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Distributions of boulders ejected from lunar craters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the spatial distributions of boulders ejected from 18 lunar impact craters that are hundreds of meters in diameter. To accomplish this goal, we measured the diameters of 13,955 ejected boulders and the distance of each boulder from the crater center. Using the boulder distances, we calculated ejection velocities for the boulders. We compare these data with previously published data on larger craters and use this information to determine how boulder ejection velocity scales with crater diameter. We also measured regolith depths in the areas surrounding many of the craters, for comparison with the boulder distributions. These results contribute to understanding boulder ejection velocities, to determining whether there is a relationship between the quantity of ejected boulders and lunar regolith depths, and to understanding the distributions of secondary craters in the Solar System. Understanding distributions of blocky ejecta is an important consideration for landing site selection on both the Moon and Mars.  相似文献   

Central peak features in 580 craters on the lunar near side were systematically studied, and detailed studies were made of several features of interest, in an attempt to define the mechanism of central peak formation. The peaks tend to be elongated along the preferred directions of the lunar grid. A weak correlation exists between peak size and crater size. Some peaks appear to have been formed or modified by volcanic processes, though strictly mechanical processes are known to produce central peaks on Earth. A more detailed knowledge of impact mechanics is required to account for the observations of the lunar central peaks.  相似文献   

The surface of the Moon is highly cratered due to impacts of meteorites, asteroids, comets and other celestial objects. The origin, size, structure, age and composition vary among craters. We study a total of 339 craters observed by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera(LROC). Out of these 339 craters, 214 craters are known(named craters included in the IAU Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature) and 125 craters are unknown(craters that are not named and objects that are absent in the IAU Gazetteer). We employ images taken by LROC at the North and South Poles and near side of the Moon. We report for the first time the study of unknown craters, while we also review the study of known craters conducted earlier by previous researchers. Our study is focused on measurements of diameter, depth, latitude and longitude of each crater for both known and unknown craters. The diameter measurements are based on considering the Moon to be a spherical body. The LROC website also provides a plot which enables us to measure the depth and diameter. We found that out of 214 known craters, 161 craters follow a linear relationship between depth(d) and diameter(D), but 53 craters do not follow this linear relationship. We study physical dimensions of these 53 craters and found that either the depth does not change significantly with diameter or the depths are extremely high relative to diameter(conical). Similarly, out of 125 unknown craters, 78 craters follow the linear relationship between depth(d) and diameter(D) but 47 craters do not follow the linear relationship.We propose that the craters following the scaling law of depth and diameter, also popularly known as the linear relationship between d and D, are formed by the impact of meteorites having heavy metals with larger dimension, while those with larger diameter but less depth are formed by meteorites/celestial objects having low density material but larger diameter. The craters with very high depth and with very small diameter are perhaps formed by the impact of meteorites that have very high density but small diameter with a conical shape. Based on analysis of the data selected for the current investigation, we further found that out of 339 craters, 100(29.5%) craters exist near the equator, 131(38.6%) are in the northern hemisphere and 108(31.80%) are in the southern hemisphere. This suggests the Moon is heavily cratered at higher latitudes and near the equatorial zone.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of craters with relatively small ratio depth/diameter are discussed. It is observed that many morphological similarities exist among craters possessing ratiosd/D which do not differ considerably. The distribution of 1933 craters with respect to diameter, depth and the depth/diameter ratio is presented.  相似文献   

The value of the ratio depth/diameter is examined as a criterion of morphological classification of lunar craters. Craters of small depth/diameter ratio are studied in detail.  相似文献   

A new catalogue of lunar crater diameters, depths and morphologies based on Orbiter photography is described. Preliminary shadow length reductions indicate that previous depths determined by ACIC and Baldwin are systematically about 500 m too shallow.Paper presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

George E. McGill 《Icarus》1974,21(4):437-447
This paper is a test of published theoretical and experimental studies of crater erosion by micrometeorite bombardment which predict systematic variations in the morphology of lunar craters as a function of crater diameter and crater age. Numerical, ranking-type degradation classifications indicate that the craters on Mare Imbrium and Mare Tranquillitatus confirm these predictions by showing a systematic increase in degradation with decreasing diameter for craters smaller than a few kilometers in diameter but larger than the equilibrium diameter, and by showing fixed proportions of fresh, moderately degraded and very degraded craters under equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, the relative ages of the two mare surfaces may be determined using a diameter/mean-degradation-number curve. These determinations of relative age and process of crater erosion are both essentially independent of the traditionally studied crater diameter/frequency relationships. Morphologies of terra craters near Mare Humorum suggest a young, non-equilibrium crater population superposed on a perimordial population with about equilibrium proportions of fresh, moderately degraded and very degraded craters. The primordial population has been modified by pre-Imbrian or early Imbrian deposition of blanketing deposits. A comparative study of several crater degradation classifications indicates that all are essentially interchangeable.  相似文献   

