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Slope–channel coupling and in-channel sediment storage can be important factors that influence sediment delivery through catchments. Sediment budgets offer an appropriate means to assess the role of these factors by quantifying the various components in the catchment sediment transfer system. In this study a fine (< 63 µm) sediment budget was developed for a 1.64-km2 gullied upland catchment in southeastern Australia. A process-based approach was adopted that involved detailed monitoring of hillslope and bank erosion, channel change, and suspended sediment output in conjunction with USLE-based hillslope erosion estimation and sediment source tracing using 137Cs and 210Pbex. The sediment budget developed from these datasets indicated channel banks accounted for an estimated 80% of total sediment inputs. Valley floor and in-channel sediment storage accounted for 53% of inputs, with the remaining 47% being discharged from the catchment outlet. Estimated hillslope sediment input to channels was low (5.7 t) for the study period compared to channel bank input (41.6 t). However an estimated 56% of eroded hillslope sediment reached channels, suggesting a greater level of coupling between the two subsystems than was apparent from comparison of sediment source inputs. Evidently the interpretation of variability in catchment sediment yield is largely dependent on the dynamics of sediment supply and storage in channels in response to patterns of rainfall and discharge. This was reflected in the sediment delivery ratios (SDR) for individual measurement intervals, which ranged from 1 to 153%. Bank sediment supply during low rainfall periods was reduced but ongoing from subaerial processes delivering sediment to channels, resulting in net accumulation on the channel bed with insufficient flow to transport this material to the catchment outlet. Following the higher flow period in spring of the first year of monitoring, the sediment supplied to channels during this interval was removed as well as an estimated 72% of the sediment accumulated on the channel bed since the start of the study period. Given the seasonal and drought-dependent variability in storage and delivery, the period of monitoring may have an important influence on the overall SDR. On the basis of these findings, this study highlights the potential importance of sediment dynamics in channels for determining contemporary sediment yields from small gullied upland catchments in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Modelling the delivery of landslide-generated sediment to channel networks is challenging due to uncertainty in the magnitude–frequency distribution of failures connected to the channel network. Here, we investigate a simplified treatment of hydrological connectivity as a means for improving identification of coarse sediment delivery to upland rivers. Sediment generation from hillslopes and channel banks and its delivery to the channel network are modelled based on a modified form of SHALSTAB coupled to a network index version of TOPMODEL. The network index treatment has two important hydrological effects: (a) it only allows saturated areas to connect to the hydrological network when there is full saturation along the associated flow path; and (2) overland flow associated with unconnected but saturated zones is assumed to remain within the catchment and to contribute to a reduction in the catchment-averaged saturation deficit. We use this hydrological treatment to restrict sediment delivery to situations where there is surface hydrological connection (i.e. saturation) along the complete flow path that connects failure areas to the drainage network. This represents an extreme restriction on the possibility of connected failure as it does not allow for failed material to connect if failures are associated with partial saturation or where delivery involves runout across areas where hydrological connection is not maintained. The impact of this restriction is assessed by comparing model predictions with field mapping of connected failures and data from continuously recording coarse sediment sensors, for two storm events. The hydrological connection requirement restricted connected failures to zones closer to the drainage network and resulted in a better level of agreement with the field mapped failures. Simulations suggested that in the study catchment the majority of sediment inputs occur from hydrologically-connected areas close to the channel network during moderate sized rainstorms that occur relatively frequently.  相似文献   

