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为了查明大柴旦湖周围水体相互作用过程,2016年3月和7月分别采集了大柴旦周围多种水体样品、悬浮颗粒物和湖底沉积物.测试了大柴旦盐湖、深部地下热水、表层地下水热水、浅层地下水、河流水体中镭同位素的活度值,通过解吸和扩散实验,获得了河流悬浮颗粒物和湖底沉积物扩散的镭同位素活度值.结果表明:河口区(3L10、3L11、3L...  相似文献   

胡东生 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):327-333
对柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖区外围沙下盐湖的卤水及沉积进行了综合研究。沙下盐湖卤水化学组成与地表径流和开放性盐湖卤水之间存在明显的差异性,具有高Na^++Cl^-、低Mg^2++Ca^2++SO4^2-、贫K^++CO3^2-+HCO3^-等特征。沙下盐湖析盐层位含有新生矿物并夹带碎屑矿物,其盐类矿物组合为:石盐+羟氯镁铝石+光卤石。25℃等温蒸发相图表明,其卤水演化方向往光卤石析出区迁移,在穿越上覆盖  相似文献   

郑喜玉 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):267-275
本文首先介绍了青藏高原盐湖的基本概况,分布特征;重点叙述了该区盐湖自然资源的类型、盐类沉积矿物组合,卤水的水化学成分,盐湖资源的规模和开发利用现状;提出了今后开发利用盐湖资源的方向和途径。  相似文献   

郑喜玉 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):267-275
本文首先介绍了青藏高原盐湖的基本概况,分布特征;重点叙述了该区盐湖自然资源的类型、盐类沉积矿物组合,卤水的水化学成分,盐湖资源的规模和开发利用现状;提出了今后开发利用盐湖资源的方向和途径。  相似文献   

对柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖区外围沙下盐湖的卤水及沉积进行了综合研究。沙下盐湖卤水化学组成与地表径流和开放性盐湖卤水之间存在明显的差异性,具有高Na~++Cl~-、低Mg~(2+)+Ca(2+)+SO_4~(2-)、贫K~++CO_3~(2-)+HCO_3~-等特征。沙下盐湖析盐层位含有新生矿物并夹带碎屑矿物,其盐类矿物组合为:石盐+羟氯镁铝石+光卤石。25℃等温蒸发相图表明,其卤水演化方向往光卤石析出区迁移,在穿越上覆盖层通道中卤水发生的物理化学反应与独特的沉积特征,可以作为继续寻找沙下盐湖的指导。  相似文献   

中国部分盆地原油氮同位素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了中国部分盆地不同性质原油的氮同位素组成, 结合分子有机地球化学的部分方法, 对中国不同盆地原油的氮同位素地球化学进行了初步研究. 所测定中国不同性质原油氮同位素组成分布在−6‰~20‰之间. 不同类型盆地原油的氮同位素组成有不同分布, 淡水沉积环境原油的δ15N较低, 大致在1‰~5‰左右; 咸水和半咸水沉积环境形成的干酪根和原油δ15N较高, 通常在10‰以上, 有些甚至超过17‰. 塔里木塔中地区奥陶系原油δ15N最低, 大多在0以下, 反映出可能以海相碳酸盐岩有机质为主要来源的特点. 分馏作用影响氮同位素的分布范围. 微生物的降解作用往往会引起δ15N明显增加. 油气运移过程导致同位素比值下降, 但近距离的运移对同位素组成分布影响不大.  相似文献   

胡东生 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):327-333
对柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖区外围沙下盐湖的卤水及沉积进行了综合研究。沙下盐湖卤水化学组成与地表径流和开放性盐湖卤水之间存在明显的差异性,具有高Na++Cl-、低Mg2++Ca2++SO42-、贫K++CO32-+HCO3-等特征。沙下盐湖析盐层位含有新生矿物并夹带碎屑矿物,其盐类矿物组合为:石盐+羟氯镁铝石+光卤石。25℃等温蒸发相图表明,其卤水演化方向往光卤石析出区迁移,在穿越上覆盖层通道中卤水发生的物理化学反应与独特的沉积特征,可以作为继续寻找沙下盐湖的指导。  相似文献   

