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This paper examines the use of community-based social marketing (CBSM) techniques to encourage more sustainable behaviors within community-based co-managed (CBCM) fisheries. An overview of the CBSM theory and practice is provided along with an evaluation of how CBSM has been successfully used to foster sustainable behaviors in other analogous resource management sectors (e.g., agriculture). It is argued that CBSM is highly conducive to CBCM fisheries arrangements due to the shared goals of stakeholder participation and empowerment and that, currently, CBSM has been overlooked as a tool for fostering more sustainable behaviors, particularly in the case of CBCM fisheries.  相似文献   

Co-management has shown promising results for the sustainable use of fishery resources. The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) pot and trap fishery in the Algarve (Portugal) holds the potential for implementation of a co-management system. To explore this potential, seven participatory workshops took place between 2014–2015, bringing together 60 participants from 10 fishing associations and 16 fisheries management and research institutions. The exercise resulted in promising outcomes with regards to the possible implementation of a co-management system for the fishery. In the present work an overview of the outcomes of the participatory workshops is given and compared with initiatives worldwide. Among the management actions identified, some have direct impacts on the octopus’ life cycle, while all target the same overall objective: to regulate fishing effort. In the informal setting of the workshops, a formal request was developed: the establishment of an annual closed season in the Algarve. This request was taken into consideration by the responsible management institution.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the outcomes of a project that engaged researchers and fishers together in adapting participatory social science approaches to the purposes and the constraints of community-based fisher organizations. The work was carried out in the Scotia-Fundy Region of Atlantic Canada (the Bay of Fundy and Scotian Shelf) between 1999 and 2003. After a period of reflection on what was collectively learned from our experiences in this project, the academics went back to the community partners in a recent workshop for further discussion and refinement of the lessons. We conclude that true participatory fishery research, utilized in support of community-based management, can be a particularly powerful tool. However, it has few effective shortcuts, it must deal early in the research process with power imbalances, and it should involve significant political engagement and empowerment through co-learning. This assessment of participatory research in coastal fisheries also has significant implications for how we think of social capital and on how we may develop community-based resource management for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

This paper examines ways to reduce conflicts and improve the sustainability and value of marine recreational fisheries by fully integrating the recreational sector into the management of fisheries. One possibility involves a novel approach, here called angling management organizations (AMOs), which combines three of the more pervasive and promising trends in fishery management worldwide—management devolution, strengthened harvest rights, and co-management. AMOs are community-based organizations that are designed to conform to seven basic principles of integrated fishery management, which are described below. AMOs are loosely related to rights-based producer organizations in commercial fisheries, and are expected to strengthen resource stewardship, reduce enforcement and monitoring costs, alleviate management conflicts, and produce greater long-term net economic benefits in recreational fisheries. The other organizational structures considered here, including the management status quo, do not conform to all seven principles and are not expected to be as effective as AMOs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of coastal communities in fisheries management among the countries of the Gulf of Thailand—Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Initiatives to decentralize management to local governing bodies, to utilize traditional management methods and to engage in community agreements to protect local resources are explored. An examination of recent experiences indicates some movement toward more local involvement in management. However, the study also leads to several suggestions for the future: in Vietnam and Cambodia, there is a need for significant legislation to control fisheries operations and greater clarity of the role of communities in management; in Malaysia, there is an overall need for more support to local fisheries management; and in Thailand, the need is for greater support of local-level enforcement and monitoring activities.  相似文献   

Socio-economic development of small-island fishing communities is greatly dependent on local coastal and marine resources. However, illegal fishing and aggressive practices in insular ecosystems lead to over-exploitation and environmental deterioration. Moreover, a lack of scientific data increases uncertainty and prevents the adequate monitoring of marine resources. This paper focuses on the integration of local fishing communities into decision-making processes with the aim of promoting artisanal fishing on the Island of Tenerife (the Canary Islands), as a way to preserve the marine ecosystem and socio-economic development of traditional cofradias (fishers' organisations). A qualitative methodological framework, based on participatory problem-solution trees and focus groups, was used to identify the main factors impeding the sustainable development of the artisanal fishing sector on the island and to elaborate collective proposals with policy implications. The fishing community involved identified four main issues that are maintaining an unsustainable island fishery: 1) Over-exploitation; 2) Poor self-management of cofradias and commercialisation problems; 3) Fisher individualism and low co-management strategies, and 4) Illegal fishing increase vs. artisanal fishing decline. Results show the required policy enhancements to tackle them and the need to adapt regulations to the local situation.  相似文献   

