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Abstract The Hercynian granitic basement which forms the Tenda Massif in NE Corsica represents part of the leading edge of the European Plate during middle-to-late Cretaceous (Eoalpine) high P metamorphism. The metamorphism of this basement, induced by the overthrusting of a blueschist facies (schistes lustrés) nappe, was confined to a major ductile shear zone (c. 1000m thick) within which deformation increases upwards towards the overlying nappe. Metamorphism within the basement mostly records lower blueschist facies conditions (crossite + epidote) except near the base of the shear zone where the greenschist facies assemblage albite + actinolitic amphibole has developed instead of crossite. Study of the primary mafic phase breakdown reactions within hornblende granodiorite reveals the following metamorphic zonation. Zone 1: biotite to chlorite. Towards zone 2: biotite to phengite. Zone 2: Hornblende to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + sphene, and biotite to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + phengite + Ti-ore + epidote. Zone 3: Hornblende to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + sphene, and biotite to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + Ti-ore + sphene ± epidote. P-T conditions at the base of the shear zone are estimated to have been 390-490°C at 600-900 M Pa (6-9kbar) and the Corsican basement is therefore deduced to have been buried to 20-30 km during metamorphism. This relatively shallow metamorphism contrasts with some other areas in the Western Alps where the Eoalpine event apparently buried the European continental crust to depths of 80 km or more. As there is no evidence for a long history of blueschist facies metamorphism prior to the involvement of the European continent, it is deduced that the Eoalpine blueschists were produced during the collision of the Insubric plate with Europe, rather than during Tethyan intraoceanic subduction. Coherent blueschist terrains such as the schistes lustres probably record buovant feature collision and obduction tectonics rather than any preceding oceanic subduction.  相似文献   

Abstract The Paikon Series is considered to be a volcanic arc sequence with a mainly neritic sedimentary sequence and bimodal tholeiitic volcanism of early Mesozoic age. The metamorphic assemblages are syn- to post-kinematic with respect to a pre-Tithonian tectonic phase and range from the lawsonite-chlorite-albite facies through transitional Na-amphibole-greenschist facies to the chlorite sub-zone of the greenschist facies. The metamorphic imprint of the Paikon Series corresponds to a temperature range from less than 330° C to ± 450° C under a total pressure from 3 kbar to 6–7 kbar. The overprinting of these facies on an earlier blueschist assemblage, related either to a subduction zone or to a tectonic overpressure caused by thrusting, is suspected.  相似文献   

Abstract Comparison of the stability relations of Fe-piemontite, Pm17Ps17Cz66 (Ca2Al2Mn0.5 Fe0.5Si3O12(OH)), with similar experimentally determined results on Pm33Cz67 suggests that, at moderate fo2, addition of Fe to piemontite raises its thermal stability and slightly decreases its sensitivity to oxygen fugacity. Reversal study of the reaction: Fe-piemontite + quartz = garnet (Gr33Sp27And40) + anorthite + fluid at Pfluid= 2 kbar in cold-seal apparatus using solid oxygen buffers was completed. The data indicated breakdown of Pm17Ps17Cz66 at 645°± 10° C along the Cu2O–CuO buffer, 477°± 10° C along the Cu–Cu2O buffer, and 365°± 10° C for the hematite-magnetite buffer. Mn-free clinozoisite and epidote have been shown to be stable to much higher temperatures than piemontite at moderate fo2 (< Cu–Cu2O). At very high fo2, however, the presence of Mn+3 in a distorted octahedral site may permit persistence of piemontite to higher temperatures than Mn-poor epidote minerals. The compositional range of natural Fe–Mn–Al piemontites supports these results. Cation partitioning from piemontite-bearing parageneses also indicates crystallization at high fo2, but application of the cited results should be made with caution. Synthetic phases were too fine-grained for optical or microprobe analysis, and reaction was often incomplete. The assumption that all Fe + Mn was contained in piemontite and garnet, respectively, in the low- and high-temperature assemblages is supported by the cell dimensions for these synthetic minerals, which are close to predicted values. The reaction is pseudo-univariant, as solid solution in garnet and piemontite would be fo2-dependent in a more complex chemical system. Although bulk rock and fluid compositions may also have a marked effect on the stability of natural epidote–piemontite, fo2 is the major control on Fe : Mn : Al in epidote minerals.  相似文献   

