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四川盆地侏罗系发育具有分型结构的超致密储层,孔隙度多数在5%之下,渗透率小于0.1m D。长期以来,有关侏罗系油藏是裂缝油藏,岩性油藏,还是致密油,一直存在争议;对于如此致密储层,在没有裂缝的情况下,石油能不能进入储层,是如何进去的,运移路径是什么;是储层先致密后进油,还是先进油而后储层致密化;致密油的运聚机理与富集因素是什么,应采取怎样的勘探思路等等,是勘探和研究中需要面临和解决的基础科学问题。本文运用流体包裹体、场发射和环境扫描电镜、纳米CT和成藏物理模拟等方法,从储层微观介质空间含油性、流体包裹体分布及特征、储层演化与生烃演化等研究入手,开展了侏罗系石油运移、聚集机理和富集规律研究,结果表明四川盆地侏罗系油层以致密油为主体,储层致密化过程中及以后发生石油充注,致密储层基质中各种成岩次生微缝、结晶矿物晶间缝隙、各种微-纳米缝隙等基质缝是石油运移和渗滤有效路径,生烃增压和毛细管压力差是致密油运聚的主要动力,致密储层非达西渗流特征明显,具有启动压力梯度。四川盆地侏罗系致密油具有"源储共控、近源富集、网状赋油、甜点高产"的分布规律,指出在勘探中需要遵循致密油的自身属性和地质规律,按照"整体部署、分层评价、优选甜点"的工作思路,实现创新研究、科学评价和效益勘探。  相似文献   

西藏伦坡拉盆地沉积特征分析及油气地质分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对伦坡拉盆地的沉积演化和沉积体系特征的分析,对盆地内的生油岩、储集岩和盖层的空间展布进行了深入全面的探讨,并对其空间展布进行生储盖组合研究、圈闭的特征分析。笔者认为,在盆地生储盖组合较好,具有油气开发的潜力,但是盆地目前的构造圈闭现状制约着油气地质的进展,可以在落实新的构造圈闭的同时,寻求非构造圈闭油气藏的可能性。  相似文献   

通过对吉林省长白山天池火山的研究及1:5万区域地质调查资料,将区内新生代上新世以来的火山活动划分为4个火山喷发旋回及13个火山喷发期,对爆发性火山作用划分了岩浆型、蒸气-岩浆型(岩浆-蒸气型)和蒸气型三种类型。火山喷发动力学机制的研究,对长白山天池火山的稳定性作出补步评价,在此基础上,对该区生代上新世以来的火山喷发作用及其引发的火山灾害的环境效应进行了论述。并对火山喷发作用所产生的积极环境效应,提出了合理开发和利用的建议。  相似文献   

