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水动力条件对水体富营养化的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
梁培瑜  王烜  马芳冰 《湖泊科学》2013,25(4):455-462
水动力条件是影响水体富营养化状态和进程的主要自然因素.研究水动力条件对水体富营养化的影响对于水体富营养化模拟、预测和控制具有十分重要的意义.水动力条件能直接作用于水华藻类细胞,影响其生长繁殖与种间竞争,同时改变水体环境及营养盐的状况.其中,流速不仅对藻类的生长聚集与分布具有十分明显的影响,同时还能影响水体营养物质与优势藻的种类;流量则主要通过单位时间内水量的变化影响水体富营养化的发生与消亡;水体扰动直接作用于水体中藻类细胞与藻团,加强藻类的聚集,同时影响营养物质的混合与运移,从而使水体富营养化得以发生并持续.本文综述了流速、流量和水体扰动等水动力因子对水体富营养化的影响研究,并对其未来的研究方向进行展望,最后指出:不同水动力条件对营养盐存在形态、藻类生长及水体富营养化状态的影响机理和水动力条件对水体富营养化影响的滞后性规律与临界值研究有待进一步加强.  相似文献   

浅水水体存在着强烈的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用,耦合的结果决定着水生态系统关键特征.在缺少大型水生植物的浅水系统中,底栖藻类和浮游藻类对光照和营养盐的竞争是底栖—浮游生境耦合最为重要的生态过程之一,但该过程受到杂食性鱼类的影响.本文以浅水水体的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用为切入点,综述了杂食性鱼类对浅水水体底栖—浮游生境耦合作用...  相似文献   

Automated digital photogrammetry was used to produce digital elevation models of experimental model landscapes under controlled laboratory conditions as part of a series of rainfall erosion experiments looking at the evolution of landforms in response to erosion. The method allowed the elevations of the experimental landscapes to be studied in great detail on a regular grid digital terrain map with relatively very little effort. Digital photogrammetry produced elevation data at a resolution of 6 mm with a standard deviation of 2·0 mm over an experimental catchment relief of approximately 200 mm; this resolution is considerably better than that achievable by conventional manual photogrammetry. The density of grid points was sufficiently high that small‐scale details such as knickpoints developing in channels were represented. The method can facilitate the study of both experimental and natural landscapes in great detail. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A stochastic model for synthetic data generation is not available in the literature for daily flows of intermittent streams. Such a model is required in the planning and operation of structures on an intermittent stream for purposes where short time flow fluctuations are important. In this study a model is developed for such a case. The model consists of four steps: determination of the days on which flow occurs, determination of the days on which a flow increment occurs, determination of the magnitude of the flow increment, and calculation of the flow decrement on days when the flow is reduced. The first two steps are modelled by a three‐state Markov chain. In the third step, flow increments on the rising limb of the hydrograph are assumed to be gamma distributed. In the last step an exponential recession is used with two different coefficients. Parameters of the model are estimated from the observed daily stream flow data for each month of the year. The model is applied to a daily flow series of 35 years' length. It is seen that the model can preserve the short‐term characteristics (the ascension and recession curves and peaks) of the hydrograph in addition to the long‐term characteristics (mean, variance, skewness, lag‐one and higher lag autocorrelation coefficients, and zero flow percentage). The number of parameters of the model can be decreased by fitting Fourier series to their annual variation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurately quantifying the evaporation loss of surface water is essential for regional water resources management, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where water resources are already scarce. The long-term monitoring of stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) in water can provide a sensitive indicator of water loss by evaporation. In this study, we obtained surface water samples of Shiyang River Basin from April to October between 2017 and 2019. The spatial and temporal characteristics of stable isotopes in surface water show the trend of enrichment in summer, depletion in spring, enrichment in deserts and depletion in mountains. The Local Evaporation Line (LEL) obtained by the regression of δ2H and δ18O in surface water has been defined by the lines: δ2H = 7.61δ18O + 14.58 for mountainous area, δ2H = 4.19δ18O − 17.85 for oasis area, δ2H = 4.08δ18O − 18.92 for desert area. The slope of LEL shows a gradual decrease from mountain to desert, indicating that the evaporation of surface water is gradually increasing. The evaporation loss of stable isotopes in surface water is 24.82% for mountainous area, 32.19% for oasis area, and 70.98% for desert area, respectively. Temperature and air humidity are the main meteorological factors affecting the evaporation loss, and the construction of reservoirs and farmland irrigation are the main man-made factors affecting the evaporation loss.  相似文献   

