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The 3000 Ma Mozaan Group comprises three interacting sedimentary environments: (1) braided alluvial plain, (2) offshore shelf, and (3) tidalites. The predominance of planar cross-bedded sandstones in the fluvial sequence indicates that sedimentation was dominated by southerly accreting transverse bars in a distal braided river system. However, the development of lenticular conglomerates suggests the occasional formation of longitudinal gravel bars, probably during periods of high discharge. Argillaceous sediments, some of which are ferrugineous represent an interplay between clastic sedimentation and chemical precipitation on a prograding shelf. The abnormal thickness of these shelf deposits is attributed to facies stacking. The absence of barrier beach deposits suggests that the marginal environment was controlled by macrotidal conditions. Two varieties of tidal sequences are recognized. The first, which forms the classic upward-fining succession, contains ubiquitous ebb-dominated paleocurrents and is interpreted as having been influenced by tidal asymmetry. The other, which lacks the mixed flat unit, was apparently generated by tidal currents flowing parallel to the coastline. The nature of the Mozaan sediments suggests at least incipient cratonization in eastern South Africa 3000 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The lower part of the Cretaceous Sego Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale in east‐central Utah contains three 10‐ to 20‐m thick layers of tide‐deposited sandstone arranged in a forward‐ and then backward‐stepping stacking pattern. Each layer of tidal sandstone formed during an episode of shoreline regression and transgression, and offshore wave‐influenced marine deposits separating these layers formed after subsequent shoreline transgression and marine ravinement. Detailed facies architecture studies of these deposits suggest sandstone layers formed on broad tide‐influenced river deltas during a time of fluctuating relative sea‐level. Shale‐dominated offshore marine deposits gradually shoal and become more sandstone‐rich upward to the base of a tidal sandstone layer. The tidal sandstones have sharp erosional bases that formed as falling relative sea‐level allowed tides to scour offshore marine deposits. The tidal sandstones were deposited as ebb migrating tidal bars aggraded on delta fronts. Most delta top deposits were stripped during transgression. Where the distal edge of a deltaic sandstone is exposed, a sharp‐based stack of tidal bar deposits successively fines upward recording a landward shift in deposition after maximum lowstand. Where more proximal parts of a deltaic‐sandstone are exposed, a sharp‐based upward‐coarsening succession of late highstand tidal bar deposits is locally cut by fluvial valleys, or tide‐eroded estuaries, formed during relative sea‐level lowstand or early stages of a subsequent transgression. Estuary fills are highly variable, reflecting local depositional processes and variable rates of sediment supply along the coastline. Lateral juxtaposition of regressive deltaic deposits and incised transgressive estuarine fills produced marked facies changes in sandstone layers along strike. Estuarine fills cut into the forward‐stepped deltaic sandstone tend to be more deeply incised and richer in sandstone than those cut into the backward‐stepped deltaic sandstone. Tidal currents strongly influenced deposition during both forced regression and subsequent transgression of shorelines. This contrasts with sandstones in similar basinal settings elsewhere, which have been interpreted as tidally influenced only in transgressive parts of depositional successions.  相似文献   

Within the Kinsale Formation (Lower Carboniferous) of southern Ireland are pebbly sandstones and conglomerates contained in what is known locally as the Garryvoe conglomerate facies. In this facies there are three main groups of lithologies: (a) heterolithic mudrocks and sandstones characterized by a wide variety of wave-produced structures; (b) sandstones dominated by swaley cross-stratification (SCS), parallel lamination, and rare hummocky cross-stratification (HCS); and (c) pebbly sandstones and conglomerates occurring as discrete beds or as gravel clasts dispersed through SCS sets. Successions of the facies comprise units of heterolithic mudrock and rippled sandstone alternating repeatedly with coarsening-upward units of SCS pebbly sandstone capped by top-surface granule and pebble lags. The Garryvoe conglomerate facies accumulated in a system of offshore bars on a muddy shallow-marine shelf that was dominated by waves and currents generated by storms. Sands and gravels were bypassed from a contemporaneous northerly coastal zone to the shelf, where they were moulded by the storm-generated flow into low, broad, sand ridges (offshore bars). The elongate bars were spaced kilometres apart, oriented obliquely to the coast, and separated by muddy interbar troughs. Their surfaces were largely covered by hummocky and swaley forms. Long-term, gradual seaward migration of the offshore bars concentrated gravels on landward flanks from the dispersed pebbly sands that were on the crests and seaward flanks. Exceptionally intense storms could form laterally extensive winnowed gravel lags above thinned bar sequences. Such storms could also flush gravel-bearing turbidity currents into muddy interbar trough areas.  相似文献   

