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Trojan asteroids undergo very large perturbations because of their resonance with Jupiter. Fortunately the secular evolution of quasi circular orbits remains simple—if we neglect the small short period perturbations. That study is done in the approximation of the three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem, with a small mass ratio μ—that is about 0.001 in the Sun Jupiter case. The Trojan asteroids can be defined as celestial bodies that have a “mean longitude”, M + ω + Ω, always different from that of Jupiter. In the vicinity of any circular Trojan orbit exists a set of “quasi-circular orbits” with the following properties: (A) Orbits of that set remain in that set with an eccentricity that remains of the order of the mass ratio μ. (B) The relative variations of the semi-major axis and the inclination remain of the order of ${\sqrt{\mu}}$ . (C) There exist corresponding “quasi integrals” the main terms of which have long-term relative variations of the order of μ only. For instance the product c(1 – cos i) where c is the modulus of the angular momentum and i the inclination. (D) The large perturbations affect essentially the difference “mean longitude of the Trojan asteroid minus mean longitude of Jupiter”. That difference can have very large perturbations that are characteristics of the “horseshoes orbit”. For small inclinations it is well known that this difference has two stable points near ±60° (Lagange equilibrium points L4 and L5) and an unstable point at 180° (L3). The stable longitude differences are function of the inclination and reach 180° for an inclination of 145°41′. Beyond that inclination only one equilibrium remains: a stable difference at 180°.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic solutions of the (N+1)-body ring planar problem, N of which are finite and ν=N−1 are moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the Nth+1 body is infinitesimal. ν of the primaries have equal masses m and the Nth most-massive primary, with m 0=β m, is located at the origin of the system. We found the invariant unstable and stable manifolds around hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits, which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1 and L 2. We construct numerically, from the intersection points of the appropriate Poincaré cuts, homoclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits around these Lyapunov periodic orbits. There are families of symmetric simple-periodic orbits which contain as terminal points asymptotic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly and tend asymptotically to equilibrium points of the problem spiraling into (and out of) these points. All these families, for a fixed value of the mass parameter β=2, are found and presented. The eighteen (more geometrically simple) families and the corresponding eighteen terminating homo- and heteroclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits are illustrated. The stability of these families is computed and also presented.  相似文献   

We examine the conjecture made by Brown (1911) that in the restricted three body problem, the long period family of periodic orbits aroundL 4, ends on a homoclinic orbit toL 3. By numerical integration we establish that for the mass ratio Sun-Jupiter such a homoclinic orbit toL 3 does not exist but that there exists a family of homoclinic orbits to periodic orbits aroundL 3.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits associated with the triangular equilibrium points L 4 and L 5, in the gravitational and the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these critical points, are also presented. Hundreds of asymptotic orbits for equal mass of the primaries and for various values of the radiation pressure are computed and the most interesting of them are illustrated. In the Copenhagen case, which the problem is symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axis, we found and present non-symmetric heteroclinic asymptotic orbits. So pairs of heteroclinic connections (from L 4 to L 5 and vice versa) form non-symmetric heteroclinic cycles. The termination orbits (a combination of two asymptotic orbits) of all the simple families of symmetric periodic orbits, in the Copenhagen case, are illustrated.  相似文献   