The scaling of the solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) effect on phyto- and bacterio-plankton at the ecosystem level is difficult since its estimate is often based on short-time incubation experiments performed at fixed depths, neglecting the previous days’ radiation history and the variable radiation caused by vertical mixing. To examine this issue, we measured primary (PP) and bacterial (BP) production in samples from coastal water in the Northwest Mediterranean Sea incubated at fixed depths or moving vertically within the water column (0–8 m) with a periodicity of 22 min, exposed to full sun, PAR or maintained in dark. Three experiments were carried out on consecutive days to measure day-to-day variations in planktonic response. In surface waters, PP was inhibited by ~32 to 42% by UVR, and BP was inhibited by ~50 to 70% by solar radiation (UVR + PAR). We observed a general decrease in the integrated inhibition of PP due to UVR for both fixed and moving incubations over the 3 days from ~27% of inhibition to non-significant inhibition. In contrast, large discrepancies were observed in the integrated inhibition of BP due to solar radiation (UVR + PAR) between fixed and moving incubations. Whereas both type of incubations gave similar estimation of solar radiation inhibition on day 1 (~25%), inhibition became much higher for fixed incubation compared to moving incubation on days 2 and 3. Differences in responses between days suggest that light history, spectral quality, photoadaptation or acclimation may be important factors in daily observed responses. Our results also underline, for the first time, the importance of the vertical mixing in the BP inhibition by solar radiation.  相似文献   

Due to the geological time scales required for observation of catchment evolution, surrogates or analogues of field data are necessary to understand long‐term processes. To investigate long‐term catchment behaviour, two experimental model catchments that developed without rigid boundaries under controlled conditions are examined and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of their evolution is presented. Qualitatively, the experimental catchments have the visual appearance of field scale data. Observation demonstrates that changes in catchment shape and network form are conservative. Quantitative analysis suggests that the catchments reach an equilibrium form while a reduction in the channel network occurs. While the catchments are laboratory scale models, the results provide insights into field scale behaviour. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing information sources including B/W aerial photos of 1983,pseudo-color aerial photos of 1992 and JERS-1/OPS VNIR image of 1996, vegetation types ofYingbazha, in the middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China are mapped usingARC/INFO and related software. The changes in vegetation areas and distribution conditions areanalyzed. As a result of natural and human influences, vegetation changes have temporal andspatial characteristics. According to the principles of landscape ecology and geographical informa-tion science, the landscape changes are indicated. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS tech-niques are integrated to study vegetation and its landscape.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater run‐off degrades the ecological condition of streams. The use of rainwater tanks to supplement water supply can reduce the frequency and volume of urban stormwater run‐off that is otherwise conveyed directly to streams via conventional stormwater drainage systems. Few studies, however, have examined the use of tanks in the context of managing flow regimes for stream protection, with most focussed uniquely on their water conservation benefits. We used measured tank water level data to assess the performance of 12 domestic rainwater tanks against the dual criteria of their ability to (i) reduce potable mains water usage and (ii) retain run‐off from rainfall events and thus reduce the volume and frequency of stormwater run‐off. We found that five households relied almost entirely on tank water. Three of the tanks achieved stormwater retention performance approaching that of the same area of pre‐developed land, although nine did not – a consequence of limited demand and small tank capacity. Our results suggest that tank water usage can result in substantial reductions in mains water use, if regular and sufficiently large domestic demands are connected to tanks. In many cases, such demands will also result in the best stormwater retention performance. Our results highlight an opportunity to design tank systems to achieve multiple objectives. Application of similar analyses in different locations will help to optimize tanks for simultaneous water supply and stormwater retention purposes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

悬浮物在自然水体(池塘、河流、湖泊等)中普遍存在,相较于上覆水,是微生物更为倾向的附着载体。相较于沉积物,更易获取硝酸盐,是水体反硝化发生的热点微区。悬浮物在水体中经历一系列碰撞、絮凝、溶解、离子交换、吸附解吸等物理化学过程,从而会引起颗粒物粒径、营养盐浓度等发生变化;悬浮物的沉降和再悬浮过程也会引起上覆水和沉积物之间的物质交换,并在好氧缺氧过渡过程中对氮转化造成影响,从而直接或者间接影响水体反硝化速率。本文概括了国内外关于悬浮物影响水体反硝化的研究进展和热点,总结了不同浓度、粒径、组成和种类的悬浮物对反硝化作用的影响,从溶解氧、功能微生物、无机氮、有机碳等环境因素重点归纳了悬浮物影响反硝化的过程,比较和分析了悬浮物反硝化的测定方法。结合当前悬浮物反硝化研究现状,建议未来可以从新兴污染物悬浮物、机理模型、测定方法等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

