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New oxygen isotope data are presented for submarine lavas erupted close to the transition between the oceanic Kermadec island arc and the continental Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Volcanic glasses display δ18O values ranging from +5.65‰ to +5.83‰, clinopyroxenes range from +5.23‰ to +5.78‰ and olivines range from +4.83‰ to +5.47‰. Coexisting glass and phenocrysts in the lavas are in isotopic equilibrium, with one exception. Oxygen isotope ratios of back-arc lavas erupted through oceanic crust are indistinguishable from mid-ocean ridge basalts or lavas erupted in nearby back-arc settings. Although lavas from the arc front display elevated oxygen isotope ratios, the magnitude of 18O-enrichment is too great to result from recycling of subducted material alone. A single back-arc lava erupted through continental crust is also relatively 18O-rich suggesting that the most likely origin for the high δ18O signature is limited amounts of interaction between continental crust and melts derived from a mantle wedge that has been variably fluxed by recycled oxygen. The results of modelling open system behaviour in this volcanic system highlight the need for strong controls on the composition of local contaminants. Application of ‘average' crustal lithologies, as in other volcanic provinces, may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the involvement of local basement.  相似文献   

Lower Carboniferous lavas from the Midland Valley and adjacent regions of Scotland are mildly alkaline and intraplate in nature. The sequence is dominated by basalt and hawaiite, although mugearite, benmoreite, trachyte and rhyolite are also present. Basic volcanic rocks display the LIL element and LREE enrichment typical of intraplate alkali basalt terrains. Low initial87Sr/86Sr (0.7029–0.7046), high εNd (−0.4 to +5.6) and moderately radiogenic206Pb/204Pb (17.77–18.89) ratios are also comparable with alkali basalts from other continental rifts and oceanic islands.When the Carboniferous lavas are compared with subduction-related lavas of Old Red Sandstone age, erupted in and around the Midland Valley ca. 50 Ma earlier (at 410 Ma) remarkable similarities are apparent. Significant overlap occurs in Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. Sr isotopic compositions are, however, more radiogenic in the older subduction-related lavas. This, combined with high K and Rb concentrations in ORS lavas may be explained by the incorporation of a sediment component derived from the subducted slab, which by Lower Carboniferous times had been lost from the mantle source region by convection. A pronounced negative Nb anomaly in the ORS subduction-related lavas may be explained by the retention of a Nb-bearing phase in the mantle during hydrous melting of the mantle wedge above the subduction zone.Allowing for the effects of the added component from the subducted slab, there appears to be no necessity to invoke separate mantle source regions for the two suites of lavas: both may have been derived from chemically similar portions of mantle. If volcanic arc lavas are derived from the mantle wedge, the implication is that such a source lies at relatively shallow depth within the upper mantle: the same may therefore apply to the Carboniferous continental rift basalts. This evidence, combined with the fact that there is no evident hot-spot trail across the Midland Valley despite a long period of within-plate volcanism and rapid plate movements during the Carboniferous, suggests that the alkali basalt magmatism is not the product of a deep-seated mantle plume. Rather, the volcanism appears to owe more to passive rifting and to diapiric upwelling from a source region within the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

The Salal Creek area, at the north end of the main group of vents for the Quaternary Garibaldi (Cascade) Volcanic Belt, southwestern British Columbia, was the site of several small eruptions of mafic lava during the past 1 Ma. In contrast to the calc-alkaline character of all other parts of the Garibaldi Belt and the geographically nearly coincident Miocene and older Pemberton Volcanic Belt, the Salal Creek area Quaternary lavas are predominantly alkaline basalt and hawaiite with typical alkaline volcanic petrography, chemistry, and fractionation trends. Trace elements Ti-Zr-Y show within-plate character for the suite. As for other Garibaldi Belt volcanic rocks, Rb is low, Rb/Sr very low, and 87Sr/86Sr ratio is low, averaging 0.7032. The oxygen isotopic composition average, 18O = 5.9, is normal for mantle-derived volcanic rocks.This distinct change in magma type at the end of a volcanic are may be the consequence of a smaller degree of melting, melting at a slightly greater depth than calc-alkaline magma production, or a descending-plate edge effect.Ponded flows and pillow-palagonite accumulations indicate that several Salal Creek area eruptions occurred in proximity to ice which filled major valleys during pre-Wisconsin glacial periods.  相似文献   

