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We present families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits at the 1/1 resonance, for a planetary system consisting of a star and two small bodies, in comparison to the star, moving in the same plane under their mutual gravitational attraction. The stable 1/1 resonant periodic orbits belong to a family which has a planetary branch, with the two planets moving in nearly Keplerian orbits with non zero eccentricities and a satellite branch, where the gravitational interaction between the two planets dominates the attraction from the star and the two planets form a close binary which revolves around the star. The stability regions around periodic orbits along the family are studied. Next, we study the dynamical evolution in time of a planetary system with two planets which is initially trapped in a stable 1/1 resonant periodic motion, when a drag force is included in the system. We prove that if we start with a 1/1 resonant planetary system with large eccentricities, the system migrates, due to the drag force, along the family of periodic orbits and is finally trapped in a satellite orbit. This, in principle, provides a mechanism for the generation of a satellite system: we start with a planetary system and the final stage is a system where the two small bodies form a close binary whose center of mass revolves around the star.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of an extrasolar planetary system with two planets, for planar motion, starting from an exact resonant periodic motion and increasing the deviation from the equilibrium solution. We keep the semimajor axes and the eccentricities of the two planets fixed and we change the initial conditions by rotating the orbit of the outer planet by Δω. In this way the resonance is preserved, but we deviate from the exact periodicity and there is a transition from order to chaos as the deviation increases. There are three different routes to chaos, as far as the evolution of (ω 2 ? ω 1) is concerned: (a) Libration → rotation → chaos, with intermittent transition from libration to rotation in between, (b) libration → chaos and (c) libration → intermittent interchange between libration and rotation → chaos. This indicates that resonant planetary systems where the angle (ω 2 ? ω 1) librates or rotates are not different, but are closely connected to the exact periodic motion.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic studies of stars with and without planetary systems have concluded that planet hosts are more metal‐rich. This enrichment is also seen in the other chemical elements studied and is likely to be primordial in nature. Interesting trends of different chemical elements begin to appear as the number of extrasolar planets continues to grow. I present our current knowledge concerning the observed abundance trends of chemical elements in planet hosts and their possible implications. In most cases the abundance trends of planet host stars are identical to those of the comparison sample. However, some exceptions (such as Li) have been reported too. No clear correlation was found between orbital parameters of planets and host star metallicity. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Edward Argyle 《Icarus》1974,21(2):199-201
An unresolved companion to a variable star can in principle be detected by taking the apparent autocovariance function of a suitable photometric record of the system.  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the likelihood to find habitable Earth-like planets on stable orbits for 86 selected extrasolar planetary systems, where luminosity, effective temperature and stellar age are known. For determining the habitable zone (HZ) an integrated system approach is used taking into account a variety of climatological, biogeochemical, and geodynamical processes. Habitability is linked to the photosynthetic activity on the planetary surface. We find that habitability strongly depends on the age of the stellar system and the characteristics of a virtual Earth-like planet. In particular, the portion of land/ocean coverages plays an important role. We approximated the conditions for orbital stability using a method based on the Hill radius. Almost 60% of the investigated systems could harbour habitable Earth-like planets on stable orbits. In 18 extrasolar systems we find even better prerequisites for dynamic habitability than in our own solar system. In general our results are comparable to those with an HZ determination based only on climatic constraints. However, there are remarkable differences for land worlds and for systems older than about 7 Gyr.  相似文献   

Extrasolar planets are expected to emit detectable low-frequency radio emission. In this paper, we present results from new low-frequency observations of two extrasolar planetary systems (Epsilon Eridani and HD 128311) taken at 150 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). These two systems have been chosen because the stars are young (with ages <1 Gyr) and are likely to have strong stellar winds, which will increase the expected radio flux. The planets are massive (presumably) gas giant planets in longer period orbits, and hence will not be tidally locked to their host star (as is likely to be the case for short-period planets) and we would expect them to have a strong planetary dynamo and magnetic field. We do not detect either system, but are able to place tight upper limits on their low-frequency radio emission, at levels comparable to the theoretical predictions for these systems. From these observations, we have a 2.5σ limit of 7.8 mJy for ε Eri and 15.5 mJy for HD 128311. In addition, these upper limits also provide limits on the low-frequency radio emission from the stars themselves. These results are discussed and also the prospects for the future detection of radio emission from extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