Five coarsening upward shallow marine sandstone sequences (2–10 m thick), are described from the late Precambrian of North Norway, where they occur in a laterally continuous and tectonically undeformed outcrop. The sequences consist of five facies with distinct assemblages of sedimentary structures and palaeocurrent patterns. Each facies is the product of alternate phases of sedimentation during relatively high- and low-energy periods. Facies 1 to 4 are interpreted as representing prograding, subtidal sand bars. Sand bar progradation occurred during the highest energy periods when unidirectional currents flowed to the northwest, depositing trough cross-bedded sandstones (facies 3 and 4) on the bar crests and flanks, and sheet sandstone beds (facies 1 and 2) in the offshore environments. Weaker northwesterly flowing currents continued during moderate energy fair weather periods. Low energy fair weather periods were dominated by wave processes, which formed largescale, low-angle, westerly inclined surfaces on the bar flanks (facies 4) and wave rippled sandstone beds (facies 2) and flat laminated siltstone layers (facies 1) in the offshore environments. One sand bar was dissected by channels and infilled by tabular cross-bedded sandstones (facies 5). Bipolar palaeocurrent evidence, with two modes separated into two laterally equivalent channel systems, suggests deposition by tidal currents in mutually evasive ebb and flood channels. The inferred processes of these sand bars are compared with those associated with modern storm-generated and tidal current generated linear sand ridges. Both are influenced by the interaction of relatively low and high energy conditions. The presence of the tidal channel facies, however, combined with the inferred strong bottom current regime, is more analogous to a tidal current hydraulic regime.  相似文献   

Stacked shallow marine cycles in the Lower Ordovician, Bell Island Group, of Bell Island, Newfoundland, show upward thickening and upward coarsening sequences which were deposited on a storm-affected shelf. In the Beach Formation each cycle has a facies sequence comprised, from base to top, of dark grey mudstones, light grey mudstones, tabular sandstones and mudstones, lenticular sandstones and mudstones, and thick bedded lenticular sandstones, reflecting a progressive increase of wave orbital velocities at the sediment surface. The mudstones and tabular sandstones reflect an environment in which the sea floor lay in the lower part of the wave orbital velocity field and in which tempestites were deposited as widespread sheets from weak combined flow currents. The lenticular sandstones in the succeeding facies are wave reworked sands, commonly lying in erosional hollows and having erosional tops and internal hummocky cross-stratification. Planar lamination is relatively uncommon and sole marks are mainly absent. In this facies oscillatory currents were dominant and accumulated sand in patches generally 10–30 m in diameter. The facies formed on the inner shelf where the oscillatory currents generated by storm waves had powerful erosional effects and also determined the depositional bedforms. Mud partings and second-order set boundaries within sandstone beds are believed to separate the products of individual storms so that many lenticular sandstone beds represent the amalgamation of several event beds. This interpretation has important implications for attempts to estimate event frequency by counting sandstone beds within a sequence and for estimates of sand budgets during storm events. The thick bedded lenticular facies appears to have been formed by erosion of the mud beds between the lenticular sands, leading to nearly complete amalgamation of several lenticular sand bodies except for residual mud partings. In the overlying Redmans Formation the process of amalgamation progressed even further so that nearly all the mud partings were removed, resulting in the formation of thick bedded tabular sandstones. Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the cyclical sequence suggests that the cycles were eustatically controlled. The rising limb of the sea level curve produced only the dark grey mudstone part of the cycle while the remainder of the cycle was deposited on the falling limb. There is a gradational but rapid facies transition from the tabular to the lenticular sandstone facies which is interpreted as occurring at the inflexion point on the falling limb. The thick bedded facies of the Beach Formation and the thick bedded tabular facies of the Redmans Formation represent periods of maximum sea level fall. The stacked cycles in the Beach Formation are interpreted as an aggradational, high frequency sequence or parasequence set bounded at the top by a sequence boundary and succeeded by the three aggradational parasequences of the Redmans Formation. The recognition of storm facies with sandstone beds of very different bed length has important implications for the reservoir modelling of such facies.  相似文献   

