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We analyze properties of the unique nova-like star AE Aquarii identified with a close binary system containing a red dwarf and a very fast rotating magnetized white dwarf. It cannot be assigned to any of the three commonly adopted sub-classes of Cataclysmic Variables: Polars, Intermediate Polars, and Accreting non-magnetized White Dwarfs. Our study has shown that the white dwarf in AE Aqr is in the ejector state and its dipole magnetic moment is ???1.5 × 1034 G cm3. It switched into this state due to intensive mass exchange between the system components during a previous epoch. A high rate of disk accretion onto the white dwarf surface resulted in temporary screening of its magnetic field and spin-up of the white dwarf to its present spin period. Transition of the white dwarf to the ejector state had occurred at a final stage of the spin-up epoch as its magnetic field emerged from the accreted plasma due to diffusion. In the frame of this scenario AE Aqr represents a missing link in the chain of Polars evolution and the white dwarf resembles a recycled pulsar.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the eclipsing binary IY UMa (type SU UMa) during its superoutburst of 2004 and in quiescence.We have refined the orbital period of the system. Light curves are presented for various states of activity.We estimate the parameters of IYUMa during the superoutburst and in quiescence for hot-line and spiral-wave models. The spiral-wave model, which takes into account the presence of vertical perturbations in outer parts of the disk, is able to reproduce the light-curve shapes and phases of dips in the out-of-eclipse parts of the binary’s light curves during the outburst both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Our analysis of BV RI light curves for the cataclysmic variable UX UMa obtained in intermediate activity states, in the transition between the active and quiescent states of the system on March 12, 1997 and May 3, 2000, shows that the shapes of these light curves cannot be adequately described using the standard hot-spot model. A model with a “hot line” near the edge of the disk and a two-armed spiral structure on the disk surface reproduces much better out-of-eclipse variations in the light curves. The presence of an extended hot line can explain the anomalous shape of the I light curve on March 12, 1997. The decrease in the observed luminosity of the system between March 12, 1997 and May 3, 2000 could be due to a decrease in the disk luminosity by a factor of 2–2.5; the higher disk luminosity on the earlier date is associated with appreciable deviations of the radial temperature distribution of the disk material from that for the standard model. The phases and depths of dips in the out-of-eclipse sections of the UX UMa light curves are due primarily to the parameters of the complex shape of the accretion disk, which has a spiral structure located mainly near its outer edge. The contribution of the spiral arms in the V filter reaches 20–50% of the total disk radiation. The crest of the first spiral wave in our model maintains its approximate position in azimuth; this structure could represent a bulge in a halo at the outer edge of the disk near orbital phases φ ~ 0.7, in the direction of the continuation of the extended shock in the disk itself. The position of the crest of the second spiral arm changes with time. This structure may represent a one-armed spiral wave near the apastron of the weakly elliptical disk. Finally, the observations testify to the presence of another spiral arm that is les clearly manifest in terms of both its luminosity and its height above the unperturbed disk surface. Thus, in an intermediate activity state of UX UMa, the surface of the accretion disk is distorted by the action of a two-armed spiral structure in the outer regions of the disk, which is asymmetric in both its luminosity and dimensions, and a bulge at the disk edge in the region of its interaction with the inflow to the disk.  相似文献   

