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嫩江断裂带对探讨松辽盆地的演化、 与大兴安岭的盆山耦合关系以及兴安地块与松嫩地块的归属问题具有重要研究意义。本文利用深地震反射剖面, 揭示了嫩江断裂带中段的深部几何形态, 表明它目前呈花状构造样式; 它也并非松辽盆地内部的拆离断层, 而是一条超壳断裂, 控制了大兴安岭的物质东移和松辽盆地的中生代沉积; 现今的嫩江断裂带同晚古生代兴安地块与松嫩地块拼合的嫩江构造拼贴带并没有继承性关系; 莫霍面可能在后期的演化过程中扮演了滑脱层的作用, 致使向西俯冲的地幔体向东位移。  相似文献   

中国及全球大陆不同构造域广泛存在壳内低速层。壳内低速层不仅与地壳表层金属、非金属矿床、油气资源及地壳变形密切相关, 而且也是一些重大地震和活动断裂的发育场所。一般认为,地壳低速层反映了地壳物质的含水、热状态和部分熔融等信息, 其研究对探讨地壳结构及其动力学演化有重要意义。本文总结了利用深地震测深资料的震相走时、振幅、相位信息识别壳内低速层的5种典型方法: 1)Pg震相走时中断;2)低速层顶、底界面反射波走时曲线近似平行;3)30°~60°入射角范围内低速层顶界面反射转换波强于反射纵波;4)低速层底界面反射波强于顶界面;5)低速层顶界面反射波极性反转等。研究实例表明, 以上方法为利用深地震测深资料揭示壳内低速层提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

During late May and early June of 1993, we conducted two shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection surveys (Mini-Sosie method) across the southern escarpment of the Benton Hills segment of Crowleys Ridge. The reflection profiles imaged numerous post-late Cretaceous faults and folds. We believe these faults may represent a significant earthquake source zone.

The stratigraphy of the Benton Hills consists of a thin, less than about 130 m, sequence of mostly unconsolidated Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments which uncomfortably overlie a much thicker section of Paleozoic carbonate rocks. The survey did not resolve reflectors within the upper 75–100 ms of two-way travel time (about 60–100 m), which would include all of the Tertiary and Quaternary and most of the Cretaceous. However, the Paleozoic-Cretaceous unconformity (Pz) produced an excellent reflection, and locally a shallower reflector within the Cretaceous (K) was resolved. No coherent reflections below about 200 ms of two-way travel time were identified.

Numerous faults and folds, which clearly offset the Paleozoic-Cretaceous unconformity reflector, were imaged on both seismic reflection profiles. Many structures imaged by the reflection data are coincident with the surface mapped locations of faults within the Cretaceous and Tertiary succession. Two locations show important structures that are clearly complex fault zones. The English Hill fault zone, striking N30°–35°E, is present along Line 1 and is important because earlier workers indicated it has Pleistocene Loess faulted against Eocene sands. The Commerce fault zone striking N50°E, overlies a major regional basement geophysical lineament, and is present on both seismic lines at the southern margin of the escarpment.

The fault zones imaged by these surveys are 30 km from the area of intense microseismicity in the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ). If these are northeast and north-northeast oriented fault zones like those at Thebes Gap they are favorably oriented in the modern stress field to be reactivated as right-lateral strike slip faults. Currently, earthquake hazards assessments are most dependent upon historical seismicity, and there are little geological data available to evaluate the earthquake potential of fault zones outside of the NMSZ. We anticipate that future studies will provide evidence that seismicity has migrated between fault zones well beyond the middle Mississippi Valley. The potential earthquake hazards represented by faults outside the NMSZ may be significant.  相似文献   

Out of a dense network of seismic reflection lines for hydrocarbon exploration in the North-east German Basin, several lines were recorded to 12 s TWT to obtain information about the structure of the crust and the crust-mantle transition. One of these profiles is presented here. This stretches for 110 km in a NNE direction between Neustrelitz and the island of Usedom. It reaches from the External Variscides in the south across the North German Massif into the Rügen-Pomorze Terrane in the Baltic Sea. Below Cenozoic-Mesozoic-Paleozoic cover with clear reflections down to base Zechstein, the reflectivity varies considerably with depth and also laterally. The Paleozoic and Precambrian sediments and basement are generally void of reflections, but the lower crust and the Moho show strong reflections. To the north the reflectivity decreases, and the Moho depth increases to beyond the bottom of the record section at 12 s. There are no direct indications for deep-reaching faults such as the Trans-European Fault in the north. The North German Massif acted as a ramp towards the Variscan Orogeny, similar to the London-Brabant Massif further west.  相似文献   