Across-shelf variations in thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds in a transgressive outer-shelf succession were investigated from the Middle Pleistocene (ca. 0.7 Ma) Kakinokidai Formation on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The transgressive deposits are generally muddy and contain slumps and slump scars. The intercalated sandstone beds are interpreted to have been formed from turbidity currents as a response to erosion and resuspension of sandridge-complex deposits in the southwestern upslope area during storm events. Mapping of volcanic ash beds and a transgressive surface in the base of the formation permits detailed bed-by-bed correlation of the outer-shelf sandstone beds. Although, overall, thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds decrease in the downslope direction, some sandstone beds locally thin out and coarsen in association with slump scars in the surrounding muddy deposits. These sandstone beds subsequently thicken and fine, and finally thin out in the farther downslope area. In addition to the local thinning of sandstone beds, the frequency of sandstone beds first decreases and then increases in the farther offshore direction. From this evidence, we concluded that these non-uniform patterns of across-outer-shelf variations in thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds were caused by the local increases in flow speeds and subsequent expansion and reduced speeds of turbidity currents, along with a local increase in the seafloor gradient that was induced by the development of slump scars in the transgressive outer-shelf floor. These physiographic features in the outer shelf are interpreted not to have permitted monotonous downslope thinning and fining of sandstone beds, compared with the bed-shape models of depletive turbidity currents and with the proximality trend of shelf sandstones from modern and ancient highstand-stage shelf systems.  相似文献   

The 2 to 5 km thick, sandstone-dominated (>90%) Jura Quartzite is an extreme example of a mature Neoproterozoic sandstone, previously interpreted as a tide-influenced shelf deposit and herein re-interpreted within a fluvio-tidal deltaic depositional model. Three issues are addressed: (i) evidence for the re-interpretation from tidal shelf to tidal delta; (ii) reasons for vertical facies uniformity; and (iii) sand supply mechanisms to form thick tidal-shelf sandstones. The predominant facies (compound cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstones) represents the lower parts of metres to tens of metres high, transverse fluvio-tidal bedforms with superimposed smaller bedforms. Ubiquitous erosional surfaces, some with granule–pebble lags, record erosion of the upper parts of those bedforms. There was selective preservation of the higher energy, topographically-lower, parts of channel-bar systems. Strongly asymmetrical, bimodal, palaeocurrents are interpreted as due to associated selective preservation of fluvially-enhanced ebb tidal currents. Finer-grained facies are scarce, due largely to suspended sediment bypass. They record deposition in lower-energy environments, including channel mouth bars, between and down depositional-dip of higher energy fluvio-ebb tidal bars. The lack of wave-formed sedimentary structures and low continuity of mudstone and sandstone interbeds, support deposition in a non-shelf setting. Hence, a sand-rich, fluvial–tidal, current-dominated, largely sub-tidal, delta setting is proposed. This new interpretation avoids the problem of transporting large amounts of coarse sand to a shelf. Facies uniformity and vertical stacking are likely due to sediment oversupply and bypass rather than balanced sediment supply and subsidence rates. However, facies evidence of relative sea level changes is difficult to recognise, which is attributed to: (i) the areally extensive and polygenetic nature of the preserved facies, and (ii) a large stored sediment buffer that dampened response to relative sea-level and/or sediment supply changes. Consideration of preservation bias towards high-energy deposits may be more generally relevant, especially to thick Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic marine sandstones.  相似文献   