文中对准噶尔盆地南缘乌苏四棵树和独山子泥火山的构造背景进行了分析,指出其形成主要是由于天山北缘中新生 代沉积层中地势高低造成的水压差和地层层间压力差,导致丰富的地下水沿着背斜顶端发育的断裂带上升,与通道周围的 泥质岩石相遇,泥浆形成并喷出地表而成为泥火山。论文还对四棵树和独山子泥火山的伴生油苗进行了全油色谱和生物标 记化合物研究,对比相关烃源岩地球化学特征及前人有关研究成果,指出油样有机质均处于成熟阶段,油源可能是侏罗系 与古近系烃源岩的混合产物。研究结果对探索该区泥火山的成因和油气成藏条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An integrated approach of molecular sieve, molecular composition of fluid inclusion and compound specific isotope analysis was employed to investigate newly discovered oils reservoired in an Ordovician buried hill in the Dongying Depression of Bohai Bay Basin. The new discovered oils are characterized by high content of waxy alkanes (> 40%) with an extremely low concentration of cyclic biomarkers. The alkanes-removed waxy oil and the fluid inclusion oils correlate well with the source rocks of the Paleogene Kongdian Fm (Ek2). The δ13C values of the compound-specific isotope of the alkanes indicate that Ek2 is the primary source for the oils. This study demonstrates the existence of a new set of deeper source rocks with good oil-generation potential in the Dongying Depression.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(4):611-622
The Makran accretionary prism is located at the junction of the Eurasian Plate, Arabian Plate and Indian Plate and is rich in natural gas hydrate (NGH) resources. It consists of a narrow continental shelf, a broad continental slope, and a deformation front. The continental slope can be further divided into the upper slope, middle slope, and lower slope. There are three types of diapir structure in the accretionary prism, namely mud diapir, mud volcano, and gas chimney. (1) The mud diapirs can be grouped into two types, namely the ones with low arching amplitude and weak-medium activity energy and the ones with high arching amplitude and medium-strong activity energy. The mud diapirs increase from offshore areas towards onshore areas in general, while the ones favorable for the formation of NGH are mainly distributed on the middle slope in the central and western parts of the accretionary prism. (2) The mud volcanoes are mainly concentrated along the anticline ridges in the southern part of the lower slope and the deformation front. (3) The gas chimneys can be grouped into three types, which are located in piggyback basins, active anticline ridges, and inactive anticline ridges, respectively. They are mainly distributed on the middle slope in the central and western parts of the accretionary prism and most of them are accompanied with thrust faults. The gas chimneys located at different tectonic locations started to be active at different time and pierced different horizons. The mud diapirs, mud volcanoes, and gas chimneys and thrust faults serve as the main pathways of gas migration, and thus are the important factors that control the formation, accumulation, and distribution of NGH in the Makran accretionary prism. Mud diapir/gas chimney type hydrate develop in the middle slope, mud volcano type hydrate develop in the southern lower slope and the deformation front, and stepped accretionary prism type hydrate develop on the central and northern lower slope. The middle slope, lower slope and deformation front in the central and western parts of the Makran accretionary prism jointly constitute the NGH prospect area.  相似文献   

中国陆相红层广泛分布,占陆地总面积的9.5%,大量城镇居民和农业种植区分布于不同区域的陆相红层盆地内,红层地区地下水资源普遍紧缺,干旱日趋严重,形势严峻,成为扶贫攻坚的重点。中国南方以赣江流域红层盆地为典型代表,红层主要分布于NE向展布的断陷盆地,其形成演化、空间分布和构造样式受NE向区域伸展断裂构造控制,红层内构造以NE向伸展断层和局部平缓褶皱为主要变形特征。盆地内红色砂砾岩层极差的分选性和完好的铁质胶结,使其具有低孔隙和低渗透特征,且厚度大分布广,成为红层盆地地下水贫瘠和补给效率低的主要原因。盆地内断裂构造及其伴生节理裂隙构成地下水的主要储存空间,也为地表水和地下水的交换提供运移和渗透通道。地下水的补给、红层内膏盐矿物及重金属元素的淋滤富集、地表农业和工业废水及污染物的下渗均受盆内断裂构造的控制。地下水的空间分布、资源量、补给效率和水质强烈受控于盆内局部变形构造,具有显著的非均一性。红层盆地内断裂构造的发育、活动性质及其伴生裂隙网络研究对地下水资源评价、动态监测和高效利用具有重要的科学指导意义。  相似文献   

