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The purpose of this paper is to find correlation between OI 6300 Å line intensity with solar and ionospheric parameters. A critical study have been made and the following important results are obtained:
(i)  Solar flare index plays more important role for the emissions of 6300 Å line than other solar parameters.
(ii)  Intensity of 6300 Å line increases linearly with the increase of solar flare index.
(iii)  Virtual height plays more important role than critical frequency for the emission of 6300 Å line-intensity.
(iv)  Possible explanation of this type of variation is also presented.

The paper presents the effect of O3 depletion on different night airglow emission lines. Calculations based on chemical kinetics show that the airglow intensity of Na5893Å, O5577Å and OH band emissions will also be affected due to the depletion of O3 concentration. Intensity of Na5893Å is calculated theoretically for Halley Bay (76° S,27° W), British Antarctic Survey Station, during the period 1973 to 1984. It is concluded from the covariation of different emission lines that O5577Å and OH emissions also follow the same trend of variation. A study has been made to find the correlation between the depletion of O3 concentration and total solar flare numbers. Important results are as follows:
(i)  Depletion of O3 is oscillatory upto 7932 solar flare numbers. The average trend of variation of O3 concentration is downward, i.e., O3 is depleted with the increase of total solar flare numbers.
(ii)  Afterwards, it follows a upward trend. Possible explanation of such type variation is also presented.

The paper presents the relations between different solar and ionospheric parameters. Variation of 5577 line intensity with the variation of solar and ionospheric parametersis also discussed. A study have been made and following important results are obtained:(i) Virtual height ofF layer is decreased exponentially with the increase of solar flare numbers, sunspot number and 10.7 cm solar flux.(ii) Linear relations between critical frequency ofF layer and different solar parameters are obtained.(iii) Empirical relations between ionospheric and solar parameters are established.(iv) It is concluded that airglow intensity will also be affected with the variation of different solar and ionospheric parameters.(v) It is concluded that airglow intensity is mainly affected by 10.7 cm solar flux among different solar parameters and virtual height plays important role than critical frequency ofF layer.  相似文献   

Intensity variation of Oi green line observed at Allahabad (25°32 N, 81°53 E) by a laboratorymade photometer has been reported here for the period January 1988 to December 1988. During the summer period of observation, slight enhancement in the intensity of evening and morning twilight emission is observed for a short duration of 4 min. However, winter observations show less pronounced enhancement in the intensity of evening twilight, while it does not occur during morning twilight. These observations are closely in agreement with those of Schaffer (1975).  相似文献   

Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Fe xii are used to derive the theoretical emission line ratio R 1 = I(195.1 Å)/I(1242 Å), which is potentially a useful electron density diagnostic for the solar inner corona (r 1.05 61-01). These results are found to be significantly different from the earlier estimates of Withbroe and Raymond (1984), but are in good agreement with the observed values of R 1, for the quiet Sun and an active region. Adoption of the R-matrix atomic data for the 1242 Å line in the coronal iron abundance determination removes an existing discrepancy between results derived from the EUV transition and other iron lines in the solar XUV spectrum. The R-matrix calculations confirm the prediction of Withbroe and Raymond that the earlier discrepancies in R 1 and the iron abundance were due to the 1242 Å line excitation rates being underestimated by a factor of ~2. Withbroe and Raymond's paper is, therefore, an excellent example of how astronomical observations can be used to accurately predict atomic physics data.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional equation of transfer is solved for the case of locally-controlled source function (LTE) and radiationally-controlled ionization. Horizontal fluctuations in electron temperature and macroscopic velocity fields are superposed on the basic one-dimensional model (cf. Altrock and Cannon, 1972). Output intensities are compared with observed rms intensity fluctuations and spatially-averaged intensities in Mg i 4571 Å. We find that at least one model (with a height-independent temperature fluctuation T/T=±0.02 in the range 0h450 km) can predict the magnitude of the intensity fluctuations in both the continuum and 4571 Å. The asymmetry of the line can be explained by adding a height-independent, temperature-correlated flow of amplitude 1 to 2 km s–1. The relationship between these results and other multi-dimensional analyses is discussed.On leave from Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

