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为探索黄土-基岩型滑坡的降雨响应机制,以麟游县岭南滑坡为例,利用滑坡宏观变形破坏数据、岩土体测试与模拟计算相结合的方法,讨论了暴雨、连阴雨下岭南滑坡的地下水水位响应特征,相应应力路径下土体应力应变特征,对黄土-基岩型滑坡的破坏机制进行了研究。初步揭示:(1)滑坡体为粉质黄土状黏土,滑床为砂砾岩,渗透系数小,具有隔水性质。(2)黄土泥流与块体滑动是岭南斜坡的主要运动失稳方式。暴雨天气时黄土泥流频发,块体滑动的出现与连阴雨有关。(3)与降雨103mm的暴雨天气相比,连续降雨235.5mm,斜坡地下水位明显升高。(4)滑坡体粉质黄土状土具有剪胀特征。在暴雨背景下,表层土体孔隙水压力易消散,诱发低速运动的黄土泥流; 在连阴雨背景下,地下水水位以下的滑动面剪切破坏过程中,剪胀孔隙被地下水迅速补充,诱发的剧烈块体滑动,具有高危险性。  相似文献   

2013年1月11日云南省镇雄县发生特大山体滑坡灾害,造成赵家沟村民小组46人遇难和严重经济损失。基于数次滑坡现场调查和勘查所获得的基础数据,本文对滑坡特征及变形失稳机理进行了较系统的研究。(1)滑坡发育在崩坡积体中,坡体自后缘向前缘具有黏粒含量、密实度增加而孔隙度、透水性减小的特点;(2)滑坡后缘为飞仙关组强风化粉砂岩与崩坡积体的接触界面,滑动带为崩坡积体内含砾粉质黏土坡积层;(3)滑坡发生前,坡体后缘已发育张拉裂缝,前缘已发生小型鼓胀破坏,属典型蠕滑-拉裂变形破坏模式;(4)滑坡具有分块先后滑动特点,左、右及后缘边界坡体在主滑体后发生滑动,滑移过程中也存在分区现象;(5)滑带土为低液限含砾黏性土,呈液化流塑状态,抗剪强度低;(6)启程高速是斜坡应变能长期积累、瞬间释放的结果,滑程高速与滑坡体冲击液化有关,部分滑体存在临空飞行现象。建议加强滑源区两侧裂缝的变形监测和乌蒙山区类似坡体的灾害预警。  相似文献   

巴谢河(那勒寺河)流域地处陇西黄土高原西部临夏构造盆地中心,河北岸新老滑坡十分发育,那勒寺古滑坡就是其中最具代表性的一个,且因切坡建房,坡脚形成高20 m的临空面,存在一定危险性。笔者在野外调查滑坡发育特征的基础上,采用不连续布局优化法(Discontinuity Layout Optimization,DLO),分析了在天然状态、极端降雨以及地震工况条件下的滑坡稳定性。结果表明:在天然工况下其稳定系数为1.49,在极端暴雨及地震工况下的稳定性系数分别为0.95,0.96,可见其当前稳定,但在不利条件下存在失稳的可能。建议在滑坡体治理工程设计时采取前缘支挡、后缘及坡面疏通排水等综合防治措施,并尽快开展专业监测,切实保护坡脚和那勒寺镇居民的生命和财产安全。  相似文献   

基于P-CCNBD试样的岩石动态断裂韧度测试方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苟小平  杨井瑞  王启智 《岩土力学》2013,34(9):2449-2459
预裂的人字形切槽巴西圆盘(Pre-cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc,简称P-CCNBD)是将人字形切槽巴西圆盘(cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc,简称CCNBD)的切槽尖端再稍加切削制成直裂纹前沿的试样。利用霍普金森压杆对P-CCNBD砂岩试样进行径向冲击,完成I型动态断裂试验后再做数值分析得到岩石的动态断裂韧度。为了验证数值模拟的可靠性,先进行了无限平面中一条有限尺寸裂纹表面受冲击拉伸作用的动态有限元分析,结果表明,数值模拟的结果与Shi得到的结果非常吻合。将试验-数值法和他人的准静态法分别确定的砂岩的动态起裂韧度进行对比,两种方法得到的结果有一定的差异。采用试验-数值法,将比较成熟的直裂纹巴西圆盘(cracked straight-through Brazilian disc,简称CSTBD)和P-CCNBD两种试样测得的结果进行对比,两者吻合较好。得到的动态起裂韧度都有随着加载率的增加而增大的加载率效应。分析了准静态法的缺陷,认为试验-数值法得到的结果更为合理。  相似文献   