南黄海盆地含烃热液流体活动:流体包裹体证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南黄海盆地勿南沙隆起古生界地层的地热和地球化学异常一直受到众多地质学家和地球化学家的关注。本文联用显微测温和激光拉曼光谱技术对南黄海盆地勿南沙隆起的常州(CZ)-2-1井二叠系栖霞组灰岩石英脉中的流体包裹体进行了详细研究。根据岩石学特征、室温下包裹体相态特征和成分差别,这些包裹体可以分成三大类六小类。流体包裹体拉曼光谱分析结果表明包裹体中含有甲烷和有机物,证明了该区曾经有含烃类流体活动。显微测温分析表明流体包裹体的均一温度在214℃~305℃之间,远高于该区正常沉积的盆地古地温,暗示包裹体捕获了热液流体。根据岩石学观察和测温分析结果,样品中主要存在三期流体包裹体,其均一温度和流体的甲烷浓度分别为:214℃,0.1347mol/L;265℃,0.1722mol/L;305℃,0.3370mol/L。包裹体甲烷浓度随均一温度升高呈增大的趋势。本次研究证实南黄海盆地勿南沙隆起区曾存在含烃热液流体活动,这些实验结果可以为合理解释热异常和地球化学异常提供证据。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地陆梁油田油气源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地质色层效应、输道层矿物的吸附和储集层中油气的热演化,导致了生物标志物的多解性和常规油气源研究的不确定性。四面临凹,且凹陷都有可能成为其油气源区的陆梁油田油气源研究更具挑战性和难度。笔者通过对周边凹陷的构造演化、烃源岩生烃能力和地球化学特征、输道层的演化和特征以及陆梁油田油气地球化学特征进行分析,运用三环二萜烷C20、C21、C23和甾烷C27、C28、C29等生物标志物进行对比,认为陆梁油田的油主要来源于具有巨大生烃潜力的盆1井西凹陷二叠系烃源岩,气主要来自侏罗系烃源岩。  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes can provide important information about the underlying strata, hydrocarbon accumulation, and recent neotectonic movements in an area. The fluids erupting from mud volcanoes provide important information about their formation and evolution. The ion concentration and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluids that were erupted from the three mud volcano groups, Baiyanggou, Aiqigou, and Dushanzi, and nearby rivers in the southern margin of the Junggar basin, northwestern China, are studied. The concentrations of Na and Cl in mud volcano fluids are clearly elevated, displayed as the Na-Cl type. The δD and δ18O values of the fluids are similar between the Baiyanggou and Dushanzi mud volcanoes, which are mainly from ancient sedimentary pore water. However, the Aiqigou mud volcano is depleted in dissolved Cl and shows lower δ18O values with mixed sources, including deep pore and local meteoric water. Two types of mud volcanoes are proposed in this study. One type is low-energy mud volcanoes with a low volume of fluid of deep origin on the hillcrest, which display as mud pool/pie/hole. The other type is high-energy mud volcanoes having mixed fluid origin in the valley and formed in the shape of a mud cone (dome).  相似文献   

Although no drilling has been carried out in the deep water area of the Baiyun sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, the successful exploration for natural gas in the shallow water area of the Panyu lower uplift allows an insight into the prospectivity of the adjacent deep water fan system of the Baiyun sag. The Paleogene gas kitchen in the Baiyun sag provided both oil-derived gas and coal-derived gas. Fluid inclusion measurements and 2D numeric modelling of formation pressure indicate four episodes of hydrocarbon charge since the third release of the overpressure system. Seismic wipeout zones manifest several types of gas chimney which could play a role in vertical migration conduits to feed the natural gases into the deep water fan system. There would be, therefore, a low risk for hydrocarbon exploration in the deep water fan system.  相似文献   

Environmental security concerns have broadened the national security agenda and discourse of international relations. Yet environmental insecurity issues have endured impacts on livelihood, human security, social equity, human rights, internal security, political stability, economic growth and development of the state. Environmental challenges, such as climate change, water scarcity and energy security are shaping development and consumption patterns, which are possible causes of inter-state conflict in South Asia. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the nexus of climate change, energy and water security with conflict and development. Furthermore, we argue for the need for environmental diplomacy in Pakistan within the South Asian context. The argument is that integration of development with environmental factors and peacemaking has potential to achieve sustainable development in South Asia.  相似文献   