Variations in the coupling of sediment transfer between different parts of a fluvial catchment, e.g., hillslope to axial stream, can hamper understanding but are an integral part of the geomorphological record. Depositional environments respond to a combination of land use, climate, storms (floods), and autogenic conditioning. The distribution of sediment in the upland landscapes of NW England is out of equilibrium with contemporary climate and geomorphological processes; more a function of peri- and paraglacial mobilisation of glacigenic deposits. Soil and vegetation development after deglaciation have interrupted any progression toward sediment exhaustion with sediment release controlled largely by extrinsic perturbation, with late Holocene anthropogenic activity, climate and extreme hydrological events the likely candidates. This paper presents a new radiocarbon-dated Holocene geomorphological succession for the River Hodder (NW England), alongside evaluating new palaeoecological and geoarchaeological data to discern the impacts of human activity. These data show a late Holocene expansion in human occupation and use of the landscape since the Iron Age (700–0 cal. B.C.), with more substantial changes in the character and intensity of upland land use in the last 1300 years. The geomorphological responses in the uplands were the onset of considerable and widespread hillslope erosion (gullying) and associated alluvial fan development. Interpretation of the regional radiocarbon chronology limits gullying to four, more extensive and aggressive phases after 500 cal. B.C. The downstream alluvial system has responded with considerable valley floor deposition and lateral channel migration that augmented sediment supply by remobilising the existing floodplain terraces and led to the aggradation of a series of inset alluvial terraces. The timing of these changes between states of aggradation and incision in alluvial reaches reflects the increased connectivity between the hillslope and alluvial systems. Aspects of both the regional climate and land use histories are conducive to increasing discharge and sediment flux, but the region wide lowering of erosion thresholds appears a key driver conditioning these sediment-rich conditions and producing a landscape that was more susceptible to erosion under lower magnitude flows.  相似文献   

Fire can alter sediment sources and transport rates in river basins, changing landforms and aquatic habitats and degrading downstream water quality. Variability in the response between environments, between fires, and with time since fire makes predicting the catchment-scale effect of individual fires difficult. This study applies the fallout radionuclides 137Cs and 210Pbxs to trace the sources and transport of fine sediment through a river network following a wildfire of moderate to extreme severity in the 629-km2 eucalypt-forested Nattai River water-supply catchment near Sydney, Australia. The tracer analysis showed that post-fire erosion caused a switch in fine (< 10 µm) sediment sources from 80% subsoil derived from gully and river bank erosion to 86% topsoil derived from hillslope surface erosion. The fine sediment phosphorus content increased 4–10 fold over pre-fire levels. Annual post-fire sediment yields estimated from suspended solids rating curves were 109–250 times higher than they would have been without fire. A large additional amount of sediment remained stored within the river network for at least four years, particularly in lower-gradient reaches. Analysis of a sediment core showed that surface erosion following a previous fire had supplied at least 29% of total catchment sediment yield over the past 36 years. It is concluded that wildfire can alter catchment sediment budgets in two ways. Firstly, a spatially-diffuse pulse of elevated erosion is associated with moderate or intense rainfall events in post-fire years. Secondly, pulses of elevated catchment sediment yield are driven by the timing and river sediment transport capacity of runoff events. Severe post-fire erosion and high interannual hydrologic variability can result in large sediment stores persisting within the river network for many years. Fallout radionuclide tracers are shown to be useful in quantifying fine sediment sources and transport dynamics following wildfire, and the contribution of wildfire to catchment sediment yield.  相似文献   

