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Models of acceleration of auroral electrons by electrostatic shock waves are considered based on the model electron beam, calculated by Evans (1974), to account for the observed precipitating electron fluxes. Electron populations in our models include a primary accelerated beam, originating from the plasma sheet, the secondary electrons and the energy-degraded and backscattered primary electrons produced by precipitating electrons of that beam. We find a feasible electrostatic shock model with appropriate ion populations from considerations on the conditions for the existence of shock solutions.  相似文献   

We consider the expansion of an electron beam (E ~ 20 keV, I ~ 1 A) artificially injected into the magnetosphere at a high latitude (Λ ~ 60°). We show that, although the space charge effects play an important role during the initial phase of the expansion, it is the magnetic field at the place of the injection which governs the beam radius and the beam density. For an injection parallel to the magnetic field, the ratio between the beam kinetic energy density and the magnetic energy when the beam passes through the Equator, may reach important values (~ 2–5). However, taking into account possible beam instabilities could strongly modify this conclusion.  相似文献   

Typical auroral events in the Martian atmosphere, such as discrete and diffuse auroral emissions detected by UV spectrometers onboard ESA Mars Express and NASA MAVEN, are investigated. Auroral electron kinetic energy distribution functions and energy spectra of the upward and downward electron fluxes are obtained by electron transport calculations using the kinetic Monte Carlo model. These characteristics of auroral electron fluxes make it possible to calculate both the precipitation-induced changes in the atmosphere and the observed manifestations of auroral events on Mars. In particular, intensities of discrete and diffuse auroral emissions in the UV and visible wavelength ranges (Soret et al., 2016; Bisikalo et al., 2017; Gérard et al., 2017). For these conditions of auroral events, the analysis is carried out, and the contribution of the fluxes of precipitating electrons to the heating and ionization of the Martian atmosphere is estimated. Numerical calculations show that in the case of discrete auroral events the effect of the residual crustal magnetic field leads to a significant increase in the upward fluxes of electrons, which causes a decrease in the rates of heating and ionization of the atmospheric gas in comparison with the calculations without taking into account the residual magnetic field. It is shown that all the above-mentioned impact factors of auroral electron precipitation processes should be taken into account both in the photochemical models of the Martian atmosphere and in the interpretation of observations of the chemical composition and its variations using the ACS instrument onboard ExoMars.  相似文献   

High-resolution (∼0.22 Å) spectra of the north jovian aurora were obtained in the 905-1180 Å window with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) on October 28, 2000. The FUSE instrument resolves the rotational structure of the H2 spectra and the spectral range allows the study of self-absorption. Below 1100 Å, transitions connecting to the v?2 levels of the H2 ground state are partially or totally absorbed by the overlying H2 molecules. The FUSE spectra provide information on the overlying H2 column and on the vibrational distribution of H2. Transitions from high-energy H2 Rydberg states and treatment of self-absorption are considered in our synthetic spectral generator. We show comparisons between synthetic and observed spectra in the 920-970, 1030-1080, and 1090-1180 Å spectral windows. In a first approach (single-layer model ), the synthetic spectra are generated in a thin emitting layer and the emerging photons are absorbed by a layer located above the source. It is found that the parameters of the single-layer model best fitting the three spectral windows are 850, 800, and 800 K respectively for the H2 gas temperature and 1.3×1018, 1.5×1020, and 1.3×1020 cm−2 for the H2 self-absorbing vertical column respectively. Comparison between the H2 column and a 1-D atmospheric model indicates that the short-wavelength FUV auroral emission originates from just above the homopause. This is confirmed by the high H2 rovibrational temperatures, close to those deduced from spectral analyses of H+3 auroral emission. In a second approach, the synthetic spectral generator is coupled with a vertically distributed energy degradation model, where the only input is the energy distribution of incoming electrons (multi-layer model ). The model that best fits globally the three FUSE spectra is a sum of Maxwellian functions, with characteristic energies ranging from 1 to 100 keV, giving rise to an emission peak located at 5 μbar, that is ∼100 km below the methane homopause. This multi-layer model is also applied to a re-analysis of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) auroral spectrum and accounts for the H2 self-absorption as well as the methane absorption. It is found that no additional discrete soft electron precipitation is necessary to fit either the FUSE or the HUT observations.  相似文献   

