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Isotopic records in meteorites provide evidence for the presence of several short-lived nuclides in the early solar system with half-lives varying from 105 to ∼8x107 years. Most of the nuclides with longer half-life (> 107 years) are considered to be products of stellar nucleosynthesis taking place over long time scales in our galaxy. However, for the relatively shorter-lived nuclides, two possibilities exist; they could be products of energetic particle interactions taking place in a presolar or early solar environment, or, they could have been produced in a stellar source and injected into the protosolar molecular cloud just prior to its collapse. The presently available data appear to support the latter case and put a stringent constraint of less than a million years for the time scale for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud to form the Sun and some of the first solar system solids. This short time scale also suggests the possibility of a triggered origin for the solar system with the very process of injection of the short-lived nuclides acting as the trigger for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud. Fossil records of the short-lived nuclides in meteorites also provide very useful chronological information on the early solar system processes like the time scale for nebular processing, the time scales for differentiation and for metal/silicate fractionation within planetesimals. The currently available data suggest a time scale of a few million years for nebular processing and a relatively short time scale of about ten million years within which differentiation, melting and recrystallization in some of the planetesimals took place.  相似文献   

太阳系探测的进展与比较行星学的主要科学问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了太阳系的探测历程,综合分析了太阳系探测的发展趋势。未来的太阳系探测将以月球与火星探测为主线,适度开展太阳系其他行星及其卫星、小行星和彗星的考察性探测。21世纪将是全面探测太阳系并为人类社会长期可持续发展服务的新时代。随着太阳系探测的进展,通过系统比较地球与类地行星的大气层与水体的形成演化过程、地形地貌与地质构造特征、岩石类型、热历史与内部结构等方面的共性与特性研究,表明行星的质量大小和行星与太阳的距离的相互耦合,制约了行星的形成和演化的复杂过程。比较行星学已成为指导太阳系探测的科学理论体系。  相似文献   

国民经济的发展,带动了能源需求量的日益增加,能源供应日显紧张。太阳能作为可再生能源的一种,取之不尽,用之不竭,同时又不会增加环境负荷,必将成为未来能源结构中的重要组成部分。我国建筑能耗中,生活热水、供暖耗能占了相当的比例,利用太阳能来满足生活热水、供暖等能耗需求具有巨大节能效益。内蒙古中西部地区具有太阳能利用的良好条件,太阳能热水已逐渐普及城乡,太阳能采暖技术却面临着设计的瓶颈。  相似文献   

Magnesium, potassium and calcium isotope compositions in terrestrial samples and refractory phases from primitive meteorites are determined using an ion microprobe. A thorough investigation of the different instrument parameters is carried out to ensure that conditions necessary for high mass resolution and high precision isotopic studies are adequately satisfied. The instrument can be tuned to achieve mass resolution (M/ΔM) of up to 10,000 (M≤60); it has a very good dynamic stability (ΔB/B≤10 ppm over durations of ≤40 minutes) and the counting system has an effective dead-time of ≤25 nsec and a dynamic background of ≤0·01 c/s. Reproducibility and precision of isotopic measurements are checked by analyzing magnesium and titanium isotopic compositions in terrestrial standards and isotopically doped silicate glasses. A precision of 2‰ (2σ m ) was achieved during magnesium isotopic analysis in samples with low Mg content (200 ppm). Results from studies of magnesium and potassium isotopic compositions in several Ca−Al-rich refractory inclusions (CAIs) from the primitive meteorites Efremovka and Grosnaja, representing some of the early solar system objects, are presented. The well-behaved Mg−Al isotopic systematics confirm the pristine nature of the Efremovka CAIs inferred earlier from petrographic and trace element studies. The Grosnaja CAIs that have experienced secondary alterations show disturbed magnesium isotopic systematics. Observation of excess26Mg in several of the analyzed CAIs confirms the presence of the now extinct26Al (t 1/2=7×105 years) in the solar nebula at the time of CAI formation. Our data also suggest a relatively uniform distribution of26Al in the solar nebula. Several Efremovka CAIs with excess26Mg also have excess41K resulting from the decay of41Ca (t 1/2≃105 years). This observation constrains the time interval between cessation of nucleosynthetic input to the solar nebula and the formation of some of the first solar system solids (CAIs) to less than a million years.  相似文献   

