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Diabase sills and dikes of Proterozoic age intrude crystalline basement and the overlying Crystal Spring Formation in the southern Death Valley region of California. Despite pervasive deuteric alteration, analyses of relict plagioclase (An66-45), titaniferous augite, and ilmenite permit the calculation of initial crystallization temperatures of 1,165±25° C for plagioclase and 1,110±25° C for augite with an oxygen fugacity of 10–11 atm. The early crystallization of plagioclase is consistent with the generally subophitic texture of the diabase.Geochemical arguments show that deuteric alteration has had little effect on the whole rock chemistry which has a mildly alkaline, transitional character. Mathematical models support the interpretation that chemical variations are principally the result of flow differentiation. Also, about 15 to 25% olivine or augite may have fractionated from the melt prior to intrusion. The mildly LREE enriched composition (normalized La/Yb=4.27 to 6.13) is best modelled by a 5% melt fraction from a moderately LREE-enriched source. Melt derived from a model garnet peridotite with accessory amphibole is compatible with the observed major and trace element chemistry. The diabase is compositionally akin to other middle Proterozoic basaltic rocks in North America which formed in extensional settings, and it is interpreted as a manifestation of widespread extensional tectonism.  相似文献   

Gold Valley is typical of intermountain basins in Death Valley National Park (DVNP), California (USA). Using water-balance calculations, a GIS-based analytical model has been developed to estimate precipitational infiltration rates from catchment-scale topographic data (elevation and slope). The calculations indicate that groundwater recharge mainly takes place at high elevations (>1,100?m) during winter (average 1.78?mm/yr). A resistivity survey suggests that groundwater accumulates in upstream compartmentalized reservoirs and that the groundwater flows through basin fill and fractured bedrock. This explains the relationship between the upstream precipitational infiltration in Gold Valley and the downstream spring flow in Willow Creek. To verify the ability of local recharge to support high-flux springs in DVNP, a GIS-based model was also applied to the Furnace Creek catchment. The results produced insufficient total volume of precipitational infiltration to support flow from the main high-flux springs in DVNP under current climatic conditions. This study introduces a GIS-based infiltration model that can be integrated into the Death Valley regional groundwater flow model to estimate precipitational infiltration recharge. In addition, the GIS-based model can efficiently estimate local precipitational infiltration in similar intermountain basins in arid regions provided that the validity of the model is verified.  相似文献   

In southern Nova Scotia, tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite and granite intruded metasedimentary rocks of the Appalachian belt during the Acadian orogeny. The mineral assemblages of these metasedimentary rocks define the staurolite-in (or staurolite + cordierite-in) isograd of the amphibolite facies of the low-pressure, intermediate-type of regional metamorphism.The chemical compositions of these tonalitic to granitic rocks indicate that the magmas before and possibly during crystallization were under relatively high pressures (3.5–6.5 kbar) and at temperatures above ‘minimum melt’ temperatures, possibly in the range 670–730°C, with exception of the tonalitic magma for which a higher temperature of formation is required.These rocks show many geochemical affinities such as relatively high Na/K ratios and similar K/Rb ratios and REE abundances. The REE patterns are moderately fractionated, with a negative Eu anomaly.An origin by partial melting of the metasedimentary rocks of the orogenic belt is postulated for these rocks in the light of the geochemical evidence. This hypothesis has been tested by application of a quantitative model of equilibrium between granitic melts and probable residual material.  相似文献   

