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The Middle–Upper Siwalik Groups (Plio–Pleistocene) are exposed at Haripur-Kolar, Himachal Pradesh, India. The succession is 2800-m thick and has been subdivided into Unit M1 of the Middle Siwalik and four units U1–U4 of the Upper Siwalik Group, on the basis of facies associations, and type and degree of development of palaeosols. The available magnetostratigraphic ages for bases of Units U1, U3 and U4 are 5.5, 2.6 and 1.77 Ma, respectively. The top of the section has been dated as 19 ka.

Lithofacies association and palaeocurrent analysis indicates that the Middle and Upper Siwalik Groups were formed mainly by a basin transverse fluvial system. Two types of river systems, which differ in their size, can be documented in Unit-M1, Unit U1 and Unit-U2: one trunk river system similar to the modern Kosi and the other smaller river system, which formed tributaries to the former. The large rivers were mainly braided in nature. The Unit U3 and lower part of Unit U4 were deposited in the piedmont depositional system mainly by small braided streams and the upper part of the Unit U4 was deposited during a period of arid climate by sediment gravity-flows.

Integration of fluvial lithofacies and pedofacies helps to identify two fluvial depositional systems from the modern Indo-Gangetic Plains. The Lowland System involved deposition on alluvial megafans and interfan areas, which resulted in sand-rich and mud-rich sequences with weekly developed soils. The Upland System allowed large tracts to act as high ground for thousands of years, thereby giving rise to sandstone poor intervals with moderately to strongly developed soils. Occurrence of moderately to strongly developed soils was controlled by uplifting and tilting of large tectonic blocks, without any relation to distance from the main channels. Rate of subsidence apparently controlled the occurrence of Lowland and Upland systems. Deposition of the Unit M1, Unit U1 and Unit U2 took place under Upland and Lowland systems, very similar to those identified from the modern Indo-Gangetic Plains. The warm and humid climate between 5.3 and 2.6 Ma led to the formation of red Alfisols with calcrete nodules at places. Slightly cooler and drier climate starting at about 2.6 Ma and approximately coinciding with the onset of global-scale glaciation, produced poorly developed yellow soil with common development of nodular calcretic horizon and calcitc material disseminated in the groundmass. At ca. 0.9 Ma, a probable significant change to still drier and cooler climate produced typical sediment gravity-flows in the piedmont system, that continued until at least up to 19 ka.  相似文献   


东南极拉斯曼丘陵地区位于兰伯特裂谷东缘普里兹湾东岸,该地区主要出露一套麻粒岩相变质岩,前期对原岩时代、变质过程等进行了详细研究,但是对于变质杂岩的层序和变形过程研究相对薄弱。文章通过大比例尺地质填图,发现拉斯曼丘陵地区变质杂岩总体成层有序,在此基础上建立拉斯曼岩群,并将其划分成6个岩组,原岩形成时代为中元古代。拉斯曼岩群经历了格林维尔期和泛非期变质作用的叠加,变质程度均达到高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相。拉斯曼丘陵地区主体构造线方向为北东东—南西西方向,总体上构成往北东东方向翘起的复式向斜构造,几个岩组的分布也显示由东向西逐渐变新。东部米洛半岛一带明显叠加了北北西—南南东向的构造变形。研究表明,拉斯曼岩群经历了6次重要的构造变形,包括新元古代格林维尔期(D1)、新元古代—早古生代泛非期变质变形作用(D2,D3,D4,D5)以及中新生代伸展作用(D6)。目前岩石中保存的主变形面理是格林维尔期和泛非期两次构造热事件的复合型面理,主要是泛非事件形成,格林维尔期变形面理呈残留状。综合拉斯曼岩群变质年龄及早古生代进步花岗岩体形成时代,认为D2~D5变形时代为550~500 Ma左右。因此,拉斯曼丘陵地区变质变形特征显示,中元古代拉斯曼岩群经历了格林维尔期和泛非期两次重要的造山作用,以及冈瓦纳大陆的裂解。  相似文献   

