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An analytical mathematical model, based on Jacobian elliptic functions, has been used to identify feasible wellfield locations and pumping rates for large-scale abstraction from an unconfined coastal aquifer. The choice of optimum feasible wellfield strategy has been made using a simple economic model which calculates the cost of the pipelines required to transport the abstracted groundwater to a large coastal city which forms the demand centre. Results indicate that the cheapest wellfield design would be a single large wellfield. However, because of the need to maintain at least a minimum supply in the city until a new surface water source is developed, a better solution may well be to develop two smaller wellfields pumping a greater total abstraction.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates spectral relationships in the time–frequency domain for one‐dimensional groundwater flow in aquifers bounded by fluctuating boundaries. By nature, the solutions of spectral equations are non‐linear complex functions. To determine hydraulic diffusivity in the governing equations, it is required that the data are collected from the spectra of water levels at the fluctuating boundaries and observation wells. Hydraulic diffusivity thus can be obtained by an iterative inverse approach. This paper presents an application in Pingtung County of Taiwan to determine the hydraulic diffusivity of a sandy aquifer under confined conditions. Spectral density function of water level obtained from tidal boundaries and observation wells are used to approximate hydraulic diffusivity, which yields an averaged value of 1·26 × 106 m2/h. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dilatation of aquifer and associated water level fluctuation in groundwater well is known to be driven periodically from lunar, solar, or other tidal forces. Time‐dependent variables in groundwater system, such as water level, can be converted to power spectra in the frequency domain using Fourier transform to evaluate significant fluctuation. The major innovation of this research is to develop spectral representation in frequency domain for the groundwater system that the storage in confined aquifer can be determined considering dilatation affected by Earth tides and barometric effect. In order to verify applicability of the evolved method, time series of Earth tides and barograph are collected; aquifer storage is then determined inversely by selecting significant semidiurnal and diurnal components in spectra computation. It suggests that to discover groundwater storage using groundwater level with barograph and tidal potential of Earth in frequency domain becomes accessible and feasible.  相似文献   