The excitation mechanism of the coronal green line in various coronal regions is studied. The line-to-continuum intensity ratio is calculated using the model electron density values given by Newkirk (1961) and is compared with the observed values. Reasonably good agreement is found between the model calculations and observed values. The model calculations show that collisional excitation is more important in the innermost regions while radiative contribution progressively increases towards outer regions. The individual contributions depend strongly on the activity of the particular coronal region. An increased contribution from collisional excitation is seen in coronal active regions owing to the large electron density. A contour map of the line-to-continuum intensity ratio as derived from the observations, is plotted. At 1.10R the value is about 80 in active regions, 30–40 in coronal streamers, while it is less than 10 in polar regions.  相似文献   

A study of the solar spectrum near helium 10 830 Å has shown that, where the line is very weak, the anomalous ratio of the two components is due almost certainly to faint blends. The centre-limb intensity variation over supergranule centres is in good agreement with an optically-thin law. The line is stronger over supergranule boundaries, and the ratio of the two components can be understood only if the absorbing elements have been resolved incompletely (as is probable); using centre-limb intensity variations, we have been unable to distinguish between unresolved horizontal platelets or inclined slabs.The integrated absorption in 10 830 Å over supergranule centres is double that at the boundaries. An analysis of the extension of 10 830 Å beyond the limb has failed to reveal the relative contributions from these two regions or their variations with height (though the supergranule-centre emission should be located relatively low). Line profiles in 10 830 Å, hydrogen Pa and Caii 8542 Å indicate that, out to at least 5000 km, line broadening is effectively non-thermal, with horizontal rms velocities of about 20 km s–1.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Some weak unidentified solar photospheric lines in the wavelength range: (3400–3465) Å may be due to PH lines of the (0, 0) band of the PH(A 3 i - X 3 -)system. These faint PH molecular lines have resulted an excitation temperature of the order of 4500 K. Using experimental lifetime data for PH in the A 3 i state, an absorption oscillator strength f 00 = 0.0075 is derived for the 3410 Å band of the PH (A 3 i - X 3 -)system. Accurate line positions, oscillator strength and transition probability for the 4.4 fundamental rotation-vibration band of the PH molecule are obtained. A comparison of positions of some lines of the 4.4 band with those obtained on new tracings of high resolution solar spectra shows many coincidences with weak solar lines.  相似文献   

Observations of emission in the Mgi b2 line at 5172 Å are presented for 13 flares. Also discussed are 3 flares which occurred in regions under observation but which showed no Mg emission. The Mg flare kernels resemble white-light flare kernels in their general morphology and location. Comparison of Mg filtergrams with magnetograms indicates that the Mg kernels occur at the feet of magnetic arches across neutral lines. Time-lapse Mg filtergram films indicate photospheric shearing motions near flare sites for several hours before flare onset. We have compared flare Mg emission with microwave and both hard and soft X-ray flare emissions. Examination at the time development of the 1981, July 27 flare shows that the microwave and X-ray bursts may be clearly related to the appearance of successive Mg flare kernels. We have also compared subjective, relative Mg flare importances with other flare emission measurements. For the full sample of flares, Mg importance is significantly correlated with hard and soft X-ray emission peaks, with X-ray ‘hardness’ (ratio of hard to soft peaks) and with the rise slope of soft X-ray bursts. The Mg importance does not correlate with the microwave peaks when the full sample of flares is used, but for the subset showing Mg emission there is significant correlation. No correlation with Hα importance was found. Our results suggest that Mg emission is associated with an impulsive component which may be absent from some flares. The San Fernando Observatory magnesium etalon filter system is described.  相似文献   

