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The evolution of Alfvén turbulence due to three-wave interactions is discussed using kinetic theory for a collisionless, thermal plasma. In particular, we consider decay of Alfvén waves through three-wave coupling with an ion sound mode in the random-phase approximation. Two decay processes are of particular interest: an Alfvén wave decays into a backward propagating Alfvén wave and a forward propagating ion sound wave, and an Alfvén wave decays into a backward propagating fast magnetoacoustic wave and a forward ion sound wave. The former was widely discussed in the literature, particularly under the coherent wave assumption. The latter was not well explored and is discussed here.  相似文献   

In this article, an asymmetric counterstreaming distribution function is investigated on the basis of three-dimensional relativistic particle-in-cell simulations for wave propagation at an oblique angle with respect to the axis of the counterstream. For such asymmetric distribution functions, any linear Weibel modes must be isolated and therefore restricted to discrete wavenumber values. Using analytical linear Vlasov theory, this result has recently been proven generally, and has been illustrated by the example of an electron beam counterstreaming with a positron beam. By the means of self-consistent particle-in-cell simulations, in this paper a realistic distribution function is investigated that consists of neutral asymmetric Maxwellian counterstreams. For this scenario, the existence of isolated modes can be confirmed, especially when compared to the case of symmetric counterstreams.   相似文献   

Our numerical simulations show that the reconnection of magnetic field becomes fast in the presence of weak turbulence in the way consistent with the Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) model of fast reconnection. We trace particles within our numerical simulations and show that the particles can be efficiently accelerated via the first order Fermi acceleration. We discuss the acceleration arising from reconnection as a possible origin of the anomalous cosmic rays measured by Voyagers.  相似文献   

The properties of plasmas (in space) are fundamentally governed by both ‘cross-scale’ coupling and comparative temporal behaviour operating over the micro-, meso-, and (MHD-) fluid regimes: for example, under conditions of turbulence, during magnetic reconnection and in shocks and other plasma boundaries. These themes map to a number of related and overlapping, phenomena, where known phenomena play different roles in each theme. Detailed understanding of fundamental plasma processes therefore requires analysis of both theoretical models (to distinguish the collisionless from the collisional regimes) and multi-scale measurements (suitable to address issues of stationarity). In particular, the investigation of phenomena requires analysis techniques which can distinguish and quantify temporal behaviour and the multi-scale spatial behaviour. The analysis of existing, multi-point data sets has led to a number of data co-ordination methods, such as the four spacecraft analysis tools developed for cluster, and we consider examples here. Advanced analysis concepts may be investigated with suitable considerations of measurement quality:adequate sampling of phenomena (for example, to extract the necessary information on the mechanisms operating) requires suitable spacecraft configurations and directly relates to the measurement quality achievable. A particular issue is how to resolve temporal behaviour across the spatial regimes, so that the data set is suitably coordinated. With the addition of theoretical modelling (in the context of particular phenomena) both the space and laboratory plasma regimes may be compared and we give an example of nonlinear wave coupling across spatial scales in this context.  相似文献   

A magnetically structured accretion disc corona, generated by buoyancy instability in the disc, can account for observations of flare-like events in active galactic nuclei. We examine how Petschek magnetic reconnection, associated with MHD turbulence, can result in a violent release of energy and heat the magnetically closed regions of the corona up to canonical X-ray emitting temperatures. X-ray magnetic flares, the after effect of the energy released in slow shocks, can account for the bulk of the X-ray luminosity from Seyfert galaxies and consistently explain the observed short-time-scale variability.  相似文献   

The ACB search-coil magnetometer for Cross-Scale will measure three components of the AC magnetic field up to 4 kHz, and one component up to 100 kHz. Turbulent and coherent magnetic field fluctuations in that frequency range play an important role in the acceleration, scattering, and thermalisation of particles. ACB will, together with the other instruments of the Cross-Scale wave consortium, allow to address the key science objectives associated with plasma waves. Here, we list some of the important issues, based on the experience drawn from Cluster, and describe the instrument.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to explore the mechanism of fast Sweet–Parker’s magnetic reconnection with the Cowling’s conductivity. Cowling derived the resistivity of plasma with three components: electrons, ions and neutral particles in magnetic field theoretically after Spitzer. The resistivity is much larger than the Spitzer’s. According to the idea of partially ionized plasmas ejected into the corona as the trigger of flares, we adopt Cowling’s Conductivity to Sweet–Parker’s reconnection model in this paper. The result shows that the reconnection rate can be improved a lot in solar corona and approaches the timescale of solar flare in the absence of anomalous resistivity.  相似文献   