U-Series Chronology of Lacustrine Deposits in Death Valley, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uranium-series dating on a 186-m core (DV93-1) drilled from Badwater Basin in Death Valley, California, and on calcareous tufas from nearby strandlines shows that Lake Manly, the lake that periodically flooded Death Valley during the late Pleistocene, experienced large fluctuations in depth and chemistry over the last 200,000 yr. Death Valley has been occupied by a long-standing deep lake, perennial shallow saline lakes, and a desiccated salt pan similar to the modern valley floor. The average sedimentation rate of about 1 mm/yr for core DV93-1 was punctuated by episodes of more-rapid accumulation of halite. Arid conditions similar to the modern conditions prevailed during the entire Holocene and between 120,000 and 60,000 yr B.P. From 35,000 yr B.P. to the beginning of the Holocene, a perennial saline lake existed, over 70 m at its deepest. A much deeper and longer lasting perennial Lake Manly existed from about 185,000 to 128,000 yr B.P., with water depths reaching about 175 m, if not 330 m. This lake had two significant “dry” excursions of 102–103yr duration about 166,000 and 146,000 yr B.P., and it began to shrink to the point of halite precipitation between 128,000 and 120,000 yr B.P. The two perennial lake periods correspond to marine oxygen isotopic stages (OIS) 2 and 6. Based on the shoreline tufa ages, we do not rule out the possible existence 200,000 yr ago of yet a third perennial lake comparable in size to the OIS 6 lake. The234U/238U data suggest that U in tufa owes its origin mainly to Ca-rich springs fed by groundwater that emanated along lake shorelines in southern Death Valley, and that an increase of this spring-water input relative to the river-water input apparently occurred during OIS 6.  相似文献   

Facies analysis of widely distributed exposures of the 32·6 km2 and 8·1-km-long Warm Spring Canyon fan, central Death Valley, shows that it has been built principally by debris-flow deposits. These deposits were derived from a mature Panamint Range catchment mostly underlain by Precambrian mudrock, quartzite and dolomite. Stacked, clast-rich and matrix-supported debris-flow lobes of slightly bouldery, muddy, pebble–cobble gravel in beds 20–150 cm thick dominate the fan from apex to toe, accounting for 75–98% of most exposures. Interstratified with the debris flows are less abundant (2–25% of cuts), thinner (5–30 cm) and more discontinuous beds of clast-supported and imbricated, pebble–cobble gravel deposited by overland flows and gully flows. This facies formed by the surficial fine-fraction water winnowing of the debris flows primarily during recessional flood stage of the debris-flow events. Two other facies associations make up a small part of the fan. The incised-channel tract consists of a 250-m-wide clast-supported ribbon of irregularly to thickly bedded, boulder, pebble, cobble gravel nested within debris-flow deposits. This channel fill is oriented generally perpendicular to the Panamint range front. It formed by extensive erosion and winnowing of debris flows deposited within the incised channel, into which all water discharge from the catchment is funnelled. The limited presence of this facies only straddling the present incised channel indicates that this channel overall has maintained a consistent position on the fan except for slight lateral shifts, some caused by strike-slip offset. Fault offset temporarily closed the upper incised channel, causing recessional debris-flow mud to be ponded behind the dam. The other local facies assemblage consists of subrounded to rounded, moderately sorted pebble gravel in low-angle cross-beds that slope both basinwards and fanwards. This gravel was deposited in beachface, backshore and shoreface barrier-spit environments that developed where Lake Manly impinged on the Warm Spring fan during late Pleistocene time. These deposits straddle headcuts into, and were derived from, erosion of the debris-flow deposits. Wave energy sorted finer sediment from the shore zone, concentrated coarser sediment and rounded the coarse to very coarse pebble fraction by selective reworking.  相似文献   

Northeast Asian continental margins contain the products of magma emplacement driven by prolonged subduction of the (paleo-)Pacific plate. As observed in many Cordilleran arcs, magmatic evolution in this area was punctuated by high-volume pulses amid background periods. The present study investigates the early evolution of the Cretaceous magmatic flare-up using new and published geochronological, geochemical, and O-Hf isotope data from plutonic rocks in the southern Korean Peninsula. After a long (~50 m.y.) magmatic hiatus and the development of the Honam Shear Zone through flat-slab subduction, the Cretaceous flare-up began with the intrusion of monzonites, granodiorites, and granites in the inboard Gyeonggi Massif and the intervening Okcheon Belt. Compared to Jurassic granitoids formed during the former flare-up, Albian (~111 Ma) monzonites found in the Eopyeong area of the Okcheon Belt have distinctly higher zircon εHf(t) (?7.5 ± 1.3) and δ18O (7.78‰ ± 0.25‰) values and lower whole-rock La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios. The voluminous coeval granodiorite and granite plutons in the Gyeonggi Massif are further reduced in Sr/Y and to a lesser extent, in La/Yb, and have higher zircon εHf(t) values (?13 to ?19) than the Precambrian basement (ca. ?30). These chemical and isotopic features indicate that Early Cretaceous lithospheric thinning, most likely resulting from delamination of tectonically and magmatically overthickened lithospheric keel that was metasomatized during prior subduction episodes, and consequent asthenospheric upwelling played vital roles in igniting the magmatic flare-up. The O-Hf isotopic ranges of synmagmatic zircons from the Albian plutons and their Paleoproterozoic and Jurassic inheritance attest to the involvement of lithospheric mantle and crustal basement in magma generation during this decratonization event. Arc magmatism then migrated trenchward and culminated in the Late Cretaceous, yielding widespread granitoid rocks emplaced at shallow crustal levels. The early Late Cretaceous (94–85 Ma) granites now prevalent in Seoraksan-Woraksan-Sokrisan National Parks are highly silicic and display flat chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns with deep Eu anomalies. Synmagmatic zircons in these granites mimic their host rock’s chemistry. Delamination-related rejuvenation of crustal protoliths is indicated by zircon εHf(t) values of granites (?6 to ?20) that are consistently higher than the Precambrian basement value. Concomitant core-to-rim variation in zircon O-Hf isotopic compositions reflects a typical sequence of crustal assimilation and fresh input into the magma chamber.  相似文献   