A spatially distributed physically based slope stability model combined with a hydrological model is presented and applied to a 350-km2 area located in Dhading district, Nepal. Land slide safety factor maps are generated for five cases, including three steady state conditions assuming either completely dry soils, half saturated soils, or fully saturated soils, and two quasi-dynamic conditions, i.e. soil wetness resulting from storm events with, respectively a 2 or 25-year return period. For the quasi-dynamic cases, two methods are used, one based on accumulation of groundwater flow from upstream areas, and the other on accumulation of soil water from direct infiltration. The methodology delineates areas most prone to shallow land sliding in function of readily available data as topography, land-use and soil types. For the study area only 29% of the soils are unconditionally stable, while 25% of the soils are found to be unstable under fully saturated conditions. The comparison between the methods based on contributing area or on infiltration for quasi-dynamic conditions show that the approach based on infiltration is more reliable for the study area. The proposed methodology for predicting landslide susceptibility on a regional scale, based on basic data in GIS form, may be useful for other remote regions where detailed information is not available.  相似文献   

Landslides in the three studied basins of the Siwalik Hills are not random in distribution; they tend to cluster in certain areas implying the control of certain in situ factors or their combination. Landslide controlling in situ factors were reviewed and analyzed from maps, aerial photos and imageries using GIS. Chi square analysis was carried out to test the significance of landslide distribution vis-à-vis in situ factors. Slope gradient and relative relief were consistently significant in landslide distribution. Geology, dip-topography relation, land use and land cover, and vegetation conditions appeared important in landslide occurrence in all three basins either in terms of area or count in any two basins. Slope aspect and altitude tested significant for landslide occurrence in at least two basins. However, upslope flow contributing area, drainage density and distance to lineament were found insignificant in all three basins. In situ factors that tested significant in any two basins were used for landslide susceptibility analysis using a bivariate statistical approach. The distribution of landslides strongly correlates with susceptibility indices. With in situ factors, landslide susceptibility had good correlation with slope gradient and relative relief. Incorporating calculated factor weight values from one basin to the other two basins, proxy susceptibility index maps were also prepared. A moderate to good positive correlation appeared between them implying certain range of confidence for replicating the result for whole of the Siwalik Hills. Slope gradient and relative relief can be used as proxy indicators of landslide susceptible areas in the Siwalik Hills.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of river systems in the Lower Siwalik sequence has enabled characterization of channel patterns, river metamorphosis and resulting sandstone body evolution in time and space. Processes related six lithofacies repeat to generate 8–10 m thick multistoried sandstone complexes deposited in perennial channel belts. Based on lateral mapping of the sandstone bodies, the surfaces of genetic significance ranging from 3rd, 4th and 5th order, suggest presence of meandering, braided and anastomosing river patterns that were responsible for the Lower Siwalik sedimentation. Variation in local base-level in response to allogenic factors including climate and tectonics forced river systems to acquire different patterns. Eustasy seems to control large-scale basin level changes. Quantitatively reconstructed morphological parameters and their comparison with modern and ancient analogues, supported by other independent evidences such as stratigraphical position of sandstone bodies in vertically measured columns and mineralogical characteristics of channel sandstones, enabled to decipher the geomorphic positioning of the Lower Siwalik channels in distal parts of megafan and interfluve areas within the foreland basin setting.  相似文献   

The Siwaliks in the foothills of the Himalayas, containing molasse sediments derived from the rising mountain front, represent a foreland fold-thrust belt which was deformed during the continued northward convergence of the Indian plate following the continent-continent collision. In this contribution we present balanced and restored cross sections along a line from Adampur through Jawalamukhi to Palampur in the foothills of the Punjab and Himachal Himalayas using published surface/subsurface data. The cross section incorporates all the rock units of the Sub-Himalaya Zone as well as that of the northern Lesser Himalaya Zone. The structural geometry of the fold-thrust belt in this section is largely controlled by three buried thrusts within the Sundernagar Formation of the Lesser Himalaya Zone. Two of these buried thrusts splay from the basal detachment and delineate a buried horse. Three thrusts towards foreland, including the Main Frontal Thrust (inferred to be a blind thrust in this sector), splay from these buried thrusts. In the hinterland, an anticlinal fault-bend fold was breached by a sequence of break-back thrusts, one of which is the Main Boundary Thrust. A foreland propagating thrust system is inadequate to explain the evolution of the fold-thrust-belt in this section. We show that a “synchronous thrusting” model in whichin-sequence initiation of thrusts at depth combined with continued motion on all the thrusts leading toout-of-sequence imbrication at the upper structural levels better explains the evolution of the fold-thrust belt in the Jawalamukhi section. The estimated shortening between the two chosen pin lines is about 36% (about 72 km).  相似文献   