Willis  Bhattacharya  Gabel  & White 《Sedimentology》1999,46(4):667-688
The Frewens sandstone is composed of two elongate tide-influenced sandstone bodies that are positioned directly above and slightly landward of a more wave-influenced lobate sandstone. The 20-km-long, 3-km-wide Frewens sandstone bodies coarsen upwards and fine away from their axes, have gradational bases and margins and have eroded tops abruptly overlain by marine shales. These sandstones are superbly exposed in large cliffs on the banks of the South Fork of the Powder River in central Wyoming, USA. The deposits change upwards from thinly interbedded sandstones and mudstones to metre-thick heterolithic cross-strata and, finally, to metres-thick sandstone-dominated cross-strata. There is abundant evidence for tidal modulation of depositional flows; however, palaeocurrents were strongly ebb-dominated and nearly parallel the trend of sandstone-body elongation. Detailed mapping of stratal geometry and facies across these exposures shows a complex internal architecture. Large-scale bedding units within sandstone bodies are defined by alternations in facies, bed thickness and the abundance of shales. Such bedsets are inclined (5°–15°) in walls oriented parallel to palaeoflow and gradually decrease in dip over hundreds of metres as they extend from the sandstone-dominated deposits higher in a sandstone body to muddier deposits lower in the body. Where viewed perpendicular to palaeoflow, bedsets are 100-metre-wide lenses that shingle off the sandstone-body axis towards its margins. The sandstone bodies are interpreted as sand ridge deposits formed on the shoreface of a tide-influenced river delta. Metres-thick cross-strata in the upper parts of sandstone bodies resemble deposits of bars (sandwaves) formed where tidal currents moved across shallows and the tops of tidal ridges. Heterolithic deposits lower in sandstone bodies record fluctuating currents caused by ebb and flood tides and varying river discharge. Erosion surfaces capping sandstone bodies record tidal ravinement. The tidal ridges were abandoned following transgression and covered with marine mud as waters deepened.  相似文献   

Sand is being deposited in a meandering estuary separating Sapelo and Blackbeard Islands, Georgia, in the channel of the estuary and on two point bars associated with meanders. Sand is being eroded by the meandering channel from slightly lithified Pleistocene and unconsolidated Holocene strandline deposits, and is being redeposited by the ebb tidal currents. The estuary-channel deposits are coarse grained and their grain-size decreases down ebb current from the source outcrops. The point bars are elongated in the direction of the ebb current, and increase in grain-size from their crests downward as they grade into the channel deposits. Festoon cross-bedding and ripple marks on the point bars record the ebb direction, while elongate plant fragments are preferentially oriented normal to the bar elongation (current). Horizontally stratified muds and muddy sands are being deposited behind the bars, and contain a rich fauna (primarily annelids, arthropods, and molluscs). However, the fauna is represented in the deposits more by burrows and disturbed stratification than by preserved organisms. The sands of the bars and channel are biologically less productive, but the bioclastic content of the sediment is high.  相似文献   

Dunes and bars are common elements in tide‐dominated shelf settings. However, there is no consensus on a unifying terminology or a systematic classification for thick sets of cross‐stratified sandstones. In addition, their ichnological attributes have hardly been explored. To address these issues, the properties, architecture and ichnology of compound cross‐stratified sandstone bodies contained in the Lower Cambrian Gog Group of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains are described here. In these transgressive sandstones, five types of compound cross‐stratified sandstone are distinguished based on foreset geometry, sedimentary structures and internal heterogeneity. These represent four broad categories of subtidal sandbodies: (i) compound‐dune fields; (ii) sand sheets; (iii) sand ridges; and (iv) isolated dune patches; tidal bars comprise a fifth category but are not present in the Gog Group. Compound‐dune fields are characterized by sigmoidal and planar cross‐stratified sandstone in coarsening‐upward and thickening‐upward packages (Type 1); these are mostly unburrowed, or locally contain representatives of the Skolithos ichnofacies, but are intercalated with intensely bioturbated sandstone containing the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies. Sand‐sheet complexes, also composed of compound dunes, cover more extensive subtidal areas, and comprise three adjacent subenvironments: core, front and margin. The core is characterized by thick‐bedded sets of cross‐stratified sandstone (Type 2). A decrease of bedform size at the front is recorded by wedges of thinner‐bedded, low‐angle and planar cross‐stratified sandstone (Type 3) exhibiting dense Skolithos pipe‐rock ichnofabric. The margin is characterized by interbedded sandstone and mudstone, and hummocky cross‐stratified sandstone. Sand‐sheet deposits exhibit clear trends in trace‐fossil distribution along the sediment transport path, from non‐bioturbated beds in the core to Skolithos ichnofacies at the front, and a depauperate Cruziana ichnofacies at the margin. Tidal sand ridges are large elongate sandbodies characterized by large sigmoid‐shaped reactivation surfaces (Type 4). Sand ridges display clear ichnological trends perpendicular to the axis of the ridge, with no bioturbation or a poorly developed Skolithos ichnofacies in the core, a depauperate Cruziana ichnofacies in lee‐side deposits, and Cruziana ichnofacies at the margin. While both tidal ridges and tidal bars migrate by means of lateral accretion, the latter occur in association with channels while the former do not. Because tidal bars tend to occur in brackish‐water marginal‐marine settings, their ichnofauna are typically of low diversity, representing a depauperate Cruziana ichnofacies. Isolated dune patches developed on sand‐starved areas of the shelf, and are represented by lenticular sandbodies with sigmoidal reactivation surfaces (Type 5); they typically lack trace fossils, but the interfingering muddy deposits are intensely bioturbated by a high‐diversity fauna recording the Cruziana ichnofacies. The variety of sandbody types in the Gog Group reflects varying sediment supply and location on the inner continental shelf. These, in turn, governed substrate mobility, grain size, turbidity, water‐column productivity and sediment organic matter which controlled trace fossil distribution.  相似文献   