We present a global view of the resonant structure of the phase space of a planetary system with two planets, moving in the same plane, as obtained from the set of the families of periodic orbits. An important tool to understand the topology of the phase space is to determine the position and the stability character of the families of periodic orbits. The region of the phase space close to a stable periodic orbit corresponds to stable, quasi periodic librations. In these regions it is possible for an extrasolar planetary system to exist, or to be trapped following a migration process due to dissipative forces. The mean motion resonances are associated with periodic orbits in a rotating frame, which means that the relative configuration is repeated in space. We start the study with the family of symmetric periodic orbits with nearly circular orbits of the two planets. Along this family the ratio of the periods of the two planets varies, and passes through rational values, which correspond to resonances. At these resonant points we have bifurcations of families of resonant elliptic periodic orbits. There are three topologically different resonances: (1) the resonances (n + 1):n, (2:1, 3:2, ...), (2) the resonances (2n + 1):(2n-1), (3:1, 5:3, ...) and (3) all other resonances. The topology at each one of the above three types of resonances is studied, for different values of the sum and of the ratio of the planetary masses. Both symmetric and asymmetric resonant elliptic periodic orbits exist. In general, the symmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the circular family, and the asymmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the symmetric elliptic families. The results are compared with the position of some observed extrasolar planetary systems. In some cases (e.g., Gliese 876) the observed system lies, with a very good accuracy, on the stable part of a family of resonant periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We study the influence of mutual planetary perturbations on the process of eccentricity excitation by jet acceleration suggested by Namouni (Astron. J. 130, 280–294). Modeling the jet’s action by a constant-direction acceleration, we solve the linear secular equations of the combined planetary perturbations and the jet acceleration of the host star for a two-planet system. The effects of the acceleration’s strength, relative mass ratio and the relative distance of the two planets are investigated. The model is applied to the extrasolar planetary systems of HD 108874, 47 Uma, and HD 12661.  相似文献   

Transiting exoplanetary systems are surpassingly important among the planetary systems since they provide the widest spectrum of information for both the planet and the host star. If a transiting planet is on an eccentric orbit, the duration of transits T D is sensitive to the orientation of the orbital ellipse relative to the line of sight. The precession of the orbit results in a systematic variation in both the duration of individual transit events and the observed period between successive transits,   P obs  . The periastron of the ellipse slowly precesses due to general relativity and possibly the presence of other planets in the system. This secular precession can be detected through the long-term change in   P obs  (transit timing variations, TTV) or in T D (transit duration variations, TDV). We estimate the corresponding precession measurement precision for repeated future observations of the known eccentric transiting exoplanetary systems (XO-3b, HD 147506b, GJ 436b and HD 17156b) using existing or planned space-borne instruments. The TDV measurement improves the precession detection sensitivity by orders of magnitude over the TTV measurement. We find that TDV measurements over a approximately 4 yr period can typically detect the precession rate to a precision well exceeding the level predicted by general relativity.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of planetary systems with two planets moving in the same plane, when frictional forces act on the two planets, in addition to the gravitational forces. The model of the general three-body problem is used. Different laws of friction are considered. The topology of the phase space is essential in understanding the evolution of the system. The topology is determined by the families of stable and unstable periodic orbits, both symmetric and non symmetric. It is along the stable families, or close to them, that the planets migrate when dissipative forces act. At the critical points where the stability along the family changes, there is a bifurcation of a new family of stable periodic orbits and the migration process changes route and follows the new stable family up to large eccentricities or to a chaotic region. We consider both resonant and non resonant planetary systems. The 2/1, 3/1 and 3/2 resonances are studied. The migration to larger or smaller eccentricities depends on the particular law of friction. Also, in some cases the semimajor axes increase and in other cases they are stabilized. For particular laws of friction and for special values of the parameters of the frictional forces, it is possible to have partially stationary solutions, where the eccentricities and the semimajor axes are fixed.  相似文献   

The large stellar/planetary flux ratio (>106) and small angular separation (0.1 arcsec when observed from 10 parsecs) make it difficult to study Earthlike extrasolar planets. Hybrid coronographs with apodized masks and nulling by Earth based interferometric techniques could reduce the flux ratio by 3 orders of magnitude. Further reduction of starlight is possible with frequency filters. Due to large (upto 30 km/s) differences in radial velocities the specific spectral line for a particular molecule will be Doppler shifted by different amounts depending on from where, the star or the planet, the emission originates. The stellar spectrum itself could be used as a dynamic reference to determine the differential Doppler shift and define the frequency search space for the sought after planetary spectral line. The Differential Radial Velocity Spectrometer (DRVS) could use a heterodyne receiver with steep skirted filters and a laser local oscillator tracking the stellar spectrum. Several planetary spectral line windows should be searched and correlation/code gain techniques used to enhance detection capabilities.  相似文献   

