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利用海洋观测浮标所获取的短期观测数据,对渤海表层海水温度和盐度水平分布及变化进行了综合分析。分析结果较为全面、真实地反映出了渤海表层温盐的基本特征。说明这些浮标观测数据比较真实、可靠。  相似文献   

孙涛  何林帮 《海洋学报》2023,45(2):130-138
在多波束测深中,温盐深剖面数据的准确性对测量精度起到非常重要的作用,而在实际测量中,温盐深误差又不可避免地存在。为了分析温盐深变化对波束脚印坐标的影响规律并将其影响值量化,本文在声速剖面间接测量数据的基础上,选择精度较高、适应性较强的声速经验公式推导其误差公式,计算温盐深变化所引起的声速误差值,并且在常梯度声线跟踪模型的基础上推导出声波旅行轨迹的水平位移和垂直位移误差公式,然后结合声速剖面计算出声速误差对波束脚印坐标的影响程度。实验结果表明,温度变化对声速的影响最大,盐度和深度依序次之;温度、盐度、深度3个参量的变化引起波束脚印Z坐标的变化量均大于XY坐标,最高可达变化前深度的0.6%。温度和盐度的变化引起的三轴坐标值变化量随入射角的增大而减小,而深度变化引起的三轴坐标值变化量几乎不随入射角的变化而变化。本文研究结果可为温盐深误差对多波束测深精度评估工作提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

使用ROMS(regional oceanic modeling system)模式模拟了40年的渤黄东海温盐流,数据包括三维的温度、盐度、流速、流向和海表高度,同时包含了逐小时的潮汐信息。将模拟结果与观测资料和卫星反演数据进行对比,检验了模式准确性。整体上,模式模拟的水位与近岸观测值基本一致,能够准确再现风产生的增水;模式较为准确的再现了渤黄东海的温度分布,在深水区模拟的温盐剖面与观测值基本一致;模式模拟渤黄东海区域的海表高度和海表流与卫星反演结果相比偏小,但分布趋势相近。模式结果可以为研究气候变化对水位的影响和黄海暖舌的扩散过程等现象提供数据支持。  相似文献   

渤海海冰的年际和年代际变化特征与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1951-2013年间的渤海冰情等级资料,利用最大熵谱分析、相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究了渤海冰情等级的年际和年代际变化特征,探讨了局地气候、大气环流、ENSO(El Nio-Southern Oscillation)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)对海冰的影响。结果表明,渤海海冰具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,并在1972年前后发生了一次由重到轻的气候跃变,在跃变后冰情较跃变前平均降低了0.7级。相关分析与合成分析结果显示,渤海冰情的年际变化除受局地气候的影响外,还受西太平洋副热带高压(副高)、极涡和欧亚环流的共同调控,特别在1972年以后,秋季副高、冬季欧亚和亚洲纬向环流对渤海冰情的年际变化均有重要影响,可作为渤海海冰预报的重要因子,而春季PDO、ENSO、冬季副高及欧亚和亚洲经向环流则是渤海冰情年代际变化的影响因素。  相似文献   

Variability in water temperature, salinity and density was investigated based on field measurements near Anzali Port, in the Southern Caspian Sea in 2008. Seasonal changes of seawater properties were mainly observed through the upper 100 m layer, while below this layer seasonal variations of the parameters were minor. Vertical structure of the temperature in the southern coastal waters of the Caspian Sea is characterized by a significant seasonal thermocline between 20–50 m depths with vertical variation in temperature about 16°C in midsummer (August). Decrease of the thermocline occurs with the general cooling of the air and sea surface water, and deepening of the mixed layer during late of autumn and winter. Seasonal averages of the salinity were estimated in a range of 12.27–12.37 PSU. The structure of thermocline and pycnocline indicated agreement between changes of temperature and density of seawater. Seasonal pycnocline was observed in position of the thermocline layer.  相似文献   

根据2014~2016年渤海各航次监测数据,选择22项因子构建表征研究区水环境、沉积环境、生态系统健康状态的评价指标体系,利用AHP层次分析方法对渤海生态系统的健康状况进行了评价。结果表明,渤海综合生态指数CEI为0.643,健康等级为中级,表明渤海生态系统整体处于亚健康的状态。生态健康较差和差的区域主要集中在莱州湾-渤海湾及其毗连地带的黄河三角洲地区;唐山-秦皇岛-葫芦岛近海及其纵深海域大体处于中级健康水准;渤海中部海区及其毗连的渤海海峡区域,海洋生态健康水平较高。根据评价结果,认为陆源输入、围填海工程是莱州湾和渤海湾的主要胁迫因子,并探讨了相应对策,以期为渤海的综合管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

