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评价上海地区饱和软粘土的不排水抗剪强度.通过室内试验及十字板剪切试验得到的不排水抗剪强度cu与用扁铲指数(水平应力指数KD)计算得到的不排水抗剪强度cu进行比较,说明Marchetti(1980)计算cu的公式适用于上海地区的饱和软粘土.同时,扁铲模量ED与不排水抗剪强度cu具有线性相关性,故找到了一个更为简便的计算不排水抗剪强度cu的公式.  相似文献   

非饱和土的剪切强度   总被引:40,自引:9,他引:40  
首先回顾了非饱和土剪切强度的研究现状,接着在控制吸力非饱和土三轴剪切试验的基础上提出了非饱和土剪切强度的双曲模型,它可预测不同吸力对强度的贡献———τs ,预测结果令人满意,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

在三维各向异性弹塑性本构关系基础上,求解不排水条件和破坏条件,导出各种不同试验条件下K0团结粘土的各向异性不排水剪强度表达式。对常规超固结比定义下的不排水剪强度进行研究,将理论计算结果与试验结果进行比较,验证所提理论的合理性。  相似文献   

将疏浚粘土应力一应变关系与粘性土的含水率联系起来,对于实际工程而言具有很大的参考价值。传统重塑土应力一应变归一化特性的研究只是针对某一特定性质的土体而言,这种归一化的研究方法显然具有一定的局限性。采用归一化含水率w/wl作为归一化因子,对主应力差渐进值进行归一化.探讨了双对数坐标系下主应力差渐进值与w/wl的线性关系。在此基础上基于Konder提出的双曲线模型将主应力差渐进值作为归一化因子,对三种不同疏浚粘土的应力一应变特性进行归一化分析,通过与实验资料的对比表明,提出的方法具有很好的归一化效果。  相似文献   

The unconfined compression test (UCT) is one of the most common tools to measure the undrained shear strength of fine-grained soils. Soft to very soft soils often pose problems such that the determination of failure load is unclear using this test. Similarly, fissured clays would endeavor failure along pre-existing planes of weakness. The reverse extrusion test (RET), a mechanical metallurgy tool, has been used recently in some soil mechanics applications. The scope of this investigation is to evaluate the potential of the RET as a substitute for the UCT. Sixty remolded soils and 75 natural soils were subjected to the RET and UCT. Remolded soils were tested on mixtures prepared at the plastic limit. It was found that the ratio of extrusion pressure at failure to the undrained shear strength is relatively consistent and concentrates around 14. The same ratio was found to be 15 for natural soils. The conclusion reached, upon a series of tests on both the remolded and natural soil samples, is that the RET better represents the undrained shear strength of soil than does the UCT, that the practical difficulties with UCT is eliminated by the RET, and the results may be improved by taking into account soil plasticity.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity (V s) is one of the most important input parameter to represent the stiffness of the soil layers. It is preferable to measure V s by in situ wave propagation tests, however it is often not economically feasible to perform the tests at all locations. Hence, a reliable correlation between V s and standard penetration test blow counts (SPT-N) would be a considerable advantage. This paper presents the development of empirical correlations between V s and SPT-N value for different categories of soil in Chennai city characterized by complex variation of soil conditions. The extensive shear wave velocity measurement was carried out using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) technique at the sites where the SPT-N values are available. The bender element test is performed to compare the field MASW test results for clayey soils. The correlations between shear wave velocity and SPT-N with and without energy corrections were developed for three categories of soil: all soils, sand and clay. The proposed correlations between uncorrected and energy corrected SPT-N were compared with regression equations proposed by various other investigators and found that the developed correlations exhibit good prediction performance. The proposed uncorrected and energy corrected SPT-N relationships show a slight variation in the statistical analysis indicating that both the uncorrected and energy corrected correlations can predict shear wave velocity with equal accuracy. It is also found that the soil type has a little effect on these correlations below SPT-N value of about 10.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - This paper describes an approach for utilizing in-situ measurements of shear wave velocity Vs to carry out preliminary and check design calculations for...  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental research concerning the shear behavior of two types of Italian peat, one normally, the other over consolidated. Organic soils are characterized by very high compressibility and high fiber content; two features that give rise to several problems during laboratory tests. Under consideration here are the effects of fibers and over consolidation on friction angle and stress–strain behavior. These are evaluated by means of undrained compression triaxial tests, with isotropic and anisotropic (Ko) consolidation being performed on natural and remolded samples. The experimental results are also analyzed by means of a bilinear failure criterion based on soil-reinforcement interaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two strong earthquakes occurred in the region of Chlef (north western part of Algeria) during the last century. From the geological context, there were several great masses of sandy soil ejections on to the ground surface level and severe damages to civil and hydraulic structures. These damages were due to the soil liquefaction phenomenon. The objective of this laboratory investigation is to study the effect of low plastic fines and gradation characteristics on the undrained shear strength (liquefaction resistance) response of sand-silt mixture samples. For this purpose, a series of undrained monotonic triaxial tests were carried out on reconstituted saturated silty sand samples with different fines content ranging from 0 to 50?% at two initial relative densities (Dr?=?20 and 91?%). The initial confining pressure was kept at 100?kPa. The evaluation of the data indicates that the undrained shear strength at the peak (qpeak) can be correlated to the undrained residual strength (Sus), the excess pore pressure (Δu), the fines content (Fc) and the intergranular void ratio (es). The test results indicate also that the undrained shear strength at the peak decreases with the increment of the coefficient of uniformity and fines content as well as with the decrement of the mean grain size in the range of 0–50?% fines content for both relative densities (Dr?=?20 and 91?%).  相似文献   