Excitation of electron cyclotron waves and whistlers by reflected auroral electrons which possess a loss-cone distribution is investigated. Based on a given magnetic field and density model, the instability problem is studied over a broad region along the auroral field lines. This region covers altitudes ranging from one quarter of an Earth radius to five Earth radii. It is found that the growth rate is significant only in the region of low altitude, say below the source region of the auroral kilometric radiation. In the high altitude region the instability is insignificant either because of low refractive indices or because of small loss cone angles.  相似文献   

On the basis of a ray tracing method the propagation and the attenuation of an auroral infrasonic wave are studied. Relations between the direct and reflected waves recorded at the Syowa Station, Antarctica, are clarified with regard to; (1) the delay time, (2) the intensity ratio, and (3) trace velocities. The time required for a wave to travel from the source to the ground is calculated as a function of a source altitude. The retardation time of the wave arrival behind the zenith crossing of the source current is deduced. A method is proposed for estimating the altitude of a source current from the retardation and a trace velocity of the wave. It is concluded that the existence of a supersonic equatorward motion of an electrojet which continues for a certain distance is necessary for the observation of auroral infrasonic waves. This distance must exceed at least 60 km equatorwards from the zenith to enable the direct wave to be observed and with total length of 930 km to enable the reflected wave to be observed. From these conditions it is also concluded that the infrasonic wave is not seen in mid latitudes and the reflected wave is a rare phenomenon.  相似文献   

The interaction between an artificially produced narrow beam of electrons and the upper atmosphere has been studied by the POLAR 5 electron accelerator “mother”-“daughter” rocket. It is shown how the beam develops a “halo” of scattered electrons and how the low energy electron population in this “halo” is produced partly during the ionization process (at low altitudes), partly by a “wave-plasma” interaction which accelerates the ionospheric background electrons.  相似文献   

Concurrent variations of CNA fluctuations and geomagnetic fluctuations are classified into Type 1 (substorm-type), Type 2 (Pc5-type), and Type 3 which is the object of the present study. Type 3 apparently has peculiar characteristics in that CNA fluctuations at a certain auroral-zone station show a pronounced positive correlation with magnetic fluctuations at distant low-latitude stations. The magnetic fluctuations of this type are identified to generalized Si which tends to take place much more frequently than the so-called Si. The CNA fluctuations of this type are found to take place on the dayside auroral zone only when preceded by a magnetic substorm on the night side. Considering the change of the growth rate of electron cyclotron instability and enhancement of pitch angle diffusion due to the change of magnetic field intensity, the following model is proposed to explain the occurrence mechanism of Type 3 concurrent variations. The CNA fluctuations take place only when two conditions are satisfied; generation of the accelerated electrons in association with substorm onset and modulation of the precipitation of the electrons by compression and expansion of the magnetosphere, in other words, by generalized Si.  相似文献   

Nonlinear frequency shift of space-charge waves in a relativistic electron or positron beam is analyzed. The frequency shift is shown to be a function of the wave amplitude. It is suggested that the frequency shift of beam space-charge waves may be a saturation mechanism for astrophysical free-electron lasers.  相似文献   

The relationship between sudden geomagnetic field changes in the nightside cusp region and impulsive electron precipitation events in the auroral zone is investigated. The investigations are based on magnetic field measurements from the spacecraft Explorer 35, Explorer 33 and OGO-5 and on X-ray measurements with balloon-borne instruments from Kiruna/Sweden. The sudden field changes are characterized by a decrease of the field strength and a rotation of the field direction. The precipitation events represent strong flux increases within a few minutes. The field changes were accompanied by impulsive precipitation not only in the midnight sector but also on the dayside. They can be regarded as a manifestation of the unsteady magnetospheric processes during the expansion phase. Whereas both phenomena occurred simultaneously on the nightside, the increase of precipitation was delayed by ca. 5 min on the dayside. It is assumed that the simultaneous occurrence on the nightside can be related to the formation of a neutral line with a considerable length in dawn-dusk-direction. Mechanisms are also discussed which could be responsible for the time delay on the dayside.  相似文献   