Introducing fishery management planning to Barbados   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Participatory fisheries management has been increasingly proposed as a useful management approach to address fisheries problems. However, the criteria regarding its applicability and measures of success still seem unclear. This study reviews the main concepts and theory behind two participatory resource-management approaches and compares them to the reality of fisheries management in Costa Rica. The analysis shows that while the implementation of a participatory approach in fisheries management should be encouraged, it is essential to keep in mind the possible limitations these approaches have. Furthermore, it seems important to improve institutional coordination and develop social, legal and economic policies that will allow the state, together with coastal communities, to contribute in an effective way to fisheries management.  相似文献   

There has evolved, as of late, a strong interest in decentralized modes of governance over fisheries and other marine resources, particularly that of community-based resource management (CBRM). However, analysis of this institutional model is hindered by simplistic, typological depictions of CBRM. We use organizational theory to argue how, within the broad category of CBRM, there exists a rich variation of institutional forms. We illustrate the analysis by showing how two ostensibly similar fishers’ organizations in Batangas, Philippines, differ in important ways and, furthermore, how these differences respond to particular challenges and opportunities found in their respective contexts. We also discuss implications of this research for program evaluation.  相似文献   

The Dominican fishing community of Buen Hombre is struggling to reconcile its fishing activities with the state of the coral reef ecosystem on which it depends. The ecosystem is showing signs of deterioration, and this seems to be resulting in large part because of the fishing activities of the Buen Hombre fishermen. The institutional arrangements of the fishermen themselves, and of relevant external organizations, have not kept pace with important technological and demographic changes that have affected the community. This paper presents the results of an analysis that unpacks these processes via a statistical analysis of fishermen behavior and a social network analysis of the “cofishing” network that these fishermen constitute. The statistical analysis shows that gear choice is very important in explaining the amount of fish caught, both as a direct factor and as a mediator of other factors such as membership in the local fishermen's association. The social network analysis complements this result by demonstrating that gear choice also serves to segment the fishermen into separate groups, with few direct linkages between them. The resulting gear-based fragmentation of the community is seen to have negative implications for the ability of the fishermen to act collectively to conserve their fishery. The paper concludes with some thoughts and suggestions for how the community might move forward, including expanding the membership of the fishermen's association and strengthening ties between fishing groups as well as ties between the community and relevant governmental agencies.  相似文献   

石谦  郭卫东  杨逸萍 《台湾海峡》2002,21(3):379-386
科学技术支持是海岸带综合管理取得成效的基础,引导科学研究为海岸带管理服务应注重协调好管理部门与科研单位、科研单位之间、学科之间、理论成果与应用等诸多关系。厦门通过建立科研界与行政管理界的联系渠道、联合开展海岸带综合管理的科学研究、建立海岸带专家组等途径,形成了科研为海岸带综合管理服务的协调机制,促进了科研与管理的合作,为海岸带综合管理决策与行动提供科学依据,有效地促进了海岸带综合管理进程。  相似文献   

褚晓琳  唐议  陈勇 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):132-140
目前鲨鱼养护管理问题已引起国际社会的广泛关注,《鲨鱼养护管理国际行动计划》和《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》等国际文件从生态系统保护和贸易管控角度对鲨鱼问题做出规定。为了顺应国际社会加强鲨鱼养护管理的趋势,RFMOs出台了一系列决议和措施。对此,作为远洋渔业大国的我国应针对目前履行RFMOs管理规定中存在的问题,尽早做好各项准备,以彰显我国渔业大国的负责任态度,更好地维护我国远洋渔业合法权益。第一,对外加大宣传,树立我国远洋渔业的正面形象;第二,加强远洋渔业从业人员培训,强化远洋渔船监管;第三,加强国际渔业法律科学人才队伍建设,提升在国际渔业管理中的话语权和主导权;第四,转变我国渔业法规指导理念,确立以养护为主的渔业管理基本方针。  相似文献   