Reconnection of the magnetic lines of force is considered in case the magnetic energy exceeds the rest energy of the matter. It is shown that the classical Sweet–Parker and Petschek models are generalized straightforwardly to this case and the reconnection rate may be estimated by substituting the Alfven velocity in the classical formulae with the speed of light. The outflow velocity in the Sweet–Parker configuration is mildly relativistic. In the Petschek configuration, the outflow velocity is ultrarelativistic whereas the angle between the slow shocks is very small. As a result of the strong compression, the plasma outflow in the Petschek configuration may become strongly magnetized if the reconnecting fields are not exactly antiparallel.  相似文献   

The inertial range of incompressible MHD turbulence is most conveniently described in terms of counter propagating waves. Shear Alfvén waves control the cascade dynamics. Slow waves play a passive role and adopt the spectrum set by the shear Alfvén waves. Cascades composed entirely of shear Alfvén waves do not generate a significant measure of slow waves. MHD turbulence is anisotropic with energy cascading more rapidly along k than along k . Anisotropy increases with k such that the excited modes are confined inside a cone bounded by k k perp 2/3. The opening angle of the cone, θ(k )∝ k -1/3, defines the scale dependent anisotropy. MHD turbulence is generically strong in the sense that the waves which comprise it are critically damped. Nevertheless, deep inside the inertial range, turbulent fluctuations are small. Their energy density is less than that of the background field by a factor θ2(k )≪. MHD cascades are best understood geometrically. Wave packets suffer distortions as they move along magnetic field lines perturbed by counter propagating wave packets. Field lines perturbed by unidirectional waves map planes perpendicular to the local field into each other. Shear Alfvén waves are responsible for the mapping's shear and slow waves for its dilatation. The former exceeds the latter by θ-1(k )≫ 1 which accounts for dominance of the shear Alfvén waves in controlling the cascade dynamics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The coronal magnetic field above a particular photospheric region will vanish at a certain number of points, called null points. These points can be found directly in a potential field extrapolation or their density can be estimated from the Fourier spectrum of the magnetogram. The spectral estimate, in which the extrapolated field is assumed to be random and homogeneous with Gaussian statistics, is found here to be relatively accurate for quiet Sun magnetograms from SOHO’s MDI. The majority of null points occur at low altitudes, and their distribution is dictated by high wavenumbers in the Fourier spectrum. This portion of the spectrum is affected by Poisson noise, and as many as five-sixths of null points identified from a direct extrapolation can be attributed to noise. The null distribution above 1500 km is found to depend on wavelengths that are reliably measured by MDI in either its low-resolution or high-resolution mode. After correcting the spectrum to remove white noise and compensate for the modulation transfer function we find that a potential field extrapolation contains, on average, one magnetic null point, with altitude greater than 1.5 Mm, above every 322 Mm2 patch of quiet Sun. Analysis of 562 quiet Sun magnetograms spanning the two latest solar minima shows that the null point density is relatively constant with roughly 10% day-to-day variation. At heights above 1.5 Mm, the null point density decreases approximately as the inverse cube of height. The photospheric field in the quiet Sun is well approximated as that from discrete elements with mean flux 〈|φ|〉=1.0×1019 Mx distributed randomly with density n=0.007 Mm−2.  相似文献   

The propagation of MHD waves is studied when two ideal fluids, thermal and suprathermal gases, coupled by magnetic field are moving with the steady flow velocity. The fluids move independently in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field but gets coupled along the field. Due to the presence of flow in suprathermal and thermal fluids there appears forward and backward waves. All the forward and backward modes propagate in such a way that their rate of change of phase speed with the thermal Mach number is same. It is also found that besides the usual hydromagnetic modes there appears a suprathermal mode which propagates with faster speed. Surface waves are also examined on an interface formed with composite plasma (suprathermal and thermal gases) on one side and the other is a non-magnetized plasma. In this case, the modes obtained are two or three depending on whether the sound velocity in thermal gas is equal to or greater than the sound velocity in suprathermal gas. The results lead to the conclusion that the interaction of thermal and suprathermal components may lead to the occurrence of an additional mode called suprathermal mode whose phase velocity is higher than all the other modes.  相似文献   