Firstly, the historical background is presented for the determination of ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations. The principles of plastic equilibrium used in the classical formulation of the ultimate bearing capacity are reviewed, followed by a discussion about the sources of approximations inherent in the classical theory. Secondly, based on a variety of case histories of site investigations, including extensive bore hole data, laboratory testing and geophysical prospecting, an empirical formulation is proposed for the determination of allowable bearing capacity of shallow foundations. The proposed expression corroborates consistently with the results of the classical theory and is proven to be reliable and safe, also from the view point of maximum allowable settlements. It consists of only two soil parameters, namely, the in-situ measured shear wave velocity, and the unit weight. The unit weight may be also determined with sufficient accuracy, by means of another empirical expression, using the P-wave velocity. It is indicated that once the shear and P-wave velocities are measured in-situ by an appropriate geophysical survey, the allowable bearing capacity is determined reliably through a single step operation. Such an approach, is considerably cost and time-saving, in practice.  相似文献   

Soil shearing resistance is very important while designing various structures which have direct contact with soil, for example, sheet piles, piles, retaining walls, reinforced earth structures and shallow foundations. Even though designers use empirical values for their design, it is very important to obtain more accurate values for soil–solid materials shearing resistance. In this work, laboratory tests have been carried out to investigate the effect of roughness interface and texture models on friction angle between cohesive soils and steel, as well as abrasive paper material, using direct shear tests. All tests were carried out under consolidated drained shear conditions. The behavior at the soils–solid interface was found to vary according to surface roughness. It also seems that the type of material (steel or paper of abrasive) used does not have a major influence on the shear strength. As far as roughness is concerned, friction behavior is likely to be generally classified into three failure modes, namely full sliding at the interface, shear failure within the soil, and a mixed behavior where interface sliding and shear deformation of the soil specimen proceed simultaneously. However, for the second mode, the shear strength at the interface soil-rough solid materials steel was found to be lower than the shear strength of the soil, for a soil that is classified as high plasticity clay. Furthermore, it was found that the interfacial shear strength is independent of the texture surface for a given roughness.  相似文献   