A detailed study using environmental tracers such as chloride (Cl?) and tritium (3H), deuterium (2H) and oxygen (18O) isotopes was performed in an alluvial coastal aquifer in two contrasting environments (urban and agricultural). These environmental tracers combined with a high‐resolution multi‐level sampling approach were used to estimate groundwater residence time and recharge patterns and to validate the hydrogeochemical conceptual model already proposed in previous studies. δ18O and δ2H combined with Cl? data proved that the hypersaline groundwater present in the deepest part of the aquifer was sourced from the underlying hypersaline aquitard via an upward flux. Both chemical and isotopic data were employed to calibrate a density‐dependent numerical model based on SEAWAT 4.0, where 3H and Cl? were helped quantifying solutes transport within the modelled aquifer. Model results highlighted the differences on estimated recharge in the two contrasting environments, with the urban one exhibiting concentrated recharge because of preferential infiltration associated to the storm water drains network, while scarce local recharge characterized the agriculture setting. In the urban field site, is still possible to recognize at 9 m b.g.l. the input of the atmospheric anthropogenic 3H generated by testing of thermonuclear weapons, while in the agricultural field site, the 3H peak has been washed out at 6 m b.g.l. because the groundwater circulation is restricted only to the upper fresh part of the aquifer, drained by the reclamation system. The presented approach that combined high‐resolution field monitoring, environmental tracers and numerical modelling, resulted effective in validating the conceptual model of the aquifer salinization. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Applicability of spectral analysis to determine hydraulic diffusivity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study is to evaluate the applicability of estimating the one-dimensional horizontal hydraulic diffusivity of an unconfined aquifer with time-dependent fluctuation of lateral head and vertical recharge boundaries using observed water level spectra. Different models of boundary condition are imposed to evaluate the statistical significance between the calculated hydraulic diffusivity (ξ) with the given hydraulic diffusivity (ξ). The auto-spectra of the water level in observation wells tapping the same aquifer are closely related to those at the disturbed boundaries. For an aquifer with a constant hydraulic diffusivity, the water level fluctuation in the monitoring wells is linearly related to the water level spectra observed at the boundaries. The spectral density function of aquifer hydraulic head varies inversely with specific yield (S y) and directly with recharge. Given small variation in water level spectra at the disturbed boundaries, the water level fluctuation in the aquifer is affected by the recharge condition and the aquifer spectral density function is sensitive to S y. Using an iterative technique to estimate ξ from 1400 sets of given parameters, 99% of the ξ/ξ values deviated within only one order of magnitude with the model length (L) being equal to 1 km and 10 km. For L equal to 100 m, approximately 82% of the ξ/ξ population falls within two orders of magnitude. Therefore, spectral analysis of aquifer hydraulic head response can be used to estimate the hydraulic diffusivity of an unconfined aquifer which is affected by periodic variations in recharge and head at boundaries.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional semi‐analytical solution to analyse stream–aquifer interactions in a coastal aquifer where groundwater level responds to tidal effects is presented. The conceptual model considered is a two‐dimensional subsurface system with stream and coastline boundaries at right angles. The dimensional and non‐dimensional boundary value problems were solved for water level in the aquifer by successive application of Laplace and Fourier transform techniques, and the results were obtained by numerical inversion of the transformed solution. The solution was then verified by reducing the solutions to one‐dimensional known problems and comparing the results with those from previous studies. Hypothetical examples were used to examine the characteristics of water‐level variations due to the variations in stream stage and the fluctuations in tide level. Sensitivity analysis indicated that streambed leakance has no influence over the amplitude of groundwater fluctuations, but that the effect of stream stage increases with increasing leakance. Little difference was observed in the water level for different aquifer penetration ratios with narrow stream width. Increases in streambed leakance caused increases in the effect of aquifer penetration by the stream on the water level. An increased specific yield value resulted in decreased amplitude of water fluctuations and mean water level, and showed that water‐level variations due to stream and tidal boundaries are sensitive to specific yield. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considered the tide-induced head fluctuations in two coastal multi-layered aquifer systems. Model I comprises two semi-permeable layers and a confined aquifer between them. Model II is a four-layered aquifer system including an unconfined aquifer, an upper semi-permeable layer, a confined aquifer and a lower semi-permeable layer. In each model, the submarine outlet of the confined aquifer is covered with a skin layer (“outlet-capping”). Analytical solutions of the two models are derived. In both models, leakages of the semi-permeable layers decrease the tidal head fluctuations. The outlet-capping reduces the aquifer’s head fluctuation by a constant factor and shifts the phase by a positive constant. The solution to Model II explains the inconsistency between the relatively small lag time and the strong amplitude damping effect of the tidal head fluctuations reported by Trefry and Johnston [Ground Water 1998;36:427–33] near the Port Adelaide River, Australia.  相似文献   

We examined the fire‐induced changes in groundwater recharge rate. This aspect is particularly important in the case of large forested areas growing over a coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion. In the Ravenna coastal area (Italy), pine forests grow on coastal dune belts, overlying a sandy unconfined aquifer, which is strongly affected by marine ingression. Three groundwater profiles across the forest and perpendicular to the coastline were monitored for groundwater level, physical, and chemical parameters. The aims were to define groundwater quality, recharge rate, freshwater volume, and highlight change, which occurred after a forest fire with reference to pre‐fire conditions. Analytical solutions based on Darcy Law and the Dupuit Equation were applied to calculate unconfined flow and compare recharge rates among the profiles. The estimated recharge rates increased in the partially and completely burnt areas (219 and 511 mm year?1, respectively) compared with the pristine pine forest area (73 mm year?1). Although pre‐fire conditions were similar in all monitored profiles, a post‐fire decrease in salinity was observed across the burnt forest, along with an increase in infiltration and freshwater lens thickness. This was attributed to decrease canopy interception and evapotranspiration caused by vegetation absence after the fire. This research provided an example of positive forest fire feedback on the quantity and quality of fresh groundwater resources in a lowland coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion, with limited availability of freshwater resources. The fire provided an opportunity to evaluate a new forest management approach and consider the restoration and promotion of native dune herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