The Tenda crystalline massif (northern Corsica) is a fragment of the western Corsica basement involved in the Alpine orogeny. Rhyolite dykes crosscutting the gabbroic complex of Bocca di Tenda (southern sector of the Tenda crystalline massif) show an unusual metamorphic mineral assemblage, defined by jadeite‐bearing (up to 46 mol percentage) aegirine, riebeckite, celadonite‐rich phengite (Si=3.50–3.65 apfu), quartz, albite and K‐feldspar. Jadeite‐bearing aegirine and riebeckite mostly occur as coronas around jadeite‐free aegirine and arfvedsonite, respectively, which both are relics of igneous origin. This metamorphic assemblage reflects the peralkaline compositions, which are characterised by anomalously high contents of SiO2 and Na2O, and negligible CaO and MgO. The evolved rocks of the gabbroic sequence (quartz‐diorites to tonalites) and the surrounding granitoids are characterised by the development of riebeckite/ferroglaucophane, epidote, celadonite‐rich phengite and albite, thus pointing to a metamorphic crystallization in the epidote‐blueschist facies. In all the studied rocks, metamorphic reactions were controlled by fluid‐assisted mass‐transfer through grain boundaries and microfractures. The different mineral assemblages allow the peak P–T metamorphic conditions to be constrained to between 0.8 GPa/300 °C and 1.1 GPa/500 °C. These estimates attest to a geothermal gradient (dT/dP) of 10–13 °C km?1 and indicate that the Tenda crystalline massif was buried to a minimum depth of 27 km during the Alpine orogeny. The blueschist facies recrystallization in the Tenda crystalline massif has been related to the cessation of an eastward‐dipping subduction event.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of ductile deformation (dislocation creep) on the kinetics of the aragonite-calcite transformation has been studied at 1 atm (330° C and 360° C) and 900-1500 MPa (500° C) using undeformed and either previously or simultaneously deformed samples (500° C and a strain rate of 10-6 s). Deformation enhances the rate of the transformation of calcite to aragonite, but decreases the rate of transformation of aragonite to calcite. The difference results from a dependence of transformation rate on grain size, coupled with a difference in the accommodation mechanisms, climb versus recry-stallization, of these minerals during dislocation creep. Dislocation climb is relatively easy in calcite and thus plastic strain results in high dislocation densities without significant grain size reduction. The rate of transformation to aragonite is enhanced primarily because of the increase in nucleation sites at dislocations and subgrain boundaries. In aragonite, on the other hand, dislocation climb is difficult and thus plastic strain produces extensive dynamic recry-stallization resulting in a substantial grain size reduction. The transformation of aragonite is inhibited because the increase in calcite nucleation sites at dislocations and/or new grain boundaries is more than offset by the inability of calcite to grow across high angle grain boundaries. Thus the net effect of ductile deformation by dislocation creep on the kinetics of polymorphic phase transformations depends on the details of the accommodation mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract Textural evolution and compositional variation of clinopyroxenes in Ward Creek metabasites are described. Pyroxenes change, with increasing grade, from finegrained aggregates through fan-shaped medium-grained prisms to blocky coarse crystals. Characteristic features of metamorphic pyroxenes include: (1) the occurrence of coexisting pyroxene pairs, the compositions of which are used to delineate compositional gaps; (2) the existence of large compositional variations of pyroxenes, within a single specimen, which record a considerable span of P and/or T for crystallization; and, (3) the development of compositional trends in single specimens and in three metamorphic zones which are progressive in nature. The first formed clinopyroxene (Jd20Aug65Ac15) in the lower lawsonite zone mimics the composition of relict igneous augite. It changes continuously, with increasing grade, at nearly constant low XJd content towards acmite. At a composition around Jd20Aug30Ac50, the trend turns towards jadeite and intersects a solvus to form two coexisting clinopyroxenes in the middle lawsonite zone. At higher grade, the compositional gap becomes restricted towards the jadeite-omphacite join and clinopyroxene increases in XJd toward jadeite. A reversed compositional trend occurs at higher grade; clinopyroxenes decrease in jadeite component at nearly constant Aug/Ac ratio of 50/50 and finally become omphacite in the uppermost pumpellyite and epidote zones. The Na–Ca pyroxenes, close to the binary join Jd–Ac, occur in the lawsonite- and pumpellyite-zones, ranging from XJd= 1.0–0.30 together with Ab and Qz. The ubiquitous occurrence of aragonite at temperature estimates of 170–240° C by Taylor & Coleman (1968) for these zones does not support the low-temperature extrapolation of the Jd–Ab–Qz curve by Holland (1980). The estimated metamorphic field gradient indicates an inflection point at 7 kbar, 200° C. Below this, blueschist facies metamorphism proceeded under dominant pressure-increase from 4 to 7 kbar at nearly constant temperature, about 150–200° C, whereas at higher grade recrystallization, above the inflection point, the metamorphic temperature increased from 200 to 350° C at nearly constant pressure, about 7–8 kbar. Such an inflection point suggests the depth of underplating of either seamounts or accretionary packages in a subduction zone.  相似文献   