By using Birkhoff's regularizing transformation, we study the evolution of some of the infinite j-k type families of collision periodic orbits with respect to the mass ratio μ as well as their stability and dynamical structure, in the planar restricted three-body problem. The μ-C characteristic curves of these families extend to the left of the μ-C diagram, to smaller values of μ and most of them go downwards, although some of them end by spiralling around the constant point S* (μ=0.47549, C=3) of the Bozis diagram (1970). Thus we know now the continuation of the families which go through collision periodic orbits of the Sun-Jupiter and Earth-Moon systems. We found new μ-C and x-C characteristic curves. Along each μ-C characteristic curve changes of stability to instability and vice versa and successive very small stable and very large unstable segments appear. Thus we found different types of bifurcations of families of collision periodic orbits. We found cases of infinite period doubling Feigenbaum bifurcations as well as bifurcations of new families of symmetric and non-symmetric collision periodic orbits of the same period. In general, all the families of collision periodic orbits are strongly unstable. Also, we found new x-C characteristic curves of j-type classes of symmetric periodic orbits generated from collision periodic orbits, for some given values of μ. As C varies along the μ-C or the x-C spiral characteristics, which approach their focal-terminating-point, infinite loops, one inside the other, surrounding the triangular points L4 and L5 are formed in their orbits. So, each terminating point corresponds to a collision asymptotic symmetric periodic orbit for the case of the μ-C curve or a non-collision asymptotic symmetric periodic orbit for the case of the x-C curve, that spiral into the points L4 and L5, with infinite period. All these are changes in the topology of the phase space and so in the dynamical properties of the restricted three-body problem.  相似文献   

We present some results about the continuation of doubly-symmetric horseshoe orbits in the general planar three-body problem. This is done by means of solving a boundary value problem with one free parameter which is the quotient of the masses of two bodies μ 3=m 3/m 1, keeping constant μ 2=m 2/m 1 (m 1 represents the mass of a big planet whereas m 2 and m 3 of minor bodies). For the numerical continuation of the horseshoe orbits we have considered m 2/m 1=3.5×10?4, and the variation of μ 3 from 3.5×10?4 to 9.7×10?5 or vice versa, depending on the orbit selected as “seed”. We discuss some issues related to the periodicity and symmetry of the orbits. We study the stability of some of them taking the limit μ 3→0. The numerical continuation was done using the software AUTO.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits around the hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits which emanate from Euler's critical points L 1 and L 2, in the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these Lyapunov orbits, are also presented. Poincaré surface of sections of these manifolds on appropriate planes and several homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for the gravitational case as well as for varying radiation factor q 1, are displayed. Homoclinic-homoclinic and homoclinic-heteroclinic-homoclinic chains which link the interior with the exterior Hill's regions, are illustrated. We adopt the Sun-Jupiter system and assume that only the larger primary radiates. It is found that for small deviations of its value from the gravitational case (q 1 = 1), the radiation pressure exerts a significant impact on the Hill's regions and on these asymptotic orbits.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymmetric solutions of the restricted planar problem of three bodies, two of which are finite, moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the third is infinitesimal. We explore, numerically, the families of asymmetric simple-periodic orbits which bifurcate from the basic families of symmetric periodic solutions f, g, h, i, l and m, as well as the asymmetric ones associated with the families c, a and b which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1, L 2 and L 3 correspondingly. The evolution of these asymmetric families covering the entire range of the mass parameter of the problem is presented. We found that some symmetric families have only one bifurcating asymmetric family, others have infinity number of asymmetric families associated with them and others have not branching asymmetric families at all, as the mass parameter varies. The network of the symmetric families and the branching asymmetric families from them when the primaries are equal, when the left primary body is three times bigger than the right one and for the Earth–Moon case, is presented. Minimum and maximum values of the mass parameter of the series of critical symmetric periodic orbits are given. In order to avoid the singularity due to binary collisions between the third body and one of the primaries, we regularize the equations of motion of the problem using the Levi-Civita transformations.  相似文献   

