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The effect of a smooth rigid stratum, located beneath a dense sand layer, on the bearing capacity and settlement of surface and shallow strip footings is investigated using an advanced experimental model. A theoretical analysis is presented for the bearing capacity of surface footings. The results indicate that the bearing capacity reaches a minimum value at a specific sand-layer thickness. Any increase in the layer thickness above this value causes an increase in the bearing capacity up to that corresponding to a continuous media.Notation H= thickness of the sand layer - B= foundation width - N q and N = bearing capacity factors for a semi-infinite layer - N qs and N s= bearing capacity factors for a finite layer - H o /B= limiting depth - D r= relative density - = angle of soil internal friction - M= model width - D= depth of surcharge - q= bearing stress, pressure applied on the footing - q u= bearing capacity - = unit weight of sand  相似文献   

地震历史对砂土抗液化性能影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏栋  李相崧 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1815-1818
为探讨地震历史对饱和砂土抗液化性能的影响,通过离心机动力模型试验,观测了遭受过不同强度地震的饱和砂土水平场地在再次地震荷载作用下的响应,包括超静孔隙水压力的发展和土体的变形。研究表明,小地震有利于增强砂土颗粒之间的咬合及结构的稳定性,极大地提高了其抗液化能力,而遭受强地震并且发生液化的砂土,由于在沉积过程中形成的不稳定结构,则可能在将来强度相对较小的地震中再次液化。试验结果说明了地震历史对砂土液化性能有重大影响及进一步开展砂土细观结构研究的重要性。  相似文献   

软土地基路堤施工控制的离心模拟试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软土路基上快速填筑路堤时的稳定控制是非常重要的。为此在现行规范中,采用了一些位移或位移速率的控制标准。但实践表明,采用现行的标准仍然出现一些地基失稳的事例,说明这些标准需要进一步求证和改进。除了继续收集、分析失效事例之外,通过离心模型试验也可以进一步理解堤基失稳的机制。离心模型试验结果表明:路堤快速填筑使得地基破坏时,地基变形略呈马鞍形,坡肩处沉降比道中处沉降略大,坡脚水平位移增加较快;破坏时的位移速率与现有规范建议的控制标准基本符合,但地基内的孔隙水压力是在地基进入破坏状态并发生较大变形之后才有突然增加的趋势;此外,坡脚水平位移和道中沉降的速率比,可能是一个较好的稳定性控制的指标。  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory model test results for the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip foundation supported by geogrid-reinforced sand and saturated clay are presented. One type of geogrid only was used for all the tests. On the basis of the model test results, the optimum depth and width of reinforcing layers and the optimum depth of the location of the first layer of the geogrid in sand and saturated clay were determined and compared.  相似文献   

胡耘  张嘎  刘文星  李焯芬 《岩土力学》2011,32(5):1327-1332
土工织物加筋技术在工程中得到了广泛的应用,取得了良好的加固效果。但对于土工织物加筋机制尚缺乏明确和统一地认识,加筋理论研究落后于工程实践。为此,进行了坡顶加载条件下土工织物加固黏性土坡和素土边坡的离心模型试验,记录和再现了素土边坡和加筋土坡在坡顶加载条件下的变形破坏过程。主要基于变形分析探讨了黏性土坡在土工织物简单加固条件下的加固效果和加筋机制。结果表明,土工织物加筋可以有效地提高黏性土坡的极限承载力,加筋带的存在改变了土体的位移场,扩大了坡顶加载的影响区域,加筋后滑裂面明显后移。加筋带对土体的局部作用和作用范围,随着土体变形的增大而增大和扩展  相似文献   

程嵩  张嘎  郑瑞华  孙振岳 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1781-1786
地下水开采是导致地面不均匀沉降的重要因素之一,而地面不均匀沉降又会对桥梁结构造成较大的危害。通过离心模型试验研究了离心场中地基抽水对桥梁结构物的影响。在自主研制的离心场中地基抽水对结构物影响的模拟和测量系统基础上,测量了抽水过程中粉土地基中沉降的变化以及桥梁结构的变形分布规律,探讨了地面不均匀沉降对刚性桥梁、简支桥梁以及简支连续桥梁的影响规律。试验结果表明,水井抽水的初期非稳定渗流期是桥梁变形发展最快的阶段;减小桥垮长度以及桥面桥墩改用铰连接都可以使得桥面轴向应变减小;地基的水平位移会给刚性桥梁中部带来较大的变形  相似文献   

