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In this paper, a two-dimensional primitive equation model, coupling dynamical, radiative andphotochemical processes, is used to simulate the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in ozone. TheQBO in total ozone has been successfully simulated when the forcing of equatorial stratosphericQBO in zonal wind is imposed. The simulated characters of QBO in ozone are in close agreementwith those observed. We further analyzed the mechanism of formation and maintenance of QBO inozone. In the different phases of QBO in equatorial stratospheric wind field, the global circulationhas so great difference that it makes the effects of advection transfer and eddy transfer present aquasi-biennial periodical variation. Chemical effect and dynamical effect are basically out-of-phase.They together form and maintain the QBO in ozone. Total variation rate is a tiny difference of thetwo large amounts. At the lower level of middle-high latitudes, however, it has a phase differenceof about 1-2 months between dynamical and negative chemical effects, where the dynamical effectis comparatively greater. QBO in ozone has no clear counter effects on atmospheric circulation. The experiment resultsshow that the effects of QBO in ozone on temperature field and wind field are very small.  相似文献   

热带平流层臭氧准两年周期振荡的特征及数值模拟   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
利用HALOE的观测资料、对热带地区平流层臭氧垂直分布的年际变化及其准两年周期振荡(QBO)进行研究,并同赤道上空平均的纬向风场的准两年周期振荡进行了模拟研究。资料分析结果表明,平流层臭氧浓度高值区的位置在南北方向上和垂直方向上的有明显的准两年周期,臭氧浓度高值中心的南北移动和上下移动又引起局地臭氧总量的周期性变化和准两年周期振荡南北半球不对称。而臭氧浓度中心位置的准两年周期变化与赤道上空平均纬向风的准两年周期振荡密切相关。资料分析还表明,赤道上空平流层中臭氧浓度QBO的位相随高度变化多次。模拟试验表明,纬向风QBO引起垂直经圈环流的变化,在平流层有三对余差环流圈。它们对O3在不同纬度和高度的输送是引起O3准两年周期振荡的重要动力原因。其中,余差环流在平流层中层(25-35km)的环流圈起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR北半球1958—1997年40a中平流层(10~70 hPa)逐日位势高度场再分析资料,计算出其余弦球函数~YC20的系数A20。根据A20稳定由负转正的日期,确定了中平流层各层环流由气旋型转换为反气旋型的日期。结果表明:1)由冬入夏,20 hPa环流最先由气旋型转换为反气旋型,平均为4月24日;6月17日向下传播到70hPa,历时54d,此时整个中平流层进入盛夏。2)50、70hPa环流转型日期具有明显的年代际变化特征。分析表明,50、70hPa环流转型日期与低纬平流层纬向风准两年振荡存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

分析NCAR/NCEP40年再分析资料得出,赤道低平流层纬向风年际变率的平均周期约28.2个月,最大振幅在20hPa,西(东)风距平垂直下传平均速度1.21(1.04)km/月。用10hPa和70hPa月平均纬向风标准化距平之差可反映整层准两年变率的相位,低平流层两半球中纬气温有与之配合的振荡,西(东)风切变时,中纬气温偏低(高)。赤道纬向风准两年变率引起的经圈环流异常是联系低纬纬向风与中纬气温准两年变率的纽带。  相似文献   

李自强  马生春 《气象》1992,18(9):3-7
通过资料分析发现:夏季50hPa QBO的东、西风位相与华北南部降水及旱涝状况的关系存在显著的阶段性,并明显地受太阳活动11年周期的影响。分析表明,50年代以来,太阳活动11年周期双周内,平流层夏季50hPa QBO西风位相年华北南部降水偏多,东风位相年降水偏少;反之,在单周内东风位相年降水偏多,西风位相年降水偏少。分析还表明,平流层夏季50hPaQBO纬向风强度自身的演变也存在显著的跃变过程,在太阳活动11年周期单周内东风平均强度较双周显著增强。  相似文献   