豫西太原组、山西组中潮道沉积的类型和特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
豫西太原组中的潮道为陆表海滨岸潮道类型,其特点为:向上变细的层序,冲刷切割下伏的灰岩层,具大型板状、槽状交错层理和双向交错层理,潮道曲流砂坝发育。山西组下段的潮道为障壁后潮道,位于障壁砂坝后的潮坪区;潮道砂岩泥质杂基较高,正粒序,砂体自海向陆分叉尖灭;潮坪、潮道等亚环境组合影响了其上发育的煤层的厚度变化。山西组上段的潮道为下三角洲平原潮道类型,多位于分流河口,砂岩为正粒序,双(单)粘土层和潮汐周期层序发育。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆起志留系柯坪塔格组下段发育的陆架砂脊为了解古陆架砂脊沉积建造提供了一个理想实例.利用测井和岩心资料, 根据沉积物的岩性和沉积构造特征, 将陆架砂脊划分为6个岩性相: 块状层理中-细砂岩性相(FA1)、丘状交错层理中-细砂岩性相(FA2)、含撕裂状泥砾的中-细砂岩性相(FA3)、双向交错层理含粘土层的细砂岩性相(FA4)、潮汐层理的细砂岩与泥岩互层岩性相(FA5)和水平层理陆架泥岩性相(FA6);依据岩性相的组合特征, 将陆架砂脊划分为4个沉积微相: 砂脊核微相(FA1-FA2-FA3)、砂脊内缘微相(FA4)、砂脊外缘微相(FA5)和陆架泥微相(FA6);陆架砂脊沉积受陆架潮汐、风暴浪的共同影响.利用钻井约束的三维地震切片属性分析, 确定了NE-SW向和NW-SE向两组古陆架砂脊的平面展布特征.古陆架砂脊储层为特低孔、特低渗, 其中砂脊核微相储层物性相对较好, 平均孔隙度6.96%、平均渗透率0.34×10-3 μm2; 工业油流主要集中在砂脊核微相储层.古陆架砂脊的砂体多呈脊状或丘状并被厚层的陆架泥披覆, 常形成同沉积的微幅背斜-岩性圈闭.   相似文献   