Radar, infrared, and photogeologic properties of lunar craters have been studied to determine whether there is a systematic difference in blocky craters between the maria and terrae and whether this difference may be due to a deep megaregolith of pulverized material forming the terra surface, as opposed to a layer of semi-coherent basalt flows forming the mare surface. Some 1310 craters from about 4 to 100 km diameter have been catalogued as radar and/or infrared anomalies. In addition, a study of Apollo Orbital Photography confirmed that the radar and infrared anomalies are correlated with blocky rubble around the crater.Analysis of the radar and infrared data indicated systematic terra—mare differences. Fresh terra craters smaller than 12 km were less likely to be infrared and radar anomalies than comparable mare craters: but terra and mare craters larger than 12 km had similar infrared and radar signatures. Also, there are many terra craters which are radar bright but not infrared anomalies.Our interpretation of these data is that while the maria are rock layers (basaltic flow units) where craters eject boulder fields, the terrae are covered by relatively pulverized megaregolith at least 2 km deep, where craters eject less rocky rubble. Blocky rubble, either in the form of actual rocks or partly consolidated blocks, contributes to the radar and infrared signatures of the crater. However, aging by impacts rapidly destroys these effects, possibly through burial by secondary debris or by disintegration of the blocks themselves, especially in terra regions.PSI Contribution No. 110.  相似文献   

From a consideration of equations describing the supersonic impact of a solid body on to a solid target, the difference between final crater depth and distance vertically below the original impact at which the rarefaction wave front, resulting from the reflection of the backward propagating shock wave in the meteorite, first intersects the forward travelling shock wave front in the target has been determined. A correlation between this difference and the height of central peak features in the majority of fresh lunar craters has been established. On the basis of this, it is proposed that the intersection of these two wave fronts locally inhibits the ejection of material from behind the shock front during the excavation phase of crater formation, leading to the appearance of a centrally located peak of uplifted material. Subsequent post-impact development of the interior morphological features has been shown to be consistent with the size-scale of development of complex crater features on the lunar and other planetary surfaces. By considering only craters which exhibit this correlation, a scaling between peak height and impact energy has been derived.  相似文献   

On the basis of the first images of certain areas of Lunar surface obtained by the Chang??e-2 spacecraft and materials of large-scale image acquisition from the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) spacecraft, supplemented with remote spectral measurements performed from the Clementine spacecraft, the slope movements of material have been studied in lunar craters Daniell, Burg and Mauri A. It is established that despite a significantly different age of formation of these craters, the slope formations are of similar structure and differ by increased iron abundance in the soil surface layer. All objects are characterized with by increase in FeO abundance to 20 wt % at depths of several hundred meters from the surface. The material of the slope structures is distinguished by a low maturity rate. According to preliminary assessments using the optical maturity index and spectropolarimetric maturity index, the fresher slope formations can have an exposure age from several tens of years to several years.  相似文献   

It is suggested that selenographic positions of circular lunar craters used as reference points should be defined by the position of the center as determined from a best fit to the crater's rim.  相似文献   

Total crater populations in Lunar Orbiter photographs have been counted and measured for 12 selected areas of the lunar surface using precision techniques. Details of the counting procedure are described. Incremental and cumulative frequencies per km2 (and their logarithms) are presented in graphical as well as tabular form for general use by other investigators. The data include 333,404 craters in areas totaling 10,833.3 km2.  相似文献   

Carlton C. Allen 《Icarus》1979,39(1):111-123
A survey of medium- and high-resolution Viking orbital imagery was carried out in order to characterize the areal distribution of Martian rampart craters. Such craters have been identified on nearly every major geologic unit on the planet, at all latitudes and longitudes, and over a wide range of altitudes. Rampart crater formation spans Martian geologic history from at least the formation of the Chryse channels to the present.  相似文献   