青藏高原臭氧的准两年振荡   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对臭氧卫星观测资料及大气环流资料的分析,研究了青藏高原上空臭氧的季节和年际变化.通过分析青藏高原地区臭氧准两年振荡(QBO),并与同纬度无山区及赤道地区臭氧QBO进行比较,指出:青藏高原臭氧QBO的平均周期为29个月,平均振幅为8DU.青藏高原臭氧QBO变化位相与热带平流层纬向风场QBO相反,即热带平流层纬向西风时,青藏高原上空臭氧总量偏小,东风时臭氧总量偏大.还讨论了与青藏高原臭氧QBO相关的大气环流物质输送理论.  相似文献   

利用1951—2010年我国江淮流域11个测站夏季(6—8月)降水资料和NCAR提供的北半球月平均海平面气压场资料以及相关的西太平洋副高指数资料,采用Morlet小波变换、交叉小波变换及相关分析等方法讨论了降水准两年振荡现象的年际变化规律及其与东亚夏季风、副高的关系。结果表明,准两年振荡分量在江淮地区夏季降水场的年际振荡中十分重要,且经历了由强到弱再到强的变化过程;同时降水与夏季风强度及副高脊线位置的准两年变化均存在较好的同期相关,彼此间的相互影响还体现在年际尺度上,并分别在4 a和1 a时间尺度上有明显的滞后、超前关系。  相似文献   

Pawson  S.  Fiorino  M. 《Climate Dynamics》1998,14(9):645-658
 Reanalysis datasets potentially offer the opportunity to examine the tropical quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in greater detail than in the past, including the associated meridional circulation and the links with other parts of the atmosphere. For such studies to be useful, the QBO represented by the reanalyses should be realistic. In this work, the QBO in the ERA and NCEP reanalyses is validated against rawinsonde observations from Singapore. Monthly mean data are used. In the lower stratosphere (at 50 hPa and 30 hPa) the ERA QBO is reasonable, although the wind extrema in both phases are too weak and the vertical shear and the temperature anomalies are too small. The NCEP QBO is weaker still. At 10 hPa neither reanalysis system performs well, both systems failing to reproduce the westerlies, possibly because of the proximity of the upper boundary. The Singapore wind is representative of the zonal means in the reanalyses. The weak wind extrema in the reanalyses would not support a wave-mean flow interaction theory of the QBO, because a large portion of the gravity wave spectrum which would be absorbed in reality would be transmitted beyond 10 hPa. The stronger shear zones captured in the ERA data are associated with larger, more realistic temperature perturbations near 30 hPa. The northward velocities in the NCEP data show a more realistic structure than in the ERA reanalysis, where they are dominated by a vertical “gridpoint wave” structure in the lowermost stratosphere. Despite the shortcomings of the reanalyses, the high correlations of the wind at 30 hPa and 50 hPa with the observations at Singapore mean that the reanalyses could potentially be used to examine the effects of the QBO away from the tropical stratosphere. Future reanalyses need to take full account of the wind shears evident in the rawinsonde observations and use models with an adequate resolution to capture these vertical scales. Received: 23 June 1997/Accepted 17 December 1998  相似文献   

This study applied the modified spatial simi- larity coefficient method to define the seasonal transition (ST) from winter to summer in the extratropical strato- sphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The features of the ST were examined using European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim reanalysis data; and the results showed that the time and duration of the ST, which is affected by the activity of planetary waves (PW) in the stratosphere, largely depended on the geophysical locations. This study also investigated the interannual variability of the ST and its relationship with stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) and the qua- si-biennial oscillation (QBO). It was shown that the late-onset SSW events (after 22 January) are close to the start of the ST. An easterly (westerly) QBO hastens (de- lays) the onset of the ST in high and low latitudes, whereas it delays (hastens) the ST in midlatitudes. The duration of the ST is significantly affected by the QBO. The influence of SSW and the QBO have different sig- nificance in different latitudes, so they are both important and irreplaceable factors.  相似文献   

