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利用NCAR CAM3.1模式及NCEP/NCAR (version 1)再分析资料计算出来的几种大气热源分布情况,分别讨论亚洲各地区和南半球上空夏季大气加热场(热源或冷源)对东亚季风环流系统和印度季风环流系统形成的影响.结果表明:(1)东亚地区上空的大气热源和澳大利亚冷源与东亚夏季风环流关系密切,东亚大陆上空及西太平...  相似文献   

杨崧  邓开强  段晚锁 《大气科学》2018,42(3):570-589
本文主要基于对Webster and Yang(1992)一文的回顾,讨论了年循环在季风和ENSO相互作用中的作用、春季预报障碍(SPB)、Webster-Yang指数(WYI)、以及亚洲夏季风的前期讯号等内容。亚洲季风和ENSO作为全球天气和气候变率的主要来源,它们之间的相互作用存在明显的年变化和季节“锁相”特征:在北半球秋冬季,亚洲季风对流活动最弱,此时ENSO的信号最强;但是到了北半球春季,亚洲季风对流快速爆发,而此时的ENSO信号却迅速衰减。亚洲季风和ENSO位相的错位变化使得热带海—气系统的不稳定性在北半球春季达到最大,此时任意一个微小的扰动都容易快速增长,最终导致基于ENSO的预报技巧减小。亚洲夏季风环流本质上可以看成是大气对副热带地区潜热加热的低频罗斯贝波响应,它具有很强的垂直风切变,这是WYI定义的物理基础。WYI数值越大,代表垂直东风切变越大,即亚洲季风环流增强,反之亦然。利用WYI与前期大气环流场、欧亚雪盖、土壤湿度等物理量进行回归分析,结果表明:当亚洲夏季风增强时,前期冬季和春季,在北印度洋和亚洲副热带地区上空出现东风异常,同时在更高纬度地区伴随出现西风的异常;此外,副热带地区如印度次大陆、中南半岛和东亚的土壤湿度增大;中纬度地区尤其是青藏高原中西部的积雪密度明显减小。这些前期讯号的发现有助于我们构建动力统计模型,进而提高对亚洲夏季风的季节预报水平。  相似文献   

Recent advances in monsoon studies in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This review provides a synopsis of the major progress that has been made in monsoon studies in China and to further bridge the gap between the Chinese and international meteorological community. It consists of seven major sections. After the introduction, the second section begins with the global monsoon systems and their seasonal variation, based on some new methods proposed in recent years. Besides, some major intraseasonal features of East Asian monsoon, including the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon are discussed. In the third section, we review the interactions between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon, focusing in particular on the results of Chinese meteorologists that indicate the influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) is obviously different from that on the tropical monsoon. Besides the tropical Pacific,other ocean basins, such as the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, are also important to the East Asian monsoon, and this topic is discussed in the fourth section. In the fifth section, we address the role of land surface processes in East Asian monsoon. For example, we describe work that has shown more snow cover in spring on the Tibetan Plateau is followed by a weakened EASM and more summer rainfall in the Yangtze River valleys. The sixth section focuses on the influence of atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere(SH) on EASM, demonstrating how the signal from the SH is likely to provide new clues for the seasonal forecasting of summer rainfall in China. Finally, in the seventh section, we concentrate on the interdecadal variations of EASM. In particular, we look at a significant interdecadal variation that occurred at the end of the 1970 s, and how our understanding of this feature could affect forecasting ability.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the simulation of Indian summer monsoon and its intraseasonal oscillations in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction climate forecast system model version 2 (CFSv2). The dry bias over the Indian landmass in the mean monsoon rainfall is one of the major concerns. In spite of this dry bias, CFSv2 shows a reasonable northward propagation of convection at intraseasonal (30–60 day) time scale. In order to document and understand this dry bias over the Indian landmass in CFSv2 simulations, a two pronged investigation is carried out on the two major facets of Indian summer monsoon: one, the air–sea interactions and two, the large scale vertical heating structure in the model. Our analysis shows a possible bias in the co-evolution of convection and sea surface temperature in CFSv2 over the equatorial Indian Ocean. It is also found that the simulated large scale vertical heat source (Q1) and moisture sink (Q2) over the Indian region are biased relative to observational estimates. Finally, this study provides a possible explanation for the dry precipitation bias over the Indian landmass in the simulated mean monsoon on the basis of the biases associated with the simulated ocean–atmospheric processes and the vertical heating structure. This study also throws some light on the puzzle of CFSv2 exhibiting a reasonable northward propagation at the intraseasonal time scale (30–60 day) despite a drier monsoon over the Indian land mass.  相似文献   