Sediment supply and climate change: implications for basin stratigraphy   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
The rate of sediment supply from erosional catchment to depositional basin depends primarily upon climate, relief, catchment slope and lithology. It varies in both time and space. Spatial changes in erosion rates due to variations in lithology are illustrated by contrasting rates of drainage divide migration away from faults of known ages. Time variations in relative sediment supply are extremely complex and vary widely according to the direction and magnitude of climate change. In many parts of the Great Basin and south-western USA, glacial maximum climates were characterized by higher effective moisture and the altitudinal downward spread of woods and forests. Sparse data from alluvial fans indicate reduced sediment supply, despite the increased runoff evident from higher lake levels. The situation in Mediterranean areas is less clear, with rival climatic scenarios for vegetation ecotypes predicting contrasting runoff. In order to test these latter we run Cumulative Seasonal Erosion Potential [CSEP] experiments for present-day and a variety of full-glacial Mediterranean candidate climates. The results indicate the likelihood of enhanced sediment supply and runoff compared to the present day during full-glacial times for a cool wet winter climate and a reduction in sediment supply and runoff for a full-glacial cool dry winter climate. We then explore the consequences of such phase differences in sediment supply, and sea and lake levels for the stratigraphy of sedimentary basins. Highstands and lowstands of sea or lake may be accompanied by greater or lesser sediment and water supply, as determined by the regional climate and the direction of climatic change. Thus marine lowstands are not necessarily periods of great transfer of coarse clastic sediments to shelves and deep water basinal environments. Unsteady sediment supply has greatest implications for alluvial systems, in particular the effect that changing relative supplies of water and sediment have upon river and fan channel incision.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a new instrument to continuously measure bedload transport, an impact sensor, to a 72 km2 test catchment in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England. Data from a network of impact sensors are linked to repeat surveys of channel morphological response, to get a better understanding of the conditions that lead to sediment generation and transfer. Results suggest certain areas of the catchment act as key sediment sources at the annual time scale, with material being quickly delivered to the lower parts of the catchment along the steep bedrock channel. Sediment transfer within the tributaries occurs in significantly smaller magnitudes than within the main channel; but it moves more frequently and at different times of the year, with transfer rates being strongly conditioned by larger-scale valley geomorphology. The lower 5.6 km reach sees a significant reduction in gradient and a widening of the valley. This permits significant accumulation within the channel, which has persisted for many years. This lower reach is very sensitive to changes in sediment supply and there is good agreement between changes in bedload transport data and the surveyed channel response. These observations have major implications for how river management projects should be developed in upland environments, especially those where large-scale geomorphological controls have a major impact upon the sediment transfer process. Evidence suggests that where river management restricts lateral movement of the channel and transfer of sediment into floodplain storage, changes in sediment supply can lead to areas of severe accumulation, acceleration of bank erosion and exacerbated flood risk.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Latnjavagge drainage basin (68°21′N, 18°29′E), an arctic‐oceanic periglacial environment in northernmost Swedish Lapland, the fluvial sediment transport and the characteristics and importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events generated by intense snowmelt or heavy rainfall have been investigated and compared with snowmelt‐ and rainfall‐induced discharge peaks in the Levinson‐Lessing Lake basin (Krasnaya river system) on the Taimyr Peninsula, an arctic periglacial environment in northern Siberia (74°32′N, 98°35′E). In Latnjavagge (9 km2) the intensity of fluvial sediment transport is very low. Most of the total annual sediment load is transported in a few days during snowmelt generated runoff peaks. Due to the continuous and very stable vegetation covering most areas below 1300 m a.s.l. in the Latnjavagge catchment, larger rainfall events are of limited importance for sediment transport in this environment. Compared to that, in the c. 40 times larger Krasnaya riversystem rainfall‐generated runoff peaks cause significant sediment transport. The main sediment sources in the Latnjavagge drainage basin are permanent ice patches, channel debris pavements mobilized during peak discharges and exposing fines, and material mobilized by slush‐flows. In the Krasnaya river system river bank erosion is the main sediment source. In both periglacial environments more than 90% of the annual sediment yield is transported during runoff peaks. The results from both arctic periglacial environments underline the high importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events for the total fluvial sediment budgets of periglacial fluvial systems. Restricted sediment availability is in both arctic environments the major controlling factor for this behaviour.  相似文献   

The sediment flux generated by postglacial channel incision has been calculated for the 2150 km2, non-glacial, Waipaoa catchment located on the tectonically active Hikurangi Margin, eastern North Island, New Zealand. Sediment production both at a sub-catchment scale and for the Waipaoa catchment as a whole was calculated by first using the tensioned spline method within ARC MAP to create an approximation of the aggradational Waipaoa-1 surface (contemporaneous with the Last Glacial Maximum), and second using grid calculator functions in the GIS to subtract the modern day surface from the Waipaoa-1 surface. The Waipaoa-1 surface was mapped using stereo aerial photography, and global positioning technology fixed the position of individual terrace remnants in the landscape. The recent discovery of Kawakawa Tephra within Waipaoa-1 aggradation gravels in this catchment demonstrates that aggradation was coincidental with or began before the deposition of this 22 600 14C-year-old tephra and, using the stratigraphic relationship of Rerewhakaaitu Tephra, the end of aggradation is dated at ca 15 000 14C years (ca 18 000 cal. years BP). The construction of the Waipaoa-1 terrace is considered to be synchronous and broadly correlated with aggradation elsewhere in the North Island and northern South Island, indicating that aggradation ended at the same time over a wide area. Subsequent downcutting, a manifestation of base-level lowering following a switch to postglacial incision at the end of glacial-age aggradation, points to a significant Southern Hemisphere climatic warming occurring soon after ca 15 000 14C years (ca 18 000 cal. years BP) during the Older Dryas interval. Elevation differences between the Waipaoa-1 (c.15 ka) terrace and the level of maximum channel incision (i.e. before aggradation since the turn of the 20th century) suggest about 50% of the topographic relief within headwater reaches of the Waipaoa catchment has been formed in postglacial times. The postglacial sediment flux generated by channel incision from Waipaoa catchment is of the order of 9.5 km3, of which ~ 6.6 km3 is stored within the confines of the Poverty Bay floodplain. Thus, although the postglacial period represented a time of high terrigenous sediment generation and delivery, only ~ 30% of the sediment generated by channel incision from Waipaoa catchment probably reached the marine shelf and slope of the Hikurangi Margin during this time. The smaller adjacent Waimata catchment probably contributed an additional 2.6 km3 to the same depocentre to give a total postglacial sediment contribution to the shelf and beyond of ~ 5.5 km3. Sediment generated by postglacial channel incision represents only ~ 25% of the total sediment yield from this landscape with ~ 75% of the estimated volume of the postglacial storage offshore probably derived from hillslope erosion processes following base-level fall at times when sediment yield from these catchments exceeded storage.  相似文献   

