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We present a statistical study of the detectability of lightcurves of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs). Some Kuiper belt objects display lightcurves that appear “flat”; i.e., there are no significant brightness variations within the photometric uncertainties. Under the assumption that KBO lightcurves are mainly due to shape, the lack of brightness variations may be due to (1) the objects having very nearly spherical shapes or (2) their rotation axes coinciding with the line of sight. We investigate the relative importance of these two effects and relate it to the observed fraction of “flat” lightcurves. This study suggests that the fraction of KBOs with detectable brightness variations may provide clues about the shape distribution of these objects. Although the current database of rotational properties of KBOs is still insufficient to draw any statistically meaningful conclusions, we expect that, with a larger dataset, this method will provide a useful test for candidate KBO shape distributions. 相似文献
The Kuiper belt includes tens of thousand of large bodies and millions of smaller objects. The main part of the belt objects is located in the annular zone between 39.4 and 47.8 au from the Sun; the boundaries correspond to the average distances for orbital resonances 3:2 and 2:1 with the motion of Neptune. One-dimensional, two-dimensional, and discrete rings to model the total gravitational attraction of numerous belt objects are considered. The discrete rotating model most correctly reflects the real interaction of bodies in the Solar system. The masses of the model rings were determined within EPM2017—the new version of ephemerides of planets and the Moon at IAA RAS—by fitting spacecraft ranging observations. The total mass of the Kuiper belt was calculated as the sum of the masses of the 31 largest trans-Neptunian objects directly included in the simultaneous integration and the estimated mass of the model of the discrete ring of TNO. The total mass is \((1.97 \pm 0.35)\times 10^{-2} \ m_{\oplus }\). The gravitational influence of the Kuiper belt on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune exceeds at times the attraction of the hypothetical 9th planet with a mass of \(\sim 10 \ m_{\oplus }\) at the distances assumed for it. It is necessary to take into account the gravitational influence of the Kuiper belt when processing observations and only then to investigate residual discrepancies to discover a possible influence of a distant large planet. 相似文献
Recent dynamical analyses of the Kuiper belt have introduced a rigorous classification scheme, determined the mean orbital plane, and identified “Core” and “Halo” populations as a function of inclination with respect to this plane (Elliot, J.L., Kern, S.D., Clancy, K.B., Gulbis, A.A.S., Millis, R.L., Buie, M.W., Wasserman, L.H., Chiang, E.I., Jordan, A.B., Trilling, D.E., Meech, K.J., 2005. Astron. J. 129, 1117-1162). Here, we use new observations and existing data to investigate the colors of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) within this framework. With respect to the bulk KBO color distribution (all objects for which we have B-V and V-R colors; median B-R=1.56), we find that the population of objects classified following (Elliot, J.L., Kern, S.D., Clancy, K.B., Gulbis, A.A.S., Millis, R.L., Buie, M.W., Wasserman, L.H., Chiang, E.I., Jordan, A.B., Trilling, D.E., Meech, K.J., 2005. Astron. J. 129, 1117-1162) as Classical tends to be red (B-R>1.56) while the Scattered Near population is mostly neutral (B-R<1.56). Colors of Scattered Extended and Resonant objects are consistent with the bulk distribution. Separating objects into specific resonances demonstrates that the color of the Resonant sample is dominated by KBOs in the 3:2 resonance, which is consistent with previous findings. Unlike the objects in the 3:2 resonance, however, the majority of objects in the 5:2 resonance are neutral and all but one of the objects in the 4:3, 5:3, 7:4, 2:1, and 7:3 resonances are red. In particular, the objects in the 7:4 resonance are remarkably red. We find that the colors of KBOs in the Core (low-inclination) and Halo (high-inclination) are statistically different, with Core objects being primarily red and Halo objects having a slight tendency to be neutral. Notably, virtually all of the non-Resonant Core objects are red. This combination of low inclination, unperturbed orbits and red colors in the Core may be indicative of a relic grouping of objects. 相似文献