The Palei-Aike volcanic field, the southernmost unit of the Patagonian plateau lavas, consists of Pleistocene to Recent alkali olivine basalts petrologically and geochemically similar to alkali basalts from diverse tectonic environments. The Palei-Aike basalts have lower SiO2 and Al2O3 and higher TiO2 and P2O3 than published analyses of other Patagonian plateau basalts. Garnet, garnet + spinel-, and phlogopite-peridotites, not reported from other Patagonian plateau lavas or from elsewhere in South America, are common inclusions within Palei-Aike lavas along with spinel-lherzolite, dunite, granulites, and aluminous clinopyroxene megacrysts. The inclusion of these high-pressure assemblages indicates a mantle origin for the Palei-Aike lavas. The Patagonian plateau lavas are located in a tectonic position similar to back-arc basins, and their origin may be a consequence of subduction. The origin and distinct chemical features of the Palei-Aike basalts may be due in part to thermal or mechanical perturbations of the mantle related to changes in plate boundaries and motions in the vicinity of the unstable trench-transform triple junction formed by the South American, Antarctic and Scotia plates.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks from the Philippine tectonic plate recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 31, 58 and 59 have been analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios. Samples include rocks from the West Philippine Basin, Daito Basin and Benham Rise (40–60 m.y.), the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (29–44 m.y.) and the Parece Vela and Shikoku basins (17–30 m.y.). Samples from the West Philippine, Parece Vela and Shikoku basins are MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7026−0.7032, 143Nd/144Nd= 0.51300−0.51315, and 206Pb/204Pb= 17.8−18.1. Samples from the Daito Basin and Benham Rise are OIB (oceanic island basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7038−0.7040, 143Nd/144Nd= 0.51285−0.51291 and 206Pb/204Pb= 18.8−19.2. All of these rocks have elevated 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb compared to the Northern Hemisphere Regression Line (NHRL) and have δ207Pb values of 0 to +6 and δ208Pb values of +32 to +65. Lavas from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge, a remnant island arc, have 87Sr/86Sr= 7032−0.7035, 143Nd/144Nd= 0.51308−0.51310 and 206Pb/204Pb= 18.4−18.5. Unlike the basin magmas erupted before and after them, these lavas plot along the NHRL and have Pb-isotope ratios similar to modern Pacific plate MORB's. This characteristic is shared by other Palau-Kyushu Arc volcanic rocks that have been sampled from submerged and subaerial portions of the Mariana fore-arc.At least four geochemically distinct magma sources are required for these Philippine plate magmas. The basin magmas tap Source 1, a MORB-mantle source that was contaminated by EMI (enriched mantle component 1 [31]) and Source 2, an OIB-like mantle source with some characteristics of EMII (enriched mantle component 2 [31]). The arc lavas are derived from Source 3, a MORB-source or residue mantle including Sr and Pb from the subducted oceanic crust, and Source 4, MORB-source or residue mantle including a component with characteristics of HIMU (mantle component with high U/Pb [31]). These same sources can account for many of the isotopic characteristics of recent Philippine plate arc and basin lavas. The enriched components in these sources which are associated with the DUPAL anomaly were probably introduced into the asthenosphere from the deep mantle when the Philippine plate was located in the Southern Hemisphere 60 m.y.b.p.  相似文献   

