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介绍美国、欧洲、中国90年代高级天气雷达监测网建设与发展概况和瑞士的Met-Net高级气象雷达数据网系统的主要技术特色  相似文献   

赵凡 《国土资源》2007,(10):8-17
是谁带来远古的呼唤?是谁留下千年的期盼……隆升于地球新生代的青藏高原,是世界上最高、最年轻、地壳最厚的高原,她的活动仍未停止,被称为"世界第三极"的迷一样的青藏高原,抹上了太多的色彩,埋藏着太多未解之迷,充满了永远的诱惑,吸引着一代代地质工作者,去那里探寻远古的奥秘。  相似文献   

沙虫体腔液中含有多种细胞,包括红细胞、盘状细胞、吞噬细胞和一些尚未明确命名的细胞。在对其体腔液细胞组成进行扫描电镜观察中发现:未添加抗凝剂一肝素的样品各种细胞黏附成团,细胞明显变形,未能反映出细胞的真实形态;而肝素通过抑制红细胞凝血酶原转变成凝血酶等多步凝血反应,能有效的抑制体腔液中细胞间的凝结,从而观测到均匀散布、形态正常的细胞形态,为进一步实验提供图像依据。  相似文献   

设计以AT89S51单片机为核心器件,结合按键电路、LED数码管显示电路、存储电路、报警指示电路和开锁机构,利用单片机灵活的编程设计和丰富的I/O端口,及其控制的准确性通过软件程序来控制整个系统实现电子密码锁的基本功能.系统能实现密码的输入、清除、显示,限时输入完整密码,密码正确开锁,超时报警.超位报警,密码错误次数超次锁定键盘,系统设定初始密码和用户修改密码功能.系统功能实用,成本较低,具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

介绍了臭氧消毒机控制系统的设计和实现。着重讨论了如何利用定时器协调各种操作,实现使用者控制意图。  相似文献   

沙虫体腔液中含有多种细胞,包括红细胞、盘状细胞、吞噬细胞和一些尚未明确命名的细胞。在对其体腔液细胞组成进行扫描电镜观察中发现:未添加抗凝剂-肝素的样品各种细胞黏附成团,细胞明显变形,未能反映出细胞的真实形态;而肝素通过抑制红细胞凝血酶原转变成凝血酶等多步凝血反应,能有效的抑制体腔液中细胞间的凝结,从而观测到均匀散布、形态正常的细胞形态,为进一步实验提供图像依据。1实验样品与测试方法1.1实验材料的制备磷酸缓冲液戊二醛固定液配方:A液:磷酸氢二钠(Na2HPO4·7H2O)7.164 g加双蒸水定容至100mL,B液:磷酸二氢钠(NaH2P…  相似文献   

开发了利用扫描仪扫描地震记录图纸,对图像进行数字化的软件。该软件除具有一般地震波形数字化软件的功能外,还具有如下特点:对因超出扫描仪幅面而分块扫描的地震图像可自动拼接;对图像整体无级缩放或局部任意放大而不会失真;数字化后的波形与原始记录波形直接重叠比较,可大大提高数字化波形的速度和可靠率;自动修复限幅波形和自动进行弧形矫正。  相似文献   

如何快速有效地获取高精度、高分辨率的地理空间信息数据已经成为城市智慧化发展的重要问题,本文分析了三维街景地图的发展现状与目前多数街景数据采集手段存在的问题,介绍了利用中海达一体化移动三维激光测量系统采集点云数据的过程,以及结合徕卡CYCLONE软件进行建模的方法,对原始测量的点云数据进行去噪、平滑、拼接配准等处理后得到目标建筑物精准的表面信息,进而构建三维表面模型,将校正过的照片进行纹理映射得到真实的三维模型。实验证明:此方法可快速地获取较为精准的点云数据并且实现对建筑物的快速建模。  相似文献   

基于Windows下溢出漏洞扫描技术的网络渗透分析与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络渗透技术在信息安全领域里扮演着重要的角色。漏洞扫描技术是网络渗透最基本的技术之一,对目前流行的几种网络渗透技术进行了介绍,对漏洞扫描技术的分类和实现进行了分析,对Windows下的溢出漏洞扫描方法进行了研究,并就WinE000的PNP溢出漏洞(MS05-039)的扫描进行分析和代码实现。  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected at three sites along the coast of Qingdao, China, before and during a major dust storm in March, 2002. For comparison, PM10(particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10μm) samples were collected at one of the three sites. The morphological observation and compositional analysis of bulk and individual particles were performed by using scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray system (SEM/EDX) for the TSP and PM10 samples. The results showed that the particles of different kinds of morphology had different elemental compositions, but the particles of similar morphology did not always have the same elemental composition for non-dust samples. The morphology and composition of non-dust particles were different at different sites. The fractal and spherical particles existed mainly in the coarse fraction for non-dust samples, while in the fine mode (〈 10μm) there were floccules formed by fine particles flocking together and containing crustal elements. Compared with the non-dust particles, the dust particles were more homogeneous in terms of morphology, particle size and composition. Particles with irregular shapes and well-distributed sizes dominated in the dust samples, containing crustal elements such as Mg, A1, Si, Ca, Fe, etc. The high sulfur content indicated that homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions took place on the surfaces of the dust particles in the specific environment of Qingdao.  相似文献   