Changes to the tectonic boundary conditions governing erosional dynamics in upland catchments have a significant effect on the nature and magnitude of sediment supply to neighbouring basins. While these links have been explored in detail by numerical models of landscape evolution, there has been relatively little work to quantify the timing, characteristics and locus of sediment release from upland catchments in response to changing tectonic boundary conditions that are well‐constrained independently. We address this challenge by quantifying the volume and granulometric characteristics of sediment exported from modern rivers draining across active normal faults in the Central Apennines in Italy. We demonstrate that catchments undergoing a transient response to tectonics are associated with significant volumetric export of material derived primarily from the zone upstream of the fault, producing bi‐modal grain‐size distributions with elevated D84 values within the transient reach. This is in direct contrast to the headwaters, where the fluvial capacity to transport sediment is low and the grain‐size distribution of material in transit is fine and uni‐modal. The grain‐size response is driven by landslides feeding coarse material directly into the channel, and we show the amplitude of the signal is modulated by the degree of tectonic perturbation, once the threshold for bedrock landsliding is exceeded. Additionally, we evaluate the length‐scale over which this transient grain‐size signal propagates downstream into the basin. We show that the coarse‐fraction sediment released is retained in the proximal hanging‐wall if rates of tectonic subsidence are high and if the axial river system is small or far from the fault‐bounded mountain front. Our results therefore provide some of the first quantitative data to evaluate how transient landscape responses affect the locus, magnitude and calibre of sediment supply to basins.  相似文献   

Landscapes in southeastern Australia have changed dramatically since the spread of European colonisation in the 19th century. Due to widespread forest clearance for cultivation and grazing, erosion and sediment yields have increased by a factor of more than 150. In the 20th century, erosion and sediment yield were reduced again due to an increasing vegetative cover. Furthermore, during the last decades, thousands of small farm dams were constructed to provide drinking water for cattle. These dams trap a lot of sediment, thereby further reducing sediment delivery from hillslopes to river channels. Changes in sediment delivery since European colonisation are documented in sediment archives. Within this study, these changing rates in hillslope erosion and sediment delivery were modelled using a spatially distributed erosion and sediment delivery model (WATEM/SEDEM) that was calibrated for Australian ecosystems using sediment yield data derived from sedimentation rates in 26 small farm dams. The model was applied to the Murrumbidgee river basin (30,000 km2) under different land-use scenarios. First, the erosion and sediment yield under pre-European land-use was modelled. Secondly, recent land-use patterns were used in the model. Finally, recent land-use including the impact of farm dams and large reservoirs was simulated. The results show that the WATEM/SEDEM model is capable of predicting the intensity of the geomorphic response to changes in land-use through time. Changes in hillslope erosion and hillslope sediment delivery rates are not equal, illustrating the non-linear response of the catchment. Current hillslope sediment supply to the river channel network is predicted to be 370% higher compared to the pre-European settlement period, yet farm dams have reduced this back to 2.5 times the pre-19th century values. The role of larger reservoirs is even more important as they have reduced the current sediment supply downstream to their pre-European values, thus completely masking the increased hillslope erosion rates from land-use change. However, the model does so far not include valley widening and sediment storage in river systems. Therefore, modelled rates of sediment delivery are lower than observed values.  相似文献   