The Mascota volcanic field is located in the Jalisco Block of western Mexico, where the Rivera Plate subducts beneath the North American Plate. It spans an area of ∼ 2000 km2 and contains ∼ 87 small cones and lava flows of minette, absarokite, basic hornblende lamprophyre, basaltic andesite, and andesite. There are no contemporary dacite or rhyolite lavas. New 40Ar/39Ar ages are presented for 35 samples, which are combined with nine dates from the literature to document the eruptive history of this volcanic field. The oldest lavas (2.4 to 0.5 Ma) are found in the southern part of the field area, whereas the youngest lavas (predominantly < 0.5 Ma) are found in the northern portion. On the basis of these ages, field mapping, and the use of ortho aerial photographs and digital elevation models, it is estimated that a combined volume of 6.8 ± 3.1 km3 erupted in the last 2.4 Myr, which leads to an average eruption rate of ∼ 0.003 km3/kyr, and an average volume per eruptive unit of < 0.1 km3. The dominant lava type is andesite (2.1 ± 0.9 km3), followed by absarokite (1.6 ± 0.8 km3), basaltic andesite (1.2 ± 0.5 km3), basic hornblende lamprophyre (1.0 ± 0.4 km3), and minette (0.9 ± 0.5 km3). Thus, the medium-K andesite and basaltic andesite comprise approximately half (49%) of the erupted magma, with twice as much andesite as basaltic andesite, and they occur in close spatial and temporal association with the highly potassic, lamprophyric lavas. There is no time progression to the type of magma erupted. A wide variety of evidence indicate that the high-MgO (8–9 wt.% ) basaltic andesites (52–53% wt.% SiO2) were formed by H2O flux melting of the asthenopheric arc mantle wedge, whereas the mafic minettes and absarokites were formed by partial melting (induced by thermal erosion) of depleted lithospheric mantle containing phlogopite-bearing veins. There is only limited differentiation of the potassic magmas, with none more evolved than 55.4 wt.% SiO2 and 4.4 wt.% MgO. This may be attributable to rapid crystallization of the mantle-derived melts in the deep crust, owing to their low volumes. Thus, the andesites (58–63 wt.% SiO2) are notable for being both the most voluminous and the most evolved of all lava types in the Mascota volcanic field, which is not consistent with their extraction from extensively crystallized (60–70%), low-volume intrusions. Instead, the evidence supports the origin of the andesites by partial melting of amphibolitized, mafic lower crust, driven by the emplacement of the minettes, absarokites, and the high-Mg basaltic andesites.  相似文献   

Abstract Nekoma volcano forms part of the arc axis volcanic array of the North-eastern Honshu arc, Japan, which is commonly characterized by medium-K lava suites. However, Nekoma is exceptional because many of its lavas are low-K. This anomaly has been a matter of debate. Nekoma was active from 1.1 to 0.35 Ma. The volcano consists of thick andesite flows and domes associated with block and ash flow deposits produced during lava dome formation. A horseshoe-shaped collapse caldera was formed at the summit and small lava domes extruded into the caldera. Stratigraphy, published K–Ar ages, and tephrochronology define three stages of volcanic activity, about 1.1 Ma (Stage 1), 0.8–0.6 Ma (Stage 2) and 0.45–0.35 Ma (Stage 3; post caldera stage). Low-K andesites occur in all stages. Extremely low-K andesite was also associated in Stage 2 and medium-K andesite was dominant in Stage 3. In general, lavas changed from low-K to medium-K after caldera formation. Geochemical study of the Nekoma lavas shows that both low-K and medium-K lavas are isotopically similar and were derived from a common source. Adatara and Azuma volcanoes, which lie close to Nekoma, also have both low-K and medium-K andesites. However, Sr isotope ratios or temporal-spatial variations in K-level lava classification vary between the three centers. Comparisons of K suites and Sr isotope ratios with frontal arc volcanoes in North-east–Honshu suggest source heterogeneity existed in both medium- and low-K suites. The K contents of lavas and their Sr isotopes are not simply related. This requires re-examination of models for chemical variation of andesites in arcs.  相似文献   

Detailed studies indicate that the main rock type of the Neogene high-potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rock association from north Qiangtang is andesite, dacite and rhyolite. They belong to typical crust-generation magmatic system and originate from the special thickened crust of the Tibetan Plateau by dehydration melting. This group of rocks exhibits LREE enrichment but no remarkable Eu anomaly that shows their source region should be a thickened deep crust consisting of eclogitic mass group, implying that the crust had been thickened and an eclogitic deep crust had been formed during the Neogene period in Qiangtang area. This understanding is important and significant to making further discussion on the uplift mechanism and continental dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   