Eighteen coastal-plain depositional sequences that can be correlated to shallow- to deep-water clinoforms in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen were studied in 1 × 15 km scale mountainside exposures. The overall mud-prone (>300 m thick) coastal-plain succession is divided by prominent fluvial erosion surfaces into vertically stacked depositional sequences, 7–44 m thick. The erosion surfaces are overlain by fluvial conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones. The fluvial deposits show tidal influence at their seaward ends. The fluvial deposits pass upwards into macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine deposits, with coarse-grained river-dominated facies followed further seawards by high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels, upper-flow-regime tidal flats, and tidal sand bar facies associations. Laterally, marginal sandy to muddy tidal flat and marsh deposits occur. The fluvial/estuarine sequences are interpreted as having accumulated as a series of incised valley fills because: (i) the basal fluvial erosion surfaces, with at least 16 m of local erosional relief, are regional incisions; (ii) the basal fluvial deposits exhibit a significant basinward facies shift; (iii) the regional erosion surfaces can be correlated with rooted horizons in the interfluve areas; and (iv) the estuarine deposits onlap the valley walls in a landward direction. The coastal-plain deposits represent the topset to clinoforms that formed during progradational infilling of the Eocene Central Basin. Despite large-scale progradation, the sequences are volumetrically dominated by lowstand fluvial deposits and especially by transgressive estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits are overlain by highstand units in only about 30% of the sequences. The depositional system remained an estuary even during highstand conditions, as evidenced by the continued bedload convergence in the inner-estuarine tidal channels.  相似文献   

塔中地区志留系自下而上包括柯坪塔格组(下沥青砂岩段、灰色泥岩段、上沥青砂岩段)、塔塔埃尔塔格组(红色泥岩段和砂泥岩段)、依木干他乌组。通过对塔中地区志留系钻井岩心观察和盆地西北部阿克苏、柯坪、巴楚等地露头剖面的观察,塔中地区志留系下沥青砂岩段岩石类型主要为绿灰色泥岩、粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、粉砂岩、极细砂岩和细砂岩,部分井发育中细砂岩和中砂岩,砂岩层中常见大量撕裂状泥砾和黄铁矿,发育水平纹理、平行层理、低角度交错层理和楔状交错层理,在露头剖面中可见槽状交错层理。发育的主要沉积相类型为前滨-临滨、浅海陆棚、受风暴影响的浅海砂坝或潮汐砂脊等。在部分井的志留系底部还可见砂砾岩沉积,砾石磨圆较好,砾石成分为石英岩、燧石、泥砾、砂岩砾及其它变质岩砾,向上过渡为中粗砂岩和中细砂岩,发育板状和槽状交错层理,具向上变细的粒序结构,具河流相沉积特征,如塔中30、塔中161井的志留系底部。总体认为塔中地区志留系柯坪塔格组下沥青砂岩段为无障壁滨线-陆棚为主的沉积体系,具有海侵背景下受风暴控制的滨线-陆棚沉积模式, 随海侵发展形成宽度几十公里以上的滨线-陆棚砂岩沉积体,垂向上为滨岸砂到陆棚砂的演化序列。上沥青砂岩段以潮坪沉积为主,并有部分前滨和临滨沉积,横向相变,垂向交互叠置,在砂体发育程度和规模上较下沥青砂岩段差。根据岩心物性和测井物性分析,浅海陆棚沙坝和滨岸沙坝砂岩储集性好于潮坪相砂岩。  相似文献   


Surficial deposits of the tidally influenced Australian shelf seas exhibit a variation in fades related to energy gradient. These deposits comprise a high energy gravelly facies, a mobile sand sheet facies and a low energy muddy sand facies. Such a facies distribution conforms generally with the existing model of continental shelf tidal sedimentation, derived for the west European tidal seas. However, the carbonate rich and mainly warm water deposits of the Australian shelf differ from the mainly quartzose and temperate cold‐water deposits of the European type case in terms of: (i) the role of seagrasses in trapping fine‐grained sediment; and (ii) the relative importance of the production of carbonate mud by mechanical erosion of carbonate grains. Seagrasses in Spencer Gulf, Gulf of St Vincent and Torres Strait are located in regions of strong tidal currents, associated with bedforms and gravel lag deposits. Thus, in the case of tropical carbonate shelves, seagrass deposits containing fine‐grained and poorly sorted sediments are located in close proximity to high energy gravel and mobile sand facies. In contrast, the European model (for temperate, siliciclastic shelves) places facies in a regional gradient with a wide separation (in the order of 50–100 km).