Rivers draining to the Great Barrier Reef are receiving increased attention with the realisation that European land use changes over the last  150 years may have increased river sediment yields, and that these may have adversely affected the reef environment. Mitigation of the effects associated with such changes is only possible if information on the spatial provenance and dominant types of erosion is known. To date, very few field-based studies have attempted to provide this information. This study uses fallout radionuclide (137Cs and 210Pbex) and geochemical tracing of river bed and floodplain sediments to examine sources over the last  250 years for Theresa Creek, a subcatchment of the Fitzroy River basin, central Queensland, Australia. A Monte Carlo style mixing model is used to predict the relative contribution of both the spatial (geological) sources and erosion types. The results indicate that sheetwash and rill erosion from cultivated basaltic land and channel erosion from non-basaltic parts of the catchment are currently contributing most sediment to the river system. Evidence indicates that the dominant form of channel erosion is gully headcut and sidewall erosion. Sheetwash and rill erosion from uncultivated land (i.e., grazed pasture/woodland) is a comparatively minor contributor of sediment to the river network. Analysis of the spatial provenance of floodplain core sediments, in conjunction with optical dating and 137Cs depth profile data, suggests that a phase of channel erosion was initiated in the late nineteenth century. With the development of land underlain by basalt in the mid-twentieth century the dominant source of erosion shifted to cultivated land, although improvements in land management practices have probably resulted in a decrease in sediment yield from cultivated areas in the later half of the twentieth century. On a basin-wide scale, because of the limited spatial extent of cultivation, channel sources are likely to be the largest contributor of sediment to the Fitzroy River. Accordingly, catchment management measures focused on reducing sediment delivery to the Great Barrier Reef should focus primarily on decreasing erosion from channel sources.  相似文献   

Groundwater dominance has important effects on the hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of river systems. Low suspended sediment concentrations and high water clarity are expected because significant inputs of sediment-free spring water dilute the suspended sediment generated by storms. However, in many Mediterranean rivers, groundwater dominance is characterised by seasonal alternations of influent and effluent discharge involving significant variability on the sediment transport regimes. Such areas are often subject to soil and water conservation practices over the centuries that have reduced the sediment contribution from agricultural fields and favour subsurface flow to rivers. Moreover, urbanisation during the twentieth century has changed the catchment hydrology and altered basic river processes due to its ‘flashy’ regime. In this context, we monitored suspended sediment fluxes during a two-year period in the Na Borges River, a lowland agricultural catchment (319 km2) on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) was lower when the base flow index (i.e., relative proportion of baseflow compared to stormflow, BFI) was higher. Therefore, strong seasonal contrasts explain the high SSC coefficient of variation, which is clearly related to dilution effects associated with different groundwater and surface water seasonal interactions. A lack of correlation in the Q-SSC rating curves shows that factors other than discharge control sediment transport. As a result, at the event scale, multiple regressions illustrate that groundwater and surface water interactions are involved in the sedimentary response of flood events. In the winter, the stability of baseflow driven by groundwater contributions and agricultural and urban spills causes hydraulic variables (i.e., maximum discharge) to exert the most important control on events, whereas in the summer, it is necessary to accumulate important volumes of rainfall, creating a minimum of wet conditions in the catchment to activate hydrological pathways and deliver sediment to the drainage network. The BFI is also related to sediment delivery processes, as the loads are higher with lower BFI, corroborating the fact that most sediment movement is caused by stormflow and its related factors. Overall, suspended sediment yields were very low (i.e., < 1 t km− 2 yr− 1) at all measuring sites. Such values are the consequence of the limited sediment delivery attributable to soil conservation practices, low surface runoff coefficients and specific geomorphic features of groundwater-dominated rivers, such as low drainage density, low gradient, steep valley walls and flat valley floors.  相似文献   

We present data from a proglacial river in Iceland that exhibits very different sedimentological characteristics when compared to its alpine counterparts. The braidplain is characterised by coarse outburst gravels that inhibit sediment transport and channel change. Bedload transport is restricted to the movement of fine-grained gravels that pass through the channel system without promoting significant changes in channel geometry. Bar forms are erosional features, inherited from the last major peak flow, rather than depositional in nature. On the basis of our observations we conclude that braidplain morphology is controlled by low frequency, high magnitude flow events, possibly associated with glacial outburst floods. This is in marked contrast to process-form relationships in more dynamic alpine proglacial channels that are characterised by high rates of sediment transport and channel change.  相似文献   