We present results from 27 impact experiments using porous (porosity ranging from 0.39 to 0.54) ice targets and solid ice projectiles at impact speeds ranging from 90 to 155 m/s. These targets were designed to simulate Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) in structure. We measured a specific energy for shattering, , of 2.1×105 erg/g for those snowball targets hit by intact ice projectiles; this is of the same order as that measured for solid ice targets. The fragment mass distribution follows a power law, although the exponent is not simply related to the largest fragment size as assumed by fragmentation models. We provide the first measurement of the three-dimensional mass-velocity distribution for disrupted ice targets and find that fragment speeds range from ∼2 to ∼20 m/s. The fraction of collisional kinetic energy that is partitioned into ejecta speeds is between 1 and 15% (although it should be noted that the lower limit is more reliable than the upper). 相似文献
Rodney S Gomes 《Icarus》2003,161(2):404-418
I simulate the orbital evolution of the four major planets and a massive primordial planetesimal disk composed of 104 objects, which perturb the planets but not themselves. As Neptune migrates by energy and angular momentum exchange with the planetesimals, a large number of primordial Neptune-scattered objects are formed. These objects may experience secular, Kozai, and mean motion resonances that induce temporary decrease of their eccentricities. Because planets are migrating, some planetesimals can escape those resonances while in a low-eccentricity incursion, thus avoiding the return path to Neptune close encounter dynamics. In the end, this mechanism produces stable orbits with high inclination and moderate eccentricities. The population so formed together with the objects coming from the classical resonance sweeping process, originates a bimodal distribution for the Kuiper Belt orbits. The inclinations obtained by the simulations can attain values above 30° and their distribution resembles a debiased distribution for the high-inclination population coming from the real classical Kuiper Belt. 相似文献
Our goal is to determine whether or not the observed sudden termination of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt can be the result of perturbations from a hypothetical planet. We investigate the effects that such an object would produce on the primordial orbital distribution if the trans-neptunian objects, for a range of masses and orbital parameters of the hypothetical planet. In this numerical investigation, the motion of the hypothetical planet was influenced by the existing planets but not by its interaction with the disk. We find that no set of parameters produce results that match the observed data. Dynamical interaction with the disk is likely to be important so that the orbit of the hypothetical planet changes significantly during the integration interval. This is also discussed. The overall conclusion is that none of the models for the hypothetical planet that were investigated can reproduce the observed features of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt starting from any probable primordial distribution. 相似文献
We present photometric and astrometric results from four epochs of ground-based observations at the Magellan telescopes of the Kuiper belt binary 2003QY90. Resolved observations show both components to be highly variable and often of nearly equal brightness, causing difficulty in distinguishing between the primary and secondary components for observations spaced widely in time. Resolved lightcurve observations on one night show one component to have a single-peaked rotation period of 3.4±1.1 h and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.34±0.12 mag. The other component exhibits a less constrained lightcurve, with a single-peaked rotation period of 7.1±2.9 h and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.90±0.36 mag. Under the assumption of equal albedos, the diameter ratio is 1.25±0.11 in the Sloan i′ filter. While we cannot determine an orbit from our four distinct epochs of observation (due to ambiguity in component identification), we place limits on the orbital period of the system of 300-600 days, we find a minimum semi-major axis of 13,092 km for a circular orbit and a system mass range of (2.3-18.0)×1017 kg depending on the identification of components in our observations. 相似文献
We present observations of thermal emission from fifteen transneptunian objects (TNOs) made using the Spitzer Space Telescope. Thirteen of the targets are members of the Classical population: six dynamically hot Classicals, five dynamically cold Classicals, and two dynamically cold inner Classical Kuiper belt objects (KBOs). We fit our observations using thermal models to determine the sizes and albedos of our targets finding that the cold Classical KBOs have distinctly higher visual albedos than the hot Classicals and other TNO dynamical classes. The cold Classicals are known to be distinct from other TNOs in terms of their color distribution, size distribution, and binarity fraction. The Classical objects in our sample all have red colors yet they show a diversity of albedos which suggests that there is not a simple relationship between albedo and color. As a consequence of high albedos, the mass estimate of the cold Classical Kuiper belt is reduced from approximately 0.01 M⊕ to approximately 0.001 M⊕. Our results also increase significantly the sample of small Classical KBOs with known albedos and sizes from 21 to 32 such objects. 相似文献
