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143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr, and REE analyses are presented on a wide variety of Pliocene-Recent volcanic rocks from central Italy. 143Nd/144Nd varies from 0.51214–0.51289 and 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7255-0.7036; while the rare earth elements are characterised by light RE enrichment and a significant negative Eu anomaly. These Italian volcanics are tentatively subdivided into three zones: (1) N. Tuscany where the magmas are believed to reflect crustal anatexis. (2) A central zone in which hybrid (crust/ mantle) rocks have been recognised. (3) A southern zone, south of Rome, where mantle-derived magmas are identified which have been largely unaffected by interaction with continental crust. At Roccamonfina, in zone 3, Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd pseudo isochrons are observed but since the calculated ages are 0.5 and 2.0 b.y. respectively it is argued that a simple isochron model is not applicable and that the data are most easily explained by a recent mixing event within the upper mantle. It is envisaged that this occurred during metasomatism of the upper mantle source region by a fluid that had high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd and was enriched in K, Rb, and LREE's but relatively depleted in Sr2+ and Eu2+.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(3-4):291-302
The probable sources of some of the famous Indian diamonds are the 1.2 Ga old Krishna lamproites of Southern India, a rare Proterozoic occurrence of lamproites which are usually Cretaceous or younger in age. In this study we report Nd, Sr, Pb and Hf isotopes and multiple trace element concentrations of the Krishna lamproites. The goals are to evaluate mantle-processes and the petrogenesis of these ultrapotassic rocks of extreme chemical composition in light of these geochemical data, including their major element compositions.The Krishna lamproites show nearly uniform, parallel rare earth element (REE) distribution patterns with high concentrations and extreme light-REE enrichment (La/Yb(N) = 41–88), high average concentrations of Ba (∼ 1200 ppm), Sr (∼ 1200 ppm), Zr (∼ 930 ppm), La (∼ 230 ppm), high U/Pb and Th/U ratios with notable absence of any Eu-anomaly. These rocks are typically porphyritic without any evidence of crystal accumulation, and have moderately high Mg-numbers (59–73) along with high Ni (average ∼ 301 ppm, highest 819 ppm) and Cr (average ∼ 183 ppm, highest 515 ppm) concentrations that show a positive correlation with MgO (wt.%), implying a role of olivine in the melt source. The low SiO2 content (lowest 37.8%, average 49%) and high Nb (average 147 ppm), Zr, Sr, as well as Ni and Cr in these rocks indicate lack of upper continental crustal contribution in the genesis of these rocks. The initial Pb-isotopic composition of these lamproites is unusual in that in a 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb plot, these rocks plot to the left of the 1.2 Ga geochron (age of emplacement), unlike most mantle-derived rocks. This Pb-isotopic signature and the superchondritic Nb/Ta ratios (average 23.6) of these rocks rule out their derivation from a metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The high 207Pb/204Pb at low 206Pb/204Pb indicates an Archean component in the source of these rocks. We argue that this Archean crustal component, which produced the low-SiO2 lamproites along with the high Ni and Cr must have been ultrabasic, and we propose a model in which these lamproites formed by partial melting of metasomatized, subducted Archean komatiite in a peridotite mantle-source assemblage. In addition, these rocks display initial Hf isotopic compositions similar to Al-depleted komatiites, and high Nb/U, Nb/Th, and TiO2 as well as low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios (1.1–4.2) and average CaO/Al2O3 of ∼ 1.6 that are also similar to Archean komatiites. This is also supported by the initial Pb isotopic composition of the Krishna lamproites, requiring evolution in a variably high U/Pb, Th/Pb reservoir early in earth history, possibly resulting from preferential segregation of Pb relative to U and Th in the sulfides of the komatiite.The Al-depleted subducted komatiitic component was enriched by carbonate metasomatism in the peridotitic mantle. This metasomatism was responsible for the observed Nd–Hf isotope characteristics, specifically variable εNd(T) at relatively constant εHf(T) in the lamproites. This Nd–Hf-isotopic characteristic seems to be common in global lamproites of all ages. Our proposed model for the genesis of the Krishna lamproites involving a subducted komatiitic source may also be applicable for other global lamproites from cratonic settings, as older komatiite-bearing subducted crustal components were possibly ubiquitous in the architecture of ancient cratonic mantle.  相似文献   