Various factors controlling the accumulation of natural gas hydrates (NGHs) form various enrichment and accumulation modes through organic combination. This study mainly analyzes the geological and geophysical characteristics of the NGHs occurrence in the uplifts and their slope zones within the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan (QDN) Basin (also referred to as the study area). Furthermore, it investigates the dominant governing factors and models of NGHs migration and accumulation in the study area. The results are as follows. (1) The uplifts and their slope zones in the study area lie in the dominant pressure-relief direction of fluids in central hydrocarbon-rich sags in the area, which provide sufficient gas sources for the NGHs accumulation and enrichment through pathways such as gas chimneys and faults. (2) The top and flanks of gas chimneys below the bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) show high-amplitude seismic reflections and pronounced transverse charging of free gas, indicating the occurrence of a large amount of gas accumulation at the heights of the uplifts. (3) Chimneys, faults, and high-porosity and high-permeability strata, which connect the gas hydrate temperature-pressure stability zones (GHSZs) with thermogenic gas and biogenic gas, form the main hydrate migration system. (4) The reservoir system in the study area comprises sedimentary interlayers consisting of mass transport deposits (MTDs) and turbidites. In addition, the reservoir system has developed fissure- and pore-filling types of hydrates in the pathways. The above well-matched controlling factors of hydrate accumulation enable the uplifts and their slope zones in the study area to become the favorable targets of NGHs exploration.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(4):623-632
North Carnarvon Basin is a gas province with minor oily sweet spots in deepwater area with water depth more than 500 m, which is one of the hot spots of global petroleum exploration for its series of giant hydrocarbon discoveries in recent years. However, the degree of oil and gas exploration in deepwater area is still low, and the conditions for oil and gas accumulation are not clear. Based on the current exploration situation and latest database of fields, applying multidisciplinary analysis of hydrocarbon geology, hydrocarbon accumulation elements and its exploration direction of North Carnarvon Basin in deepwater area are analyzed. The results show that there are three sets of main source rocks in deepwater area of North Carnarvon Basin, which are Triassic marine shale in Locker Formation and delta coal-bearing mudstone with thin carbonaceous mudstone in Mungaroo Formation, Lower –Middle Jurassic paralic carbargilite and coal measure strata in Athol Formation and Murat Formation, Cretaceous delta mudstone in Barrow Group and marine shale in Muderong Formation. Most source rock samples show gas-prone capability. The coarse sandstone of delta facies in Middle–Upper Triassic Mungaroo Formation is the most important reservoir in deepwater area, Lower Cretaceous Barrow Group deep-water gravity flow or underwater fan turbidite sandstone is the secondly main reservoir. Lower Cretaceous marine shale in Muderong Formation is most important regional caprock. Triassic mudstone in Mungaroo Formation is an important interlayer caprock in deepwater area. There are two main reservoir accumulation assemblages in deepwater area, one is Triassic structural-unconformity plane reservoir accumulation assemblage of Locker Formation to Mungaroo Formation, and the other is Lower–Middle Jurassic Athol Formation and Murat Formation–Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic lithology-structural reservoir accumulation assemblage of Barrow Group to Muderong Formation. There are three main control factors of hydrocarbon Accumulation: One is coupling of source and seal control hydrocarbon distribution area, the second is multi-stage large wave dominated deltas dominate accumulation zone, the third is direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in hydrocarbon-rich generation depression was controlled by overpressure. The south of Exmouth platform in deepwater area is adjacent to hydrocarbon rich depression zone, reservoir assemblage is characterized by “near source rocks, excellent reservoir facies, high position and excellent caprocks ”, which is the main battlefield of deepwater oil and gas exploration in North Carnarvon Basin at present. There are a lot of fault block traps in the northern structural belt of Exmouth platform, and the favorable sedimentary facies belt at the far end of delta plain in Mungaroo Formation is widely distributed, which is the next favorable exploration zone. The Lower Cretaceous, which is located at the concave edge uplift adjacent to the investigator depression and the Exmouth platform, also has a certain exploration prospect in northwest of deepwater area.  相似文献   


