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F.A. de Scally  I.F. Owens   《Geomorphology》2005,69(1-4):46-56
Characteristics of surface particles on four fans dominated by different depositional processes are investigated in the sedimentary ranges of the Aoraki–Mount Cook area, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Statistical testing shows that on three of the fans all indices of particle size and roundness differ significantly according to the depositional process: snow avalanches produce the largest and most angular particles, streamflows the smallest and most rounded, with debris flows in between. On the fourth fan affected by all of these depositional processes, particle size and roundness indicate that snow avalanches are presently dominant with streamflow playing a secondary role. The results also show that all indices of particle size are strongly correlated with each other and suggest that the principal (a-) or intermediate (b-) axis length may provide a satisfactory substitute for more complex indices of size. Indices of particle shape generally do not differ significantly between the fans, reflecting both the strong control exerted on particle shape by source area lithology and structure and the geologic similarity of the four basins. Changes in particle size and roundness occur with down-fan distance on the snow avalanche, debris flow, and hybrid fans but not on the streamflow fan.  相似文献   

The Southern Alps of New Zealand are the topographic expression of active oblique continental convergence of the Australian and Pacific plates. Despite inferred high rates of tectonic and climatic forcing, the pattern of differential uplift and erosion remains uncertain. We use a 25-m DEM to conduct a regional-scale relief analysis of a 250-km long strip of the western Southern Alps (WSA). We present a preliminary map of regional erosion and denudation by overlaying mean basin relief, a modelled stream-power erosion index, river incision rates, historic landslide denudation rates, and landslide density. The interplay between strong tectonic and climatic forcing has led to relief production that locally attains 2 km in major catchments, with mean values of 0.65–0.68 km. Interpolation between elevations of major catchment divides indicates potential removal of l01–103 km3, or a mean basin relief of 0.51–0.85 km in the larger catchments. Local relief and inferred river incision rates into bedrock are highest about 50–67% of the distance between the Alpine fault and the main divide. The mean regional relief variability is ± 0.5 km.Local relief, valley cross-sectional area, and catchment width correlate moderately with catchment area, and also reach maximum values between the range front and the divide. Hypsometric integrals show scale dependence, and together with hypsometric curves, are insufficient to clearly differentiate between glacial and fluvial dominated basins. Mean slope angle in the WSA (ψ = 30°) is lower where major longitudinal valleys and extensive ice cover occur, and may be an insensitive measure of regional relief. Modal slope angle is strikingly uniform throughout the WSA (φ = 38–40°), and may record adjustment to runoff and landsliding. Both ψ and φ show non-linear relationships with elevation, which we attribute to dominant geomorphic process domains, such as fluvial processes in low-altitude valley trains, surface runoff and frequent landsliding on montane hillslopes, “relief dampening” by glaciers, and rock fall/avalanching on steep main-divide slopes.  相似文献   

T.C. Hales  J.J. Roering 《Geomorphology》2009,107(3-4):241-253
In the Southern Alps, New Zealand, large gradients in precipitation (< 1 to 12 m year− 1) and rock uplift (< 1 to 10 mm year− 1) produce distinct post-glacial geomorphic domains in which landslide-driven sediment production dominates in the wet, rapid-uplift western region, and rockfall controls erosion in the drier, low-uplift eastern region. Because the western region accounts for < 25% of the active orogen, the dynamics of erosion in the extensive eastern region are of equal importance in estimating the relative balance of uplift and erosion across the Southern Alps. Here, we assess the efficacy of frost cracking as the primary rockfall mechanism in the eastern Southern Alps using air photo and topographic analysis of scree slopes, cosmogenic radionuclide dating of headwalls, paleo-climate data, and a numerical model of headwall temperature. Currently, active scree slopes occur at a relatively uniform mean elevation ( 1450 m) and their distribution is independent of hillslope aspect and rock type, consistent with the notion that frost cracking (which is maximized between − 3 and − 8 °C) may control rockfall erosion. Headwall erosion rates of 0.3 to 0.9 mm year− 1, measured using in-situ 10Be and 26Al in the Cragieburn Range, confirm that rockfall erosion is active in the late Holocene at rates that roughly balance rock uplift. Models of the predicted depth of frost activity are consistent with the scale of fractures and scree blocks in our field sites. Also, vegetated, paleo-scree slopes are ubiquitous at elevations lower than active scree slopes, consistent with the notion that lower temperatures during the last glacial advance induced pervasive rockfall erosion due to frost cracking. Our modeling suggests temporally-averaged peak frost cracking intensity occurs at 2300 m a.s.l., the approximate elevation of the highest peaks in the central Southern Alps, suggesting that the height of these peaks may be limited by a “frost buzzsaw.”  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple non-linear method of magnetotelluric inversion that accounts for the computation of depth averages of the electrical conductivity profile of the Earth. The method is not exact but it still preserves the non-linear character of the magnetotelluric inverse problem. The basic formula for the averages is derived from the well-known conductance equation, but instead of following the tradition of solving directly for conductivity, a solution is sought in terras of spatial averages of the conductivity distribution. Formulas for the variance and the resolution are then readily derived. In terms of Backus-Gilbert theory for linear appraisal, it is possible to inspect the classical trade-off curves between variance and resolution, but instead of resorting to linearized iterative methods the curves can be computed analytically. The stability of the averages naturally depends on their variance but this can be controlled at will. In general, the better the resolution the worse the variance. For the case of optimal resolution and worst variance, the formula for the averages reduces to the well-known Niblett-Bostick transformation. This explains why the transformation is unstable for noisy data. In this respect, the computation of averages leads naturally to a stable version of the Niblett-Bostick transformation. The performance of the method is illustrated with numerical experiments and applications to field data. These validate the formula as an approximate but useful tool for making inferences about the deep conductivity profile of the Earth, using no information or assumption other than the surface geophysical measurements.  相似文献   