南极拉斯曼丘陵高级长英质片麻岩的夕线片麻岩中可有两类结构和变质矿物组合均有所不同的两种域,一种含夕线石部分对应于片理组合,另一种对应无夕线石的非片理化组合.岩石的变形尤其是破裂性裂隙的率先出现对于富夕线石部分的形成是必要的.在非破裂性片麻理岩石域中,中-低压/高温条件下黑云斜长片麻岩进变质发展的结果往往是形成Grt+Qtz±Opx组合.这两种不同的变质域的组合与应变分解造成的强应变带和弱应变域相一致.而且,夕线石的形成不是简单的变质早期矿物固相反应的结果,而是反应链上的一部分.其出现是由开放体系中组分的差异迁移造成的,这种差异迁移实际上是碱土金属迁出(淋滤)的过程,与变形相伴的流体活动使得SiO2发生强烈淋滤,残留组分中SiO2活度大为降低,并使长英质组分和镁铁质组分分凝,主要组分大都可以单独富集(集中)、形成复杂的矿物演化和分布.这种演化还可从MgO等碱(土)金属组分的外迁程度差异来理解.随着碱(土)金属丢失程度的减小,依次出现夕线石、石榴子石、斜方辉石和堇青石,或者说,不同的变质或分异阶段形成不同的矿物(组合):变形-变质起始阶段,碱(土)金属组分迁移初期残留形成夕线石,之后为镁(铁)质组分迁移,初期残留不透明钛铁氧化物,晚期残留组分形成堇青石.石榴子石-长英质组合为体系基本封闭情况下的结晶.此外,夕线石的形成往往标志着深熔作用的开始,一旦深熔作用发展完善,夕线石呈准稳定状态或趋于消失.拉斯曼丘陵与夕线石有关的长英质岩石经历了复杂的变形、变质和流体活动变化.  相似文献   

北京西山寒武系层序地层   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了使北京西山地质学方面的研究更为全面,并为其他地区寒武系的研究提供对比,以北京西山地区出露的寒武纪地层为根据.进行了层序地层学和沉积学方面的研究.该区寒武纪地层多为碳酸盐岩,岩石类型以各种灰岩及白云岩为主.按照层序地层学的原理和工作方法,结合区域层序界面特征把该区寒武系划为16个三级层序,其中SQ1-SQ3为Ⅰ型层序,Ⅱ型层序则较为发育,SQ4-SQ16都为Ⅱ型层序.研究区寒武系属于典型的碳酸盐岩台地沉积.由于寒武纪研究区内地形地势平缓,构造沉降比较稳定,因而深切谷等标志不发育,所有层序都缺失低水位体系域(LST)或陆架边缘体系域(SMST)沉积.  相似文献   

Urban migration by Nepalese Dalits has not only provided them with social, economic and educational opportunities, but also the possibility of escaping traditional caste-based discrimination. However, despite making the most of opportunities provided by the city, Dalits have not been able to pursue their political agenda to the extent of other ethnic communities. This study in the city of Pokhara, Nepal, explored Dalit identity using two rounds of focus group discussions involving a total of 23 individuals drawn from a range of Dalit caste groups with a variety of livelihoods. The results describe the caste-based discrimination experienced by the participants and the different strategies they employ to either reinvent themselves by changing names; or embracing their caste-heritage and taking advantage of affirmative action programmes. Whilst urban migration can provide some relief from discrimination, the study reveals that caste still remains prominent in the lives of Dalits in Pokhara. The paper argues that Dalit unity and elimination of intra-Dalit caste-based discrimination are needed in order to institutionalise their citizenship rights in post conflict Nepal.  相似文献   