A number of large areas of igneous provinces produced in North Asia in the Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic include Siberian and Tarim traps and giant rift systems. Among them, the Central Asian Rift System (CARS) has the most complicated structure, evolved during the longest time, and is a large (3000 × 600 km) latitudinally oriented belt of rift zones extending from Transbaikalia and Mongolia to Middle Asia and including the Tarim traps in western China. CARS was produced in the Late Carboniferous, and its further evolution was associated with the lateral migration of rifting zones; it ended in the Early Jurassic and lasted for approximately 110 Ma. CARS was produced on an active continental margin of the Siberian continent and is noted for largest batholiths, which were emplaced simultaneously with rifting. The batholiths are surrounded by rift zones and compose, together with them, concentrically zoned magmatic areas, with crustal (granitoid) magmatism focused within their central portions, whereas mantle (rift-related) magmatism is predominant in troughs and grabens in peripheral zones. The batholiths show geological and isotopic geochemical evidence that their granitoids were produced by the anatexis of the host rocks at active involvement of mantle magmas. Zonal magmatic areas of the type are viewed as analogues of large igneous provinces formed in the environments characteristic of active continental margins. Large within-plate magmatic provinces in North Asia are thought to have been generated in relation to the overlap of at least two mantle plumes by the Siberian continent during its movement above the hot mantle field. In the continental lithosphere, mantle plumes initiated within-plate magmatic activity and facilitated rifting and the generation of traps and alkaline basite and alkali-salic magmatic associations. Because of the stressed states during collision of various type in the continental margin, the mantle melts did not ascend higher than the lowest crustal levels. The thermal effect of these melts on the crustal rocks induced anatexis and eventually predetermined the generation of the batholiths.  相似文献   

1IntroductionDuring the Mesozoic there occurred large-scalemagmatism and mineralization in South China.As amain part of East Asian,the South China continent isan extremely complex region,involving multi-stageMesozoic tectono-magmatism.Therefore,various hy…  相似文献   

有关长江下游中生代晚期火山岩系中铁矿的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张炳焙 《矿床地质》1982,1(1):25-34
引言长江下游南京-芜湖(宁芜)和庐江-枞阳(庐枞)两个中生代晚期火山岩盆地中的铁矿,经过近年来各部门的地质队伍、科研单位及院校的详细工作,基本上查明了矿床的赋有状态、蚀变特征、矿石特点和成矿的主要控制因素,并在宁芜地区根据各种类型铁矿床之间的成因联系,建立了“玢岩铁矿”模式。虽然对“玢岩模式”的名称还有不同意  相似文献   

华北太行晚中生代煌斑岩地球化学特征及成因探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北克拉通太行山地区煌斑岩脉广泛发育。这些煌斑岩高度富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Sr、Ba和K)和轻稀土元素,具有高度分异的REE模式,在化学成分和Nd—Sr同位素组成上亦显示出规律性的变化。其特征表明:太行山地区的晚中生代煌斑岩来源于同一个岩浆源区,而且煌斑岩浆在上升过程中曾经遭受过下地壳的混染。此外,最原始的煌斑岩样品具有低SiO2、高MgO以及高度富集同位素[εNd(120Ma)=-8.3,Ist=0.7052]的特征,表明形成煌斑岩的母岩浆来自富集地幔,是富集地幔部分熔融的产物;富集地幔可能是下部软流圈释放的富挥发分、低密度的熔体与上部的岩石圈发生了交代反应而形成的。  相似文献   