PeculiarTemporalStructureoftheSouthChinaSeaSummerMonsoonBinWang①andRenguangWuDepartmentofMeteorology,UniversityofHawai,USARec...  相似文献   

Numerical experiments with different idealized land and mountain distributions are carried out to study the formation of the Asian monsoon and related coupling processes. Results demonstrate that when there is only extratropical continent located between 0 and 120°E and between 20/30°N and the North Pole, a rather weak monsoon rainband appears along the southern border of the continent, coexisting with an intense intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The continuous ITCZ surrounds the whole globe, prohibits the development of near-surface cross-equatorial flow, and collects water vapor from tropical oceans, resulting in very weak monsoon rainfall. When tropical lands are integrated, the ITCZ over the longitude domain where the extratropical continent exists disappears as a consequence of the development of a strong surface cross-equatorial flow from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere. In addition, an intense interaction between the two hemispheres develops, tropical water vapor is transported to the subtropics by the enhanced poleward flow, and a prototype of the Asian monsoon appears. The Tibetan Plateau acts to enhance the coupling between the lower and upper tropospheric circulations and between the subtropical and tropical monsoon circulations, resulting in an intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon and a weakening of the South Asian summer monsoon. Linking the Iranian Plateau to the Tibetan Plateau substantially reduces the precipitation over Africa and increases the precipitation over the Arabian Sea and the northern Indian subcontinent, effectively contributing to the development of the South Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, interseasonal characteristics of the Asian summer monsoon in the years of 1987 and 1988 are studied as 1987 is characterized by a large deficiency of monsoon rainfall (drought) and that of 1988 by a large excess monsoon rainfall (flood) over India. In order to compare the similarities and differences seen in the large scale dynamics and energetics of the Asian summer monsoon during the years of extreme monsoon activity, uninitialized analyses (12 Z) of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), U.K. are utilized in this study for the summer monsoon seasons of 1987 and 1988.It is found that the excess rainfall season (1988) is characterized by much stronger tropical easterly jet (TEJ) associated with the upper tropospheric easterlies and the East African low level jet (Somali Jet) associated with lower tropospheric westerlies. Such a feature mainly determines the strength of the reverse Hadley circulation which normally covers the South Asian continent during the northern summer. Further, the energetics of the TEJ show that the monsoon of 1988 has comparatively stronger zones of kinetic energy flux divergence (convergence) at its entrance (exit) regions. These zones of kinetic energy flux divergence are largely maintained by the adiabatic processes over the strong kinetic energy flux divergence zones over the Bay of Bengal and east central Arabian Sea as compared to that of 1987. Apart from this, both the zonal and meridional components of the ageostrophic flows are found to be stronger during 1988 monsoon season. Analysis of the vertically integrated thermodynamical features of the monsoon indicate that the monsoon of 1988 was characterized by an excess import of heat and moisture into the monsoon atmosphere as compared to that of 1987. Further, from the quantitative estimation of certain significant heat and moisture budget parameters during the contrasting monsoon seasons of 1987 and 1988, it becomes evident that considerable differences exist in the quantities of adiabatic production of heat energy, diabatic heating and the moisture source/sink.With 13 Figures  相似文献   

