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Seafloor pockmarks and subsurface chimney structures are common on the Norwegian continental margin north of the Storegga Slide scar. Such features are generally inferred to be associated with fluid expulsion, and imply overpressures in the subsurface. Six long gravity and piston cores taken from the interior of three pockmarks were compared with four other cores taken from the same area but outside the pockmarks, in order to elucidate the origins and stratigraphy of these features and their possible association with the Storegga Slide event. Sulfate gradients in cores from within pockmarks are less steep than those in cores from outside the pockmarks, which indicates that the flux of methane to the seafloor is presently smaller within the pockmarks than in the adjacent undisturbed sediments. This suggests that these subsurface chimneys are not fluid flow conduits lined with gas hydrate. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates and Bathymodiolus shells obtained from a pockmark at >6.3 m below the seafloor indicate that methane was previously available to support a chemosynthetic community within the pockmark. AMS 14C measurements of planktonic Foraminifera overlying and interlayered with the shell-bearing sediment indicate that methane was present on the seafloor within the pockmark prior to 14 ka 14C years b.p., i.e., well before the last major Storegga Slide event (7.2 ka 14C years b.p., or 8.2 ka calendar years b.p.). These observations provide evidence that overpressured fluids existed within the continental margin sediments off Norway during the last major advance of Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   

Based on classification tests, oedometer tests, fall-cone tests and triaxial tests, physical and mechanical properties of sediments in the Storegga Slide region were analysed to assess parameter interrelationships. The data show good relationships between a number of physical and mechanical parameters. Goodness of fit between compression index and various physical parameters can be improved by multiple regression analysis. The interclay void ratio and liquidity index correlate well with the undrained shear strength of clay. Sediments with higher water content, liquid limit, activity, interclay void ratio, plasticity index and liquidity index showed higher compression index and/or lower undrained shear strength. Some relationships between parameters were tested by using data from two other sites south of the Storegga Slide. A better understanding of properties of sediments in regions such as that of the Storegga Slide can be obtained through this approach.  相似文献   

This study documents the fractal characteristics of submarine mass movement statistics and morphology within the Storegga Slide. Geomorphometric mapping is used to identify one hundred and fifteen mass movements from within the Storegga Slide scar and to extract morphological information about their headwalls. Analyses of this morphological information reveal the occurrence of spatial scale invariance within the Storegga Slide. Non-cumulative frequency-area distribution of mass movements within the Storegga Slide satisfies an inverse power law with an exponent of 1.52. The headwalls exhibit geometric similarity at a wide range of scales and the lengths of headwalls scale with mass movement areas. Composite headwalls are self-similar.One of the explanations of the observed spatial scale invariance is that the Storegga Slide is a geomorphological system that may exhibit self-organized criticality. In such a system, the input of sediment is in the form of hemipelagic sedimentation and glacial sediment deposition, and the output is represented by mass movements that are spatially scale invariant. In comparison to subaerial mass movements, the aggregate behavior of the Storegga Slide mass movements is more comparable to that of the theoretical ‘sandpile’ model. The origin of spatial scale invariance may also be linked to the retrogressive nature of the Storegga Slide. The geometric similarity in headwall morphology implies that the slope failure processes are active on a range of scales, and that modeling of slope failures and geohazard assessment can extrapolate the properties of small landslides to those of larger landslides, within the limits of power law behavior. The results also have implications for the morphological classification of submarine mass movements, because headwall shape can be used as a proxy for the type of mass movement, which can otherwise only be detected with very high resolution acoustic data that are not commonly available.  相似文献   