The influence of deep crustal processes on basin formation and evolution and its relation to current morphology is not well understood yet. A key feature to unravel these issues is a detailed seismic image of the crust. A part of the data recorded by the hydrocarbon industry in the late 1970s and 1980s in the North German Basin were released to the public recently. The seismic reflection data were recorded down to 15 s two-way travel time. The mean Common Midpoint fold of about 20 is relatively low compared to contemporary seismic acquisitions. The processing of the 1980s focussed on the sedimentary structures to explore the hydrocarbon potential of this area. We applied the Common Reflection Surface stack technique to the data sets, which is well suited for low-fold data. The reprocessing was focussed on the imaging of the subsedimentary crustal range. The reprocessed images show enhanced reflections, especially in the mid and lower crustal part. Also, the image of the salt structures in the graben area was improved. Furthermore, the reprocessed images indicate an almost flat Moho topography in the area of the Glückstadt Graben and an additional lower crustal structure, which can be correlated with a high-density body found in recent gravity modeling studies.  相似文献   

A ~400 km long deep crustal reflection seismic survey was acquired in central Victoria, Australia, in 2006. It has provided information on crustal architecture across the western Lachlan Orogen and has greatly added to the understanding of the tectonic evolution. The east-dipping Moyston Fault is confirmed as the suture between the Delamerian and western Lachlan Orogens, and is shown to extend down to the Moho. The Avoca Fault, the boundary between the Stawell and Bendigo Zones, is a west-dipping listric reverse fault that intersects the Moyston Fault at a depth of about 22 km, forming a V-shaped geometry. Both the Stawell and Bendigo Zones can be divided broadly into a lower crustal region of interlayered and imbricated metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks and an upper crustal region of tightly folded metasedimentary rocks. The Stawell Zone was probably part of a Cambrian accretionary system along the eastern Gondwanaland margin, and mafic rocks may have been partly consumed by Cambrian subduction. Much of the Early Cambrian oceanic crust beneath the Bendigo Zone was not subducted, and is preserved as a crustal-scale imbricate thrust stack. The seismic data have shown that a thin-skinned structural model appears to be valid for much of the Melbourne Zone, whereas the Stawell and Bendigo Zones have a thick-skinned structural style. Internal faults in the Stawell and Bendigo Zones are mostly west-dipping listric faults, which extend from the surface to near the base of the crust. The Heathcote Fault Zone, the boundary between the Bendigo and Melbourne Zones, extends to at least 20 km, and possibly to the Moho. A striking feature in the seismic data is the markedly different seismic character of the mid to lower crust of the Melbourne Zone. The deep seismic reflection data for the Melbourne Zone have revealed a multilayered crustal structure that supports the Selwyn Block model.  相似文献   

Samples of the deep crust and upper mantle in the Northern Andes occur as abundant xenoliths in the Granatífera Tuff, a late Cenozoic vent in the Mercaderes area of SW Colombia. The lower crustal assemblage includes granulites, hornblendites, pyribolites, pyroxenites and gneisses; mafic rocks predominate, but felsic material is also common. PT conditions for the pyribolite assemblages (i.e. Hbl+Fs/Scp+Grt+Cpx+Qtz±Bt), which are the best constrained, are 720–850 °C and 10–14 kbar, consistent with a deep-to-lower crustal origin. A notable feature of this xenolith suite is that it is dominated by hornblende. However, mineral reactions within the suite show that there is a transition from amphibolite to granulite facies, and there is a probable restite–melt relationship represented within the suite. However, the latter appears to be dominated by hornblende and garnet.The mafic rocks mostly lack the high Cr and Ni that would be expected of cumulates. Neither do they possess the positive Sr and Eu anomalies that would be consistent with resite or cumulate models for the lower crust. They bear greatest similarity to oceanic basalts (s.l.). The Rb contents of the xenoliths, whether mafic or silicic, are very low, and the more silicic members of the suite tend to have small positive Sr and Eu anomalies, which are transitional to adakitic compositions. The Sr isotopic compositions of the xenoliths lie between 0.704 and 0.705; however, the Nd isotopic compositions are much more variable, indicating considerable long-term heterogeneity. Few of the xenoliths can be compositionally recognised as metasedimentary; however, a sedimentary component is evident in the Pb isotopic compositions. Within these constraints, our favoured model is a deep crust formed by basaltic components (subduction–accretion?), and minor sediment, which is subject to an increase in thermal gradient to produce the granulites, any melting being dominated by hornblende-out reactions involving garnet. However, there is no evidence of any pervasive crustal melting, leading to the conclusion that the voluminous Andean magmatism arises from the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Further evidence for the existence of the terrane East Avalonia (Cadomia) in north-west Europe, its boundaries and its role in the Caledonian collisional processes comes from studies of deep seismic reflection data at sea and on land. Various sutures are found in the north-east and the north-west, and a generally poor reflectivity dominates in the major part. Further details of reflectivity patterns support the idea that a huge terrane which split from the northern rim of Gondwana moved northward and collided with the merging plates Laurentia-Baltica. Its docking features are analysed.  相似文献   