Detailed studies indicate that the main rock type of the Neogene high-potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rock association from north Qiangtang is andesite, dacite and rhyolite. They belong to typical crust-generation magmatic system and originate from the special thickened crust of the Tibetan Plateau by dehydration melting. This group of rocks exhibits LREE enrichment but no remarkable Eu anomaly that shows their source region should be a thickened deep crust consisting of eclogitic mass group, implying that the crust had been thickened and an eclogitic deep crust had been formed during the Neogene period in Qiangtang area. This understanding is important and significant to making further discussion on the uplift mechanism and continental dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau.


Calc-alkalic chemical trends characteristic of arc volcanic rocks mainly result from three mechanisms which act additively: (1) fractional crystallization involving separation of titanomagnetite; (2) selective concentration of plagioclase phenocrysts and selective depletion of titanomagnetite phenocryst compared with the actually fractionated proportion; and (3) mixing of magmas on continuous fractionation trends. The association of calc-alkalic and tholeiitic trends in a single composite volcano may not represent different fractional crystallization processes or different chemistries of primary magmas, but the calc-alkalic chemical trend can be considered as a mixing trend resulting from mixing of various magmas on associated tholeiitic chemical trends. Chemical variations of most arc volcanic rocks, including calc-alkalic ones, can accordingly be essentially accounted for by the low-pressure fractional crystallization of phenocrystic phases from primary basaltic magmas.Crystallization sequences of arc magmas which are strongly dependent on water content in magmas are deduced from the phenocryst assemblages. The crystallization sequence changes laterally across-arc, suggesting increasing water contents in magmas toward the back-arc side, as is also seen for other incompatible elements such as K and Rb. Systematic differences in the characteristic crystallization sequence are also observed among arcs, roughly correlating with the crustal thickness. Water content in magma, like other incompatible elements, tends to increase with increasing crustal thickness. The variation of incompatible elements including water roughly represents that of the degree of partial melting of the upper mantle, which is broadly controlled by the crustal thickness.The variation of water content indicates that arc magmas are not saturated with water during differentiation to late differentiates such as dacite or rhyolite. This strongly constrains the maximum water contents in primary basaltic magma, at most 2.5 wt.%. This value suggests that magma generation beneath arcs is dependent on dry solidus of peridotite. Diapiric uprise of the hot deeper mantle and associated adiabatic decompression would be necessary for mantle peridotite to attain the temperature as high as dry solidus. Diapirs that begin to rise from the subduction zone may stop at or near the crust-mantle boundary because of the surrounding density change, and their degree of partial melting is roughly controlled by their stopped depth assuming their similar temperature. Across-arc variation is also explained by the stopped depth of diapirs, but is not controlled by crustal thickness.  相似文献   

A detailed petrological study of the Banda Arc volcanism, documented by extensive microprobe whole-rock and mineral analysis, shows that the apparent geographical eastwards continuity of the Sunda Arc conceals a major geochemical discontinuity adjacent to the southern end of the Weber Deep beneath Serua. The alkali contents and Sr isotope ratios suggest that Nila, Teun and Damar form one volcanic group distinct from Banda and Manuk, and Serua is in the border discontinuity, reflected in its widely fluctuating Fe/Mg partitioning between mineral phases and its variable Sr isotope ratios. With the exception of basalt from S. W. Ambon, all lavas are quartz normative and typical of an ensimatic oceanic island arc. They range from tholeiitic basalt and dacite on S. W. Ambon and Banda, through low-K calc-alkaline andesites on Manuk and Serua, to high-K calc-alkaline andesites on Nila, Teun, Damar, Gunung Api north of Wetar, and Romang which also contains dacite. The higher potassium contents are normally contained in biotite and hornblende, and occasionally in the groundmass glass. Increasing potassium from Banda to Manuk may be related to increasing Benioff Zone depth between the 100 to 200 km contours, but the lavas of Gunung Api north of Wetar have insufficient potassium to be derived from the underlying 400–500 km Benioff Zone. Older cordierite dacites (ambonites) on North Ambon must be derived from a underlying continental crust, but the younger tholeiitic lavas of S.W. Ambon and Banda may be related to a shallow subduction zone dipping southwards from Seram.  相似文献   