The Kuwait Group consists mainly of clastic sediments overlying unconformably the Dammam Formation of Tertiary age. The Kuwait Group is generally divided into three main hydrostratigraphic units: the upper and lower aquifers separated by an aquitard. The upper aquifer is further divided into the water table aquifer, an aquitard and a semiconfined aquifer. This semiconfined unit was pumped and the drawdowns were observed in piezometers screened in various subunits of the Kuwait Group. Some pumping tests of short duration were carried out in the top water table aquifer as well. These tests showed that the subunits of the Kuwait Group are hydraulically interconnected to a varying degree.

The pumping test data were analysed using conventional analytical solutions. The semiconfined pumping test was also simulated by a quasi-three-dimensional model using a leaky multiaquifer modelling technique. The initial hydraulic parameters were improved manually in the model till best fit drawdowns were obtained.

The final parameters obtained by simulation of the pumping tests were used in designing a pilot drainage system for the control of a rising groundwater table in parts of Kuwait City.  相似文献   

Management of a coastal aquifer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bear J 《Ground water》2004,42(3):317-317

The prediction of groundwater levels in a basin is of immense importance for the management of groundwater resources, especially in coastal regions where the water table fluctuations are to be limited to avoid seawater intrusion. In this paper, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methodology is presented to predict groundwater levels in individual wells with one month lead. Groundwater levels were also predicted in neighboring wells using model parameters from the best network of a well. This methodology is applied to an urban coastal aquifer in Andhra Pradesh state, India. The results suggest that the feed forward neural network with Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm is a good choice for predicting groundwater levels in individual wells. Bayesian Regularization (BR) model parameters of Balaji Nagar well are also used successfully to predict groundwater levels in the study area. It was observed that the ANN‐based algorithms were a better choice for the prediction of groundwater levels with limited hydrological parameters. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an analytical solution of groundwater head response to tidal fluctuation in a coastal multilayered aquifer system consisting of an unconfined aquifer, a leaky confined aquifer and a semi‐permeable layer between them. The submarine outcrop of the confined aquifer is covered by a thin silt layer. A mathematical model and the analytical solution of this model are given. The silt layer reduces the amplitude of the hydraulic head fluctuation by a constant factor, and shifts the phase by a positive constant (time lag), both of which depend on the leakances of the silt layer and the semi‐permeable layer. The time lag is less than 1·5 h and 3·0 h for semi‐diurnal and diurnal sea tides respectively. When the leakance of the semi‐permeable layer or the silt layer assumes certain special values, the solution becomes the existing solutions derived by previous researchers. The amplitude of the hydraulic head fluctuation in the confined aquifer increases with the leakance of the silt layer and decreases with the leakance of the semi‐permeable layer, whereas the phase shift of the fluctuation decreases with both of them. A hypothetical example shows that neglecting the silt layer may result in significant parameter estimation discrepancy between the amplitude attenuation and the time‐lag fittings. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level due to a white noise recharge time series and a random transmissivity field in a bounded unconfined aquifer was studied. The analytical solutions for the variance and covariance of groundwater level were derived with non-stationary spectral analyses and superposition principle. It was found that the fluctuations of groundwater level are spatially non-stationary due to a fixed head boundary condition and temporal non-stationary at early time but gradually became stationary as time progresses due to effect of the initial condition. The variation in groundwater level is mainly caused by the random source/sink in the case of temporally random recharge and spatially random transmissivity. The effect of heterogeneity is to increase the variation of groundwater level and the maximum effect occurs close to the constant head boundary because of the linear mean hydraulic gradient. The heterogeneity also enhances the correlation of groundwater level, especially at large time intervals and small spatial distances.  相似文献   