Storegga Silide has been studied intensively due to the development of the big Ormen Lange gas field. Both marine and glacial deposits were involved in this slide, and marine layers were the sliding planes. Data from different wireline logs in the Storegga Slide area are analyzed using principal components and cluster statistical methods to characterize the two different kinds of sediments. The results show that the marine layer with high water content, high clay content and low strength can be differentiated from the glacial deposits. Moreover, the analysis from log response are compared with the physical parameters from the geotechnical boreholes, a good correlation exists in the dataset.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that benthic foraminifera are useful proxies of local methane emissions from the seafloor has been verified on sediment core KS16 from the headwall of the Ana submarine landslide in the Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea. The core MS312 from a nearby location with no known methane emissions is utilised as control. The core was analysed for biostratigraphy, benthic foraminiferal assemblages, Hyalinea balthica and Uvigerina peregrina carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition, and sedimentary structures. The upper part of the core records post-landslide deglacial and Holocene normal marine hemipelagic sediments with highly abundant benthic foraminifera species that are typical of outer neritic to upper bathyal environment. In this interval, the δ13C composition of benthic foraminifera indicates normal marine environment analogous to those found in the control core. Below the sedimentary hiatus caused by the emplacement of the slide, the foraminiferal assemblages are characterised by lower density and higher Shannon Index. Markedly negative δ13C shifts in benthic foraminifera are attributed to the release of methane through the seabed. The mean values of the 13C anomaly in U. peregrina are ? 0.951 ± 0.208 in the pre-landslide sediments, and ? 0.269 ± 0.152 in post-slide reworked sediments deposited immediately above the hiatus. The δ13C anomaly in Hyalinea balthica is ? 2.497 ± 0.080 and ? 2.153 ± 0.087, respectively. To discard the diagenetic effects on the δ13C anomaly, which could have been induced by Ca–Mg replacement and authigenic carbonate overgrowth on foraminifera tests, a benthic foraminifera subsample has been treated following an oxidative and reductive cleaning protocol. The cleaning has resulted, only in some cases, in a slight reduction of the anomaly by 0.95% for δ13C and < 0.80% for δ18O. Therefore, the first conclusion is that the diagenetic alteration is minor and it does not alter significantly the overall carbon isotopic anomaly in the core. Consequently, the pre-landslide sediments have been subject to pervasive methane emissions during a time interval of several thousand years. Methane emissions continued during and immediately after the occurrence of Ana Slide at about 61.5 ka. Subsequently, methane emissions decreased and definitely ceased during the last deglaciation and the Holocene.  相似文献   

A brief review of published observations of methane fluxes to the atmosphere from bogs and lakes in the permafrost zone is presented. Approaches to modeling the emission of methane from bogs are considered, and their advantages and shortcomings, in particular, from the point of view of their coupling to climate models, are outlined. A one-dimensional model developed by the authors for methane generation, transport, and sink in the ground-water body system and coupled to a hydrothermodynamic model of a water body is described. The approaches used in analogous models for bogs as well as new parametrizations describing lake-specific processes are applied. A parametrization of methane generation in vicinity the lower boundary of the thawed ground zone underneath a water body (talik) is suggested. The results of calibrating this model against available observations of methane emission from the thermokarst Shuchi Lake in northeastern Siberia are discussed.  相似文献   

Core ZHS-176 contains the paleoenvironmental records from the northern South China Sea (NSCS) since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A coupled approach based on clay mineral assemblages, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopes, and calcium carbonate content is used to trace the sources of the fine-grained sediment and to investigate the paleoenviornmental evolution in this area. Clay mineral assemblages are dominated by illite (average about 39%) and chlorite (about 27%), which comes mainly from Taiwan and the East China Sea. Kaolinite, which accounts for about 13%, comes mainly from the Zhujiang (Pearl) River, and Luzon Island is the main source for smectite (about 21%). The planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic oscillations during the last glacial period are coeval with climate variations recorded in the Greenland ice core and Western Pacific sediment. These variations include the LGM, Heinrich event 1, Bφlling-Allerφd (B/A), and Younger Dryas. For the Holocene, three periods of strong precipitation (S1-S3) and three periods of weak precipitation (W1-W3) are identified. The oxygen isotopic record exhibits corre-lation with climate records from distant regions, including the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere, providing evidence for global tele-connection among regional climate. A brief, negative planktonic foraminiferal carbon isotopic excursion during B/A reflects increased methane released from marine gas hydrate due to the rapid warming of the water. By comparing calcium carbonate content curves of the core ZHS-176 with these of other five boreholes lying above the lysocline, a remarkable low calcium carbonate event is found during the early Holocene in NSCS.  相似文献   