The Ulysses spacecraft encountered the planet Jupiter in February 1992, on its journey towards high heliospheric latitude. During the approach to the planet, as well as on the outbound pass, while receding from the Jovian bow shock, the Plasma Frequency Receiver that is part of the Unified Radio and Plasma Wave experiment (URAP) recorded bursts of plasma waves in the frequency range of a few kHz. These emissions, first observed by the PWS experiment onboard the Voyager spacecraft, have been identified as upstream electron plasma waves. In this paper, we present the first analysis of the characteristics of these emissions, which are very similar to those found in the Earth's electron foreshock, upstream of the Earth's bow shock. These bursty emissions, with a peak frequency very close to the local electron plasma frequency Fpe, have a typical electric field amplitude in the range 0.01–0.1 mV m−1, with some bursts above 1 mV m−1. The frequency bandwidth over which significant power can be found above the instrument background noise ranges from below 0.2 Fpc to about 2 Fpc. On the basis of our present knowledge of similar emissions observed at Earth, we suggest that the broadband emissions are triggered by suprathermal (a few tens of eV) electrons, streaming back from Jupiter's bow shock.  相似文献   

Ledenev  V. G. 《Solar physics》1998,179(2):405-420
This paper considers, in a linear approximation, the instability of a low-density electron beam propagating along the magnetic field of the solar corona, with respect to the excitation of electromagnetic (transverse) waves at cyclotron harmonics. It is shown that the extraordinary mode is excited at harmonics, beginning with the second and higher. Results of calculations check well with observed spectra of groups of solar spike radio bursts in the decimetric wavelength range.  相似文献   

Kinetic Alfvén waves are examined in the presence of ion and electron beams with bi-Maxwellian distribution functions. The theory of particle aspect analysis is used to evaluate the trajectories of charged particles in the electromagnetic field of a kinetic Alfvén wave. The expressions for the field-aligned currents, perpendicular currents (with respect to B0), dispersion relation and growth-rate with marginal instability criteria are derived. The significance of the investigation for the earth's magnetoplasma is discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-D particle simulation of excitation of whistler waves driven by an electron temperature anisotropy (T > T ) is presented. Results show that whistler waves can have appreciable growth driven by the anisotropy. The maximum intensity of the excited whistler waves increases as a quadratic function of the anisotropy. Due to the presence of a threshold, one needs a relatively large electron temperature anisotropy above threshold to generate large-amplitude whistler waves. The average amplitude of turbulence in the context of whistler waves is up to as large as about 1% of the ambient magnetic field when T /T . The total energy density of the whistler turbulence is adequate for production of relativistic electrons in solar flares through stochastic acceleration.  相似文献   

It is shown that a large amplitude electromagnetic wave can parametrically excite low-frequency electrostatic modified electron acoustic waves which are unique to three-component plasmas ions, hot electrons and a group of cold electrons. The growth rates and thresholds of the decay instabilities are obtained. Application of our results in the auroral region of the ionosphere is illustrated.  相似文献   

