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According to the theory of elastic mechanics half plane, the mechanical model of roof overburden failure is established. Based on the numerical simulation software FLAC3D, the failure process of roof overburden in 1308 working face is numerically simulated according to the orthogonal experimental design scheme. Matrix analysis and variance analysis are used to analyze and calculate the simulation results to determine the sensitivity of the main control factors to the failure height of overlying rock of mining roof. The results show that: (1) with the increase of mining depth and the advancing distance of working face, the subsidence of roof overburden increases. (2) The order of influence of main controlling factors on roof overburden failure height is: mining depth > working face length > internal friction angle > mining thickness > coal seam dip angle > cohesion > tensile strength. (3) Variance analysis showed that the mining depth height was significant, the working face length and internal friction angle were significant, and the significance of working face length was slightly greater than that of internal friction angle, and other factors were not significant.


白龙煤矿一采区右翼480m水平,开采10#、11#煤层。该区域内煤层底板标高为470m~520m,大部分区域低于K2含水层水位(519.5m)及O2f含水层水位(520m),为带压开采。由于K2和O2f含水层在水质、静水位等指标上很接近,不能快速准确区分。因此采掘工作面揭露构造出水后,快速准确地识别突水水源是矿井水害治理过程中最基础且必要的工作。通过对10-108工作面历次涌(突)水进行现场采样化验取得水化学指标,选择K++Na,Ca2+,Mg2+,Fe3+,NH4+,SO42-,HCO3-,NO3-,NO2-共9种化学成分做为评价指标,采用偏标加权法确定权重的模糊综合评判模型,对采掘工作面的涌(突)水水源进行快速识别,分析结果与巷道实际揭露后情况一致,表明该方法是较为有效的。  相似文献   

水帘洞煤矿地表水系发育,煤系地层上覆的白垩系洛河组和宜君组巨厚层状砂砾岩含水层,含水丰富,对矿井的安全开采构成了威胁。在详细分析矿区顶板含水层特征、隔水层岩性组合特征及隔水性能基础上,采用比拟法计算了综放条件下顶板导水裂隙带发育高度,并用数值法研究了不同采宽条件下顶板导水裂缝带发育规律,预计了工作面涌水量,为评价煤矿综放条件下工作面安全回采可行性提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

在分析矿井地质及水文地质条件的基础上,采用脆弱性指数法对灵北煤矿2下煤层底板突水进行评价,运用AHP确定底板突水各主控因素的权重,建立煤层底板突水脆弱性模型,将研究区分为相对安全区、较安全区、过渡区、较脆弱区、脆弱区五个区.相对于传统突水系数法,脆弱性指数法评价更能全面分析研究各区域不同的脆弱性,有针对性地制定防治水对策措施与建议,对煤矿安全生产更具有指导意义.  相似文献   

段小卫 《水文》2020,40(1):70-75
以盐城市河流为研究对象构建组合准则权重(Weight of Combination Criteria)与次序权重(Ordered Weighted Averaging)相结合的水质风险评价模型,通过控制决策风险水平得到不同条件下的次序权重,最终获取多种情况下的水质评价结果,为水质治理与保护提供参考。评价结果表明:当控制决策风险水平a=1时,该方法划分对监测点的水质类别划分结果与国标法基本一致,表明该方法在水质评价方面满足可行性和实用性两个基本要求;其次对研究区域主要水质指标的提取显示,研究区域水质受总有机碳(TOC)、总磷(TP)、氨氮和石油类影响较大;水环境受地理位置的影响入海口水质较差(IV类和V类),总体来说研究区域污染来源主要是农业污水、工业废水及城市污水。  相似文献   

The prediction and prevention of floor water inrush is directly related to the safety of the coal mine production. The previous evaluation method of floor water inrush was more one-sided and lacked main control factors related to mining conditions. In order to evaluate the floor water inrush more accurately, under the project background of geological data of Wanglou coal mine, stope width, mining depth, fault scale index, water pressure, water abundance and thickness of aquifer were selected as main controlling factors of floor water inrush. Combined with the subjective weight analytical hierarchy process and the objective weight variation coefficient method, the weight coefficients corresponding to the main controlling factors were obtained respectively. The thematic map of the risk assessment of coal seam floor water inrush was drawn by combining the constructed comprehensive weight vulnerability index model and geographic information system. The results show that: ① according to the actual geological data of mine, two fault related factors were removed. And stope width and mining depth were increased as the main controlling factors to evaluate floor water inrush. It is easier to compare and calculate the weight of evaluation factors. ② The constructed comprehensive weight vulnerability index model can comprehensively evaluate the risk of floor water inrush. And the results of the evaluation are more accurate. ③ The related thematic maps can directly reflect the risk of floor water inrush, which is of guiding significance for the prediction and prevention of coal seam floor water inrush.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The water inrush risk assessment of coal floor after coalbed methane (CBM) development is very important in the theoretical and practical study of safe...  相似文献   