Young volcanic rocks from different sections of the Aleutian Islands-Alaska Peninsula Arc have been measured for 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and some trace elements. We found the 143Nd/144Nd to be highly restricted in range ( Nd=6 to 7) and low as compared to midocean ridge ba-salts (MORB). This indicates that the source of the Aleutian Arc magmas is different from MORB and remarkably isotopically homogeneous with respect to Nd. The range reported here for arc rocks is substantially smaller than found by other workers. However, the Sr isotope ratios vary considerably ( Sr=–24 to –14). Those samples from small volcanic centers north of the main arc (second arc) are characterized by low Sr. Our data in combination with previous studies suggest that there are slight geochemical differences between discrete sections of the arc. The general uniformity of Nd isotope ratios are thought to be the surface expression of an efficient mixing or homogenization process beneath the arc plate, but which still causes a wide dispersion in Sr isotopic composition.To relate the arc rocks to the broader tectonic setting and to identify possible sources of arc magmas, measurements were done on volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the North Pacific/Bering Sea area. Alkali basalts from the back-arc islands St. George, Nunivak and St. Lawrence and alkali-rich tholeiites from the fore-arc have Nd=+4 to +9 and are correlated on the Sr- Nddiagram parallel to the mantle array but shifted to lower Sr. These samples are thought to be isotopically representative of the mantle transported to that region. A tholeiitic basalt from the Kamchatka Basin ocean floor (back-arc), however, yielded typical MORB values ( Nd=10, Sr=–24). Composite sediment samples were made from DSDP cores in the Aleutian Abyssal Plain, Gulf of Alaska and the Alka Basin which represent mixtures of continentally and arc-derived materials. These composites have intermediate Nd isotopic ( Nd= –2 and +2) and high Sr isotopic values ( Sr=+9 and +37). These data show that possible source materials of the Aleutian Arc volcanics are isotopically different from and much more heterogeneous than the arc rocks themselves.On the basis of this study and of literature data, we developed a set of alternative models for volcanic arc magma generation, based on the restricted range in Nd and the wider range in Sr for arc rocks. Different isotopic and trace element characteristics found in different arcs or arc sections are explained by varying mixing proportions or concentrations in source materials. The basic observations require rather strict mixing ratios to obtain constant Nd. The preferred model is one where the melting of subducted oceanic crust is controlled by the amount of trapped sediment with the melting restricted to the upper part of the altered basaltic layer. Homogenization within the upper part of the oceanic crust is brought about by hydrothermal circulation attending dewatering of the slab during subduction and possibly some oxygen exchange of the magmas on ascent.Division Contribution Number 3849 (411)  相似文献   

Earth-atmosphere evolution models are mathematically simulated and the resulting present isotopic ratio (40Ar/36Ar) in the mantle is given for each.Differential outgassing experiments on several recent submarine glasses were made to estimate an isotopic ratio (40Ar/36Ar) in the present mantle. Estimations of (40Ar/36Ar) in the mantle by various methods are also critically reviewed. From the experimental results and these considerations a minimum value of 2000 for (40Ar/36Ar) ratio in the present mantle is inferred. By assuming that (40Ar/36Ar)M is larger than 2000 and that the potassium content in the present mantle is larger than 50 ppm, we can limit considerably a choice among various Earth-atmosphere evolution models, i.e. (1) a continuous degassing process can not explain rare gas evolution in the atmosphere, (2) early sudden degassing is more likely and (3) such sudden degassing must have occurred earlier than 4.35 b.y.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic compositions and Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd concentrations are reported for madupites, wyomingites and orendites from the Pleistocene volcanic field of the Leucite Hills, Wyoming. All Leucite Hills rocks have negative εNd signatures, indicating derivation or contribution from an old light rare earth element (LREE) enriched source. In this respect they are similar to all occurrences of high potassium magmas so far investigated. But Sr isotopic variations are comparatively small and 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios are unusually low for high-K magmas (0.7053–0.7061, one sample excluded). These values suggest that the light REE enrichment of the source was not accompanied by a strong increase in Rb/Sr. Wyomingites and orendites are isotopically indistinguishable which is consistent with chemical and petrographic evidence for their derivation from a common magma series depending on emplacement conditions. Basic to ultrabasic madupites and more silicic wyomingites/orendites are distinct in their Nd isotopic variations (madupites: εNd= ?10.5 to ?12.3; wyomingites/orendites: εNd= ?13.7 to ?17.0) despite similar Sm/Nd ratios and complete overlap in 87Sr/86Sr. Selective or bulk assimilation of crustal material is unlikely to have significantly affected the Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of the magmas. The measured isotopic ratios are considered to reflect source values. The distinct isotopic characteristics of madupite and wyomingite/orendite magmas preclude their derivation by fractional crystallization, from a common primary magma, by liquid immiscibility or by partial melting of a homogeneous source. Two isotopically distinct, LREE enriched and slightly heterogeneous sources are required. Heterogeneities were most pronounced between magma sources from each volcanic centre (butte or mesa). The relationship between the madupite and wyomingite/orendite sources and their evolution is discussed on the basis of two simple alternative sets of models:
  1. a two-stage evolution model with an old enrichment event (a metasomatic event?) perhaps taking place during the stabilization of the Wyoming Craton 3.2 to 2.5 Gyr ago but not later than 1.2 Gyr ago or
  2. a mixing model involving mixing between one endmember with εNd near zero and another end-member with a strong negative εNd signature.

