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采用2003—2013年统计数据,对广东水产品出口和渔业经济总产值之间的关系进行实证研究。在统计分析方面,测算了广东水产品出口依存度、贡献率和拉动度,结果显示水产品出口对渔业经济增长具有促进作用,但是这种促进表现不稳定且不高;在计量分析方面,运用单位根检验、协整检验、Granger因果检验和回归分析,结果表明,水产品出口和渔业经济总产值之间具有长期稳定的均衡关系,水产品出口对渔业经济具有有限的拉动作用。制约广东水产品出口的原因主要有进口国提高水产品技术性贸易壁垒、省内水产品市场集中以及市场结构不合理。提出提高水产品出口质量、开发高附加值产品以及做强做大水产品第二产业等相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

国外技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)已成为制约广东水产品出口的最大障碍。根据技术性贸易壁垒的概念和特点,提出针对国外技术性贸易壁垒,构建政府、行业协会和企业三位一体的应对与防护体系,并从制度、政策、人才和经费保证该体系的有效运行,发挥其在预警、示范和保护等方面的功能。  相似文献   

构建水产品贸易壁垒预警机制的探讨——以广东为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机爆发以来,贸易保护主义明显抬头,贸易壁垒花样翻新。以广东水产品为例,从短期来看,贸易壁垒会对出口产生抑制效应;从长期来看,贸易壁垒将会形成倒逼机制,促使企业提高产品质量,改善产品结构,提高出口绩效,增强竞争力,产生正面效应。贸易壁垒预警机制是一个由政府部门、专业机构、行业协会和企业共同参与的一项系统工程,包括预警信息的收集、加工、评估和发布四个阶段组成,根据具体情况,适时发布预警信息和警度级别,从而能够使企业及时了解国外贸易壁垒的信息,尽早制定应对策略,采取切实可行的措施,将贸易壁垒所造成的损失降到最低。  相似文献   

当前我国水产品出口屡屡受挫,如何提升我国水产品的国际竞争力是我们面临的一个重要课题。通过分析认为,制约我国水产品国际竞争力的外部因素:发达国家技术壁垒的强化;反倾销、反补贴和特殊保障措施使我国在保护水产品生产和贸易上处于严重的不利地位;生态标签成为新的非关税壁垒,威胁着国际贸易的发展。内部因素:政府管理体制方面的制约;水产品生产加工方面的制约;行业组织化程度低,恶性竞争没有得到有效遏制;生产服务和信息服务能力弱;水产品市场体系的制约因素。在此基础上,提出了增加政府补贴、加强养殖监管、健全合作组织、实施品牌战略等一系列提升我国水产品国际竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

运用扩展的三维引力模型考察了1990–2009年间122个国家的双边水产品贸易情况,对影响各国水产品贸易的主要因素进行了实证分析。在此基础上,对我国水产品出口和进口贸易潜力进行了测算,发现中国水产品贸易总体上表现为"贸易饱和",但对印度等市场存在"贸易不足"。最后就如何提升一国的潜在贸易量给出了具体建议。  相似文献   

当前我国水产品出口屡屡受挫.如何提升我国水产品的国际竞争力是我们面临的一个重要课题。通过分析认为。制约我国水产品国际竞争力的外部因素:发达国家技术壁垒的强化;反倾销、反补贴和特殊保障措施使我国在保护水产品生产和贸易上处于严重的不利地位;生态标签成为新的非关税壁垒,威胁着国际贸易的发展。内部因素:政府管理体制方面的制约;水产品生产加工方面的制约;行业组织化程度低,恶性竞争没有得到有效遏制;生产服务和信息服务能力弱;水产品市场体系的制约因索。在此基础上,提出了增加政府补贴、加强养殖监管、健全合作组织、实施品牌战略等一系列提升我国水产品国际竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国水产品市场的基本状况 ,认为目前我国水产品市场品种丰富 ,价格稳定。究其原因 ,主要是水产品流通体制的改革 ,水产品市场的开放 ,科技贡献率的提高 ,政府在渔业发展方向上的战略性调整和水产品对外贸易的快速发展。文章针对现阶段我国水产品市场存在的问题 ,特别是渔业资源及其生态环境破坏的负面影响及解决办法做了有益的探讨  相似文献   