This review considers the magmatic processes in the Carpathian–Pannonian Region (CPR) from Early Miocene to Recent times, as well as the contemporaneous magmatism at its southern boundary in the Dinaride and Balkans regions. This geodynamic system was controlled by the Cretaceous to Neogene subduction and collision of Africa with Eurasia, especially by Adria that generated the Alps to the north, the Dinaride–Hellenide belt to the east and caused extrusion, collision and inversion tectonics in the CPR. This long-lived subduction system supplied the mantle lithosphere with various subduction components. The CPR contains magmatic rocks of highly diverse compositions (calc-alkaline, K-alkalic, ultrapotassic and Na-alkalic), all generated in response to complex post-collisional tectonic processes. These processes formed extensional basins in response to an interplay of compression and extension within two microplates: ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia. Competition between the different tectonic processes at both local and regional scales caused variations in the associated magmatism, mainly as a result of extension and differences in the rheological properties and composition of the lithosphere. Extension led to disintegration of the microplates that finally developed into two basin systems: the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins. The southern border of the CPR is edged by the Adria microplate via Sava and Vardar zones that acted as regional transcurrent tectonic areas during Miocene–Recent times.Major, trace element and isotopic data of post-Early Miocene magmatic rocks from the CPR suggest that subduction components were preserved in the lithospheric mantle after the Cretaceous–Miocene subduction and were reactivated especially by extensional tectonic processes that allowed uprise of the asthenosphere. Changes in the composition of the mantle through time support geodynamic scenarios of post-collision and extension processes linked to the evolution of the main blocks and their boundary relations. Weak lithospheric blocks (i.e. ALCAPA and western Tisza) generated the Pannonian basin and the adjacent Styrian, Transdanubian and Z?rand basins which show high rates of vertical movement accompanied by a range of magmatic compositions. Strong lithospheric blocks (i.e. Dacia) were only marginally deformed, where strike–slip faulting was associated with magmatism and extension. At the boundary of Adria and Tisza–Dacia strike–slip tectonics and core complex extension were associated with small volume Miocene magmatism in narrow extensional sedimentary basins or granitoids in core-complex detachment systems along older suture zones (Sava and Vardar) accommodating the extension in the Pannonian basin and afterward Pliocene–Quaternary inversion. Magmas of various compositions appear to have acted as lubricants in a range of tectonic processes.  相似文献   

The magma sources, origins and precise forming ages of the miarolite from Qishan and Kuiqi intrusions are still uncertain. New results reveal that, miarolites from the Qishan and Kuiqi intrusions yield crystallization ages of ~101 and ~98 Ma, and they have a high formation temperature (~910°C) and low oxygen fugacity value, indicating crystallization condition at low pressure in the upper crust with temperature of 678°C. The Qishan and Kuiqi miarolites are characterized by enrichment in SiO2 and high-K alkali, depletion in Ca and Mg, and belong to the high-K weak peraluminous rock series. The samples are enriched in HFSEs (i.e., Ta, Zr and Hf) and LILEs (i.e., Ba, P and Sr), depleted in Ba and Sr with the negative anomaly of Eu. In the primitive mantle normalized trace element spider diagram, the samples show a right-inclined ''seagull-type'' pattern, combined the ratios of (La/Yb)N, 10000 × Al/Ga, Rb/Nb and Nb/Ta etc., they were proved to be alkaline A-type granite. Combined the characterize of the trace elements, they were derived from clay-rich source accompanied pelite melting, and subjected to K-feldspar crystallization fractional. The values of εHf(t) and tDM2 are distributed in the range of ?2.8 to 3.3 with ~1.2 Ga, and ?6.0 to 4.0 with ~1.2 Ga, revealing that they were generated from the Mesoproterozoic Cathaysia basement rocks. The comprehensive research reveals the Kuiqi and Qishan intrusions derived from crust-mantle mixing and partial melting of the crust, respectively, resulting from lithospheric extension generated by the Paleo-Pacific Plate subducted into the European–Asian Plate.  相似文献   