We present a study on the impact of litho-structural setting and neotectonic activity on meso- and macro-scale relief production in Alpine areas. The topography of the high alpine Triglav Lakes Valley, NW Slovenia, was studied by means of detailed mapping and stratigraphic study of the valley. The Triglav Lakes Valley is characterised by a generally asymmetric transverse (E–W) profile: a very steep eastern slope, a relatively flat valley and a relatively gentle western slope. On the transverse profile the valley floor is essentially flat, gently dipping towards the east. In the longitudinal cross-section, however, the valley floor is marked by sharply-defined fault blocks extending in a W–E to NW–SE direction. Additionally, the highest block (elevations  2100 m) is in the northern part of the valley, the lowest (elevations  1600 m) in the southern part of the valley. Our research shows that the Triglav Lakes Valley directly represents the topographic expression of Paleogene–Neogene thrusting and faulting, having recorded the following geomorphologic evolutionary stages: 1. an Oligocene to early Miocene W-vergent thrusting phase, with steep W-facing slopes of the eastern part of the valley directly representing the thrusting front; and 2. a Neogene-to-present strike–slip faulting in NNE–SSW direction with two bifurcating right-lateral strike–slip systems. We show that the Triglav Lakes Valley almost perfectly mimics the wedge-shaped damage zone located between these faults.  相似文献   

The Southern Alps lie along the convergent Pacific-Indian plate boundary. Geomorphically distinct eastern, axial and western regions reflect the east-west gradient in tectonic uplift (1 to 10 mm a−1) and precipitation (600 to 10,000 mm a−1). The eastern region is divided into front-ange and basin-and-range subregions. Soil-sequence studies on terraces established temporal contrasts in pedogenesis within and between eastern and western regions encompassing Entisols, Inceptisols and Spodosols. On Late Pleistocene and early Holocene terraces Dystrochrepts are persistent soils in the eastern region and Aquods in the western region. These soil sequences are used in the interpretation of relative soil age, stratigraphy and erosion history in hill and mountain drainage basins of the eastern and western regions. In the subhumid to humid eastern front-range subregion, simple soil forms occur as catenary sequences, and there is little evidence of erosion following the destruction of forests in the last millenium. Mollisols are dominant in the subhumid, and Dystrochrepts in humid areas, respectively. Soil-debris mantle regoliths date from the early Holocene and are still developing on slopes. The soil pattern on mountain slopes in the humid, eastern basin-and-range subregion is a complex array of simple, eroded, composite and compound soils. This pattern has resulted from erosion following forest destruction within the last millenium. The oldest surface or buried forest soils are Dystrochrepts dating from the Late Pleistocene to early Holocene. Wind erosion of these low-fertility soils contributes to the loessial sediments in which younger soils have formed. In the western region, soil patterns and soil stratigraphy indicate continous instability with a complex pattern of highly leached, shallow Orthents and bedrock outcrops on slopes. The soils are eroded from slopes within 2 ka. These contrasts in soil development and erosion periodicity in the eastern and western regions of the Southern Alps parallel the east-west contrasts in erosion rates of ca. 1–10 mm a−1.  相似文献   

New magnetotelluric data from the Münchberg Gneiss complex in Southern Germany reveal a zone of extremely high electrical conductivity. 1-D modelling of the data is justified in the period range 0.01 to 10  s. At least three layers are required to explain the steepness of the apparent resistivity curves, and the best-fitting models comprise four layers with successively higher conductivities. The layers of highest conductivity at depths between 2.2 and 3.6  km correlate with pronounced bands of high seismic reflectivity (profile DEKORP 85-4N). The Münchberg complex is today widely recognized as a tectonic klippe, consisting of rocks whose metamorphic and stratigraphic order is inverted rather than overturned. The material was transported into its present position by predominantly horizontal tectonic forces along shear zones. We interpret the high conductivity and high reflectivity as remnants of this transport process.  相似文献   

The deep resistivity structure was estimated along a 400-km profile in central Poland crossing the Malopolska Massif (MM), the Lysogory Unit (LU), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) and ending at the East European Craton (EEC). Magnetotelluric transfer functions, corresponding to 20 sites, were supplemented by magnetovariational responses obtained at the geomagnetic observatories situated at the same tectonic units. Such a combination made it possible to extend the initial period range, which is from fractions of a second to several hours, up to months in order to reliably cover crustal and upper-mantle depths. The geoelectrical structures, revealed using 2-D inversions, do not contradict the known features of the lithosphere structure determined using seismic and gravity data along the profile.
The subsurface conductance, varying from approximately 10 Siemens at the inner part of the EEC to about 600 Siemens in the TESZ, is produced by sediments, the deep part of which contains conductive, highly mineralized water. The existence of two crustal conductive faults at the southwest and northeast of the TESZ were established mainly by the use of induction arrows. It was also revealed that rather high mantle conductivity beneath the MM, LU and TESZ at depths of about 150–200 km contrasts with the resistive upper mantle of the EEC. This can be interpreted as the decrease of asthenosphere conductance and/or as its submersion beneath the EEC. Generally, the results confirm the idea that the TESZ forms not only specific seismic boundaries but also causes peculiar conductivity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

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