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We have analyzed the evolution of the components of the unique massive binary system WR 20a, which consists of a Wolf-Rayet nitrogen star and an Of star with an extremely small separation. The estimated masses of the components are 83 and 82 M , which are among the highest stellar mass inferred. We have carried out numerical modeling of the evolution of the components, taking into account the mass loss due to the stellar wind inherent to massive stars. In a scenario in which the systemis detached from the time the components reach the main sequence until its present state, the initial component masses are inferred to be close to 110 M , if the initial masses of the stars were equal, or 120 and 100 M , if they were different. Currently, the components are evolved main-sequence stars, whose surfaces are relatively little enriched by helium. The further evolution of the system will result in one of the components filling its Roche lobe and evolution within a common envelope. As a result, the components may coalesce, leading to the formation of a single massive black hole the supernova explosion. Otherwise, depending on the masses of the resulting black holes, either a binary system with two black holes or two free black holes will be formed. In the latter case, gamma-ray bursts will be observed.  相似文献   

We consider the evolutionary status of observed close binary systems containing black holes and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. When the component masses and the orbital period of a system are known, the reason for the formation of a WR star in an initial massive system of two main-sequence stars can be established. Such WR stars can form due to the action of the stellar wind from a massive OB star (MOB≥50M), conservative mass transfer between components with close initial masses, or the loss of the common envelope in a system with a large (up to ~25) initial component mass ratio. The strong impact of observational selection effects on the creation of samples of close binaries with black holes and WR stars is demonstrated. We estimate theoretical mass-loss rates for WR stars, which are essential for our understanding the observed ratio of the numbers of carbon and nitrogen WR stars in the Galaxy \(\dot M_{WR} (M_ \odot yr^{ - 1} ) = 5 \times 10^{ - 7} (M_{WR} /M_ \odot )^{1.3} \). We also estimate the minimum initial masses of the components in close binaries producing black holes and WR stars to be ~25M. The spatial velocities of systems with black holes indicate that, during the formation of a black hole from a WR star, the mass loss reaches at least several solar masses. The rate of formation of rapidly rotating Kerr black holes in close binaries in the Galaxy is ~3×10?6 yr?1. Their formation may be accompanied by a burst of gamma radiation, possibly providing clues to the nature of gamma-ray bursts. The initial distribution of the component mass ratios for close binaries is dNdq=dM2/M1 in the interval 0.04?q0≤1, suggesting a single mechanism for their formation.  相似文献   

We analyze models for quasi-stationary, ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with luminosities 1038–1040 erg/s exceeding the Eddington limit for a ~1.4M neutron star. With the exception of relatively rare stationary ULXs that are associated with supernova remnants or background quasars, most ULXs are close binary systems containing a massive stellar black hole (BH) that accretes matter donated by a stellar companion. To explain the observed luminosities of ~1040 erg/s, the mass of the BH must be ~40M if the accreted matter is helium and ~60M if the accreted matter has the solar chemical composition. We consider donors in the form of main-sequence stars, red giants, red supergiants, degenerate helium dwarfs, heavy disks that are the remnants of disrupted degenerate dwarfs, helium nondegenerate stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars. The most common ULXs in galaxies with active star formation are BHs with Roche-lobe-filling main-sequence companions with masses ~7M or close Wolf-Rayet companions, which support the required mass-exchange rate via their strong stellar winds. The most probable candidate ULXs in old galaxies are BHs surrounded by massive disks and close binaries containing a BH and degenerate helium-dwarf, red-giant, or red-supergiant donor.  相似文献   

The observed properties of Wolf-Rayet stars and relativistic objects in close binary systems are analyzed. The final masses M CO f for the carbon-oxygen cores of WR stars in WR + O binaries are calculated taking into account the radial loss of matter via stellar wind, which depends on the mass of the star. The analysis includes new data on the clumpy structure of WR winds, which appreciably decreases the required mass-loss rates $\dot M_{WR}$ for the WR stars. The masses M CO f lie in the range (1–2)M –(20–44)M and have a continuous distribution. The masses of the relativistic objects M x are 1–20M and have a bimodal distribution: the mean masses for neutron stars and black holes are 1.35 ± 0.15M and 8–10M , respectively, with a gap from 2–4M in which no neutron stars or black holes are observed in close binaries. The mean final CO-core mass is $\overline M _{CO}^f = 7.4 - 10.3M_ \odot$ , close to the mean mass for the black holes. This suggests that it is not only the mass of the progenitor that determines the nature of the relativistic object, but other parameters as well-rotation, magnetic field, etc. One SB1R Wolf-Rayet binary and 11 suspected WR + C binaries that may have low-mass companions (main-sequence or subgiant M-A stars) are identified; these could be the progenitors of low-mass X-ray binaries with neutron stars and black holes.  相似文献   