To determine the parameters of the accretion disk and shock-wave region responsible for the formation of the orbital peak in the light curve of the binary system OY Car (an SU UMa-type variable), we have analyzed its U BV R and JK light curves using two gas-dynamical models with different regions of shock interaction: one with a hot line along the stream from the Lagrange point L1 and one with a hot spot on the accretion disk. The hot-line model can better describe the quiescent state of the system: the maximum X2 for the optical light curves does not exceed 207, whereas the minimum residual for the hot-spot model is X2>290. The shape of the eclipse is almost identical in both models; the main differences are in interpreting out-of-eclipse portions of the light curves, whose shape can varyin the transition from one orbital cycle to another. The hot-spot model is not able to describe variations of the system’s brightness at orbital phases ?~0.1–0.6. The rather complex behavior of the observed flux in this phase interval can be explained in the hot-line model as being due to variations of the temperature and size of the system. Based on the analysis of a sequence of 20 B curves of OY Car, we conclude that the flux variations in the primary minimum are due to variations of the luminosity of the accretion disk, whereas the flux variability in the vicinity of the orbital peak is due to the combined effect of the radiation of the disk and hot line. The JK light curves of OY Car in the quiescent state and during a small flare also indicate preference for the hot-line model, since the primaryminimum and the flux near quadratures calculated using the hot-spot model are not consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

We present the results of three-dimensional gas-dynamical simulations of matter flows in semi-detached binaries after termination of the mass transfer between the components of the system. The structure of the residual accretion disk is studied. When the mass transfer has ended, the quasi-elliptical disk becomes circular and its structure changes: tidal interactions result in the formation of a second arm in the spiral shock wave. In addition, a condensation (blob) moving through the disk with variable velocity is formed. The blob is maintained by interactions with the arms of the spiral shock and exists essentially over the entire lifetime of the disk. We also show that, for a viscosity corresponding to α~0.01 (typical for observed accretion disks), the lifetime of the residual disk is about 50 orbital periods.  相似文献   

We present the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations of flow structures in binary systems with spiral shock waves. Variations of the mass-transfer rate perturb the equilibrium state of the accretion disk; consequently, a condensation (blob) behind the shock breaks away from the shock front and moves through the disk with variable speed. Our computations indicate that the blob is a long-lived formation, whose mean parameters do not vary substantially on timescales of several tens of orbital periods of the system. The presence of the spiral shocks maintains the compact blob in the disk: it prevents the blob from spreading due to the differential motion of matter in the disk, and dissipative spreading on this timescale is negligible. A number of cataclysmic variables display periodic or quasi-periodic photometric variations in their light curves with characteristic periods ~0.1–0.2P orb, where P orb is the orbital period. The blobs formed in systems with spiral shock waves are examined as a possible origin for these variations. The qualitative (and, in part, quantitative) agreement between our computations and observations of IP Peg and EX Dra provides evidence for the efficacy of the proposed model.  相似文献   

We have calculated the factor (ν g ? ν e )/ν g in the temperature range T = 300–20 000 K for the ions Be+, Mg+, Ca+, C+ in atomic hydrogen and for the ions Mg+ in atomic argon using the known interaction potentials. Here ν e and ν g are the transport collision frequencies for excited- and ground-state particles respectively. Calculations have shown that at T = 10 000–20 000 K, typical temperatures of the atmospheres of chemically peculiar (CP) stars, the values |ν g ? ν e |/ν g ≈ 0.1–0.2 can be reached for ions. This causes the light-induced drift (LID) velocity of ions up to ~0.1 cm/s in the atmospheres of CP stars with temperatures T < 10 000 K. Therefore the separation of chemical elements due to the LID of ions under the conditions of the atmospheres of such CP stars can be an order of magnitude more efficient in comparison with the separation caused by the radiation pressure. In the atmosphere of more hot stars (20 000 K > T > 10 000 K) it is possible to expect approximately identical magnitude of the LID effect and that of radiation pressure. In the very hot stars (T >20 000 K) the LID effect is manifested very weakly.  相似文献   

BVR c photometry of the galaxy UGC 4332 is presented. It is shown that its inclusion in a list of candidate galaxies with polar rings is erroneous. In reality, it is a spiral galaxy with a powerful bulge and a disturbed dust disk viewed edge-on.  相似文献   