Abstract Sapphirine-bearing rocks occur in three conformable, metre-size lenses in intrusive quartzo-feldspathic orthogneisses in the Curaçà valley of the Archaean Caraiba complex of Brazil. In the lenses there are six different sapphirine-bearing rock types, which have the following phases (each containing phlogopite in addition): A: Sapphirine, orthopyroxene; B: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, spinel; C: Sapphirine, cordierite; D: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, quartz; E: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, sillimanite, quartz; F: Sapphirine, cordierite, K-feldspar, quartz. Neither sapphirine and quartz nor orthopyroxene and sillimanite have been found in contact, however. During mylonitization, introduction of silica into the three quartz-free rocks (which represent relict protolith material) gave rise to the three cordierite and quartz-bearing rocks. Stable parageneses in the more magnesian rocks were sapphirine–orthopyroxene and sapphirine–cordierite. In more iron-rich rocks, sapphirine–cordierite, sapphirine-cordierite–sillimanite, cordierite–sillimanite, sapphirine–cordierite–spinel–magnetite and quartz–cordierite–orthopyroxene were stable. The iron oxide content in sapphirine of the six rocks increases from an average of 2.0 to 10.5 wt % (total Fe as FeO) in the order: C,F–A,D–B,E. With increase in Fe there is an increase in recalculated Fe2O3 in sapphirine. The four rock types associated with the sapphirine-bearing lenses are: I: Orthopyroxene, cordierite, biotite, quartz, feldspar tonalitic to grandioritic gneiss; II: Biotite, quartz, feldspar gneiss; III: Orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase meta-norite; IV: Biotite, orthopyroxene, quartz, feldspar, garnet, cordierite, sillimanite granulite gneiss. The stable parageneses in type IV are orthopyroxene–cordierite–quartz, garnet–sillimanite–quartz and garnet–cordierite–sillimanite. Geothermobarometry suggests that the associated host rocks equilibrated at 720–750°C and 5.5–6.5 kbar. Petrogenetic grids for the FMASH and FMAFSH (FeO–MgO–Al2O3–Fe2O3–SiO2–H2O) model systems indicate that sapphirine-bearing assemblages without garnet were stabilized by a high Fe3+ content and a high XMg= (Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+)) under these P–T conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Granulites at Fyfe Hills in Enderby Land, Antarctica, crystallized at temperatures in excess of 850°C, and possibly as high as 1000°C, and at pressures of 8-10kbar during the mid to late Archaean. A number of features, including repeated retrograde metamorphism at 5.5-8kbar, retrograde reaction textures, and rimward zoning in pressure sensitive systems, suggest that following peak metamorphism the granulites stabilized at a depth of 18-26 km. After stabilization, the granulites cooled near-isobarically to temperatures of 600-700°C. Assuming a total crustal thickness of 35-40 km during this late Archaean interval of isobaric cooling, the peak metamorphic crustal thickness is estimated at 35-56 km. This estimate is significantly less than the 60-70 km obtained by summing the depths of the present levels of exposure (26-34 km) and the thickness of the crust presently beneath Fyfe Hills (approxi-mately 35km) and is, therefore, consistent with independent evidence for extensive post-Archaean thickening of the Enderby Land crust.  相似文献   