The evolution of close binary systems containing Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars and black holes (BHs) is analyzed numerically. Both the stellar wind from the donor star itself and the induced stellar wind due to irradiation of the donor with hard radiation arising during accretion onto the relativistic component are considered. The mass and angular momentum losses due to the stellar wind are also taken into account at phases when the WR star fills its Roche lobe. It is shown that, if a WR star with a mass higher than ~10M fills its Roche lobe in an initial evolutionary phase, the donor star will eventually lose contact with the Roche lobe as the binary loses mass and angular momentum via the stellar wind, suggesting that the semi-detached binary will become detached. The star will remain a bright X-ray source, since the stellar wind that is captured by the black hole ensures a near-Eddington accretion rate. If the initial mass of the helium donor is below ~5M , the donor may only temporarily detach from its Roche lobe. Induced stellar wind plays a significant role in the evolution of binaries containing helium donors with initial masses of ~2M . We compute the evolution of three observed WR-BH binaries: Cyg X-3, IC 10 X-1, and NGC 300 X-1, as well as the evolution of the SS 433 binary system, which is a progenitor of such systems, under the assumption that this binary will avoid a common-envelope stage in its further evolution, as it does in its current evolutionary phase.  相似文献   

We list and analyze the main currently known mechanisms for accelerating the space motions of stars. A high space velocity of a star can be a consequence of its formation in the early stages of the evolution of a massive galaxy, when it was spheroidal and non-stationary, so that stars were born with velocities close to the escape velocity for the galaxy. Another possibility is that the star arrived from another galaxy with a velocity that is high for our Galaxy. The decay of unstable close multiple stars or supernova explosions in close binaries can also provide velocities of up to several hundreds of km/s to main-sequence stars and velocities of up to ∼1000 km/s to degenerate stars, neutron stars, and stellar-mass black holes. The merger of components of a binary system containing two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole due to gravitational-wave radiation can accelerate the nascent black hole to a velocity∼1000 km/s. Hypervelocity relativistic stars can be born due to asymmetric neutrino ejection during a supernova explosion. Stars can be efficiently accelerated by single and binary supermassive black holes (with masses from several millions to several billions of solar masses) in the nuclei of galaxies. Thanks to their gravitational field and fast orbital motion (in the case of binary objects), supermassive black holes are able to accelerate even main-sequence stars to relativistic velocities.  相似文献   

Usingthe “Scenario Machine” (a specialized numerical code formodeling the evolution of large ensembles of binary systems), we have studied the physical properties of rapidly rotating main-sequence binary stars (Be stars) with white-dwarf companions and their abundance in the Galaxy. The calculations are the first to take into account the cooling of the compact object and the effect of synchronization of the rotation on the evolution of Be stars in close binaries. The synchronization time scale can be shorter than the main-sequence lifetime of a Be star formed during the first mass transfer. This strongly influences the distribution of orbital periods for binary Be stars. In particular, it can explain the observed deficit of short-period Be binaries. According to our computations, the number of binary systems in the Galaxy containing a Be star and white dwarf is large: 70–80% of all Be stars in binaries should have degenerate dwarf companions. Based on our calculations, we conclude that the compact components in these systems have high surface temperatures. Despite their high surface temperatures, the detection of white dwarfs in such systems is hampered by the fact that the entire orbit of the white dwarf is embedded in the dense circumstellar envelope of the primary, and all the extreme-UV and soft X-ray emission of the compact object is absorbed by the Be star’s envelope. It may be possible to detect the white dwarfs via observations of helium emission lines of Be stars of not very early spectral types. The ultraviolet continuum energies of these stars are not sufficient to produce helium line emission. We also discuss numerical results for Be stars with other evolved companions, such as helium stars and neutron stars, and suggest an explanation for the absence of Be-black-hole binaries.  相似文献   