The relation between the size and velocity of impact crater ejecta has been studied by both laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. An alternative method, used here, is to analyze the record of past impact events, such as the distribution of secondary craters on planetary surfaces, as described by Vickery (Icarus 67 (1986) 224; Geophys. Res. Lett. 14 (1987) 726). We first applied the method to lunar images taken by the CLEMENTINE mission, which revealed that the size-velocity relations of ejecta from craters 32 and 40 km in diameter were similar to those derived by Vickery for a crater 39 km in diameter. Next, we studied the distribution of small craters in the vicinity of kilometer-sized craters on three images from the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on board the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). If these small craters are assumed to be secondaries ejected from the kilometer-sized crater in each image, the ejection velocities are of hundreds of meters per second. These data fill a gap between the previous results of Vickery and those of laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The composition of small areas within three large lunar highland craters are compared using near-infrared, Earth-based telescopic data. Spectra from many areas in the walls and central peaks of the craters indicate the presence of crystalline components which include olivine, two types of pyroxene, and sometimes Fe-bearing feldspar. Spectra from other regions suspected of being impact melt deposits, located on the floors and walls of the three craters, have remarkably similar, yet anomalous features. These features are interpreted to indicate the presence of pyroxene, Fe-bearing glass, and Fe-bearing feldspar. Pyroxene and feldspar are believed to occur primarily in the form of lithic clasts and rapidly recrystallized impact melt. The Fe-bearing glass is interpreted as impact melt glass.  相似文献   

The present study focuses both on the influence of impact scale on ejecta expansion and on specific features of ejecta deposits around relatively small craters (i.e., those a few kilometers in width). The numerical model is based on the SOVA multimaterial multidimensional hydrocode, considering subaerial vertical impacts only, applying a 2‐D version of the code to projectiles of 100, 300, and 1000 m diameter. Ejecta can roughly be divided into two categories: “ballistic” ejecta and “convective” ejecta; the ballistic ejecta are the ejecta with which the air interacts only slightly, while the convective ejecta motion is entirely defined by the air flow. The degree of particle/air interaction can be defined by the time/length of particle travel before deceleration. Ejecta size‐distributions for the impacts modeled can be described by the same power law, but the size of maximum fragment increases with scale. There is no qualitative difference between the 100 m diameter projectile case and the 300 m diameter projectile impact. In both cases, fine ejecta decelerate in the air at a small distance from launching point and then rise to the stratosphere by air flows induced by the impacts. In the 1000 m‐scale impact, the mass of ejecta is so large that it moves the atmosphere itself to high altitudes. Thus, the atmosphere cannot decelerate even the fine ejecta and they consequently expand to the rarefied upper atmosphere. In the upper atmosphere, even fine ejecta move more or less ballistically and therefore may travel to high altitudes.  相似文献   

Between 1000 and 2000 infrared (eclipse) and radar anomalies have been mapped on the nearside hemisphere of the Moon. A study of 52 of these anomalies indicates that most are related to impact craters and that the nature of the infrared and radar responses is compatible with a previously developed geologic model of crater aging processes. The youngest craters are pronounced thermal and radar anomalies; that is, they have enhanced eclipse temperatures and are strong radar scatterers. With increasing crater age, the associated thermal and radar responses become progressively less noticeable until they assume values for the average lunar surface. The last type of anomaly to disappear is radar enhancement at longer wavelengths. A few craters, however, have infrared and radar behaviors not predicted by the aging model. One previously unknown feature - a field strewn with centimeter-sized rock fragments - has been identified by this technique of comparing maps at the infrared, radar, and visual wavelengths.  相似文献   

About 60,000 observations of lunar occultations made during 1955–1980 are analysed using recently-developed semi-analytical solution ELP2000-82 for the Moon's position in order to determine the constants in the lunar theory and to investigate the tidal term in the Moon's mean longitude and the motions of the perigee and node of the lunar orbit. The equinox correction and systematic correction to the fundamental star catalogue and the correction to the datum of the lunar-profile in Watts' charts are also investigated. It is confirmed that the occultation observations do not have inconsistent tidal term with the modern observations and the observed mean motions of the perigee and node coincide with the theoretical ones within the error of observations. Some of the values of the constants in the lunar theory and the equinox correction to the fundamental catalogue FK5 obtained in this paper are significantly different from the values obtained using the Brown's theory. The reason of the difference is almost attributed to the deficiencies in the Brown's theory. The obtained correction to the datum of the lunar-profile in Watts' charts is almost consistent with the results by earlier investigators.  相似文献   

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