A numerical technique is presented whereby aquifer hydraulic diffusivities (D) and macrodispersivities (α) are calculated by linear equations rewritten from flow and solute transport differential equations. The approach requires a GIS to calculate spatial and temporal hydraulic head (h) and solute concentration gradients. The model is tested in Portugal, in a semi-confined aquifer periodically monitored for h and chloride/sulphate concentrations. Average D (0.46 m2/s) and α (1975 m) compare favourably with literature results. The relationship between α and scale (L) is also investigated. In this context, two aquifer groups could be identified: the first group is heterogeneous at the “macroscopic” scale (solute travelled distances <1 km), but homogeneous at the “megascopic” scale. The overall scale dependency in this case is given by an equation of logarithmic type. The second group is heterogeneous at the macroscopic and megascopic scales, with a scale dependency of linear type.

Citation Pacheco, F.A.L., 2013. Hydraulic diffusivity and macrodispersivity calculations embedded in a geographic information system. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 930–944.  相似文献   

Kangjoo Kim 《水文研究》2002,16(9):1793-1806
The weathering rate of plagioclase was estimated in the groundwater system of a sandy, silicate aquifer formed after the Wisconsin Glacial Stage. The study area is an isthmus lying between Crystal and Big Muskellunge Lakes in northern Wisconsin, USA. Plagioclase occupies 3% of the quartz and K‐feldspar dominated sediments. Groundwater in the study area is recharged in part by precipitation through the isthmus soils and in part by seepage from Crystal Lake, which is of low ionic strength and chemically in steady state. Water analysis revealed that the chemistry of groundwater recharged from Crystal Lake is regulated by mineral dissolution reactions. The rate constant for plagioclase was estimated using mass balances for sodium concentrations along a groundwater flowline from Crystal Lake. For this calculation, various kinds of hydrological/mineralogical information were used: groundwater flow path from oxygen isotope analysis, groundwater travel times from flow modelling, mineral composition from microprobe analysis and surface area of minerals from BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) analysis. The overall range of the estimation was less than an order of magnitude (3·5 × 10?16 to 3·4 × 10?15 mol/m2/s). The result is up to three orders of magnitude slower than the previous field estimates, which applied geometric methods in measuring mineral surface areas. However, this result is somewhat higher than the estimates reported by other BET area‐based studies, which were undertaken on soil profiles having different hydrological conditions. This rate difference is interpreted as a result of higher mineral reactivity owing to younger sediment age. The rate difference is smaller when this result is compared with the estimates from the soils of similar age, indicating that the differences in hydrological condition are not sufficient to explain the weathering rate discrepancy between the laboratory and field studies, which is up to five orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analysis of pump-test data of open wells in a basaltic water-table aquifer is made with methods based on both equilibrium and non-equilibrium formulae. The study has indicated that the Thiem's equilibrium formula and the ratio method of Narasimhan appear to be more suitable as compared with Jacob's and Chow's methods. Of the two, Narasimhan's ratio method, which does not require the graphical procedure, is more reliable than the Thiem's method since the latter involves an assumption of the value for the radius of influence. From the value of T (coefficient of transmissibility) obtained by Narasimhan's method it is also possible to calculate the value of the radius of influence by Thiem's method, which can be used in determining the required spacing between wells in the basaltic terrain in order to avoid mutual interference.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of drought and pumping discharge on groundwater supplies and marine intrusion. The investigation concerns the Mamora coastal aquifer, northwest of Morocco. A large‐scale groundwater model was established to model (a) the amount of freshwater discharge towards the ocean and the sea water volumes flowing inland as a consequence of the inverse hydraulic gradient, (b) the impact of drought and pumping discharge on the water table level and, as a consequence, on marine water intrusion. In fact, the simulated submarine groundwater discharge (SGWD) would decrease from 864 m3/d/km in 1987 to 425 m3/d/km in 2000. The simulated volumes of sea water intruding the aquifer as a result of inverse hydraulic gradient would increase from 0·25 Mm3/y in 1987 to 0·3 Mm3/y in 2000. As a consequence of a negative rainfall gradient of −5 mm/y, the simulated SGWD would decline to 9 m3/d/km and the sea water intrusion (SWI) would increase to 0·35 Mm3/y since the year 2010. Due to insufficient data on the trend of pumping discharge, a hypothetical increase of this latter from 38·3 Mm3/y to 53·2 Mm3/y is simulated to induce an increase of marine water intrusion from 0·25 Mm3/y to 0·9 Mm3/y. Consequently, to optimally exploit this seemingly fragile coastal aquifer, a plan of future actions to implement is proposed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to identify the origin of saline groundwater in the eastern part of Jeju volcanic island, Korea, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out for 18 observation wells located in east and southeast coastal regions. The total dissolved solid contents of groundwaters are highly variable (77–21,782 mg/l). Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, and strontium isotopic data clearly show that the saline water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. Strontium isotopic compositions and Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that the source of salinity is modern seawater intrusion. Hydrogeochemical characteristics based on bivariate diagrams of major and minor ions show that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater are mainly controlled by the salinization process followed by cation-exchange reactions. The highly permeable aquifers at the east coastal region are characterized by low hydraulic gradient and discharge rate and high hydraulic conductivity as compared with other regions. These properties enhance the salinization of groundwater observed in the study area. Based on the Cl, Br, and δ18O data, seawater was determined to have intruded inland some 2.5 km from the coastline. Considering the poor correlation of sampling depth and Cl concentrations observed, the position of seawater-freshwater interface is not uniformly distributed in the study area, due to heterogeneities of the basaltic aquifers.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from 11 springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada and seven springs from Death Valley National Park in eastern California. Concentrations of the major cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K) and 45 trace elements were determined in these groundwater samples. The resultant data were subjected to evaluation via the multivariate statistical technique principal components analysis (PCA), to investigate the chemical relationships between the Ash Meadows and Death Valley spring waters, to evaluate whether the results of the PCA support those of previous hydrogeological and isotopic studies and to determine if PCA can be used to help delineate potential groundwater flow patterns based on the chemical compositions of groundwaters. The results of the PCA indicated that groundwaters from the regional Paleozoic carbonate aquifers (all of the Ash Meadows springs and four springs from the Furnace Creek region of Death Valley) exhibited strong statistical associations, whereas other Death Valley groundwaters were chemically different. The results of the PCA support earlier studies, where potentiometric head levels, δ18O and δD, geological relationships and rare earth element data were used to evaluate groundwater flow, which suggest groundwater flows from Ash Meadows to the Furnace Creek springs in Death Valley. The PCA suggests that Furnace Creek groundwaters are moderately concentrated Ash Meadows groundwater, reflecting longer aquifer residence times for the Furnace Creek groundwaters. Moreover, PCA indicates that groundwater may flow from springs in the region surrounding Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park, to a spring discharging on the valley floor. The study indicates that PCA may provide rapid and relatively cost‐effective methods to assess possible groundwater flow regimes in systems that have not been previously investigated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Determination of hydraulic diffusivity of aquifers by spectral analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study uses the cyclical frequency to develop the mathematical relationship between hydraulic diffusivity and spectral density functions calculated from groundwater level variation. Such relationship can be applied to (1) unsteady state, one-dimensional confined aquifer with time-dependent water level on both end boundaries, and (2) linearized unconfined aquifer with or without vertical recharge. The spectral density functions of groundwater fluctuations are largely affected by the spectral density functions obtained from time-dependent end boundaries and their cross-spectral density functions. Hydraulic diffusivity of an aquifer can be solved by type-curve matching technique at a specified frequency band under the conditions of (1) confined aquifer having equal time-dependent boundaries on both ends, (2) unconfined aquifer having equal time-dependent boundaries on both ends with surface recharge, and (3) unconfined aquifer subjected to surface recharge but neglecting the water table fluctuations on both end boundaries.  相似文献   

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