In Alpine Corsica, the Jurassic ophiolites represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Ligure‐Piemontese Basin located between the Europe/Corsica and Adria continental margins. In the Balagne area, a Jurassic ophiolitic sequence topped by a Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover crops out at the top of the nappe pile. The whole ophiolitic succession is affected by polyphase deformation developed under very low‐grade orogenic metamorphic conditions. The original palaeogeographic location and the emplacement mechanisms for the Balagne ophiolites are still a matter of debate and different interpretations for its history have been proposed. The deformation features of the Balagne ophiolites are outlined in order to provide constraints on their history in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of Alpine Corsica. The deformation history reconstructed for the Balagne Nappe includes five different deformation phases, from D1 to D5. The D1 phase was connected with the latest Cretaceous/Palaeocene accretion into the accretionary wedge related to an east‐dipping subduction zone followed by a Late Eocene D2 phase related to emplacement onto the Europe/Corsica continental margin. The subsequent D3 phase was characterized by sinistral strike‐slip faults and related deformations of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age. The D4 and D5 phases were developed during the Early Oligocene–Late Miocene extensional processes connected with the collapse of the Alpine belt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Boi Massif of Western Timor the Mutis Complex, which is equivalent to the Lolotoi Complex of East Timor, is composed of two lithostratigraphical components: various basement schists and gneisses; and the dismembered remnants of an ophiolite. Cordierite-bearing pelitic schists and gneisses carry an early mineral assemblage of biotite + garnet + plagioclase + Al-silicate, but contain no prograde muscovite; sillimanite occurs in a textural mode which suggests that it replaced and pseudomorphed kyanite at an early stage and some specimens of pelitic schist contain tiny kyanite relics in plagioclase. Textural relations between, and mineral chemistries of, ferro-magnesian phases in these pelitic chists and gneisses suggest that two discontinuous reactions and additional continuous compositional changes have been overstepped, possibly with concomitant anatexis, as a result of decrease in Pload during high temperature metamorphism. The simplified reactions are: garnet and/or biotite + sillimanite + quartz + cordierite + hercynite + ilmenite + excess components. P-T conditions during the development of the early mineral assemblage in the pelitic gneisses are estimated to have been P + 10 kbar and T > 750°C, based upon the plagioclase-garnet-Al-silicate-quartz geobarometer and the garnet-biotite geothermometer. P-T conditions during the subsequent development of cordierite-bearing mineral assemblages in the pelitic gneisses are estimated to have been P + 5 kbar and T + 700°C with XH2O < 0.5, based upon the Fe content of cordierite occurring in the assemblage quartz + plagioclase + sillimanite + biotite + garnet + cordierite coexisting with melt. Final equilibration between some of the phases suggests that conditions dropped to P > 2.3 kbar and T > 600°C. A similar exhumation P-T path is suggested for the pelitic schists with early metamorphic conditions of P > 6.2 kbar and T > 745°C and subsequent development of cordierite under conditions in the range P = 3-4 kbar and T = 600-700°C. The tectonic implications of these P-T estimates are discussed and it is concluded that the P-T path followed by these rocks was caused by decompression during rifting and synmetamorphic ophiolite emplacement resulting from processes during the initiation and development of a convergent plate junction located in Southeast Asia during late Jurassic to Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

Identifying higher pressure units overlying lower pressure ones is a first order argument to determine the presence of large‐scale thrusting. For the first time, petrology is used to quantify the pressure difference between two stacked units in the Western Alps. In the Gran Paradiso Massif, the Money unit crops out as a tectonic window below the Gran Paradiso unit. The reconstruction of the Alpine evolution of these two units and the history of their tectonic contact has been achieved using a multidisciplinary approach that combines meso‐ and microstructural analysis and pseudosection calculations. In both units, four stages of deformation and metamorphism have been identified. Stage 1 reflects the phase of continental crust subduction and P–T conditions of ~18–20 kbar, 480–520 °C and of ~13–18 kbar, 500–530 °C have been estimated for the Gran Paradiso and the Money units respectively. This yields a maximum difference of ~20 km in the depth reached by these two units during the early Alpine history. Thrusting of the Gran Paradiso unit over the Money unit (stage 2) led to the development of the main foliation and occurred in the high‐P part of the albite stability field at P–T conditions of ~12.5–14.5 kbar and 530–560 °C, identical in both units. The thrust contact was folded during stage 3 together with the entire Money unit, and then both units were exhumed together (stage 4). During this polyphase evolution, detrital garnet has been partially dissolved, while the earliest Na‐bearing phases (glaucophane, paragonite) have been overprinted by the low‐P mineral associations. The uncertainties on derived pressures between the two units are unfortunately larger than hoped, and this is attributed to the muscovite solid‐solution model not incorporating a pyrophyllite component.  相似文献   

Abstract The preserved array of pressures in the eastern Dalradian indicates that considerable syn- to post-metamorphic differential uplift has occurred. This inferred differential uplift suggests that Buchan sillimanite zone rocks originally lay at higher structural levels than presently adjacent cooler kyanite zone rocks to the west. A number of features are believed to coincide with the western margin of the sillimanite zone. These are a maximum in temperature, sharp thermal features, a high strain zone, and a train of metabasites. These features are explained by invoking syn-metamorphic movement between the Buchan sillimanite zone and the kyanite zone to its west, involving some horizontal component of movement. It is suggested that the lateral, now eroded, equivalents of the Buchan area once provided part of the required tectonic thickening for other parts of the Dalradian. Areas surrounding the Buchan area suffered tectonic burial followed by metamorphism during uplift relative to the Buchan area.  相似文献   

