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陈光华 《大气科学进展》2013,30(5):1433-1448
The extratropical transition (ET) of tropical cyclone (TC) Haima (2004) was simulated to understand the impact of TC on midlatitude frontal systems. Two experiments were conducted using the Advanced Research version of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. In the control run (CTL), a vortex was extracted from the 24-hour pre-run output and then inserted into the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global final (FNL) analysis as an initial condition, while TC circulation was removed from the initial conditions in the sensitivity run (NOTC). Comparisons of the experiments demonstrate that the midlatitude front has a wider meridional extent in the NOTC run than that in the CTL run. Furthermore, the CTL run produces convection suppression to the southern side of the front due to strong cold advection related to the TC circulation. The easterly flow north of the TC not only decelerates the eastward displacement of the front and contracts its zonal scale but also transports more moisture westward and lifts the air along equivalent potential temperature surfaces ahead of the front. As a result, the ascending motion and diabatic heating are enhanced in the northeastern edge of the front, and the anticyclonic outflow in the upper-level is intensified. The increased pressure gradient and divergent flow aloft strengthen the upper-level jet and distort the trough axis in a northwest-southeast orientation. The thermal contrast between the two systems and the dynamic contribution related to the TC circulation can facilitate scalar and rotational frontogenesis to modulate the frontal structure.  相似文献   

台风“卢碧”变性增强过程的诊断研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
卓鹏  王举  黄泓  王学忠 《气象科学》2018,38(3):310-319
利用日本气象厅JRA再分析资料和台风最佳路径资料以及TRMM降水资料,对0920号台风"卢碧"变性过程的环流形势、高低层热力异常和锋生锋消等特征进行了分析研究。结果表明,"卢碧"的变性是中高纬度冷空气入侵的结果,变性过程伴随着西风槽的东移,高空急流的加强以及西太平洋副热带高压的减弱东撤。低纬度暖湿气流及较大的正涡度异常气旋式卷入台风环流,并在其东北侧积聚产生大量降水,释放的凝结潜热有利于北侧脊的加强,使得高空急流进一步加强,使得台风中心气压进一步降低。锋生、强降水伴随的潜热释放以及气旋中心气压之间存在着正反馈效应是"卢碧"变性后得以增强再发展的主要原因。热成风涡度梯度的分布对"卢碧"的变性增强过程具有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

王凯  张雪婷  王云峰  陈华 《气象科学》2014,34(2):179-186
用WRF模式对变性台风(TC)马勒卡进行模拟,研究了在台风的变性过程(ET)的作用下中纬度下游环流特别是中纬度急流的发展,对台风的强度及其相对上游槽位置的敏感性。结果表明:TC与中纬度系统的相互作用会使得中纬度急流处的斜压不稳定性增大,急流增强。下游环流的发展对TC强度及TC与西风带上游槽的相对位置非常敏感。若TC增强,TC溢出流作用于中纬度急流,使之不稳定性增强,强度也增强,从而导致中纬度下游急流的强度、范围都增强,下游槽脊更显著。若台风减弱则反之。类似的,若TC靠近上游槽,其对中纬度急流的作用得到进一步加强和提前,急流的不稳定性增加,强度增强,下游的急流和槽脊也得到增强。若TC远离上游槽,则反之。  相似文献   

The energetics of the third stage of a snowstorm over China was analyzed using ECWMF data.The analysis of the energy budget for the Middle East trough and the western Pacific trough that developed toward China on 25-28 January 2008 showed the advection of the geopotential by the ageostrophic wind to be both a crucial source and the primary sink of the eddy kinetic energy centers associated with the troughs.The magnitudes of the energy conversion terms,interaction kinetic energy conversion and baroclinic conversion,were too small to explain the development of the energy centers and the jet streaks.The energy centers gained energy at their entrance regions via the convergence of the ageostrophic geopotential fluxes,and then lost energy at their exit regions by the same fluxes.At the entrance regions,the fluxes converged,increasing the geopotential gradient,which generated a stronger geostrophic wind and higher kinetic energy,resulting in an ascending motion in this area.When the troughs moved to China,the ascending motion caused by the convergence of the fluxes at entrance region intensified the snowstorms over central and southern China.  相似文献   