西太平洋副高活动与平流层QBO关系的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
李崇银  龙振夏 《大气科学》1997,21(6):670-678
资料分析表明,西太平洋副高活动有准两年振荡特征,副高的相对强度和副高脊线的纬度位置都清楚地表现出这种振荡。而且分析还表明,平流层低层纬向风的垂直切变同西太平洋副高活动有关,东(西)风切变对应着脊线位置偏北的较强(弱)副高形势。平流层低层东(西)垂直切变在赤道对流层上部所引起的异常上升(下沉)运动,导致Hadley环流的异常加强(减弱)可能是平流层QBO影响西太平洋副高准两年振荡的重要机制。用IAP-GCM所作的数值模拟试验得到了同观测资料分析相一致的结果。  相似文献   

Summary Latitude-altitude structure of ozone QBO over the tropical-subtropical stratosphere (40° S–40° N) has been explored by analyzing Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) data for the period 1992–1999 using the multifunctional regression model. The inferred ozone QBO shows two maxima located at 22 hPa and 10 hPa with coefficient of 2–3% per 10 m/s centered at the equator. The equatorial maxima are out of phase with each other. Subtropics exhibit two peak structure near 14 hPa but of opposite sign to that of equatorial maximum near 10 hPa. Over the equatorial region, positive (zonal winds westerly) coefficients overlay negative (zonal winds easterlies) coefficients which descend with time. A pattern of equatorial maximum and two subtropical minima appears in the months December to February near 10 hpa and it propagates upward with progression of seasons. Equatorial QBO is seasonally asynchronous while subtropical QBO is seasonally synchronous. Correspondence: Suvarna Fadnavis, Physical Meteorology and Aerology Division, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411008, India  相似文献   

热带准两年振荡影响北半球冬季大气环流的诊断分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
陈文  杨蕾  黄荣辉  邱启鸿 《大气科学》2004,28(2):161-173
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,首先讨论了热带纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)的东、西风位相的划分标准.结果发现,赤道50 hPa的风与西风深厚度关系最密切,即赤道50 hPa的纬向平均风为西(东)风时往往代表平流层下层为一层深厚的西(东)风.在此基础上诊断分析了1958/1959~1997/1998年共40个冬季中热带纬向风QBO对北半球中高纬度地区纬向平均环流和准定常行星波传播的影响.诊断分析表明,热带QBO对北半球冬季大气环流的影响主要表现在平流层和对流层上层.热带QBO的东风位相年与西风位相年相比,中高纬地区的绕极西风环流明显减弱,中低纬地区则出现相反变化,从而在平流层的纬向平均环流分布上呈现偶极子形式.纬向平均流的这种年际变化可以很好地用中高纬度准定常行星波传播的异常加以解释,QBO的东风位相年和西风位相年相比,中高纬准定常行星波向极地的传播更强,从而在高纬度平流层产生异常的E-P通量辐合,波-流相互作用的结果使得西风减弱.但是热带纬向风QBO的影响在1958/1959~1997/1998年的前后20年有所差异.后20年相对于前20年而言,东西风位相的差异有所减小,Hol-ton-Tan振荡明显减弱;就行星波传播而言,东风位相年下,前20年行星波向上传播较弱,而后20年则以大约70°N为分界点,以南向上传播较强,以北向上传播较弱.这种差异可能跟中高纬度纬向西风的自身变化有关.  相似文献   