The detailed examination of meteorites and interplanetary dust particles provides an opportunity to infer the origin of the organic matter found in primitive Solar System materials. If this organic matter were produced by aqueous alteration of elemental (graphitic or amorphous) carbon on an asteroid, then we would expect to see the organic matter occurring preferentially in interplanetary materials that exhibit evidence of aqueous activity, such as the presence of hydrated silicates. On the other hand, if the organic matter were produced either during the nebula phase of Solar System evolution or in the interstellar medium, we might expect this organic matter to be incorporated into the dust as it formed. In that case pre-biotic organic matter would be present in both the anhydrous and the hydrated interplanetary materials. We have performed carbon X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy on primitive anhydrous and hydrated interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected by NASA from the Earth's stratosphere. We find that organic matter is present in similar types and abundances in both the anhydrous and the hydrated IDPs, and, in the anhydrous IDPs some of this organic matter is the “glue” that holds grains together. These measurements provide the first direct, experimental evidence from the comparison of extraterrestrial samples that the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter occurs in similar types and abundances in both hydrated and anhydrous samples. This indicates that the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter in the Solar System did not form by aqueous processing, but, instead, had already formed at the time that primitive, anhydrous dust was being assembled. Thus, the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter in the Solar System was formed by non-aqueous processing, occurring in either the Solar nebula or in an interstellar environment. Aqueous processing on asteroids may have altered this pre-existing organic matter, but such processing did not affect in any substantial way the C=O content of the organic matter, the aliphatic C-H abundance, or the mean aliphatic chain length.  相似文献   

徐璐媛 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2662-2677
充分认识外太阳系撞击体的来源类型和分布特征,对认识外太阳系固态天体上撞击过程,明确外太阳系天体上的撞击坑生成率和撞击坑定年等诸多方面具有重要的意义.得益于海量高质量探测数据的获取,如今我们对内太阳系主要天体表面的撞击分布和来源已经有了较为深入的了解,但对外太阳系天体的撞击分布和来源还知之甚少.不同大小频率的撞击体会在外...  相似文献   

This review provides an introduction to presolar grains - preserved stardust from the interstellar molecular cloud from which our solar system formed - found in primitive meteorites. We describe the search for the presolar components, the currently known presolar mineral populations, and the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the grains and dust-forming stars to identify the grains’ most probable stellar sources.  相似文献   

The two-stage evolution of chondrite parent-planets, viz., protoplanet evolution (within giant planets, which are parent planets to chondrite planets) and the planet stage proper (after the loss of giant fluid envelopes by the parent planets) determines the petrological specific features of ordinary chondrites. Relics of protoplanet evolution include splitting of magma into chondri and a diamondiferous matrix fixed in chondrite structure. Chondrites of volcanic (I), subvolcanic (II), and plutonic (III) facies consolidate during the proper planetary stage of evolution of their parent planets. Chondri in chondrites crystallize before the more fluid kamacite matrix, which replaces the chondri and affects a fluid impact upon them. Replacement of chondri with olivine and replacement of matrix kamacite with olivine transforms the matrix into a secondary and substantially olivine-rich substance, which strongly complicates the chondri-matrix relationship, shading its primary magmatic nature.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheOrdosBasinisthesecondlargestoilandgas bearingbasininChina .ItislocatedinthePaleo zoicplatformandbelongstoacratonbasin ,whichisincongruencewiththePaleozoicdepressionattheedgesoftheplatformandtheMesozoic Cenozoicdepressionwithintheplatform .SincethediscoveryofnaturalgasesinWellShancan 1andWellYu 3in 1989,theassessmentandexplorationofOrdovicianweatheringcrustnaturalgasesintheOrdosBasinhaveattractedextensiveatten tion (YangJunjieetal.,1996 ;DaiJinxingetal.,1997) .Thecentral…  相似文献   

