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本文对冀北—辽西地区早白垩世沉积盆地富有机质沉积岩进行了初步有机地球化学分析研究。结果显示,冀北—辽西沉积盆沉积有机质特征在时间和空间上存在很大差异,代表白垩系早期沉积的滦平盆地大北沟组有机质丰度低,这不仅显示其所代表的沉积相带不利于有机质的聚集,也反映了当时生物不够繁盛;大店子组时期沉积相带发生了变化,有机质类型随着发生了变化,丰度有所增高,但总体上显示环境条件不利于生物的发育和繁盛。到了桥头组和义县组沉积岩有机质丰度大幅升高,表明生物界非常繁盛,古气候环境有利于有机质的大量生成和堆积,总体上反映了温湿的气候条件;但同时也存在较为频繁或交替性寒冷气候波动,具体的古气候环境状态尚需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

首次在藏东南发现一套早白垩世的陆相火山岩, 称雅则火山岩, 全岩 Rb Sr 等时线年龄1074 Ma。其主体是高钾的安山岩系, 以强亏损高场强元素、富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土、 La/ Nb 比值 > 2 为特征, 属活动大陆边缘火山岩; 微量元素等指示它产出在安第斯型陆缘环境。其南延即滇西南的腾冲 铁窑山 大松坡消减型花岗岩带 (100~112 Ma), 反映新特提斯洋在早白垩世有过一次重要的消减过程;晚白垩世的花岗岩具不同的岩石组合和成矿特征,记录了消减后的陆 弧碰撞事件。  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation (the Early Cretaceous) of China has yielded a diverse group of early angiosperms, revealing the charm of angiosperms from the formation is far from finishing. Here we report a fossil angiosperm, Nothodichocarpum gen. et sp. nov, with physically connected female parts, male parts, branches, and leaves with pinnate reticulate venation from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. In addition to the previous reports, this report underscores the diversity of angiosperms in the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation and earlier origin of angiosperms. The morphological variations in the reproductive parts in different stages allow us to infer the development of this early angiosperm. This fossil plant demonstrates a unique character assemblage that sheds new light on the origin and evolution of carpels.  相似文献   

四川盆地白垩系粘土矿物特征及古气候探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹珂  李祥辉  王成善 《地质学报》2008,82(1):115-123
四川盆地是中国白垩纪最具代表性的陆相沉积盆地之一,主要发育一套广布的红色碎屑岩沉积,且膏盐、沙漠相沉积发育。本文在前人地层古生物学研究的基础上,借助粘土矿物气候指标、结合沉积物碎屑成分,着重讨论了中侏罗世—古近纪早期四川盆地及周边地区的气候状况及演变过程。碎屑组份统计分析认为盆地北部边缘早白垩世早期构造因子起主导作用,而盆地南部白垩纪气候因子起主导作用,说明构造活动对沉积物影响不大。粘土矿物组份主要以蒙脱石和伊利石为主。多数样品蒙脱石和伊利石同时出现,指示沉积物源区为干冷与暖湿交替的气候环境;局部层段只有伊利石,指示干冷气候。同时,所有样品伊利石化学指数值均大于0.5,说明粘土矿物经历了强烈的化学风化作用,盆地内部为暖湿气候。  相似文献   

山西左云地区下白垩统左云组沉积相及其古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近,山西左云地区下白垩统左云组中发现了保存完好的剑龙化石,笔者对左云组的沉积相、剑龙的埋藏环境及当时的古气候和进行了分析。系统的沉积学研究表明,左云组为一套典型的洪积扇沉积,是由泥石流和暂时性水流作用交替发育而形成的产物。根据岩性特征和剖面结构,可将左云组划分为扇根、扇中、扇缘及扇间四个亚相,剖面上可进一步识别出泥石流沉积、主槽—河道、漫洪—漫流带、辫流线四个微相。结合孢粉及古生物数据分析,早白垩世晚期,左云地区总体为亚热带沙漠边缘干旱环境,但仍体现出干旱和潮湿的无规律变化,突发的季节性暴雨或特大暴雨(千年一次)的出现,形成特大洪峰,短时间内形成巨厚的洪积扇砾岩—泥岩。剑龙埋藏环境为扇根—扇中部位漫洪—漫流带,是特大洪水期溢出主槽而于山前形成的"片汜沉积",剑龙陷于厚层泥质中而被埋藏保存下来。  相似文献   

中国南方海、陆相白垩系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自21世纪以来,中国南方海、陆相白垩系研究有显著进展。依据我国南方大地构造环境和白垩系发育特点,将其白垩系划分为5个地层区和8个地层分区;文中在分析全球年代与生物地层研究进展的基础上,对我国南方海、陆相白垩纪年代地层划分、底界界线层型及陆相白垩系上/下统的界线作了扼要介绍,并指出我国西南特提斯区海相侏罗系/白垩系界线研究已接近国际水平。  相似文献   