本文通过对南极拉斯曼丘陵长英质片麻岩变质过程中堇青石与其它矿物之间结构关系的研究 ,识别出明显不同的两种组合Pl Kfs Qtz(Grt)和Crd Opq Spl±Qtz,认为区内高级变质作用向深熔作用转化过程中发生了长英质组分和镁铁质组分的分凝。分凝出的长英质熔体与堇青石的形成没有直接关系 ;镁铁质组分较富Mg、Fe ,贫Si、Ca ,当镁铁质组分达到一定的富集程度时即形成堇青石。时间上 ,堇青石形成于降压过程中发生的深熔作用的晚期  相似文献   

The Mendip Hills, located on the north-western margin of the Wessex Basin, clearly show the onlap of Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic sediments onto folded Palaeozoic strata. Recent field mapping on the crest of the Beacon Hill pericline at Tadhill, near Frome, augmented by a suite of shallow boreholes, proved up to 6.2 m of glauconitic grey and green silty sand. These glauconitic sands rest unconformably on Silurian volcanic rocks and Devonian sandstone. Lithological and ipalaeontological analyses of these glauconitic sands indicate that they are part of the Lower Cretaceous Upper Greensand Formation. This provides the first evidence for the Albian transgression across the Mendip Hills. The implications for the Cretaceous overstep on the margins of the Wessex Basin, and the analogies with the Upper Greensand succession in Devon are discussed.  相似文献   

关于东南极拉斯曼丘陵夕线片麻岩类原岩恢复问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南极拉斯曼丘陵及其邻区的(含)夕线片麻岩类的原岩可以是杂砂岩、亚杂砂岩、石英砂岩、泥质岩或页岩等。粘土岩或页岩之类的富铝沉积岩与富夕线片麻岩并没有直接对应关系。没有一种泥质岩的化学组成可以与富夕线片麻岩相对应。研究区内夕线石片麻岩的形成主要与黑云斜长片麻岩有关,影响夕线石出现的决定性因素是特定温压条件下的变形变质改造过程,而不是原岩成分。夕线石片麻岩在很大程度上是黑云斜长片麻岩经长英质组分迁移之后的滞留-残留体。夕线石化过程中岩石组分发生了改造,相关变质作用已经明显偏离等化学过程,基本上属于开放体系。原岩中Al2O3的含量也不能控制夕线石的出现与否,含夕线石的岩石未必富铝,反之亦然,岩石富铝也可以不出现夕线石;但是夕线石化过程往往是Al2O3相对增加的过程,这些认识对于夕线石片麻岩成岩环境的确定和原岩建造的重建都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Geological and geochemical study has been carried out to investigate arsenic contamination in groundwater in Nawalparasi, the western Terai district of Nepal. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments, provenance study by rare earth elements analyses, 14C dating, and water analyses. Results showed that distribution of the major and trace elements are not homogeneous in different grain size sediments. Geochemical characteristics and sediment assemblages of the arsenic contaminated (Nawalparasi) and uncontaminated (Bhairahawa) area have been compared. Geochemical compositions of sediments from both the areas are similar; however, water chemistry and sedimentary facies vary significantly. Extraction test of sediment samples showed significant leaching of arsenic and iron. Chemical reduction and contribution from organic matter could be a plausible explanation for the arsenic release in groundwater from the Terai sediments.  相似文献   

东南极拉斯曼丘陵地区麻粒岩相岩石中出露一套罕见的含硅硼镁铝矿-柱晶石-电气石矿物组合的富硼岩系.由于高级变质作用已使原岩的性质难以确定,变质原岩及其形成环境的恢复变得十分困难,而硼同位素组成则可以作为判定硼来源的有效示踪剂和指相标志.报道了东南极拉斯曼丘陵硅硼镁铝矿-柱晶石-电气石富硼岩系的硼同位素组成资料,其δ11B值变化范围为-12.0‰~-34.6‰,硼同位素的低比值和其他地质证据表明,其原岩为非海相蒸发硼酸盐岩.  相似文献   