随着海洋生态系统模型的发展,生态变量增多,众多生物过程参数量值的确定成为制约生态环境模拟的瓶颈问题,生态系统结构区域性要求模型中的生态参数具有区域差异。为探究不同海区的关键参数及参数敏感度的空间差异,本研究在渤、黄海建立了ROMS-CoSiNE物理–生物耦合的高分辨率生态系统模型,并对13种生态参数的敏感度空间分布进行分析。结果表明:南黄海中部与渤海及近岸海域的敏感度差异较大。渤海敏感度最大的参数为决定光合速率的浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率,其次为浮游动物捕食半饱和常数和浮游动物最大捕食率。而南黄海中部敏感度最大的参数为浮游动物最大捕食率,其次为浮游植物死亡率和浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率。结合敏感度分布及浮游植物生物量收支得出,渤海水体透明度较南黄海偏低、浮游植物生长光限制较强,是引起浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率敏感度在渤海高于黄海的主要原因。浮游动物最大捕食率及浮游植物死亡率的敏感度空间差异,受渤、黄海浮游植物生物量差异的影响,与生态系统中的高度非线性特征有关。  相似文献   

Aquasi-three-dimensionalnumericalpredictionmodelofsalinitystructureinBohaiSeaandHuanghaiSea¥SunWeiyangandWangZongshan(Receive...  相似文献   

When investigating the long-term variation of wave characteristics as associated with storm surges in the Bohai Sea,the Simulating Waves Nearshore(SWAN)model and Advanced CIRCulation(ADCIRC)model were coupled to simulate 32 storm surges between 1985 and 2014.This simulation was validated by reproducing three actual wave processes,showing that the simulated significant wave height(SWH)and mean wave period agreed well with the actual measurements.In addition,the long-term variations in SWH,pattems in SWH extremes along the Bohai Sea coast,the 100-year retum period SWH extreme distribution,and waves conditional probability distribution were calculated and analyzed.We find that the trend of SWH extremes in most of the coastal stations was negative,among which the largest trend was-0.03 m/a in the western part of Liaodong Bay.From the 100-year return period of the SWH distribution calculated in the Gumbel method,we find that the SWH extremes associated with storm surges decreased gradually from the center of the Bohai Sea to the coast.In addition,the joint probability of wave and surge for the entire Bohai Sea in 100-year return period was determined by the Gumbel logistic method.We therefore,assuming a minimum surge of one meter across the entire Bohai Sea,obtained the spatial SWH distribution.The conclusions of this study are significant for offshore and coastal engineering design.  相似文献   

海洋是地球上最大的碳库,对大气中的CO2起着调控作用,在减缓全球变暖过程中起着重要作用。渤、黄海是典型的封闭-半封闭型陆架海,深入探讨渤、黄海颗粒有机碳(POC)变化特征和输运通量,对区域碳循环和海洋碳通量研究具有重要意义。通过2010年春秋两季、2016年夏季和2012年冬季渤、黄海的大面积实测数据,结合MODIS卫星遥感影像反演的叶绿素a(Chl-a),探讨了渤、黄海POC空间分布、影响因素、碳库及交换通量的季节性差异。结果表明:春季POC浓度最高,平均浓度0.34 mg/L;夏季次之,平均浓度0.30 mg/L;秋季平均浓度0.27 mg/L;冬季最低,平均浓度0.17 mg/L。不同季节POC空间分布基本一致,整体呈现“近岸高、离岸低,表层低、底层高”的特点,高值区主要位于黄河三角洲、山东半岛东侧和苏北浅滩-长江口北附近水域,低值区主要集中在南黄海中部深水区。不同季节影响POC分布的因素不同,春、秋两季受径流输入、沉积物再悬浮和浮游植物共同影响,夏季主要受控于浮游植物初级生产,沉积物再悬浮是影响冬季POC分布的主要原因。渤、黄海POC碳库呈明显的季节性变化,春季碳库最高,渤海与黄海分别为1.32×106 t和6.71×106 t;冬季碳库最低,渤海与黄海分别为7.21×105 t和3.39×106 t。约有6.55×105 t/a POC通过渤海海峡由渤海进入黄海,POC输运主要集中在夏季。  相似文献   