长江中下游河床沉积物分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赵怡文  陈中原 《地理学报》2003,58(2):223-230
对长江中下游武汉至河口段304处河床沉积物样品进行了粒度测量与分析,通过各参数间的模拟、统计及对比,探讨了沉积物粒度、水动力因素及河床地貌三者间的关系。研究结果表明:本区河床沉积物以中、细砂为主,床底搬运十分微弱,河道相对稳定;从上至下沿程有明显的“粗-细-粗-细”粒径变化,主要反映河流动力地貌、动力沉积特征;粒径在河床的沿程分布总体为北粗南细,说明北岸侵蚀,南岸淤积的特点。研究同时也表明,颗粒因河型不同而迥异;颗粒偏态度-峭度在不同河型中表现各异,对区分顺直微弯分汊和鹅头形分汊河道尤为显著。  相似文献   

Mio Kasai   《Geomorphology》2006,81(3-4):421-439
In headwater streams in steep land settings, narrow and steep valley floors provide closely coupled relationships between geomorphic components including hillslopes, tributary fans, and channel reaches. These relationships together with small catchment sizes result in episodic changes to the amount of stored sediment in channels. Major sediment inputs follow high magnitude events. Subsequent exponential losses via removal of material can be represented by a relaxation curve. The influence of hillslope and tributary processes on relaxation curves, and that of altered coupling relations between components, were investigated along a 1.3 km reach of a degrading channel in the 4.8 km2 Weraamaia Catchment, New Zealand. Extensive deforestation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, followed by invasion of scrubs and reforestation, induced changes to major erosion types from gully complexes to shallow landslides. Changes in the size and pattern of sediment slugs from 1938 to 2002 were analysed from air photographs tied to detailed field measurement. The rate and calibre of sediment flux changed progressively following substantive hillslope input in a storm in 1938. Subsequently, the channel narrowed and incised, decoupling tributary fans from the main stem, thereby scaling down the size of sediment slugs. As a consequence, the dominant influence on the behaviour of sediment slugs and associated relaxation processes, changed from tributary fans to the type and distribution of bedrock outcrops along the reach.  相似文献   

Understanding and quantifying sediment load is important in catchments draining highly erodible materials that eventually contribute to siltation of downstream reservoirs. Within this context, the suspended sediment transport and its temporal dynamics have been studied in the River Isábena (445 km2, south-central Pyrenees, Ebro basin) by means of direct sampling and turbidity recording during a 3-year dry period. The average flood-suspended sediment concentration was 8 g l− 1, with maximum instantaneous values above 350 g l− 1. The high scatter between discharge and suspended sediment concentrations (up to five orders of magnitude) has not permitted the use of rating curve methods to estimate the total load. Interpolation techniques yielded a mean annual sediment load of 184,253 t y− 1 for the study period, with a specific yield of 414 t km− 2 y− 1. This value resembles those reported for small torrents in nearby mountainous environments and is the result of the high connectivity between the badland source areas and stream courses, a fact that maximises sediment conveyance through the catchment. Floods dominated the sediment transport and yield. However, sediment transport was more constant through time than that observed in Mediterranean counterparts; this can be attributed to the role of base flows that entrain fine sediment temporarily stored in the channel and force the river to carry high sediment concentrations (i.e., generally in the order of 0.5 g l− 1), even under minimum flow conditions.  相似文献   