Despite knowledge-brokering being of high interest to public policy, there is a lack of research integrating the knowledge of stakeholders and scientists, principally because public policies remain viewed as top-down controlled. To help European research policies make a positive difference to society, there is a need to better engage stakeholders with the delivery of research and to demonstrate an impact and value that it brings. The pertinent question addressed by this communication is: how can a deeper and more systematic engagement of stakeholders be enabled through European research activities? Enabling stakeholder participation in European research activities requires there to be an incentive for researchers and stakeholders to engage, and the capacity of stakeholders to operate effectively in the research framework. Unsurprisingly, the establishment of communications and cultures conducive to shared problem solving is high priority, as is the need to work towards a governance structure that helps link research with policy outcomes, while at the same time resonating directly with stakeholders. The Regional Advisory Councils could be a strong force in bringing stakeholders knowledge to bear on the scientific issues relevant to management, but their strategy and capacity to mobilise the skills to do so are not yet ready.  相似文献   

Information about stakeholder aspirations is a fundamental requirement for ecosystem-based management, but the detail is often elusive, and debates may focus on simplistic opposing positions. This is exemplified by the Antarctic krill fishery, which, despite a current operational catch limit equivalent to just 1% of the estimated biomass and actual annual catches much lower than this, is the subject of a high-profile debate framed around ambiguous concepts such as sustainability. Q methodology was applied to explore the detailed views of representatives of three stakeholder sectors (the fishing industry, conservation-focused non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and scientists from seven countries involved in research on the krill-based ecosystem). The analysis distinguished two clear groupings, one of which included the views of all NGO participants while the other included the views of fishing industry participants and a subset of the scientists. Key differences between the groups included the priority given to different management measures, and to continued commercial fishing. However, the results also revealed considerable overlap between viewpoints. Both groups prioritised the maintenance of ecosystem health and recognised the importance of defining management objectives. Also, neither group prioritised a decrease in catch limits. This suggests that most participants in the study agree that management should improve but do not perceive a major problem in the ecosystem's ability to support current catch levels. Cooperation to identify shared management objectives based on stakeholder aspirations for the ecosystem might enhance progress, whereas polarised discussions about preferred management measures or ambiguous concepts are likely to impede progress.  相似文献   

The public discourse surrounding many fishery management issues suggests that ethical concerns may be an important aspect of these issues for a segment of the American public. Questions have been raised about the capacity of regional fishery management councils created under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act to be adequately responsive to different ethical values. To date, legislative efforts to broaden council membership have been unsuccessful, but pressure for institutional reform is likely to increase with the adoption of an ecosystem approach to fishery management.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of fishing activity in Scottish waters is required to inform marine spatial planning. Larger fishing vessels are fitted with Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) offering spatial information on fishing activity. VMS does not cover smaller vessels (under 15 m), which fish predominantly in inshore waters where the competition for space is often greatest. To improve knowledge of the distribution of fishing activity and value of fisheries in Scotland's inshore waters, Marine Scotland conducted a participatory fisheries mapping project, known as ScotMap. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with 1090 fishermen of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length and relate to fishing activity for the period 2007–2011. Interviewees were asked to identify the areas in which they fish, estimate the contribution these areas make to vessel earnings, and to provide associated information. The majority of interviews relate to creel fishing. The data collected were aggregated to provide mapped outputs of the monetary value, relative importance to fishermen and the usage of the seas around Scotland (number of fishing vessels and number of crew). ScotMap outputs provide information on the locations of inshore fishing activities and the economic importance of different sea areas at a much higher spatial resolution than was previously possible. Outputs have informed marine policy development, provide a valuable resource for marine spatial planning in Scotland and illustrate how participatory mapping can generate useful resources on the location and importance of inshore fishing areas.  相似文献   

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