We present new spectroscopic observations of the peculiar supergiant IRC+10420. In 1997–2000, we obtained three high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of the object at 4300–8000 Å with a spectral resolution of 15 000 (20 km/ s) using the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. From our 2000 spectrum, we estimate the spectral type of IRC+10420 to be A2, corresponding to a temperature of ~9200 K. Many emission lines were detected, identified with lines of Fe I; Fe II, Ti II, Cr II, and Sc II ions; and [O I], [Fe II], and [Ca II] forbidden lines. The radial velocity derived from absorption lines without obvious emission components (He I λ5876, O I, N I, Si II) and from absorption components of the Balmer lines is 93±1 km/s. The redshift of photospheric lines relative to the star’s center-of-mass velocity is interpreted as a consequence of scattering in the expanding, optically thick dust envelope. Both emission and absorption lines show a correlation between radial velocity and oscillator strength. We found variability in the relative intensities of the H α and H β emission components. We conclude that IRC+10420 is rapidly evolving towards a Wolf-Rayet stage; the current rate of the photospheric temperature increase is ~120 K per year. Based on the intensity of the O I (λ7773) triplet, we estimate the star’s luminosity to be M bol=?9.5m. In all 1997–2000 spectra of IRC+10420, the He I λ5876 line has a significant equivalent width of at least 200 mÅ; this may be possible in the presence of such a low temperature due to the star’s high luminosity and the enhanced helium abundance in the supergiant’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

The estimated rates of upper mantle sublithospheric flows in the Hawaii–Emperor Range and Ethiopia–Arabia–Caucasus systems are reported. In the Hawaii–Emperor Range system, calculation is based on motion of the asthenospheric flow and the plate moved by it over the branch of the Central Pacific plume. The travel rate has been determined based on the position of variably aged volcanoes (up to 76 Ma) with respect to the active Kilauea Volcano. As for the Ethiopia–Arabia–Caucasus system, the age of volcanic eruptions (55–2.8 Ma) has been used to estimate the asthenospheric flow from the Ethiopian–Afar superplume in the northern bearing lines. Both systems are characterized by variations in a rate of the upper mantle flows in different epochs from 4 to 12 cm/yr, about 8 cm/yr on average. Analysis of the global seismic tomographic data has made it possible to reveal rock volumes with higher seismic wave velocities under ancient cratons; rocks reach a depth of more than 2000 km and are interpreted as detached fragments of the thickened continental lithosphere. Such volumes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean were submerged at an average velocity of 0.9–1.0 cm/yr along with its opening. The estimated rates of the mantle flows clarify the deformation properties of the mantle and regulate the numerical models of mantle convection.  相似文献   

河西走廊特殊地形与大风的关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用河西走廊1951-2010年大风资料,参考相应地区的的地形特征,探讨了地形与大风发生的关系. 结果表明:地形的狭管效应对局地大风风速的突然加强是河西走廊多大风的重要原因,海拔是影响大风日数、最大风速和持续时间的重要因素. 祁连山的阻挡作用是造成山区北侧大风日数偏少、最大风速偏小和持续时间偏短的重要因素;地形与河谷走向是影响大风风向的重要因素.  相似文献   

The evolutionary status of the bright peculiar carbon giant TU Gemis fairly uncertain. The possibility that this is aCH star—aGalactic halo star with characteristic chemical-composition anomalies—is considered. Unfortunately, data on the atmospheric chemical composition of TUGem are relatively few and are ambiguous. The results of an analysis of a moderate-resolution optical and near-infrared spectrum of TU Gem obtained on the 2-m telescope of Terskol Peak Observatory (Northern Caucasus) is presented. The atmospheric parameters of TU Gem T eff = 3100 K, C/O = 1.10, and [N/Fe] = 0.0 for the derived metallicity [Fe/H] = 0.0 are taken from [1]. The abundances of Na, Mg, Ca, Ti, and Cr are estimated to be normal or slightly enhanced, and the lithium abundance is log N(Li) = +0.1. The abundances of s-process elements are substantially enhanced in the atmosphere of TU Gem, namely, [s/Fe] ≈ 2, for both light and heavy s-process elements. The range of uncertainty in [Fe/H] is 0.0?0.3, and the uncertainties in other estimates are Δ[M/Fe]≈ ±0.3 and Δ[s/Fe] = ±0.5. The results show that TU Gem is an anomalous carbon giant, but not a CH star.  相似文献   