The Stanley River in western Tasmania, Australia, contains sub-fossil rainforest logs within the channel and floodplain. Of the more than 85 radiocarbon dates obtained, all but 3 date from 17 ka to the present and permit an interpretation of fluvial and related environmental changes over this period. Particular attention is focused on the interactive relationship between the river and its riparian rainforest. Following the Last Glacial Maximum, the Stanley River was a laterally active gravel-load system reworking most of its valley floor in the upstream reaches. With ameliorating conditions at the end of the Pleistocene, climate became less seasonal and flow regimes less energetic. Huon pines already present in the catchment, re-asserted themselves in the form of dense tree cover along the river banks and floodplains with basal floodplain deposition shifting from gravels to coarse sands and granules. By about 3.5 ka, a further change in climate reduced stream discharges substantially. As a result the channel reduced in size, transported finer sediment, became laterally stable, and the floodplain accreted with overbank deposits of sand and silt. Huon pines falling into the channel formed obstructions of woody debris, some surviving for 2 ka. These have reduced stream power and boundary shear stress, further contributing to channel stability. Generational sequences of Huon pines on the river banks, some extending back 1–2 ka, are additional evidence of this stability. Since the Pleistocene, changing climate and the re-establishment of dense riparian rainforest appear to have stabilised the river channels and floodplains of western Tasmania.  相似文献   

Sediment rating parameters and their implications: Yangtze River, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study examines the characteristics of sediment rating parameters recorded at various gauging stations in the Yangtze Basin in relation to their controls. Our findings indicate that the parameters are associated with river channel morphology of the selected reaches. High b-values (> 1.600) and low log(a) values (< − 4.000) occur in the upper course of the steep rock-confined river, characterizing high unit stream power flows. Low b-values (< 0.900) and high log(a) values (> − 1.000) occur in the middle and lower Yangtze River associated with meandering reaches over low gradients, and can be taken to imply aggradation in these reaches with low stream power. Higher b-values (0.900–1.600) and lower log(a)-values (− 4.000 to − 1.000) characterize the reaches between Yichang and Xinchang, immediately below the Three Gorges. These values indicate channel erosion and bed instability that result from changes in channel gradient from the upstream steep valley to downstream low slope flood plain settings. Differences in channel morphology accompany these changes. Confined, V-shaped valleys occur upstream and are replaced downstream by broad U-shaped channels. The middle and lower Yangtze shows an apparent increase in channel instability over the past 40 years. This inference is based on sediment rating parameters from various gauging stations that record increasing b-values against decreasing log(a)-values over that time. Analysis of the sediment load data also reveals a strong correlation between changes in sediment rating curve parameters and reduction of annual sediment budget (4.70 × 108 t to 3.50 × 108 t/year, from the 1950s to 1990s), largely due to the damming of the Yangtze and sediment load depletion through siltation in the Dongting Lake. Short-term deviations from the general trends in the sediment rating parameters are related to hydroclimatic events. Extreme low b-values and high log(a)-values signify the major flood years, while the reverse indicates drought events. When compared with rivers from other climate settings, it is evident that the wide range of values of the Yangtze rating parameters reflects the huge discharge driven by the monsoon precipitation regime of eastern China.  相似文献   

The modelling of environmental processes based on catchment elevation surfaces is well-established, but the use of TIN and grid surface models as three-dimensional representations of river channel topography at the reach scale is much less common. In this paper, surface modelling facilities in ARC/INFO GIS have been used to model the geometry of seven short sections of gravel-bed river channels in upland Britain from field surveys taken in 1976 and 1994. The methods used in converting field survey data and implementing bed-topography models as TIN and grid data structures are described. The use of derived surface models to define pool-riffle bedforms, estimate sediment budgets and assess channel change between surfaces of different dates are discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

We examine sediment dynamics in an upland, temperate lake system, Lake Bassenthwaite (NW England), in the context of changing climate and land use, using magnetic and physical core properties. Dating and analysis of the sedimentary records of nine recovered cores identify spatially variable sedimentation rates across the deep lake basin. Mineral magnetic techniques, supported by independent geochemical analyses, identify significant variations both in sediment source and flux over the last ∼2100 years. Between ∼100 years BC and ∼1700 AD, sediment fluxes to the lake were low and dominated by material sourced from within the River Derwent sub-catchment (providing 80% of the hydraulic load at the present day). Post-1700 AD, the lake sediments became dominantly sourced from Newlands Beck (presently providing ∼10% of the lake’s hydraulic load). Three successive, major pulses of erosion and increased sediment flux appear linked to specific activities within the catchment, specifically: mining activities and associated deforestation in the mid-late nineteenth century; agricultural intensification in the mid-twentieth century and, within the last decade, the additional possible impact of climate change. These results are important for all upland areas as modifications in climate become progressively superimposed upon the effects of previous and/or ongoing anthropogenic catchment disturbance.  相似文献   

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