利用NCAR CAM3.1模式及NCEP/NCAR(version 1)再分析资料计算了几种现实大气热源分布情况,讨论了亚洲各地区和南半球上空冬季1月大气冷(热)源对东亚冬季风环流系统和印度冬季风环流系统形成的影响.结果表明:(1)冬季1月东亚地区和澳大利亚上空大气冷(热)源与东亚冬季风环流关系密切,南半球澳大利亚附近的非绝热加热可以激发出澳大利亚北部的热低压系统,东亚大陆东部的大气冷源可以使东亚大陆低空出现冷高压,基本上模拟出东亚季风系统冬季主要环流成员;(2)亚洲地区西部及其对应的南半球印度洋非绝热加热与印度冬季风环流关系密切,同样对东亚冬季风也有一定的影响,特别是亚洲大陆西部副热带地区的非绝热加热可以加强冬季南海的越赤道气流并能调整阿留申低压的位置.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风的研究进展及其需进一步研究的问题   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
黄荣辉  黄刚  任保华 《大气科学》1999,23(2):129-141
回顾了近年来关于东亚夏季风的结构特征以及年际、季内的变化特征及其成因的研究进展;并且回顾了关于东亚夏季风的数值模拟和可预测性的最新研究进展,特别是系统地回顾了东亚夏季风与印度季风特征的异同以及ENSO循环、西太平洋暖池和青藏高原在东亚夏季风的年际、季内变化的作用。还提出在关于东亚夏季风变化及其模拟和预测等方面需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Peculiar temporal structure of the south china sea summer monsoon   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Beijing located at the junction of four major components of the Asian-Australia monsoon system (the Indian, the western North Pacific, the East Asian subtropical, and the Indonesian-Australian monsoons), the monsoon cli-mate over the South China Sea (SCS) exhibits some unique features. Evidences are presented in this paper to reveal and document the following distinctive features in the temporal structure of the SCS summer monsoon:(1) pronounced monsoon singularities in the lower tropospheric monsoon flows which include the pre-onset and withdrawal easterly surges and the southwesterly monsoon bursts at Julian pentad 34-35 (June 15-24) and pentad 46-47 (August 14-23);(2) four prominent subseasonal cycles (alternative occurrences of climatological active and break monsoons);(3) considerably larger year-to-year variations in convective activity on intraseasonal time scale compared to those over the Bay of Bengal and the Philippine Sea;(4) the redness of the climatological mean spectrum of precipitation / deep convection on synoptic to intraseasona] time scales in the central SCS;(5) a remarkable asymmetry in the seasonal transitions between summer and winter monsoons and an extremely abrupt mid-May transition (the outburst of monsoon rain and the sudden switch in tie lower troposphere winds from an easterly to a westerly regime);(6) the bi-modal interannual variation of summer monsoon onset (normal and delayed modes).In addition, the monsoon rainfall displays enormous east-west gradient over the central SCS. Possible causes for these features are discussed. A number of specific science questions concerning some of the peculiar features are raised for the forthcoming SCS monsoon experiment to address  相似文献   

夏季南海季风槽与印度季风槽的气候特征之比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
潘静  李崇银 《大气科学》2006,30(3):377-390
亚洲夏季风槽包括两大重要组成部分,即南海夏季风槽和印度夏季风槽.两个季风槽同属于热带夏季风系统,具有热带辐合带的性质.但由于所处地理位置、海陆分布、受到的影响系统不同等原因,两个季风槽有明显的异同点.利用气候平均资料分析,揭示南海夏季风槽和印度季风槽的结构特征和演变特征的异同点,有利于提高对亚洲夏季风系统的认识.作者首先讨论了结构特征方面的差异,从季风槽的对流特征、环流场配置特征、热力结构特征等方面探讨了两个季风槽的区别,分析结果表明南海夏季风槽和印度夏季风槽在结构特征方面区别不算很大,都具有热带季风辐合带的典型结构,低层辐合,高层辐散,有明显的季风经圈环流,热力结构特征均是低层偏冷,中高层偏暖.相对来说,印度夏季风槽比南海夏季风槽强且深厚.其次对南海夏季风槽和印度夏季风槽的演变的气候特征所进行的分析表明,季风槽建立时间与季风爆发时间是一致的.南海夏季风槽爆发早且突然,撤退缓慢,维持时间长;印度夏季风槽则是渐进式的爆发,撤退迅速,维持时间较短.两个季风槽的温湿演变特征也有所不同.  相似文献   

青藏高原加热与亚洲环流季节变化和夏季风爆发   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
刘新  吴国雄  刘屹岷  刘平 《大气科学》2002,26(6):781-793
利用逐日NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分析了春夏过渡季节青减高原非绝热加热和大气环流季节变化以及亚洲季风爆发的关系.结果表明,过渡季节的早期(5月中旬以前)青藏高原总非绝热加热与感热加热的时间演变曲线趋势一致,感热加热在过渡季节早期的环流演变中有很重要的作用.青藏高原非绝热加热的时间演变与北半球环流的季节变化和亚洲夏季风爆发有很好的相关.在过渡季节里,青藏高原非绝热加热的变化引起了海-陆热力差异对比的变化,给亚洲夏季风的爆发建立了有利的背景环境,对亚洲夏季风爆发有明显的影响.结果还表明,用各区域纬向风垂直差异的时空分布能更准确地表示季节变化的区域差异.  相似文献   