We describe and comment the results of a numerical exploration on the evolution of the families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits emanating from the equilateral equilibria of the restricted three body problem for values of the mass ratio larger than μ 1. This exploration is, in some sense, a continuation of the work reported in Henrard [Celes. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 2002, 83, 291]. Indeed it shows how, for values of μ. larger than μ 1, the Trojan web described there is transformed into families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits. Also we describe how families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits can attach (or detach) themselves to (or from) the best known families of symmetric periodic orbits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The area of stable motion for fictitious Trojan asteroids around Uranus’ equilateral equilibrium points is investigated with respect to the inclination of the asteroid’s orbit to determine the size of the regions and their shape. For this task we used the results of extensive numerical integrations of orbits for a grid of initial conditions around the points L 4 and L 5, and analyzed the stability of the individual orbits. Our basic dynamical model was the Outer Solar System (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). We integrated the equations of motion of fictitious Trojans in the vicinity of the stable equilibrium points for selected orbits up to the age of the Solar system of 5 × 109 years. One experiment has been undertaken for cuts through the Lagrange points for fixed values of the inclinations, while the semimajor axes were varied. The extension of the stable region with respect to the initial semimajor axis lies between 19.05 ≤ a ≤ 19.3 AU but depends on the initial inclination. In another run the inclination of the asteroids’ orbit was varied in the range 0° < i < 60° and the semimajor axes were fixed. It turned out that only four ‘windows’ of stable orbits survive: these are the orbits for the initial inclinations 0° < i < 7°, 9° < i < 13°, 31° < i < 36° and 38° < i < 50°. We postulate the existence of at least some Trojans around the Uranus Lagrange points for the stability window at small and also high inclinations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the motion of an infinitesimal body in the generalized restricted three-body problem. It is generalized in the sense that both primaries are radiating, oblate bodies, together with the effect of gravitational potential from a belt. It derives equations of the motion, locates positions of the equilibrium points and examines their linear stability. It has been found that, in addition to the usual five equilibrium points, there appear two new collinear points L n1, L n2 due to the potential from the belt, and in the presence of all these perturbations, the equilibrium points L 1, L 3 come nearer to the primaries; while L 2, L 4, L 5, L n1 move towards the less massive primary and L n2 moves away from it. The collinear equilibrium points remain unstable, while the triangular points are stable for 0<μ<μ c and unstable for $\mu_{c} \le\mu\le\frac{1}{2}$ , where μ c is the critical mass ratio influenced by the oblateness and radiation of the primaries and potential from the belt, all of which have destabilizing tendency. A practical application of this model could be the study of the motion of a dust particle near the oblate, radiating binary stars systems surrounded by a belt.  相似文献   

E.W. Brown conjectured (1911) that the family of the long-periodic orbits in the Troian case of the restricted problem of three bodies terminates in an asymptotic orbit passing through the Lagrangian point L3 at t=±∞. In 1977 the author showed that such an orbit deviates from L3 by the epicyclic term mg (±∞). It is shown here that $$g\left( { \pm \infty } \right) = 0,$$ so that the Brown conjecture regarding L3 is false. Contrary to what Brown believed, there is an entire family ofhomoclinic orbits, doubly asymptotic to short-periodic orbits around L3. In the complex z-plane of the Poincaré eccentric variables, the latter orbits are circles of radius mR, with R bounded away from zero. The kinematics of the homoclinic family is investigated here in some detail.  相似文献   

Intersections of families of three-dimensional periodic orbits which define bifurcation points are studied. The existence conditions for bifurcation points are discussed and an algorithm for the numerical continuation of such points is developed. Two sequences of bifurcation points are given concerning the family of periodic orbits which starts and terminates at the triangular equilibrium pointsL 4,L 5. On these sequences two trifurcation points are identified forµ = 0.124214 andµ = 0.399335. The caseµ = 0.5 is studied in particular and it is found that the space families originating at the equilibrium pointsL 2,L 3,L 4,L 5 terminate on the same planar orbitm 1v of the familym.  相似文献   