A problem of simulation of a stationary random process (SRP) is studied. A computer program is developed for modeling SRP, should the parameters required be estimated beforehand. The programming methods used are well known, but the numerical scheme of modeling the SRP needs some explanations; therefore, it is considered in detail in the article, being its basic subject for consideration, although basic characteristic features of the program are also considered. Examples show how the program is used to simulate the solar cycle and the quasi-biennial oscillation of the solar wind in the equatorial stratosphere (QBO). A distinguishing feature of this work, compared with the previous one, is also simulation of the solar cycle taking into account the variability of the sunspot dispersion. The SRP parameters are estimated for the QBO. It is found that the annual mean wind speed variation behavior is similar to the SRP.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the vertical structure of ozone were made in Changchun(43.53?N, 125.13?E), China, by the Institute of Atmosphere Physics, in the summers of 2010–13. Analysis of the 89 validated ozone profiles shows the variation of ozone concentration in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere(UTLS) caused by cut-off lows(COLs) over Changchun. During the COL events, an increase of the ozone concentration and a lower height of the tropopause are observed.Backward simulations with a trajectory model show that the ozone-rich airmass brought by the COL is from Siberia. A case study proves that stratosphere–troposphere exchange(STE) occurs in the COL. The ozone-rich air mass transported from the stratosphere to the troposphere first becomes unstable, then loses its high ozone concentration. This process usually happens during the decay stage of COLs. In order to understand the influence of COLs on the ozone in the UTLS, statistical analysis of the ozone profiles within COLs, and other profiles, are employed. The results indicate that the ozone concentrations of the in-COL profiles are significantly higher than those of the other profiles between ±4 km around the tropopause. The COLs induce an increase in UTLS column ozone by 32% on average. Meanwhile, the COLs depress the lapse-rate tropopause(LRT)/dynamical tropopause height by 1.4/1.7 km and cause the atmosphere above the tropopause to be less stable. The influence of COLs is durable because the increased ozone concentration lasts at least one day after the COL has passed over Changchun. Furthermore, the relative coefficient between LRT height and lower stratosphere(LS) column ozone is-0.62,which implies a positive correlation between COL strength and LS ozone concentration.  相似文献   

热带太平洋线性海气耦合系统的主模与ENSO   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢倩  杨修群 《大气科学》1996,20(5):547-555
本文利用包含海洋表面边界层、线性海洋大气动力学以及完整的关于不均匀气候态线性化SST预报方程的热带太平洋海气耦合模式, 在真实的气候背景态和参数域内,研究了海气耦合系统的特征值问题,确定了线性耦合系统主模的特征周期及其稳定性特征,进而揭示了主模和ENSO的关系。结果表明:准两年振荡是线性海气耦合系统中的最不稳定模态,且只有该模态类似于ENSO水平结构。因此,准两年振荡很可能是海气耦合系统固有的最根本性的振荡过程。本文也对准两年振荡的形成与年循环的关系以及它在ENSO时间尺度形成中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

On the basis of total column ozone (TO) data obtained in the period of 1957–2007 at 10 ground-based European stations, characterized by long and highly reliable measurements, the effects of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and 11-year solar cycle (11-year SC), manifesting in TO are investigated. The results of comparative analysis of seasonal differences between different QBO/solar extremes convincingly demonstrate interrelation between the QBO and 11-year SC effects. It is shown that solar activity modulates the phase of the QBO effect so that the quasi-biennial TO signals during solar maximum and solar minimum are nearly in opposite phase. It is also demonstrated that isolated under permanent conditions of solar minimum or solar maximum the QBO effects in TO have the time scale of about 20 months. Solar modulation of the QBO effect makes the QBO a conductor of the solar cycle impact on TO over Europe. The mechanism of influence of the 11-year SC on the QBO and probably includes its impact on the QBO amplitude in the equatorial lower stratosphere, mainly through weakening of the equatorial easterlies during solar maximum.  相似文献   

The harmonic analyses of monthly mean total ozone in the atmosphere over the Northern Hemisphere for 26 years (1960-1985) are made by using the Fourier expansion. The analysed results show that there is obviously a quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the interannual variations of the amplitudes of total ozone. Generally, the amplitudes of wavenumber 1 and 2 during the westerly of the equatorial QBO are larger than those during the easter-ly. In the early winter, the amplitude of wavenumber 1 during the easterly phase is larger, and in the late winter, it is larger during the westerly phase. These are in good agreement with the observational distributions.  相似文献   