江仓矿区煤炭资源丰富。主采煤层属巨厚煤层,其煤层结构和煤种结构一般都很复杂,按不同煤种进行分层开采,有利于煤炭资源合理利用。江仓矿区20煤煤种结构变化大,且无规律可循,探讨了分煤种计算储量的几种方法,对未来煤矿的设计与开采有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Because of insidious fault’s concealing performance and lagging nature, water inrush from insidious faults in coal seam floor can cause great threads to the mine safety. Based on analyzing the engineering geology conceptual model, this paper simulated the insidious fault lagging water inrush process and showed the lift height of the confined water in the insidious fault fractured zone (LHCWIFFZ) and the formation of water inrush channel. Then the concept of the potential water inrush channel with time effect was put forward. In order to further illustrate the time effect of the lagging water inrush from insidious fault, theoretical analysis was made from two aspects of the time effect of the plastic zone development height in the insidious fault fractured zone (PZDHIFFZ) based on the differential flow deformation theory and the time effect of water inrush channel in the upper part of the insidious fault (WICUPIF) based on the subcritical crack propagation theory. Simulation results showed that the results are basically consistent with mining practice.  相似文献   

In the process of tunnel construction, many kinds of geological disasters are frequently occur. Among them, tunnel collapse is one of the most serious geological disasters. Seven controlling factors were determined by analyzing 76 large or medium tunnel collapses in China. By means of synthesizing all kind of index parameters, grey relational coefficients were calculated based on grey correlation theory. Entropy weight method was used to compute the weight coefficients. And a comprehensive risk evaluation model of tunnel collapse was established based on entropy weight and grey relational degree. The paper gives the correctional coefficients depending on rainfall conditions during construction of the tunnel. At last the collapse risk level of tunnels was obtained. Based on the actual project cases of risk assessment, the results indicated that the comprehensive risk evaluation model of tunnel collapse was scientific and reasonable. And it was shown that the method was easy to master and has a great significance on engineering practice.  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络方法的矿井涌水量预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于矿井涌水威胁煤矿安全生产及其影响因素的复杂性,提出基于BP神经网络的矿井涌水量预测方法.在充分分析新安煤矿+25m开采水平的涌水影响因素的基础上,选取大气降水、采空区面积和底板构造断裂和采动裂隙三个影响因子,建立了非线性人工神经网络预测模型,对+25m开采水平的正常涌水量进行了预计.其结果和实际观测数据能够较好地相吻合,表明采用人工神经网络预计矿井涌水量是可行的.  相似文献   

在边坡的稳定性综合评价中,评价体系的建立和评价因素权重的确定是关键问题。针对这种情况,建立一种新的黄土边坡稳定性综合评价模型。模型中将黄土边坡稳定性分为5个级别:稳定;较稳定;欠稳定;不稳定;极不稳定。以坡高、边坡总坡比、天然重度、内摩擦角、粘聚力为评价因子。针对评价因素权重确定中的困难,把熵权法运用到边坡的综合评价中,避免人为确定权重的主观性。通过实例的计算表明,该评价方法是合理、可行的,为边坡稳定的综合评价提供有益参考。  相似文献   

针对郭家河煤矿1303工作面瓦斯涌出量大、上隅角及回风流瓦斯超限的问题,通过对高位钻孔瓦斯抽放原理及参数进行分析计算,并结合工作面生产情况,应用实践了常规高位钻孔及大直径高位钻孔瓦斯抽放技术。实践结果表明,大直径高位钻孔抽放效果远胜于常规高位钻孔,并有效地解决了瓦斯超限问题,改善了工作面的安全生产状况。  相似文献   