A selected suite of fresh volcanic rocks from the New Britain island arc has been analyzed for 143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr, major and trace elements to investigate relationships between isotopes, trace elements and petrology, and depth to the underlying Benioff zone. From these relationships inferences about magma generation are made utilizing Nd and Sr isotope systematics in possible source materials. Lavas ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite show minimal variation of 143Nd/144Nd. Small variations in 87Sr/86Sr do not correlate with depth to the Benioff zone, but are related to magma type. Nd-Sr isotopes suggest that island arc lavas in general are derived from a mixture of suboceanic mantle and hydrothermally altered mid-ocean ridge-type basalt, but the New Britain magma source appears homogeneous with little indication of either the involvement of oceanic crust or mantle inhomogeneity. Trace element patterns in New Britain lavas are not consistent with Nd isotope data for currently accepted petrologic and trace element models of magma genesis. Mafic lavas from New Britain and other island arcs have anomalously high Sr/Nd, possibly due to components derived from subducted oceanic crust.  相似文献   

We studied clinopyroxenes from spinel-facies peridotite xenoliths sampled by the Quaternary intra-plate volcanism of the Middle Atlas (Morocco) and present new trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data. However, we focus in particular on Pb isotope data and 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb ratios of these clinopyroxenes. This data allows us to investigate: (a) the timing of metasomatic events, (b) the prevalence and persistence of elevated 238U/204Pb, 232Th/238U and 232Th/204Pb in continental mantle roots and (c) the 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb composition of putative basaltic melts generated from such metasomatised sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM).Incompatible trace element concentrations in these clinopyroxenes are elevated, marked by high-field strength element depletion and fractionated elemental ratios (e.g., U/Nb, Zr/Hf) most consistent with enrichment due to carbonatitic liquids. Sr, Nd and Hf isotopes have an affinity to HIMU.U, Th and Pb abundances in the clinopyroxenes generally exceed estimates of primitive mantle clinopyroxene. Pb isotope compositions of these clinopyroxenes are radiogenic and vary between 206Pb/204Pb = 19.93-20.25, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.63-15.66 and 208Pb/204Pb = 39.72-40.23. These Pb isotope systematics result in generally negative Δ7/4 but positive Δ8/4; setting these samples distinctly apart from typical HIMU. These Pb isotope compositions are also distinct from the associated host volcanic rocks. 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb of these clinopyroxenes, which range from 26 to 81 and 136 to 399, respectively, are elevated and more extreme than estimates of MORB- and HIMU-source mantle.The Pb isotope evolution of the clinopyroxenes suggests that the metasomatic enrichment is younger than 200 Ma, which discounts the volcanic activity due to the opening of the Atlantic and the onset of the collision of the African and Eurasian plates as processes generating the lithophile element and isotope composition of this continental mantle root. Instead, the enrichment is thought to be associated with the Quaternary intra-plate volcanism in the Middle Atlas. However, the erupted mafic melts have unradiogenic Pb isotopes and lower 238U/204Pb, 232Th/204Pb and 232Th/238U relative to the clinopyroxene and do not seem to have equilibrated with the clinopyroxenes. The high Th abundances and the high 232Th/238U also suggest that the metasomatism was due to carbonatitic liquids.When literature data for Pb isotopes in mantle minerals are considered, the Pb isotope range of Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic continental mantle roots is remarkable in that they are similar to the convecting mantle. This observation does not support the existence of sub-continental lithospheric mantle with high 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb for long periods of time. Consequently, the narrow range of Pb isotopes in SCLM worldwide suggests that only the youngest metasomatic events are recorded by incompatible elements such as U, Th and Pb. Numerical modelling of putative magmas generated from Middle Atlas SCLM by fractional, non-modal melting calculations yield extremely high 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb ratios. For example, pure SCLM magmas generated from 0.5% to 10% melting are anticipated to have 232Th/204Pb ratios exceeding those known from terrestrial basalts.  相似文献   

