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江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中指出:“正确决策是各项工作成功的重要前提。要完善深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智,切实珍惜民力的决策机制,推进决策科学化、民主化。各级决策机关都要完善重大决策的规则和程序,建立社情民意反映制度,建立与群众利益密切相关的重大事项社会公示制度和社会听证制度,完善专家咨询制度,  相似文献   

中小企业普遍存在着资本结构不合理、融资风险意识差、投融资决策缺乏整体观念等问题,“融资难”已成为制约其健康发展的瓶颈。中小企业在资本运营过程中,应将投资与融资活动有机地结合起来,在最佳资本结构下进行融资规划和投资决策,才能有效控制企业财务风险,实现企业价值最大化。通过案例分析,探讨了中小企业投融资一体化决策。  相似文献   

高质量的会计信息,是政府制定宏观经济决策的重要依据,也是做好各层次经济管理工作的基础。会计信息的真实有效,对国民经济健康发展,市场经济的建立完善,企业内外管理和决策起着十分关键的作用。目前我国会计信息失真的问题比较普遍,在一定程度上扰乱了整个经济工作的秩序,损害了国家、投资人的利益,影响了经济建设的进程。因此,如何提高会计信息质量,是亟待研究解决的问题。1 问题的提出及成因分析1.1 监督机制不健全,企业内控不力,是影响会计信息真实性的主要因素其一,企业缺乏会计监督的自觉性。在经营活动中的财务行为与会计法规制度…  相似文献   

企业管理者存在着管理动力不足和淘空企业的现象,这在很大程度上是内部控制环境出了问题.文章提出了优化董事会决策机制,理顺董事会与经理层关系;完善企业内部监控体系和信息系统;构建合理的管理组织架构;营造良好的企业文化以增强员工的素质等内部控制环境建设的基本思路.  相似文献   

企业弄虚作假和违法违规经营不会长久,积极承担社会责任才能获得长期的繁荣和发展。企业的社会责任主要是对公众的社会责任、对客户的社会责任、对员工的社会责任和对投资者的社会责任。  相似文献   

电子政务空间辅助决策系统和GIS、DSS密不可分,后者可以作为前者的支撑平台.本文对基于GIS和DSS的电子政务空间辅助决策系统进行了分析,总结了一些特点和不足之处,并对其应用进行了阐述.最后,根据该系统在国内应用的实际情况,进一步论述了基于GIS和DSS的电子政务空间辅助决策系统发展的新趋势.  相似文献   

企业弄虚作假和违法违规经营不会长久 ,积极承担社会责任才能获得长期的繁荣和发展。企业的社会责任主要是对公众的社会责任、对客户的社会责任、对员工的社会责任和对投资者的社会责任。  相似文献   

地震灾情的快速、准确评估对有效降低灾害损失,减轻灾情程度发挥着重要作用.本文将插件式框架技术应用于地震应急预评估辅助决策系统的设计与实现,详细阐述系统功能结构设计、应用开发关键技术,为震后灾区提供预评估计算与统计,套用地图制图模板快速生成专题地图.通过将地震应急预评估辅助决策系统应用于云南省多次地震灾害评估,为灾情研判...  相似文献   

近年来,鹤壁市国土资源宣传信息工作紧紧围绕中心工作,突出重点工作,加强策划,起到了上情下达、下情上报、宣传政策、服务决策、推动工作的良好效果.  相似文献   

天山西部林区护林防火信息系统是综合运用空间信息技术、数据库技术及森林防火专业技术,依托地理基础信息、森林资源信息及护林防火专题信息,在Arc GIS Engine开发平台上,通过VB.NET可视化开发语言的二次开发,构建的专业应用系统。该系统的框架包括数据库及林火预测预报、火灾指挥扑救、灾后损失评估、森林资源管理等子系统,可实现火点智能定位、火场信息查询显示、辅助决策指挥等具体功能。为林区护林防火部门进行宏观管理、分析决策提供多源、及时、科学的空间信息服务,旨在改善林区防灾、减灾及森林安全工作的被动局面,提升林火管理的科学化、信息化水平。  相似文献   