Of the locations reviewed, the Gulf of St Vincent, Bass Strait, southern Great Barrier Reef, Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria exhibit zones of carbonate mud accumulation. The production and winnowing of carbonate mud from the mobile sand facies is a factor that must be taken into account in the assessment of a sediment budget for this facies, and which is of relatively greater importance for carbonate shelves. Insufficient data are presently available from the macrotidal North West Shelf to test the applicability of the model to this region.  相似文献   

Sediments exposed at low tide on the transgressive, hypertidal (>6 m tidal range) Waterside Beach, New Brunswick, Canada permit the scrutiny of sedimentary structures and textures that develop at water depths equivalent to the upper and lower shoreface. Waterside Beach sediments are grouped into eleven sedimentologically distinct deposits that represent three depositional environments: (1) sandy foreshore and shoreface; (2) tidal‐creek braid‐plain and delta; and, (3) wave‐formed gravel and sand bars, and associated deposits. The sandy foreshore and shoreface depositional environment encompasses the backshore; moderately dipping beachface; and a shallowly seaward‐dipping terrace of sandy middle and lower intertidal, and muddy sub‐tidal sediments. Intertidal sediments reworked and deposited by tidal creeks comprise the tidal‐creek braid plain and delta. Wave‐formed sand and gravel bars and associated deposits include: sediment sourced from low‐amplitude, unstable sand bars; gravel deposited from large (up to 5·5 m high, 800 m long), landward‐migrating gravel bars; and zones of mud deposition developed on the landward side of the gravel bars. The relationship between the gravel bars and mud deposits, and between mud‐laden sea water and beach gravels provides mechanisms for the deposition of mud beds, and muddy clast‐ and matrix‐supported conglomerates in ancient conglomeratic successions. Idealized sections are presented as analogues for ancient conglomerates deposited in transgressive systems. Where tidal creeks do not influence sedimentation on the beach, the preserved sequence consists of a gravel lag overlain by increasingly finer‐grained shoreface sediments. Conversely, where tidal creeks debouch onto the beach, erosion of the underlying salt marsh results in deposition of a thicker, more complex beach succession. The thickness of this package is controlled by tidal range, sedimentation rate, and rate of transgression. The tidal‐creek influenced succession comprises repeated sequences of: a thin mud bed overlain by muddy conglomerate, sandy conglomerate, a coarse lag, and capped by trough cross‐bedded sand and gravel.  相似文献   

The Sierra Grande Formation (Silurian-Early Devonian) consists of quartz arenites associated with clast supported conglomerates, mudstones, shales and ironstones. Eight sedimentary facies are recognized: cross-stratified and massive sandstone, plane bedded sandstone, ripple laminated sandstone, interstratified sandstone and mudstone, laminated mudstone and shale, oolitic ironstone, massive conglomerate and sheet conglomerate lags. These facies are interpreted as shallow marine deposits, ranging from foreshore to inner platform environments. Facies associations, based on vertical relationships among lithofacies, suggest several depositional zones: (a) beach to upper shoreface, with abundant plane bedded and massive bioturbated sandstones; (b) upper shoreface to breaker zone, characterized by multistorey cross-stratified and massive sandstone bodies interpreted as subtidal longshore-flow induced sand bars; (c) subtidal, nearshore tidal sand bars, consisting of upward fining sandstone sequences; (d) lower shoreface zone, dominated by ripple laminated sandstone, associated with cross-stratified and horizontal laminated sandstone, formed by translatory and oscillatory flows; and (e) transitional nearshore-offshore and inner platform zones, with heterolithic and pelitic successions, and oolitic ironstone horizons. Tidal currents, fair weather waves and storm events interacted during the deposition of the Sierra Grande Formation. However, the relevant features of the siliciclastics suggest that fair weather and storm waves were the most important mechanisms in sediment accumulation. The Silurian-Lower Devonian platform was part of a continental interior sag located between southern South America and southern Africa. The Sierra Grande Formation was deposited during a second order sea level rise, in which a shallow epeiric sea flooded a deeply weathered low relief continent.  相似文献   