In order to provide mantle and crustal constraints during the evolution of the Colombian Andes, Sr and Nd isotopic studies were performed in xenoliths from the Mercaderes region, Northern Volcanic Zone, Colombia. Xenoliths are found in the Granatifera Tuff, a deposit of Cenozoic age, in which mantle- and crustal-derived xenoliths are present in bombs and fragments of andesites and lamprophyres compositions. Garnet-bearing xenoliths are the most abundant mantle-derived rocks, but websterites (garnet-free xenoliths) and spinel-bearing peridotites are also present in minor amounts. Amphibolites, pyroxenites, granulites, and gneisses represent the lower crustal xenolith assemblage. Isotopic signatures for the mantle xenoliths, together with field, petrographic, mineral, and whole-rock chemistry and pressure–temperature estimates, suggest three main sources for these mantle xenoliths: garnet-free websterite xenoliths derived from a source region with low P and T (16 kbar, 1065 °C) and MORB isotopic signature, 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7030, and 143Nd/144Nd ratio of 0.5129. Garnet-bearing peridotite and websterite xenoliths derived from two different sources in the mantle: i) a source with intermediate P and T (29–35 kbar, 1250–1295 °C) conditions, similar to that of sub-oceanic geotherm, with an OIB isotopic signature (87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7043 and 143Nd/144Nd ratio of 0.5129); and ii) another source with P and T conditions similar to those of a sub-continental geotherm (>38 kbar, 1140–1175 °C) and OIB isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr ratio=0.7041 and 143Nd/144Nd ratio=0.5135).  相似文献   

The combination of the Sr, Nd and Pb isotope systems, recognized as tracers of sources, with the Ca isotope system, known to reveal biology-related fractionations, allowed us to test the reliability of spruce (Picea abies) growth rings as environmental archives through time (from 1916 to 1983) in a forest ecosystem affected by acid atmospheric deposition. Sr and Pb isotopes have already been applied in former tree-ring studies, whereas the suitability of Nd and Ca isotope systems is checked in the present article. Our Sr and Nd isotope data indicate an evolution in the cation origin with a geogenic origin for the oldest rings and an atmospheric origin for the youngest rings. Ca isotopes show, for their part, an isotopic homogeneity which could be linked to the very low weathering flux of Ca. Since this flux is weak the spruces’ root systems have pumped the Ca mainly from the organic matter-rich top-soil over the past century. In contrast, the annual growth rings studied are not reliable and suitable archives of past Pb pollution.  相似文献   