A photometer for the observation of twilight airglow emissions has been fabricated. Intensity variation in morning and evening twilight of 5577 Å line of atomic oxygen has been recorded at Allahabad for one year duration from 23rd March, 1987 to 22nd March, 1988. The enhancement in the intensity of the line is found to be irregular. Out of 40 clear evenings and 25 clear mornings from 23rd March, 1987 to 15th June, 1987 enhancement is observed in 24 evenings and 15 mornings. However, no enhancement is observed during the period from 15th September, 1987 to 15th October, 1987. It is found that rise and fall of intensity is exponential during twilight period. Considering different mechanism for the excitation of atomic oxygen green line, it is concluded that none of them are able to explain enhancement. More work is needed to be carried out for the better understanding of the problem.  相似文献   

High resolution profiles of the Mg xii 8.42 Å line in the solar X-ray spectrum were recorded from the Intercosmos 7 satellite. The Mg xii line intensity provides a sensitive indicator of the hot plasma content (T ? 3 × 106 K) in coronal condensations and X-ray flare volumes. The ratio of the line intensity to the intensity of the adjacent continuum has been used to compute approximate thermal models of the emitting regions. For all the investigated coronal condensations the temperature distribution of plasma has been found to be a function monotonically decreasing with temperature. But for some X-ray bursts there occurred a distinct excess of the hot plasma of temperature between 6–10 × 106K. FWHM values of the Mg xii line profiles have been used to estimate ion temperature in the emitting regions.  相似文献   

Low noise photoelectric measurements of the line profile of the g = 0 Fe line gl 5576.097 combined with determinations of the wavelength shift of its centre calibrated by use of an I 2 absorption tube are reported. Measurements taken at various limb distances (1.0 cos 0.2) and along 4 different diameters of the Sun are used to investigate the behaviour of the line asymmetry (C-shape) and wavelength shift of the line centre as functions of cos and of latitude and to search for possible pole-equator differences.An accuracy of approx. 0.8 mÅ r.m.s. is achieved for the determination of the centre of the solar line relative to the iodine lines and of 0.3 mÅ to 1 mÅ r.m.s. for the relative variations of the C-shape. The analysis shows a significant difference between the limb-effect curves along polar and equatorial diameters for cos 0.4 and changes of the C-shape for 0.9 cos 0.6 with a rather strong indication of a latitude dependence of the C-shape. This latitude dependence may account for the so-called ears observed by Howard et al. (1980) who used the well-known Doppler compensator method which integrates the line asymmetry from the line wings to the core.Mitteilungen aus dem Kiepenheuer-Institut Nr. 207.  相似文献   

The influence of the chromospheric condensation on H line profiles for the thermal model of a solar flare has been empirically studied in this paper. The so-called thermal model here means that there is no temperature increase relative to the quiet-Sun chromosphere but with a chromospheric condensation in the lower part of its transition region, which case is assumed to represent the early stage of the impulsive phase. The main results include: when the temperature within the condensation region is assumed to be equal to that in front of it, the influence is to create an additional absorption profile overlapping on the original one; by increasing the condensation strength, the H line profile changes from a little line-center increase to broadened red asymmetry, then to the reversed red asymmetry, and finally to two independent absorption profiles; the thickness of the condensation determines the absorption of the additional profile; descending the transition region has no obvious effect on the basic characteristic of the H line profile except a little increase in the line center. Assuming that the temperature within the condensation is higher than that ahead of the condensation, the calculated H line profiles may be strong enough to be comparable with the observations. This means that if the condensation in the purely thermal model can reach a higher temperature, we may also use only thermal origin to explain a chromospheric flare.Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, on leave from Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to a computation of the effect of a magnetic field on the linear polarization of the coronal L line of hydrogen. Recent works (Gabriel et al., 1971) have shown that the linear polarization of this line is due to resonant scattering of the incident chromospheric L line. The Hanle effect is the modification of this linear polarization, due to the magnetic field. After having briefly recalled the main features of this effect and the conditions of the coronal L line formation, we present the theoretical formalism to be used for Hanle effect computations. The effect of the hyperfine structure of the line is included. Then the results of our computations are given in terms of linear polarization as a function of the magnetic field. We get that the effect of the hyperfine structure on these results is negligible, although this is not evident a priori. When the hyperfine structure is neglected, the line structure is simplified and the Hanle effect can be expressed with analytical formulae, which we give in the last part of this paper. After integration along the line of sight, these formulae could be used for magnetic field determination in the solar corona from measurements of the linear polarization of the L line.  相似文献   