关于南海夏季风建立的大尺度特征及其机制的讨论   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
使用1998年南海季风试验期间高质量资料和NCEP/NCAR40年再分析资料分析了南海季风建立前后的大尺度环流特征和要素的突变及爆发过程。发现南亚高压迅速地从菲律宾以东移到中南半岛北部,印缅槽加强,赤道印度洋西风加强并向东向北迅速扩展和传播,以及相伴随的中低纬相互作用和西太平洋副高连续东撤是南海夏季风建立的大尺度特征,与此同时,亚洲低纬地区的南北温差和纬向风切变也发生相应的突变。数值实验结果指出,印度半岛地形的陆面加热作用在其东侧激发的气旋性环流对于印缅槽的加强有重要作用,并进而有利于南海夏季风先于印度夏季风爆发。  相似文献   

Summary In order to improve our understanding of the interannual variability of the 30–50 day oscillations of the northern summer monsoon, we have performed numerical experiments using a 5-level global spectral model (GSM). By intercomparing the GSM simulations of a control summer experiment (E1) and a warm ENSO experiment (E2) we have examined the sensitivity of the low frequency intraseasonal monsoonal modes to changes in the planetary scale component of the monsoon induced by anomalous heating in the equatorial eastern Pacific during a warm ENSO phase.It is found that the anomalous heating in the equatorial eastern Pacific induces circulation changes which correspond to weakening of the time-mean divergent planetary scale circulation in the equatorial western Pacific, weakening of the east-west Walker cell over the western Pacific ocean, weakening of the time-mean Reverse Hadley circulation (RHC) over the summer monsoon region and strengthening of the time-mean divergent circulation and the subtropical jet stream over the eastern Pacific and Atlantic oceans. These changes in the large scale basic flow induced by the anomalous heat source are found to significantly affect the propagation characteristics of the 30–50 day oscillations. It is noticed that the reduction (increase) in the intensity of the time-mean divergent circulation in the equatorial western (eastern) Pacific sectors produces weaker (stronger) low-level convergence as a result of which the amplitude of the eastward propagating 30–50 day divergent wave decreases (increases) in the western (eastern) Pacific sectors in E2. One of the striking aspects is that the eastward propagating equatorial wave arrives over the Indian longitudes more regularly in the warm ENSO experiment (E2). The GSM simulations reveal several small scale east-west cells in the longitudinal belt between 0–130°E in the E1 experiment. On the other hand the intraseasonal oscillations in E2 show fewer east-west cells having longer zonal scales. The stronger suppression of small scale east-west cells in E2 probably accounts for the greater regularity of the 30–50 day oscillations over the Indian longitudes in this case.The interaction between the monsoon RHC and the equatorial 30–50 day waves leads to excitation of northward propagating modes over the Indian subcontinent in both cases. It is found that the zonal wind perturbations migrate northward at a rate of about 0.8° latitude per day in E1 while they have a slightly faster propagation speed of about 1° latitude per day in E2. The low frequency monsoonal modes have smaller amplitude but possess greater regularity in E2 relative to E1. As the wavelet trains of low latitude anomalies progress northward it is found that the giant meridional monsoonal circulation (RHC) undergoes well-defined intraseasonal oscillations. The amplitude of the monsoon RHC oscillations are significantly weaker in E2 as compared to E1. But what is more important is that the RHC is found to oscillate rapidly with a period of 40 days in E1 while it executes slower oscillations of 55 days period in E2. These results support the observational findings of Yasunari (1980) who showed that the cloudiness fluctuations on the 30–60 day time scale over the Indian summer monsoon region are associated with longer periods during El Nino years. The oscillations of the monsoon RHC show an enhancement of the larger scale meridional cells and also a stronger suppression of the smaller scale cells in E2 relative to E1 which seems to account for the slower fluctuations of the monsoon RHC in the warm ENSO experiment. It is also proposed that the periodic arrival of the eastward propagating equatorial wave over the Indian longitudes followed by a stronger inhibition of the smaller meridional scales happen to be the two primary mechanisms that favour steady and regular northward propagation of intraseasonal transients over the Indian subcontinent in the warm ENSO experiment (E2). This study clearly demonstrates that the presence of E1 Nino related summertime SST anomalies and associated convection anomalies in the tropical central and eastern Pacific are favourable criteria for the detection and prediction of low frequency monsoonal modes over India.With 11 Figures  相似文献   