一次秋季温带气旋的雨雪天气过程分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2012年11月3-5日,受强冷空气和气旋发展的影响,华北地区出现了秋冬之交首场雨雪过程.此次雨雪天气过程具有降水强度大、雨雪范围广、初雪时间早、降水相态多变以及雨雪降温大风并存等特点.着重分析了过程的多尺度相互作用及其成因机理等,得到以下结果:(1)通过对北极涛动指数变化的分析发现,此次过程前期由于北极涛动指数负位相出现的时间较早,并且强度大,维持时间长,对应当年秋冬之交首场雨雪天气出现亦时间早、强度大.(2)此次过程前期华北地区西风带上游长波波数趋于减少,导致后期位于华北地区受其引导的相应低压系统稳定少动.(3)东亚-西太平洋地区建立的“Ω”形阻塞形势阻挡了其上游西风带槽的东移,特别是后期此阻塞高压南部迅速生成的低值系统与阻塞高压的高值中心构成了十分稳定的对偶之势,阻断了其上游西风带槽的东移,导致相应地面气旋系统长时间稳定维持在北京及其邻近地区,从而促使该地区出现了历史上罕见的强降水事件.(4)该过程涡度平流和温度平流对锋前上升运动的形成和气旋的发展演变有重要的影响,这次天气过程的气旋发展机制与经典的第二类温带气旋发生、发展机制不尽相同.(5)此次过程中水汽条件极为有利,特别是在气旋发展后期,来自海上的水汽源源不断流入移动缓慢的气旋区域,为该区域的罕见强降水创造了极为有利的水汽条件.(6)在整体大气稳定层结环境下,锋面前沿的水汽输送和抬升在低层形成了大气不稳定层结,有利于低层上升运动的触发,锋面加强引起的风垂直切变加强促进了大气不稳定层结之上的条件性对称不稳定区向上扩展,并与高层的条件性对称不稳定区连通,从而为低层触发的上升运动向高层发展提供了有利条件.  相似文献   

潜热释放的作用在温带气旋的研究中一直是研究的重点。江苏省气象台沈阳等以一个产生极端降水的温带气旋为研究对象,基于全型涡度方程,计算了凝结潜热释放对气旋相对涡度倾向的贡献。结果表明,对流凝结潜热加热率最大可达稳定凝结潜热加热率的40倍。两类潜热加热中心均位于700 hPa以上,加热率垂直梯度在对流层低层为正,因而在加热中心下方形成正涡源中心。对流凝结潜热垂直梯度引发的涡度倾向比稳定凝结潜热高出1个数量级。虽然总的凝结潜热水平梯度引发的涡度倾向可以贡献气旋涡度实际增长值的65%,但对流凝结潜热垂直梯度的贡献高达其2倍。凝结潜热释放不仅能够直接引发涡度倾向,亦可通过改变位温梯度,进一步造成涡度倾向。  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean has a particularity, its width is close to half the wavelength of a Rossby wave of biannual frequency, this coincidence having been capitalized on by several authors to give the observations a physical basis. The purpose of this article is to show that this is not the case since the resonance of tropical baroclinic waves occurs in all three oceans. This is because the westward-propagating Rossby wave is retroflexed at the western boundary to form off-equatorial Rossby waves dragged by countercurrents before receding and turning back as a Kelvin wave. Thus a quasi-stationary baroclinic wave is formed, whose mean period is tuned to the forcing period. Two independent basin modes resonantly forced are highlighted – 1) a nearly symmetric zonal 1/2-yr period Quasi-Stationary Wave (QSW) that is resonantly forced by the biannual monsoon. It is formed from first baroclinic mode equatorial-trapped Rossby and Kelvin waves and off-equatorial Rossby waves at the western antinode. This QSW controls the Equatorial Counter Current at the node. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) results from a subharmonic mode locking resulting from the coupling of this QSW and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th baroclinic modes - 2) a 1-yr period QSW formed from an off-equatorial baroclinic Rossby wave, which is induced from the southernmost current of the Indonesian Throughflow through the Timor passage, propagating in the southern and northern hemispheres: the drivers are south-easterlies in the southern hemisphere and monsoon wind in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