Accurate absolute optical magnitude values (HV and HR) for Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs are becoming increasingly important as observations in other wavelengths, particularly SIRTF thermal infrared measurements, become available for large samples of objects. We present accurate HV and HR values for 90 KBOs and Centaurs, based on our published optical photometry. We find that our HV values are in good agreement with those available from the European photometric survey of minor bodies in the outer Solar System. Comparison with HV values from the JPL Horizons database and the Minor Planet Center database shows that these sources are systematically brighter than ours by about 0.3 mag. 相似文献
We have performed an ecliptic survey of the Kuiper belt, with an areal coverage of 8.9 square degrees to a 50% limiting magnitude of , and have detected 88 Kuiper belt objects, roughly half of which received follow-up 1–2 months after detection. Using this survey data alone, we have measured the luminosity function of the Kuiper belt, thus avoiding any biases that might come from the inclusion of other observations. We have found that the Cold population defined as having inclinations less than 5° has a luminosity function slope αCold = 0.82 ± 0.23, and is different from the Hot population, which has inclinations greater than 5° and a luminosity function slope αHot = 0.35 ± 0.21. As well, we have found that those objects closer than 38 AU have virtually the same luminosity function slope as the Hot population. This result, along with similar findings of past surveys demonstrates that the dynamically Cold Kuiper belt objects likely have a steep size distribution, and are unique from all of the excited populations which have much shallower distributions. This suggests that the dynamically excited population underwent a different accretion history and achieved a more evolved state of accretion than the Cold population. As well, we discuss the similarities of the Cold and Hot populations with the size distributions of other planetesimal populations. We find that while the Jupiter family comets and the scattered disk exhibit similar size distributions, a power-law extrapolation to small sizes for the scattered disk cannot account for the observed influx of comets. As well, we have found that the Jupiter Trojan and Hot populations cannot have originated from the same parent population, a result that is difficult to reconcile with scattering models similar to the NICE model. We conclude that the similarity between the size distributions of the Cold population and the Jupiter Trojan population is a striking coincidence. 相似文献
The observed size distribution of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs)—small icy and rocky Solar System bodies orbiting beyond Neptune—is well described by a power law at large KBO sizes. However, recent work by Bernstein et al. (2004, Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390) indicates that the size distribution breaks and becomes shallower for KBOs smaller than about 70 km in size. Here we show that we expect such a break at KBO radius ∼40 km since destructive collisions are frequent for smaller KBOs. Specifically, we assume that KBOs are gravity-dominated bodies with negligible material strength. This gives a power-law slope q?3 where the number N>r of KBOs larger than a size r is given by N>r∝r1−q; the break location follows from this slope through a self-consistent calculation. The existence of this break, the break's location, and the power-law slope we expect below the break are consistent with the findings of Bernstein et al. (2004, Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390). The agreement with observations indicates that KBOs as small as ∼40 km are effectively strengthless. 相似文献
On the basis of their orbital elements, present-day Kuiper belt objects can be grouped into distinct dynamical classes: classical, resonant and scattered ones. Jiang & Yeh have proposed gas-drag-induced resonant capture in a protostellar disc analogous to the primordial solar nebula as a mechanism able to explain the dominant 3:2 resonant population observed in Kuiper belt objects. de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos further investigated the drag-induced mechanism numerically. Our significant contribution is a hydrodynamic theory derivation of results obtained in the Jiang & Yeh and de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos numerical simulations. 相似文献