We present a model in which the nonthermal radio emission of binary systems containing Wolf-Rayet and O components is due to collisions between clouds belonging to dense phases of the wind of each star. The relativistic electrons are generated during the propagation of fast shock waves through the clouds and their subsequent de-excitation. The initial injection of superthermal particles is due to photoionization of the de-excited cold gas by hard radiation from the shock front. Therefore, the injection takes place in cloud regions fairly far from the front. Further, the superthermal electrons are accelerated by the betatron mechanism to relativistic energies during the isobaric compression of the cloud material, when most of the gas radiates its energy. Collisions between the clouds can occur far beyond the contact boundary between the rarefied wind components. Thus, the model avoids the problem of strong low-frequency absorption of the radiation.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a statistical study of the component mass ratios and the orbital eccentricities of WR + O close binary, detached main-sequence (DMS), contact early-type (CE), and semidetached (SD) systems. A comparison of the characteristics of WR + O systems and of DMS, CE, and SD systems has enabled us to draw certain conclusions about the evolutionary paths of WR + O binaries and to demonstrate that up to 90% of all known WR + O binaries formed as a result of mass transfer in massive close O + O binary systems. Since there is a clear correlation between the component masses in SD systems with subgiants, the absence of an anticorrelation between the masses of the WR stars and O stars in WR + O binaries cannot be considered evidence against the formation of WR + O binaries via mass transfer. The spectroscopic transitional orbital period P tr sp corresponding to the transition from nearly circular orbits (e sp<0.1) to elliptical orbits (e sp≥0.1) is ~14d for WR + O systems and ~2d–3d for OB + OB systems. The period range in which all WR + O orbits are circular \((1\mathop d\limits_. 6 \leqslant P \leqslant 14^d )\) is close to the range for SD systems with subgiants, \(0\mathop d\limits_. 7 \leqslant P \leqslant 15^d \). The large difference between the P tr sp values for WR + O and OB + OB systems suggests that a mechanism of orbit circularization additional to that for OB + OB systems at the DMS stage (tidal dissipation of the orbital energy due to radiative damping of the dynamical tides) acts in WR + O binaries. It is natural to suggest mass transfer in the parent O + O binaries as this supplementary orbit-circularization mechanism. Since the transitional period between circular and elliptical orbits for close binaries with convective envelopes and ages of 5×109 years is \(P_{tr} = 12\mathop d\limits_. 4\), the orbits of most known SD systems with subgiants had enough time to circularize during the DMS stage, prior to the mass transfer. Thus, for most SD systems, mass transfer plays a secondary role in circularization of their orbits.In many cases, the initial orbital eccentricities of the O + O binary progenitors of WR + O systems are preserved, due to the low viscosity of the O-star envelopes and the short timescale for their nuclear evolution until the primary O star fills its Roche lobe and the mass transfer begins. The mass transfer in the parent O + O systems is short-lived, and the number of orbital cycles during the early mass-transfer stage is relatively low (lower than for the progenitors of SD systems by three or four orders of magnitude). The continued transfer of mass from the less massive to the more massive star after the component masses have become equal leads to the formation of a WR + O system, and the orbit's residual eccentricity increases to the observed value. The increase of the orbital eccentricity is also facilitated by variable radial mass loss via the wind from the WR star in the WR + O system during its motion in the elliptical orbit. The result is that WR + O binaries can have considerable orbital eccentricities, despite their intense mass transfer. For this reason, the presence of appreciable eccentricities among WR + O binaries with large orbital periods cannot be considered firm evidence against mass transfer in the parent O + O binary systems. Only for the WR + O binaries with the longest orbital periods (4 of 35 known systems, or 11 %) can the evolution of the parent O + O binaries occur without filling of the Roche lobe by the primary O star, being governed by radial outflow in the form of the stellar wind and possibly by the LBV phenomenon, as in the case of HD 5980.  相似文献   