The 30 MHz absorption observed by a network of wide-beam riometers in Scandinavia is compared to the expected absorption calcvlated on the basis of simultaneously observed fluxes of precipitating electrons in the 10–80 keV energy band at geostationary distance and in magnetic coincidence with the riometer network. By choosing a reasonable altitude profile of the effective recombination coefficient, it is found to be possible to match the observed and calculated absorptions. Further calculations indicate that precipitating electrons of higher energy may be responsible for some of the observed absorption. An empirical law is given which relates the observed absorption to the energy flux of 40–80 keV electrons incident on the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Observations of vertical and horizontal thermospheric winds, using the OI (3P-1D) 630 nm emission line, by ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers in Northern Scandinavia and in Svalbard (Spitzbergen) have identified sources of strong vertical winds in the high latitude thermosphere. Observations from Svalbard (78.2N 15.6E) indicate a systematic diurnal pattern of strong downward winds in the period 06.00 U.T. to about 18.00 U.T., with strong upward winds between 20.00 U.T. and 05.00 U.T. Typical velocities of 30 m s?1 downward and 50 m s?1 upward occur, and there is day to day variability in the magnitude (30–80 m s?1) and phase (+/- 3 h) in the basically diurnal variation. Strong and persistent downward winds may also occur for periods of several hours in the afternoon and evening parts of the auroral oval, associated with the eastward auroral electrojet (northward electric fields and westward ion drifts and winds), during periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances. Average downward values of 30–50 m s?1 have been observed for periods of 4–6 h at times of large and long-lasting positive bay disturbances in this region. It would appear that the strong vertical winds of the polar cap and disturbed dusk auroral oval are not in the main associated with propagating wave-like features of the wind field. A further identified source is strongly time-dependent and generates very rapid upward vertical motions for periods of 15–30 min as a result of intense local heating in the magnetic midnight region of the auroral oval during the expansion phase of geomagnetic disturbances, and accompanying intense magnetic and auroral disturbances. In the last events, the height-integrated vertical wind (associated with a mean altitude of about 240 km) may exceed 100–150 m s?1. These disturbances also invariably cause major time-dependent changes of the horizontal wind field with, for example, horizontal wind changes exceeding 500 m s?1 within 30 min. The changes of vertical winds and the horizontal wind field are highly correlated, and respond directly to the local geomagnetic energy input. In contrast to the behaviour observed in the polar cap or in the disturbed afternoon auroral oval, the ‘expansion phase’ source, which corresponds to the classical ‘auroral substorm’, generates strong time-dependent wind features which may propagate globally. This source thus directly generates one class of thermospheric gravity waves. In this first paper we will consider the experimental evidence for vertical winds. In a second paper we will use a three-dimensional time-dependent model to identify the respective roles of geomagnetic energy and momentum in the creation of both classes of vertical wind sources, and consider their propagation and effects on global thermospheric dynamics.  相似文献   

Pulses in electron intensity, occurring during the expansion phase of an auroral substorm, were studied using a Skylark sounding rocket launched from Kiruna, Sweden at 2226:50 UT on 2 March 1972. The pulses were typically of 5 s duration and occurred sporadically with a typical interval of 15 s. The rocket carried main and ejected payloads, and the pulses, occurring simultaneously at both, are found to be temporal rather than spatial in origin. Pitch-angle distributions changed little during a pulse, remaining slightly peaked towards larger pitch-angles. Precipitation is thought to be caused by pitch-angle diffusion under conditions where scattering angles are large compared with the opening angle of the loss cone. Enhanced scattering and variations in the temperature of the source plasma are both considered as possible causes of the pulse-like modulation. A dispersion in the times of occurrence of the pulses at different electron energies (3·8, 5·7, 9·0, > 18 and > 48 keV) indicates that the pulses originated at distances which varied between 41,000 ± 4000 km and 90,000 ± 7000 km during the flight. The larger distances are seen as evidence for temporary distortion of the local (L = 5·4) geomagnetic field lines whereby they are stretched to twice their normal (near-dipole) length. It appears that over a period of 100 s the field lines expanded and contracted at a speed of approximately 1000 km s?1. The further observation that the electron energy spectra were approximately Maxwellian, with a temperature equivalent to ~3 keV, helps to confirm the indications that the precipitation and its modulation were controlled directly by processes taking place in the plasma sheet. Other possible causes of the variable dispersion are considered, but found to be inconsistent with the present results.  相似文献   

The stationary ion-acoustic double layer is investigated in a plasma with an electron beam. The condition of the existence sensitively depends on the parameters such as the electron beam temperature, the ion temperature, the beam density and the effect of the trapped electrons. The properties of the double layer are also depicted. It turns out that the electron beam velocity is relatively small. This investigation predicts new findings of the ion-acoustic double layers in a plasma with an electron beam.  相似文献   

Periodic Doppler width fluctuations have been observed in Fe xiv spectra above an active region. The oscillations have a period of 6.1 ± 0.6 min and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.07 ± 0.006 Å. The amplitude of the oscillation increases with height above the limb, and is enhanced at specific heights where we marginally detect line center intensity oscillations. The intensity fluctuations have a period of 6.1 min, an amplitude of 2.0 ± 1.4%, and are 180 ° out of phase with the width oscillations. A comparison region in the quiet corona showed no evidence of oscillatory phenomena.Visiting Student, Sacramento Peak Observatory.NAS/NRC Resident Research Associate.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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