隋建立  樊祺诚  赵勇伟  杜星星 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2615-2620
在n维的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素空间中,几乎所有的大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和洋岛玄武岩(OIB)都落在一个虚拟平面上,被称为“地幔面(mantle plane)”。“地幔面”描述了大部分玄武岩的同位素地球化学特征,是最重要的、也是最早提出的地幔动力学演化特征之一,但是长期以来关于“地幔面”的内涵和意义并不清楚。本文通过一个综合模型,反演受岩浆作用控制的地幔微量元素(包括各种同位素母体元素)分异、Sr—Nd—Pb同位素演化,并推导出地幔Sr-Nd-Pb同位素演化的二元参数方程形式。模型表明,通过部分熔融向地壳输出相对富硅、富碱的物质成分,是地幔长期演化的主要特点,这个过程受到两个参数一部分融融程度(F)和岩浆分离的时间(t)-的控制,即n维参数可化为2维,因此在n维同位素空间出现“地幔面”的特征。壳源物资循环,能够使局部地幔偏离“地幔面”,就地幔总体统计特征而言,地壳混染的比例很低,不同的统计数据显示大约1%~6%的系统偏差,即可能的地壳混染程度;进一步模拟,可能作出更加精确的估算。  相似文献   

A new approach to the investigation of the Sm/Nd evolution of the upper mantle directly from the data on lherzolite xenoliths is described in this paper.It is demonstrated that the model age TCHUR of an unmetasomatic iherzolite zenolith ca represent the mean depletion age of its mantle source, thus presenting a correlation trend between f^Sm/Nd and the mean depletion age of the upper mantle from the data on xenoliths.This correlation trend can also be derived from the data on river suspended loads as well as from granitoids.Based on the correlation trend mentioned above and mean depletion ages of the upper mantle at various geological times, an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the upper mantle through geological time has been established.It is suggested that the upwilling of lower mantle material into the upper mantle and the recycling of continental crust material during the Archean were more active ,thus maintaining fairly constantf^Sm/Nd and εNd values during this time period. Similarly ,an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the continental crust through geological time has also been established from the data of continental crust material.In the light of both evolution curves for the upper mantle and continental crust ,a growth curve for the continental crust has been worked out ,suggesting that :(1)about 30%(in volume )of the present crust was present as the continental crust at 3.8 Ga ago ;(2)the growth rate was much lower during the Archean ;and (3)the Proterozoic is another major period of time during which the continental crust wsa built up .  相似文献   

江西冷水坑矿床是国内外少见的斑岩型银铅锌矿床之一。文章研究了冷水坑矿田内的侵入岩及其围岩的岩石学、岩石化学、Sr和Nd同位素特征,结合岩体产出的大地构造环境,指出:①该矿田的含矿斑岩属于钙碱性系列,具有高SiO2、富K2O和富MnO、低Na2O的特点,富集轻稀土元素,轻、重稀土元素分馏较强,铕负异常明显;②与非含矿斑岩相比,该含矿斑岩具有较高的Sr初始值(0.71327)和较低的εNd(t)值(-7.5~-10.2),其两阶段钕模式年龄t2DM为1535~1760Ma。该含矿斑岩起源于武夷区基底变质岩,由地壳物质重融而成,同时有少量地幔物质的混染;③该含矿斑岩与其他侵入岩及围岩为同源岩浆在不同阶段演化的产物,均来源于地壳重熔,同属于S型花岗岩;④该含矿斑岩形成于陆内造山挤压环境。冷水坑矿田的含矿斑岩与中国斑岩型铜矿的含矿斑岩具有较大的差异。  相似文献   