用SSA(奇异谱分析)识别出ENSO振荡的前两个周期成分,在此基础上对NCEP/NCAR资料以及风应力资料采用合成场的空间对称和非对称方法,分析和比较物理量场对Nino3、4指数的两个主要周期成分的线性和非线性响应。结果表明:空间场的线性响应A^(1)决定了两个主周期成分与ENSO的位相关系;非线性响应A^(2)决定空间不对称性。A^(1)和A^(2)的相互作用对于空间场的影响分成4种情况:情况1(A^(1)〉0,A^(2)〉0)、2(A^(1)〉0,A^(2)〈0)使得空间场振荡与ENSO同位相,情况3(A^(1)〈0,A^(2)〈0)、4(A^(1)〈0,A^(2)〉0)则反之;情况1、3使得在ENSO暖位相时合成场的振荡强,而情况2、4反之。空间不对称性最大的地方与线性响应最大的地方总是比较接近:SLP位于南太平洋,作用的情况分别是1和4;SSTA位于赤道东太平洋;τx位于赤道中西太平洋,属于情况1;τy位于中太平洋赤道北侧和南侧,由北向南分别是情况3和1。这种特征使得在ENSO暖位相时,合成场中主要距平区的振荡强度偏强,更有利于形成ENSO暖事件。这与最近38a来ENSO暖事件普遍偏强的现象吻合。  相似文献   

The trace gases (O3, HCl, CH4, H2O, NO, NO2) in the stratosphere play an important role, not only in the photochemical processes in which the ozone layer destroyed, but also in the radiative processes. In this paper, we review the works on the distribution and variation of the trace gases in the stratosphere and their impact on climate, which have been carried out at the University of Science and Technology of China in the recent 20 years. The Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) data were used to analyse the distribution and variation of the mixing ratio of these trace gases and the temperature trends in the stratosphere in the most recent decade. And the reanalyzed National Centers of Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/NCAR data were also used to give the temperature trends and compared with the results from HALOE data. Numerical simulations were also carried out to study the impact of ozone depletion on the global climate. In this review, the distributions of the trace gases, especially those over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, are discussed, and the variations and trends for the trace gases in various levels in the stratosphere have been given for the most recent decade. The temperature variation and the cooling trend obtained from HALOE data in the middle and lower stratosphere for the last 13 years are significant, which agree well with the results from NCEP/NCAR data. While the temperature trend in the upper stratosphere in this period do not seem to have much cooling. The numerical simulations show that either the Antarctic ozone hole or the ozone valley over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau affect not only the temperature and circulation in the stratosphere, but also the temperature, pressure and wind fields in the troposphere, then lead to the global climate change.  相似文献   

The probability distribution function (PDF) of a passive tracer, forced by a "mean gradient", is studied. First, we take two theoretical approaches, the Lagrangian and the conditional closure formalisms, to study the PDFs of such an externally forced passive tracer. Then, we carry out numerical simulations for an idealized random flow on a sphere and for European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) stratospheric winds to test whether the mean-gradient model can be applied to studying stratospheric tracer mixing in midlatitude surf zones, in which a weak and poleward zonal-mean gradient is maintained by tracer leakage through polar and tropical mixing barriers, and whether the PDFs of tracer fluctuations in midlatitudes are consistent with the theoretical predictions. The numerical simulations show that when diffusive dissipation is balanced by the mean-gradient forcing, the PDF in the random flow and the Southern-Hemisphere PDFs in ECMWF winds show time-invariant exponential tails, consistent with theoretical predictions. In the Northern Hemisphere, the PDFs exhibit non-Gaussian tails. However, the PDF tails are not consistent with theoretical expectations. The long-term behavior of the PDF tails of the forced tracer is compared to that of a decaying tracer. It is found that the PDF tails of the decaying tracer are time-dependent, and evolve toward flatter than exponential.  相似文献   

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