Mud diapirs and gas chimneys are widely developed in continental slope areas, which can provide sufficient gas for hydrate formation, and they are important for finding natural gas hydrates. Based on the interpretation and analysis of high-resolution 2D and 3D seismic data covering the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea, we studied the formation mechanism of mud diapirs and gas chimneys and their relationship with natural gas hydrates. Mud diapirs and gas chimneys are columnar and domelike in shape and the internal regions of these bodies have abnormal reflections characterized by fuzzy, chaotic, and blanking zones. The reflection events terminate at the rims of mud diapirs and gas chimneys with pull-up reflections and pull-down reflections, respectively. In addition, ‘bright spots’ and diapiric-associated faults occur adjacent to mud diapirs and gas chimneys. The rapidly deposited and deeply buried fine sediments filling in the Tertiary in deep-water areas of the QDNB and overpressure potential derived from undercompacted mudstones, as well as from the pressurization of organic matter and hydrocarbon generation, provide abundant materials and intensive driving forces for the formation of mud diapirs and gas chimneys. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) with strong amplitude and high or poor continuity were recognized atop the mud diapirs and gas chimneys and in the structural highs within the same region, indicating that they have a close relationship with each other. The mud diapirs and gas chimneys and associated high-angle faults provide favourable vertical pathways for the hydrocarbons migrating from deep strata to shallow natural gas hydrate stability zones where natural gas hydrates accumulate; however, some BSRs are characterized by weak amplitude and poor continuity, which can be affected by high temperature and overpressure in the process of the mud diapir and gas chimney activities. This mutually restricting relationship must be taken into consideration in the process of gas hydrate exploration in QDNB.  相似文献   

【研究目的】 本文以杭锦旗—大营铀矿为研究区,研究了矿床的碳酸盐化类型、期次和原位微区碳氧同位素特征,为该区砂岩型铀矿的形成及成因认识提供了新的信息和依据。【研究方法】 采用野外调研、工业孔含矿层位岩芯采集、高倍显微镜观察、电子探针图像分析等方法,区分不同期次的碳酸盐化(主要是方解石),在此基础上运用SHRIMP稳定同位素示踪技术进行C-O同位素测试,为更加精确示踪砂岩铀矿形成过程提供了合理的途径。【研究结果】 利用原位微区碳氧同位素示踪技术分析了铀成矿期及成矿期后流体特征,显示具有有机质来源的特点,其中方解石的氧同位素显示流体具有大气水作用的特点,认为天然气向北部运移耗散与地下水形成的低温混合热液流体为它们提供了碳质来源。本区“钙化木”状碳酸盐化的方解石多显示沿晶洞分布或沿裂隙贯穿,明显为成矿期后天然气沿裂隙充填的结果;因此,天然气-水混合流体作用从成矿期可一直延至成矿期后,具有叠加富集及保矿作用。【结论】 采用电子探针和镜下观察相结合的方法,在区分不同期次方解石的基础上,原位微区稳定同位素示踪技术为精细研究砂岩型铀矿成矿流体特征提供了有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Drilling results suggest that the thickness of natural gas hydrates (NGHs) in the Shenhu Area, South China Sea (SCS) are spatially heterogenous, making it difficult to accurately assess the NGHs resources in this area. In the case that free gas exists beneath hydrate deposits, the frequency of the hydrate deposits will be noticeably attenuated, with the attenuation degree mainly affected by pore development and free gas content. Therefore, the frequency can be used as an important attribute to identify hydrate reservoirs. Based on the time-frequency characteristics of deposits, this study predicted the spatial distribution of hydrates in this area using the frequency division inversion method as follows. Firstly, the support vector machine (SVM) method was employed to study the amplitude versus frequency (AVF) response based on seismic and well logging data. Afterward, the AVF response was introduced as independent information to establish the nonlinear relationship between logging data and seismic waveform. Then, the full frequency band information of the seismic data was fully utilized to obtain the results of frequency division inversion. The inversion results can effectively broaden the frequency band, reflect the NGHs distribution, and reveal the NGHs reservoirs of two types, namely the fluid migration pathway type and the in situ self-generation self-storage diffusion type. Moreover, the inversion results well coincide with the drilling results. Therefore, it is feasible to use the frequency division inversion to predict the spatial distribution of heterogeneous NGHs reservoirs, which facilitates the optimization of favorable drilling targets and is crucial to the resource potential assessment of NGHs.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