A detailed isotopic study of minerals and whole rocks from the Cretaceous Oka complex, Quebec, Canada, shows a very small variation in initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. Assuming an age of 109 Ma for the complex, apatite, calcite, garnet, melilite, monticellite, olivine and pyroxene and whole rocks yield a range for initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70323–0.70333; and for initial 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51271–0.51284 ( SR(T)= –14.8 to –16.2; Nd(T)=+4.1 to +6.6). The negative SR and positive Nd indicate derivation of the Nd and Sr from a source with a time-integrated depletion in the large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements. This agrees with data from other Canadian carbonatites and confirms that a large part of the Canadian Shield is underlain by a source region depleted in the LIL elements. The new data from Oka suggest that the depleted source may have remained coupled to the continental crust until recent time.  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element contents and Sr–Nd isotope ratios were determined in albitite, albitized and unaltered late-Variscan granitoid samples from the world-class Na-feldspar deposits of central Sardinia, Italy. The albite deposit of high economic grade has geological, textural, and chemical features typical of metasomatic alteration affecting the host granitoids. Albitization, locally accompanied by chloritization and epidotization, was characterized by strong leaching of Mg, Fe, K, and geochemically similar trace elements, and by a significant increase of Na. Ca, and P were moderately leached in the most metasomatized rocks. Other major (Si, Ti, Ca) and trace elements (U, Th, Y, and Zr), along with light (LREE) and middle (MREE) rare-earth elements, behaved essentially immobile at the deposit scale. The Nd-isotope ratios (0.512098 to 0.512248) do not provide information on the emplacement age of the unaltered late-Variscan granitoids. On the other hand, their Sr-isotope ratios fit an errorchron of 274±29 Ma (1σ error), in fair agreement with all published ages of Sardinian Variscan granitoids. The very low Rb content of albitized rocks precludes application of the Rb–Sr radiometric system to determine the age of albitization. The Sm–Nd system is not applicable either, because the 143Nd/144Nd ratios of albitized rocks and unaltered granitoids overlap. The overlap confirms that Sm and Nd were substantially immobile during albitization. On the other hand, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the albitized rocks are appreciably lower than those of the unaltered host granitoids, whereas, their initial Sr-isotope ratios are higher. This seems to suggest that a) albitization was induced by non-magmatic fluids rich in radiogenic Sr, and b) albitization occurred shortly after the granitoid emplacement. This conclusion is supported by Nd isotopes, because unaltered granitoids and albitites fit the same reference isochron at 274 Ma. The fluids acquired radiogenic Sr by circulation through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Specifically, it is estimated that Sr supplied by the non-carbonatic basement represents about 22 wt% of total Sr in albitite.  相似文献   


We present the major and trace elements and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes in mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 2.6–3.1°S. These samples are low-K tholeiites and show significant variation in their major element compositions (e.g. 4.60–8.18 wt% MgO, 8.34–12.12 wt% CaO, 9.78–14.25 wt% Fe2O3, and 0.06–0.34 K2O wt%). Trace element abundances of the 2.6–3.1°S MORB are variably depleted (e.g. (La/Sm), N = 0.51–0.78, Zr/Y = 2.35–3.42, Th/La = 0.035–0.056, and Ce/Yb = 2.38–3.96) but closely resemble the average N-MORB. In the compatible elements (Ni and Cr) against incompatible element Zr plots, the 2.6–3.1°S MORB show well-defined negative correlations, together with a liquid line of descent (LLD) modelling and petrographic observations, implying a significant role of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene fractionation during magma evolution. When compared to global MORB and peridotites, the 2.6–3.1°S MORB and most of the other axial lavas from the South EPR show similar Zn/Fe, Zn/Mn, and Fe/Mn ratios, attesting to a peridotite-dominated mantle lithology. However, the relationships between incompatible trace element ratios, such as Zr/Rb and Nb/Sm, and the negative correlation between Zr/Nb and 87Sr/86Sr indicate a geochemically heterogeneous mantle source. The mantle beneath the South EPR likely consists of two components, with the enriched component residing as physically distinct domains (e.g. veins or dikes) in the depleted peridotite matrix. In the Sr–Nd–Pb isotope space, the South EPR MORB lie along the mixing lines between the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) and the ‘C’-like Pukapuka endmember. We infer that low-F melts derived from these enriched materials may cause localized mantle heterogeneity (veins or dikes) via an infiltration process. Subsequent melting of the refertilized mantle may impart an isotopically distinct characteristic to South EPR MORB.  相似文献   

The REE and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopes in three xenoliths from limburgite and scoria-breccias, including spinel-lherzolite, spinel-garnet-lherzolite and phlogopite-gamet-lherzolite, were analysed. The REE contents of the xenoliths are 1.3 to 3.3 times those of the chondrites with their REE patterns characterized by weak LREE depletion. The143Nd/144Nd values of whole rocks and minerals range from 0.51306 to 0.51345 with εNd=+ 8.2− +15.8,206Pb/204 Pb < 18.673, and207Pb/204Pb < 15.574. All this goes to show that the upper mantle in Mingxi at the depth of 67–82 km is a depleted mantle of MORB type, with87Sr/86 Sr ratios 0.70237–0.70390. In Nd-Sr diagram the data points of whole rocks are all out of the mantle array, implying that the xenoliths from Mingxi have more radiogenic Sr isotopes than those of the mantle array.  相似文献   

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