The East Asian summer monsoon: an overview   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
Summary The present paper provides an overview of major problems of the East Asian summer monsoon. The summer monsoon system over East Asia (including the South China Sea (SCS)) cannot be just thought of as the eastward and northward extension of the Indian monsoon. Numerous studies have well documented that the huge Asian summer monsoon system can be divided into two subsystems: the Indian and the East Asian monsoon system which are to a greater extent independent of each other and, at the same time, interact with each other. In this context, the major findings made in recent two decades are summarized below: (1) The earliest onset of the Asian summer monsoon occurs in most of cases in the central and southern Indochina Peninsula. The onset is preceded by development of a BOB (Bay of Bengal) cyclone, the rapid acceleration of low-level westerlies and significant increase of convective activity in both areal extent and intensity in the tropical East Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. (2) The seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon displays a distinct stepwise northward and northeastward advance, with two abrupt northward jumps and three stationary periods. The monsoon rain commences over the region from the Indochina Peninsula-the SCS-Philippines during the period from early May to mid-May, then it extends abruptly to the Yangtze River Basin, and western and southern Japan, and the southwestern Philippine Sea in early to mid-June and finally penetrates to North China, Korea and part of Japan, and the topical western West Pacific. (3) After the onset of the Asian summer monsoon, the moisture transport coming from Indochina Peninsula and the South China Sea plays a crucial “switch” role in moisture supply for precipitation in East Asia, thus leading to a dramatic change in climate regime in East Asia and even more remote areas through teleconnection. (4) The East Asian summer monsoon and related seasonal rain belts assumes significant variability at intraseasonal, interannual and interdecadal time scales. Their interaction, i.e., phase locking and in-phase or out-phase superimposing, can to a greater extent control the behaviors of the East Asian summer monsoon and produce unique rythem and singularities. (5) Two external forcing i.e., Pacific and Indian Ocean SSTs and the snow cover in the Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, are believed to be primary contributing factors to the activity of the East Asian summer monsoon. However, the internal variability of the atmospheric circulation is also very important. In particular, the blocking highs in mid-and high latitudes of Eurasian continents and the subtropical high over the western North Pacific play a more important role which is quite different from the condition for the South Asian monsoon. The later is of tropical monsoon nature while the former is of hybrid nature of tropical and subtropical monsoon with intense impact from mid-and high latitudes.  相似文献   

亚洲—太平洋夏季风系统的基本模态特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
刘芸芸  丁一汇 《大气科学》2012,36(4):673-685
亚洲—太平洋季风区各季风子系统间的相互作用对季风区甚至全球的气候变化都有着显著的影响.整个亚洲—太平洋夏季风系统都处于高层辐散、低层辐合的庞大辐散环流中,从高层辐散中心流出的三支气流分别对推动印度夏季风、东亚副热带夏季风和南海夏季风起着重要的作用,很好地表现了亚洲—太平洋夏季风系统的整体性特征.季风区多种气象要素的基本模态在年代际和年际尺度上都表现出较为一致的变化特征:年代际尺度上亚洲—太平洋夏季风系统整体呈现减弱趋势;年际尺度上存在准2年和准4年的两个周期,其中准2年振荡特征表现为若印度西南季风偏强,则印度季风雨带偏强偏北,导致印度大陆中北部地区降水偏多;同时,由于西太平洋副热带高压的北移和偏强的印度西南季风显著向东延伸,10°N~30°N范围内的西北太平洋地区则表现为异常的气旋性环流,而30°N~50°N之间为反气旋性环流异常,对应东亚夏季风偏强,季风雨带能够北推至我国华北地区.也就是说,当亚洲夏季风中某一季风子系统表现为异常偏强时,另一季风子系统在这一年中也将表现为异常偏强,反之亦然.准2年的振荡周期可能是亚洲—太平洋夏季风系统的一种固有振荡,它从年际尺度上反映了亚洲—太平洋夏季风受热带太平洋—印度洋海温的强迫表现出明显的整体一致特征.  相似文献   