针对柴达木盆地卤水型锂(Li)和铷(Rb)关键金属矿产资源分布规律不清、富集机制不明的问题,全面调查了盆地第三系古卤水和第四纪现代盐湖卤水中的Li、Rb资源分布规律.研究显示,大风山、南翼山、油泉子、尖顶山、碱石山含油背斜构造古卤水Li、Rb资源禀赋较好,Li平均含量达81.1~128.9mg L?1,Rb平均含量达4.5~29.2mg L?1,均具有很好的开发利用前景;柴达木盆地东台、西台、一里坪盐湖及涩聂湖中,除已知的较好Li资源禀赋外,Rb含量最高可达12.5mg L?1,亟需关注Rb资源的开发利用.基于水体氢、氧和硼同位素特征进一步查明了卤水Li和Rb资源的富集机制,第三系古卤水δD、δ18O平均值为?40.7‰和2.84‰,多数富Li、Rb古卤水的δD、δ18O与岩浆水接近;低于河水而与地热流体接近的δ11B值说明,除蒸发作用和水-岩反应外,深部岩浆热液流体的补给才是古卤水矿种元素超常富集的关键机制.而现代盐湖卤水Li、Rb资源的超常富集与火山地热水的补给密切相关,盆地西部盐湖晶间卤水相对高的Li、Rb含量和垂向上随深度增加而Li、Rb含量有所增加的规律,则是由局部古卤水沿断裂带上涌补给造成.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部古岩盐氯同位素分布特征与找钾分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
塔里木盆地在晚白垩-第三纪地史发展过程中, 曾与广海相通, 多期海水的侵入和间断以及适宜的构造、古环境条件使得其内部发育的两大次级盆地—— 北部库车及西南莎车盆地沉积厚层岩盐, 具备成钾的基本地质条件, 一直被列为中国寻找古钾矿的重点地区. 但由于该区岩盐普遍贫Br, 使得经典的Br×103/Cl系数法找钾往往难以反映实际成盐情况. 而对该盆地不同地区盐矿点古岩盐氯同位素分析发现, 莎车及库车产出的岩盐氯同位素分布明显不同, 前者显著偏负, 后者则全为正值. 结合现有关于卤水、岩盐氯同位素研究数据, 参考岩盐Br×103/Cl系数、卤水水化学特征, 证明δ37Cl值是贫Br地区指导找钾的一有效指标. 运用这一指标推测, 莎车盆地形成岩盐的古卤水浓缩程度明显高于库车盆地, 特别是莎车盆地西部的喀什坳陷δ37Cl值最为偏负, 推测当时成盐古卤水已浓缩到晚期阶段, 可作为一找钾远景区开展更进一步调查研究.  相似文献   

洪阿实 《华南地震》1990,10(3):71-76
通过在地震活动区对有关地质体的K—Ar、Ar—Ar、FT、TL、~(14)C、ESR、U系等同位素年代学、地下水及其释放气体的D/H、~(13)C/~(12)C、~(18)O/~(16)O等稳定同位素以及He、Ar等稀有气体同位素的研究,可获得有关新构造运动的时间序列、断层运动的时间、地质体热历史以及地下断层流体运动的许多重要信息。因而,同位素地球化学已逐渐在研究地震成因机制以及监测预报地震中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Reticulate dunes are one of the commonest dune types, and yet the least understood. Reticulate dunes at southeastern Tengger Desert are constituted by NE-SW trending primary ridges and nearly vertical secondary ridges. The result of field work studying the morphodynamics and formation mechanism for reticulate dunes in this area shows that the primary ridges were formed by dominant northwest wind and the secondary ridges developed and maintained by alternating dominant wind and subdominant northeast wind on the basis of the primary ridges. Viewed from morphodynamics, reticulate dunes correspond to the complex transverse dune on which the longitudinal element superimposed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. NSFC-49501001).  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊水化学空间分布特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过对巴丹吉林沙漠腹地拐子湖-地质公园一线51个湖泊水,8个泉水,12个井水及1个雨水水样的水化学成分分析,初步探讨了沙漠湖泊水化学分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明由东南边缘至腹地湖泊总体上依次呈硫酸盐型-碳酸盐型-氯化物型分布.东南边缘以Na+、Cl-、SO24-为主的湖泊因矿化度分异,形成Ca2+、Mg2+含量不同的三种亚型,其中高矿化度的Na-Cl-(SO4)型湖泊在腹地湖泊群中也有出现,表现出地理上的不连续分布;边缘若干湖泊受局部地理环境的影响水离子多含Na+、Cl-、CO32-+HCO3-.综合分析表明湖泊水化学型的空间分异与区域气候差异和气候变化有关,湖水直接或间接地接受当地降水补给,但不排除外源地下水补给对其有一定贡献.通过对比不同时段部分沙漠湖泊水化学特征发现近十年以来腹地湖泊补给源或受气候干暖化影响使其水化学特性较边缘湖泊的变化大.  相似文献   