渤海海冰对于大尺度气候变化比较敏感,基于CLARA-A1-SAL数据分析了1992~2008年冬季(12、1、2月)渤海海冰区域反照率的时空变化,同时分析了海冰密集度、海冰外延线面积和海水表面温度的变化与海冰反照率的相互关系。渤海海冰区域反照率随时间波动变化且变化趋势不明显,趋势线斜率仅为0.0388%。年际变化在9.93%~14.5%之间,平均值为11.79%。海冰反照率在1999,2000和2005等重冰年的值明显高于其他年份,在1994,1998,2001和2006等轻冰年的值较低。从单个月份反照率来看,12月海冰反照率的增加趋势(趋势线斜率0.0988%)明显高于1月和2月,1月的海冰反照率平均值(12.9%)高于另外两个月份。海冰反照率和海冰密集度呈明显的正相关关系;和海表面温度呈负相关关系(显著性水平90%)。  相似文献   

Based on the comprehensive collection of the field observed salinity of the Bohai Sea (BHS) and the northern Huanghai Sea (NHS) from the 1950s to the present,the patterns of 10-years-averaged salinity at the different layers in the recent five decades (the 1950s,the 1960s,the 1970s,the 1980s and the 1990s) are obtained by the spatial-temporal interpolation technique with the scrupulous data quality control in this study.Then,by combining the spatial-temporal interpolation technique with successive correction method,the annual distributions of salinity both in the BHS and in the NHS are obtained as well.The data analyses indicate that the overall salinity in the BHS and the NHS increases from the 1960s till the present,with the increase of annual mean salinity of 0.04 psu from the 1950s,and the maximum increase rate of salinity is about 0.14 psu/a in the Bohai Bay.The high salinity tongue extended significantly from the NHS into the BHS.The intensified eastern wind field is related to the western intrusion of the NHS warm current,which probably leads to the moving forward of the high salinity water mass into the BHS.However,it is rather different from the salinity distribution characteristics between the 1950s and the 1960s.The extensive precipitation in the 1960s could lead to an increase in the discharge of the Huanghe River,which might result in the decrease of salinity in the BHS.But the salinity isoline of 32 in the NHS still extended significantly into the BHS in the 1960s.Since the 1980s,the patterns of salinity distribution have changed thoroughly.The salinity in the central area of the BHS was low,while the salinity in the Bohai Bay and the Liaodong Bay was higher than the other regions with its horizontal salinity gradient decreasing in the 1980s.The Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis (EOF) is also conducted to study the interannual salinity variability of the BHS and the NHS.The correlation coefficient between the time coefficient series of the main mode and the Huanghe River discharge can reach -64.57%.It can be concluded that salinity variation of the BHS and the NHS has strong negative correlation with the Huanghe River discharge.  相似文献   

渤海小黄鱼生殖力及其变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据2004年5月在渤海进行的拖网调查资料,分析了小黄鱼(Pseudosciaenapolyatics)在经过近半世纪的捕捞后的生殖群体生殖力及其与体长、纯体质量的关系,并对小黄鱼生殖力的变化作了比较。结果表明,小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力为14729粒±1360粒;个体绝对生殖力与叉长、纯体质量的关系变化较大;与1964年历史资料相比,相同体长组小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力F和相对生殖力FL都显著增大(P<0.01)。小黄鱼的生殖力增加可能是小黄鱼在长期捕捞等外部环境影响下的遗传进化以及对其生存环境的适应性响应。  相似文献   

The internnual variations of the parameters of the temperature and salinity seasonal variability in the ocean active layer are described based on the oceanographic measurements carried out during 1963–1975. Some peculiarities of the seasonal evolution of theT, S indices in the anomalous years have been revealed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The characteristics of seasonal variations of water temperature, salinity and density in the upper, middle and lower layers in Osaka Bay are described. Osaka Bay is considered to be an estuary, because the weak mixed state appears in spring and summer and the moderate mixed state in autumn and winter. Osaka Bay is divided into three areas, the eastern shallow area that has a large amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity, the southwestern deep area which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and high average salinity, and the northwestern deep area, which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity.  相似文献   