卸荷式地连墙板桩结构码头是国内自主创新的深水码头结构,为了深入认识这一板桩码头结构在设计荷载下的工作性状和土与结构共同作用机制,结合某一拟建码头泊位的卸荷式地连墙板桩码头结构设计方案验证需要,进行了3组大型土工离心模型试验研究。其中2组为重复性的模型试验,以验证设计方案的可行性;第3组则模拟了无卸荷平台结构的地连墙板桩码头结构设计方案,以比较有无卸荷平台的板桩码头来揭示全直桩卸荷平台结构的卸荷效果。并且介绍了码头结构离心模拟技术,包括模型设计、模型制作和模型测量及试验步骤等关键内容。  相似文献   

李阳  张嘎 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):180-184
桩基础研究的核心问题是桩承载力和桩-土相互作用,包括桩周土的变形和饱和土中孔隙水压力的变化。通过离心模型试验的方法,利用竖向压桩设备把桩压入土体,研究饱和及非饱和粉质黏土中单桩的竖向承载力,以及加载过程中桩周土体的变形和孔隙水压力的变化。粉质黏土饱和后,桩基的承载特性表现出软化的特点,且桩基的承载能力比非饱和粉质黏土中的桩基小,非饱和粉质黏土的压桩试验中桩基没有出现明显的极限承载力。桩基的加载特性与桩周土的变形响应具有显著的相关性,桩的加载过程对桩周土体变形的影响有一定范围,超过这个范围,土体的变形可以忽略不计。饱和粉质黏土中桩基的加载对桩周土体孔压的变化也有一定的影响范围,与桩周土体的变形范围体现出类似的规律。距离桩较近时,桩周土的变形较大;距离桩越远,土体的变形受到桩的影响越小。  相似文献   

The failure envelope in VM space for surface foundations on undrained material under eccentric loading can be determined using an extended version of the scaling (or effective area) concept of Meyerhof. A similar displacement transformation allows production of the plastic potential. The two‐dimensional finite element analyses of fully attached foundations subject to combined vertical (V) and moment (M) loading have been used to calculate appropriate scaling points for deduction of the failure envelope and plastic potential. Failure envelopes and plastic potentials are presented for footings on uniform and non‐uniform undrained material and it is seen that the equivalent ‘critical state’ or ‘parallel point’ lies slightly beneath the peak moment capacity. For accurate prediction of failure envelopes for footings on non‐uniform strength soil, consideration must be made of the apparent reduction of the soil heterogeneity as the area of footing in contact with the soil decreases. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

软土地区土体工程性质较差,土体所能提供桩侧摩阻力和桩端阻力较小,预制桩桩身材料强度无法充分发挥。在预制桩压入土体过程中灌入砂石能够改善桩周土体性质,提高桩-土接触面摩擦性能,从而提高桩基的抗压极限承载力。为了研究填砂竹节桩的抗压承载性能,进行了一组现场静载试验和ABAQUS三维建模计算,通过对试验和计算结果的分析可以得出以下结论:软土地基中填砂竹节桩的抗压承载性能相比常规等截面管桩有了显著提高;填砂竹节桩桩身轴力在竹节节点处减少幅度较大,竹节节点能够提高桩侧承载性能;软土地基中填砂竹节桩桩侧承载性能相比常规等截面管桩有了显著提高,且侧阻增大系数为1.15~1.40。  相似文献   

周平  朱长歧  黄理兴  汪稔 《岩土力学》2005,26(3):471-475
以武昌某高层建筑群岩土工程勘察为例,采用规范查表、理论公式计算、现场载荷试验等方法,并结合物理力学指标特征对含粘性土粉砂的承载力进行分析,结果表明:武昌地区含粘性土粉砂是一种有别于一般粉砂、粉土和粘性土的混合土,在工程性质上,它更接近于粘性土而非粉砂。含粘性土粉砂承载力的确定方法应以现场载荷试验和理论公式计算为主,且计算结果与载荷试验结果应具可比性。  相似文献   