沉水植物附植生物群落生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
在高等水生植物表面经常附着生长着藻类、真菌和细菌等,这些有机群体组成附植生物群落,在大中型浅水湖泊中普遍存在.附植生物群落具有特定的物种组成和空间结构,并随季节推移和沉水植物生长表现出一定的动态变化特征.附植生物群落与宿主植物及周围水体环境联系密切,不仅能够表征水体营养盐、光照、温度等环境因子特征,与沉水植物、食草动物、浮游植物等水生生物类群也存在不同的相互作用.水生生态系统中,附植生物群落参与水体营养物质转化,在草-藻型湖泊生态系统的相互转化过程中起重要作用;其较高的初级生产力作为水生动物重要的食物来源,增加了食物网的多样性;同时,附植生物群落因其独特的生理生态特征正逐渐被应用于水质净化和水环境质量监测.本文在综述近年来附植生物群落研究进展的基础上,分析了附植生物群落的组成结构和动态变化特征,阐述了附植生物群落在水生生态系统中的功能,可为湖泊富营养化治理,尤其是沉水植被的生态修复和管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

A model to simulate channel changes in ephemeral river channels and to test the effects of hydrological changes due to climate change and[sol ]or land use change was developed under the auspices of the EU funded MEDALUS programme (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use). The model, CHANGISM (Channel Change GIS Simulation Model), is designed to simulate the effect of channel flow events and of climate conditions on morphology, sediment and vegetation, through sequences of events and conditions, over periods of up to several decades. The modelling is based on cellular automata but with calculations for water and sediment continuity. Process rules have both deterministic and stochastic elements. An important feature of the model is that it incorporates feedback elements between each event. The main aim of the model is to indicate the likely outcomes of events and combinations of conditions. It is linked to GIS for both input and output. The modelling is based on a channel reach and state is input as GIS layers of morphology (DEM), sediment and vegetation cover and state. Other initial conditions of soil moisture, groundwater level, and overall gradient are input. Parameters for processes are read from tables and can be easily changed for successive runs of the model. The bases for decisions on process specifications are discussed in this paper. Initial tests of the operation and sensitivity of the model were made on idealized reaches. The model was then tested using data from monitored sites in SE Spain. Simulations using clearwater flow worked well but initial simulations using events with sediment loads showed some tendency for excess deposition. Further tests and modifications are taking place. Overall, the model is one of the most sophisticated that simulates the interaction of flows with sediment and vegetation and the outcomes in terms of erosion, deposition, morphology, sediment cover, vegetation cover and plant survival over periods of up to 30 years for the scale of a channel reach. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wood load, channel parameters and valley parameters were surveyed in 50 contiguous stream segments each 25 m in length along 12 streams in the Colorado Front Range. Length and diameter of each piece of wood were measured, and the orientation of each piece was tallied as a ramp, buried, bridge or unattached. These data were then used to evaluate longitudinal patterns of wood distribution in forested headwater streams of the Colorado Front Range, and potential channel‐, valley‐ and watershed‐scale controls on these patterns. We hypothesized that (i) wood load decreases downstream, (ii) wood is non‐randomly distributed at channel lengths of tens to hundreds of meters as a result of the presence of wood jams and (iii) the proportion of wood clustered into jams increases with drainage area as a result of downstream increases in relative capacity of a stream to transport wood introduced from the adjacent riparian zone and valley bottom. Results indicate a progressive downstream decrease in wood load within channels, and correlations between wood load and drainage area, elevation, channel width, bed gradient and total stream power. Results support the first and second hypotheses, but are inconclusive with respect to the third hypothesis. Wood is non‐randomly distributed at lengths of tens to hundreds of meters, but the proportion of pieces in jams reaches a maximum at intermediate downstream distances within the study area. We use these results to propose a conceptual model illustrating downstream trends in wood within streams of the Colorado Front Range. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yager RM 《Ground water》2004,42(3):390-400
Nonlinear regression is increasingly applied to the calibration of hydrologic models through the use of perturbation methods to compute the Jacobian or sensitivity matrix required by the Gauss-Newton optimization method. Sensitivities obtained by perturbation methods can be less accurate than those obtained by direct differentiation, however, and concern has arisen that the optimal parameter values and the associated parameter covariance matrix computed by perturbation could also be less accurate. Sensitivities computed by both perturbation and direct differentiation were applied in nonlinear regression calibration of seven ground water flow models. The two methods gave virtually identical optimum parameter values and covariances for the three models that were relatively linear and two of the models that were relatively nonlinear, but gave widely differing results for two other nonlinear models. The perturbation method performed better than direct differentiation in some regressions with the nonlinear models, apparently because approximate sensitivities computed for an interval yielded better search directions than did more accurately computed sensitivities for a point. The method selected to avoid overshooting minima on the error surface when updating parameter values with the Gauss-Newton procedure appears for nonlinear models to be more important than the method of sensitivity calculation in controlling regression convergence.  相似文献   