Undrained shear strength (su) of foundation soil of Marquette interchange near Milwaukee, Wisconsin was evaluated from the results of a number of pressuremeter tests conducted on normally consolidated (NC) organic silts and overconsolidated (OC) silty clay. The su-values were interpreted from traditional closed-form methods. The pressuremeter geometry and test sequence as well as response of the soil profiles were also simulated using axisymmetric finite element (FE) method with Cam-Clay soil model. The Cam-Clay model parameters were estimated from laboratory tests on undisturbed soil samples. Results show that the su estimated from the rate of cavity pressure change with volumetric strain (referred to as direct traditional method) is almost twice the su estimated from an indirect traditional method that estimates su from shear modulus, in situ horizontal stress, and ultimate cavity pressure obtained from the cavity pressure curves. The su-values predicted from the FE models are lower than those estimated from the traditional methods and shows that the assumption of infinite pressuremeter length in traditional methods results in overprediction of undrained shear strength by a factor of 1.5 for NC clay and 2.2 for OC clay. The results of finite element analysis considering Cam-Clay soil model and finite length for pressuremeters suggest the undrained shear strength of 63 ± 7 kPa for NC organic silt and 259 ± 68 kPa for OC silty clay.  相似文献   

准确预测储层的等效孔隙纵横比对页岩储层岩石物理建模及横波速度预测具有重要意义。为分析页岩储层孔隙纵横比及预测横波速度,提出了基于岩石物理模型的页岩孔隙纵横比反演及横波速度预测方法。本文首先通过岩石物理模型建立岩石的纵、横波速度与孔隙纵横比、孔隙度和矿物组分等参数之间的定量关系,寻找最佳孔隙纵横比;然后通过使理论预测与实际测量的纵波速度之间误差达到最小的方式反演孔隙纵横比,并以此为约束预测横波速度。实际测井数据反演结果表明,龙马溪组页岩地层的孔隙纵横比稳定,而围岩的孔隙纵横比变化范围较大;说明与围岩相比,页岩的孔隙结构更为稳定。同时,预测得到的页岩横波速度与实测横波速度的误差较小,另外对于缺少矿物组分资料的页岩层段,用平均矿物组分预测得到的横波速度误差仍较小;说明与矿物组分相比,龙马溪组页岩的纵、横波速度对孔隙纵横比参数更敏感。综上所述,利用该方法可预测到较为准确的等效孔隙纵横比和横波速度。  相似文献   

The effect of random inclusion of wheat straw (fibers) on shear strength characteristics of Shanghai cohesive soil is presented in this paper. 1 year old natural wheat straw (fibers) with four section lengths of 5, 10, 15, 20 mm (aspect ratio: l/d = 1.67, 3.33, 5, 6.67) are used as reinforcement and specific Shanghai cohesive soil is used as medium. Locally available cohesive soil is compacted with standard Proctor’s maximum density with low percentage of reinforcement (0.1–0.4 % of wheat straw sections by weight of oven-dried soil). A series of direct shear tests were conducted on unreinforced as well as reinforced soil to investigate the shear strength characteristics of wheat straw-reinforced soil. The test results show that the inclusion of randomly distributed wheat straw sections (fibers) in soil increases the shear strength to one degree or another. It is noticed that the optimum wheat straw (fiber) content for achieving maximum shear strength is 0.3 % of the weight of oven-dried soil for wheat straw fiber length 15–20 mm (aspect ratio: 5–6.67).  相似文献   

大连滨海粉质黏土剪切力学特性环剪试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大连滨海地区典型粉质黏土为研究对象,利用大型高速环剪仪,针对不同法向应力和剪切速率条件下该粉质黏土大剪切力学性质的变化情况进行了试验。环剪试验结果显示:1)该滨海粉质黏土在正常固结状态下出现明显的应变软化现象,分析表明其应变软化特性主要与土中黏土矿物质量分数及其在剪切过程中的定向排列有关。2)在相同剪切速率下,峰值强度和残余强度随法向应力的增加而增大,峰值强度与法向应力之间表现出良好的线性关系。3)由于峰值强度产生过程中土体内部黏聚力的变化,峰值强度随剪切速率的增加而增大;残余强度变化与剪切速率具有一定的相关性,这与不同剪切速率下剪切带(面)处黏土颗粒定向排列程度不同有关。  相似文献   