By examining the absolute magnitude (H) distributions (hereafter HD) of the cold and hot populations in the Kuiper belt and of the Trojans of Jupiter, we find evidence that the Trojans have been captured from the outer part of the primordial trans-neptunian planetesimal disk. We develop a sketch model of the HDs in the inner and outer parts of the disk that is consistent with the observed distributions and with the dynamical evolution scenario known as the ‘Nice model’. This leads us to predict that the HD of the hot population should have the same slope of the HD of the cold population for 6.5<H<9, both as steep as the slope of the Trojans' HD. Current data partially support this prediction, but future observations are needed to clarify this issue. Because the HD of the Trojans rolls over at H∼9 to a collisional equilibrium slope that should have been acquired when the Trojans were still embedded in the primordial trans-neptunian disk, our model implies that the same roll-over should characterize the HDs of the Kuiper belt populations, in agreement with the results of Bernstein et al. [Bernstein, G.M., and 5 colleagues, 2004. Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390] and Fuentes and Holman [Fuentes, C.I., Holman, M.J., 2008. Astron. J. 136, 83-97]. Finally, we show that the constraint on the total mass of the primordial trans-neptunian disk imposed by the Nice model implies that it is unlikely that the cold population formed beyond 35 AU. 相似文献
Chiang et al. [Chiang, E., Lithwick, Y., Murray-Clay, R., Buie, M., Grundy, W., Holman, M., 2007. In: Protostars and Planets V, pp. 895-911] have recently proposed that the observed structure of the Kuiper belt could be the result of a dynamical instability of a system of ∼5 primordial ice-giant planets in the outer Solar System. According to this scenario, before the instability occurred, these giants were growing in a highly collisionally damped environment according to the arguments in Goldreich et al. [Goldreich, P., Lithwick, Y., Sari, R., 2004. Astrophys. J. 614, 497-507; Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 42, 549-601]. Here we test this hypothesis with a series of numerical simulations using a new code designed to incorporate the dynamical effects of collisions. We find that we cannot reproduce the observed Solar System. In particular, Goldreich et al. [Goldreich, P., Lithwick, Y., Sari, R., 2004. Astrophys. J. 614, 497-507; Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 42, 549-601] and Chiang et al. [Chiang, E., Lithwick, Y., Murray-Clay, R., Buie, M., Grundy, W., Holman, M., 2007. In: Protostars and Planets V, pp. 895-911] argue that during the instability, all but two of the ice giants would be ejected from the Solar System by Jupiter and Saturn, leaving Uranus and Neptune behind. We find that ejections are actually rare and that instead the systems spread outward. This always leads to a configuration with too many planets that are too far from the Sun. Thus, we conclude that both Goldreich et al.'s scheme for the formation of Uranus and Neptune and Chiang et al.'s Kuiper belt formation scenario are not viable in their current forms. 相似文献
We investigate the internal thermal evolution of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs), small (radii <1000 km), icy (mean densities ) bodies orbiting beyond Neptune, focusing on Pluto's moon Charon in particular. Our calculations are time-dependent and account for differentiation. We review evidence for ammonia hydrates in the ices of KBOs, and include their effects on the thermal evolution. A key finding is that the production of the first melt, at the melting point of ammonia dihydrate, ≈176 K, triggers differentiation of rock and ice. The resulting structure comprises a rocky core surrounded by liquids and ice, enclosed within a >100-km thick undifferentiated crust of rock and ice. This structure is especially conducive to the retention of subsurface liquid, and bodies the size of Charon or larger (radii >600 km) are predicted to retain some subsurface liquid to the present day. We discuss the possibility that this liquid can be brought to the surface rapidly via self-propagating cracks. We conclude that cryovolcanism is a viable process expected to affect the surfaces of large KBOs including Charon. 相似文献
Mark Booth Mark C. Wyatt Alessandro Morbidelli Amaya Moro-Martín Harold F. Levison 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,399(1):385-398
The Nice model of Gomes et al. suggests that the migration of the giant planets caused a planetesimal clearing event, which led to the late heavy bombardment (LHB) at 880 Myr. Here, we investigate the infrared emission from the Kuiper belt during the history of the Solar system as described by the Nice model. We describe a method for easily converting the results of N -body planetesimal simulations into observational properties (assuming blackbody grains and a single size distribution) and further modify this method to improve its realism (using realistic grain properties and a three-phase size distribution). We compare our results with observed debris discs and evaluate the plausibility of detecting an LHB-like process in extrasolar systems. Recent surveys have shown that 4 per cent of stars exhibit 24 μm excess and 16 per cent exhibit 70 μm excess. We show that the Solar system would have been amongst the brightest of these systems before the LHB at both 24 and 70 μm. We find a significant increase in 24 μm emission during the LHB, which rapidly drops off and becomes undetectable within 30 Myr, whereas the 70 μm emission remains detectable until 360 Myr after the LHB. Comparison with the statistics of debris disc evolution shows that such depletion events must be rare occurring around less than 12 per cent of Sun-like stars and with this level of incidence we would expect approximately one of the 413 Sun-like field stars so far detected to have a 24 μm excess to be currently going through an LHB. We also find that collisional processes are important in the Solar system before the LHB and that parameters for weak Kuiper belt objects are inconsistent with the Nice model interpretation of the LHB. 相似文献