天津市宝坻区南部周良庄一带赋存较为丰富的地热资源。为查明该区各热储补给来源,地温场是否受断裂构造影响,利用人工地震结合钻探资料进行二次解译,分析该区地质构造背景和热储发育特征,同时在综合分析水化学和同位素等化探方法的基础上,对该区的地热成因进行探讨。查明该区主体构造为一背斜构造,地热属沉积盆地型层状热储,地热流体主要有孔隙型热水系统和基岩裂隙型热水系统2个类型,热储条件好。该区热流体矿化度较低的原因是接近补给区,补给水源来自北部山区大气降水;地热流体在深循环过程中与富氧岩石进行了氧交换,δ18O值存在不同程度的氧漂移。  相似文献   

梁瀚  唐浩  冉崎  陈康  马兵山  黄天俊  邬光辉 《地质学报》2023,97(8):2609-2620
近期研究发现四川克拉通盆地内存在大型走滑断裂带,是断控油气藏勘探开发的有利新领域,走滑断裂的分布与成因对油气目标评价具有重要意义。本文在三维结合二维地震资料解释的基础上,分析走滑断裂的分布与成因类型,并探讨走滑断裂的形成机制。结果表明,川中三维地震工区发育北西向走向为主的大型板内走滑断裂系统;走滑断裂呈雁列、斜列的不连续的带状分布,断裂发育成熟度低,具有断裂样式的多样性与分层分布的差异性;四川盆地存在川中克拉通内走滑断层、川东南帚状走滑构造、川东调节走滑带、川东北楔入走滑带、川西北斜向冲断走滑带等5个地区发育5种类型走滑断裂带;走滑断裂形成于震旦系灯影组沉积晚期,受控于原特提斯洋俯冲背景下的斜向伸展作用,基底北西向先存断裂构造复活,形成了调节斜向伸展裂陷槽的川中板内走滑断裂系统。结果揭示克拉通盆地可能发育大型的板内走滑断裂系统,不同于常规的板缘与板内调节走滑断裂系统。  相似文献   

长兴组礁白云岩是川东北地区最重要的天然气储层类型之一。通过对开江-梁平台棚东侧长兴组礁白云岩岩石组构、成岩演化序列、铁锰锶微量元素、碳氧锶稳定同位素、流体包裹体、油气性质及来源综合研究,认为古地貌格局控制了开江-梁平台棚东侧不同类型台缘生物礁的展布,古海平面的"升降"控制了生物礁形态及规模,台缘礁坪/礁盖滩微相及部分毗邻发育的骨架礁相带控制了优质储层发育位置和空间展布规律;可将长兴组白云岩划分为准同生白云岩和埋藏白云岩两种成因类型,优质的礁、滩相白云岩储层仅与多期次埋藏白云石化作用有关,推测成岩流体主要来源于封存地层中的早-中三叠世蒸发岩溶解产生的具低Mn含量、较低Fe含量、高Sr含量、较高δ~(13)C值、较高~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值特点的高盐度埋藏循环海源孔隙水,并有长兴期同生卤水和深部有机酸热液混入;按水文体制,将长兴组白云岩成岩系统划分为4类,分别为海源同生卤水、封存卤水、混源热卤水和深源混合热卤水成岩系统,认为混源热卤水成岩系统埋藏白云石化和溶蚀作用是提高储层质量的关键;论证了开江-梁平台棚东侧长兴组存在同一流体输导体系控制的埋藏白云石化作用与油气充注成藏的统一"成岩-成藏"系统,揭示了长兴组白云岩沉积-成岩-成藏耦合关系,为该地区下一步天然气勘探目标优选提供地质依据。  相似文献   

钻机提升系统在开启和关闭时存在着严重的液压冲击现象,因而会造成钻机运行的不平稳。产生液压冲击主要是由换向阀开启和关闭时液压油和负载的动能瞬时转化为压力能而造成的。本文结合DGZ-150B型多管全方位旋喷钻机,主要介绍了通过改进提升液压系统回路和选择合理的提升速度来降低液压冲击的影响。通过利用AMESim 软件对改进前后的提升液压系统建模仿真,可以看出改进后的液压系统对液压冲击有明显的控制,系统稳定性大大提高。按照改进后的提升液压系统对钻机的提升系统进行改造,钻机在步进提升时基本感觉不到液压冲击,钻机的震动大大减轻,稳定性增强。  相似文献   