横跨银川盆地北西西向的深地震反射剖面,清晰揭示了银川盆地边界断裂以及整个地壳的结构构造特征,这对研究具活动大陆裂谷性质的银川盆地浅-深构造关系具有重大的意义。贺兰山东麓山前断裂、黄河断裂作为银川盆地的西、东边界断裂,前者为一条缓倾斜、延伸至上、下地壳边界的犁式断裂,而后者则为一条切穿地壳并延伸进入上地幔的深大断裂。根据深地震反射剖面揭示的地壳结构特征,银川盆地浅部结构并非前人认为的"堑中堑"结构,而是表现为由一系列东倾犁式正断层控制的新生代断陷。略微下凹的Moho面几何形态以及厚2~3.2 km的层状强反射带为下地壳最显著的反射特征。Moho面深度与强反射带厚度变化趋势与银川盆地沉积厚度变化趋势几乎一致。本文认为,强反射带的成因可能是由源自地幔的基性岩浆以岩席状的形式底侵进入地壳底部造成的,而这部分形成强反射带的物质可能补偿了因银川盆地断陷而造成的地壳减薄,最终导致银川盆地之下Moho面并未像之前所认为的那样隆起。  相似文献   




王冠  熊小松  高锐  陈宣华 《中国地质》2019,46(5):1146-1160
深地震反射方法是探测地壳深部结构的先锋技术,能获取到莫霍面和上地幔的反射图像,成为揭示岩石圈结构、解决深部地质构造问题的有效手段。花海盆地位于河西走廊盆地群西部,处于不同大地构造单元的交汇部位,地层发育较全,但出露和发育程度差异较大,除白垩系为大面积连续分布外,其他各时代的地层均出露不全,常表现为被侵入岩分割破坏的残块状,为了确定深地震反射在花海盆地适合的采集参数,在采集前开展点试验,进行小、中、大炮炸药井炮激发参数对比优选,最终得到最优化的采集参数。在小炮实验中,36 kg药量取得的反射信息没有48 kg和60 kg的丰富,而且在MOHO反射的清晰度上48 kg和60 kg药量更为清晰,单井激发比组合井激发效果好;在中炮和大炮实验中,不同组合井对比差异不大,随着药量增大,激发能量增大,面波、折射波等干扰波能量也在增大,小炮干扰波能量最弱,反射信息最丰富的,中炮和大炮干扰波较发育,但通过后期去噪处理,也能得到中浅层反射信息。  相似文献   

由多个地体拼接而成的青藏高原,有着世界上最厚的地壳。在高原中部,从拉萨地体到羌塘地体,穿过班公湖—怒江缝合带(BNS)的地壳厚度变化长期存在争议。本文主要论述从拉萨地体北端横跨BNS到达羌塘地体的深地震反射剖面探测的结果。探测发现了清晰的Moho反射,揭示了拉萨地体—羌塘地体Moho深度和地壳厚度的变化。探测结果表明,在BNS下方Moho深度由南至北出现了6.2 km的急剧减小,并且与BNS向北28 km处的羌塘地体南部比较,地壳厚度变浅了12.5 km。否定了前人对BNS下方Moho存在20 km显著变化的认识。  相似文献   

Fractals and the accuracy of geographical measures   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The problems of estimating line length, area, and point characteristics in the earth sciences have generated substantial but independent literatures. All three problems are of increasing concern given the current interest in digital capture, processing, and the storage of geographically referenced data. In the case of qualitative maps, all three are shown to be related to Mandelbrot's fractional dimension D (Mandelbrot, 1977) which allows the dependence of each on sampling density to be predicted. The general results are confirmed by simulation on surfaces of constant D. They also imply that certain improvements can be made in a number of previously proposed methods.  相似文献   