Mechanisms determining the tropospheric temperature gradient that is related to the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon are examined in an intermediate atmospheric model coupled with a mixed-layer ocean and a simple land surface model with an idealized Afro–Eurasian continent and no physical topography. These include processes involving in the influence of the Eurasian continent, thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau and effects of sea surface temperature. The mechanical effect on the large-scale flow induced by the Plateau is not included in this study. The idealized land–sea geometry without topography induces a positive meridional tropospheric temperature gradient thus a weak Asian summer monsoon circulation. Higher prescribed heating and weaker surface albedo over Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, which mimic effects of different land surface processes and the thermal effect of the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, strengthens the meridional temperature gradient, and so as cold tropical SST anomalies. The strengthened meridional temperature gradient enhances the Asian summer monsoon circulation and favors the strong convection. The corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward and northeastward and creates variations of the monsoon rainfall anomalies in different subregions. The surface albedo over the Tibetan Plateau has a relatively weak inverse relation with the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon. The longitudinal gradient of ENSO-like SST anomalies induces a more complicated pattern of the tropospheric temperature anomalies. First, the positive (negative) longitudinal gradient induced by the El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies weakens (strengthens) the Walker circulation and the circulation between South Asia and northern Africa and therefore the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon, while the corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward (southward). The El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies also induces colder (warmer) tropospheric temperature over Eurasia and warmer (colder) tropospheric temperature over the Indian Ocean. The associated negative (positive) meridional gradient of the tropospheric temperature anomalies is consistent with the existence of the weak (strong) Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

基于1979~2013年多种再分析资料,合成分析了El Ni?o发展年和La Ni?a年东亚夏季风的季节内变化。结果表明,东亚夏季风在两种情况下呈现出不同的季节内变化特征。在El Ni?o发展年,初夏期间高纬度地区出现偏北风异常,造成东亚地区位势高度场偏低,西太平洋副热带高压偏东,但均不显著。盛夏期间,El Ni?o强迫造成中太平洋对流增强,副热带西太平洋出现气旋异常,位势高度显著降低,副热带高压明显偏东。与此不同的是,La Ni?a年春季暖池海温偏高,造成夏季对流偏强,西太平洋地区位势高度场偏低,副热带高压减弱东退。此外,La Ni?a年东亚夏季风的季节内变化较为复杂,6月异常较弱,7月达到最强,8月又开始减弱。因此,虽然El Ni?o发展年和La Ni?a年夏季平均副高异常有一定的相似性,但季节内变化则有很大差异,其成因也完全不同。  相似文献   

Summary Pentad mean anomaly maps were used to study the climatology of tropical intraseasonal convection anomaly (TICA) as a dynamic system. One hundred and twenty-two events were identified and classified into three categories: eastward (77), independent northward (27), and westward (18) propagation. The eastward propagation is more active in boreal winter than in summer, while the independent northward propagation, which is not associated with equatorial eastward propagation, occurs in boreal summer from May to October.The eastward moving TICA exhibits three major paths: 1) eastward along the equator from Africa to the mid-Pacific, 2) first eastward along the equator, then either turning north-east to the northwest Pacific or turning southeast to the southwest Pacific at the maritime continent, and 3) the main anomaly moves eastward along the equator with split center(s) moving northward over the Indian and/or western Pacific Oceans. The equatorial Indian Ocean and the western Pacific intertropical convergence zone are preferred geographic locations for their development, while the maritime continent and central Pacific are regions of dissipation.Independent northward propagation is confined to the Indian and western Pacific monsoon regions. Its existence suggests that the mechanism responsible for meridional propagation may differ from that for eastward propagation.The dynamic effect of the equator and the thermodynamic effect of the underlying warm ocean water are basic factors in trapping TICA in the deep tropics, while the annual march of maximum SST (thermal equator) and the monsoon circulation have profound influences on the annual variation and meridional movement of TICA.With 12 FiguresContribution No. 89-11, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii.  相似文献   

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