阿基米德曾说过:"给我一个支点,我就能撬动地球"。在桂北峰峦叠翠的群山之中,活跃着一支英雄的找铀队伍——广西三一○核地质大队。他们正以"科  相似文献   

本文初步探讨了彩色扫描地图上点状符号自动识别的方法及软件设计的模型和框架.彩色扫描地图上规则符号的主要视觉特征是颜色、形状及大小.识别符号建立在符号模式库的基础上,根据模式库中提供的颜色类型,通过颜色分层方法去寻找彩色扫描地图上的目标,然后提取其轮廓线,获取形状和大小等特征量,最后用符号特征相量与模式库中的特征相量相匹配,对符号进行判别分类,并通过坐标转换,输出符号的中心点地理坐标及符号的其他对应属性.本文最后以彩色地图上电信号强度符号的识别为实例,论述了具体应用系统的设计和开发.  相似文献   

本文对郗山稀土矿进行实物地质资料数字化工作的基础上,重点对该矿钻孔岩心进行高光谱扫描,利用光谱诊断特征进行蚀变矿物识别,识别出热液蚀变矿物主要有蒙脱石、伊蒙混层、伊利石、高岭石、碳酸盐矿物、金云母、绿泥石、白云母、蛋白石、石膏等,其中与稀土矿化关系密切的主要为金云母、绿泥石,总结了蚀变分带特征,提取主要蚀变矿物的光谱特征参数,实现主要蚀变矿物在钻孔垂向上的半定量表达。对主要蚀变矿物各自特征峰位置进行特征峰位移统计,发现主要蚀变矿物各自特征峰位移明显区域与矿化(矿体)段(热液蚀变带区域)具有良好对应一致性。其中,Al-OH峰位,即2200nm特征峰位置(Pos2000),在2190~2220nm之间进行“漂移”,且普遍大于2205~2210nm部位能准确指示热液蚀变带区域,可用于指示成矿环境,确定找矿方向及预测找矿,是郗山矿区稀土矿体找矿的又一重要标志。  相似文献   

2007年8月下旬,省国土资源厅总工程师吴国昌带队,赴津巴布韦及塞拉利昂就有关矿业勘查及开发政策进行了访问和考察。  相似文献   

随着电子科学和技术的发展,近年来生产的摄像机广泛采用了CCD(Charge-Coupled Device:电荷耦合器件)等最新技术。对新技术在摄像机中的具体应用作一详尽地介绍和分析。  相似文献   

走近豫东大地——商丘市,记者惊喜地发现:这里2005年国土资源管理工作可以说是喜事连连,捷报频传。其中,尤为精彩的一件就是,全市190个乡镇国土资源管理机构,全部实现了“机构上划.人员优化”。全市乡镇国土资源所人员由体制改革前的2400余人精减为426人,昔日的乡所臃肿情况不见了踪影,且无一人上访,社会各界反映之好.超出了人们的想象。  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation is to reveal possible causes of isolation and co-occurrence of the economically significant concentrations of gold and tin. Comparative analysis of the different-rank factors that influenced migration and concentration of these elements show that different geochemical properties of Au and Sn are responsible for isolation of their big concentrations giving rise to independent metallogenic provinces, zones, and ore nodes. These differences resulted in individualization of the element migration ways to the level of ore concentration within the fluid-magmatic columns. Three main factors influenced the Au and Sn migration activity: different patterns of metal connection with the melt structure, different relation with oxygen, and different relation with other strong oxidizers. By the moment when ore-bearing fluid became isolated from magmas, the metallogenic signature of the melts, contrasting in redox-potential, had already been defined that was confirmed by the fact that tin ores associate predominantly with the granitoids of ilmenite series and gold ores with those of magnetite series. The fluid-magmatic systemswith an intermediate degree of the melt reduction-oxidation may be considered the potential producers of the combined metal concentrations. In these cases, the combined concentrating of tin and gold is plagued by an opposite direction of the oxidation-reduction reactions when their most common minerals are formed: the main migration form of Sn+2 must be oxidized (with cassiterite portioning) , and the forms of Au+ or Au+3 must be reduced (with native gold portioning) . Probably, because of this the combined tin and gold concentrations are dominated by one of the metals with a tendency of accumulation in different-stage mineral complexes.  相似文献   

通过介绍湖北省气象局网络安全需求,分析了现有网络系统存在的安全弱点,利用目前主要的网络安全防御技术,设计了一个整体的网络安全系统,为湖北省气象局网络安全系统的后续建设和实施提供了具体的思路。  相似文献   

“现在我们这里有一个重要变化,县委、县政府在确定招商引资项目时,一般都是先征求一下我们的意见,看是否:符合土地利用规划和产业政策。”  相似文献   

Parametamorphic rocks from Arong County in southeastern Inner Mongolia- Daxinganling district are regarded as Proterozoic in age, belonging to the Wolegen Group and composed of volcanoclastic and sand- stone in origin, and have been disputed in tectonic setting. Because of the stability in metamorphism, the rare earth elements indicate the features of their protoliths. The authors integrated the petrologic methods with the geochemical parameters which include ЕREE, ЕLREE/NHREE, δCe, δEu, La/Yb, Sm/Nd, Th/Sc and the standard values of chondrite. The results show that the protoliths of Wolengen Group may be a group of volcanoclastic and continental margin clastic rocks, and their tectonic setting is the continent island arc.  相似文献   

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