Greenrocks are very common in the Tananao Schist of eastern Taiwan where the known fossils are of Permian in age. Fourty-four greenrock samples were chemically analysed and their magma types studied. The chemical composition of the greenrocks have marked variation common in volcanic rock series. The greater parts of the greenrocks belong to basalt and a smaller portion to basaltic andesite (SiO2 53 %–58 %). They are probably isochemical with their original igneous rocks except for volatile components. No striking Fe-enrichment exists in a MgO-ΣFeO-(Na2O=K2O) diagram. Based on (Na2O=K2O)-Al2O3-SiO2 diagrams afterKuno (1960), the parent magma of the rocks mostly belong to the high-alumina basalt series and only a few to alkali olivine basalt series. The high-alumina basalt can be looked upon as having an incipient trend for the calc-alkaline or the hypersthene series ofKuno (1959). The average K/Rb ratio of 460, the average TiO2 percentage of 1.5 %, and low K2O of around 0.5 % seem to warrant a conclusion that the basaltic rocks were poured out in the upper Paleozoic eugeosyncline on an embryonic continental crust. Considering the rock association of amphibolite plus serpentine (dismembered ophiolite), meta-graywacke, metachert, crystalline limestone, metaarkose, and metabasites in the Tananao Schist, the most probable site for the eugeosyncline may been an extensional trough near the fragmented paleo-Asiatic margin.  相似文献   

The melting and crystallisation relations of some calc-alkaline lavas from the eastern Sidlaw Hills, Perthshire, have been investigated at I atmosphere pressure. From the close correspondence between the observed phenocryst assemblages and the order of appearance of phases in the melting experiments, it is concluded that fractionation in the Sidlaw lavas was a low pressure phenomenon and probably took place in the presence of water.  相似文献   

The Upper Tertiary to Quaternary volcanic complex of Kouh-e-Shahsavaran in southeastern Iran is composed of calc-alkaline rocks of island are type (high-alumina basalts, basic andesites, andesites and dacites) even though it was emplaced on the continental basement. The volcanic rocks of the complex are genetically related and were probably derived by low-pressure fractional crystallization of high-Al basalts. The anomalously high content of Sr in some rocks probably reflects an accumulation of plagioclase. The trace element data are consistent with the origin of the parental magma by partial melting of an “enriched” upper mantle peridotite.  相似文献   

The Spurr volcanic complex (SVC) is a calc-alkaline, medium-K, sequence of andesites erupted over the last 250000 years by the eastern-most currently active volcanic center in the Aleutian arc. The ancestral Mt. Spurr was built mostly of andesites of uniform composition (58%–60% SiO2), although andesite production was episodically interrupted by the introduction of new batches of more mafic magma. Near the end of the Pleistocene the ancestral Mt. Spurr underwent avalanche caldera formation, resulting in the production of a volcanic debris avalanche with overlying ashflows. Immediately afterward, a large dome (the present Mt. Spurr) formed in the caldera. Both the ash flows and dome are made of acid andesite more silicic (60%–63% SiO2) than any analyzed lavas from the ancestral Mt. Spurr, yet contain olivine and amphibole xenocrysts derived from more mafic magma. The mafic magma (53%–57% SiO2) erupted during and after dome emplacement from a separate vent only 3 km away. Hybrid block-and-ash flows and lavas were also produced. The vents for the silicic and mafic lavas are in the center and in the breach of the 5-by-6-km horseshoe-shaped caldera, respectively, and are less than 4 km apart. Late Holocene eruptive activity is restricted to Crater Peak, and magmas continue to be relatively mafic. SVC lavas are plag ±ol+cpx±opx+mt bearing. All postcaldera units contain small amounts of high-Al2O3, high-alkali amphibole, and proto-Crater Peak and Crater Peak lavas contain abundant pyroxenite and anorthosite clots presumably derived from an immediately preexisting magma chamber. Ranges of mineral chemistries within individual samples are often nearly as large as ranges of mineral chemistries throughout the SVC suite, suggesting that magma mixing is common. Elevated Sr, Pb, and O isotope ratios and trace-element systematics incompatible with fractional crystallization suggest that a significant amount of continental crust from the upper plate has been assimilated by SVC magmas during their evolution.  相似文献   