The diffuse radiation in the upward direction at the top and at an internal level of an inhomogeneous atmosphere is computed at =0.40 m. The surface is assumed to reflect light in accordance with a hybrid mode of a diffuse and specular reflector. The objective is to estimate the effect of underlying surface characteristics in terms of the diffuse radiation field. By making use of these results, accuracy in monitoring the atmospheric aerosols would be increased for the use of remote sensing satellite techniques. Junge power lawv *=3 is adopted for the size distribution of aerosols (1963), while the data given by McClatchyet al. (1971) is used for the number density of aerosols with height distribution. It is noted from the computations that the diffuse reflection radiation is affected by the surface characteristics, even if the albedo of the surface is a fixed constant and very small.On leave from the Meterological Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.bl]References  相似文献   

An exceptional solar terrestrial event was initiated by the ejection of plasma from the Sun on 14 December 1971 and was followed by a spectacular pattern of soft particle precipitation into the polar cap, which evolved in a slowly changing sequence until 21 December. The storm was characterized by high proton fluxes in space and near the Earth, an extended interval of northward Bz, a highly developed ring current and widespread polar cap particle fluxes. These varied from a dayside “butterfly pattern” early in the event, to highly structured Sun-aligned polar cap patterns late in recovery. A number of polar cap ground-based measurements were compiled and are reported upon. The storm seems reminiscent of the great red auroras of the IGY and some common features are noted. The 6300 Å emission is shown to result largely from direct excitation by low energy electrons, of a few hundred eV. Since the emission covered the Earth's high-latitude dayside region nearly to the invariant pole it indicates a magnetospheric topology that permits entry of low energy plasma over this region or of mechanisms which allow the generation or penetration of the plasma.  相似文献   

The discovery of K I 7699 Å line strength variations during the 1982–1984 eclipse of ε Aurigae is described. The equivalent widths and radial velocities of the K I 7699 Å line derived from spectra obtained during 1981 November–1983 July with the 2.1 m Otto Struve reflector telescope of the McDonald observatory are presented.  相似文献   

A calculation of the equilibrium charge acquired by interstellar grains is given, which takes account of polarization charges that are induced in a grain by incident ions and electrons.Both metal and dielectric grains are considered and photoionization of the latter grains by UV radiation is taken into account where necessary. It is found that the inclusion of the polarization charges in the calculation is only important in gas clouds where the mean charge on a grain is low (<1e); that is, for HI regions and dense molecular clouds. In such clouds, the effect of the polarization charges is to increase the amount of negative charge acquired by a grain. A discussion is given concerning the validity of the classical electrostatic theory employed in the paper for small grains of radius 10–6 cm, and some astrophysical consequences of the modification of the grain charge by polarization effects are considered.  相似文献   

Evening twilight airglow emissions of OH (7,2) band and Li 6708 Å are observed by Dunn-Manring type photometer and following important results are obtained.
  1. Intensity of OH (7,2) and Li (6708 Å) decrease exponentially during evening twilight period.
  2. OH (7,2) band covaries with Li (6708 Å) during evening twilight period.
  3. Empirical equations of OH (7,2) band with time is obtained.
  4. Possible explanations of such type of variations is also presented.

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