The fluorescent properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) have been used as natural tracers in various water systems. However, only few studies have focused on groundwater systems, specifically, on karst systems. The aim of this study was to develop the use of the DOM fluorescence signal as a natural tracer, considering the multiple compartments of a karst system. This method was applied to the Lez hydrosystem, which supplies the city of Montpellier with drinking water. The hydrodynamics and hydrochemistry of the spring were monitored beginning March 2006. The DOM fluorescence was measured by the excitation–emission matrix spectroscopy technique. The analysis of the total fluorescence signal confirms the efficiency of this tool to trace rapid infiltration flows. Moreover, the decomposition of the signal into different fluorophores complements the information provided by the total signal. Indeed, the fluorescence emitted by the humic compounds seems to be the ideal tool for identifying rapid infiltration flows. Nevertheless, the fluorescence of protein-like compounds is better correlated with the inflow of faecal bacteria at the outlet. This decomposition of the fluorescence signal is an interesting way to provide information on both the rapid infiltration flow as well as the vulnerability of the karst aquifers.  相似文献   

Vertical oscillations of the gas at the outer edge of the accretion disk in a semi-detached binary due to interaction with the stream of matter from the inner Lagrangian point L 1 are considered. Mixing of the matter from the stream from L 1 with matter of the disk halo results in the formation of a system of two diverging shocks and a contact discontinuity, or so-called “hot line”. The passage of matter through the region of the hot line leads to an increase in its vertical velocity and a thickening of the disk at phases 0.7?0.8. Subsequently, the matter moving along the outer edge of the disk also experiences vertical oscillations, forming secondary maxima at phases 0.2?0.4. It is shown that, for systems with component mass ratios of 0.6, these oscillations will be amplified with each passage of the matter through the hotline zone, while the observations will be quenched in systems with component mass ratios ~0.07 and ~7. The most favorable conditions for the flow of matter from the stream through the edge of the disk arise for component mass ratios ~0.62. A theoretical relation between the phases of disk thickenings and the component mass ratio of the system is derived.  相似文献   

通过开展饱水花岗岩单轴压缩声发射试验,采用快速傅里叶变换提取声发射信号主频及次主频,进一步提出了综合表征声发射信号频谱特征的参数:主频比F ,即主频与次主频的比值,研究岩石破裂过程声发射频谱特征。研究结果表明:饱水花岗岩破裂过程声发射主频、次主频频带数量呈现“3→6→3”先增大后减小的规律,与主频分布特征相比,次主频低频区间占比减小,中、高频区间占比增大,次主频总体平均值比主频高约5 kHz。声发射主频比尸分布区间在弹性阶段达到最大:0 < F < 8 ,且F≠1,根据主频比与1 的关系,可将声发射信号划分为2 类:A 类信号(0 < F < 1 ),其主频小于次主频;B 类信号(1 < F < 8 ),其主频大于次主频。总体来看,饱水花岗岩破裂过程声发射A 类与B 类信号的数量关系约为3:2, A 类信号数量相对较多,特别是塑性阶段A 类信号占绝对优势,其数量为B 类信号的3.0?3.5倍。饱水花岗岩破裂过程声发射A 、B类信号事件率近似同步变化,二者均出现明显的平静期前兆特征,在实际应用时,可以对岩石破裂过程数量庞大且计算繁琐的声发射信号进行甄别,选择A、B 两类信号中的一种,进而实现对岩石破坏前兆信息的快速有效识别。  相似文献   