The collinear equilibrium position of the circular restricted problem with the two primaries at unit distance and the massless body at the pointL 3 is extended to the planar three-body problem with respect to the massm 3 of the third body; the mass ratio μ of the two primaries is considered constant and the constant angular velocity of the straight line on which the three masses stay at rest is taken equal to 1. As regards periodic motions ‘around’ the equilibrium pointL 3, four possible extensions from the restricted to the general problem are presented each of them starting with a simple or a doubly periodic orbit of the family α of the Copenhagen category (μ=0.50). Form 3=0.10, μ=0.50 (i.e. for fixed masses of all three bodies) the characteristic curve of the extended family α is found. The qualitative differences of the families corresponding tom 3=0 andm 3=0.10 are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium points and the zero-velocity curves of Chermnykh’s problem when the angular velocity ω varies continuously and the value of the mass parameter is fixed. The planar symmetric simple-periodic orbits are determined numerically and they are presented for three values of the parameter ω. The stability of the periodic orbits of all the families is computed. Particularly, we explore the network of the families when the angular velocity has the critical value ω = 2√2 at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the collinear equilibrium point L1. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the family which emanate from the Lagrangian libration point L1 in this case, is given. Non-periodic orbits, as points on a surface of section, providing an outlook of the stability regions, chaotic and escape motions as well as multiple-periodic orbits, are also computed. Non-linear stability zones of the triangular Lagrangian points are computed numerically for the Earth–Moon and Sun–Jupiter mass distribution when the angular velocity varies.  相似文献   

Asymptotic motion near the collinear equilibrium points of the photogravitational restricted three-body problem is considered. In particular, non-symmetric homoclinic solutions are numerically explored. These orbits are connected with periodic ones. We have computed numerically the families containing these orbits and have found that they terminate at both ends by asymptotically approaching simple periodic solutions belonging to the Lyapunov family emanating from L3.  相似文献   

We derive an exact Maxwell-Einstein metric for a spherically symmetric static perfect fluid with mass and charge (Q), that electrifies the Tolman-VII metric and meets applicable physical boundary conditions. We show that there is more than one way to electrify any Q=0 metric, depending on whether metric component g tt , g rr , or neither, is independent of Q. We illustrate an approach not yet in the literature in which g rr is independent of Q. When applied to a baryonic stellar model, this metric is versatile, capable of producing a range of values for radius, mass, Q, and far-field mass due to the presence of charge.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymmetric periodic orbits which emanate from the triangular equilibrium points of the restricted three-body problem under the assumption that the angular velocity ω varies and for the Sun–Jupiter mass distribution. The symmetric periodic orbits emanating from the collinear Lagrangian point L 3, which are related to them, are also examined. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the long- and short-period Trojan families around the equilibrium points, is given. The corresponding families were examined, for a combination of the mass ratio and the angular velocity (case of equal eigenfrequencies), and also for the critical value ω = 2
, at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the inner collinear equilibrium point L 1. We also compute the horizontal and the vertical stability of these families for the angular velocity parameter ω under consideration. Series of horizontal–critical periodic orbits of the short-Trojan families with the angular velocity ω and the mass ratio μ as parameters, are given.  相似文献   

In the three-dimensional restricted three-body problem, by considering the more massive primary as an oblate spheroid with its equatorial plane coincident with the plane of motion as well as source of radiation, it is found that the collinear point L 1 comes nearer to the primaries with the increase in oblateness and radiation pressure, while L 2 and L 3 move away from the more massive primary with the increase in oblateness and come nearer to it with the increase in radiation pressure. It is noted that the angular frequency s 1 at L 1 increases with oblateness as well as with radiation pressure. s 2 increases with oblateness and decreases with radiation pressure and s 3 decreases with oblateness and increases with radiation pressure. A study on the norms of the characteristic roots λ and s at L 1, L 2 and L 3 is carried out. It is established that for certain oblateness and radiation pressure parameters there is a one-to-one commensurability at the collinear points L 2, L 3 between the planar angular frequencies (s 2,3) and the corresponding angular frequency (s z ) in the z-direction, and that at L 1 no such commensurability exists. At L 2 and L 3, the value of oblateness parameter providing the commensurability decreases with the increase in the radiation pressure. However, the commensurable angular frequencies and eccentricity of the periodic orbits decrease at L 2 and increase at L 3, with the increase in the radiation pressure.  相似文献   

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