A derivation of the luminosity function of the Kuiper belt from a broken power-law size distribution
We have derived a model of the Kuiper belt luminosity function exhibited by a broken power-law size distribution. This model allows direct comparison of the observed luminosity function to the underlying size distribution. We discuss the importance of the radial distribution model in determining the break diameter. We determine a best-fit break-diameter of the Kuiper belt size-distribution of 30<Db<90 km via a maximum-likelihood fit of our model to the observed luminosity function. We also confirm that the observed luminosity function for m(R)∼21-28 is consistent with a broken power-law size distribution, and exhibits a break at . 相似文献
R. Gil-Hutton 《Planetary and Space Science》2002,50(1):57-62
A re-evaluation of the collisional resurfacing model based on up-to-date Kuiper belt objects size distribution and a more precise treatment of the cosmic-ray environment at the outer Solar System is presented. The result of the irradiation due to cosmic-rays with different energies altered in a different way the material of the objects, producing, under certain conditions, a thick irradiation mantle. Since the collisional resurfacing model is based in the competition between darkening by cosmic-rays and resurfacing due to impacts, the color of objects in different regions of the belt could vary if the projectile populations in those regions are truncated at a different radius. 相似文献
A. M. Kazantsev 《Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies》2010,26(5):249-256
Numerical calculations are given to describe evolution of orbits of simulated and real Kuiper belt objects for large intervals
of time. Gravitational perturbations caused by all major planets have been taken into account, and, when considering small
particles, Poynting-Robertson nongravitational effect has also been incorporated. Large orbit scattering of the Kuiper belt
objects regarding the semimajor axes and eccentricities is shown to be due to their evolution over millions of years. Relative
contribution of great objects and meteor particles from the Kuiper belt into the near-Earth population is believed to be extremely
small. 相似文献
We present a numerical check of the collisional resurfacing (CR) hypothesis proposed to explain the observed color diversity within the Kuiper Belt (where surface reddening due to space weathering is counteracted by regular resurfacing of neutral material after mutual collisions). Deterministic simulations are performed in order to estimate the relative spatial distribution of kinetic energy received by collisions, , for a population of target Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) embedded in a swarm of impactors distributed within the belt. Four different impactor disks have been considered, depending on the excitation and the external limit of the belt and the density of the scattered KBOs (SKBOs) population. The obtained results are compared to the relative color index distribution within the observed Kuiper Belt, in order to derive possible similarities between the high vs low objects spatial distribution in our simulations and the bluer vs redder KBOs distribution in the “real” Kuiper Belt. Such similarities are found for several important features, in particular the general correlations between highly impacted objects and high rms excitation and low perihelion q values that are in good agreement with equivalent correlations found for the bluest objects of the observed belt. Nevertheless, simulations disagree with observations on two crucial points. (1) The plutinos are significantly more collisionally affected than the rest of our test KBO population, whereas there is no observed tendency toward bluer plutinos. (2) There is always a much stronger correlation between and eccentricities than inclinations, whereas observations show just the opposite feature. The presence of numerous SKBO impactors could significantly damp these problematic features, but cannot erase them. Whether these contradictions invalidate the whole CR scenario or not remains yet uncertain, since the physical processes at play are still far from being fully understood and the sample of available observational data is still relatively limited. But it seems nevertheless that the scenario might not hold in its simple present form. 相似文献