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统计分析了太阳22周峰年期间云南天文台声光频谱仪在230—300MHz频率范围,记录到的Ⅲ型爆发和毫秒级快速脉动共存事件。发现有两种不同的脉动现象:(1)普通型脉动;(2)包迹型脉动,并在此基础上对Ⅲ型一脉动共存事件与之对应的光学活动及相关事件,脉动的形态、周期、带宽等观测特征作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

本文简要地叙述了1990年7月30日伴随日面2B级光学耀斑发生的射电爆发,在2840、2640、和1420MHz波段上同步观测结果,其中包括射电爆发在以上波段的秒级时间轮廓和毫秒级时间尺度的spike辐射活动.对它们的形态和频率特征作了简要分析,同时对spike辐射的迴旋电子脉塞增长率、相对辐射频宽和准周期振汤的某些特征及辐射源区的某些物理参数,作了进一步的分析和量级的估算.  相似文献   

A stationary Type IV (IVs) radio burst was observed on September 24, 2011. Observations from the Nançay RadioHeliograph (NRH) show that the brightness temperature (\(T_{\mathrm{B}}\)) of this burst is extremely high, over \(10^{11}\) K at 150 MHz and over \(10^{8}\) K in general. The degree of circular polarization (\(q\)) is between \(-60\% \sim -100\%\), which means that it is highly left-handed circularly polarized. The flux–frequency spectrum follows a power-law distribution, and the spectral index is considered to be roughly \(-3 \sim -4\) throughout the IVs. Radio sources of this event are located in the wake of the coronal mass ejection and are spatially dispersed. They line up to present a formation in which lower-frequency sources are higher. Based on these observations, it is suggested that the IVs was generated through electron cyclotron maser emission.  相似文献   

Wang  M.  Xie  R. X. 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):171-179
Long-periodic pulsations with a period of tens of seconds associated with a Type IV solar radio emission are found at 1420 and 2000 MHz. Some features (such as the bandwidth, periodicity, frequency drift, amplitude, and relative amplitude) of the pulsations are introduced and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We present coronal density profiles derived from low-frequency (80?–?240 MHz) imaging of three Type III solar radio bursts observed at the limb by the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). Each event is associated with a white-light streamer at larger heights and is plausibly associated with thin extreme-ultraviolet rays at lower heights. Assuming harmonic plasma emission, we find average electron densities of 1.8\(\times10^{8}\) cm?3 down to 0.20\(\times10^{8}\) cm?3 at heights of 1.3 to 1.9 R. These values represent approximately 2.4?–?5.4× enhancements over canonical background levels and are comparable to the highest streamer densities obtained from data at other wavelengths. Assuming fundamental emission instead would increase the densities by a factor of four. High densities inferred from Type III source heights can be explained by assuming that the exciting electron beams travel along overdense fibers or by radio propagation effects that may cause a source to appear at a larger height than the true emission site. We review the arguments for both scenarios in light of recent results. We compare the extent of the quiescent corona to model predictions to estimate the impact of propagation effects, which we conclude can only partially explain the apparent density enhancements. Finally, we use the time- and frequency-varying source positions to estimate electron beam speeds of between 0.24 and 0.60 c.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a detailed analysis, based on multiwavelength observations and magnetic field extrapolation, of a radio and X-ray event observed on March 17, 2002. This event was accompanied by a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) observed by the Large-Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard SOHO. During the main event, the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) mission observed a hard X-ray emission correlated in time with the development of a type III burst group. The CME development, the hard X-ray emission, and the type III burst group appear to be closely associated. The multifrequency Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) shows that the type III bursts are produced at a distance from the active region that progressively increases with time. Their emitting sources are distributed along the western edge of the CME. We conclude the type III electron beams propagate in the interface region between the ascending CME and the neighboring open field lines. Due to the development of the CME, this region becomes progressively highly compressed. By measuring, at each frequency, the shift versus time of the type III positions, we estimate that the electron density in this compression region increased roughly by a factor of 10 over a few minutes. Another signature of this compression region is a narrow white light feature interpreted as a coronal shock driven by the CME lateral expansion.  相似文献   