Based on a partial postcranial skeleton collected from the Lower Cretaceous Napai Formation of Guangxi, China, we erect a new sauropod taxon, Fusuisaurus zhaoi gen. et sp. nov. The holotype specimen consists of the left ilium, left pubis, anterior caudals, most of the dorsal ribs and distal end of the left femur. Fusuisaurus zhaoi is diagnosed by a unique combination of character states among the known sauropods. It displays several synapomorphies of Titanosauriformes but lacks many derived features seen in other titanosauriforms, suggesting that the new taxon represents the basalmost known titanosauriform and providing new evidence that Titanosauriformes originated from Asia. A size comparison suggests that Fusuisaurus zhaoi is among the largest Early Cretaceous sauropods, providing an important addition to the Early Cretaceous Chinese sauropod diversity.  相似文献   

中国早白垩世今鸟类甘肃鸟的蹼足化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉门甘肃鸟(Gansus yumenensis)是中国发现的第一只中生代鸟类化石。该化石产自甘肃西北部下沟组,时代与辽宁西部产热河生物群的早白垩世地层的时代大体相当。该鸟类趾节拉长,很短的爪具有较尖锐的屈肌结节,因而被认为是一种适应于水生生活的鸟类。玉门甘肃鸟的建立最初仅依据一件左足标本,直到最近又发现了少量可供进一步研究的新标本。本文描述了一件新的玉门甘肃鸟的完整后肢化石,标本在远端趾节之间显示出清晰的蹼的构造。这为玉门甘肃鸟具有发育足蹼的观点提供了最直接的证据。玉门甘肃鸟也成为世界上已知最古老的适应于水生生活环境的鸟类。  相似文献   

The presence of shale oil in the Cretaceous Hengtongshan Formation in the Tonghua Basin, drilled by the well TD-01, has been discussed in this geological investigation for the first time. To evaluate the high-quality source rocks of Cretaceous continental shale oil, the distribution characteristics and the evolution of the ancient environment, samples of shale were systematically analyzed in terms of sedimentary facies, organic geochemistry, and organic carbon isotopic composition. The results demonstrate that a TOC value of 1.5% represents the lower-limit TOC value of the high-quality source rocks. Source rocks have an aggregate thickness of 211 m and contain abundant organic matter, with TOC values of 2.69% on average and a maximum value over 5.44%. The original hydrocarbon-generative potential value(S_1+S_2) is between 0.18 mg/g and 6.13 mg/g, and the Ro is between 0.97% and 1.40%. The thermal maturation of the source rocks is relatively mature to highly mature. The δ13C value range is between -34.75‰ and -26.53‰. The ratio of saturated hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons is 1.55 to 5.24, with an average of 2.85, which is greater than 1.6. The organic types are mainly type Ⅱ_1, followed by type Ⅰ. The organic carbon source was C_3 plants and hydrophytes. The paleoclimate of the Hengtongshan Formation can be characterized as hot and dry to humid, and these conditions were conducive to the development of high-quality source rocks. A favorable paleoenvironment and abundant organic carbon sources provide a solid hydrocarbon generation base for the formation and accumulation of oil and gas in the shale of the Tonghua Basin.  相似文献   

白垩纪早期陆相特殊沉积的分布特征及气候意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对地质资料的系统总结,认为白垩纪存在有如下具有气候意义的陆相特殊沉积类型:钙质沉积、可燃性有机岩、蒸发岩、沙漠沉积体系、红土型风化壳、铁质沉积、含铜沉积、火山相关沉积、灰岩、白云岩和膨润土。利用所获得的早白垩世6个时期特殊沉积的分布图,可以对不同类型特殊沉积的时空分布特征进行讨论。结合特殊沉积所代表的气候意义,可归纳出如下气候指标:可燃性有机岩、与黑色(泥)页岩相伴生出现的黄铁矿及菱铁矿、膨润土是温暖潮湿气候的标志;红土型风化壳、三价铁质沉积是湿热-热气候的标志;石膏、灰岩反映了暖干气候。岩盐、钙芒硝、沙漠沉积体系、白云岩反映了干热环境。火山相关沉积可反映高温环境。钙质沉积、含铜沉积反映干旱-半干旱气候。根据特殊沉积的分布组合特征,可划分出6种气候类型:(1)暖湿气候;(2)暖湿-暖干气候;(3)暖干气候;(4)热干-干旱气候;(5)干热-暖干气候;(6)干热气候。气候区在BerriasianBarremian期主要表现以纬向分布为特点,Aptian期和Albian期体现出纬向和经向两种分布方式的叠加,同时在中东部地区的气候带类型增多。其中Hauterivian期最干热,Albian期最湿润。  相似文献   