This paper examines the organisational hierarchies and decision making processes of two Chinese multinational enterprises operating in Vietnam—China Luoyang Floating Glass Corp.(CLFG) and China TCL Holdings Co.Ltd.(TCL).For this study, research data were obtained from in-depth interviews of more than 20 government officials in P.R.China and Vietnam, and managers and staff of those two enterprises.Results indicate that the organisational structures of the two enterprises are still vertical but complex, although moderate changes made to them post the nationwide economic reform of China.Consequently, decision making process follows a "top-down" model, sometimes, with insufficient grassroots information.Findings are discussed in the light of political, social and cultural milieu, and implications are drawn for the management of Chinese multinational enterprises operating in overseas markets.Both CLFG and China TCL are structured on task specialisations.However, departmentalisation in TCL′s overseas division in head office is not only based on products, but also on geographical regions of markets.The organisational structure of TCL in Vietnam is less complex than the international division, but it is more centralised.Decision making at TCL combines more traditional Chinese business philosophy with modern western organisational characteristics.TCL has a strong western influence in its management style.However, some traditional characteristics such as "hero" leadership influence and political influence are involved with decision making at TCL.Amongst others, the transitional economy, social culture, poor management system and political sensitivity have been major elements influencing decision making.In the case of CLFG, some decisions have been made before proper information has been gathered and analysed.  相似文献   

地籍信息服务政策是国家用于引导地籍信息服务业的发展和信息活动的行为规范及准则。文章对我国地籍信息服务政策体系进行了研究和分析,这些政策包括保密法规、信息发布、地籍管理、信息化标准、服务管理和服务收费等方面,涵盖了实施地籍信息服务涉及的主要行为。在此基础上,提出了地籍信息服务标准,加快构建地籍信息数据共享制度等问题的思考。  相似文献   

通过即墨市土地利用总体规划修编试点工作,提出了县级土地利用规划修编思路:力求土地利用现状数据可靠,实现图(实地)数一致;要对土地资源利用状况进行全面地分析;要科学地预测各业用地,综合协调和平衡用地规模;要运用专家论证与公众参与相结合的方法,逐步优化规划方案;应积极采用信息技术,并结合制度创新提高规划的科学性和可行性。  相似文献   

气象服务的社会效益是由气象服务产品的公共消费性所决定的;气象服务产品生产与消费的投入同GNP的增量这两者的比较即是服务社会效益的宏观经济概括;决策效益、公众效益与专项效益是气象服务社会效益的重要分类;从气象服务产品的有用性与气象信息的错情率及准确率三方面出发分析,可建立起气象服务社会效益的评价模型  相似文献   

政府贸易政策的制定影响着印度经济发展的速度。20世纪90年代以来,印度经济自由化改革取得了明显的成效。从国家的土地面积、人口规模以及发展阶段比较,印度与中国的情况较为接近。通过对中国和印度货物贸易政策以及主要经济指标的比较分析,提出在不同的发展经济模式下,贸易政策制定要立足本国国情,扬长避短。  相似文献   

从山东半岛蓝色经济区的区位优势、经济发展背景方面阐述了开展山东半岛蓝色经济区矿产资源规划的作用和意义,提出了山东半岛蓝色经济区矿产资源规划总体思路、发展目标及政策措施,对区内的矿产资源勘查、开发利用与保护具有指导意义.  相似文献   

Northeast China is the largest old industrial base of China that endured persistent influence of the past planned economy system. This region has lost its leading place since the reform and opening up, and became a backward region by contrast with the coastal areas. This paper elaborates the evolutionary process of the old industrial base of Northeast China, analyses the main reasons for the decline, gives a preliminary evaluation on the revitalizing polices in recent years, and points out major long-term challenges for future revitalization. It concludes that for Northeast China, a relative declining area: 1) it is indispensable to get the long-term policy support from the central government; 2) system reform and structure adjustment are the crucial strategies, particularly the reform of the large and medium state-owned enterprises; and developing new industries is as important as upgrading traditional advantaged industries; 3) the local governments should play an indirect role, avoiding from any unnecessary intervention on economic activity; and 4) social security and investment climate must be improved simultaneously. In addition, the author stresses that the lack of knowledge on the nature of old industrial base had led to failures of the past initiatives, and revitalizing the old industrial base should be treated as a holistic regional project including economy growth, society progress and environment improvement.  相似文献   

After 40 years of painstaking work, much improvement has been made in regional difference. The road of that development, however, is by no means a smooth one, full of setbacks and failure. The past forty years may be roughly divided into four stages: 1.a stage of rehabilitation and large scale transition towards the interior( 1949-1959), 2. the dispersion stage with an emphasis on the construction of the interior (1960-1977), 3. a stage of moving back to the coastland and relative concentration of constructions of large scale industries (1978-1980), and 4. a stage of taking the coastland as the focal point for regional development (since 1981). Since the late 1970s, China began to carry out what is known as the Open-door policy. Great changes have taken place in regional development policy.  相似文献   

刘蕾 《山东国土资源》2014,30(4):100-102,106
采用MapGIS软件绘制地质图件时,经常遇到需要批量输入点线等数据问题,如果直接逐个输入,不但效率低下,且容易输错,利用Excel的编制函数功能编写MapGIS明码文件,来说明如何实现MapGIS点线文件的批量输入,使地质图件的绘制更加快速、准确、高效。  相似文献   

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