The response of a barotropic coastal ocean on a step-shaped continental shelf to a traveling sinusoidal wind stress forcing is predicted theoretically using a frictional force proportional to the alongshore current velocity. This theory is compared to a small set of observations from the northeast coast of Australia where a sudden widening of the continental shelf provides a geographical origin. The comparison is accomplished by means of frequency response functions relating alongshore wind stress with alongshore velocity. Amplitudes of the response functions are predicted to increase with alongshore distance equatorward and also to decrease with frequency at any location. These predictions are verified by the measurements. Predicted phase lags are generally less than about 30°, with observations agreeing with theory to within about 20°C. In general, the measurements provide reasonable evidence to support the theory of wind-forced continental shelf waves from a geographical origin.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of radioactive elements(Th, U, K) and selected trace elements(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) in a set of 29 volcanic rocks of the West Carpathians was studied. The rock types follow the typical calc-alkaline sequence from basaltic andesites to rhyolites with average contents of SiO2, K2O, Th, U, Rb, Ba and Zr increasing, and with average contents of TiO2, Al2O3, FeOt, MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5, Sr, V, Cr and Ni decreasing from less to more acid rocks. Statistically significant differences in the contents of Th, U, Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, K2O, CaO and P2O5, found between the pyroxene andesites of Central and Eastern Slovakia, may indicate that the volcanism in both regions took place under different conditions. The andesites of Central Slovakia are characterized by relatively high contents of Th, U and Rb as opposed to the andesites from other volcanic areas, e.g., from the intraoceanic island arcs, the Andes or the Mexican volcanic belt.
Резюме Иссле?rt;овaлось рaсnре?rt;еленuе рa?rt;uоaкmuвных(Th, U, K) u некоmорых ре?rt;кuх(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) элеменmов в нaборе 29 uзбрaнных вулкaнuческuх орных nоро?rt; с mеррumорuu Зana?rt;ных Кaрnam. Рaсnре?rt;еленuе uзучaемых злеменmов nре?rt;сmaвлено mрен?rt;aмu, nрuвычнымu ?rt;ля nоро?rt; uзвесmняк-щелочно о ря?rt;a. Сре?rt;нuе со?rt;ержaнuя SiO2, K2O, Th, U, Rb, Ba, u Zr nовыщaюmся, в mо время кaк со?rt;ержaнuя TiO2, Al2O3, FeOt, MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5, Sr, V, Cr u Ni nонuжaюmся в нanрaвленuu оm основных к кuслым munaм орных nоро?rt;. Сmamuсmuческu знaчumельные рaзнuцы ?rt;ля со?rt;ержaнuŭ Th, U, Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, K2O, CaO u P2O5, нaблю?rt;aемые меж?rt;у руnnaмu nuроксеновых aн?rt;езumов ценmрaльноŭ u восmочноŭ Словaкuu, nокaзывaюm, чmо вулкaнuзм в эmuх облaсmях nрохо?rt;uл в рaзнообрaзных условuях. Ан?rt;езumы ценmрaльноŭ Словaкuu хaрaкmерны оmносumельно nовыщеннымu со?rt;ержaнuямu Th, U u Rb, коmорымu оmлuчaюmся оm aн?rt;езumов ?rt;ру uх ву лкaнuческuх облaсmеŭ, нanрuмер aн?rt;езumов внуmрuокеaнuческuх осmровных ?rt;у , южых Ан?rt; uлu Мексuкaнско о вулкaнuческо о nоясa.