A structural, petrological and geochronological (U‐Th‐Pb of zircon and monazite) study reveals that the lower crust sequences of the Variscan high‐grade basement cropping out between Solenzara and Porto Vecchio, south‐east Corsica (France) have been tectonically juxtaposed along with middle crustal rocks during the extrusion of the orogenic root of the Variscan chain. We propose that a system of high‐temperature, orogen‐parallel shear zones that developed under a transpressive dextral tectonic regime caused the exhumation of the entire sequence. This tectonic complex is thus made up of rocks having undergone different P–T conditions (eclogite‐?, high‐pressure granulite facies and amphibolite facies) at different times, reflecting the progressive foreland migration of the orogenic front. The Solenzara granulites were derived from burial of continental crust to high‐pressure (1.8–1.4 GPa) and high‐ to ultrahigh‐temperature conditions (900–1000 °C) during the Variscan convergence: U–Pb ELA‐ICPMS zircon dating constrained the timing of this metamorphism at c. 360 Ma. The gneisses cropping out at Porto Vecchio are middle crustal‐level rocks that reached their peak temperature conditions (700–750 °C at <1.0 GPa) at c. 340 Ma. The diachronism of the metamorphic events, the foliation patterns and their geometry suggest that the granulites were exhumed to middle crustal levels through channel flow tectonics under continuous compression. The amphibolite facies gneisses of Porto Vecchio and the granulites of Solenzara were accreted through the development of a major dextral mylonitic zone forming under amphibolite facies conditions: in situ monazite isotope dating (ELA‐ICPMS) revealed that this deformation occurred at c. 320 Ma and was accompanied by the emplacement of syntectonic high‐K melts. A final HTLP static overprint, constrained at 312–308 Ma by monazite U‐Th‐Pb isotope dating, is related to the emplacement of the igneous products of the Sardinia‐Corsica batholith and marks the transition from the Variscan orogenic event to the Permian extension.  相似文献   

Abstract A study has been made of the high-pressure early-Alpine re-equilibration in the eclogites and metasedimentary cover of the Val d'Ala di Lanzo ophiolite. All of the main high-pressure minerals have been analysed and their compositions used to determine re-equilibration temperatures. The minimum conditions proposed ( P = 1.3 GPa, T = 450–460°C) are also indicated by the presence of a jadeite+quartz-bearing metagranite.
The temperatures are compared with those reported for similar eclogites from the Voltri Group, the Aosta Valley and the Valais. Comparison of recalculated temperatures shows that the temperature (and probably the pressure) of the eclogitic re-equilibration increased in the Aosta Valley and the Valais, in keeping with what has been observed in the internal Penninic basement of the Gran Paradiso and Monte Rosa crystalline massifs.  相似文献   

Abstract Pelitic assemblages from all major Witwatersrand gold fields record metamorphic conditions of the greenschist facies, with minimal regional grade changes over at least 200 km strike length. Diagnostic metamorphic assemblages are less common in the volumetrically dominant quartzites, the actively-exploited auriferous conglomerates and some of the regionally persistent metapelitic horizons. Bulk rock composition has been a major control on assemblage development.
Key metapelitic assemblages include pyrophyllite, chloritoid, chlorite and muscovite in each gold field, with less common metamorphic biotite. Accessory minerals are pyrite, tourmaline, rutile and zircon. The abundance of chloritoid and pyrophyllite in thin shaly units, together with their minor, but widespread, distribution in quartzites and conglomerates, indicate that metamorphic temperatures reached 350°C ± 50°C in all the gold fields. Pressures are less-well constrained, 1–2 kbar being inferred. Outside the gold fields, higher grades are indicated by andalusite and kyanite near granitoid domes and later intrusions.
The temperatures during peak metamorphism and the abundance of pyrite provide ideal conditions to (re)mobilize gold and may explain its secondary textural features.  相似文献   