Hydrological interaction between surface and subsurface water systems has a significant impact on water quality, ecosystems and biogeochemistry cycling of both systems. Distributed models have been developed to simulate this function, but they require detailed spatial inputs and extensive computation time. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model is a semi‐distributed model that has been successfully applied around the world. However, it has not been able to simulate the two‐way exchanges between surface water and groundwater. In this study, the SWAT‐landscape unit (LU) model – based on a catena method that routes flow across three LUs (the divide, the hillslope and the valley) – was modified and applied in the floodplain of the Garonne River. The modified model was called SWAT‐LUD. Darcy's equation was applied to simulate groundwater flow. The algorithm for surface water‐level simulation during flooding periods was modified, and the influence of flooding on groundwater levels was added to the model. Chloride was chosen as a conservative tracer to test simulated water exchanges. The simulated water exchange quantity from SWAT‐LUD was compared with the output of a two‐dimensional distributed model, surface–subsurface water exchange model. The results showed that simulated groundwater levels in the LU adjoining the river matched the observed data very well. Additionally, SWAT‐LUD model was able to reflect the actual water exchange between the river and the aquifer. It showed that river water discharge has a significant influence on the surface–groundwater exchanges. The main water flow direction in the river/groundwater interface was from groundwater to river; water that flowed in this direction accounted for 65% of the total exchanged water volume. The water mixing occurs mainly during high hydraulic periods. Flooded water was important for the surface–subsurface water exchange process; it accounted for 69% of total water that flowed from the river to the aquifer. The new module also provides the option of simulating pollution transfer occurring at the river/groundwater interface at the catchment scale. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李一平  王静雨  滑磊 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):811-818
将环境(EFDC)模型应用于广东梅州的河道型水库——长潭水库,经过模型的验证,建立长潭水库水生态数学模型,模拟出水库在现状污染负荷下的藻类生长情况,以叶绿素a浓度为指标,研究水库在丰水年与枯水年富营养化改善程度对不同流域污染削减方案的响应关系.结果表明:现状污染负荷削减10%,在丰水年库尾、库中和库首点位的叶绿素a平均浓度分别降低13.99%、12.00%和10.35%;枯水年3个代表点位叶绿素a平均浓度分别下降8.42%、5.63%和2.10%.污染削减20%的情况下,丰水年3个代表点位的叶绿素a浓度分别降低26.78%、19.25%和17.04%,枯水年对应的降低幅度分别为11.72%、7.97%和5.12%;库尾地区表现出河道的特征,在污染负荷削减的情况下藻类生长能够受到有效遏制,库首地区则表现出湖泊的特性,枯水年这一特征表现更加突出,污染削减20%的情况下,叶绿素a的平均浓度仅降低5.12%.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):98-107
The soil permittivity is affected by the volume fractions of bound and free water, but also by the geometries of the soil components and the shape of water inclusions. Allophanic clays have a hollow spherical geometry with high water holding capacity, and thus representing an ideal system to investigate geometrical effects on the permittivity of water in porous media. A new weighted averaging procedure is developed which provides estimates of the permittivity of rotationally hindered water bonded to allophane spherules, and takes into account both the spherical shape of allophane and the number of water layers stored. This averaging procedure renders two distinct estimates for the inner and outer allophane water permittivity in agreement with previous experimental results. These distinctive dielectric constants for allophane water are shown to be relevant to most water content reading applications near and below the Gigahertz range. Is shown that presented averaging procedure may, more generally, serve as a simple mechanism to include geometrical effects on water absorbed to other non-planar structures such as micropores and soil particles of cylindrical or ellipsoidal geometry.  相似文献   

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