We report on the results of observations of a type IV burst made by the Ukrainian Radio interferometer of the Academy of Sciences (URAN-2) in the frequency range 22?–?33 MHz. The burst is associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME) initiated by a behind-the-limb active region (N05E151) and was also observed by the Nançay Decameter Array (NDA) radio telescope in the frequency band 30?–?60 MHz. The purpose of the article is the determination of the source of this type IV burst. After analysis of the observational data obtained with the URAN-2, the NDA, the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B spacecraft, and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we come to the conclusion that the source of the burst is the core of a behind-the-limb CME. We conclude that the radio emission can escape the center of the CME core at a frequency of 60 MHz and originates from the periphery of the core at a frequency of 30 MHz that is due to occultation by the solar corona at the corresponding frequencies. We find plasma densities in these regions assuming the plasma mechanism of radio emission. We show that the frequency drift of the start of the type IV burst is governed by an expansion of the CME core. The type III bursts that were observed against this type IV burst are shown to be generated by fast electrons propagating through the CME core plasma. A type II burst was registered at frequencies of 44?–?64 MHz and 3?–?16 MHz and was radiated by a shock with velocities of about \(1000~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\) and \(800~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\), respectively.  相似文献   

The far-side solar eruptive event SOL2014-09-01 produced hard electromagnetic and radio emissions that were observed with detectors at near-Earth vantage points. Especially challenging was a long-duration >?100 MeV \(\gamma\)-ray burst that was probably produced by accelerated protons exceeding 300 MeV. This observation raised the question how high-energy protons could reach the Earth-facing solar surface. Some preceding studies discussed a scenario in which protons accelerated by a shock driven by a coronal mass ejection high in the corona return to the solar surface. We continue with the analysis of this challenging event, involving radio images from the Nançay Radioheliograph and hard X-ray data from the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) of the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer onboard the Mars Odyssey space observatory located near Mars. HEND recorded unocculted flare emission. The results indicate that the emissions observed from the Earth’s direction were generated by flare-accelerated electrons and protons trapped in static long coronal loops. They can be reaccelerated in these loops by a shock wave that was excited by the eruption, being initially not driven by a coronal mass ejection. The results highlight ways to address the remaining questions.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of a fast (>2,000 km/s) CME-driven shock event observed with the UVCS telescope operating aboard SoHO on 23 July 2002. The same shock was also detected in the metric band by several ground-based radiospectrographs. The peculiarity of this event is the presence in the radio spectra of two intense metric type II bursts features drifting at different rates, together with clear shock/related broadenings of the O VI doublet lines observed by UVCS that were found to be temporally associated with the above radio features. The nature of these multiple radio lanes in the metric band is still under debate. One possible explanation is that they are produced by multiple shock waves generated by different ejections or, alternatively, by the flare and the associated CME. Also, emission from the upstream and downstream shock regions can produce split bands. By adopting a plausible CME model, together with a detailed analysis of the white-light, UV, and radio data associated with this event, we are able to conclude that both the radio and the UV shock signatures were produced by a single shock wave surface generated by the expanding CME.  相似文献   


We have statistically analyzed a set of 115 low frequency (Deca-Hectometer wavelengths range) type II and type III bursts associated with major Solar Energetic Particle (SEP: Ep?>?10 MeV) events and their solar causes such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed from 1997 to 2014. We classified them into two sets of events based on the duration of the associated solar flares:75 impulsive flares (duration <?60 min) and 40 gradual flares (duration >?60 min).On an average, the peak flux (integrated flux) of impulsive flares?×?2.9 (0.32 J m?2) is stronger than that of gradual flares M6.8 (0.24 J m?2). We found that impulsive flare-associated CMEs are highly decelerated with larger initial acceleration and they achieved their peak speed at lower heights (??27.66 m s?2 and 14.23 Ro) than the gradual flare-associated CMEs (6.26 m s?2 and 15.30 Ro), even though both sets of events have similar sky-plane speed (space speed) within LASCO field of view. The impulsive flare-associated SEP events (Rt?=?989.23 min: 2.86 days) are short lived and they quickly reach their peak intensity (shorter rise time) when compared with gradual flares associated events (Rt?=?1275.45 min: 3.34 days). We found a good correlation between the logarithmic peak intensity of all SEPs and properties of CMEs (space speed: cc?=?0.52, SEcc?=?0.083), and solar flares (log integrated flux: cc?=?0.44, SEcc?=?0.083). This particular result gives no clear cut distinction between flare-related and CME-related SEP events for this set of major SEP events. We derived the peak intensity, integrated intensity, duration and slope of these bursts from the radio dynamic spectra observed by Wind/WAVES. Most of the properties (peak intensity, integrated intensity and starting frequency) of DH type II bursts associated with impulsive and gradual flare events are found to be similar in magnitudes. Interestingly, we found that impulsive flare-associated DH type III bursts are longer, stronger and faster (31.30 min, 6.43 sfu and 22.49 MHz h?1) than the gradual flare- associated DH type III bursts (25.08 min, 5.85 sfu and 17.84 MHz h?1). In addition, we also found a significant correlation between the properties of SEPs and key parameters of DH type III bursts. This result shows a closer association of peak intensity of the SEPs with the properties of DH type III radio bursts than with the properties DH type II radio bursts, atleast for this set of 115 major SEP events.