Abstract A major system of steep Caledonian shear zones, of regional extent, has been identified in NE Scotland. The shear zones affect a wide range of lithologies, including Argyll and Southern Highland Group Dalradian, 'Younger Basic'intrusives and their hornfelses, and also the earlier of the more acid intrusions. The observed fabrics and parageneses are consistent with low-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism. These shear zones represent a phase of movement which occurred in the 490-465 Ma interval when ambient temperatures were still high, and it is concluded that this is the principal control on the metamorphic grade achieved within the shear zones, although local anomalies may exist.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(5):384-394
In Corsica, continental units (the Lower Units) affected by high-pressure metamorphism represent the remains of the European margin deformed during the Alpine orogeny. In order to document how Alpine deformation and metamorphism changed along the European margin involved in the Alpine subduction, we selected three key areas: the Corte, Cima Pedani, and Ghisoni transects. The three transects show a broadly similar lithostratigraphy. They are characterized by a Variscan basement intruded by Permo-Carboniferous metagranitoids, and by a sedimentary cover including Mesozoic carbonates and middle to late Eocene breccias and sandstones. The three transects recorded a similar deformation history with three deformation phases. Thermo-baric estimations, instead, reveal that each unit was exhumed along an independent retrograde path within the orogenic Alpine wedge. In particular, the lowest units of the Lower Units stack were exhumed along an isothermal path, whereas those located at upper structural levels experienced progressive heating.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Scourian Complex have been intensively studied, but there is still no consensus as to the conditions of the granulite-facies metamorphism preserved in these rocks. Recent estimates of these conditions fall into two groups, one at 820-920°C and ca. 11 kbar and the second at ca. 1000°C and >12 kbar. Investigation of a variety of rocks shows that the recorded conditions vary with grain-size, with higher-grade conditions recorded by the cores of coarser ( ca. 10 mm) crystals, and lower-grade conditions recorded by the rims of coarser grains and by finer grains. This observation suggests that re-equilibration during recovery of these rocks to the surface has been important which may account for the discrepancy in estimated P-T conditions. Revised estimates of the equilibration conditions of the Scourian Complex of T > 1000°C and P > 8.5 kbar are presented. The conditions suggested for the peak of metamorphism mean that the role of anatexis in the genesis of these rocks must be considered and the nature of the fluid phase thoroughly investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Kamuikotan zone, jadeite occurs in pelitic rocks, in metaplagiogranites, in veins in amphibolites and mafic sedimentary rocks, and in jadeite-albite rocks. In the first and second types, jadeite is associated with quartz, and is often in direct contact with it. However, such rock-types never occur as part of the coherent metamorphic sequence, but are found only as exotic blocks enclosed in serpentinite. Thus, jadeite + quartz-bearing assemblages are not regarded as representative of the Kamuikotan metamorphism. Lawsonite and aragonite, however, commonly do occur in the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks, and this metamorphism belongs to a subfacies of the lawsonite-albite facies, in which aragonite is stable. The serpentinite matrix which carried jadeite + quartz-bearing pelites and metaplagiogranites into the metamorphic sequence is interpreted as a tectonic rather than a sedimentary melange.  相似文献   

To better understand the evolution of deep‐seated crust of the Variscan orogen in the Sardinia‐Corsica region, we studied garnet‐bearing micaschists which were sampled 3 km east and 15 km northeast of Porto Vecchio, south‐eastern Corsica. After a careful investigation of the textural relations and compositions of minerals, especially of zoned garnet, a P–T path was reconstructed using contoured P–T pseudosections. U–Th–Pb dating of monazite in the micaschists was undertaken with the electron microprobe. The micaschists from both localities were formed along similar anticlockwise P–T paths. The prograde branch of these paths starts at 3 kbar close to 600°C in the P–T field of sillimanite and reaches peak conditions at 7 kbar and 600 (15 km NE of Porto Vecchio) to 630°C (3 km E of Porto Vecchio). The metamorphism at peak P–T conditions happened c. 340 Ma based on low‐Y (<0.65 wt% Y2O3) monazite. Ages of monazite with high‐Y contents (>2 wt% Y2O3), which probably have formed before garnet, scatter around 362 Ma. The retrograde branch of the P–T paths passes through 4 kbar at ~550°C. We conclude that the micaschists belong to a common metasedimentary sequence, which extends over the Porto Vecchio region and is separated from other metamorphic rock sequences in the north and the south by major tectonic boundaries. This sequence had experienced peak pressures which are lower than those determined for metamorphic rocks, such as micaschist and gneiss, from north‐eastern Sardinia. At present, we favour a continent–continent collisional scenario with the studied metasedimentary sequence buried during the collisional event as part of the upper plate. The contemporaneous high‐P metamorphic rocks from NE Sardinia were part of the upper portion of the lower plate. The addressed rocks from both plates were exhumed in an exhumation channel.  相似文献   

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