分别开展砂土和粉质黏土两种典型土质条件下基坑悬臂式开挖离心模型试验,详细叙述试验过程中所要解决的关键问题,并提出合理的解决方案。通过对比分析两组试验结果,得到以下结论:非饱和土地基制备中参数控制困难,分层夯实法有待进一步改进,而砂雨法制备的砂土地基参数可控性更好;两组试验的结果有差异,砂土地基试验所呈现的土压力、地基变形、支护弯矩的变化规律更好,因此,岩土离心试验可适当考虑以砂土代替非饱和土;对于采用悬臂式支护结构的基坑,开挖引起的地表沉降曲线在砂土中呈指数型,而在粉质黏土中呈直线型;开挖引起的粉质黏土地基土体位移范围较砂土地基更大;开挖引起的砂土中挡墙弯矩较粉质黏土更大,砂土和粉质黏土中最大弯矩位置都随开挖逐渐下移;在砂土试验中开挖引起主动区土压力各处均减小,而在粉质黏土试验中开挖引起土压力在挡墙底有增大趋势。该基坑工程离心模型试验过程及数据处理方法可为进一步试验提供参考。  相似文献   

砂土中扩体锚杆承载特性模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭钢  刘钟  邓益兵  杨松  马利军 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3645-3652
在25个室内模型试验基础上,研究了均质砂土中竖向拉拔扩体锚杆的几何尺寸及埋深对其承载特性的影响。试验结果表明,根据深径比的不同,扩体锚杆可以分为浅埋与深埋扩体锚杆2种形式,它们在拉拔过程中均经历了土体弹性变形阶段、非扩体锚固段-土界面剪切破坏阶段、土体弹塑性变形阶段以及剪切破坏阶段,破坏特征分别表现为整体剪切破坏与局部剪切破坏。通过扩体锚杆与普通拉力型锚杆模型试验对比发现:与普通拉力型锚杆相比,扩体锚杆极限承载力、承载比与安全性均有大幅度提高。而通过增大扩体锚固段直径的方式提高扩体锚杆承载力的优势较为明显。此外,根据承载比分析,扩体锚杆存在最优扩体锚固段直径,因此,在实际工程中应寻找一个满足需要的最优扩体锚固段尺寸以取得较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

土壤中可挥发性污染物清除的离心试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郝荣福  胡黎明  邢巍巍 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1037-1040
土工离心模拟试验技术是研究环境岩土工程问题的有效手段。本文研究了非水相流体污染物在非饱和土中的迁移以及随后的抽气清除过程。 当离心机运行到要求的加速度时,汽油污染物从地下油罐中释放并在非饱和土中迁移一年,之后采用土壤通气法对污染土壤进行修复。对土壤取样分析,得到污染物在土体中的迁移规律和分布特征。试验结果表明,土壤通气法可以清除非饱和土体中的挥发性有机污染物,是一种有效的原位土壤修复技术。  相似文献   

Bearing capacity of strip foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results of small-scale laboratory model tests to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip foundation supported by sand with multiple layers of geogrid reinforcement are presented. Tests were conducted with only one type of geogrid and a sand compacted to one relative density. The embedment ratio of the foundation was varied from zero to 0.6. It is found that, for the given reinforcement-depth ratio, the bearing capacity ratio with respect to ultimate load increases with embedment. The relationship between the bearing capacity ratio at ultimate load and at limited levels of settlement (less than or equal to 5% of foundation width) is also presented. The bearing capacity ratio at limited levels of settlement is smaller than the value at ultimate load.  相似文献   

Modeling of a Multiply Jointed Voussoir Beam in the Centrifuge   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary The mechanics and kinematics of a multiply jointed Voussoir beam have been studied based on the response of small scale beams tested in the centrifuge. The model beams were made up of six blocks, confined between fixed abutments. The tests included monitoring of beam deflection, development of axial thrust and distribution of strain within the beam. The models were subjected to accelerations of up to 90 g, depending upon the beam geometry. Two different beam geometries were considered. The test data were analysed in the light of pseudo analytical algorithms accepted in the analysis of singly jointed Voussoir beams. The data show that small translations and rotations of the block at the beam-abutment interface are required for a stable compression arch to set up in the beam. The computations and physical models indicate that the development of thrust is in linear proportion with the applied acceleration and is independent of beam thickness. The distribution of strains along the beam leads to the conclusion that the depth of the compression arch varies from the total beam thickness, to approximately one half of the beam thickness, under stable conditions. The data should be of considerable use to researchers looking to calibrate/validate numerical techniques used in describing the response of discontinuous rock masses.  相似文献   