运用钻石模型分析广东省水产品加工产业的竞争力,在此基础上结合因子分析法对广东省和其他沿海地区水产品加工产业的竞争力进行比较,研究结果显示:相对而言,广东省水产品加工产业综合竞争力水平较高,但在资源利用率、加工企业规模化发展方面处于劣势,所以要从加大财政投入、推进科技创新、实现企业规模经济以及提升产品附加值和品质等方面提升广东省水产品加工产业的竞争力。  相似文献   

我国水产品市场状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了我国水产品市场的基本状况,认为目前我国水产品市场品种,价格稳定。究其原因,主要是水产品流通体制的改革,水产品市场的开放,科技贡献率的提高,政府的渔业发展方向上的战略性调整和水产品对外贸易的快速发展。文章针对现阶段我国水产品市场存在的问题。特别是渔业资源及其生态环境破坏的负面影响及解决办法做了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

中美互为水产品贸易大国。通过对中美水产品贸易和质量安全情况进行分析研究发现,随着两国水产品贸易的不断发展,也逐渐暴露出药物残留时有检出、有害生物和致病微生物检出较高、我国进口水产品法律法规标准体系不健全不完善,以及进口水产品检验监管方式需要调整完善等诸多问题。建议:做好顶层设计,健全完善我国进出口水产品法律法规体系、标准体系;坚持改革创新,转变监管方式;落实企业主体责任以及加强中美交流合作,着力构建中美水产品共治新格局。  相似文献   

This paper uses the Global Trade Analysis Project(version 7)database to calculate embodied CO2emissions in bilateral trade between China and other countries(regions)based on input-output methods.The sources and flows of embodied CO2emissions in import and export trade of China are analyzed.Results show that the flows of embodied CO2emissions in export trade are highly concentrated.The main flows to the United States(US)and Japan account for 1/4 and 1/7 of the total CO2emissions in export trade,respectively.Concentrated flows of total exports and small differences in export structure are the main reasons for the highly concentrated export trade.The sources of embodied CO2emissions in import trade have relatively low concentration.Taiwan Province of China,Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China,US,Russia,Republic of Korea,and Japan account for around 7.72%–12.67%of the total embodied CO2emissions in import trade.The relative dispersion of import sources,the impact of the import structure,and the level of production technology in importing countries caused low concentration of CO2emissions in import trade.Overall,the embodied CO2emissions in the export trade of China are higher than those in import trade.As a result,production-based CO2emissions are higher than consumption-based CO2emissions.The difference of 8.96×108t of CO2,which comes mainly from the US,Japan,Germany,and the United Kingdom,accounts for 58.70%of the total difference.Some suggestions,such as improving energy efficiency,alerting high carbon-intensive industries transfer,expanding the market for sharing risks,and prompting the accounting system of consumption-based CO2emissions,are proposed based on the results.  相似文献   

The studies on environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations are helpful to design and implement environmental protection countermeasures.In order to eliminate the adverse effects of insufficient observation values on the accuracy of regression results and dynamic information quantity of fitting equation during empirical study,panel data of the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China from 1985 to 2007 were selected based on the adjustment of classical regression model in this paper.Panel unit root test and panel cointegration analysis method were applied to investigating the environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China and its three groups divided by foreign trade dependence.The results show that all scale effects are positive,while all technical effects are negative and unable to counteract positive scale effects.Foreign trade development is regarded as an important cause for outstanding eco-environmental problems in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China.Total effects and structural effects are significantly different among different groups because of spatial variations in environmental policies,export destinations,source of FDI,etc.Following the principle of′coordinating generality and considering differences comprehensively′,it is essential to issue a series of policies and countermeasures corresponding to differences in regional environmental effect of foreign trade,in order to coordinate the relationship between foreign trade development and eco-environment in each region.  相似文献   