Plasma science is rich in distinguishable scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic to the meta-galactic, i.e., themesoscale. Thus plasma science has an important contribution to make in understanding the connection between microscopic and macroscopic phenomena. Plasma is a system composed of a large number of particles which interact primarily, but not exclusively, through the electromagnetic field. The problem of understanding the linkages and couplings in multi-scale processes is a frontier problem of modern science involving fields as diverse as plasma phenomena in the laboratory to galactic dynamics.Unlike the first three states of matter, plasma, often called the fourth state of matter, involves the mesoscale and its interdisciplinary founding have drawn upon various subfields of physics including engineering, astronomy, and chemistry. Basic plasma research is now posed to provide, with major developments in instrumentation and large-scale computational resources, fundamental insights into the properties of matter on scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic. In all cases, these are treated as mesoscale systems. Thus, basic plasma research, when applied to the study of astrophysical and space plasmas, recognizes that the behavior of the near-earth plasma environment may depend to some extent on the behavior of the stellar plasma, that may in turn be governed by galactic plasmas. However, unlike laboratory plasmas, astrophysical plasmas will forever be inaccessible to in situ observation. The inability to test concepts and theories of large-scale plasmas leaves only virtual testing as a means to understand the universe. Advances in in computer technology and the capability of performing physics first principles, fully three-dimensional, particle-in-cell simulations, are making virtual testing a viable alternative to verify our predictions about the far universe.The first part of this paper explores the dynamical and fluid properties of the plasma state, plasma kinetics, and the radiation emitted from plasmas. The second part of this paper outlines the formulation for the particle-in-cell simulation of astrophysical plasmas and advances in simulational techniques and algorithms, as-well-as the advances that may be expected as the computational resource grows to petaflop speed/memory capabilities.Dedicated to the memories of Hannes Alfvén and Oscar Buneman; Founders of the Subject.  相似文献   

The process of magnetic reconnection in anisotropic plasmas is studied numerically using a 2-dimensional, 3-component hybrid simulation. The results of the calculation show that, when the plasma pressure in the direction perpendicular to magnetic field is larger than that in the parallel direction (e.g. P/P = 1.5), instability may greatly increase, speeding up the rate of reconnection. When P is smaller than P, (e.g., when P/P = 0.6), fire hose instability appears, which will restrain the tearing mode instability and the process of magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

本文讨论了有质量的Dirac粒子在宇宙磁场中的演化。宇宙磁场使空间度规出现各向异性。通过求解Dirac方程,得到了中微子在宇宙磁场中的表观磁矩。  相似文献   

Most of the visible universe is in the highly ionised plasma state, and most of that plasma is collision-free. Three physical phenomena are responsible for nearly all of the processes that accelerate particles, transport material and energy, and mediate flows in systems as diverse as radio galaxy jets and supernovae explosions through to solar flares and planetary magnetospheres. These processes in turn result from the coupling amongst phenomena at macroscopic fluid scales, smaller ion scales, and down to electron scales. Cross-Scale, in concert with its sister mission SCOPE (to be provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency—JAXA), is dedicated to quantifying that nonlinear, time-varying coupling via the simultaneous in-situ observations of space plasmas performed by a fleet of 12 spacecraft in near-Earth orbit. Cross-Scale has been selected for the Assessment Phase of Cosmic Vision by the European Space Agency.   相似文献   

An extension of Sonnerup's model for the magnetic field-line reconnection for a compressible plasma is given. The plasma is considered to be only slightly compressible so that the leading wave in Sonnerup's model can still be taken to be a thin discontinuity. The flow is assumed to occur under adiabatic conditions, and de Hoffmann-Teller jump conditions are used to connect the state variables across the shocks. The compressibility effects are found to increase the reconnection rate. The signaling problem is finally considered to study the evolution of MHD waves in a compressible, dissipative plasma so as to investigate the conditions under which the assumption of MHD waves in a compressible plasma to be thin discontinuities is valid.  相似文献   

At MHD scales density fluctuation in the solar wind generally have a relative amplitude less than 0.1. The nearly incompressible MHD theory would seem then appropriate to describe a major part of the compressive turbulence at these scales. As a test of the theory, we focus on the scaling properties of density fluctuations with turbulent Mach numbers and on the level of correlation between density and temperature fluctuations. Our findings do not appear in favour of an extended applicability of the nearly incompressible theory to MHD compressive turbulence in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Recently, quick triggering of magnetic reconnection (QMRT) even in an ion-scale current sheet is found to be possible with the help of the nonlinear evolution of the lower hybrid drift instability (LHDI). The details of the QMRT mechanism are reviewed mostly based on three-dimensional full-particle simulation results of our group. QMRT is mediated by LHDI and its time scale is comparable to the saturation time scale of LHDI. Depending on the initial current sheet thickness, two types of QMRT, so-called Type-I and Type-II QMRT, are demonstrated.  相似文献   

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