A conservation law for the Phillips model is derived. Using this law, the nonlinear saturation of purely baroclinic instability caused by the vertical velocity shear of the basic flow in the Phillips model-the case of energy-is studied within the context of Arnold's second stability theorem. Analytic upper bounds on the energy of wavy disturbances are obtained. For one unstable region in the parameter plane, the result here is a second-order correction in ε to Shepherd's; For another unstable region, the analytic upper bound on the energy of wavy disturbances offers an effective constraint on wavy (nonzonal) disturbances φ'i at any time.  相似文献   

Moist potential voracity (MPV) and Its generation may be important in the development of mesoscale structures such as rainbands within cyclones. In an adiabatic and frictionless flow, MPV generation is possible if the flow is three-dimensional and the air is unsaturated. Moist potential vorticity can be generated through the combined effects of gradients in the potential temperature and moisture fields. The diagnosis of MPV generation in an extratropical cy-clone was performed with the ECMWF objectively analyzed fields for a system that developed during February 1992. It was found that at various stages during the development of the cyclone, negative MPV was generated: at the north end of the cold front; along the occluded front and the cold front; and in the region of the warm core. This pattern of negative MPV generation is in excellent agreement with the predictions of previous theoretical and numerical studies. After the cyclone ceased to deepen, the region of negative MPV generated in the cyclone was horizontally adverted in-to a saturated area. The area of negative MPV generated both along the occluded front in this case study and in the region of the bent-back warm front in a numerical simulation showed a mesoscale structure with a width of about 200-500 km. It was found that the intrusion of moist or dry air into baroclinic zones was important for MPV genera-tion. In addition, baroclinicity increase (adjacent to the area of condensation) in the regions of high moisture gra-dients led to significant MPV production.  相似文献   

对流层上层斜压波包活动与2003年江淮流域梅雨的关系   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
梅士龙  管兆勇 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1333-1340
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析和中国740站逐日降水资料, 研究了2003年淮河流域梅雨期间对流层上层斜压波动的传播情况。结果发现, 斜压波组织成波包向下游传播且具有明显的下游频散效应。波动起源于巴尔喀什湖西北侧, 沿着西北-东南向的路径向东南传播, 传至江淮流域大约需要3天。斜压波包所带来的扰动能量为江淮流域暴雨的发生发展提供了必要的能量积聚。通过与1998和1997年这两个梅雨年份的比较, 发现1998年异常强梅雨年的斜压波包的活动特征与2003年的相似, 但在梅雨降水非常偏少的1997年, 未发现有明显的斜压波包向下游的传播。  相似文献   

一次热对流降水成因的分析和模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏季受西太平洋副热带高压控制的中国大陆地区常发生热对流降水。在副高中心盛行大尺度下沉气流的环境中,对流是怎样发生的?降水的水汽来自哪里?本文以2003年8月2日发生在江西、浙江等地区的热对流降水为例,研究了地表的非均匀感热加热对增强对流的贡献和地表蒸发、水汽水平通量辐合对降水的贡献。本文首先利用TRMM卫星观测资料、地面自动站地表温度观测资料和NCEP资料分析了热对流降水的特征及其产生的背景条件;接着利用区域平均的水汽方程诊断了地表蒸发、水汽平流和水汽通量辐合项的贡献,分析了降水的水汽来源;再进一步利用AREM区域数值预报模式,设计了4个敏感性试验研究了陆气感热、潜热通量对降水的贡献。结果表明,在副高控制的地区,白天强烈的非均匀地表感热加热可导致低层热空气块突破环境下沉气流而上升,周围空气补充形成辐合运动。低层空气的辐合上升既可引起水汽的汇聚,又可把低层的水汽输送到高层。同时非均匀陆面特征造成的非均匀感热和潜热通量的共同作用增强了大气的位势不稳定度,触发了对流,但感热通量对热对流降水的贡献比潜热通量略大。热对流降水的水汽除部分来自地表蒸发外,另一部分来自低层的水平通量辐合。定量计算表明二者对大气可降水量的贡献基本相当,而平流水汽的贡献很小。  相似文献   