An extensive geochemical survey of the fluids released by the volcanic/geothermal system of Methana was undertaken. Gases were characterized based on the chemical and isotopic [helium (He) and carbon (C)] analysis of 27 samples. Carbon dioxide soil gas concentration and fluxes were measured at 179 sampling sites throughout the peninsula. Forty samples of thermal and cold groundwaters were also sampled and analysed to characterize the geochemistry of the aquifers.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic ratio (He, C, H and O) analysis of hydrothermal manifestations on Pantelleria island, the southernmost active volcano in Italy, provides us with the first data upon mantle degassing through the Sicily Channel rift zone, south of the African–European collision plate boundary. We find that Pantelleria fluids contain a CO2–He-rich gas component of mantle magmatic derivation which, at shallow depth, variably interacts with a main thermal (100°C) aquifer of mixed marine–meteoric water. The measured 3He/4He ratios and δ13C of both the free gases (4.5–7.3 Ra and −5.8 to −4.2‰, respectively) and dissolved helium and carbon in waters (1.0–6.3 Ra and −7.1 to −0.9‰), together with their covariation with the He/CO2 ratio, constrain a 3He/4He ratio of 7.3±0.1 Ra and a δ13C of ca. −4‰ for the magmatic end-member. These latter are best preserved in fluids emanating inside the active caldera of Pantelleria, in agreement with a higher heat flow across this structure and other indications of an underlying crustal magma reservoir. Outside the caldera, the magmatic component is more affected by air dilution and, at a few sites, by mixing with either organic carbon and/or radiogenic 4He leached from the U–Th-rich trachytic host rocks of the aquifer. Pantelleria magmatic end-member is richer in 3He and has a lower (closer to MORB) δ13C than all fluids yet analyzed in volcanic regions of Italy and southern Europe, including Mt. Etna in Sicily (6.9±0.2 Ra, δ13C=−3±1‰). This observation is consistent with a south to north increasing imprint of subducted crustal material in the products of Italian volcanoes, whose He and C (but also O and Sr) isotopic ratios gradually evolve towards crustal values northward of the African–Eurasian plate collision boundary. Our results for Pantelleria extend this regional isotopic pattern further south and suggest the presence of a slightly most pristine or ‘less contaminated’, 3He-richer mantle source beneath the Sicily Channel rift zone. The lower than MORB 3He/4He ratio but higher than MORB CO2/3He ratio of Pantelleria volatile end-member are compatible with petro-geochemical evidence that this mantle source includes an upwelling HIMU–EM1-type asthenospheric plume component whose origin, according to recent seismic data, may be in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions were determined for hydrothermal quartz, calcite, and siderite from core samples of the Newberry 2 drill hole, Oregon. The δ15O values for these minerals decrease with increasing temperatures. The values indicate that these hydrothermal minerals precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with water currently present in the reservoirs. The δ18O values of quartz and calcite from the andesite and basalt flows (700–932 m) have isotopic values which require that the equilibrated water δ18O values increase slightly (− 11.3 to −9.2‰) with increasing measured temperatures (150–265°C). The lithic tuffs and brecciated lava flows (300–700 m) contain widespread siderite. Calculated oxygen isotopic compositions of waters in equilibrium with siderite generally increase with increasing temperatures (76–100°C). The δ18O values of siderite probably result from precipitation in water produced by mixing various amounts of the deep hydrothermal water (− 10.5 ‰) with meteoric water (− 15.5 ‰) recharged within the caldera. The δ13C values of calcite and siderite decrease with increasing temperatures and show that these minerals precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with CO2 of about −8 ‰.The δ18O values of weakly altered (<5% alteration of plagioclase) whole-rock samples decrease with increasing temperatures above 100°C, indicating that exchange between water and rock is kinetically controlled. The water/rock mass ratios decrease with decreasing temperatures. The δ18O values of rocks from the bottom of Newberry 2 show about 40% isotopic exchange with the reservoir water.The calculated δ18O and δD values of bottom hole water determined from the fluid produced during the 20 hour flow test are −10.2 and −109‰, respectively. The δD value of the hydrothermal water indicates recharge from outside the caldera.  相似文献   

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