盐湖中的矿物沉积记录着丰富的环境气候变化信息,是古环境研究的重要对象.在无地表径流补给的盐湖中,其矿物组成及沉积特征与有地表径流补给的湖泊相比是否有一定的特殊性,是值得探讨的问题.采集巴丹吉林沙漠33个不同矿化度地下水补给型湖泊的表层沉积物和10个地表风积砂样品,通过X衍射的方法,分析样品的矿物组成.结果显示:湖泊表层沉积物主要为石英、长石、辉石、云母等碎屑矿物,部分湖泊含有少量的碳酸盐和氯化物盐类矿物.湖泊沉积物的矿物组成与湖水矿化度的关系较为密切,淡水湖仅分布碎屑矿物,微咸水湖含有碎屑矿物和碳酸盐类矿物,盐湖含有碎屑矿物、碳酸盐类矿物和氯化物.风积砂样品中主要为碎屑矿物,占总矿物含量的90%,对湖泊沉积物的矿物组成影响较大,但对湖泊沉积物中的盐类矿物没有贡献,表明湖泊表层沉积物中盐类矿物主要是自生作用形成的.虽然本地区湖泊边缘的沉积物中盐类矿物种类相对较少并且含量较低,但其盐类矿物组成与分布能够响应湖水矿化度的变化,其环境指示意义与有径流补给的盐湖相同,可以指示其湖水的盐度.因此,可以从巴丹吉林沙漠地下水补给型湖泊沉积的盐类矿物中提取相应的古环境信息,用于恢复古气候和古环境的研究.  相似文献   

Chronostratigraphic records in the drylands of north China provide basic archives to reveal the dynamic connections between climate changes and the behaviour of aeolian systems. However, the interpretation of aeolian chronostratigraphy is not straightforward and may be associated with significant uncertainty due to a number of external and localised forces. Taking into account this complexity of aeolian systems, excluding preservation and sampling bias from palaeoclimatic signals requires that the interpretation of chronostratigraphic records be based on as many dates from as many sites as possible. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating provides a direct way to date aeolian sediments. However, the determination of equivalent dose (De) using the commonly applied single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol is relatively time-consuming for samples with burial doses exceeding 50 or 100 Gy.In this study, the global standardised growth curve (gSGC) method is applied to multi-grain aliquots of coarse quartz from various sites covering a wide region of the south margin of the Tengger Desert in north China to rapidly determine De for a large number of aliquots and samples. The large between-aliquot variability in the shape of the dose response curve (DRC) is significantly reduced using a least-squares normalisation procedure. The results of a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) protocol demonstrates that De values determined using the gSGC and SAR methods are very consistent with each other up to at least 200 Gy and 400 Gy, for the 90–150 μm and 63–90 μm fractions, respectively. It suggests that the gSGC protocol can be used as an efficient procedure for De determination of a large number of aeolian samples from multiple sites. This in turn provides a better constraint for the interpretation of Late Quaternary aeolian chronostratigraphic records in drylands of north China.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions (δD, δ18O and δ34S) of volcanic lake waters, gas condensates and spring waters from Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and Russia were measured. The spring fluids and gas samples plot in a broad array between meteoric waters and local high-temperature volcanic gas compositions. The δD and δ18O data from volcanic lakes in East Indonesia plot in a concave band ranging from local meteoric waters to evaporated fluids to waters heavier than local high-temperature volcanic gases. We investigated isotopic fractionation processes in volcanic lakes at elevated temperatures with simultaneous mixing of meteoric waters and volcanic gases. An elevated lake water temperature gives enhanced kinetic isotope fractionation and changes in equilibrium fractionation factors, providing relatively flat isotope evolution curves in δ18O–δD diagrams. A numerical simulation model is used to derive the timescales of isotopic evolution of crater lakes as a function of atmospheric parameters, lake water temperature and fluxes of meteoric water, volcanic gas input, evaporation, and seepage losses. The same model is used to derive the flux magnitude of the Keli Mutu lakes in Indonesia. The calculated volcanic gas fluxes are of the same order as those derived from energy budget models or direct gas flux measurements in open craters (several 100 m3 volcanic water/day) and indicate a water residence time of 1–2 decades. The δ34S data from the Keli Mutu lakes show a much wider range than those from gases and springs, which is probably related to the precipitation of sulfur in these acid brine lakes. The isotopic mass balance and S/Cl values suggest that about half of the sulfur input in the hottest Keli Mutu lake is converted into native sulfur.  相似文献   