An analysis of observational data shows that, in most cases,Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars in known WR+ OB binary systems were formed as a result of mass transfer in initial OB + OB systems, rather than through radial mass loss by the more massive OB star via its stellar wind.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the broad-band light curve of the massive eclipsing binary BAT99-129, which is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud and consists of WN3(h) and O5V components. The light curve was obtained as part of the MACHO project. The dense extended atmosphere of the Wolf-Rayet (WR) star makes it impossible to apply a standard parametric model, such as that of Wilson and Devinney, to analyze the light curve. We reconstructed the distributions of the brightness and absorption across the disk of the WR component by directly solving the integral equations describing the eclipses in the system. Our analysis yields reliable estimates of the system’s orbital parameters and the parameters of its components. The orbital inclination is 78°, the size of the orbit 28.5 R , and the radius of the O component R O = 7.1 R . The size of the WR core, which is opaque in the optical continuum, is R WR = 3.4 R , and the brightness temperature at the center of the WR-component disk is T br = 45 000 K. We discuss possible uncertainties in the parameters obtained. The derived information is used to draw conclusions about the system’s evolutionary status.  相似文献   

The results of photometric and spectroscopic observations of the pre-cataclysmic variable HS 2333+3927, which is a HW Vir binary system, are analyzed. The parameters of the sdB subdwarf companion (T eff = 37 500 ± 500 K, log g = 5.7 ± 0.05) and the chemical composition of its atmosphere are refined using a spectrum of the binary system obtained at minimum brightness. Reflection effects can fully explain the observed brightness variations of HS 2333+3927, changes in the HI and HeI line profiles, and distortions of the radial-velocity curve of the primary star. A new method for determining the component-mass ratios in HW Vir binaries, based on their radial-velocity curves and models of irradiated atmospheres, is proposed. The set of parameters obtained for the binary components corresponds to models of horizontal-branch sdB subdwarfs and main-sequence stars.  相似文献   

The results of spectral and photometric observations of the Wolf-Rayet star WR 134 = HD 191765 performed at the N. Tusi Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory (ShAO) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 2006?C2010 are presented. The spectral observations were carried out at the ShAO Zeiss-2000 telescope with an echelle spectrometer. Thirty-four echelle spectrograms of WR 134 were obtained. Profiles of the five strongest emission lines were analyzed: HeII 4859, HeII 5411, CIV 5808, HeI 5875, and (HeII+H??) 6560. Various parameters of these emission lines are determined: their equivalent widths, radial velocities, central intensities, and half-widths. Only the radial velocity was found to be variable. Variability of the shapes of all emission-line profiles was found, but the largest changes are observed for the (HeII+H??) 6560 emission band. Photometric observations were carried out at the ShAO Zeiss-600 telescope using an Alta U-47 CCD array (1024 × 1024 pixels) in the V filter of the photometric UBV system. Photometric observations were carried out on 18 nights, with from 100 to 300 measurements made during each night. The mean V magnitudes of WR 134 and a control star were determined for each night. Variability of WR 134 was detected, both within a night and during the entire observation period. The exposure time varied from 1 to 6 s on different nights. A statistical analysis of the mean magnitudes indicated that this series contains a peak at a frequency of ?? = 0.530 day?1, corresponding to the period P = 1.887d. This period is interpreted as the manifestation binarity for this star. It is suggested that the secondary component of the system may be a low-mass optical K-M star.  相似文献   

The evolution of rapidly rotating 8, 4, and 2 M main-sequence stars is considered together with hydrodynamical transfer in their interiors. The conditions under which turbulent erosion, semiconvection, and shear turbulence lead to partial mixing of the matter in the radiative envelope and central regions of the stars are determined. The enhancement of the surface helium abundance with time depends on both the intensity of partial mixing in their interiors and mass loss by the stellar wind. The ratio of the number densities of helium and hydrogen at the surface can rise by the end of main-sequence stage by ~30% for a 8 M star and ~10?20% for a 4 M star, depending on the mass-loss rate. Partial mixing of the matter in the radiative envelope and in the central region of the star can provide an explanation for the observed enhancement of the atmospheric helium abundances of early B stars toward the end of their main-sequence evolution. The enhancement of the surface helium abundance in a 2 M star is so small that it cannot be detected, and is appreciably lower than the enhancement beneath the surface.  相似文献   