The northern part of the central India tectonic zone (CITZ) is occupied by the Proterozoic Mahakoshal Belt, which is mainly comprised of granitoids and volcano-sedimentary lithounits. The granitoids (ca. 1880–1710 Ma) are exposed as small circular to elliptical-shaped, stock-like intrusive bodies, such as Nerueadamar granitoids (NG), Tumiya granitoids (TG), Jhirgadandi granitoids (JG), Dudhi granite gneiss (DG), Raspahari granitoids (RG), Katoli granitoids (KG), and Harnakachar granitoids (HG), collectively forming the granite gneissic complex (GGC). The geochemistry of biotites, host granitoids, and enclaves from these plutons has been investigated in order to understand the redox condition and likely tectonic affinity of host granitoids. The Al2O3–MgO–FeOt contents and operated elemental substitution in biotites strongly suggest the diverse nature of host magmas such as calc-alkaline, metaluminous (I-type), peraluminous (S-type), and transitional between I- and S-types, which appear to have formed in subduction zone and syn-collisional tectonic settings. The transitional (I-S)-type granitoids inferred based on biotite compositions, however, represent both metaluminous (HG) and peraluminous (DG and KG) granitoids in terms of whole-rock molar A/CNK (Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O) ratios. Ages of granitoid magmatism and its field association with contemporaneous volcano-sedimentary lithounits clearly mark the post-collisional tectonic setting, which contradicts the subduction-related tectonic setting inferred from biotites of JG and microgranular enclave (JE) hosted in JG. Whole-rock major and trace elements broadly suggest the existence of collision tectonics during the formation of granitoid plutons. The JG, KG, and DG contain a bt-Kf-mag-qtz assemblage, and their parental magmas evolved under moderate oxidizing environments (?O2 = ?12.03 to ?13.27 bars). On the other hand, RG (bt-gt-Kf-pl-qtz), NG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz), and TG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz) represent pure crustal-derived magmas evolved in strongly reducing conditions formed under a syn-collisional tectonic setting as evident from their mineral assemblages and biotite and whole-rock compositions. Granitoid plutons of the Mahakoshal Belt were most likely formed during amalgamation of the Columbian supercontinent.  相似文献   