为对湄洲湾北部海底地形地貌特征及其影响因素进行系统的研究,作者利用多波束系统对湄洲湾北部海底地形进行探测,结合研究区内沉积物及潮流特征,对该区域海底地貌特征及其成因进行分析。研究区呈现中部低、南北高的地形格局,其中中部深水区又为近岸深、中间浅的特征,中轴为潮汐水道,水道两侧发育浅滩的海底地貌特征。研究区沉积物组分以砂和粉砂为主,由于研究区大部分表层沉积物中细粒沉积物占主要组分,沉积物具有较强的黏性,而实测资料显示潮流流速较小,因此研究区在常态水动力条件下,海底沉积物很难被冲刷,海底地形变化受潮流影响较小。通过将2012年与2013年研究区的调查结果进行对比发现,研究区海底地形整体变化不大,个别区域地形起伏变化较大,据推测可能是由于人为的挖沙、港口疏浚等因素造成的。因此,短期内影响研究区海底地形变化的主要因素为人为因素。  相似文献   

Recent volcanic activity along the northern flank of the Fiji Platform, revealed for the first time from new GLORIA imagery, suggests that the loci of interplate motion in this region have migrated rapidly since the switch from Vitiaz to New Hebridean subduction at 5–8 Ma. At present the plate boundaries along the northern flank of the Fiji Platform consist of two major strike-slip faults of opposing sense: the sinistral Fiji Transform Fault along the northwest flank of the platform, and at least one (or possibly two) zones of dextral strike slip (including Peggy Ridge) along the northeast flank. The tectonic relation-ships of these two fault systems lies north of Fiji and is not determined.  相似文献   

A rotating, acoustic gas bubble detector, BOB (Bubble OBservatory) module was deployed during two surveys, conducted in 2009 and 2011 respectively, to study the temporal variations of gas emissions from the Marmara seafloor, along the North Anatolian Fault zone. The echosounder mounted on the instrument insonifies an angular sector of 7° during a given duration (of about 1 h). Then it rotates to the next, near-by angular sector and so forth. When the full angular domain is insonified, the “pan and tilt system” rotates back to its initial position, in order to start a new cycle (of about 1 day). The acoustic data reveal that gas emission is not a steady process, with observed temporal variations ranging between a few minutes and 24 h (from one cycle to the other). Echo-integration and inversion performed on the acoustic data as described in the companion paper of Leblond et al. (Mar Geophys Res, 2014), also indicate important variations in, respectively, the target strength and the volumetric flow rates of individual sources. However, the observed temporal variations may not be related to the properties of the gas source only, but reflect possible variations in sea-bottom currents, which could deviate the bubble train towards the neighboring sector. During the 2011 survey, a 4-component ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) was co-located at the seafloor, 59 m away from the BOB module. The acoustic data from our rotating, monitoring system support, but do not provide undisputable evidence to confirm, the hypothesis formulated by Tary et al. (2012), that the short-duration, non-seismic micro-events recorded by the OBS are likely produced by gas-related processes within the near seabed sediments. Hence, the use of a multibeam echosounder, or of several split beam echosounders should be preferred to rotating systems, for future experiments.  相似文献   

Three decades of continuous ocean exploration have led us to identify subsurface fluid related processes as a key phenomenon in marine earth science research. The number of seep areas located on the seafloor has been constantly increasing with the use of multi-scale imagery techniques. Due to recent advances in transducer technology and computer processing, multibeam echosounders are now commonly used to detect submarine gas seeps escaping from the seafloor into the water column. A growing number of en-route surveys shows that sites of gas emissions escaping from the seafloor are much more numerous than previously thought. Estimating the temporal variability of the gas flow rate and volumes escaping from the seafloor has thus become a challenge of relevant interest which could be addressed by sea-floor continuous acoustic monitoring. Here, we investigate the feasibility of estimating the volumetric flow rates of gas emissions from horizontal backscattered acoustic signals. Different models based on the acoustic backscattering theory of bubbles are presented. The forward volume backscattering strength and the inversion volumetric flow rate solutions were validated with acoustic measurements from artificial gas flow rates generated in controlled sea-water tank experiments. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate the behavior of the 120-kHz forward solution with respect to model input parameters (horizontal distance between transducer and bubble stream, bubble size distribution and ascent rate). The most sensitive parameter was found to be the distance of the bubble stream which can affect the volume backscattering strength by 20 dB within the horizontal range of 0–200 m. Results were used to derive the detection probability of a bubble stream for a given volume backscattering strength threshold according to different bubble flow rates and horizontal distance.  相似文献   