滑坡-涌浪灾害威胁沿河两岸居民生产生活安全和航道安全。当前尚缺乏同步提供流固两相运动矢量的相关物理试验分析系统,以深刻分析滑坡-涌浪产生机制。文章提出了基于流固两相识别的粒子图像测速(PIV)技术和试验实现方法。利用2560×1024像素的工业相机,该PIV技术可实现在3 m×1.5 m视窗下最小1.17 mm的空间分辨率和0.01 s内最小0.117 m/s的观测速度。同时,提出了与该系统方法有关的误差来源和克服相关问题的解决方法。利用相关硬件设施示范性构建了滑坡-涌浪两相运动观测平台,并编制了专门的解算软件。对三维柱体颗粒崩塌、二维柱体颗粒崩塌及其涌浪和水下崩塌-涌浪进行了展示性试验,取得了良好效果。该系统可以揭示广泛的岩土体及水体运动全过程,具有很好的应用前景;将为滑坡-涌浪及相关动力学领域研究提供强有力的研究工具。   相似文献   

This paper presents a synthesis of the works performed by various teams from France, Italy and Canada around the question of second‐order work criterion. Because of the non‐associative character of geomaterials plastic strains, it is now recognized that a whole bifurcation domain exists in the stress space with various possible modes of failure. In a first part these failure modes are observed in lab experimental tests and in discrete element modelling. Then a theoretical study of second‐order work allows to establish a link with the kinetic energy, giving a basis to explain the transition from a prefailure (quasi)static regime to a postfailure dynamic regime. Eventually the main features of geomaterials failure are obtained by applying second‐order work criterion to five different constitutive rate‐independent models—three being phenomenological and two micromechanical. As a whole this paper tries to gather together all the elements for a proper understanding and use of second‐order work criterion in geomechanics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For prediction of rockfalls, the failure of rock joints is studied. Considering these failures as constitutive instabilities, a second‐order work criterion is used because it explains all divergence instabilities (flutter instabilities are excluded). The bifurcation domain and the loading directions of instabilities, which fulfill the criterion, are determined for any piecewise linear constitutive relation. The instability of rock joints appears to be ruled by coupling features of the behavior (e.g., dilatancy). Depending on the loading parameters, instabilities can lead to failure, even before the plastic limit criterion. Results for two given constitutive relations illustrate the approach. Some given loading paths are especially considered. Constant volume (undrained) shear and τ‐constant paths are stable or not depending on the link between the deviatoric stress and strain along undrained paths, as found for soils. Some unstable loading paths are illustrated. Along these paths, failure before the plastic limit criterion is possible. The corresponding failure rules are determined. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

姜杉钰  王峰  樊笑英 《地质论评》2023,69(3):69031105-69031110
通过对当前地质工作转型升级时期的资金投入分析,梳理了财政投入和社会资金的现状特征和问题,进而提出了对策建议。研究结果显示,中国的地质工作正处于转型升级期,在资金投入上主要表现出资金投下滑总体趋势放缓、矿产勘查资金供需矛盾突出、新旧动能转换引领投资分化、科技和信息化投入仍需提升、投入空间格局正发生转变五大特征。研究认为,为进一步优化资金投入以适应新的发展形势,应该以中长期战略引领投资布局,强化两级财政的协同配合,多措并举吸引社会资本注入,完善财政投入评估调整机制。  相似文献   