中国是世界第一大钼生产国和资源国,同时也是铅、锌的重要资源国。中国东部燕山期斑岩型钼矿床及热液脉型、夕卡岩型铅锌(银)矿床是中国钼、铅、锌的主要来源。前人基于斑岩钼和热液型铅锌(银)矿床的地质、地球化学研究,提出了中国东部燕山期斑岩型钼-热液型铅锌(银)成矿系统的新认识,但对该成矿系统的岩浆起源、成矿物质来源等仍存在认识上的分歧。近年来,越来越多的地质、地球化学证据表明,斑岩钼矿的成矿可能与幔源岩浆活动有关,成矿斑岩的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成也显示有幔源物质的贡献。碳酸岩作为典型的幔源岩浆岩,是研究地幔物质组成的探针岩石,源自俯冲交代富集地幔的碳酸岩是已知Mo含量最高的岩浆岩,同时其Pb、Zn、Ag含量也很高,并具有富水、富F、富S、富CO2的特征。中国东部与斑岩钼矿同期的碳酸岩、基性岩的地球化学研究表明,中国东部中生代地幔为经历了俯冲交代的富集地幔,富集地幔的部分熔融可能为斑岩钼-热液型铅锌(银)成矿系统提供了成矿岩浆、成矿金属,同时还可能提供了S、F和成矿流体。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地孔雀河地区复合含油气系统与有利勘探方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用叠合盆地复合含油气系统的描述方法和评价思路,分析了塔里木盆地孔雀河地区含油气系统复合特征,再现从源岩到圈闭的油气地质演化过程。孔雀河地区含油气系统以断裂复合贯通为主,同时存在不整合面复合贯通,构成寒武系C—(!)—下奥陶统O1(!)—石炭系C(*)—三叠系T(*)—侏罗系J(*)+寒武系—C(!)—下奥陶统O1(*)—志留系S(*)—泥盆系D(*)—侏罗系J(*)改造型复合含油气系统(*)。含油气系统的复合经历3个关键时刻:泥盆纪末是构造格局与古油藏形成期,侏罗纪末和白垩纪末是油气转化、重新分配与油藏调整期。研究区可分为破坏散失区、改造调整区、深埋保存区,其中改造调整区、深埋保存区为有利油气聚集区,处在改造调整区的龙口背斜和维马克—开屏背斜的上古生界和中生界的断背斜圈闭以及下古生界残留古断背斜圈闭是最佳勘探目标。  相似文献   

Monitoring of the confined Cambrian-Vendian aquifer system utilised for industrial water supply at Kopli Peninsula in Tallinn over 24 years reveals remarkable changes in chemical composition of groundwater. A relatively fast 1.5 to 3.0-fold increase in TDS and in concentrations of major ions in abstracted groundwater is the consequence of heavy pumping. The main sources of dissolved load in Cambrian-Vendian groundwater are the leaching of host rock and the other geochemical processes that occur in the saturated zone. Underlying crystalline basement, which comprises saline groundwater in its upper weathered and fissured portion, and which is hydraulically connected with the overlying Cambrian-Vendian aquifer system, is the second important source of ions. The fractured basement and its clayey weathering crust host the Ca-Cl type groundwater, which is characterised by high TDS values (2–20 g/L). Intensive water abstraction accelerates the exchange of groundwaters and increases the area of influence of pumping. Chemical and isotopic studies of groundwater indicate an increasing contribution of old brackish water from the crystalline basement and rule out the potential implication of an intrusion of seawater into aquifer.
Resumen El origen del incremento en salinidad en un sistema de acuíferos Cámbrico-Vendiano en la Península Kopli, norte de EstonieMonitoreo a largo plazo de un sistema de acuíferos confinados, de edad Cámbrico-Vendiano, que se utiliza como fuente de abastecimiento industrial en la Península Kopli, al norte de Estonie, revela cambios notables en la composición química del agua subterránea. Un incremento de 1.5 a 3 veces en TDS y en concentraciones de iones mayores en agua subterránea explotada ha sido ocasionado por bombeo fuerte. Las fuentes principales de carga disuelta en el agua subterránea Cámbrico-Vendiano son la lixiviación de la roca encajonante y los procesos geoquímicos que ocurren en la zona saturada. Basamento cristalino subyacente, que aloja agua subterránea salada en la parte superior intemperizada y fisurada, y está conectado hidráulicamente con el sistema acuífero Cámbrico-Vendiano sobreyacente, es la segunda fuente importante de iones. El basamento fracturado y su corteza de intemperismo arcillosa alojan agua subterránea de tipo Ca-Cl la cual se caracteriza por valores altos de TDS (2–20 g/l). Debido a extracción intensiva se ha acelerado el intercambio de agua subterránea y se ha incrementado el área de influencia del bombeo. Los estudios químicos e isotópicos de agua subterránea indican una contribución creciente por filtración derivada del basamento cristalino. Es evidente una intrusión de agua salada hacia el sistema de acuíferos con implicaciones subsecuentes para la calidad del agua.