Deep crustal reflection data that are critical for the interpretation of Laramide structure have been obtained by the Consortium for Continental Reflection Profiling (COCORP). The Laramide orogeny, which occurred from the late Cretaceous to early Eocene, is characterized in Wyoming by large uplifts of Precambrian basement, commonly flanked by reverse faults. The attitude of these faults at depth has been a major tectonic problem and is very important for deciding whether horizontal or vertical crustal movements were primarily responsible for the basement uplifts. COCORP has run 158 km of deep seismic reflection profiles (recording to 20-sec two-way travel time) across the southeastern end of the Wind River Mountains, the largest of these Laramide uplifts. Reflections from the thrust fault flanking the Wind River uplift can be clearly traced on the profiles to at least 24-km depth and possibly as deep as about 36 km with a fairly uniform apparent dip of 30°–35°. Other reflection events subparallel to the main Wind River thrust are present in the seismic profiles and may represent other faults. There is at least 21 km of crustal shortening along the thrust. There is no evidence in the reflection profiles for large-scale folding of the basement; the Wind River Mountains were formed predominantly by thrust movements. Gravity anomalies in the Wind River Mountains can be modeled by a thrust that displaces dense material in the lower crust. If the thrust ever cut the Moho, the effect is not observed in the gravity today. A proposed model for the presence of uplifted basement in Wyoming invokes a shallowly dipping, subducted Farallon plate beneath the North American continent; drag between the two plates localized compressional stresses in an area over 800 km into the North American plate causing large thrusts to develop. The earth's crust seems to have fractured as a fairly rigid plate  相似文献   

燕山造山带深地震反射剖面启动探测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高锐  赵越 《地质通报》2002,21(12):905-907
板块构造本质的刚性定义,认为变形只发生在板块的边缘,板块内部不会也不可能发生与板缘相当的造山带[1].  相似文献   

深地震反射剖面揭示了庐枞矿集区全地壳的精细结构,在研究火山岩盆地的深部构造、探讨成矿深部过程等方面取得了新认识。从长江至大别山下,Moho由30km左右加深至33km左右,罗河矿下方Moho错断大约3km。庐枞火山岩盆地是一个沿着罗河断裂向东发育的"耳状"非对称盆地,并不存在另外一半隐伏在红层之下的盆地。罗河铁矿对应Moho错断处,处在构造的转换带上。罗河断裂之下存在近于透明的弱反射区域,可能是地幔流体和岩浆上涌、喷发的通道。郯庐断裂、罗河-缺口断裂、长江断裂是庐枞地区的三个重要断裂。郯庐断裂带为不对称花束状构造,近于直立,切穿地壳。小岭矿与龙桥矿可能产出在一个隆起的火成岩体的两翼。  相似文献   

如何运用深地震反射剖面技术同时探测大型金属矿集区浅自几百米,深至地壳底部的地壳精细结构,揭示成矿的深部过程,是一项极具挑战性的攻关实验内容。本文针对庐枞金属矿集区的浅深兼顾的探测目标,实验了一种区域长剖面和矿集区剖面结合的变观测系统采集技术。结果表明,区域长剖面使用40m道距,240m炮距,18~20m井深,16~20kg药量,中间放炮,720道双边接收,60次覆盖的采集参数能够获得浅层至Moho的有效反射,揭示出成矿区的深部构造。矿集区剖面加密道距至10m,炮距80m,将覆盖次数增加到90次,并采用十字测线的拟三维采集技术能有效补充获得丰富的矿区浅层信息,揭露出浅层控矿构造及其与深部的联系。在经费有限的前提下,采用上述变观测系统方法来保证获得浅、深多重反射信息的采集技术是可行的,实际结果证实了该方法技术实验的成功。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地深反射地震资料处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
反射地震资料的属性与油气勘探的最终目标——油、气有密切联系。利用地震波场的属性中隐藏着识别油气藏的密码进行油气检测,是一项新的油气检测技术。有油气存在时其地震属性会在局部产生非常规变异,寻找这种变异的差异,就可以进行油气检测,这也就为油气圈闭的地球物理评价提供了基础。通过在塔里木油田的试验表明,上述检测油气的属性差异分析方法技术是有效的。建议在油气钻探之前,首先进行油气检测和圈闭评价,以减少风险,提高油气勘探的成功率。  相似文献   

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