对陆地泥火山流体来源及其向地表渗漏过程中的改造作用开展研究,有利于加深理解泥火山释放甲烷的碳排放过程。新疆准噶尔盆地南缘独山子泥火山柱状沉积物和地表沉积物的矿物和元素组成,以及沉积物孔隙水离子组成等的分析结果显示,泥火山沉积物孔隙水Na+和Cl–间具有很好的正相关性,具有比海水高的Na+/Cl–和Li+/Cl–值、低的K+/Cl–和Mg2+/Cl–。泥火山沉积物与围岩相比,富集伊利石、绿泥石和方解石,缺少蒙脱石,富集Ca、亏损Si,这些变化主要与黏土矿物的脱水转变有关。表明泥火山流体主要来源于深部低盐度沉积物孔隙水,但经历了地表的蒸发作用,并混合了大气降水。  相似文献   

王璇  杨林  邓军  李华健  于华之  董超一 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1299-1311
北衙超大型金矿床是三江特提斯成矿域中喜山期斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床的典型代表,长期以来大量研究均围绕斑岩-矽卡岩成矿作用开展并取得了丰硕成果,然而对于北衙金矿是否存在多期热液成矿作用尚不明确。本次研究基于详细野外调查、岩相学与矿相学研究,流体包裹体显微测温及成分分析、H-O-S同位素分析等多种手段,识别了北衙金矿成矿晚期存在新一期热液成矿事件。主要证据如下:(1)野外调查发现北衙金矿发育NW向陡倾断裂控制的石英多金属硫化物脉,其切割矽卡岩矿体与矽卡岩晚期石英硫化物矿脉;(2)本次研究矿脉中原生流体包裹体类型主要为富CO_2三相水溶液包裹体、含CO_2三相水溶液包裹体及气液两相水溶液包裹体,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中除上述三种类型外还发育含子晶三相水溶液包裹体;(3)成矿流体均一温度分布范围为204~426℃,盐度为1.0%~14.2%NaCleqv,整体表现为中高温、中低盐度的NaCl-CO_2-H_2O流体体系,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉成矿流体体系具有中温、中高盐度的特征;(4)该矿脉中石英的δ~(18)O、δD范围分别为7.5‰~9.4‰与-102.0‰~-75.0‰,指示岩浆水来源,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉具有岩浆水和大气水混合来源。本次研究的多金属硫化物矿脉δ~(34)S值范围为-0.97‰~1.40‰,与矽卡岩期和矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中黄铁矿S同位素一致,表明多期矿化成矿物质均具有幔源贡献。结合北衙矿集区成岩成矿动力学背景,推测始新世大规模地壳拆沉、软流圈上涌导致的强烈的壳幔相互作用可能是北衙金矿多期成矿作用的诱因。  相似文献   

陈莉  王立全  王保弟  刘函 《岩石学报》2013,29(4):1279-1289
官房铜矿位于云县-景谷火山弧带北段,矿体主要呈浸染状、网脉状赋存于小定西组杏仁状玄武岩、玄武质角砾岩及其断裂破碎带中.本文采用LA-ICP-MS方法,首次获得小定西组玄武岩锆石U-Pb年龄为234.3±0.8Ma,表明赋矿地层小定西组形成于中三叠世,而不是前人一直认为的晚三叠世.通过矿石中石英、方解石的流体包裹体形貌特征、均一温度和成分的研究,并结合矿区矿石矿物特征,认为官房铜矿至少存在两期不同的成矿作用,即中三叠世火山-次火山热液成矿和后期(可能为新生代)地下水热液叠加改造.结合云县-景谷火山弧的形成演化过程,认为区域中三叠统小定西组玄武岩和芒怀组流纹岩构成了“双峰”式火山岩组合,官房铜矿产于中三叠世裂谷盆地的基性火山岩中,受海陆交互相的古地理环境制约,早期成矿具有VHMS型成矿特征,由于缺乏火山热液成矿流体聚集的“卤水池”,仅发育典型VHMS矿床下部火山通道相中的脉状-网脉状-角砾状矿体,缺少上部厚大的层状矿体,并经历了后期地下水热液的叠加改造.  相似文献   

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