The rate of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the Galaxy is estimated assuming that these events result from the formation of rapidly rotating Kerr black holes during the core collapse of massive, helium, Wolf-Rayet secondary components in very close binary systems. This process brings about rapid rotation of the cores of such Wolf-Rayet stars, inevitably resulting in the formation of Kerr black holes during type Ib,c supernovae. The current rate of formation of Kerr black holes (GRBs) in the Galaxy is about 3×10?5/year. Collimation of the gamma-ray radiation into a small solid angle (about 0.1–0.01 sr) brings this rate into consistency with the observed rate of GRBs, estimated to be 10?6–10?7/year. Possible immediate progenitors of GRBs are massive X-ray binaries with X-ray luminosities of 1038–1040 erg/s. Due to the short lifetimes of the progenitors and the very high brightnesses of GRBs, the GRB rate can provide information about the history of star formation in the Universe on the Hubble time scale. A model in which the star-formation rate is determined by the conditions for ionization of the interstellar gas, whose density and volume are determined by supernovae, yields a Galactic star-formation history that can be viewed as representing the history of star formation in the Universe. The theoretical history of star formation is in satisfactory agreement with the history reconstructed from observations. The theoretical model for the history of star formation in the Galaxy can also be used to assess the influence of dust on optical observations of supernovae and GRBs in galaxies of various ages.  相似文献   

Several scenarios for the formation of accretion and decretion disks in single and binary Ae and Be stars are proposed. It is shown that, in order for a rapidly rotating main-sequence Be star to lose mass via a disk, the star’s rotation must be quasi-rigid-body. Estimates show that such rotation can be maintained by the star’s magnetic field, which is probably a relict field. The evolution of single Be main-sequence stars is numerically simulated allowing for mass loss via the stellar wind and rotational mass loss assuming rigid-body rotation. The stellar wind is the factor that determines the maximum mass of Be stars, which is close to 30M . The evolution of Be stars in close binaries is analyzed in the approximation adopted in our scenario. Long gamma-ray bursts can be obtained as a result of the collapse of rapidly rotating oxygen—neon degenerate dwarfs—the accreting companions of Be stars—into neutron stars.  相似文献   

We have computed the dynamical evolution of homogeneous, spherical gaseous condensations in the atmosphere of a Wolf-Rayet star. The physical conditions in the condensations vary substantially in the course of their motion in the stellar wind, which should result in variations in the observed spectrum of the star. The condensations also move at velocities of up to 1000 km/s relative to the surrounding stellar wind. Variations of the physical conditions in these condensations should be taken into account in models of the stellar winds of Wolf-Rayet stars.  相似文献   

Possible paths for the formation of Ap/Bp stars—massive main-sequence stars with strong magnetic fields—are analyzed based on modern theories for the evolution of single and binary stars. Assuming that the strong magnetic fields of these stars are the main reason for their comparatively slow axial rotation and the observed anomalies in the chemical compositions of their atmospheres, possible origins for these high magnetic fields are considered. Analysis of several possible scenarios for the formation of these stars leads to the conclusion that their surface magnetic fields are probably generated in the convective envelopes of the precursor stars. These precursors may be young, single stars with masses 1.5–3 M that formed at the peripheries of forming star clusters and ended their accretion at the Hayashi boundary, or alternatively close binaries whose components have convective envelopes, whose merger leads to the formation of an Ap/Bp star. Arguments are presented supporting the view that the merger of close binaries is the main channel for the formation of Ap/Bp stars, and a detailed analysis of this scenario is presented. The initial major axes of the merging binary systems must be in the range 6–12 R , and the masses of their components in the range 0.7–1.5 M . When the merging components possess developed convective envelopes and fairly strong initial magnetic fields, these can generate powerful magnetic fields “inherited” by the products of the merger—Ap/Bp stars. The reason the components of the close binaries merge is a loss of angular momentum via the magnetic stellar winds of the components.  相似文献   

We analyze the observed parameters of massive extremely close binaries containing Wolf-Rayet stars and black holes, and identify those systems whose supernova outbursts lead to the formation of rapidly rotating Kerr black holes. It is proposed that the formation of such a black hole is accompanied by a strong gamma-ray burst. Several types of observed systems satisfy the conditions necessary for the formation of a Kerr black hole: BH+WR, BH+OB, WR+O, and BH+K,M.  相似文献   

We present the results of population syntheses for binary stars carried out using the “Scenario Machine” code with the aim of analyzing events that may result in long gamma-ray bursts. We show that the observed distribution of morphological types of the host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts can be explained in a model in which long gamma-ray bursts result from the core collapse of massive Wolf-Rayet stars in close binaries. The dependence of the burst rate on galaxy type is associated with an increase in the rate of stellar-wind mass-loss with increasing stellar metallicity. The separation of binary components at the end of their evolution increases with the stellar-wind rate, resulting in a reduction of the number of binaries that produce gamma-bursts.  相似文献   

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