"K"理论是众多气象预报模式中运用最广泛的湍流参数化方案之一,但无法解释"逆梯度"的输送,必须进行修正。最具代表性的修正方案有三种:方案Ⅰ(Deardroff方案)、方案Ⅱ(Holtslag和Moeng方案)和方案Ⅲ(刘烽方案)。本文利用香河的边界层观测资料对上述三种方案进行验证和比较,发现方案Ⅰ的结果在整个对流边界层(Convective Boundary Layer,CBL)呈系统性偏低,与观测不符;方案Ⅱ在CBL中上部能够再现逆梯度输送现象,基本能给出合理的湍流通量垂直分布,但在CBL的下部和上部与观测不符;方案Ⅲ的逆梯度项与高度有关,并在CBL中部达到最大,而其他两个方案中逆梯度项随高度不变。该方案不但在CBL中上部与方案Ⅱ的结果一致,并能合理表达整个CBL内的湍流通量分布,更接近观测结果。  相似文献   

This study examines antecedent mid-tropospheric frontogenesis (AMF) resulting from the interaction between Typhoon Rusa (2002) and a midlatitude trough over the Korean Peninsula. In this event, the AMF contributed to the first peak in the time series of rainfall in Gangneung (37.75°N, 128.90°E), occurring about 12 h before the time of the extratropical transition (ET) process of the tropical cyclone (TC). Using observations and high-resolution model outputs, we showed that the AMF contributed to the antecedent rainfall in Gangneung during the first rainfall period when Gangneung was located outside of Rusa's sphere of direct influence. A Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model experiment was conducted to diagnose the frontogenetical features and associated precipitation processes in detail. The experiment revealed that the AMF was mainly forced by the horizontal deformation forcing (HDF). The direction of the HDF was oriented from southwest to northeast in the middle part of the peninsula. The HDF increased positively due to the confluence of the southeasterlies from the TC and the northwesterlies emanating from the midlatitude trough. The experiment also suggested that the mid-tropospheric moisture originated from the subtropical ocean and deposited into the frontal region by the southerlies on the eastern periphery of the TC, which enhanced the convergence of moisture flux in the frontal region during the first rainfall period. The thermally direct circulation associated with the AMF lead to the mid-tropospheric saturation, which enhanced the precipitation of the first rainfall event together with the orographically forced convection at the low level above Gangneung.  相似文献   

利用考虑了生物因子(叶面积指数)和环境因子(太阳高度角、表层土壤湿度)影响的地表反照率α动态参数化方案对BATS1e模型进行改进,基于2008年玉米农田生态系统的通量、气象及生物因子的连续观测资料,研究α动态参数化对玉米农田生态系统与大气间通量交换的影响.结果表明,引入α动态参数化方案后,模型实现了地表反照率α的日、季动态模拟,模型效率系数提高0.65,误差明显减小,使陆气通量交换热力作用的模拟准确性有所提高,其中,净入射短波辐射模拟改进最为明显,全年改进量为81772 kJ/m2,占年总辐射的1.7%;表层土壤温度的年均改进量为0.62 K,多数月份的改进量在1 K以上.另外,模型改进实现了叶面积指数和植被覆盖度等决定下垫面性质各参数的动态变化,使各种通量交换过程更接近于实际,感热和潜热模拟的模型效率系数分别提高0.516和0.1,模拟值对实测值的解释能力在生长季分别提高6%和9%,大于非生长季.  相似文献   

王晶晶  王咏青  廖玥 《气象科学》2021,41(4):452-462
选取9711号台风"Winnie"和0713号台风"Wipha"分别作为变性加强和变性减弱类台风个例进行数值模拟,而后利用模式结果对大尺度场及涡度收支场进行诊断分析。结果表明:台风"Winnie"变性过程中,其西北侧高空槽呈西北—东南走向,南亚高压强度弱,对高空槽东移阻塞作用小。变性前期阶段主要是锋面系统和斜压性起关键作用,变性完成后,"Winnie"在斜压、高层辐散及涡度平流的共同作用下再次加强。台风"Wipha"变性过程受强大的南亚高压和副高影响,其西北侧高空槽稳定少动且呈东北—西南走向,冷空气入侵不明显,斜压区面积和强度都受到了限制。另外高层辐散场和涡度平流场均未能为"Wipha"提供有利的环境使其再加强。  相似文献   