Résumé Lorigine de la salinité croissante dans le système aquifère du Cambrien-Vendien dans la péninsule de Kopli, nord de lEstonieLe suivi à long terme du système aquifère captif du Cambrien-Vendien utilisé pour lapprovisionnement deaux industrielles dans la Péninsule de Kopli, nord de lEstonie, révèle de remarquables changements dans la composition chimique des eaux souterraines. Une augmentation de facteur 1.5 à 3 de la TDS et des concentrations en ions majeurs dans leau souterraine est la conséquence de pompages intensifs. Les sources principales des charges dissoutes dans les eaux de laquifère du Cambrien-Vendien sont le lessivage des roches et dautres phénomènes géochimiques ayant lieu dans la zone saturée. Le soubassement rocheux cristallin, qui renferme des eaux souterraines salines dans sa partie supérieure altérée et fissurée, et est hydrauliquement connecté avec laquifère supérieur du Cambrien-Vendien, est la deuxième importante source dions. Le soubassement fracturé et le matériel argileux de laltération, renferme leau souterraine de type Ca-Cl, caractérisée par un haut TDS (2–20 g/l). A cause de la mobilisation intensive de leau les échanges deau souterraine est sont accélérés et la zone dinfluence des pompages augmentent. Les études chimiques et isotopiques indiquent une contribution croissante du drainage des eaux du soubassement cristallin. Lintrusion deaux salées de la mer dans le système aquifère nest pas un phénomène évident.

随着人类社会谋求可持续发展意愿的加强,突出系统科学的服务和规范已成为我国公益性地质工作的战略要求,并且成为引领新世纪地球科学的发展方向。建立在地球探针等技术基础之上的系统科学,必将促进多学科交叉融合,从地球系统整体行为研究寻求解决办法。由此提出了地球系统和地球系统科学的概念。通过自由性、统计性、组合性的研究,研究自然界中的秩序与和谐,通过体系的完全性、参数性、层次性的研究,揭示不同空间的物质组成,解释不同结构的物性参数,通过地质学、地球物理、地球化学信息的研究,探索开发矿物原料、资源估算、水文生态、污染治理、矿山监测。  相似文献   

在青藏高原东北缘的祁连-阿尔金-昆仑早古生代造山系中,夹杂有一些前寒武纪大陆块体,这些地块的组成、性质和演化既蕴含有超大陆聚散的重要信息,也对原特提斯体系的洋陆格局、造山类型和造山机制有重要启示意义.本文综合近年来这些前寒武纪微陆块的研究进展,结合我们所获得的新的研究资料,梳理了这些前寒武纪微陆块变质基底的岩石组成、构...  相似文献   

王新春  张怀东 《中国地质》2011,38(3):793-798
本文基于工作流技术设计实现了国家地质调查项目管理信息系统。该系统覆盖了地质调查项目管理工作各阶段的流程模板,使各阶段的流程实例在拥有不同角色权限的用户间流转,并实现各种信息的传递。该系统全面提升了国家地质调查项目管理工作的信息化程度和工作效率,促使办公程序的规范化、公开化、系统化,对未来项目管理的协调发展起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

本世纪西北气候可能转型的依据和原因分析   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
西北气候是否正在或已经转型不仅是个科学问题,它也与该地区甚至全国的生态建设和国民经济的可持续发展密切相关.从地球系统科学的角度出发,对西北地区气候转型问题进行了探讨.利用太阳活动周期长度、孢粉及冰芯等资料,在分析了西北气候变化的周期规律后指出,西北气候已经完成了由冷到暖的“转型”;推测西北的“千年湿期”将从22世纪开始;西北东部气候转为湿型可能要发生在2020年以后.  相似文献   

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