吕玺琳  周运才  李冯缔 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3324-3328
通过开展离心模型试验,对干粉砂及饱和粉砂中盾构隧道开挖面的失稳破坏特性和极限支护压力进行了研究。通过远程控制开挖面土体位移,获得了支护压力与开挖面位移间的关系曲线及开挖面达到主动极限平衡状态时的破坏模式。2组干砂离心模型试验结果表明,当隧道埋深与隧道直径比从0.5增大到1时,开挖面破坏模式从整体坍塌破坏转变为烟囱状,但极限支护压力变化较小。饱和砂土中的试验表明,开挖面水平方向破坏范围相比在相同埋深干砂中的范围扩大,极限支护压力显著增加。对开挖面破坏过程进行三维弹塑性有限元数值模拟,获得了开挖面极限支护压力和破坏机制,所得结果与试验吻合较好。进一步通过数值模拟,分析了土体强度参数、隧道埋深及渗流对极限支护压力的影响规律。结果表明,渗流条件下开挖面破坏区域及极限支护压力均大于无渗流情况,极限支护压力随内摩擦角增大而减小,随隧道埋深增大而减小。  相似文献   

The paper presents the performance of a square footing with a structural skirt resting on sand and subjected to a vertical load through an experimental study. A series of tests were conducted in a model test tank to evaluate the performance in terms of improvement in bearing capacity and reduction in settlement of a square footing with and without a structural skirt. The results of the study reveal that this type of reinforcement increases the bearing capacity, reduces the settlement and modifies the load settlement behaviour of the footing. The various factors influencing the bearing capacity improvements and settlement reduction using a structural skirt are identified. Skirt factors are proposed which can be introduced into the general ultimate bearing capacity equation for a square footing resting on sand. The predictions made through the modified equation are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results. The bearing capacity of square footing is increased in the range of 11.2 to 70%. The improvement in bearing capacity decreases with the increase in base roughness of the footing. Further, an equation for a settlement reduction factor is proposed which can be used to calculate the settlement of the square footing with structural skirt resting on sand. The settlement reduction factor (SRF, defined as the ratio of settlement of footing with structural skirt to the settlement of footing without structural skirt at a given load) was in the range 0.11 to 1.0 depending on applied load and skirt depth ratio with the use of a structural skirt. The results further reveal that for a given depth of the skirt, the settlement reduction factor decreases with the increase in applied load. The improvement in the bearing capacity and reduction in settlement of a square footing with a structural skirt resting on sand are dependent on the geometrical and structural properties of the skirt, footing, sand characteristics and interface conditions of the sand–skirt–footing system.  相似文献   

近海取水工程板桩墙安全性离心模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板桩墙明沟结构是海岸电厂取水工程的一种结构型式。根据电厂取水工程初步设计方案,对电厂取水工程结构进行离心模型试验研究,分析板桩墙结构在波浪荷载作用下的安全性。试验表明,悬臂式斜拉桩板桩墙结构在设计最大波浪荷载作用下会产生较大的水平位移,墙身弯矩较大;引起板桩墙位移、弯矩的主要荷载是海床面以上的波浪荷载,板桩墙承载力主要由桩墙被动侧土体抗力提供。工程中板桩墙入土深度的增加不能有效改善墙体水平位移和墙身弯矩,不会提高板桩墙结构的承载能力。  相似文献   

Summary Geotextiles and geogrids are now being used extensively in many civil engineering construction works. This study presents some laboratory model test results for the ultimate bearing capacity of an isolated, and two closely-spaced, strip foundations resting on unreinforced sand, and sand reinforced with layers of geogrid. Based on the model test results, the variation of the group efficiency with the centre-to-centre spacing of the foundation has been determined.  相似文献   

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