Kalaivani  P. Pappa  Prakash  O.  Shanmugaraju  A.  Feng  Li  Lu  Lei  Gan  Weigun  Michalek  G. 《Astrophysics》2021,64(3):327-344
Astrophysics - We analyze radio bursts observed in events with interacting/non-interacting CMEs that produced major SEPs (Ip &gt; 10 MeV) from April 1997 to December 2014. We compare properties...  相似文献   

The radio emission during 201 selected X-ray solar flares was surveyed from 100 MHz to 4 GHz with the Phoenix-2 spectrometer of ETH Zürich. The selection includes all RHESSI flares larger than C5.0 jointly observed from launch until June 30, 2003. Detailed association rates of radio emission during X-ray flares are reported. In the decimeter wavelength range, type III bursts and the genuinely decimetric emissions (pulsations, continua, and narrowband spikes) were found equally frequently. Both occur predominantly in the peak phase of hard X-ray (HXR) emission, but are less in tune with HXRs than the high-frequency continuum exceeding 4 GHz, attributed to gyrosynchrotron radiation. In 10% of the HXR flares, an intense radiation of the above genuine decimetric types followed in the decay phase or later. Classic meter-wave type III bursts are associated in 33% of all HXR flares, but only in 4% are they the exclusive radio emission. Noise storms were the only radio emission in 5% of the HXR flares, some of them with extended duration. Despite the spatial association (same active region), the noise storm variations are found to be only loosely correlated in time with the X-ray flux. In a surprising 17% of the HXR flares, no coherent radio emission was found in the extremely broad band surveyed. The association but loose correlation between HXR and coherent radio emission is interpreted by multiple reconnection sites connected by common field lines.  相似文献   

通过1991年6月6日共生太阳白光耀斑(WLF)的射电运动IV型爆发及其伴随现象(包括耀斑后环、爆发衰减相的射电脉动、多波段射电辐射和太阳物质抛射等)观测资料的分析,定性地探讨了WLF的起源、加热机制和发射地点的问题.假设了WLF和射电运动IV型射电爆发可能有共同起源的低日冕电子加速区,讨论了WLF的能量传输可能是通过二步加速过程,即来自低日冕的非热电子沉降能量于色球层,产生色球层的压缩波或向下的辐射场进而使上光球层温度增加导致WLF此外,提出WLF可能会伴有耀斑后环和射电精细结构的对应物.  相似文献   

Robinson  P.A.  Benz  A.O. 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):345-369
Bidirectional coronal type III bursts are modeled by combining a model of coronal electron heating and beam generation via time-of-flight effects with semiquantitative estimates of quasilinear relaxation. Electromagnetic emissivities are estimated by extending the recently developed theory of interplanetary type III bursts to coronal emissions, including its features of stochastic Langmuir-wave growth and three-wave interactions. The results are investigated for heating on open and closed coronal field lines and are compared with observations of normal, reverse-slope, bidirectional, and inverted-J and -U coronal type III radio bursts. Harmonic emission is predicted to dominate at plasma frequencies above roughly 100 MHz where the efficiency of fundamental emission falls off steeply, while its free-free reabsorption rises. The model also explains the observed trends in the likelihood of occurrence of normal, reverse-slope, and bidirectional coronal type III bursts.  相似文献   

本文分析了云南天文台四波段快速采样射电望远镜在1990年1月至1991年3月间记录到的毫秒级尖峰辐射事件。结合此期间S.G.D.公布的米波射电大爆发资料,给出了毫秒级尖峰辐射的各种特征,总结出毫秒级尖峰辐射同Ⅲ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型太阳射电爆发的关系,最后做出了相应的解释和讨论。  相似文献   

根据不同的发射波模以及偏振态(偏振度与偏振方向)的快速时变特征,对1993年10月2日07:44:34-07:44:52:99UT期间的太阳射电事件进行了证认,认为这是一个由两群、总数约为40个尖峰(spike)结构组成的罕见的宽带事件,它的总带宽>300MHz、相对带宽■5%.根据它们在2.545GHZ,2.645GHZ;2.695GHZ和2B40GHZ上的流量资料,首次对一些spike结构作了谱分析.发现spike结构谱的峰值频率,第一群呈现为随时间由高频向低频漂移的倾向,第二群基本上位于2.695GHZ上.Spike谱的这些观测特征,可定性地用非热电子束流平均能量的时变特性来解释.对于第二群具有相同峰值频率的spike辐射,可能来自同一电子回旋脉泽不稳定区域.  相似文献   

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