So-called free economic region is a special region without jurisdiction of customs, delimited by one country. There are mainly four types of free economic region, that is, commercial type of free economic region —free port, industrial type of free economic region — export processing area, integrated commercial and trade type of free economic region — free trade zone, and scientific and technological type of free economic region — scientific industrial park. With the development of free economic region of different countries, besides free economic region within one country, there appear transnational border free economic region established by two or multiple countries. Analysing favorable factors and unfavorable factors to establish the free economic region for China and Russia, for example, China and Russia have land boundary line of 4282.7 km; China and Russia may strengthen overall cooperation in politics, military, economy, science and technology, culture, etc. making full use of geographical factors of the two countries, borders; there is a strong complementarity in resources, labour force etc. for China and Russia; strengthening the Sino-Russian economic trade cooperation is needed, the authors proposed a conception and selected four comparative ideal locations for establishing the Sino-Russian border free economic region: Manzhouli-Zabaikalye Free Economic Region, Heihe-Blagoveshchensk Free Economic Region, Suifenhe-Pogranichnyy Free Economic Region, Hunchun-Hasan Free Economic Region. Finally the principles and patterns for establishing free economic region are discussed.  相似文献   

我国正处在由传统经济向知识经济转变的重要时期,信息化、知识化已成为当今世界经济发展的主要方向。我国测绘产业面临知识经济的挑战和机遇,应当加强人才资源、信息资源的开发和利用,加快数字化、网络化、集成化、智能化建设,逐步实现由传统测绘产业向地理信息产业的转变,为我国国民经济信息化建设提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

在“一带一路”沿线的65个国家中,46个国家拥有登记在案的港口,同时海上航运贸易占国际贸易总量的75%以上。为了充分了解“一带一路”沿线国家和地区航运贸易情况,评估国家、区域之间贸易往来关系,本文选取了2016年“一带一路”国家和地区船舶历史运动轨迹,首先基于规则判定的方法挖掘船舶停港事件,并以港口为主要节点,港口间货运往来事件为连接形成“一带一路”国际航运贸易网络。在此基础上,对贸易网络进行如下网络结构分析:① “一带一路”贸易网络基本属性统计,包括网络连通性、度分布、平均最短路径;② 网络节点中心度计算,主要采用Eigenvector Centrality评估分析贸易网中节点中心度;③ 结合社会网络挖掘中社区挖掘的概念,使用Fast Unfolding算法对贸易网络进行社区发现。可以看出,“一带一路”沿线国家和地区贸易往来错综复杂,港口之间呈现小世界网络特性;土耳其、俄罗斯、中国等国的港口影响力靠前;并且形成五大贸易社区,这些社区的分布和地理位置分布基本吻合,但仍然有部分国家受特殊贸易行为的影响,所属社区有所打破区域限制。本文旨在通过航运大数据构建贸易网络,在网络分析基础上,更好地评价节点影响力,更清晰地分析贸易网络结构,为“一带一路”战略更好地实施提供帮助。  相似文献   

Manzhouli is the largest land port city on the Sino-Russia border, transit cargo through the land port amount-ed to 5.95 million tons, transit tourists were 304 500 in 2000. It stands at the joint place of China, Mongolia and Russi-a, faces to Siberia area of Russia, receives direct support from the Northeast China and Bohai Sea Rim Area, and possess-es priorities in geographical location, land port infrastructure, water resources, coal resources, tourist resources andgreat potentiality in economic cooperation with Russia. The future urban function is a key port on the First Eurasia Continen-tal Bridge. Manzhouli Port will keep its first place between China and Russia land transport, and it is forecasted that thetransit amount through Manzhouli Port will go up to 10 million tons in 2005 and 20 million tons in 2010. It will be construct-ed to be a trade center of the peripheral area extending to Russia and Mongolia, a key export-oriented processing industri-al zone supported by industries such as export processing industries, export agriculture, trade services, technology trad-ing and the other service industries. It keeps being a well-known touring city for trade, shopping, sightseeing, vocation,local food, recreation and cultural events. To build Manzhouli Export Processing Industry Zone will improve city econom-ic structure, and the main sectors are organic food processing, livestock products processing, garment and furniture indus-try. Moreover, Manzhouli Export Processing Industry Zone will eventually be upgraded to be a border free trade zone.The city functional transition will inevitably affect urban spatial restructure and its expansion. The city space transforma-tion will develop as such: one development axis of No. 301 highway paralleling with Bin - Zhou(Harbin - Manzhouli) rail-way which cuts through central part of Manzhouli City, and links Zhalainuocr District with central city; three urban unitsincluding central city, Zhalainuocr District and Manzhouli Interchange Trade Zone; cohesion with Aoerjin and Cuogangpastures; regional dual-nuclei structure of Hailaer City and Manhzouli City; and the Manzhouli-Zabaykalsk Free TradeZone.  相似文献   

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