Summary Southwestern Yunnan, comprising the Yangtze and Shan-Thai microcontinents and the Simao block, has successively undergone subduction of an oceanic plate, followed by a collision of the microcontinents and intracontinental rifting associated with basaltic volcanism during Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic.The Triassic Nanjian basalts, erupted on the Yangtze microcontinent, have more enriched isotopic ratios and higher LREE/HFSE and LREE/HREE ratios. This suggests the existence of an enriched subcontinental lithosphere under the Yangtze microcontinent which stabilized over long periods of the earth's history (> 2Ga).The Middle Jurassic Simao basalts have more depleted geochemical features and also have element enrichments characteristic of a subduction zone environment, although the basalts were erupted in an intracontinental graben. It may be inferred that the lithospheric mantle of the Simao block was modified by subduction processes during Latest Carboniferous to Late Triassic prior to the onset of the Middle Jurassic continental rifting. The lack of correlation between depletion of HFSE, Y and HREE, and relative enriched Nd isotopic ratios suggests that the source depletion of the Simao basalts is not an old feature and has been contemporaneous with the subduction-related enrichment through mantle metasomatism shortly before the basalts were produced.The Middle Jurassic Baoshan basalts which erupted during the continental rifting on the Shan-Thai microcontinent have an Sr-Nd isotopic composition similar to the bulk earth and higher concentrations of incompatible trace elements. These features suggest that the subcontinental lithosphere under the Shan-Thai microcontinent underwent mantle metasomatism just prior to eruption of the Baoshan basalt.
Geochemie mesozoischer interkontinentaler Basalte aus Jünnan, Südchina: Hinweise auf die geochemische Entwicklung der subkontinentalen Lithosphäre
Zusammenfassung Südwestjünnan umfaßt den Jangtse und den Shan-Thai Mikrokontinent und den Simao Block. Das Gebiet wurde von aufeinander folgenden Subduktionsphasen einer ozeanischen Platte betroffen, auf die Kollision der Mikrokontinente und interkontinentales Rifting folgte. Dieses war mit basaltischem Vulkanismus während des späten Paläozoikums bis ins Mesozoikum assoziiert.Die triassischen Nanjian-Basalte, die auf dem Jangtse Mikrokontinent eruptierten, haben mehr angereicherte Isotopenverhältnisse und höhere LREE/HFSE und LREE/HREE Verhältnisse. Dieses weist auf eine angereicherte subkontinentale Lithosphäre unter dem Jangtse Mikrokontinent hin, die sich während langer Perioden der Erdgeschichte stabilisierte (>2Ga).Die mittel jurassischen Simao-Basalte haben eine mehr verarmte geochemische Signatur aber auch Elementanreicherungen, die für ein Subduktionszonen-Milieu charakteristisch sind, obwohl die Basalte in einem interkontinentalen Graben ausgetreten sind. Man kann daraus schließen, daß der lithosphärische Mantel des Simao-Blockes durch Subduktionsprozesse während des jüngsten Karbons bis in die späte Trias vor dem Beginn des mittel-jurassischen kontinentalen Riftings modifiziert worden war. Das Fehlen einer Korrelation zwischen der Anreicherung von HFSE, Y und HREE und relativ angereicherter Nd-Isotopenverhältnisse weist darauf hin, daß die Verarmung der Quelle der Simaobasalte nicht weit zurückreicht. Sie dürfte viel eher gleichaltrig mit der subduktions-bedingten Anreicherung durch Mantel-Metasomatose kurz vor der Entstehung der Basalte sein.Die mittel-jurassischen Baoshan-Basalte, die während des kontinentalen Riftings auf den Shan-Thai Mikrokontintent eruptierten, haben eine Sr-Nd-Isotopensignatur, die ähnlich der Gesamterde ist, jedoch höhere Konzentrationen inkompatibler Spurenelemente zeigt. All dies legt nahe, daß die subkontinentale Lithosphäre unter dem Shan-Thai-Mikrokontinent kurz vor der Eruption der Baoshan-Basalte von Mantel-Metasomatose betroffen worden ist.

With 8 Figures

Visiting Fellow, Geology Department, Australian National University, Australia  相似文献   

The Anvil Spring Canyon fan of the Panamint Range piedmont in central Death Valley was built entirely by water-flow processes, as revealed by an analysis of widespread 2- to 12-m-high stratigraphic cuts spanning the 9·7 km radial length of this 2·5–5·0° sloping fan. Two facies deposited from fan sheetfloods dominate the fan from apex to toe. The main one (60–95% of cuts) consists of sandy, granular, fine to medium pebble gravel that regularly and sharply alternates with cobbly coarse to very coarse pebble gravel in planar couplets 5–25 cm thick oriented parallel to the fan surface. The other facies (0–25% of cuts) comprises 10- to 60-cm-thick, wedge-planar and wedge-trough beds of pebbly sand and sandy pebble gravel in backsets sloping 3–28°. Both facies are interpreted as resulting from rare, sediment-charged flash floods from the catchment, and were deposited by supercritical standing waves of expanding sheetfloods on the fan. Standing waves were repeatedly initiated, enlarged, migrated, and then terminated either by gradually rejoining the flood or by more violent breakage and washout. The frequent autocyclic growth and destruction of standing waves during an individual sheetflood resulted in the deposition of multiple coarse and fine couplet and backset sequences 50–250 cm thick across the active depositional lobe of the fan. Erosional intensity during washout of the standing wave determined whether early-phase backset-bed deposits or washout-phase sheetflood couplet deposits were selectively preserved in a given cycle. Two minor facies are also found in the Anvil fan. Pebble–cobble gravel lags (0–20% of cuts) are present above erosional scours into the sheetflood couplet and backset deposits. They consist of coarse gravel concentrated through fine-fraction winnowing of the host sheetflood facies by sediment-deficient water flows. This reworking occurred during recessional flood stage or from non-catastrophic discharge during the long intervals between major flash floods. This facies is common at the surface, giving rise to a ‘braided-stream’ appearance. However, it is stratigraphically limited, present as thin, continuous to discontinuous beds or lenses that bound 50- to 250-cm-thick sheetflood sequences. The other minor facies of the Anvil fan consists of clast-supported and imbricated, thickly stratified, pebbly, cobbly, boulder gravel present in narrow, radially aligned ribbons nested within sheetflood deposits. This facies is interpreted as representing deposition in the incised channel of the fan, a subenvironment characterized by greater flow competence resulting from maintained depth from channel-wall confinement, and by more frequent water flows and winnowing events caused by its direct connection with the catchment feeder channel.  相似文献   