This study provides a detailed magnetostratigraphy of sediments composing the Cold Creek cataclysmic flood bar in the Pasco Basin, Washington. Our interpretation suggests onset of Missoula floods or similar events prior to 1.1 myr, later than previously suggested by Bjornstad et al. [Bjornstad, B.N., Fecht, K.R., Pluhar, C.J., 2001. Long history of pre-Wisconsin, Ice Age cataclysmic floods: evidence from southeastern Washington State. Journal of Geology 109 (6), 695-713]. Nonetheless these data suggest that Channeled Scabland features formed over a much longer timespan than commonly cited, that continental ice sheets of the early Pleistocene reached as far south as those of the late Pleistocene, and that similar physiography existed in eastern Washington and perhaps Montana to both generate and route Missoula-flood-like events. This study adds paleomagnetic polarity results from 213 new samples of silts and sands derived from nine new drill cores penetrating the Cold Creek cataclysmic flood bar to our previous database of 53 samples from four boreholes, resulting in a much more robust and detailed magnetostratigraphy. Rock magnetic studies on these sediments show pure magnetite to be the predominant remanence-carrying magnetic mineral, ruling out widespread remagnetization by secondary mineralization. The magnetostratigraphy at eastern Cold Creek bar is characterized by a normal polarity interval bracketed by reversed polarities. Equating the normal zone with the Jaramillo subchron (0.99-1.07 myr) affords the simplest correlation to the magnetic polarity timescale. Western Cold Creek bar was likely deposited during the Brunhes chron (0-0.78 myr) since it exhibits mainly normal polarities with only two thin reversed-polarity horizons that we interpret as magnetic excursions during the Brunhes.  相似文献   

Pumice flow from the 1883 Krakatau eruption significantly differs in both mineral and chemical compositions from any other volcanic rocks or ejecta of the Krakatau group, which belong to the tholeiitic series. Lithic fragments of granitic Rock, discovered in the pumice flow, are similar to West Malayan granitic rocks. No other granitic rock occurs throughout the Krakatau group, therefore, we consider that the granitic fragments came from the underlying complex at depths, where they were captured as foreign materials by the magma.It is possible that sialic crustal materials plunged into depths along a peculiar tectonic structure located at the Sunda Strait, which appears to be a sheared portion caused by deformation of the Sunda arc due to differential movement between the Indo-Australian oceanic plate and the Eurasian continental crust. The crustal materials were partially melted and produced a magma of granitic composition. The magma was mixed with or assimilated by an ascending basaltic magma originating probably from the upper mantle. This resulted in a dacitic magma distinctly dominant in silica, alkalis and volatile components, and the 1883 Krakatau eruption, characterized by the pumice flow of dacitic composition, took place.  相似文献   

西安地质矿产研究所张录易研究员和西北大学华洪博士等近年在执行国家自然科学基金项目( 4 9772 0 81)、科学技术部《国家重基础研究发展规划》项目 ( G2 0 0 0 0 7770 1)、国土资源部国际合作和科技司自由探索项目 ( 2 0 0 0 4 38)、中国地质调查局地质调查项目 ( 1999130 0 0 130 11)和孙卫国优秀中青年人才专向基金资助的课题研究中 ,在陕西宁强新元古代末期灯影组高家山段上部发现与 Cloudina,Sinotubulites等管状动物骨骼化石共生的微体奇异骨骼化石类群 ,计有 :铆钉状、骨针状、多种分叉样式的管状、球状、半球状、具横分裂的两两相…  相似文献   

永久船闸边坡稳定性声发射监测   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李金河  玉国进 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):478-480
岩体声发射检测技术是岩质工程结构受力破坏的实时动态检测方法,声发射信号参数与岩质工程结构受力产生破裂损伤或破坏紧密关联,具有 一个测点监控范围大,实时提供信息等突出优点。永久船闸边坡稳定性声发射监测实现了对边坡岩体全天候自动化连续监测与数据处理。根据声发射数据的变化及“突变”,对边坡岩体稳定性及其发展趋势进行评价,并为船闸边坡岩体受力损伤开裂部位的加固,及时地提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

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