The stratospheric polar vortex (SPV), which is an important factor in subseasonal-to-seasonal climate variability and climateprediction, exhibited a remarkable transition from weak in early winter to strong in late winter in 1987/88 (most significant on the interannual timescale during 1979–2019). Therefore, in this study, the subseasonal predictability of this transition SPV case in 1987/88 was investigated using the hindcasts from a selected model (that of the Japan Meteorological Agency) in the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction project database. Results indicated that the predictability of both weak and strong SPV stages in winter 1987/88, especially near their peak dates, exhibited large sensitivity to the initial condition, which derived mainly from the sensitivity in capturing the 100-hPa eddy heat flux anomalies. Meanwhile, the key tropospheric precursory systems with respect to the occurrence and predictability of this transition SPV case were investigated. The Eurasian teleconnection wave trains might have been a key precursor for the weak SPV stage, while significant tropospheric precursors for the strong SPV stage were not found in this study. In addition, positive correlation (r = 0.41) existed between the forecast biases of the SPV and the NAO in winter 1987/88, which indicates that reducing the forecast biases of the SPV might help to improve the forecasting of the NAO and tropospheric weather.摘要平流层极涡作为冬季次季节尺度上一个重要的可预测性来源, 其强度在1987/88年冬季表现为1979–2019年最显著的转折, 即在前 (后) 冬极端偏弱 (强). 因此在本文中选取这一个例研究了该年冬季平流层极涡在次季节尺度上的可预测性. 结果表明弱极涡和强极涡事件的预测与模式能否准确预测上传行星波的强度紧密相关. 同时, 发现前期对流层欧亚遥相关波列可能是弱极涡事件发生的关键预兆信号. 此外, 模式对平流层极涡强度和北大西洋涛动预测误差之间存在显著正相关关系, 表明模式减少平流层极涡的预测误差可能可以提高北大西洋涛动及相关对流层气候预测.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the CH3Cl mixing ratio in the stratosphere has been measured from samples collected during two balloon flights on the 21 October 1982 and 10 September 1983. Measurements were made with two analytical techniques that were also employed for previous analyses of stratospheric samples: gas chromatography (GC) and a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) combination. The results from all balloon flights performed to date are combined to derive an average experimental profile of CH3Cl at midlatitudes. The profile shows that the CH3Cl mixing ratio decreases by about one order of magnitude between 20 and 30 km altitude. A comparison of the new observations with model profiles reveals discrepancies in the lower stratosphere that amount to a factor of about 3. Possible causes for these discrepancies are discussed.  相似文献   

Gravity waves associated with stably stratified layers were observed in the planetary boundary layer at two locations in France. Using an array of three monostatic Doppler acoustic sounders, the wave speeds and directions were found. A quantitative study of the waves has been performed to determine their physical characteristics. Based on their dynamics, a classification into three types was possible. Most were found to be trapped beneath a critical level.  相似文献   

In this paper the different results of estimated air-sea heat fluxes by different computational schemes of bulk formula are researched. The varying results may bring another source of the uncertainties of flux climatology.In addition to the classical scheme and the sampling scheme, a revised sampling scheme named semi-sampling scheme is proposed in this paper. In this revised version, the monthly means of and are cal?culated from each simultaneous measurement as that in the sampling method. But the transfer coefficients in this version are defined based on monthly means of and instead of those in each measurement in older to use the files of monthly mean variables and in COADS (Woodruff et al. 1987).The results of a comparison study show that the covariance between and and that between and are less than 2 W / m2 and 5 W / m2 respectively in most areas, which are about one order of magni?tude less than the standard deviation of the fluxes. Therefore the difference between two schemes is not statistically significant on average. However, in the regions off coast of Asian and North American continents, the contribution of covariance between and can be as large as 15 W / m2, which is about one third to a half of the standard deviation. Since there are files of monthly mean and for each year in the COADS, we pro?pose to use these files directly in calculation of climatology. It is not necessary to use every individual report.The flux climatology calculated directly from the long-term mean values of basic meteorological elements shows an significant difference from that calculated from the mean of each year’s flux, particularly for the latent heat flux which is on the order of 10 to 15 W / m2, about 3-4 times of the difference between semi-sampling and classical schemes and about one third of the standard deviation. Therefore it indicates that the time interval of months is per?haps a better one in the calculation of flux climatology. It is not recommended to use the long-term means of the me?teorological variables.  相似文献   




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