渤海西部海平面资料均一性订正及变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海平面资料的质量直接影响到海洋与气候分析的准确性,同时也影响了海洋与气候变化监测、检测和预测工作的业 务质量和研究水平的提高。以渤海西部资料序列变动明显的塘沽站(纳入全球海平面观测系统)、建站较短的京唐港和曹妃 甸站为例,从长期趋势、年际和年代际周期波动、季节海平面变化以及与邻近站比较等方面详细介绍了资料序列发生突变的 时间段诊断、变化原因、变动幅度以及订正方式。使用订正完的海平面月均及年均长期资料序列分析了海平面变化的长期趋 势、周期性波动、季节变化特征等,结果能很好地反映出局地区域的海平面变化特征,同时对于研究中国沿海以及西太的海 平面变化及气候变化有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the Baltic Sea mean salinity to climatic changes of the freshwater supply is analyzed. The average salinity of the Baltic Sea is about 6‰. The low salinity is an effect of a large net freshwater supply and narrow and shallow connections with the North Sea. As a result of mixing in the entrance area, a large portion of the outflowing Baltic Sea water returns with the inflowing salty water and thus lowers the salinity of the Baltic Sea deep-water considerably. This recycling of the Baltic Sea water is a key process determining the salinity of today's Baltic Sea. The sensitivity of this recycling, and thus of the Baltic Sea salinity, to climatic changes in the freshwater supply is analyzed. A simple model is formulated for the variations of the Baltic Sea freshwater content. Historical data of the freshwater supply and the salinity in the Baltic Sea are used in the model to achieve an empirical expression relating variations of the recycling of Baltic Sea water to the variations of the freshwater supply. The recycling is found to be very sensitive to the freshwater supply. We find that an increase of freshwater supply of 30% is the level above which the Baltic Sea would turn into a lake. Recent climate modeling results suggest that river runoff to the Baltic Sea may increase dramatically in the future and thus possibly put the Baltic Sea into a new state.  相似文献   

根据2018年1月冬季航次的水文实测资料,详细分析了大亚湾海水温度(T)、盐度(S)的分布特征。整体而言,观测海区海表相对于海底具有高温低盐的特征;同时,无论是表层还是近底层,大亚湾湾内的海水相对于湾外都呈现高温低盐的特征。观测期间,应是受到大亚湾核电站温排水的影响,湾内西侧存在一个高温中心。盐度的差异在近底层更加明显,低盐中心位于大亚湾的湾顶和大亚湾的中部海域,而高盐中心则主要分布于湾口西侧及惠东以东附近海域。太阳辐射和潮流变化是影响大亚湾温度、盐度变化的两大重要因素。其中,太阳辐射的影响主要局限于表层3~4 m,对近底层海水的影响较小;其加热效应使湾内和湾口附近的表层海水都表现出明显的昼夜变化。由潮汐和温度、盐度的对应关系可知,潮流对湾内温度、盐度的影响较大,而对湾外温度、盐度的影响较小。  相似文献   

Alan Lees 《Marine Geology》1975,19(3):159-198
In modern, marine, carbonate sands from shelf areas between the equator and latitudes 60°S and 60°N several major grain associations can be distinguished.On open shelves (< 100 m water depth) there are two skeletal grain associations. One (chlorozoan) is virtually restricted to warm, tropical waters; the other (foramol) characterizes temperate waters but also extends into the tropics. The distribution of these two associations cannot be explained in terms of water temperature alone: salinity is suspected as being a further controlling factor. Indeed, a third skeletal association (chloralgal) appears to be characteristic of areas where salinity is higher than on open shelves.Non-skeletal grains, where present, can be grouped into two associations. In one, pellets are the only non-skeletal grains represented; in the other, ooliths and/or aggregate grains are also present. These non-skeletal associations are restricted to relatively warm waters, but temperature does not determine which one of the associations develops. Again, salinity seems important.As both salinity and temperature apparently influence the grain associations, an attempt is made to present the relationships diagrammatically. By using graph pairs of “maximum temperature/minimum salinity” and “minimum temperature/maximum salinity” (named S.T.A.R. diagrams after Salinity Temperature Annual Ranges), the various grain associations can be classed into separate salinity/temperature fields.Salinity and temperature often seem to have a mutual “compensating” effect. For example, even at high temperatures the chlorozoan association does not develop if the salinity falls below a certain value, but it develops at relatively low temperatures when salinity is sufficiently high.This “compensation” effect also appears on the S.T.A.R. diagram for non-skeletal associations. More striking here, however, is a relationship suggesting that development of the oolith/aggregate association is strongly dependent on salinity.Carbonate muds are not shown on the S.T.A.R. diagrams, but an attempt is made to assimilate them into the model.The S.T.A.R. diagrams have a predictive value. In principle, given salinity and temperature values for an area, the grain associations can be predicted. In fact, the prediction is one of “potential”, i.e. that which is to be expected provided any other necessary environmental conditions are satisfied. Predictions are presented for the shelves of an ideal ocean and of present-day oceans and seas. The S.T.A.R. diagrams thus provide the basis for a tentative global model of present-day shelf carbonate sedimentation.The special problems of land-locked seas are discussed with reference to the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. Predictions are presented.To illustrate the possibilities of the S.T.A.R. diagram technique, an attempt at detailed prediction is given for an area — the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba — where the sediments are known and predictions can be checked.In conclusion, the problems inherent in applying the model to ancient sedimentary systems are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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