神东煤炭公司大柳塔矿12404工作面煤层埋深浅,上覆基岩薄、松散含水层厚,且地表有河流横过(工作面长度240m,推进度3900m,其中薄基岩富水段150m),为了减少工作面搬家次数提高生产效益,采取了地面抽排水、井下泄放水及地面注浆固沙等有效的防治水措施,工作面安全通过了母河沟,该防治水方法的应用改变了以往类似情况进行留煤柱跳采的方法,取得了浅埋深薄基岩厚含水层下煤层综合机械化安全开采经验,比停产跳采节省搬家费用2400万元,获得了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

To master the laws of strong strata behavior of Tashan coal mine under Carboniferous coal mining process, the laws of strong strata behavior in 8107 working face was measured and analyzed. It was shown that the average initial weighting step of 8107 working face was 59.4 m. The average periodic weighting step of main roof was 16.2 m. The maximum working resistance during periodic weighting was 14,711.1 kN. The maximum working resistance during non-periodic weighting was 11,339.9 kN. The average dynamic load factor K during periodic weighting was 1.31. The stress of coal column on the side of the goaf could be divided into four zones (stress stabilization zone, stress slow-increasing zone, significant—increasing stress zone, stress reduction zone) along the strike of 8107 working face. There was a peak of lateral support pressure along the trend of 8107 working face. And the peak position was biased to the side of return airway roadway. With the increase of the distance from the down-side of return airway, the pressure peak of the inner coal body along the strike of 8107 the working face increased and the peak position decreased from the coal wall. The peak stress of coal column tended to be close to the up-side of return airway. And the distance from the down-side of return airway for the peak of inner coal was larger than that for the peak of coal pillar. The peak position of abutment pressure of hard roof was in the range of 10–25 m in front of 8107 working face under full mechanized mining extra thickness coal seam conditions. The relative stress concentration coefficient of k was 1.3–6.5. The range of 10–25 m from the front of the working face to coal wall was stress reduction zone. And the influence range of abutment pressure was about 80 m. It was of great significance to the control and practice of the surrounding rock of the stope for the mining of the hard extra-thick coal seam.  相似文献   

通过对彬长矿区其地质条件、水文地质条件、覆岩结构类型的分析、以及综放开采覆岩破坏导水裂隙带高度的预计,确定了洛河砂砾岩含水层下防水煤岩柱留设的原则,通过对保护水资源重要性与采煤条件的分析,指出了在洛河砂砾岩含水层下采煤是目前彬长矿区在理论上和技术上亟待解决的突出难题之一。  相似文献   


In view of the problems existing in the evaluation process of slope stability in cold regions, the improved entropy weight method and extension theory are used to evaluate the slope stability. Nine indexes which affect the slope stability in cold regions are selected, the matter element system of slope stability evaluation is established by extension theory, and the extension correlation degree between evaluation index and evaluation grade is calculated. The improved entropy weight method is used to calculate the entropy weight of the matter element index system, and then the stability grade of the slope matter element is determined. Based on the extension theory and improved entropy weight method, the slope stability of Beizhan open pit mine is predicted. The results show that the prediction results are consistent with the actual situation of the project, and the evaluation method can be applied to the slope stability evaluation in cold regions. By using extension theory and improved entropy weight method, the evaluation index can be changed from a single determined value to an interval value, and the influence degree of the evaluation index can be analyzed more comprehensively. This method improves the evaluation accuracy and provides a new method for the slope stability evaluation in cold regions.


瞬变电磁技术在邢台矿区防探水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢台矿区属典型的华北岩溶型石炭一二叠系煤田,下组煤普遍受巨厚奥陶系灰岩强岩溶含水层的威胁。根据目前物探方法的特点,决定使用方向性好,对水敏感的瞬变电磁技术探测该矿区水患。针对井下巷道工作条件复杂.干扰因素多的特点,选用两个不同的工作频率25Hz、6.25Hz进行测量。并以显德汪矿1612工作面风巷瞬变电磁侧向探测为例,圈定出其低阻异常区。  相似文献   

论述了榆神矿区部分中小煤矿突水实例,分析了矿井突水的地质、水文地质条件,认为,榆神矿区萨拉乌苏组含水层厚度大,富水性强,煤层埋藏浅,煤层开采后产生的冒落带、裂隙带发育到萨拉乌苏组含水层底部,从而引起突水灾害。本文提出了矿井突水预测的思路和方法,认为应该加强矿井水文地质条件研究,开展水文地质补充勘探,查明水文地质条件,做好防治水工作,减少矿井涌水量,保护萨拉乌苏组含水层结构完整性。  相似文献   

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