白垩纪特殊沉积的古气候指示及红层定量古温度测量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹珂  李祥辉  王成善 《四川地质学报》2006,26(4):199-203,209
介绍了白垩纪陆相红层研究的现状及前景,特别是其在白垩纪陆相古气候恢复方面所具有的重要意义。系统讨论了白垩纪陆相红层中的特殊沉积及其古气候指示意义,并讨论了碳酸盐岩氧同位素方法定量古温度恢复的可能性及其局限性。指出白垩纪古气候具有时间上和空间上的不均匀性;并结合陆相红层的类型、特殊沉积的分布,参照古生物的地理分区对白垩纪古气候进行初步地理分区。  相似文献   

A new bird from the early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is described. This new species, Grabauornis lingyuanensis, shares several synapomorphies with the Enantiornithes. The specimen is relatively well preserved. The skeletal morphology of Grabauornis bears close resemblance to that of other Chinese members of this clade. The brachial index (the ratio between the lengths of humerus and ulna) is 0.95, which is close to the average for enantiornithine birds. It indicates that Grabauornis was a rather good flyer, and the presence of an alula in the wing further testifies to this.  相似文献   

郭新宇 《江苏地质》2022,46(3):260-265
七鳃鳗是一种古老而原始的特殊无颌类脊椎动物。因其仅发育脊索上的小软骨片及口腔内的角质齿,一般很难保存为化石。国内外现存的七鳃鳗化石记录很少,例如南非晚泥盆世的Priscomyzon riniensis、北美石炭纪的Mayomyzon pieckoensis和Hardistiella montanensis,还有我国内蒙古下白垩统义县组的Mesomyzon mengae。近几年,在河北承德围场地区早白垩世地层中发现了丰富的鱼类化石,其中就有七鳃鳗化石,表明围场地区是继内蒙古宁城之后我国第二个重要的早白垩世七鳃鳗化石产地。研究了产自围场地区早白垩世九佛堂组的3件七鳃鳗化石标本(MHGU4270、MHGU4271、MHGU4272),化石保存基本完整,可见吸盘、眼、鳃囊、肌节、背鳍、后背鳍、尾鳍等构造。成年期个体(MHGU4270、MHGU4271)体长为24~27 cm,体高为1.9~2.0 cm;非成年期个体(MHGU4272)体长约为17.0 cm,体高约为1.2 cm,明显大于内蒙古宁城地区发现的孟氏中生鳗。根据形态结构特征,认为这3件七鳃鳗化石应为一个新的属种,将其命名为围场河北鳗(Hebeimyzon weichangensis gen. et sp. nov.)。围场中生鳗(新属、新种)的发现不仅为我国早白垩世七鳃鳗化石的研究增添了新材料,扩大了研究的区域范围,而且对进一步深化研究早白垩世七鳃鳗的演化历史、生活习性、生态环境和古地理分布具有重要科学价值。  相似文献   

A new soft-shelled turtle (“Trionyxjixiensis sp. nov.) from the Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe Formation, Jixi city, Heilongjiang Province, China is described on the basis of a nearly complete carapace. The new species is diagnosed by the absence of suprascapular fontanelles and absence of a preneural; eight neurals, tetragonal fifth neural; and eight pairs of costals, with the large eighth costals meeting after the eighth neural. Due to the incompleteness of the specimen and confused classification of the genera of trionychids, the new species cannot be included in any genus of Trionychinae and is temporarily assigned to “Trionyx” (sensu lato). “Trionyxjixiensis is one of the earliest trionychids, its discovery indicates that the family was already diversified during the Early Cretaceous in Asia.  相似文献   

鸡西盆地早白垩世烃源岩可溶有机质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
应用气相色谱、色谱-质谱等分析方法,对鸡西盆地早白垩世烃源岩生物标志化合物特征进行了讨论,揭示了生物标志化合物对该区有机质生物来源、成熟度及沉积环境的指示意义。有机质热演化已进入成熟阶段,且煤岩热演化程度略高于泥岩。泥岩有机质母质来源主要为水生生物,同时有高等生物的输入;煤岩以陆生高等植物输入为主,同时也有水生生物输入。煤岩沉积环境为弱氧化环境,经历过较强的降解作用过程;泥岩沉积环境为还原环境,沉积介质咸化程度较高,更有利于有机质的保存和转化。  相似文献   