During RV SONNE cruise SO-79 to the eastern Pacific Ocean, two areas of about 65×80 km in the northern Peru Basin were surveyed with the acoustic mapping systems HYDROSWEEP (bathymetry), PARASOUND (3.5 kHz high-resolution seismic system), and a deep-towed side-scan sonar system. In addition, we sampled sediments using piston and box corers. The data show an unexpected variability of seafloor features: The bathymetry is characterized by an abyssal hill topography with predominately N-S ridges up to 300 m high, and scattered volcanic hills. Moreover, one 2000-m-high seamount was mapped. PARASOUND shows several distinct reflectors within the sediment cover, all of which are attributed to carbonate-rich strata. In the northern area, the uppermost prominent reflector is related to the Mid-Brunhes Event (0.45 Ma) in the sediment cores, while the lowermost represents acoustic basement. In the southern area, the seismic pattern reveals an upper opaque zone and a lower transparent zone. The base of the opaque zone is marked by a distinct reflector which corresponds to a huge carbonate peak (6–7 Ma) in the sediment cores. However, despite this general pattern, the PARASOUND records show a highly variable situation, with the distribution of sediment echo types strongly influenced by the seafloor topography. The side-scan sonar revealed the existence of numerous small volcanic cones up to 25 m high and nearly free of sediment. Additionally, the sonar records show a patchy (up to 800 m across) seafloor reflectiviti. We interpret this patchiness as a local lack of manganese nodule coverage. Volcanic cones and the most distinct nodule-free patches are usually on ridges. We interpret this variability as caused by winnowing and erosion, an interpretation that is supported by the occurrence of outcrops of Tertiary strata. This regional small-scale variability argues for a highly dynamic depositional history of the Peru Basin.  相似文献   

海底麻坑是与流体逸散相关的一种海底凹陷地貌, 在全球海域的陆架、陆坡和深海平原等均有广泛发育。文章利用高分辨率的多波束测深数据和三维地震资料, 在中建南盆地北部识别出330个规模不等的海底麻坑, 按照麻坑形态可将其分为: 圆形、椭圆形、长条形及新月形麻坑。研究区内海底麻坑直径可达1500~7900m, 最大深度可达175m, 其中圆形麻坑规模(直径、深度)小于椭圆形、长条形和新月形麻坑, 表明圆形麻坑处于麻坑发育早期阶段。三维地震资料显示不同类型海底麻坑的下伏地层中均发育有断层、气烟囱、裂隙等流体逸散通道, 为该区域海底麻坑形成提供了有利条件。在海底麻坑演化过程中, 底流对海底麻坑的地貌形态具有改造作用。当圆形麻坑下伏地层流体活动强烈时, 流体可沿着运移通道直接向麻坑内壁渗漏, 使得其内壁塌陷, 逐渐演化成椭圆形麻坑。由于椭圆形麻坑处于底流活动影响的早期阶段, 其受底流改造作用较弱。在持续性底流活动的强烈改造作用下, 紧密排列的圆形或椭圆形麻坑逐渐拉伸演变成长条形麻坑。当底流作用于孤立的圆形麻坑时, 在底流的上游侧沉积速率增加, 麻坑在上游侧接受沉积被掩埋, 下游侧地层被侵蚀, 从而形成新月形麻坑。根据研究区海底麻坑成因机制分析, 文章首次提出了一种展示中建南盆地不同类型海底麻坑演化过程模型, 该模型有助于理解中建南盆地流体逸散过程和底流活动, 并且可为其他区域海底麻坑演化过程研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In the late Miocene, giant ancient pockmarks, which are fairly rare globally, developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin. In this paper, to determine the sedimentary characteristics and genetic mechanism of these giant ancient pockmarks in the Yinggehai Formation of the Qiongdongnan Basin, based on high-resolution 3D seismic data and multiattribute fusion technologies, we analyzed the planar distribution and seismic facies of the ancient pockmarks and compared the characteristics of the ancient pockmar...  相似文献   