The present paper investigates bifurcation analysis based on the second‐order work criterion, in the framework of rate‐independent constitutive models and rate‐independent boundary‐value problems. The approach applies mainly to nonassociated materials such as soils, rocks, and concretes. The bifurcation analysis usually performed at the material point level is extended to quasi‐static boundary‐value problems, by considering the stiffness matrix arising from finite element discretization. Lyapunov's definition of stability (Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse 1907; 9 :203–274), as well as definitions of bifurcation criteria (Rice's localization criterion (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Fourteenth IUTAM Congress, Amsterdam, 1976; 207–220) and the plasticity limit criterion are revived in order to clarify the application field of the second‐order work criterion and to contrast these criteria. The first part of this paper analyses the second‐order work criterion at the material point level. The bifurcation domain is presented in the 3D stress space as well as 3D cones of unstable loading directions for an incrementally nonlinear constitutive model. The relevance of this criterion, when the nonlinear constitutive model is expressed in the classical form (dσ = Mdε) or in the dual form (dε = Ndσ), is discussed. In the second part, the analysis is extended to the boundary‐value problems in quasi‐static conditions. Nonlinear finite element computations are performed and the global tangent stiffness matrix is analyzed. For several examples, the eigenvector associated with the first vanishing eigenvalue of the symmetrical part of the stiffness matrix gives an accurate estimation of the failure mode in the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous boundary‐value problem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been established that the second‐order work criterion is a general necessary condition for all instabilities by divergence in rate‐independent granular materials. The relation between the values of discrete second‐order work at the intergranular contact point level and its global macroscopic value is recalled at the beginning of this paper. Then, the basic purpose of the paper is tackled by an analysis of the main features of second‐order work criterion in relation with the granular microstructure. For that, it is considered a novel micromechanical model (the so‐called ‘H‐microdirectional model’), which has the property to involve three scales: grain scale, mesoscale with a specific granular configuration and continuum mechanics macroscale. Eventually, these exhibited features (a bifurcation stress domain and some instability cones) are qualitatively compared with the ones provided by direct numerical simulations issued from a discrete element model. The ultimate goal is to analyse what happens at the granular scale, when the macrosecond‐order work is vanishing at the macrolevel. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The volumetric compaction due to wetting processes is a phenomenon observed quite often in unsaturated soils. Under certain circumstances, saturation events can result into a sudden and unexpected collapse of the system. These phenomena are usually referred to as wetting‐induced collapses, without providing any detailed theoretical justification for this terminology. In order to predict in a general fashion the occurrence of coupled instabilities induced by saturation processes, a generalization of the theoretical approaches usually employed for saturated geomaterials is here provided. More specifically, this paper addresses the problem of hydro‐mechanical instability in unsaturated soils from an energy standpoint. For this purpose, an extension of the definition of the second‐order work is here suggested for the case of unsaturated porous media. On the basis of some examples of numerical simulations of laboratory tests, coupled hydro‐mechanical instabilities are then interpreted in the light of this second‐order energy measure. Finally, the implications of the theoretical results here presented are commented from a constitutive modelling perspective. Two possible alternative approaches to formulate incremental coupled constitutive relations are indeed discussed, showing how the onset of hydro‐mechanical instabilities can be predicted using an extended form of Hill's stability criterion. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为建立更符合岩石屈服与破坏机制的强度准则,基于能量转化是岩石屈服与破坏的本质属性,采用试验与理论分析相结合的方法,对岩石屈服与破坏准则进行了研究。以岩石强度与整体破坏准则为基础,通过引入弹性应变能释放分散系数,建立基于弹性应变能强度准则;分别采用M-C准则、Murrell准则、三剪能量准则、统一能量准则、三维H-B强度准则及基于弹性应变能岩石强度准则对盐岩和花岗岩的破坏强度进行了计算。结果表明,基于弹性应变能岩石强度准则的计算结果与试验值比较吻合(尤其是真三轴试验条件下),并且分析了产生上述结果的内在机制。所建立的强度准则仅需测定常规岩石力学参数(单轴抗压强度与泊松比),物理力学意义明确,对于定量描述岩石的屈服与破坏特性具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于能量原理盐岩的强度与破坏准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了盐岩变形过程中可释放弹性应变能与耗散能内在关系,并给出了基于弹性应变能的破坏准则。为了验证该准则的可行性,一方面利用Mohr准则、D-P准则、基于能量原理强度准则对围压分别为1、5、10、15 MPa一组三轴压缩试验进行了研究;另一方面,应用该准则对来源于其他文献的三轴试验数据就行了研究。研究结果表明,由于该准则仅需确定常规岩石力学参数,物理力学意义明确,试验值与理论值的相对误差较小,因此,该准则可作为盐岩破坏的判据。  相似文献   

基于抛物线型D-P准则的岩质边坡稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄宜胜  李建林  常晓林 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1448-1452
岩质边坡内通常会存在部分拉剪屈服区,因此,在岩质边坡的稳定性分析中采用能够同时考虑拉剪屈服和压剪屈服的H-B准则相较M-C准则来说更为合适。推导了基于H-B准则的抛物线型D-P准则,克服了H-B准则在数值计算中的困难。针对基于抛物线型D-P准则的有限元强度折减法,证明了折减抛物线型D-P准则材料参数的合理性。结合上述研究成果,分析了茨哈峡水电站右岸泄水边坡在天然状况下和泄水雾化状况下的稳定安全度。计算结果表明,该边坡在天然状况下是稳定的,但在泄水雾化状况下将会发生失稳。因此,需对该边坡采取工程处理措施,提高其稳定安全度,以防泄洪雾化失稳。  相似文献   

为了更准确、便捷地确定深埋地下工程中硬岩的力学行为,开展了如下研究:根据损伤与塑性演化存在相似机制,假设损伤阈值与初始屈服采用相同的确定方法,将岩石统一能量屈服准则作为损伤阈值的判定准则;基于Rabotnov对损伤变量的定义和Lemaitre应变等效性假设,并考虑未损伤部分的应力-应变关系符合广义虎克定律,提出了简化形式的硬岩损伤本构方程;为了更好地表达硬岩从低围压到高围压条件下的脆-延转化特性,提出了改进的Mazars损伤演化方程;基于锦屏T2b大理岩常规三轴压缩试验结果,对损伤模型参数进行求解,并分别与基于Mazars损伤演化方程和Mohr-Coulomb准则为损伤阈值判定准则的损伤模型进行对比,结果表明:提出的损伤模型可更好地表达硬岩从低围压的脆性到高围压的延性转变过程,特别是对损伤阈值后岩石的损伤演化过程的模拟更为精确,对硬脆性岩石的工程计算有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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