The dynamical stability of a bound triple system composed of a small binary or minor planetary system moving on a orbit inclined to a central third body is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in the determination of stability of triple star systems against disruption and component exchange and the determination of stability of extrasolar planetary systems and minor planetary systems against disruption, component exchange or capture. The Hill stability criterion is applied to triple star systems and extrasolar planetary systems, the Sun-Earth-Moon system and Kuiper Belt binary systems to determine the critical distances for stable orbits. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary also produces similar effects.These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary orbit relative to the third body substantially decreases stability regions as the eccentricity reaches higher values. The Kuiper Belt binaries were found to be stable if they move on circular orbits. Taking into account the eccentricity, it is less clear that all the systems are stable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we directly constrain possible spatial variations of the Newtonian gravitational constant G over the range  ≈ 0.01–5 au  in various extrasolar multiplanet systems. Using the third Kepler law, we determine the quantity  ΓXY= G X/ G Y  for each couple of planets X and Y located at different distances from their parent star; deviations of the measured values of Γ from unity would signal variations of G . The obtained results for  η= 1 −Γ  are found to be very compatible with zero within the experimental errors  (η/δη≈ 0.2–0.3)  . We make a comparison with an analogous test previously performed in our Solar system.  相似文献   

We have done a new analysis of the available observations of the GJ581 exoplanetary system. Today this system is controversial due to choices that can be done in the orbital determination. The main ones are the occurrence of aliases and the additional bodies??the planets f and g??announced in Vogt et?al. (Astrophys J 723:954?C965, 2010). Any dynamical study of exoplanets requires the good knowledge of the orbital elements and the investigations involving the planet g are particularly interesting, since this body would lie in the habitable zone (HZ) of the star GJ581. This region, for this system, is very attractive of the dynamical point of view due to several resonances of two and three bodies present there. In this work, we investigate the conditions under which the planet g may exist. We stress the fact that the planet g is intimately related with the orbital elements of the planet d; more precisely, we conclude that it is not possible to disconnect its existence from the determination of the eccentricity of the planet d. Concerning the planet f, we have found one solution with period ??450?days, but we are judicious about any affirmation concerning this body because its signal is in the threshold of detection and the high period is in a spectral region where the occurrence of aliases is very common. Besides, we outline some dynamical features of the HZ with the dynamical map and point out the role played by some resonances laying there.  相似文献   

The factors which affect the linear stability of a periodic planetary orbit in the plane are studied. It is proved that planetary systems with two planets describing nearly circular orbits in the same direction are linearly stable and no perturbation exists which destroys the stability, unless a resonance of the form 1/3, 3/5, 5/7, ... among the orbits of the planets occurs. This latter resonant case is always unstable. Retrograde motion is always linearly stable. Planetary systems with three or more planets in nearly circular orbits in the same direction are proved to be unstable, in the sense that a Hamiltonian perturbation always exists which destroys the stability. The generation of instability in the case of three or more planets is not only due to the existence of resonances, as in the case of two planets, but also to the nonexistence of integrals of motion, apart from the energy and angular momentum integrals. It is also proved that planetary systems with nearly elliptic orbits of the planets are unstable.  相似文献   

We consider the general spatial three body problem and study the dynamics of planetary systems consisting of a star and two planets which evolve into 2/1 mean motion resonance and into inclined orbits. Our study is focused on the periodic orbits of the system given in a suitable rotating frame. The stability of periodic orbits characterize the evolution of any planetary system with initial conditions in their vicinity. Stable periodic orbits are associated with long term regular evolution, while unstable periodic orbits are surrounded by regions of chaotic motion. We compute many families of symmetric periodic orbits by applying two schemes of analytical continuation. In the first scheme, we start from the 2/1 (or 1/2) resonant periodic orbits of the restricted problem and in the second scheme, we start from vertical critical periodic orbits of the general planar problem. Most of the periodic orbits are unstable, but many stable periodic orbits have been, also, found with mutual inclination up to 50?–60?, which may be related with the existence of real planetary systems.  相似文献   

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