沙漠湖泊水体和东部大型湖泊如太湖等存在较大差异.为深入研究沙漠湖泊水体的光学特性,利用腾格里沙漠月亮湖实测水面ASD高光谱数据和同步采集的水样,对水体矿化度与叶绿素a、DOC、悬浮物的含量进行相关性分析,比较沙漠湖泊水体和其它水体的黄色物质、浮游植物、非藻类悬浮物吸收特征光谱,探讨不同波段中水深和矿化度对水体反射率的影...  相似文献   

位于阿拉善高原的巴丹吉林沙漠分布有大量盐湖.为揭示盐湖分层特征以及地下水对盐湖水体的影响,选取沙漠腹地的第二大盐湖——苏木巴润吉林,对9月份湖水的温度和电导率剖面进行了观测.结果表明,尽管所测盐湖宽深比大于90,还是存在温跃层.温跃层的矿化度(TDS)为60~160 g/L,靠近湖底的水体存在TDS低值异常区,形成化跃层,推测为地下淡水集中排泄所致.这种湖底泉在其它较浅的盐湖水体中也存在,说明深、浅层地下水对盐湖水分及盐分都有贡献.温跃层水温随深度的变化近似符合静止水体的热传导规律,并没有受到地下水排泄热量的显著影响.研究区盐湖跃层的季节性变化还有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

溴是完备工业体系的关键必备元素。盐湖卤水是溴的重要来源。青藏高原盐湖众多,富含钾、锂、硼等资源元素,开发潜力巨大。然而,目前针对青藏高原盐湖溴浓度、分布特征及其物源的研究仍然薄弱。本次研究采集了26个青藏高原盐湖表卤水样品并分析其溴浓度,进一步总结其他64个已报道盐湖数据,系统分析了青藏高原盐湖溴浓度分布特征,并进一步探讨了溴的可能物源。结果表明:青藏高原盐湖表卤水溴分布在0.5~246.8 mg/L之间,平均为41.1 mg/L,其中,碳酸盐型盐湖卤水平均溴浓度最高(47.0 mg/L),且集中分布在高原南部,而氯化物型盐湖平均溴浓度最低(30.1mg/L),盐湖溴浓度呈现自南向北降低的趋势;青藏高原盐湖中溴有多种来源,高原南部富溴盐湖溴的来源可能主要与热泉补给有关,而柴达木盆地盐湖高溴来源可能主要与深部地层水(如油田水、背斜构造裂隙孔隙水、砂砾孔隙卤水、气田水等)补给有关。  相似文献   

Signs of the evolutionary process are well preserved in the aeolian deposits of desert margins and enable reconstruction of desert expansion and contraction. The sand content (percentage >63 µm) of loess in the loess–desert transitional zone was used as a proxy indicator for determining the proximity of the desert margin. According to the dominant wind direction, generally NW–SE in the northwest Chinese Loess Plateau, a transect was projected to observe spatial changes in sedimentological characteristics of aeolian deposits during the Last Glacial Period. The transect consists of 12 loess sections, starting at Shapotou in the transitional region between the Loess Plateau and the Tengger Desert and ending at Tianshui, which is located at the north foot of the Western Qinling Mountains in the southernmost part of the Loess Plateau. It shows the properties of temporal and spatial distribution of the Malan loess, with reduced sand content from northwest to southeast. A linear correlation model of sand content and distance was obtained, which was similar to the east of the Chinese Loess Plateau. According to this model, and on the basis of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating from Binggou section, a detailed and quantificational expansion and contraction for the Tengger Desert was established. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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