With the continuous expansion of energy demand, the deep-water continental slope in the northern South China Sea has become one of the significant offshore oil and gas exploration regions. The frequent occurrence of marine geological hazards in this region, especially submarine landslides, can cause serious damage to engineering facilities. However, there have been few studies on the stability of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea; these studies mainly focused on a specific submarine slope or small-range evaluation, resulting in a lack of large-scale and quantitative understanding. Hence, considering the variation in the physical and mechanical properties of marine soils with depth, formulas for calculating the safety factor of submarine slopes by an infinite sliding model are established, and the factors affecting slope stability such as soil properties, slope gradient and horizontal seismic action are systematically investigated. Using GIS techniques, the terrain slope gradients and a historical seismic database of the northern South China Sea are obtained. Combined with soil mechanical parameters, a regional stability evaluation of the northern continental slope is carried out. Furthermore, the distribution of risk zones is given. On the whole, under strong seismic action, large-scale submarine slope instability occurs and must be highly considered when assessing risk. This achievement is of great significance to engineering sites, route selection and engineering risk assessment.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates were collected from methane seeps at Hydrate Hole at 3113 m water depth and Diapir Field at 2417 m water depth on the northern Congo deep-sea fan during RV Meteor cruise M56. The carbonate samples analyzed here are nodules, mainly composed of aragonite and high-Mg calcite. Abundant putative microbial carbonate rods and associated pyrite framboids were recognized within the carbonate matrix. The δ13C values of the Hydrate Hole carbonates range from ?62.5‰ to ?46.3‰ PDB, while the δ13C values of the Diapir Field carbonate are somewhat higher, ranging from ?40.7‰ to ?30.7‰ PDB, indicating that methane is the predominant carbon source at both locations. Relative enrichment of 18O (δ18O values as high as 5.2‰ PDB) are probably related to localized destabilization of gas hydrate. The total content of rare earth elements (REE) of 5% HNO3-treated solutions derived from carbonate samples varies from 1.6 ppm to 42.5 ppm. The shale-normalized REE patterns all display positive Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* > 1.3), revealing that the carbonates precipitated under anoxic conditions. A sample from Hydrate Hole shows a concentric lamination, corresponding to fluctuations in δ13C values as well as trace elements contents. These fluctuations are presumed to reflect changes of seepage flux.  相似文献   

浙江北部岛屿海域土体稳定性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文探讨了浙江北部岛屿区水道岸坡土体滑动的成因机制与滑坡的形态特征,对在波浪与重力共同作用下的边坡稳定性以及波浪底压引起的砂土液化进行了定量分析。研究表明,岛屿区水道中部与岸坡间强烈的冲淤反差,是该海域岸坡土体滑动不稳定因素积累的主要环境条件。目前发现的多数为中到大型的牵引式滑坡,主要由重力作用所致。对于波浪较大、水深较浅海域的粉砂、细砂分布区,浅表砂层存在着发生液化的可能性。  相似文献   

基于西非几内亚湾尼日尔三角洲盆地研究区约1300 km2的高分辨率三维地震资料,研究麻坑的剖面特征、平面展布形态、麻坑与水道的关系、麻坑的成因。通过对目的层位的精细解释及多种地震属性提取的方法,在研究区西北部发现了75个麻坑,在海底水道上方发现了56个麻坑,以及在研究区其他区域分布的62个麻坑。研究区主要有条带状麻坑、复合麻坑和孤立麻坑三种麻坑样式。麻坑的成因和分布模式受埋藏水道段侵蚀和切割的影响,麻坑下方地层中相应的浊积水道产生流体,流体向上运移导致地层不连续,进而对麻坑的形成和分布产生影响。根据麻坑下方地层特征和充填模式,将麻坑的成因分为古水道成因和断裂成因。  相似文献   

The scientific community is engaged in a lively debate over whether and how venting from the gas-hydrate reservoir and the Earth’s climate is connected. The various scenarios which have been proposed are based on the following assumptions: the inventory of methane gas-hydrate deposits is locally enormous, the stability of marine gas-hydrate deposits can easily be perturbed by temperature and pressure changes, enough methane can be released from these deposits to contribute adequate volumes of this isotopically distinct greenhouse gas to alter the composition of oceanic or atmospheric methane reservoirs, and the mechanisms exist for the transfer of methane from deeper geologic reservoirs to the ocean and/or atmosphere. However, some potential transfer mechanisms have been difficult to evaluate. Here, we consider the possibility of marine slumping as a mechanism to transfer methane carbon from gas hydrates within the seafloor into the ocean and atmosphere. Our analyses and field experiments indicate that large slumps could release volumetrically significant quantities of solid gas hydrates which would float upwards in the water column. Large pieces of gas hydrate would reach the upper layers of the ocean before decomposing, and some of the methane would be directly injected into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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