A pterosaur-bird track assemblage from a sandstone-siltstone-mudstone sequence of the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of Xinjiang comprises the first pterosaur track record from this province and the largest specimen thus far known from China.The pterosaur tracks are assigned to the ichnogenus Pteraichnus based on the triangular overall-shape,the four elongate digit traces and the robust manual digit trace Ⅲ.Supposed trackmakers were dsungaripterid pterodactyloids whose skeletal remains are well known from the Tugulu Group.The bird tracks that occur on the same surface,are those of typical shorebirds,known from different other localities in southeast Asia.The congruence with Koreanaornis dodsoni described from the same stratigraphic level justifies an assignment to this ichnospecies.This is a further evidence of the co-occurrence of pterosaurs and birds in a typical iakeshore environment with possible seasonal alteration of water supply and aerial exposure indicated by wave ripples,mudcracks and repeated cycles of coarse to fine sediment.Pterosaurs and birds frequented the shoreline and may have fed also on the numerous invertebrates such as the Scoyenia tracemaker that left abundant burrows.  相似文献   

袁桃  吴驰华  伊海生  龚政  王立成  曾令旗 《地质学报》2015,89(11):2062-2074
本文通过野外剖面的观察和实测,室内薄片鉴定、阴极发光分析、粒度分析、扫描电镜及能谱测试分析,研究了云南思茅盆地景谷地区下白垩统曼岗组风成砂岩沉积学特征,详细了解了风成砂岩的发育特征,以期为研究区白垩纪古气候研究提供新的资料,为我国钾盐勘探提供一定的地质依据和新的思路。研究结果表明:1研究区曼岗组主要出露一套中—细粒石英砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩,发育中—大型交错层理、平行层理,碎屑颗粒分选中等-好,以次圆状-圆状为主,孔隙不发育,杂基含量少;2曼岗组中段发育具平行层理的石英砂岩,粒度分布呈双众数,带状分布,石英颗粒为浑圆状,颗粒表面见Fe、Mn质薄膜,颗粒表面具明显的碟形坑等特征,属于典型的风成砂岩,初步判定其沉积环境为风成沙丘和丘间沉积;3景谷地区下白垩统曼岗组风成砂岩,整体表现为干热型气候,曼岗组中段为丘间沉积,曼岗组上段和下段为沙丘沉积。其在搬运沉积成岩过程中经历了强烈的物理、化学风化作用,整体表现为氧化环境,风力较大,风速稳定,持续时间长。此外,可能还经历了一段时期的湿润性气候环境,这可能与大气降水、大气环流带的迁移,以及白垩纪海侵作用等有关。  相似文献   

This paper describes an avialian bird from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Yixian county, western Liaoning, China, which is named as Shenzhouraptor sinensis by Ji et al. on July 15, 2002. Shenzhouraptor sinensis is characterized by no teeth in its mouth, the forelimbs longer than the hindlimbs, a long tail with more than 23 caudal vertebrae, U-shaped wishbone, and remiges longer than the total length of ulna and manus. It is certain that the new avialian bird is really capable of powerful flight, representing a missing link between theropod dinosaurs and birds.  相似文献   

New Azhdarchid Pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Western Liaoning   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A nearly complete skeleton with a lower jaw of pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning is described and assigned to a new genus, Eoazhdarcho gen. nov.. The new genus is characterized by a relatively small size,the ratio of the length to width of the middle series cervical vertebrae approximately 3.5 and the ratio of humeral length to femoral length approximately 0.96. The humerus of Eoazhdarcho shows great resemblances to that of previously described Azhdarchidae, so it is assigned to the family Azhdarchidae.  相似文献   

通过定量分析浙闽地区三个典型剖面(浙江象山石浦、松阳枊城下湖源及福建武夷山崇安) 的暗色岩系沉积期的孢 粉化石,研究了早白垩纪浙闽地区的古气侯特征。研究表明,石浦地区孢粉中Pinuspollenites,Podocarpidites,Celtispollenites 和Ulmuspollenites 含量最多,下湖源地区孢粉以Pinuspollenites,Gleicheiniiidites,Classopollis 和Deltoidospora 为主,崇安地区 孢粉以Classopollis,Tracheid,Pinuspollenites 和Podocarpidites 为主。孢粉化石组合表明,石浦地区为亚热带潮湿气候,气候 变化较小;下湖源地区为亚热带潮湿-半潮湿气候,并出现一次变热变干事件;崇安地区为亚热带半干旱气候,但发生过 数次干旱与潮湿交替的气候波动。总体而言,早白垩纪研究区属于亚热带气候,具有潮湿、干旱交替变化、自东而西越来 越干旱的特征。  相似文献   

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