用合适的目标强柱系数提供了量化标准。  相似文献   

考虑到结构抵抗地震作用的机制为结构和地震动的不确定性与非线性相互耦合的过程,采用增量动力分析(IDA)考虑地震动的不确定性,选取16条地震动记录,基于OpenSEES的有限元建模理论对13榀平面RC框架结构进行基于IDA方法的地震易损性分析,分别讨论轴压比、高宽比、混凝土强度以及纵筋强度等结构参数对RC框架结构抗震性能的影响。结果表明:柱轴压比对结构抗震性能的影响显著,而高宽比对结构抗震性能的影响不明显;在保证柱轴压比相近的前提下,提高柱混凝土强度能够提升结构的抗震性能;相同地震作用下梁柱配置纵筋强度较高的框架结构达到立即使用(IO)状态和生命安全(LS)状态的概率较配置纵筋强度较低的大,配置纵筋强度较高的框架结构较配置纵筋强度较低的表现出更好的抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

长清地震台体应变观测干扰识别分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长清地震台多年来的体应变数字化观测资料进行了整理,对引起数据曲线发生畸变的干扰因素进行了分析识别及分类统计,认为造成体应变数据曲线畸变的因素主要有电源干扰、仪器本身问题、气压、降雨、雷电等气象因素干扰。这项工作将对台站人员及时识别干扰、提高数据资料利用率起到重要作用。  相似文献   

淮南台电磁扰动数据变化特征及影响因素初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对淮南地震台2009~2011年电磁扰动观测数据的分析,得到如下结论:①电磁扰动三个通道均有明显的日变化规律:00:00~07:00观测数据在均值附近波动,无脉冲变化;07:00~22:00三个通道的变化幅度均出现明显增强,22:00~24:00又恢复平稳变化。通过与环境因素及淮北台电磁扰动的对比,认为环境噪声水平是影响电磁扰动日变的主要因素。②傅里叶分析结果显示电磁扰动子夜均值有明显的365、183、122 d周期,其中365 d年周期振幅最大。第一、二通道电磁扰动子夜均值冬季低,夏季高,第三通道与前两通道年变化相反。③温度对电磁绕输出信号影响的实验初步证实了温度改变时,电磁扰动三个通道的输出均有同步的响应,且理论计算与实际观测的变化幅度基本一致。因此,认为电磁扰动的年变主要是受气温的影响。  相似文献   

针对丹东地震台数字形变DSQ水管仪、SS-Y伸缩仪观测过程中长期存在的自然干扰现象进行整理研究,对其产生的机理和产出的数据形态分析,为快速、准确的判别自然干扰与前兆异常提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

分时段研究降雨、钻孔水位、工程施工等因素对青岛地震台体应变的影响,研究结果表明:钻孔水位反映区域地下水主要由降雨补给,降雨下渗改变地下水状态,并影响体应变观测;青岛体应变与钻孔水位的相关性及其周期特性均在2015年前后出现变化,可能与2015—2016年降雨偏少及工程施工有关;2018年1月17日台站钻孔施工很可能改变了体应变周围岩石孔隙环境,并扩大孔隙压力作用系数,可解释2018年3月以来水位小幅上升引起的体应变显著压性上升现象,受钻孔施工的影响,体应变与钻孔水位相关性的滞后特征明显减弱。  相似文献   

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