An engineering and environmental geological map of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal has been elaborated within a project of German-Nepalese cooperation. In the Kathmandu Valley, the major geo-environmental problems arise from haphazard exploitation of geologic resources, local landslide zones, severe problems of garbage disposal, river flooding and a dramatic river pollution. The map was prepared by the use of GIS techniques. It contains all basic geological and environmental data, as geotechnical risk zones (landslide-prone areas or those of poor foundation conditions), areas for preferable extraction of construction material and those not to be allowed to be exploited, areas of immediate need of reforestation in order to prevent landslide or badland development, groundwater protection zones, and suitable garbage disposal sites. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

再论北京西山山地壶穴的形态特征与成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵇少丞  黎乐 《冰川冻土》2018,40(4):715-727
北京西山"京西古道"的"驮兽蹄窝",近些年来因为进山旅游的人越来越多而名声大噪,常见诸报刊、电视、网络等媒体。至于其真正成因,却鲜有学者深究。通过对出现"驮兽蹄窝"的北京西山牛角岭、石佛岭和峰口庵三个垭口详细的野外观察和实地测量,认为基岩路面上那些圆形、椭圆形或多边形凹坑,是历史上无数次暴雨流挟带砂砾冲刷与磨蚀基岩坡面上原先的构造和岩性薄弱部位而逐渐形成的山地壶穴(hillside potholes),属于正常的雨流侵蚀现象(rain-induced erosion)。壶穴的分布特征(在山脊垭口两侧,沿基岩路面上沟槽成串分布)、几何形态的非对称性、内壁的水平擦痕、底部的中央岛现象,以及长、短轴长度、长短轴比(a/b)、宽深比(D/h)和长轴倾向的统计结果与D-h相关性等数据,皆证明"驮兽蹄窝"的成因是不可能的。  相似文献   

宁镇山脉小壳化石层时代的新认识   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
章森桂 《地层学杂志》1995,19(2):144-148,T001
最新研究表明,句容仑山的小壳化石层和南京幕府山的一样,其层位都相当于下寒武统沧浪铺阶Paokannia带,为我国下寒武统层位最高的一个小壳化石组合带。句容仑山当时位于台地边缘,缺失了早寒武世早期至沧浪铺期中期的沉积。  相似文献   

A slip-debris flow occurred in the Ogbajala Hills of Benue State on 3 September, 1987 after three days of consecutive rainfall. Field measurements of the landslide showed that the slip originated on the upper one-third of the hill at a depth of 1.37 m and extended uniformly to about 50 m downslope before turning into a flow.Stability analysis of the slip using infinite slope analysis yielded a slip surface depth of 1.4 m with a perched water table that rose seven-tenths (0.7) into the thickness of the slipped soil before failure. These analysis results agree closely with field measurements and give an insight into the water table conditions that led to the failure.  相似文献   

Fresh water lakes are found in basement rock basins in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, during the summer months. These lakes constitute a relatively simple natural laboratory to investigate the effects of recent and well-documented anthropogenic impact on a “pristine” environment. Larsemann Hills freshwaters have extremely low salinity (typically <1‰), and contain very low concentrations of trace elements of environmental significance such as Pb, U, and Zn. Typical Pb concentrations range from less than 5 ppt to 250 ppt. Although trace metal concentrations appear to be higher in lakes situated in the vicinity of stations, they are consistently lower (by several orders of magnitude, for some elements) than Standard International Drinking Water Guidelines. The chemistry of the lake waters is dominated by sea-spray input. Consequently, it is primarily a function of geographical factors, such as distance from the shore and exposure to winds. Shallow-level groundwater and surface water also contribute to the lake chemistry. No evidence was found for contamination from global air circulation. Although contamination resulting from activities at the research stations is generally near or below detection levels, very low levels of trace metal anthropogenic contamination were found in the vicinity of some research stations. Received: 13 November 1998 · Revised: 23 March 1999 Accepted: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

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