天然气水合物分解可以诱发海底斜坡失稳对海底工程设施产生造成破坏影响。因此,海底斜坡稳定性状态评价对海底工程设施选址、安全运行具有重要意义。文章根据南海北部神狐海域水合物富集区工程地质特征,采用有限元强度折减法分析了斜坡几何参数、土层强度变化,以及水合物储层特征等因素对水合物分解前后海底斜坡稳定性的影响规律。结果表明,未考虑水合物分解时,海底斜坡稳定性主要受控于斜坡坡度和土体强度,且主要表现为浅层滑坡。考虑水合物的分解时,水合物层强度降低会对斜坡的整体稳定性产生影响,但同等上覆层条件下最危险滑动面位置受水合物层埋深影响较大,且存在受地形几何特征与上覆土层强度控制的临界埋深。埋深大于临界埋深时,水合物分解对斜坡稳定性的影响较小,最危险滑动面位置位于上部浅层,表现为浅表层破坏。小于临界埋深时,最危险滑动面位置则经过水合物层,表现为深层滑坡。根据目前模型中的水合物层埋深条件,水合物分解后的深层滑动面安全系数仍高于浅部地层,意味该海域水合物开采仍需要关注浅层海底滑坡灾害的影响。  相似文献   

The use of shear wave velocity (V s) measurements as an in situ test for evaluation of liquefaction potential has increased substantially due to its advantages. Relatively large numbers of studies have been performed to establish the correlation between V s and liquefaction resistance (CRR) of clean sands. Usually, natural sands contain silt and/or clay, and previous studies have shown that both the amount of fines and their nature influence the values of CRR as well as V s. Therefore, the CRR–V s correlations may also be affected by fines content and type of sandy soils. However, effect of fines content and especially fines type of sandy soils on the correlation between V s and CRR is inadequately addressed in the literature. In this study, cyclic triaxial and bender element tests were conducted on samples of sand containing various amounts of different types of fines, and the effects of fines on the values of CRR and V s are investigated. The results show that G 0 and CRR reduce even when small amounts of fines are added to sand. Therefore, use of plasticity index (PI) of the fines fraction is better than the PI of the overall soil when trying to assess the effects of fines. Using obtained experimental data as well as the established semiempirical CRR–V s relationship, the CRR–V s correlation was developed for all the tested soils, and the effect of fines type on the correlation is also examined. Based on the results obtained in this study, CRR–V s correlation is affected by both the amount and the plasticity of the fines present in the sand, and this correlation is soil specific.  相似文献   

Empirical correlation between standard penetration resistance (SPT-N) and shear wave velocity measured by seismic downhole techniques are prepared of the alluvial soil of quaternary age for the Kanpur city. The Kanpur city is having seismic threat from Himalaya and it falls in seismic zone III according to seismic zones of India. Standard penetration test as well seismic downhole test has been carried out up to 30 m at twelve different locations of Kanpur city. The measured SPT-N values and shear wave velocity values are used to develop empirical correlation between SPT-N and shear wave velocity. The proposed correlations have been compared with the existing regression equations by various other investigators. It is found that the proposed correlation exhibit good performance (10 % error bar). Also the measured shear wave velocity has been used to prepare spatially distributed contour map of 50, 75 and 100 m/s using ArcGIS-9 software. It is observed that the shear wave velocity values for the northern part of Kanpur city vary from 125 to 825 m/s. In southern part, it is varying from 125 to 500 m/s where as in the central part of the city the shear wave velocity varies from 125 to 375 m/s. The eastern part of the city also shows some variation in shear wave velocity which ranges from 250 to 625 m/s. The western part of the city shows the variation of shear wave velocity from ≤125 to 500 m/s. The soil type of the study area are classified as per NEHRP and new Italian O.P.M.C classification system as B, C and D type soil with having site period of 0.1–0.9 s and Poisson’s ratio varying from 0.1 to 0.4.  相似文献   

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