The benches and risers at Mormon Point, Death Valley, USA, have long been interpreted as strandlines cut by still-stands of pluvial lakes correlative with oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5e/6 (120,000–186,000 yr B.P.) and OIS-2 (10,000–35,000 yr B.P.). This study presents geologic mapping and geomorphic analyses (Gilbert's criteria, longitudinal profiles), which indicate that only the highest bench at Mormon Point (90 m above mean sea level (msl)) is a lake strandline. The other prominent benches on the north-descending slope immediately below this strandline are interpreted as fault scarps offsetting a lacustrine abrasion platform. The faults offsetting the abrasion platform most likely join downward into and slip sympathetically with the Mormon Point turtleback fault, implying late Quaternary slip on this low-angle normal fault. Our geomorphic reinterpretation implies that the OIS-5e/6 lake receded rapidly enough not to cut strandlines and was 90 m deep. Consistent with independent core studies of the salt pan, no evidence of OIS-2 lake strandlines was found at Mormon Point, which indicates that the maximum elevation of the OIS-2 lake surface was −30 m msl. Thus, as measured by pluvial lake depth, the OIS-2 effective precipitation was significantly less than during OIS-5e/6, a finding that is more consistent with other studies in the region. The changed geomorphic context indicates that previous surface exposure dates on fault scarps and benches at Mormon Point are uninterpretable with respect to lake history.  相似文献   

Thirty one crude oil samples from Lower Cretaceous reservoirs in southern Iraq were analyzed using bulk property and molecular methods to determine their maturity and biomarker characteristics, as well as to obtain information on their respective source rocks. All the oils are unaltered, non-biodegraded, have high sulfur content and API gravity is in the range for light to heavy oil (19–40° API). They are characterized by low Pr/Ph values, even/odd predominance and front-end biased n-alkane distributions. Based on these parameters the oils were generated and expelled from a marine carbonate source rock bearing Type II-S kerogen. Compositional similarities of hopane and sterane biomarkers with those from potential source rocks allowed identification of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Sulaiy and Yamama carbonate succession as the effective source beds. A similar composition of normal and isoprenoid hydrocarbons among the oils suggests an origin from a common source rock. However, biomarker maturity ratios indicate a wide range of maturity. This appears to result from the type of burial history of the source rock, characterized by a slow passage through the liquid window interval during an extended period of geologic time.  相似文献   

杨奇荻  郭磊  王涛  曾涛  张磊  童英  史兴俊  张建军 《岩石学报》2014,30(7):1961-1981
大兴安岭晚中生代岩浆活动在东北亚晚中生代构造岩浆演化研究中具有重要意义。本文首次报道了大兴安岭中南段甘珠尔庙地区5个晚中生代花岗岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄和地球化学研究结果。这些岩体形成于晚侏罗世(154Ma)和早白垩世(139~125Ma),显示高硅富碱特征,属高钾钙碱性系列,为高分异钙碱性I-A过渡型花岗岩,其中,早白垩世花岗岩分异程度高于晚侏罗世花岗岩。锆石Hf同位素特征显示,这些花岗岩源区以年轻物质为主,其中,晚侏罗世花岗岩εHf(t)值(+9.9~+15.9)高于该区底侵的新生下地壳,源区可能有更年轻的新底侵物质参与。早白垩世花岗岩εHf(t)值略低(+3.4~+13.9),其物源主要为底侵的新生下地壳和古生代俯冲增生杂岩混源,可能还混有少量更年轻的新底侵物质。结合区域资料分析,甘珠尔庙地区晚中生代花岗岩形成于后造山伸展背景,这种背景可能与蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合碰撞后伸展有关。  相似文献   

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