潮控河口湾是厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地北部上白垩统Napo组的主力储层,当前对其识别标志、岩相及沉积分布规律认识不清,建立可靠的潮控河口湾的沉积模式,对于预测油气储层有重要意义。通过研究区LU碎屑岩段岩芯、粒度、测井、薄片以及地化资料的综合分析发现:1)综合岩相类型、地化、垂向序列特征认为其发育潮控河口湾和陆棚;2)研究区潮控河口湾主要发育中河口湾亚相及外河口湾亚相,中河口湾亚相发育潮汐河道、潮坪、高流态沙坪等微相,在测井曲线上呈钟形;外河口湾轴部发育潮汐沙坝、高流态沙坪微相,测井曲线上为箱型;外河口湾两侧为泥质潮坪微相,测井曲线上呈指形;浪基面之下发育泥质陆棚沉积和风暴形成的海绿石席状砂;3)研究区倾向西南,中河口湾的潮汐河道边滩沉积发育在东北部;向西南河道逐渐拓宽,外河口湾轴部潮汐沙坝南北向展布,向两翼泥质含量增高,发育泥质潮坪,呈席状展布。  相似文献   

广东省海丰地区是下侏罗统长埔组良好的出露区。长埔组为一套浅海碎屑岩沉积,主要为陆棚泥质沉积背景下的临滨砂坝和浊流沉积。粒度分析显示临滨砂坝沉积的概率累积曲线为两段式,频率直方图为单峰。浊流沉积的概率累积曲线为三段式,频率直方图为双峰。岩相序列为海进-海退过程的岩相组合,砂岩层向上变厚。海进-海退的序列显示出长埔时期海丰地区总体上经历了两次海平面变化。浅海泥质沉积和浊流沉积构成一套复理石序列。马尔科夫链分析显示长埔组具有明显的向上变粗序列。地球化学数据显示长埔组沉积物兼具被动大陆边缘性质和活动大陆边缘性质。砂岩样品成分的Dickinson图解显示,沉积物来源于再旋回造山带,与岩浆弧造山带和俯冲带杂岩体有关,海丰地区靠近逆冲造山带。因此早侏罗世盆地处于挤压下的弧后前陆构造背景,沉积物受再旋回造山带和陆块双物源控制。  相似文献   

The shore‐normal transport of fine‐grained sediments by shelf turbidity currents has been the focus of intense debate over the last 20 years. Many have argued that turbidity currents are unlikely to be a major depositional agent on the shelf. However, sedimentological, architectural, stratigraphic and palaeogeographic data from the Campanian Aberdeen Member, Book Cliffs, eastern Utah suggests otherwise and clearly demonstrates that storm‐generated and river flood‐generated underflows can transport a significant volume of fine‐grained sediments across the shelf. These across‐shelf flowing turbidity currents cut large subaqueous channel complexes up to 7 m deep, tens of kilometres basinward of their time‐equivalent shoreface. The shelf channels were filled with organic‐rich siltstones, mudstones and very fine‐ to fine‐grained Bouma‐like sandstone beds, including wave‐modified turbidites, hyperpycnites and classical turbidites. Deposition was above storm wave base. Palaeocurrent data reveal an overwhelmingly dominant across‐shelf (east–south‐east), offshore‐directed transport trend. Tectonic activity and/or concomitant palaeogeographic reorganization of the basin may favour the generation of these turbidite‐rich shelf deposits by altering the relative balance of wave versus fluvial energy. Increased erosion and sediment supply rates, because of tectonic uplift of the hinterland, may have increased the probability of fluvial dominance along the coastline and, hence, the possibility of submarine channelization in front of the river mouths. Additionally, the coastline may have become more sheltered from direct wave energy, thus allowing the fluvial processes to dominate. Seasonal increases in rainfall and storm activity may also favour the generation of across‐shelf underflows. On wave‐dominated shorelines, isolated shelf channels and lobes are most likely to be found down‐dip of fluvial‐feeder systems in relatively high sediment supply settings. These features are also most likely to occur in systems tracts that straddle a sequence boundary, especially those which are tectonically generated, as these would enhance the potential for altering basin morphology and, hence, the balance of fluvial and wave energy. Isolated shelf channels are recognized in older and younger strata in the Book Cliffs region, implying that wave‐supported gravity flows were a recurrent phenomena in the Campanian of Utah. It is probable that isolated shelf bodies are preserved in other stratigraphic intervals in the Cretaceous Western Interior of North America, and other basins worldwide, and are currently being overlooked or misidentified. Shoreface‐to‐shelf facies models should be revised to incorporate turbidite‐rich shelf deposits in some shelf settings.  相似文献   

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